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Harpy Harems (Fluffypuppy77xTox_The_Jew)


I is a raptor hat, moo
Jun 4, 2018
Magic Tree House
"The Kings of the land bow only to us god. They want to make sure they dont get destroyed along with their people." A mighty voice told him a long time ago; when he was but a chick. "If we do not show our might as a god or a goddess they will hunt us down. "Though some still try, they are feeble." This was his father as he stood perched on the dial in the front of the room.

This chick was surrounded by many other chicks...some of them didn't look like him at all. Too many limbs, two head, different tails... His father was a god of sorts.... but he kept every gift that the creatures below sent to his kingdom. Most of the time it was woman... These chicks were father by him and many of the 'gifts' that resided in the lower parts of the house... in all stages of pregnancy as this 'god' kept his harem well stocked with new lives.
This set of chicks didn't stay long in this room as he sent them out in to a pit. "To take the throne, one must top." he told them and dropped child sized weapons in and sat back to watch. When the arena was littered in bodies and two wounded child remained; the 'god' spoke again. "Good enough." and a fluttered wrist had the remaining two children picked up and broken apart. One a female that he sent to his harem.... the other a male that was swept away and washed up.....

"You summoned?" came a calm but fierce tone announced his arrival as the once chick stood before the 'god'- now ailing with age.
"Yes." and though he was not his once grand feathered self- this bird god stood up off his throne. "Begin yours." he ordered as he gestured to the muted woman that had been attending to him.
"No. Not with these." the voice spoke and was given a glare.
"Then conquer your own town and get your own."
A silent head lowered in a yes and the younger 'god' left the room.



Tobin HighFeather (click)
Tobi's feathered form (click)
Age: 65 (young... his fathers 300)
Gender: male
-has been told to start his harem
-doesnt want to begin what his father does
-Understands most of the staff here are half siblings so he needs new blood if he wanted to be a ruler.

silver terror
Age: 65
Gender: female
-is the captain of the princes guard
-was his opponent when they were chicks (beat and beheaded those that tried to take her to the bedding floors)
-trained with her brothers (of different winning classes and ages)


Name: Ruth
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Other: Perhaps she and her boyfriend should have something to delay their aging?


Name: Leven/Lev
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Other: Boyfriend to Ruth. Also, here is a gif of him in an outfit.
((Feel free to start if you want- technically that first post is my go^^ also... I was thinking just humans...... but maybe they get the ability because they are liked too much to want to have them die?))
Ruth and Leven were nothing more than peasants on the far outskirts of a kingdom. On the small plot of land they were given permission to use they farmed potatoes. Both had grown-up in close proximity to one another, in fact both of their parents had been close friends with one another. It was no surprise to either family that they became betrothed to one another when they became older. While not technically married, they decided they would live together. Upon hearing that the current kingdom had expanded their boundaries and needed more people to establish themselves in the new territory, they decided that it was a sign for them to try and settle the new area. The kingdom had promised minimal protection and little to no taxation for the first few settlers. The first couple of months had been trying for the young couple. Not only did they have to do the work of growing potatoes, they had to build their own houses and gather resources. However, their luck quickly shifted in their favor: the house was finished quickly and their crop was growing magnificently (which they sold after it finished growing). While it was a lot of hard work to maintain the land, the couple were happy.

"Lev! Do you need happy with lifting that seed bag?!" Ruth shouted from the window of their small, but lovely house. The young man was currently outside, in a plot they established for a new crop. He was supporting a rather large bag of seed on his back. "Huh?! No, I'm good!" The boy shouted back at his redhead girlfriend, however that probably wasn't the case. He was actually struggling with the weight of the bag. "That idiot is going to hurt himself." Ruth smiled fondly at the dark-haired boy. "Too stubborn for his own good." She left the window and walked outside. She was heading towards her boyfriend, knowing he actually needed her help.
(I feel like this is a bad start, lol.)
There was nothing unusual to the start of the day.. how ever the time was nearing noon and the sky darkened over this small town. Sure this kingdom was peaceful... The town was however on the edge of this... away from the quick assistance of the troops. Perfect for the taking.
Wings were heard before screams were. Large bird like shapes dive bombed the market square and surrounding areas- dragging the captured humans to the edge of the buildings.
They stood easily 6 foot when standing, a few taller with different feathered traits or body parts but all flew. Why then were they here?
A golden set of wings remained on a roof, away from the filth of the land below. "We need ALL of the humans from here; surrounding areas included. Get the farmers. Dont let them get injured." He ordered and many that were not guarding this batch, flew off. This included a silver winged one, his sister of a sort. They fought a bunch in their own way but his orders were followed. "Alive, Terror." he reminded her flying form, she taking off with out a word.

Yes she would listen, alive and un injured, but it would be up to them. Her silver wings took her troop far past the roads, green for miles until small house appeared... Ah, more for her brother. A loud crash as she and her team landed, in a cloud of thatch and wood.
"I said I got it!" Leven shouted at his girlfriend when she was only a few meters awau.. "Yeah, you're going to get an injury hurting yourself. Then that would just leave me to do all the work." While Ruth could be a bit combative and loud, she was often level-headed with Leven. While he may not be the smartest or strongest guy out there, she still loved him and felt empathy for the younger male. As the young woman made her way over to her boyfriend, she couldn't help but feel something was watching her. She snapped out of focus when she heard Leven say something. "Did you hear that?" The young man asked her when she helped adjust some of the seed bag off his back and into her arms. "Hear what?" She asked, her eyes showing a hint of confusion. Leven remained quiet for a bit, but shook his head. "Probably nothing." He shrugged, grabbing to hold half of the bag from Ruth. However, his eyes kept looking off in the distance as if trying to see something that was there. "You probably just heard a bird." Ruth tried to reassure the dark-haired boy, however she wasn't exactly reassured herself.
Sure, a bird.
When the Harpys realized that the house was empty, for the sheer hell of it, they kicked the walls down. Bursting out as some of the more sensitive nosed beast could smell the owners on the outside. Ah, there they were, the barn. "Un harmed." she reminded the grow, and herself as they screeched their warning and took off- trying to herd them; like cattle, like sheep. They needed them to at least get some where they could circle them.
(They don't have a barn. They're just outside.)
Upon hearing a noise coming from their house, the two peasants turned to look as their house seemed to 'explode.' "What the-" Leven had muttered out, his eyes showing shock as he turned to look at what was once their home. He fell to the ground in defeat. That was supposed to be Ruth and his home, where they would spend the rest of their life and raise their children.

Ruth was also shocked by their home suddenly being destroyed, however she knew that there had to be a reason for the destruction. Her eyes saw figures surrounding the house and they were quickly approaching them. With quick action, her body ran towards a pitchfork that was staked into the ground. She quickly drew up the pitchfork and began swinging it at the creatures. Leven quickly made his way over to Ruth, seemingly recovering from his shock. "Ruth!" He shouted for the girl. "Run!" She shouted back at him, attempting to keep their attackers' focused on her.
(*Shrugs* not even for a cart and horse to get their food to the market?)

There was a wicked laugh as some of the male harpies followed the mans runs; a few staying behind to land with their captain. "My my, Wont my Prince be happy to break you..." she hissed out and wiggled her wing joint. She was only flexing out the clawed hands that were hidden in her feathers, bring them forth light a boxer. "You and your small male have reversed roles I see, you hold the power while he is submissive." Her claws on her toes flexed this time, as she began a walk- a slow pace in front of the cornered human.
"My prince deemed it so that you were not to be harmed. The others around here were not to be harmed either, if we find more. Come quietly and with out the farm tool... Not a hair out of place on your heads.....Oh look, my siblings turned your male around. Dont worry, they haven't harmed him."
(The lord of the land probably sends out a caravan to bring their crops into the kingdom. They probably couldn't afford a horse (at least in the beginning).)
Ruth kept her pitchfork focused on the creature who was currently speaking with her. "What are you? Why did you destroy our home?!" The redheaded girl said with clenched teeth and narrowed eyes. She didn't seem to show much fear of the winged creature.

"Who are you calling small?!" Leven shouted, he had obviously overheard the conversation happening between his girlfriend and the harpy. He was currently struggling with the other harpies, kickicking, punching, and struggling against their grasps. Unfortunately without a weapon of sorts, he couldn't stop them.

"I will protect him, as he will protect me. He may not look much to you, but he is my entire world." She gritted her teeth. Her attention shifted to look at her boyfriend who was currently struggling against the other creatures. She realized that there was no chance of them escaping. Sighing in defeat, she lowered the pitchfork. However, she lifted the pitchfork back up and angled the farm tool at the harpy. "If you so much as hurt Leven... I will kill you and your 'prince'." Her words full of acid. She then threw the pitchfork at the ground, lifting her arms in surrender.
The little spunky human definitely would be a prize for her brother.
"To answer all your small questions. I would First advise you to see the Height of my breathren." The wing stretched in a pointing gesture; even the smallest male there had two heads higher then the she-Harpy, who was at least a head over the two humans. "Hence; SMALL male. Second, nothing was harmed on him. Make another sound- of ANY kind, though..." the silver terror harped out, leaning down with her clawed hand on her thighs to be at the human woman height. She had not had her detained yet when she threw her arm high and the tool down; a clawed foot of a brother now pinning it down. ".... And I will PERSONALLY see to it that you have to watch as I take his tiny little man hood from him; painfully and slowly. To top it off, dear small girl, I will make sure that your... Leven, was it?...." She stood straighter now, regal like a captain should be- back straight and her blue gaze aimed at the man in her capture. "Yes, I believe that is what she called you... I will make sure that I have my own clutch of chicks from the remaining seed you may contain and since I've kept you both alive, I will make you both watch as I drown them." A hiss and she bared her teeth in a grin. "So. Not another word from you and your journey to my Prince will be swift and painless." Gazing back down to the woman. "Understand, girl?"
Leven seemed to keep his mouth shut, obviously not wanting Ruth to be harmed. However, his face turned bright red either out of anger or embarrassment (or perhaps even a little bit of both). Being molested by this harpy was also not have the top of his prerogative. His body slumped slightly, giving up on fighting of the harpies.

Ruth only glared as she listened to the harpy. Despite being defeated, she still stood with dignity. Hearing what the other female might do to Leven if she disobeyed, her glare only became more brutal. She nodded in accordance when the female creature asked if she understood. These were the terms of keeping Leven alive, which she would humbly go along with until either Leven or both of them were free. Ruth then proceeded to walk over to her boyfriend, gently grabbing one of his hands that was being restrained by one of the harpies. She gave him a small, warm grin, which he happily returned her favor with showing off his toothy grin.
"Good little humans..." With that the Silver harpy lifted off with a powerful kick. Not that she would have wanted her first clutch to be with a human, a puny one at that. They didn't need to know that though.

Her brothers took wing as well, but connected claws and feet to the two body's shoulder. Scrawny things these human were, so easily broken. But the silent males lifted them easily and gently- their arms resting on the curled talons.
Other then a Hiss or two to steer the male back, they had said nothing in the presence of their Captain. Mute by choice, less they get their head kicked in.

The journey was windy to say the least, but they were not jostled as the burly hybrid harpies took care to only float on the thermals- minimal wing beats other than to get them high enough... then to slow their descent to the cobblestones of the town.
Now miles away and with no house to return to, its best they just listen to what the golden winged prince had to say.
The silver Harpy had long returned to her brother's side and was picking out stones and rice bits from her talons. She had told him that her hunt had brought in some very interesting humans. The others that had left with her had come back with their own prey, hair tossed but no more then scrapes.

"Ah." The gold harpy looked up from his curled hunch. "I see what you mean, sister." His voice dripping with boredom but intrigue as well.
Finally touching the stones and dirt for the first time since he came to the town- his thin frame deceptively heavy as they cracked the street even on his light landing and with each step.
"Has fire in her eyes, just as you said she had. What was she again? A farmer? Bah..." A flash of claws had the now kneeling human male's throat in his grasp and at full height was holding him clear off the ground by a two feet.
"Woman. State your name. All of it." he ordered, shifting a clawed thumb under the males neck and shoved it lightly to the side. A mere flick forward would have Leven's neck snapped. At this point, no, not strangling- not enough pressure for that. "I would do so soon, I have a twitchy thumb, and they way she described you trying to protect this.... rather small male, made it seem like you were a bonded pair that would do anything for each other." his sneer at the word small... both in height... ant the lovely bits she probably enjoyed at night.
Ruth and Leven remained quiet, most likely not wanting to upset the creatures that could easily drop them to their demise. Leven had kept his eyes closed, not particularly a fan of heights. Ruth wasn't much better with heights either, but she wanted to know what she was doing. They were quite a long way from home. Ruth gently squeezed Leven's hand, which he responded with his own squeeze. The comforting warmth radiating from was the only thing that kept her mind calm.

Upon landing in what Ruth and Leven could only assume was the creatures' home. They were met with another creature. This one had a more human appearance, but his height and claws gave away that he was not one. She only stared defiantly at the man, not wanting to show weakness to the person whom she considered her enemy. However, the look wouldn't last long as soon the claw lashed out at her boyfriend. It took all her strength not to try and attack the man. She watched the harpy with caution.

Leven had made a gasping sound when the harpy lifted him off the ground by his neck. He grasped at the claws and his throats, but he didn't attempt to pry the claws off him. The other male had not crushed his throat, which meant the creature wanted to keep him alive. His eyes were widened innocently, showing obvious fear.

"My name is Ruth. Peasants are not given the honor of having surnames." She quickly said, her eyes narrowed at the golden harpy.
Ah, there, names had power... and now he had hers. "Well Ruth... I dont like that name." he turned around and gave the male to one of his feathered siblings. "I Do believe SLAVES dont get the luxury of either name or a choice. So, Cat. Get down and Kiss. My. Claws." he ordered, a tone lace in venom that even his sister shivered from the roof.

No this was not his home, this was her trading market. His Kingdom was over the mountain range, a few hours flight and they still wouldn't be tired.

"I am far gentler than my brothers, Slave. So I dont think you would want him... what do humans call it again, sister?" he didn't turn his gaze away from the human as the silver harpy answered and finished his thought for him

"You wouldn't want him Raped, dear girl. Tabo there has a duck loins." she clearly projected her words as the man that held the girls mate, stood straighter to his name.
"Awe, that. Yes.... no you dont want the corkscrew in his backside do you?"

DONT Look it up..... its really gross....... my mind is ruined from online videos about it>m<
"It is the one my mother gave me, you may call me whatever you like." Ruth wasn't keen on the idea of this creature calling her name. She remained defiant towards the man, her back rigid and her eyes boring holes into the golden creature.

At hearing the word "raped" both Leven and Ruth stiffened. Leven had feared that something would happen to Ruth, but he never imagined he would be the prime target. Perhaps his mother had been right, perhaps we was too pretty for a boy... no, it was something else. While Leven was disposable, this "prince" wanted Ruth for something... but what? Leven didn't have much time to think, because at hearing the description of Tabo's loins he suddenly turned green. If his hands weren't occupied, he probably would've instinctively grab his backside in protection.

Ruth could tell her boyfriend was fearing for his backside, as she too feared what would happen to them. She did the only thing she could do to protect her boyfriend. She bent down and, with as much restraint trying not to spit, kissed the man's claws.
"There. A wild thing can be controlled, with the right threats." he told his sister. The golden beast's clawed wing dug in to the weak cloth dress she wore to get her back in to standing. If he wanted to control his new servant... that man would have to come with. "Generals. Take two of each gender of your choice. Enslave them and chain them in the breeding docks; yes, the men too." he kept a firm claw on the girl. Six hisses of agreement and the screams of beloved ones ripped away from each other filled the air, 24 people ripped away from the town in a flurry of feathers.
"Sister. Might as well start your collection too if you wish."
"No brother. I am fine. Tabo can collect for me."
The beast of a bird grinned as he held on to the human he already had.
"Not that one, Tabo. I need that one for her. Alive..."
There was a grumble as he took the man around the remaining humans with him, pointing out the four he would take in his Captains stead.

"See.... we can get along fine." at this point she was not in that much danger. He had a use for her alive.... A bathing servant. His sister had her own times and didn't want to join him when he needed his back done.
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Leven and Ruth watched in despair as people were taken from their families and loved ones. It was... sick to say the least. There wasn't anything either of them could do at that moment, they were jut as helpless as the townspeople.

It had seemed Tabo had interest in Leven, but to Ruth's relief the prince had relinquished any claim he had to the boy. For that, Ruth was thankful and kept quiet. At hearing his voice again, she kept a steely gaze on him. "As long as I can keep Leven, I will do as I am told." She said through gritted teeth.
"Hypothetically here... does anything include being on one of those breeding docks?" Shark teeth grinned as he leaned in to her face; claws dancing on her shoulder before taking her chin roughly. "Anything I say, slave; That is a BROAD spectrum of desires, are you sure that is wise to say that to your new master?"

A twitched lip from the heavy set Tabo and he returned to the prince's inner ring of humans. His choices were taken away from the collective by the lesser harpies of this army. "Sir." he bellowed out, chest feathers puffed out as he stood straight with his claws still toting the male.

"Ah, yes... the male in question...." he released her with a slight push. "I see you survived the walk with your pants still up.. Find any to your liking brother?" Tabo nodded when asked and handed the male back to the prince.

"That is wonderful to know. OH! Wonderful idea!" he spooked his sister and his brother at his outburst and tugged the human back to his new slave.
"You will produce me a new generation of slaves!" he squawked out but with excitement. The Silver woman looked down to the crowd that looked up to the Harpy and his personal toy.
"Yes, that seems GRAND! Your child will be the continuation to my new dens. No chains for you, no fear; I still need her to walk and attend me."
With a raised clawed wing, the remaining birds spun to face their captured town.
"Listen here. You are now my property. Breed. And Breed like rabbits. If I come back and you dont have any young......" The golden feathered man took off, away from the girl he picked- and up to the roof. "If there is nothing for us to claim. be prepared. You loose your rights to being free and become one of our breeding bitches and butches." His voice full of venom and threats.
"I. suggest. STARTING!" he bellowed and his army took off to the skies- The silver one and Tabo remaining to take with them the couple that their prince had claimed.

This town only lost 30 people out of their throws. Most lost to become breeders in a harpies den... but two lives were semi spare... free of chains but with conditions to that.
Welcome to the Dark Harpy life.
"I require children of my own from Leven." Was all she said, that wasn't exactly a 'no' or 'yes'. He would have to be satisfied for that answer... for the time being. Suddenly a voice spoke up. When Leven was handed back to the prince, she was slightly relieved. She, wisely, did not trust the other harpies from molesting her boyfriend. She reached for his hand and gently squeezed it.

Upon being handed back to the prince, he seemed to relax a little. The prince had said they would not be harmed, but he didn't particularly trust 'duck-man'. "I can take her place for your desires, if you need that sort of release." It came as surprise even to himself. His face flushed a bright red and he did his best to not look at either the prince or his girlfriend. It didn't take Ruth long to realize that Leven was trying to protect her. While he may have looked like the typical, frail peasant, he still had some masculine traits in him.
(Sorry for short responses.)
The mans quiet tones were heard quite clear as he watched the humans scatter back inside their homes and to love broken families. Yes he would return... yes he would round up every breeder he wanted to.

Eyes went back to face the couple from the roof, looking down to the new personal slaves.
"I dont see why you should. You are a male. You cant offer me a place to breed." he returned the humans words after a while, walking the rim of the roof. "Others how ever would take you up on that. So I may send you to a select den for the fun of it. Conditions need be met in order for his safety of course." He assured the one he was calling Cat.
"Breeding with her was not what I had planned for my collection. I was going to use the generals choices and take their rights away from them. I just needed a bather." A wing florished out toward the silver woman on the roof. "I high doubt my sister would want to continue to bathe me."
(Yeah, just been busy.)
"I uh... it's-" Leven seemed to fluster and he suddenly went quiet. Although Ruth knew the situation wasn't exactly pleasant, she still couldn't help but smile at Leven. Seeing her boyfriend flustered gave the young woman some relief. "What Leven is trying to do is offer himself, so I won't be bred until we have our own child." Leave it Ruth to be the one who explained what her boyfriend was trying to say.

Upon hearing what the prince really wanted Ruth to be, the young couple seemed to invisibly sigh in relief. "I think I can do that." The redheaded girl gave a small smirk.
"Oh child.... you have NO idea what he wants cleaned....." The silver one snickered as she playfully kicked her brother further down the roof... With no other Harpies around them, he let an undignified squawk out as he slipped. A game of King of the house was now in session as he hopped back up to aim at her talons for slipping.

"I'm still going to let my sisters abuse that tiny appendage on his lower half....Abuse isn't right... but its bound to happen.... Long as they didn't chop it off and take it to their own beds, Im sure I can all him safe." He spoke in the midst of the harpy kick fighting- ruining thatch roofing as they slid down; surprising it held up for as it did, their weight not gentle on it.
"I still expect you to try for children with him when he isn't already being taken... The sooner and the more you have, the better chances are I keep you two alive. Course, our healers can provide potency and multiplying drugs if needed..... some of our hens like the pain the extra children weight cause."

He was ruthless... but he took care of the sexual need of both his captives and his siblings. If a more willing slave wanted some form of drug for helping it come along then by means they would get it.
Birthings were never dulled, no drugs for that nor was there the chance for an easy slide in. Tabo's had a ducks curl, hard to contain if fully hard.... some of his sibling were seen with cat like appendages... barbed... Dogs couldn't leave until calmed.
And that was only the males.... most of his sisters knew their breeding place, the mixed parts of them- if not pure, were a wild collection of animal like traits, making it hard to tell how to please them.... and how their offering would be born... they knew the chance to die was high if you were mixed, again, no pain meds for the births.
Some, if not most had safe clutches of eggs.... But some of the mammal parted ones.... the eggs were hatched inside... and ripped their way out. Not pleasant If they survived though and were still breathing long enough, only then was medicine to dull the gaping hole given and fixed back up; if able to breed again, sent right back to the pens.

"Honey, you are to bathe his dick as well as his think that these claws are soft enough for that? No. So start getting a feel of your Leven's member, dear.... Your job begins soon." The silver bird was victorious as she stood on the males head, wings high in her glory.
Certainly would be a vicious queen... if their rules allowed her... No, she was an oddity in the army but well respected.
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"I'd rather not have my "lower half appendage" be used in that way." Leven gave a slight sigh, watching the two siblings tousle about. It was odd to say the least, but a bit reminiscent of how his siblings and him fought one another. "I agree, not that I don't trust your sisters. I would rather not risk his lower half appendage." Ruth seemed solemn in her decision. "Can we quit calling it a "lower half appendage"." Leven wasn't exactly thrilled about that becoming a nickname for his penis.

As Leven and Ruth listened to the instructions that Silver was giving Ruth. They didn't seem too thrilled with what Ruth would be cleaning, but knew it could be worse for them. "Ow." Leven seemed to mutter and gave the prince a rather sympathetic look. "I concur." Suddenly both Ruth and Leven were giving the prince sympathetic looks.

It seemed obvious to Silver that Leven and Ruth were still virgins, even if she couldn't tell before they still blushed madly at her statement. "Right." Both of them said in unison, not looking at each other in eye.
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