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Mar 27, 2014
Nova Scotia
I'm Echo - a 25 year old lady-thing in a GMT-4 timezone. I am currently in pursuit of a long term roleplay with a 70/30 plot/erotica ratio. I prefer erotica to smut!
I'm still working on the thread and adding some ideas as I go, but bear with me and feel free to shoot me a message and share your own cravings as well!
What do you mean by erotica instead of smut?
Smut to me is just a one-shot story in which the plot is centered focally around sexual themes whereas erotica involves a more intricate and expositional
means of gettin' to the down and dirty, ya dig? I want our characters to experience sexual tension, desire, yearning and wantonness. It supplements the
quality of the story it makes it that much more enjoyable to write and read.
What kind of characters do you play?
My women are predominantly ... well, dominant. If not in the body, they are in the mind; women that will more often than not take initiative, sexually and otherwise.
They are strong willed, stoic, ambituous and often villainous. That's right - I fucking L-O-V-E playing villains (monster ladies too!) that pursue their own private agenda.
Most of these women are also non-white. I will play a colorful cast of ladies from all walks of life. Some will be bi-racial, some will be one-hundred percent pure bred
babes. It varies depending on the content of our story and I'm always up to talk about it!
What kind of characters do you like playing against?
Ultimately, masculine and dominant characters, but as long as they're well developed, they can be anything in between or outside of that spectrum. Power struggles​
are my absolute favorite mechanic in a relationship between characters. I also enjoy the strange dynamic of a geeky guy being a closet dom/freak in the sheets or​
a big, hard, callous knight being chaste and coerced into getting a blowjob from a smokin' hot demon babe.​
Video Games
inFamous, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Dragon Age, Dishonored, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Borderlands, Dying Light, the Witcher, Uncharted series, World of Warcraft

Word Banks & Prompts
four hoursemen of the apocalypse, trapped in an MMO, colonizing new planets, cults and zealotry, vetoed villains voluntold to save the world, humans learning they're​
actually monsters, organized crime, Feudal Japan, Stockholme/Lima Syndrome, 9 circles of hell, plagues, industrial fishing/whaling inspired, mass exoduces, two different​
realms colliding, monsters as roommates, elite earth warriors abduted and forced to fight in alien fighting rings, prohibition era, low-how medieval fantasy, demons,​
death personified, geeks summoning demon babes, end of the world​
Character Tropes
computer geeks that get the girl, arrogant, geek-chic wiseacres, villainous demonesses, charismatic demon douchebags, grown-ass adults missing social queues, monster girls/boys​
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