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Hoenn? More like... Gulpin! (Naomi David and Viktoff Samson)

Viktoff Samson

May 16, 2016
A black ball with smokey purple trails flew quickly around trees as a young man followed behind it, huffing and puffing lightly despite having covered a good distance. Unlike his companion, the human male needed to dodge the trees effectively as he'd get hurt running clear into them if he weren't paying attention. His hair being a ravenous mix of dark black, grey and white as though it were a strangely colored flying type pokemon on his head. But, the hair itself was clean paired with wild, much like the male beneath it whose skin was both incredibly pale and perfect without so much as a mole or a even a spec of dirt. He wore a black shirt paired with an over-sized black dress shirt along with baggy white capris and a brown fabric belt. Dirty sneakers stood out on his attire, muddy black shoes crushing the grass beneath his feet as he enters Littleroot Town from the west. A dangerous path through woods so thick that few ever traversed it, but despite the eye patch covering his right eye, he appeared to be having a great time.

Charging right past the house immediately to his left, the male made a curve in his path as the mysterious entity nearby vanished. He had to stop right before the door of the coveted professor Birch. Even though the round hairy Professor's studies proceed him and are spoken of around the world, this young man didn't know how to approach him as he didn't personally know anything about Hoenn's resident pokemon professor. With a more straight face, he tried to gather his breathe. His lips were parted as his almost sparkling green left eye ran over the door and his mind raced. Casual. He's gotta be casual. There was a good chance that to professor wouldn't even know he'd be coming to check in before he began his gym challenge in Hoenn.

Opening the door slowly, he sneaked his head in just until his left eye could scan the immaculate lab that lay behind it. To his delight, the Professor wasn't alone as there was a female in the room with him. Though, his stomach churned at the idea of approaching now. Starting off poorly with the professor was a terrible concept alone. Throwing in on top of that potential failure the feeling of doing the same with this girl here who was much closer to his age would only make the whole day after this point significantly worse. To his surprise, and complete despair, the Professor turned and spotted the green eyed male peeking around the door. "Ah yes. You must be Garret Yuki." Birch seemed gleeful to have caught the boy like this, not staring at the boy as Garret slanked around the door and shut it behind himself to approach the professor beside the young girl.

"I ugh... I take it my Father called in ahead. Eh?" Garret's voice was low, but soft in it's tone. He wasn't happy to see that his father interjected himself into his affairs once again.

"That's right. He said you've come to start your first round of Gym challenges here in Hoenn since you moved in over at Slateport! I think it's strange you felt the need to visit in here, but I don't suppose having another batch of young trainers visiting isn't ever a bad thing." He chimed as he picked up a ball and handed it to the female beside him. Garret's uniquely green left eye couldn't help itself from finding itself stuck on her eyes. In a way, he was staring, but he just couldn't look away from here.
Aino Otsutsuki lived quite close to Professor Birch's house, so it was no real journey to get there. Such was the joys of living in Littleroot Town. It was a windy day, her auburn hair was flying all over the place despite the fact that she had it up in a pony tail. She was a clean person right now, not so much as a drop of sweat was on her body, then again, her home was only a few hundred yards away from the laboratory, so there was no real reason to sweat. She had a pressed tan short sleeved shirt on with small decorations on the sleeves with a blue tunic with tan trimming over it with a tan colored belt at her waist. She had blue demon jeans on, she knew that the woods were unforgiving and she didn't want to be scratched by Pokémon or branches. Tan colored boots that could pass as either hiking boots or combat boots were on her feet, they were clearly designed to last. She politely knocked on the laboratory door, and was quickly let in by a very excited Professor Birch. A tall and burly man, he had truly earned his reputation as a field researcher. It was nothing short of a miracle she had caught him in his lab, he was always outside doing what he did best, researching.

The sweet Professor prattled on about how wonderful it was to finally be giving her a Pokémon, and he quickly asked her which one she wanted. She immediately knew what she wanted, and that Pokémon was a Mudkip. With a Water type, she wouldn't have too difficult of a time at the Rustboro Gym if she trained properly beforehand. When it evolved to Marshtomp, it would become a dual Water and Ground type Pokémon, which would make taking on the Mauville City Gym a piece of cake. Well, she hoped to have it be a Marshtomp before reaching the third gym, anyway. The Professor was most pleased she had done her research. She reasoned that she wanted her team to be entirely dual type by the time everyone was done evolving. While she realized that meant double the weaknesses, the potential for power was limitless with the sort of team she wanted. She was happily given a Pokedex, and while she wasn't too pleased to have to wait for the Professor to finish speaking to the strange boy that came slinking in, she was glad that when he was done talking, she finally got her Mudkip in the Poké Ball. She preferred female Pokémon whenever possible. She looked like she was ready to charge out into the world and become the Champion of the Hoenn League. When she noticed Garret was looking at her eyes, she spoke with a faint note of irritation,"It's rude to stare, ya know."
Garret couldn't tell why he was drawn to Aino's eyes. Where he came from, he couldn't recall a single woman that looked anything like her at all. Her Auburn hair and her eyes threatened to become a phantom thief of time and rob him of his sanity as he lost track of how long he watched her with his good eye. To her comment, he couldn't tell what aspect of the scenario he was frowning about the most. He fought himself not to wear a scowl as he turned away from her. "Right." He commented lowly, his voice seeming to lend itself more directly to this sort of emotion rather than when he was just trying to be social or discuss something with the professor the moment prior. "Yeah." He nearly mumbled this one before he started walking towards the door. "I'll add you on my Nav later, Birch." He wouldn't wait for the Professor to respond before stepping out the door and not looking back.

A Gastly rushed through the room after Garret, as though he were worried for his human friend's feelings. Flying right through Garret's chest as the door closed behind him, the Gastly did the only thing he knew to do in a situation when Garret wasn't acting like himself. A big red tongue escaped Gastly's cartoonish maw before running right up the thin teen's chest and face, displacing his eye patch. "H-hey! Gastly!" He protested at first before chuckling. Garret fixed his hair and pulled the eye patch back over his closed right eye. "You hooligan..." He wrapped his arms around the ball-shaped ghost pokemon in an endearing hug before continuing to walk around the Lab and heading for the path to the route.
All of the people descended from an Otsutsuki had eyes like hers. Otsutsuki genes were very dominant, though nobody in the family quite knew why. She let her Mudkip out of her Poké Ball, and she happily chirped about as she ran around Aino's heels. She was just such a precious little Pokémon, she couldn't help scooping her up and cuddling her. After all, Mudkip was just a little baby. She smirked when she called him out on his behavior, he seemed rather taken aback at the fact that she had done it. She was hot on Garret's heels on the way to the exit, getting ahead of him. She turned around, and it became her turn to stare. She noticed that his right eye seemed to be messed up, hence the reason for the eye patch. She quickly averted her eyes, realizing her own rudeness. Why did she turn around again? She turned around so she could make sure she wasn't going to be in his way once she stepped out the lab. She looked thin and wiry, but she was very strong and fast. She wanted to set a good example for her Pokémon, and once they got to a good spot in their journey, long training would begin. She wanted her to be strong before they caught a Pokémon, much less challenged the Rustboro City Gym.
As she passed, Garret wasn't surprised that she wanted to move faster than he did. She was probably just as excited as he was with his first pokemon and the concept of training them was definitely something that excited him. It was hard to imagine a young soul that was entirely uninterested in the idea of beginning their journey with the colorful and bright creature they just met. And yet, as he thought he understood how she felt, she looked back to him and his eye met her own pair. Immediately he looked down and away and frowned. Feeling Garret's vibe, Gastly vanished despite remaining physically within Garret's arms as he didn't let him go and the slight indent on Garret's chest remained as well.

Garret continued walking on the direction towards Rostburo, taking no time to pause in grass or to take a break in Oldale Town and instead immediately moving towards the west for Petalburg. He didn't run, the concept of keeping up with Aino wasn't an entirely intriguing one for him. Besides, she has plenty of things to do and the Mudkip could most likely keep her safe. He could tell by the way Gastly looked up to him that he was being petty and improper. But, he wasn't going to listen to Gastly on this one. Sometimes it was best to take a loss and move on as opposed to ramming his head into the same wall like a Tauros with learning disabilities.
She saw no reason to stop in Oldale Town, she could get other supplies later on. Not that she had needed any either way, she had plenty of things tucked away in the backpack that was secure on her back. She was always prepared for what came at her. Besides, she had every intention of catching a Ralts on Route 102, and she knew that route was just before Petalburg City. If it was a female, she'd be absolutely thrilled. She dearly wanted a Gardevoir when it was fully evolved. But if it turned out to be a Gallade, that would be just as good, they were excellent Fighting-type Pokémon. Mudkip wriggled out of her arms, and hopped down, and began to chase Garret at a decent pace for a creature that had tiny little legs. Based on observation alone, Mudkip had good speed, that would make training to evade attacks much easier. But still, she would train Mudkip for endurance, to be able to keep such a speed for a period of time. Aino would accept nothing less than excellence, and that was because she put herself to a high standard as well. She began her chase after Mudkip, she didn't want her little one to bother them. Besides, he had his own training to do with his Gastly. Much to her horror, her Mudkip fired a Water Gun at Garret. Not to harm him, but to get the Gastly's attention. She managed to scoop up her Mudkip before she caused anymore mischief, and she spoke,"I am very sorry if my Mudkip annoyed you and your Gastly."
Walking past Oldale was hardly an action that had much thought to it. The other side of Petalburg was incredibly beautiful, based on some postcards that Garret got from some of this friends. He'd love to see the waters and the dock there, and it'd be a relaxing place to work out the knots and kinks in his battle plan. As Gengar and Venasaur, his team would have plenty of poison types for the gym in Petalburg, but they were far from evolving to that extent and thankfully Petalburg wouldn't be on the chopping block until later on in his journey. From what he knew about the first gym, it was on Bulbasaur to use his grass type moves to their team's advantage. To Garret's understanding, Gastly would do well against the second gym as well. Completely unaware to Mudkip's sudden move in his direction, blissfully zoning out and thinking about his strategy, Garret himself was going to be prepared to deal with the Water Gun that was in the air on the path for his backside.

That is, until Gastly phased through him to appear facing Mudkip and Aino with his big goofy face. He was larger than before with his floating eyes and mouth almost cartoonishly large as the watergun clashes right against him. As the water washed off his face, so did the purple smog and his eyes and mouth as though they were a sand castle hit by a little wave and collapsed. Faceless as though he were defeated, the Gastly's ball-ish form fell to the ground and started to roll almost naturally. And then, it started to roll towards the little blue spunky mon and encircled Mudkip faster and faster. Suddenly, it stopped right in front of the Mudkip before expanding as his eyes and mouth appeared out of no where. "Gastly!" He chanted loudly before running his big red tongue up the front and face of the Mudkip. This sensation, despite not being the literal attack he could have used, still leaves a deep chillling shocking feeling in the target. It did this to Garret every time Gastly licked him, but the male grew very used to it.

"Gastly..." Garret protested lightly, shaking his head to Aino's apology as if to say Gastly was just as involved with the situation as Mudkip was. He approached the pokemon and watched them without interrupting.
Aino was very glad Gastly was not upset at the Water Gun. As it turned out, Gastly wanted to play just as much as Mudkip did. Mudkip shivered a bit when she was licked, but she began wagging her top fin a bit. Aino put her Mudkip back on the ground so she and Gastly could properly play. Important as work was, playing was just as important. There was a reason the saying 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy' existed. Aino got close to Garret, but not so close as to violate his personal space, and spoke quietly as to not disturb their little ones,"Does Gastly usually get this up close and friendly with other Pokémon?" Her pale eyes looked at him with great curiosity, waiting for his answer. Unintentionally, her gaze was very intense. This seemed to be proceeding well. She wanted their Pokémon to be very good friends. Alliances were important with fellow trainers. The friendships formed with both people and Pokémon and memories shared were a priceless treasure to hold dear for a life time. That was one of the many lessons her parents and the rest of her family instilled in her. Everyone was successful with Pokémon. Some were Pokémon Breeders. Others were Pokémon Doctors. Others were Pokémon Trainers like her. Others were Pokémon Contest Stars.
The way Mudkip physically displayed their feelings on the scene was rather intriguing for the young male trainer. If it were a wild Mudkip, then he'd try to catch the female pokemon to get a much closer look at this display and study the Mudkip to sort this depth of interest swelling within him. With his father being a Professor, there was always talk of that curious gene getting passed down to Garret. And yet, he really didn't like this idea and it was why he exorcised his love for pokemon in the shape of being a trainer to divide himself from his father as far as he could so people would stop comparing them and he could stop hearing about it. He listened to Aino without looking her way, knowing she didn't like being watched like he did before. Though, her closeness and the question made it hard for his facial features to not relax and his lips to find a smile, he didn't fight it either. He did noticeably warm up. "Gastly's always been so quick to poke his nose into other people's business." He worded it like a nuisance, but his tone and and the way his eye followed the scene before them would spell out a different meaning to the words. Almost nostalgia, even. "He'll lick things and other pokemon all the time. Though, I tell him to be careful of psychic types..." He finally peeked to Aino's intense gaze before quickly peeling his eye away and continuing. "I'm trying to teach him to not lick people. I can avoid getting paralyzed because I'm used to it, but his lick can be dangerous for people. Even when he's careful."

Gastly remained visible but intangible as he reached his tongue out to poke Mudkip's back and then immediately flee in evasive circles around the humans, as though he were trying to escape being touched back. The Gastly was a little older than the Mudkip, having been with Garret for a little time since his father hatched the Gastly during his research. As a result, he's learned a little more about how to play less intuitive games like tag.
Aino smiled, and spoke,"Well, I do intend on catching a Ralts later on, female if possible. So Gastly better be careful then." She watched Mudkip try and chase Gastly to try and tag him, it would be hard considering Gastly could fly and she couldn't. Not that it would stop her from trying to tag Gastly, though. She spoke,"You going to challenge the Gyms? Do Pokémon Contests? Maybe both?" Contests were super big here in Hoenn, and even bigger in the next region over, Sinnoh, she believed it was called. She continued,"Can you imagine how much more mischief he could cause once he evolves later on in training? If he even wants to evolve, that is." Some Pokémon were like that, happy to stay as is, not wanting to evolve. She didn't understand why, but if her Pokémon chose that course of action, she would happily support them. But she would equip them with an Everstone to ensure they didn't evolve. Her team would be strong. Maybe she would challenge both Contests and Gyms just for the additional battle experience. She'd definitely get a fully evolved team in the end if she chose that path.
"Ralts is an interesting pokemon." Garret almost immediately responded as though he heard the words he spoke many times over. And he did, but he paid no mind to how much like his father he really was. He was more focused on the fact that the first pokemon they really spoke about throwing a pokeball at was a heavily gendered one. Gallade and his female counterpart are dramatically different. Was she flirting with him? He couldn't tell for a number of reasons. Firstly, he was largely socially divorced. He knew more about engaging with pokemon than he did with others his own age. So should be just toying with him and he wouldn't really be able to tell unless she spelled it out with words. And secondly, there just wasn't enough substance to the Ralts comment to hint towards it. It wasn't like she giggled and suggested that he tried to catch a male Ralts so they could breed. That'd probably be enough to tip him off.

He chuckled lightly at the idea of Gastly not behaving himself. Watching the trickster cheat to stay ahead of the faster Mudkip by phasing through things that Mudkip couldn't to gain distance without having to move as fast as he could, he knew the Gastly wasn't going to hold back. If Aino and Garret continued to socialize and there was a little Ralts to play with, Gastly was probably not going to hold back. After this exchange thus far, Garret melted into a more social position as he finally turned his head to look back to Aino more fairly. His eye on her's. "I really prefer gym battles, myself. Much like fashion, I'm quite incapable of understanding contests. The whole concept is rather confusing to me." He nodded to her last comment. "Gastly is meant to be a Gengar, and I can tell. He's always flying around and putting himself into danger as though he had the fire power of a stronger, bigger pokemon. He never counts himself out, and when he see's his reflection, it's not the eyes of a stage one looking back. I wish I were just a little more driven and confident like Gastly is."
When he spoke initially, she smirked. He sounded like he was reading from a drilling manual, like it was an automatic response rather than one he wanted to say. She slyly spoke, just to see if he was paying attention,"You do know that Gengar and Gardevoir can breed together, right?" When she was unsure if somebody was truly giving her their undivided attention, she would say something off color like what she had just said. If they said nothing or said something mechanical, she knew she wasn't getting their attention. She could see Mudkip getting frustrated as heck by not being able to catch Gastly. But still, both of their Pokémon were getting a great deal of exercise from this hard playing session. She spoke,"I'll know what Mudkip's destiny is after I spend more time with her. I'll know what the rest of my future team wants after spending time with them. But I do know there's battle rounds in Contests, which is all the more training Pokémon can get to become stronger. I'm always looking for a chance to show off my Pokémon. But only if they want to show off. I'm not into making them fight or train or whatever if they don't want to. It seems too cruel otherwise. As for you, being driven and such, that comes in time, you can't force it on yourself. Let it come naturally."
His lips parted as his the signs of recognition in his eye drained to a mix of blankness and deep thought. Was that correct? He wondered about this for just a moment as he watched Gastly floating around and pondered the implications of a Ralts or Gastly being hatched with a move they otherwise wouldn't have with two Gengar or two Ralts evolution parents. "Was Gastly an offspring of two Gengar?" Garret mumbled absentmindedly, showing that he did at least hear her words and almost portraying his thought process that was meant to be wordless. He was young when his father showed him the egg that would one day be one of his closest friends. Gastly was... Jolly. Did that have anything to do with this? Probably not. And just as he bridged the concept and rethought her words, the realization that she could have been flirting rushed up his spine and caught him entirely off-guard. It made his eyes open wide, including the bad one which hurt like a nail being driven into anyone else's eye. He'd immediately go pale after this and hold the eye patch to his eye with his right hand. "Ow...ow...ow." He grumbled lightly, the color that she brought to his cheeks being washed away by a paper-y pale.

Gastly paused, letting Mudkip have the window to approach as he turned and looked to Garret. As a very expressive pokemon, the Gastly didn't have to use human words or even sounds to show his concern with his huge eyes and mouth.
Her eyes lit up in delight once she realized he was paying her attention. Even though she knew the question wasn't really for her, she replied,"Well, what's your Gastly's current move set? That should give you a clear cut answer." Then again, Gastly's parents could have both been the results of mixed Pokemon breeding, which would create a very unique Gastly. She didn't know what moves a child of a Gengar and a Gardevoir would have, but the results would sure be impressive. She'd have to check what Nature her Mudkip was, but it sure as hell seemed Adamant to her. Her eyes grew wide, he was in great pain. She spoke, her voice full of quite genuine concern,"What's wrong? Am I able to help?" Mudkip, not paying attention, made a squeak of joy, and barreled into Gastly, or rather, passed through Gastly. But eventually Mudkip picked up on the fact that something was wrong given how quiet everyone had went. Mudkip slinked behind Aino's boots, wondering what was worrying her Trainer so. Aino took her backpack off, and began rifling through it, searching for her first-aid kit, which odds were would have something in it that would help Garret.
He couldn't answer her question about Gastly's moveset as he was very sharply pulled from the scene by the spreading of his deeply scratched eye. Searing pain rushed through his skull. A hot poker driving through the soft flesh and clearing through bone to find itself burning what felt like a charring aftermath through the malleable grey matter beneath his hair. In earnest, he didn't even entirely recall where he was as this happened. The fact that he was still on his feet alone was raw muscle memory alone. Biting his lip, he knelt and gently took Aino's wrist with his fingers beneath the softness of her wrist with his thumb over the top. Not even really a hold at all, there wasn't much of a grip to be felt, almost as though he were just trying to get her attention. His right hand was still over the eye patch and he stopped biting his lip to pull on a weak smile. "It's my eye. I was surprised by what you said and I opened it by accident. My bad. There's no need for medical attention." He explained through strained attempts to sound calm as he smiled for her and looked to her pale eyes with his shining green one.

Gastly discerned the situation carefully, not having interrupted the humans as he considered the details. It seemed that his human friend was hurt somehow, Garret wasn't the sturdiest male and Gastly knew that. So it was possible he just bumped his elbow while Gastly was playing with the adorable little blue pokemon. Letting Mudkip pass right through him, Gastly just watched until Garret smiled and spoke to the human woman. Floating up Garret, Gastly closed his own eyes before pressing his ghostly forehead up against Garret's forehead and bangs like a hug despite not having arms. Gastly made Garret chuckle, doing this. Garret's right hand leaving his eye patch to hold Gastly's spooky back. "Hey... hey. I'm okay." Garret whispered softly.
Aino could tell he was in excruciating pain. Not knowing what ailed him so bothered her to a great degree. Her biggest pet peeve was not knowing something, not knowing an answer to a problem that was presented to her. She was given a great education, both in a classroom and in the field. Knowing how to solve something always came easily to her given how hard she worked to reach where she was now. She had the physical strength to carry him if needed, especially for long distances too. When he took her wrist and explained what was wrong, she relaxed a little bit, but there was still a good deal of concern on her face. She spoke,"The worst wounds have the longest lasting consequences, take the longest to heal." She smiled, watching Gastly get close to him. She spoke,"Never the less, Garret, are you well enough to continue walking, or do you need to rest before we continue?" She didn't like it when somebody was in pain, even if it was a person she didn't know. It was just her nature to want to see everyone happy and healthy.
If the topic of her carrying him came up, then he'd probably have to disagree with her assessment. Despite being thin, his bones were always a little deceptively dense leading him to be a little heavier than he appeared thanks to the combination of that plus his height. But, Garret wasn't even thinking about that. He was very assertive when it came to being self-reliant as a by-product of his desire to escape his parents and explore the world through his own vulnerabilities. That and she didn't vocalize the idea, so he didn't even have a chance to actually consider it. "Woudln't the worst wounds require no healing?" He spoke lowly in reference to death. His smile remaining, though. The thin professor's son was just being playful and teasing her line that came across more like a folk lesson to Garret as opposed to her own personal logic. Not that he didn't find conventional wisdom to often be more useful than the beakers and lab coats that were so familiar to him.

To her words, he started to tickle Gastly until the ball of ghostly gas came back to life and even chuckled darkly before floating backwards. "We?" He raided the eyebrow just above his eye patch as his smile grew coy. "I'm flattered, don't get me wrong." He'd then reach over to give Aino's hip a soft poke. "Having a travel buddy could be nice. Besides, we're safer in a group. If this is your first run at gym badges then maybe my personal experience could be of some use to you."
Aino stared at him for a moment, blinked a couple of times, and laughed. He had an unusual sense of humor, she liked that. She had a thoughtful look on her face, and she spoke,"Officially, this is my first run at Gym badges. I have travelled around before with my older siblings and cousins. Most of the younger generation within a certain age range that was old enough to take on the Gyms at the various regions would take the Gyms on in groups. I'm the youngest out of the whole lot so I'm going solo without the family on this one. But now I have you with me." Then she got serious faced, and she spoke,"I hear that criminal activity is on the rise here in Hoenn. It's just as well we stick together." To be fair, she was really excited at the thought of getting into a Pokémon battle with a criminal. She kept it well hidden from other family members, but she was always looking for an excuse to get into a fight. She knew many martial arts, and could very easily protect herself and her Pokémon if it came to it. After he poked her hip, she poked his forehead with two fingers on her right hand. It was a gentle poke, a gesture found amongst her family to indicate affection.
After getting poked in the forehead, Garret appeared to be playfully frustrated before poking her hip again a little hard. "I envy that." Was all he could summon in response to her words. It would appear that it'd only make sense in relation to her having older siblings. The male turned on his heels and began his march for Petalburg. "If we're teaming up we should get a few details straight." He smiled a little wider over his shoulder as he looked to her with his shining green eye under the sunlight. "We won't tolerate either of us being big babies. Okay?" He picked on himself a little while being humorous in his tone even if there was an underlying seriousness in his words. "A lot can go wrong. If we stub some toes and scratch our arms and cheeks, we'll just have to suck it up and walk it off!" He was trying to display authority and he felt like he was doing a better job of it as he looked forward halfway through his words. He put his right foot before his left and the left followed suit as he began what felt like the first real steps of his journey in Hoenn.

"Maybe we should get ourselves a real big Gyrados so we can surf around together." He flirted a little with this line before a Wurmple popped out of the nearby grass and roamed clean up his leg and chest. Gastly looked crossed at this before floating right up to the little bugger and using his tongue to swipe the nuisance off. "Whew... Thanks Gastly. Finish him with a Night Shade!" Garret leaped to the left, showing his ability to move his taller thin frame rather quickly as Gastly floated in towards the Wurmple. "Gastly-Gast!" The pokemon chanted as he grew scary and zapped the Wurmple with a blade of ghostly energy, fainting the pokemon almost as quickly as the encounter began.
Aino was born years after the rest of her older siblings, she was the result of her parents wanting to have one more child before they were finished procreating. And she had many older siblings, most the result of multiple births. At the very least, having been born into such a massive family meant that she was never without siblings or cousins to play with. She smirked as he laid down the ground 'rules' as they walked along. and she spoke,"Why bother with a Gyrados? My Mudkip will evolve into a Swampert and we can do that just fine!" Truth be told, she never did like Gyrados. They were a nightmare to try and train, and one almost drowned her when she was little. Baby as her Mudkip was, hers did seem larger than other Mudkip of similar age that she saw, which made her wonder exactly how large her eventual Swampert would be. She smiled when a little Wurmple quickly popped out of the grass and began climbing all over Garret. She personally thought that it was a very adorable thing to see. She felt a little disappointed when Garret had Gastly knock it out, it only seemed to want to play. But then again, Gastly would need the combat experience if it wanted to evolve. Hopefully she would come across a female Ralts soon.
Scratching his chin, Garret tried to imagine how big the Mudkip was going to be as a Swampert and he couldn't imagine the girl, himself being unaware of her size being on the larger side of her species, being large enough fully evolved to transport Aino and himself across the sea comfortably. They'd have to get really close if they were going to ride the Swampert... Her rear might even might wind up snugly against his groin at that rate. He looked downward and away as he proceeded past the Wurmple, not hearing her position on him and Gastly fainting the wild mon. He didn't have an opportunity to explain himself as she didn't complain vocally. And it was probably for the best, because he'd find it highly hypocritical. How was he meant to get stronger if the had to wait for a random wild pokemon to become the next greatest villain ever before defeating them for battle xp?

"I'd like to train with Gastly and Bulbasaur on the other side of this town up here. I hear the sea breeze and scent is invigorating." He spoke to her briefly over his shoulder as Gastly seemingly vanished. But, Garret continued walking as though Gastly was with them.
She was smiling as they walked along, and she spoke,"The sea is a perfect place to train Mudkip-" She cut her own words off as the grass shook, and then a wild Ralts appeared. Mudkip stood in front of her, and she scanned the Ralts with her Poké Dex, and she got all the information she wanted. She spoke confidently as she got a Poké Ball ready,"Mudkip, use Water Gun!" Mudkip shot the Ralts with a Water Gun. The Ralts got soaked with water and forced backwards. It then used the Growl attack, if she wasn't mistaken, based on the noise it made. it would lower Mudkip's attack temporarily, not that it mattered. Aino threw the Poké Ball at the Ralts. She waited carefully. The Poké Ball shuddered a few times before it clicked. She was very visibly excited, she had just caught a Ralts! The information was added to her Poké Dex, and for good measure, she scanned Gastly as well before he disappeared. She wanted to scan everything she could with her Dex. There was always something she could learn. Thankfully, they weren't too far off from Petalburg City where a Pokémon Center was. Get everyone checked out before moving on. Her blood was pumping, and her face was full of excitement.
"I was actually thinking about just running around in the grass near to it and-" He was going to respond despite her sudden and strangely cutting off before he realized he didn't have his eyes on her and that she could probably be in danger. Turning on his heels, Garret spotted the young teen engaged in combat with the Ralts. What a peculiar sight. The little green headed pokemon really captured Garret's imagination and he got to admire the fairly rare little sight as it was. He imagined what she saw using her pokedex confirmed the little adorable pokemon to be female before readying herself and her Mudkip for the fight.

Garret never quite pinned himself as a brutal type, but watching the dignified and cute little pokemon getting squirted right off her feet by a water gun kinda made him crack a smile. Not that he wanted for pokemon to be hurt. But, they battle each other to get stronger and they won't die from it, so it's a healthy thing. Sort of like being worried about getting sore after working out. But, working out and eating well made humans stronger and happier too. He never really saw it much different, and he didn't worry too much about it. Besides, sometimes humans need to fight wild pokemon to give them a chance to travel in peace between towns without expensive bulky and harmful vehicles that'd otherwise ruin the whole atmosphere that the world lends to the humans on it.

He was happy for her as she caught her Ralts, Gastly appearing briefly for her to snatch a dex entry from before returning the invisibility he can also enjoy. Garret thought briefly about what he'd do with invisibility. Walking across the town that housed a really tough gym for this portion of their journey, Garret considered if he'd be a creep with invisibility as he entered the Pokecenter and held the door open for Aino. "C'mon, lets get that Ralts fighting fit." He knew she'd probably go for this, but something felt nice about being the director of their adventure.
Aino was more than pleased that she had caught the Ralts. Now she was one step closer to getting a Gardevoir. But still, it was time to head to the Pokémon Center in town to get her Pokémon checked on. Not that Mudkip needed it, but still, better be safe than sorry. She flashed him a quick smile when he held the door open for her, he was being quite the gentleman. She spoke,"Might as well get Gastly a checkup. Seems wise to do that every time we go into a town, even if on the surface it doesn't seem like our Pokémon need a checkup." She wanted to get everything taken care of all at once. Maybe even get some grub too. She didn't want to run out of energy on their journey even though she had plenty of stuff tucked away. She recalled her Mudkip to her Poké Ball. She smiled, and handed her Poké Balls containing her Mudkip and Ralts to Nurse Joy. Pokémon Centers were good places to pick up on tips from passing trainers as well. She couldn't wait to see what was coming for them.
Gastly didn't look excited about the concept of getting into his ball, but Garret was going to follow Aino's lead and Gastly certainly could use his checkup. Despite Gastly's frown, Garret took the small red topped ball from a gadget hidden inside his wide sleeves and the ball grew larger in response to the activity. Not wanting to tuck his friend away with a frown on his face, Garret smiled and hugged Gastly close with his free arm. "It's just a short break, and we can get right back to the adventure right after. Keep an eye on Bulbasaur for me." He whispered to his friend, knowing that he wanted to give Gastly a job to keep the pokemon's mind off missing Garret the whole time. The last thing Garret needed was for Gastly to misbehave during the checkup and potentially make future stops at Pokemon Centers even more difficult. The ball opened as Gastly was drawn into it with red light before closing and shrinking again. Garret retrieved another ball from his sleeve and had it join Gastly's ball on a white tray that had four more open spots for Pokeballs. He frowned down to the tray for another moment before sliding it along towards the attending nurse and walking over to the Cafe area.

He wouldn't order the coffee he craved, knowing he'd probably wanna be able to afford potions, and status effect healing items later on. And while he certainly could use the caffeine and sugar, he didn't really feel in the mood to eat or drink anything. He didn't even ask Aino to join him, defaulting to the idea that she probably wanted to go do something else while they waited on their poke-pals. He sat near a window with a table and a bench as he rest his chin in his palm and watched the sun over the water in the distance.
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