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Hoenn? More like... Gulpin! (Naomi David and Viktoff Samson)

Aino's eyes followed Garret as he walked to the café, she wondered if he was going to order something. She walked towards him, sitting across from him, and she spoke,"Want anything from the café? I'm buying." As she waited for his answer, she was dreaming of what she wanted her future team to be. She definitely knew she wanted all Pokémon that were dual types, hopefully she could find all the ones she wanted in Hoenn. She doubted that she'd find a Litwick here for starters, since she knew it was a Unova, but if she got one from a Pokémon Breeder, she'd be a happy camper. Anyway, another Ghost-type might be good for Gastly, they could make all sorts of mischief. She wanted a diverse team, the sort of team that was ready for anything. She definitely didn't want a pure Rock type, way too many weaknesses. She would consider an Aron. Despite the fact that it had more than one very strong weakness given that it was a Rock and Steel-type, it didn't have too many weaknesses overall, and the defense when it finally evolved into Aggron made it worth it. She definitely wanted a Budew, it was very cute and became quite powerful when it became a Roserade. But what she wanted most of all was a Bagon. When it became a Salamence, she wanted to fly on its back. As she sat day dreaming, she had a dreamy, happy look in her eyes. She knew what she wanted, and that was what was important. Now she just had to plan out all their final move sets.
The way the water was both majestic yet so visibly uncertain that it wasn't hard to be seen as such from so far away, reminded Garret of who he was on the inside. Or at least, who he saw deep down starring back. In reality, what he saw in his reflection changed depending on how quickly his eyes darted too it and how prepared he was for this sight. Just casually seeking out his reflection to fix his hair or see how his clothes looked wouldn't lend itself to an unexpected outcome. He'd just see himself, fix his hair and check his clothes in that case. But, even now, as his eye drew towards his reflection instinctively, he saw his dad looking back. Not quite the man with the same hair, more height, and a white lab coat. He hated the idea that his dad ever looked like him. Why couldn't he just be his own person? He'd wonder this just before spotting his female human companion sitting in front of him.

Just as he spread his lips and considered the answer to her question, he came to find that the face she was making now didn't quite resemble that of someone giving him their undivided attention. No... That wasn't entirely right. Earlier, when they really started talking and she seemed to have been flirting with him the look she gave him seemed to Garret to be a lot like this one. Maybe there was a buff dude behind him and Aino was into muscular dudes? Garret's eyebrows raised slowly as he lost himself in the whole idea of analyzing Aino. Just who was this young woman? What made her feel happy or sad or confused? What made them so different? He even bit his lip before glancing with a slightest look of concern just over his shoulder. Seemingly in the same direction of the board that had general prizes for the Cafe on it. But, he was actually just making sure there weren't any males she considered attractive behind him. He looked back before frowning again and just looking the window. "I wouldn't want to owe you. I'd feel too guilty."
"Mate, not everyone has a motive when giving you something. Some times, people are just trying to be nice. While it's a wise choice to question everything, it isn't always necessary." she spoke, laying back, having more of a stance of a lounging Skitty rather than a serious Trainer. She spoke,"I'm dreaming. Dreaming of my final team. I know what I want, and I have a pretty good idea on how to get to them. Her pale eyes almost twinkled with amusement as she properly gave him her full attention, and she spoke,"Have any ideas on what you want your full team to be?" Her mind was always thinking of the future. Future battle strategies, future problems they could run into, ways to counter those future problems. It was just her. She always thought ahead. Thinking ahead almost always seemed to solve life's problems. She wanted to be the very best, like no one ever was. Before she could fight other Trainers, she needed to practice against wild Pokémon. She wished she could get a Litwick now. She had heard and been a part of horror stories of accidently disturbing Bug-type nests when in the forests, and Fire-types were good against Bug-types. God only knew how many times younger her and her older family members got chased out of forests by angry Beedrill and others.
"Money between friends can be like shielding what would have been a beautiful tree from the rain out of spite." He didn't really take the time to consider his words or his tone. He was being stubborn with her because he was really just in that sort of mood. A sort of mode, actually. Without something sharper or outright being purchased an item, he'd probably continue to naively stick to his individuality as a trainer. Not to push her away, they were both better off working together as they'd be able to rely on each other in tough situations that could otherwise spell the end of either of their adventures should they fail alone. He looked right down at his hands as he listened to her talking about teams, nodding to it to show he was listening. He made sure to time his nods so she wouldn't detect any reason to believe he wasn't actually listening. He wanted her to know that he was paying attention without having to look up. "All I want to do is help pokemon find who they truly are. Whether that means through achieving their final stage of evolution, or working around what might make them anxious or afraid, I'll devote my knowledge and time to these friends. And making that sort of friend... Seeing what makes this world of ours so incredible firsthand, and raising to the top through expertise and study on top of that hardwork and discipline is what sways my heart the most." He closed his hands shut before lifting his singular uniquely shiny green eye to peer to her now. HIs expression should have shown his discontent, his unhappiness. He wasn't somebody who felt like he already knew who he was. It was pretty obvious that he wanted this journey to help him find his own hidden self deep down. "Gastly is just so complete already. He isn't afraid. He doesn't shy away from a challenge and he has a bigger heart than any other ghost pokemon I've ever seen. He's just so happy, and strong, and good just from his experience so far. He's out pacing me. What if I'm holding him back?"
Aino blinked, she didn't immediately understand what he meant, though given the wording, it sounded very wise. She gently put one of her hands on top of his as she reached over the table, and she spoke,"You have a good heart, Garret, a wonderful soul. I only needed a few minutes with you to see that. But do not let doubts plague you. But know this. Normally Ralts shy away from people with ill intent or just aren't good people in general. I like to think I'm a good person, but I don't know. You were with me, and Ralts didn't shy away. So I think you'll do just fine. Just give yourself some time." She didn't like seeing people sad or unhappy. She knew constant happiness wasn't always possible, but it really made her happy to get other people to smile when they weren't feeling their best. She smiled when one of the Chansey came up to them with their Poké Balls, coming back this soon meant everything was just fine with their Pokémon. She spoke,"Gastly doesn't want you to be sad or hurt. I saw how worried he got when you were in pain earlier."
He watched her hand over his own without moving or flinching even just a bit. Her skin was so soft and warm and welcoming compared to his own. She felt right. He wanted more than anything to break the distance between them, to break what caused him to pull away with his emotions and his mentality and just finally be honest with himself. He needed to be happy. Why couldn't he let himself be happy? "Aino..." He spoke her name softly, just for her, with his momentarily fragile emotions beginning to bud. He didn't look over to the Chansey as it approached. The ears of the exotic looking male and his solitary green eye now focused almost entirely upon the young woman who was almost certainly definitely his own age. And even if he always saw her as younger than him thanks to his arrogance leaking through almost always, he found reasons to look upon her so earnest in his lost and worried expression as she weaved her lovely voice and words all together just for him. "Aino, I-" And to this, Gastly heard her words and forced his way through his ball to quickly take Garret straight down to the lying on the bench as Gastly rubbed his face in Garrets' chest in his version of hugs. Gastly knew faintly what Aino was saying thanks to his time with humans and reading tone. He also recognized his own name. All that together was more than enough to comfort his friend the only way he knew how. Laughing with his eye shut and and a big smile, Garret hugged his spooky friend tight before sitting up. "Geeze... Little guy."
Aino had a soft smile on her face when she finally heard Garret say her name. She was pleased, she was sure she was getting somewhere with him, trying to melt away the doubts that she could sense that he had. It was almost like she was a human form of a Chansey, sweet, kind, and always soothing. She laughed when Gastly escaped his Poké Ball to barrel into Garret, the gesture was undeniably adorable. She let her Mudkip and new Ralts out of their Poké Balls, and they began to run around close to their table, happily chasing each other. She was glad to raise them in a world were they could be care free, safe, and happy. She was glad Garret was smiling again, that was her goal all along, make him smile and be happy. She was sure he had mentioned earlier that he had a Bulbasaur, but she would ask to meet the Bulbasaur later, she was most certainly not going to ruin the moment that they were currently having right now. This was a quiet and sweet occasion. While they had just met, this sort of moment made it feel like they had been friends since childhood. She wasn't going to say anything else until he spoke again, or at least anything directly to her. She wished she had brought a camera to photograph the sweet moment that Garret and Gastly were having. Such a thing should have been preserved forever.
For a moment after playing with Gastly who had his eyes shut and a big goofy grin on his smokey body, Garret noticed Mudkip and Ralts playing so he released Gastly to let him play with them. He'd stand real quick to pick up the opened ball and the closed ball from Chansey's tray. He'd roll up the right sleeve of his coat to reveal a small sleek contraption around his forearm that had thin almost invisible rigging to his fingers. Inside the small black mechanism was six small spots for the two pokeballs as he slipped them in and rolled down his sleeve properly again. Once the sleeve was down, the illusion that he didn't have something on his arm that connected to his fingers returned. It was a device that gave him access to his party pokemon based on certain arm movements and the way he moved his fingers during those arm movements. He didn't pause to explain himself, not wanted to talk about his father should the question of where it came from arise during the explanation. "Aino." He spoke up, this time determined as he looked to her seriously despite his small smile. "It's time to prepare for the first gym! Let's go!" He'd raise a fist in excitement, his tone reflecting more direction and impatience as oppose to any sort of demand. He'd leave the bench and table behind as he made his way for the door. Gastly would play with Mudkip and Ralts, determined to make sure everyone stayed together.
Mudkip and Ralts were most pleased to have a third playmate. They'd definitely wear each other out, but still, socialization was just as important, if not more so, than training it. She wasn't paying attention to what he was doing with his right arm, she was just happy to supervise their playing Pokémon, corralling them when they got too far from where she and Garret were sitting. Her eyes lit up when Garret said her name with a sort of delightful vigor and told her they were going. Their Pokémon followed them out the door, all enjoying the warm sunshine on their faces. Aino was full of joy, but she noticed Ralts was paying close attention to Garret. Ralts, it seemed, had a big heart. This pleased her greatly. She was so glad that she had met Garret, Gastly, Mudkip, and Ralts. Her friends. It had only been such a short while since she had left home, but she still appreciated these sweet experiences. And she was ready to experience more of those experiences, first by starting to head to the Rustboro City Gym! But they'd have to go through Petalburg Woods first. There would be plenty of Pokémon to practice against first. Based on recollections, she knew there were some medicinal Berries along the route. She wanted to pick some later just in case anything happened. One could never be too careful.
Waves crashed, rolling beneath a cloud now cast by a layer of white clouds that blot out the blue sky behind them. Without knowing it, they were no longer within the sight of a massive, powerful pokemon that traveled through the skies. Garret looked down to one pokeball, now full sized and in his left hand. His macho go-get-em attitude had faded mostly before his female companion, Aino and their pokemon fully caught up. This was Bulbasaur's ball. In the relatively short time he's spent as an actual trainer looking to bring Gastly and Bulbasaur to their maximum battle capabilities, he hasn't actually fought with Bulbasaur yet. From what he remembered of the cute guy, Bulbasaur had a bit of a confidence problem. And why shouldn't he? Bulbasaur wasn't picked years ago when two older males started their journey and their choices were Charmander and Squirtle. "Now is your time to shine..." He practically whispered to the ball before raising his voice as he spotted a Zigzagoon. "Bulbasaur!"

The red ball was tossed upward from his hand as it popped open and violent red light surged outward with such force that the ball was knocked right back into Garret's hand. The light crashed to the ground and shaped the four legged creature with his signature bulb on his back before color took to the shape and the adorable Kanto Starter gave off his charming roar. Once Bulbasaur realized he was in a fight he frowned and stepped backwards to Garret without turning to face him. "C'mon, little guy." Garret spoke softly, encouragingly as he knelt beside the bulbasaur and ran a hand along the pokemon's side softly. "Hit him with a tackle!" He tried to translate some energy through his words to get Bulbasaur going. After what could possibly be taken as a gulp from the grass poison pokemon, he charged forward and tackled the Zigzagoon, Rolling to his side and tanking the Tail-whip response.
As they walked along Route 104, Aino saw the medicinal berries that she had remembered. Pecha Berries, which cured Poison, and Oran Berries, which restored Energy. Both types of Berries were good to have, and rather delicious on their own when not being used as medicine. She picked plenty of the two Berries, storing them away, but left plenty on the trees as to not be a greedy person. She picked enough for her Pokémon and Garret's Pokémon. Then Aino noticed that Garret had pulled out Bulbasaur, and was now battling a Zigzagoon. Bulbasaur most certainly did not look like it wanted to be in a battle. Almost immediately, sensing their new friend's doubt, Ralts and Mudkip began saying words of encouragement to Bulbasaur, they were really cheering, Ralts doing it the most, since she could sense Bulbasaur's doubts the most due to her innate abilities. Even Aino began to cheer and encourage after picking up on what her own Pokémon were doing. If Bulbasaur could see that he had fans, hopefully he might perform with more gusto after seeing that strangers believed in him. She wanted to see Garret either capture or defeat the Zigzagoon. No matter the result, Garret would get stronger, and that was something she wanted to see happen.
Bulbasaur went so far as to bring out his tentacles to cover his eyes as the prospect of having to fight reared it's ugly head right before him. The bulb on legs didn't really fully understand what he could do and he feared the worst as he came up against the most mightiest of foes: The foe that was both entirely real and directly in front of him. Surely if Bulbasaur was a Charmander, he could blast this fool with wrathful flames. If he were a squirtle instead, he'd shell a few hits and then wash this glorified zigzagoon right out of the ring. He didn't know why he felt the need to compare himself to those two. Bulbasaur really didn't understand why it was so necessary for young trainers to look at him as though he had to directly measure up to the firey dinosaur and the chipmunk in a shell. But, just as the Zigzagoon was preparing another move the bulbasaur peeked out of his frightful huddle and heard the cheering of Garret's companion and her pokemon.

Initially, the grass poison starter was stunned by their confidence in him. His mind went blank as he wasn't sure quite what to do, in his prior fear of the situation he hadn't managed to hear Garret's initial instruction. Under normal fresh trainer guidance, Bulbasaur would have been left in this state and any other young man like Garret would blame the bulbasaur for ignoring his command. And yet, after nodding to Aino with a grin, Garret expertly moved to catch bulbasaur's attention. "Tackle'em Bulbasaur!" He raised his voice as he whipped his hand through the air before pointing right at the Zigzagoon. Timidly the Bulbasar would nod before shaking his head and giving the tan and brown critter a stern look. This was it. The time to act was now!

Charging forward, Bulbasaur grunted a part of his name right before slamming his skull right into the Zigzagoon and then getting swiped by a return attack. The two, now locked in true combat, squared off facing each other. Bulbasaur felt a wash of relieve run over his back and knotted gut. The hit didn't hurt even remotely as bad as he thought it would and it'd appear to him that the Zigzagoon wasn't doing as well as the Zigzagoon's dagger eyes portrayed. "Now it's my turn!" Garret spoke as though it were a performance, revealing a pokeball from his sleeve before giving it a spinning throw. For a male pokemon trainer, it was rather run of the mill to tag the pokemon with a ball like a baseball pitcher could, and Garret wasn't too different in this regard. But, the ball had a cork and a twist in it's trajectory before tagging the Zigzagoon. Almost immediately the creature coiled back and became a beam of red light that launched right into the open ball. The average looking pokeball shut just before hitting the ground and it'd begin shaking back and forth. It'd rock once. Twice. And then a delay came, whether this was just Zigzagoon accepting his fate or time cruely slowing just to tease Garret's anxiety as he could nearly feel an imaginary bead of sweat roll down his forehead, he just couldn't tell.

But then the ball shook one last time and then a familiar sound followed, the button on the front glowing red one last time. Zigzagoon was caught!
Aino was very proud of Bulbasaur for having beaten down the Zigzagoon to the point where Garret could capture it, considering how shy it was. Encouraging him really did do wonders to boost his confidence. The good mood continued when it was shown that the Zigzagoon was good and properly caught. She spoke happily,"Congratulations Garret, you have your third Pokémon now! I can't wait to see you two become good friends!" Once she saw that they all got situated, it was time for them to head into Petalburg Forest, which they did. Aino wanted to catch herself a Budew. It was a dual Grass and Poison type, hopefully it would be good buddies with Bulbasaur when she caught it, considering that Bulbasaur was also a dual Grass and Poison type. Aino was careful as they walked through the forest, she really wanted a Budew in the worst way. While normally one could only get one from a Pokémon Breeder, she had heard that some Breeders had released Budew into the forest to see how they'd react with the local Pokémon that lived in the forest since some too many Grass types had left the forest after a particularly harsh winter and never came back.

After a good long time of searching, she finally came across a Budew. Now, who to use? Mudkip was her initial choice, considering how a Water type move wouldn't immediately knock the Budew out, it'd only do half damage. But at the same time, she wanted Ralts to get some good experience in. Despite the fact that Budew was a dual Grass and Poison type, Budew itself wouldn't know any actual Poison type moves. And one Psychic type move from Ralts would do some decent damage to the Budew but not knock it out all at the same time. She spoke,"Ralts, you're up!" Ralts presented herself before the Budew, and she quickly scanned it with her Poké Dex, and she got all the information she both needed and wanted. She spoke,"Ralts, use Confusion!" Ralts immediately obeyed, wanting to do her best to impress Aino, and blasted the Budew with purple light. The Budew was blown backwards, that was a pretty strong Confusion for a little Ralts. It was flat on its back now, tiny little legs flailing to get back on its feet. Aino quickly took her chance, and she enlarged a Poké Ball, and threw it at the Budew. It closed around the Budew, and began to rock. Once. Twice. Thrice. Then it clicked properly, Budew was hers now!
He smiled to her and nodded to her comment before letting the Zigzagoon out of the ball. The fluffy dog- raccoon pokemon sniffled at Garret's shoes before circling him and Aino excitedly, causing him to laugh softly. "Thankfully the battle proofed helpful for my little green guy, and picking up a friendly face to keep morale up for a little while is just a bonus, I'd say." He shrugged with a grin before putting the ball away and watching keenly for the Zigzagoon's ability to trigger while the human duo and their free roaming pokemon made their way for Petalburg. He wasn't aware of the fact that Aino was looking for a Budew, but having seen her encounter one and picking Ralts for the fight was certainly a decision he could get behind. Offering advice at a time like this felt right, at first, but he kept his lips shut. There was a lingering notion in his chest that if he went out of his way to treat her like she didn't know something, it'd be bad for their friendship. And he already grew accustomed to the idea that he'd be on this journey with her. Did she feel the same way? He gave her a thumbs up and a grin , taking this moment to peel his eyes off from the Zigzagoon and mentally noting that the little critter hasn't picked up any items yet.

An older teen with red hair, wearing a red beret over his curly dirty blond hair walked into hearing range of the dup as he spoke loudly on the Pokenav he didn't seem to be all that experienced using yet. He wore a red and black tanktop and there was a number of chimes on little silver chains that hung from his stylish hat choice with little cartoon skulls depicted over them. He wore thin black leggings and large goofy red sneakers . The red and black pattern showed itself again over his wildly baggy checkered shorts that went down to reach over his shins. His right hand, that held the Pokenav was decorated with a number of different gothic wristbands and skull rings. "No, yeah, I just stole this thing from some old dude. Im on my way with the goods. You got the money? If Team Aqua peons show up, you gotta get out of there. You here me!?" He seemed almost too keen on giving himself away as a thug for team Magma with his loud voice and unwillingness to hide the facts. The way he spoke gave himself away almost as readily as his clothes. For a witless thug type, at least the way he portrayed himself, this team Magma boy was almost ridiculously well-off genetically. He seemed to be good looking in the popular sense, with his facial structure that seemed to mix a little cuteness into his handsome rebel grin. He definitely appeared to be wearing red contact lenses. His left arm tucked a brown box to his side that appeared to be the 'goods' he was talking about.

Just now entering the range to be heard was a slightly overweight older man whose posture could use some work. He waved an arm above his head as he raided his voice for Garret and Aino to hear him. "You two, do you have pokemon? Stop that young man!" He yelled for assistance with his hurried exausted and worried face. With his slightly receeding hairline and overly exaggerated bulbous features, this guy fit the stereotypical 40-50 something father type very well. He even wore business clothing minus the black dress jacket to complete the suit. His black tie was slightly undone to allow him to run and breathe. Garret listened, but in the heat of the moment, it seemed like he wasn't about to jump into action. Either he wasn't as brave as he should be or he didn't fully process what was going on yet. It'd be a little hard to imagine that he wasn't a good guy, but seeing his inaction here so far would surely raise the question.
Aino was quite pleased with herself for catching the Budew. Three more Pokémon to go before she had her full team. She let the Budew out of her Poké Ball, and pulled out some Potions out of her backpack to heal up Budew, which she did. The Budew was clearly in a good mood as she healed her. She'd be quite an irresponsible Trainer if she did nothing, and she didn't want to walk back to the Pokémon Center. She put everyone back into their Poké Balls once this strange person came onto the scene talking rather loudly, something about this stranger rubbed her the wrong way, and she didn't like it. Her eyes got wide when she heard him say he stole something, and then they narrowed, and her nostrils flared. She didn't like this sort of person> Loud, rude, obnoxious, and obviously a thug of sorts. She was about to properly step in front of Garret, such was her nature to be a protector, a defender. Aino immediately let out Mudkip upon hearing the overweight old man's cries for help to stop the boy in front of them with the package. Aino immediately spoke,"Mudkip, use Water Gun on the young man in front of us!" While it really wasn't sporting to use a Pokémon to attack another being that didn't have their Pokémon out yet, this situation was a definite exception. Mudkip immediately complied, using a strong Water Gun to blast him in the face.
"Gastly!" Garret stepped around Aino and raised a hand along with a look on his face to use body language to rally Gastly into action faster than merely calling his partner could. While Aino was correct in stopping the nefarious young man before them from committing this crime there was clearly something about the way she was going about it that Garret disagreed with. "Stop Mudkip's attack!" He called for his partner who was now battle-ready and complying, Gastly flew between Davis and Mudkip right as the blast of water sprung forth, taking the blast for Davis who was now properly aware of the situation as he wasn't shouting into the Pokenav anymore. Gastly was conflicted about taking the shot for this guy who was clearly a bad person considering his clothes and what he overheard so far from the chubby man coming. It also didn't help Gastly's heart in this situation to find himself defying a friend and her pokemon's attack, but he listened to Garret and had more than enough reason to always trust his friend.

"Sorry Aino." Garret spoke softly, not looking back to her as he lowered his arm. Gastly flew in a spiraling pattern towards them and stopped suddenly before Garret to check his friend's face like when he was worried about him earlier. To this, Garret raised a hand to hold the back of his trusted partner pokemon without a smile to offer to him. And the reason why stood before them still. A sinister chuckle erupted from the Team magma boy before them.

"What's wrong Garret!?" Davis sounded cheerful, yet malice laced his words as he spread his arms and legs in somewhat of a familiar battle pose. "Can't let something bad happen to an old friend?" He wore a lavish accent that didn't quite match his clothes in a thematic sense, but it was appropriately unusual just like his fashion sense. "I still won't forgive you, not even for that." Davis continued before throwing a ball and letting Trapinch pop out. Garret didn't say anything, instead he watched Davis while holding Gastly, his expression not showing a lot of anger or anything, but was certainly not happy.
Aino's pale eyes went ridiculously wide when Gastly took the Water Gun. It wasn't a one hit knockout attack, well, not yet anyway, but it surely had to have done a lot of damage, even though the damage was neutral. She had a horrified look on her face, she was frantic, worried she had badly hurt Gastly. He didn't seem to be hurt and all, but she knew appearances were deceiving. She spoke, her voice a mixture of anger and worry,"Are you freaking insane, Garret? Why would you order Gastly to do that? He could have gotten badly hurt!" This strange boy and Garret seemed to share a history, which probably explained why Garret reacted in such a way, but it seemed ridiculously reckless to her. She rolled her eyes, and properly stepped in front of Garret. She would face this strange one alone, it wouldn't be sporting to attack this one with a two on one formation. She had the type advantage, Mudkip was a Water type, and Trapinch was a Ground type. If Mudkip fell, she still had Budew and Ralts. She and her Pokemon would not fail, no matter what challenges laid ahead of them. Thievery aside, there was just something about the boy that was really pissing her off. Was it the rich boy accent? Maybe. Was it the ill intent in his words? Maybe. But still, given Garret's reaction to seeing him, she knew he would not be able to fight with sound judgment.
"Yeah. Maybe I am." Garret muttered with strain quite visibly welling within his only visible eye. He'd make sure with his next action that he turned such that his face couldn't be seen before he'd start to walk away from the scene. His boots crunching the earth beneath him as he felt uncertainly and regret well in his chest. Not that he was uncertain about his moral position in the debate of whether it was wrong to block Mudkip's attack. He most certainly wasn't regretting his decision now to walk away either. Helping this man get the package back wasn't his responsibility. It wasn't Garret's fault it was stolen. Why should he have to put himself on the front line to make up for his errors? Why was it up to Garret stand between right and wrong and protect people? Couldn't he just live? After all, the dark haired teen knew Trapinch didn't stand a chance against Mudkip anyway. There was a bit of a choke in his words to Aino, almost like he didn't want to be saying them at all or he was fighting something in his heart.

Gastly popped his head around Garret's shoulder to look back to Aino and Mudkip as he frowned. Sure it didn't feel great to take a Water Gun to the face, but he didn't mind helping Garret protect what he thought was important. And of course he'd be okay. He's a Pokemon! Not an infant. "C'mon Gastly." Garret weakly reminded Gastly to stay close as he left the scene completely and headed for Rustboro.

"You won't Bagon back like that!" Davis seemed furious that Garret would just turn his back on him and this girl. Almost as though he wasn't getting what he wanted and he wasn't used to that. "Coward! Walk away, it's what you do best." He spoke sharply with his brow furrowed, betraying the more elegant look he was going for with his team outfit and his natural looks completely with his emotions. The Magma boy looked back to Aino as he pulled his right hand into a fist. "I suppose I'm not getting out of here with this package by going around you, no?" He clicked his tongue before pointing, a lot like how Garret instructed Gastly. "Bite that Mudkip, Trapinch!" Davis wore the mask of a performer once a gain as he lost the fury from before and gave his Trapinch the command.

Responding to his oddly dressed human companion, the Trapinch seemed to glow darkly as he lunged forward and a jaw of teeth was formed by this darkness to clamp around Mudkip. The attack was magnified to some extent from Trapinch's ability which made the row of teeth grow larger as the attack as delivered. In this situation it might be in Aino's inclination to defend Mudkip from harm but if she tried to instruct the mudkip to escape the attack before it landed she'd surely miss out on the window to return with an attack. And given how little space there was between the two in-battle pokemon already, Davis had a really good feeling there just wasn't good enough room for an evade.
Aino was absolutely furious with Garret. First he stops the Water Gun, and then he just up and walks away from this altogether. Damn him! Hopefully she could finish this idiot off before Garret got too far ahead of her and she lost him entirely. Angry at Garret as she was, she really didn't take too kindly to this stranger insulting Garret like that. Though given how he spoke, it was plainly obvious now that Garret and he shared a history. But what was that god damned history? She sweetly spoke, even as her pretty voice dripped with sarcasm,"You could always say please." She rolled her eyes when he commanded his Trapinch to Bite Mudkip. Based on appearance and move, it was clear that the Trapinch had the Sheer Force ability, which was, as she understood, raising the base power of all damaging moves that have any additional effects by 30%, but their additional effects are ignored. There was no point in trying to dodge, Trapinch was a ridiculously slow Pokémon. She harshly spoke, her voice full of venom,"Mudkip, use Water Gun right at Trapinch's mouth!" Why would she target that specific area? For one, it was rather wide open. Two, type advantage. Three, why the hell not? The blast of water went at the Trapinch at full force. Based on observation alone, close quarters combat between Pokémon was never a fun thing, and with the Water Gun being so close, the couldn't be any real dodge for Trapinch. Unless it suddenly managed to evade.
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