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Au-delà du Temps: Beyond Time (LeatrixSage x SacrlettRose)

“None,” Gabriel frowned as he appraised the polite, and yet obviously uncomfortable young woman. When the rain had begun, he had seriously considered returning her to her mistress. Now, however, he was glad he hadn’t. Did she seriously believe that his interest in her was professional? He should have found it amusing, he supposed, but it was difficult to will himself into seeing it that way. Far from being affronted, he was utterly annoyed at the woman’s seeming inability to see herself as anything beyond the horridly severe and bland persona she wore like a second skin.

“I am unmarried, Miss Spencer,” he went on slowly in an effort to keep his annoyance at her out of his voice. “While I have had my fair share of Mistresses, I have taken great care to father no bastards.”

What a strange creature she was, Gabriel mused as he tucked his hands behind his back. He stood away from her as his dark grey gaze traveled down the lines of her body. The dress she hid within did a fine job of disguising the body that was hidden beneath, but he had already had a tantalizing glimpse of the truth beneath the fabric. The corners of his mouth twitched as he remembered the warmth of her skin and the subtle curves under that lovely blue gown, and then his attention slid back up to catch her gaze and hold it.

“I thought to court you properly,” he began in a tone that was thoughtful, and yet darkly amused, “but it seems you don’t have the temperament for that. All business, aren’t you?” Gabriel hesitated. What he did and said next may very well make or break this curiosity of his. Eleanora was stimulating in a way that made him deeply curious, and he simply did not want to miss the opportunity to unwrap the enigma she presented.

“Miss Spencer, you are a formidable woman, so I am going to speak plainly. I don’t intend to uproot you from your current employer. Well,” a wicked grin made his dark features looks almost boyishly charming as Gabriel slowly closed the distance between them. “At least, not to be employed by me. I want three things from you, Miss Spencer. I want permission to call on you – only after your duties to your young charge are met. While my finances are such that I could keep you quite comfortably, I wouldn’t dream of threatening your financial freedom. Secondly,” he went on as he raised a hand in the air to bid her to wait and all him to finish. “If you find me amiable, I mean to have you as my Mistress. I am a busy man, and I will not make many demands on your person, but I will make demands.”

Reaching out, Gabriel caught the sharp, and yet delicate chin of Eleanora’s face between his thumb and forefinger to tip her head back as he grossly invaded the woman’s space. “Finally, when in my home, I want you to agree to allowing me carte blanche access to your lovely body. I want you to think carefully before you agree to this, because when I say carte blanche, I mean it. If you will be mine, then you will be entirely mine, and I want this to be perfectly clear. I am willing to pay you a handsome allowance, if it please you, and don’t take that as an insult to your person. I admire whores, they are the only women in the world with the good sense to make men pay for the pleasure of their company.”

Gabriel reluctantly let go of Eleanora’s chin, that tiny skin to skin contact, and he felt the loss of her immediately despite her closeness. “In short, Madame, I want you to allow me to possess you. The cost of that possession is entirely up to you.”


“Absolutely, Your Grace,” Colleen had repeated that phrase in at least a dozen fashions through dinner and the following conversation in the salon. Of course, she had been hiding her mirth behind every word spoken in the man’s general direction. He was right, to an extent. The details where important, absolutely. But, the devil was in the details, and the ton was want to ignore the devil as much as possible. The gossip was already circulating, and not a one of them knew the details. A couple versions of the story had already changed. Laurel had heard already reported a story that was entirely fantasy before vanishing into the crowds once more.

However, as the man tucked her hand into the crook of his arm to lead her out into the warm evening, the lass found amusement wasn’t what she felt most. Annoyance was more apt. A since of exasperation that made her spine stiff as he walked her into the garden. They strolled in silence, at a pace that was painfully slow, while the curious onlookers slowly lost interest. They were looking for fresh drama, and when it appeared that there would be nothing new to report, they melted away. Colleen was nearly at the end of paicentce for the man’s desperation for propriety when the giant gave her wrist a yank to pull her off the main path and off to one of the many greenhomes under which oranges, limes, and lemons were grown. The exotic fruit perfumed the air with an overwhelming sweetness.

Colleen had little chance to worry about the sights, sounds, and scents within the orangery as she found herself unceremoniously pushed down onto a padded bench like a spoiled child being put down for a lecture. Above her, the Devil Duke glowered down at her with all his furry. The promise of retribution was vibrant in the man’s pale gaze. Any woman in her right mind should have been horrified by the masculine rage that promised to exact a price from her hide for the damage she had done to his ego.

Colleen O’Donovan had never claimed to be a woman in her right mind.

As the beast of a man bore down on her, Colleen’s heart leapt into her throat. Adrenaline hit her blood in a rush and her cheeks flushed, but it was excitement that simmered in her emerald eyes where fear should have been. He stocked her like some great jungle cat, completely assured that his prey was helpless to his great strength. He stopped a bare inch away from where she sat watching him with a measured gaze, and her lips twitched with the ghost of a smirk before his great weight swooped down over her. Instinct brought Colleen’s hands up to press against the Duke’s chest, holding him off of her even as he pressed a knee between her thighs to push her legs apart and caged her with his arms.

“Did you think you could just embarrass me like that?”

“Yes,” Colleen began, only for her words to halt as an impossibly heavy and powerful fist closed around her dainty neck. His grip was unyielding and his fingers bit into her skin, but he did not squeeze off her air. Her softly panting breaths fanned against his scarred face as she watched his eyes examine her more closely. Colleen felt a rush a feminine power as the shift happened behind his eyes. Oh, he was still furious, but he wasn’t seeing her the way the ton did. She was remarked as unfashionable, homely, unfortunate, but the women called her this because, despite her absurd height, untamable hair, ghastly accent, every man wanted to know if her myriad of freckles traveled all the way down, and if the hair betwixt her thighs was as fiery as the mane on her head. Colleen grinned as her eyes dropped, finding the Duke visible aroused beneath the limits of his breaches. The man was a beast in every way, and that tool seemed as impossibly large as all the rest of him.

“I didn’t just think I could,” Colleen answered slowly as her green gaze slid back up to meet the pale grey of his eyes unflinchingly, “I did embarrass you. Just like that. In front of the heights of the ton. Without a single thought or care. And I would do it again if it damn well pleases me.” His thumb was stroking the side of her throat where her pulse hammered away like the beating of a hummingbird’s wing. The lass made no move to try and hide it, or to remove his hand. He pulled her to her feet as if she weighed nothing. He wasn’t gentle, he did not ask her to stand. But, he did not yank her to her feet either. He simply moved and expected her to follow.

“Of course, Your Grace,” Colleen purred as her hands slid down his chest and over his abdomen. Beneath his clothing was steel wrapped in flesh, immovable and solid, and her fingers twitched for the chance to touch his skin. Bedding the Duke had never been part of the plan. However, now that it was an option, Colleen found herself wet and eager to see what it was like. “You may not think so, but I already have gotten away with it. Unless you plan to punish me,” she asked as her nimble fingers found the stays to his breaches and gave them a tug. The fabric fell away to reveal a sight that made the Irish lass’s mouth water. Had the Devil not had her by the throat, she might have dropped to her knees to steal a taste of him. When her eyes raised once more to meet his own, all he would find in the woman was challenge. “What else have you to threaten me with, your Grace?”


Miss Regina Williams, how fickle was fate that it was this particular haughty young miss that set her hand on Frank’s shoulder to insist he waltz with her. The demon within him grinned at the glory of it. Despite the sordid tale around the Williams girls, Regina was fashionably beautiful, popular, and a leading new face in society due to charm and looks alone. While any young miss would have met his needs, soiling this particularly lovely young girl was a mouthwatering opportunity. Her family was nothing, no retribution could touch him, and her only bargaining chip would be torn asunder by his prick.

“Of course, Miss Regina, I would be delighted,” Lord Howard used the girls given name since she was so bold as to use his own, and then drew her tight against his chest as the piece she had selected began to be played. His hand flattened and played out against her back, between her shoulders blades, to press her tightly restrained breasts against his chest so that he could feel them swell with every breath she took. It was beyond forward, and deeply scandalous, but they had already begun the steps, and Regina wasn’t going anywhere until the dance was done. When she became comfortable with being held so close and her hand on his shoulder relaxed, the hand at her back slid down to rest just above the swell of her backside so that, as her turned her, one of her dainty legs would slip between his own. It was barely notable to those that watched them, but for the lovely little miss in his arms, the proof of his arousal would be difficult to ignore.

Frank waited, like the spider he was, for his prey to look him in the eye before he smiled apologetically down at the pretty little miss in his arms. “Forgive me, you are so beautiful, a man cannot help but respond. Those little fools,” he cast his gaze to the young men and boys that chased her skirts and chuckled, “they have no idea what a treasure you are. They are too young yet to know what a man ought to do with a woman such as yourself.”

Coloring modestly, Frank again smiled chastely, “I’m sorry, that was a horrible thing for me to say. You haven’t yet kissed more than a boy, have you, Miss Regina?” It was laughable, hadn’t he played Minnie this way? She had been the haughty leader of society in her heyday, as well. And here, Regina Williams was as brilliantly blonde and refined as his wife and his daughters. Some sickness within his soul made his mouth water as he imagined that Regina looked so much like them, he could be fooled into thinking she was one of his lovely daughters. If he hadn’t already decided, that thought would have sealed Miss William’s fate all the same. She wasn’t flighty, however, and he suspected that he might have to put more than one night’s worth of charm to the girl before she let him under those skirts without undo fuss. All the same, he was going to have her one way or another.

“Forgive me, butt,” Frank glanced around the room as he turned her about the floor, and then dipped his head down to whisper conspiratorially against her ear, “if my wife was as beautiful as you, I’d never let you be anywhere other than in my arms. When you decided you are ready to pick a man for yourself, pick one that cannot bare to let you go.” He kissed her neck gently before he lifted his head and smiled down at her. “I can already tell the act will break my heart.”


Voltaire d’Auteur cursed every English man he knew by name as he slipped outside onto the private veranda. Whatever drunken idiot was tottering through the hunting lodge was getting in his way. The late Baron Shelton’s office should have locked up, but he shouldn’t have been surprised that the house door was just as unlocked as the windows and veranda door had been. What sort of fool was the Baroness? Or had she been truly and utterly unknowing of her husband’s political games? Stupid, flighty English women. They hadn’t the convict of character found in the French. A memory of his mistress, Maria Theresa, flash through his mind, and Voltaire ached to me home again betwixt her heavenly thighs, drinking the very nectar of her being. Being a prisoner there was heaven, and a damn sight better than enduring the chilly English summer.

Peeking through the window, however, the French spy was surprised to see – not a teetotaler stumbling around drunk and lost, but Richard Morreland. He was digging around the Baron’s desk, and the tightness in Voltaire’s chest eased. He they were poking around there, then they had no idea what they were looking for. That was good, Renard would appreciate that the Irish woman had yet to be connected to him. Of course, that woman was insanity wrapped in fire, who would ever believe she was a damn shrewd business woman? The political power a woman like that could wield was a dangerous thing.

“Where are they, Richard,” a feminine voice that wasn’t even trying to be quiet made the man start. He very nearly tilted backward of the balcony before regaining his balance. He sighed when he regained his balance, and then peaked within the office once more. A dark, but beautiful woman was glowering at the Englishman.

Something told him she wasn’t there to help Morreland.

“Where are those girls,” the woman hissed, and Voltaire grinned. Another good thing about French women, they never begrudge a man a dalliance, because they had dalliances all their own. “What did you do to them?

She was practically shouting now, and Voltaire leaned back to wait them out. Morreland wasn’t going to be getting any work don at this rate, and the Frenchman would rather not kill the man in front of the woman. That would mean he would never have the chance to find out if she tasted as sweet as she looked.
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Confusion. That was quite clear by the picture of her face. Eleanora could not make out what the hell the Earl was about! He wasn't married, ergo had no children and on top of that he was talking to her, a governess about his mistresses! It just wasn't done. What kind of man claimed to want to make an acquaintance and then talked such . . . private things!? To a woman! In her struggles during the past few years, Eleanora had found it easier to follow the rules of this society than fight against the tide. Manners were very much apart of those rules. Propriety played an even bigger part and here was Earl Bailey breaking all the rules of propriety.

The simple governesses discomfort grew when the Earl proceed. She did not like the way he looked her up and down. Not one bit. Every instinct in her body told her to start walking away. Fast. As quickly as possible yet for some reason it was as if her feet were glued to the ground. Nor did she know how to respond to his seemingly rhetorical question. But there wasn't much time to think on it as the darkly handsome Earl continued and Eleanora's eyes almost popped out of her head. He was proposing she be his mistress?! As preposterous as the notion was, a chill ran down her spine as he moved in closer. Every nerve ending in her body sparking with recognition of that predatory stance he took. Those unearthly grey orbs possessing her by sight the way he claimed he wanted to her body.

Fingers gripped the jut of her chin only heightened the sensations of danger and something darkly delicious curling around the edges of her existence. Miss Spencer never enjoyed feeling this helpless. Never allowed herself to get into these sorts of situations. Her life was ordered and constrained. Everything fit into perfect boxes and anything that disrupted that disturbed the governess. Yet here she stood, completely impotent. Powerless. Her small, gloved hand curled into a tight fist when the Earl mentioned the potent noun whore, bringing some of her senses back to reason.

Striking her chin out exactly when he let go lessened the effect of her small defiance. How dare he?! Righteousness was overtaking the need for preservation. But still she had to curb herself. After all she was alone with this man in a deserted park with the rain keeping them prisoner under the haven of this small stone canopy. She had said nothing for a long time. What was there to be said!? She thought to herself furiously. His proposition was an insult! And ludicrous! As if she would ever lower herself . . .

The words just spoken to her from Earl Bailey's lips repeated in her mind once more . . . And then once again. She hadn't moved, hadn't reacted. Just stood before the man with a far away look in her eyes . . . The cost of that possession is entirely up to you . . . If you find me amiable, I mean to have you as my Mistress . . .

Very suddenly, Eleanora Spencer's gaze shifted to the Earl's. "£10,000." The governess said simply. As if that explained everything. But it was simple enough. The woman had no desire to be the Earl's mistress. Nor did she think he was mad enough to accept her outrageous counter offer. Ten thousand pounds was a small fortunate! Money in this life she could only dream about. The freedom that money offered something of a fantasy! And in this surreal moment, the acceptable price for her virtue . . . Could she really be one of those women? For money? . . . But it wasn't just money. It was a life assurance of security. Of living comfortably, if not even rather well. But now she was getting carried away. There was no way on earth the Earl would agree but what harm in trying? If he said no, she had nothing to lose. She would continue on with her life. If he somehow agreed . . . She'd cross that bridge when she came to it. Plus, he had said very clearly if she found him amiable, so there was also the easiest of outs.

With a shrug of her slender shoulders, she repeated, "£10,000."


Taut skin tightened beneath the touch of the tenacious Irish wild cat. Colleen O'Donovan's wantonness not only further Will's annoyance but ignited his arousal to further heights. She was utterly shameless and not at all the kind of woman he usually enjoyed bedding. Yet the challenge in those dark green eyes called to some sick part deep within him. How he had found himself in this position, the Duke had no idea. All Dynevor knew was that he couldn't let this witch get away.

Letting go of his hold on her throat, one big booted foot pulled her feet out from under her, causing the Irish up start to fall back on the cushioned bench. Before she could even catch her breath to realise what had happened, Will was upon her. One large, strong hand shackling her hands above her head by her soft wrists. His hold was far from soft but somehow the Duke doubted the impoverished, sultry flame haired siren would mind.

His vivid gaze took in the sight of her, from her full lips to the rising and falling of her chest. She had quickly become the bane of his existence. Poking him, prodding him all to assuage her curious little mind. It had never been Will's intention to partake in a dalliance with the broke Baroness. There were only a few women that could handle the passions and desires of a man like the Duke and the man never imposed himself on any woman that could not handle him. Colleen was an oddity to him. She seemed to invite his appetite, those beautiful eyes begging him to sample her offerings and right now she wanted to indulge with him.

"Clearly, threats don't work on you." He replied on a husky growl. His free arm deliciously, slowly, pushing up the hem of her skirt while the hand of that same arm slid up a stocking clad calf until the bare skin of her silky thigh met his fingertips, spreading her long legs to his lascivious gaze. The core of her was melting and Will could barely stand how hard he was. The sight of her so brazenly before him made him want to bury himself without thought or reason. "So I'll just skip to the punishment." Will growled, baring down on Colleen as he slid his ridged hot meat between her moist pussy lips, rubbing deliciously against her sweet spot as he bit back a groan of his own.

He had never been a man to hold back his pleasure but she was wet and needy and infuriatingly demanding that it behoved him to teach her a lesson. Or so he told himself. The man could barely register where his ire started and where his velleity ended. His grip on her wrists tightened as his head sunk down to bite and lick a path from the heaving mounds straining out of the top of her dress all the way up that elegant neck to that secret hollow just below her ear to make her quiver beneath him. Drunk on desire, it took all the Devil's will to stop from thrusting into her. No matter how badly he ached to. If she touched him, he would unravel and thus holding onto her wrist was almost life and death. "You're a disobedient little wench. And I happen to know just who to treat your kind." He whispered hotly against her ear, sliding his free hand around her, pulling her intimately up against him by hold of her generous derriere continuing to teasing her mercilessly with the blunt, insistent pressure of his cock. "Any last words fy cath wyllt?"


Vanity. It was the downfall of many. Even the Gods fell to such arrogance's of beauty and charm then how pray tell could Miss Regina Williams survive? Yes, she possessed beauty and charm and personality in abundance. However, her greatest fault was her knowledge of the attractions she encompassed. Thus, it was so very easy for her to fall prey to Frank Howard's smooth words. After all, she loved nothing more than the hearing such things, of her allures having such effect on the opposite sex. It was a sort of intoxication, an addiction. One could never get enough of playing this game.

Frank Howard had made it very clear from the beginning of this dance, his feelings. Though, Regina could never have guessed before this that the man had an attachment to her. This was news to her. However could she begrudge him his desire. He was far from the only man that felt this way about her. But he was the only one so audacious on making his thoughts so clear, so when he boldly kissed her neck without a thought to prying eyes in the room, Regina gasped as her whole body tingled with sensuality. Before making sure no one had noticed, she turned her sparkling gaze upon the gentleman. Older men had never been so appealing to her until right this very moment.

And then when he turn her, her thigh came flush against his aroused form and forced herself to bite back a gasp. Of course no young Miss should know about such things but she had fooled around with more than one young gentleman, although she had managed to keep her virtue intact. It was a game she liked to play. Liked it when they begged her to just touch it, just pet it. Regina blushed at the sensation of Frank Howard and memories of past encounters.

"It is a sad business then that you are married my Lord." She replied sweetly after some time, wholly coaxed by the cad but she was no less at playing with the fires of flirtation. With every word that left his lips, Frank Howard was becoming more and more appealing to the young Miss. "Otherwise we may have been having an entirely other conversation." Her hand on his shoulder stroked up and down in small, suggestive strokes. He had her neatly crushed against his chest and it was a lusciously lewd sensation feeling her nipples harden against her tight corset. "And say, hypothetically speaking of course my Lord," Regina cooed gazing up at him through long fluttering lashes. "If you didn't have to let me go? . . . What then?"

Regina Williams wanted to know exactly what a man like Frank Howard would do to a woman like her . . . .


Richard had just settled back into the seat behind the large desk with his legs up resting on the wood crossed at the ankles. There was a long parchment in his hand and a single candle stub burned on the edge nearest him providing the minuscule light needed to read. The man appeared entirely at ease. Not the way one would imagine a spy skulking about. Not at all, as pulled up an unnecessary monocle to his right eye that much have belonged to the late Baron Shelton as he continued to read an odd inventory. Or at least what appeared to be an inventory, except it was clearly written in a code which needed to be deciphered before the true words could be unveiled.

Baron Shelton had always been a man that stood under the banner of Hade suspicious and dangerous. Fortunately, it was Viscount Morreland's forte to decipher. It was something he had always excelled at. Something he enjoyed and the man was readying himself for the long night of work right here, blindly reaching for the bottle of sherry on the far left of the desk and uncorking the glass decanter when a firestorm burst through the door.

Half lowering the parchment in his hand, the Viscount peered almost comically at Lady Laurel Bailey through the monocle resting against one eye. He fought the grin that threatened his well laid plan. Well! The Viscount thought rather happily to himself. That didn't take long at all did it?

"Hmm?" The man gave the poor irate woman a look of utter confusion for a short moment before he continued with a sudden start as if his memory had just been jogged and he poured himself a rather generous crystal tumbler of sherry. "Oh! You mean dear Miss' Howard's? They're a delightful pair aren't they?" He went on, not moving from his luxuriating spot at the desk with his feet up, nursing his rather good sherry as he set the parchment down and peered at her lovely countenance through that ridiculous monocle.

"I must say Lady Laurel, this . . . erratic behaviour of yours is becoming quite concerning." He toyed with the poor woman. How he longed to pull her into his arms and kiss away that crook between her brows and the corners of her lips caused by her righteous furry at him. To Richard Laurel Bailey was beauty incarnate, in his eyes nothing could take that away. No her mood, not her anger, nothing. She would always be perfect even when she was ninety two with grey hair and no teeth. "One might say, it borders on possessive. Even stalkerish." He baited her playfully. "But, if it eases your conscious to some degree then be assure my dear Lady that the Howard girl's are as happy and joyful as one can be when far too merry. I must say I did enjoy indulging in their youthful company. Does that, satisfy, your curiosity, my Lady?"
“Erratic behavior?” Laurel began, but Richard continued over her. Something that set the woman to pressing her lips into a thin line as she waited for her turn to speak. He called her possessive, to which she rolled her eyes. “You indulging in their youthful company? No, it doesn’t set me at ease at all. I remember very well the price of your company.”

She wanted to hurt him, to wound him, but she knew not how to make something so callous and heartless as Richard Morreland feel pain. He sat there grinning at her like he had not a care in the world. It made her skin crawl. Some childish, spiteful creature inside of her made Laurel cross the room just to smack Richard’s feet from the desk. Something about lashing out at the man made her feel better, it disturbed his leaser, if nothing else. The way he seemed to gloat made her feel vindicated in her anger, and more certain than ever that he not only would harm those girls if he had the chance, but that he planned on it.

“I swear to you, if you harm those girls, I will find a way to ruin you,” it was harder for a woman to destroy a man. Particularly when a single word could ruin her so much more easily. Was it worth risking the running bet against her virtue? How far off was her birthday now, a couple of weeks? Just being found alone with him here could ruin everything. What was he doing rummaging around an office in Baroness Shelton’s home anyway?

Passing him by, Laurel pushed open one of the glass French doors to the private veranda, only to come up short. She’d wanted some air, hoping it would ease her shaking and the painful pounding of her heart. But, as she stepped onto the Veranda, her heart tripped over itself, and then turned frantic. She didn’t know the man that smiled toothily at her, but there seemed to be an unspoken apology in his eyes as he stood. In the scant few seconds she had to look at the man, she noticed only that he was tall, and fair, and almost lady-like in his beauty.

“Who are you?” Laurel asked breathlessly, her eyes darting to Morreland. What kind of game was he playing? Had she walked into a trap he had laid for someone else, or was it a trap for her the whole time? Dear God, what was he planning? “What are you doing here?”

“Oh, Mamselle,” he sighed, “I am so sorry.” Before Laurel could question the man further, or step back inside the office with Morreland, a set of long, lean fingers had fastened tightly around her wrist. He yanked at her arm to make her yelp in pain, and then spun her so that her back landed against his chest. His arm wrapped around her chest so tightly that between it and the corset, Laurel could barely breath. Something she seemed to care very little about as a thin, sharp, shining blade tucked itself under her chin.

“Please don’t struggle now,” the man whispered, his French accent seeming thicker than before now that his lips where pressed to the side of her head. “And do not scream. I don’t want to have to hurt you.”


A sad business that he was married? Hah! Frank nearly barked with laughter. How right she was. Without the ball and chain tethered about his neck, he would enjoy more of life, that was without question. However, what he found amusing was the girl’s idea that being married would stop him from doing ought but what he wanted to do. There was some risk in dalliances with young, unmarried women of the ton. But the risk for Regina was far greater than Lord Howard would ever face. Her ruin at his hands would be a stain on her worth for the rest of her life. He, however, would be talked badly about when his back was turned, but they would all welcome him warmly to their bosom when they were made to face him.

Silly little fool, he thought as he turned her about. And yet, he smiled at the girl as she stroked his back. The smooth up and down motion set a fair few images into his mind and the man’s cock twitched in anticipation. Mayhap he was wrong, maybe one dance and a few choice words would be all the needed to get under those pretty skirts. Her response made him feel bold, but Frank was careful to glance around as if making sure none were close enough to hear them before he dipper his face nearer to her own.

“You shouldn’t ask me such a thing,” he admonished her gently. Others had joined in the waltz, providing them a touch more privacy, but he still had to be careful if he meant to steal her away without witnesses trailing after them. “This is already a terrible test of my character, Miss Williams,” he frowned as he spoke, his features set into a mask of pain he did not feel. If the poor girl was wiser, she’d know the lust in his eyes for what it was. “I would like to tell you. Nay, I would like to show you how a woman such as you should be worshiped. But, it cannot be, my sweet flower.”

Lord Howard’s eyes watered, and he looked away, finding a point beyond Regina as they made their final turn about the dancefloor, and then the music ended. Frank shivered his grip on the young woman tightening fleetingly before she stoically set her away from him and bowed over her hand. “Please, Regina, I am but a man, and I must beg you to tell me to go away and to never speak to you again. If you do not… I fear I am not strong enough.”

Take the bait, he silently sneered at the girl as he kissed her fingers. Tell me to stay, tell me to come with you, take me somewhere private where we can talk. As he straightened, he did not let go over her lovely little hand but held onto her as she was all that made him whole and alive. He was going to make her choose her own fate, and that made it all the sweeter.


His hand relaxed from around her throat, and then fell away. Colleen almost missed its warmth, and how small and fragile it made her feel to have his massive fist closed around her neck. Colleen had never felt so feminine. It was as irksome as it was thrilling, and then he swept her feet out from under her and sent her toppling back onto the bench from which he had just taken her.

“Feckin Gobshite,” in her annoyance, that thinly veiled Irish accent turned thick and harsh. Before Colleen could sit up to hurl more insults in his direction, the Duke swooped down over her. Those massive hands found her wrists and gathered them together despite her wriggling efforts to yank them away. He confined them to one hand and held them. As she tried to get away, his grip tightened until her wrists ached. The pain was hardly enough to stop Colleen, but she stilled as his eyes seemed to burrow into her very soul as he examined her face. She was flushed from a combination of outrage and arousal, her lips were parted to allow her to pant breathlessly at the air, but they twisted into a grin as his eyes dropped to her small breasts to watch them swell above of the confined of her corset.

The man growled at her, something that only deepened her self-satisfied smirk. His free hand slipped under skirts and wrapped around the flesh of her leg. Her stockings were little defense against the warmth of his touch, but when his fingers founder her bare skin, he elicited a soft gasp that she didn’t mean to give him. She watched his expressions change as the hand on her thigh tightened its grip and forced her legs apart. She offered him little resistance, only enough to imply she didn’t appreciate his physical power over her. Her long, sleek skirt gathered around her hips, and Colleen found herself naked from the waist down and exposed not only to the Duke, but the world. The little glass orangery was barely lit, but it was lit enough that any wondering eyes that cared to notice would see her.

Colleen shivered with eagerness, her weeping sex chilled by the warm air that assaulted her heated skin. Above her, the Duke threatened her with punishment, and the Irish lash laughed. “A bhastaird mor, you donna know what punishment is.” You big bastard, the Gealige term seemed fitting, but Colleen’s smirking continence changed as the Duke’s hulking body shifted over her so that the broad head of his rod slipped over her slick lips. He nudged her clit, making her body jump beneath him reflexively as the little bud pulsed a sharp flash of sweet sensation through her. Her initial impressions of him where entirely correct, and he felt impossibly large as he slid his shaft back and forth against her eagerly twitching cunt. Despite how lovely the sensations were, Colleen’s impatience made her yank at her arms as she began to wriggle beneath him again.

The Devil’s grip only tightened more painfully on her wrists, and as he licked and bit at the skin of her breasts and then up the side of her neck, the lass hissed and spit beneath him. He stretched her body out so that she couldn’t easily get her legs up around his hips, and as she shifted to try and take him within her, he would parry her and deny her aims. She was furious by the time he dared to call disobedient, absolutely disgusted at the very idea that he had any authority over her person.

“My kind,” she mocked him, but whatever she had been about to say died as that steady hand that held her legs apart slipped up beneath her to hold her in place so that he could grind himself against her but keep her still and make her accept his will. Colleen hated him, his strength and his physical power over her, and she turned to her head to glare at the beast of a man when he asked her if she had any last words.

“If you are going to fuck me,” she snarled at him, “then do it. If you’re not man enough to pull it off, then be done with this game so I can go find a man willing to get the deed done.” She wanted to wound him, break down that horrible pride in any petty way she possibly could. Taking jabs at his manhood was the best she had. Part of her would have loved to throw him off and watch him suffer the loss of her, but it was difficult to deny that she would suffer the loss of him just as much. She ached horribly, and whether she liked it or not, the way he slipped and slid against her sex simply made her want him all the more. “Show me how you punish my kind.”


“Is that all?” Gabriel had to admit he hadn’t expected that, and he laughed at her reply despite himself. Ten thousand pounds. It was a pittance, but he didn’t see the need to tell her that. What she wanted was a small fortune, and why not? It would mean her freedom, forever, no one could hold power over her with that kind of security. A reasonable request. But, what terms where worth such a price, he wondered. A life time of freedom for what, exactly. What if she agreed only to play the part of Mistress only to take the money and run.

Gabriel frowned as he thought it over. He turned to look out at the rain, watching the Wessex carriage in the distance that still waited patiently for the young governess. “That is a great sum to invest all at once time,” he mused slowly. He had already decided what he would do, but he wondered at the lady’s reaction, and so took his time. “I wouldn’t begrudge you a single farthing, but if that is your price, I feel like I need to have certain assurances in place.”

Lord Bailey looked down as his hands came up to the buttons of his coat, which he began to slowly work free. “Such a price is obviously a lifetime of freedom, including from me, so we will agree to… one hundred nights,” he grinned as he looked up, “like the Arabian Knights, yes?” His eyes were merry with laughter as he shrugged out of his coat and folded it over his arm. It was less than appropriate to be in just his shirt, but Lord Bailey had more important things on his mind at the moment.

“After each night we spend together, I will pay you £100,” he went on seriously, his gaze narrowing onto her own with a new intensity. “After 100 nights, you will have your £10,000. However, carte blanche, do not forget. For 100 nights, madam, I own you, and you will not speak the work ‘no’ to me. If you do, our contact ends, you will be paid no more.”

Gabriel shook out his jacket as he finished speaking and slid close to Eleanora to hold it out over her head. “Now, let us get you back to your lady. Take the day to think it over. Tomorrow, I will call on you after the afternoon tea. I will expect your answer then.”
That was unexpected. Richard bestowed a chiding look upon Laurel as she smacked his boots off the table with a thwack! She had never looked more lovelier, flushed with righteous indignation. The woman was absolutely furious with him and yet it was that fury that forced her to speak more than two words to him unlike as she had done on their earlier encounters this week. Better was her acrimony than her unbearable silence and Richard could only speculate how he had managed to keep himself away from her for all these years. Of course he had been a very busy man in that time, but that certainly wasn't for her ears.

How tempted was he as he watched her perfectly swaying backside towards the doors to grab her up in his arms and have his ways with her, much like she suspected of him doing to the Howard girls. How wrong she was about him. He held no fascination in those girls. They did nothing for him. They didn't stir fire in his blood. Didn't spark his interest. Didn't capture his full attention with their beautiful minds. No, only Laurel could do that . . .

Nursing his sherry with quiet contemplation, the Viscount's gaze was fixed to the Bailey girl. Whatever she thought of him, it held little mind. He had done her wrong. Surely, there was some saving grace for him in the Maker's eyes, for everything he did, he did for her. For her own good. Then why did it feel like the biggest mistake of his life? . . . He must have been mad to let a diamond of the first water like Laurel get away or, rather in this case, push said diamond away. He had been a fool. Yes, he lived a dangerous life yet . . . His ancestors had done the same and they had all married and had children, why, he wouldn't have been here if it wasn't so clearly the case. So why had he been so foolhardy to throw her overboard as he had done?

That troubled reverie of Morreland's was fragmented when Laurel glanced over her shoulder at him with distressed expression that instantly put Richard's hackles up. Something wasn't right. Within a split second Richard had slid around the expansive desk, slipping a letter opener into the back pocket of his breeches. His strides were controlled just like his adrenaline soaked muscles. The mask held in place, barely, as from the corner he glimpsed Laurel being pulled forward. That boyish charm of his, was now only for appearance sake. The wolf in sheep's clothing was coming out to play. However, there was no levity to be marked on Richard's features as he stopped a few yards before the open glass doors.

"Funny that." Richard made himself known, pulling the ends of his shirt sleeves through his coat unconcernedly. "I was just about to say the same thing to you . . ." His gaze flashed up and across, whilst at the same time a lope sided grin that didn't reach his eyes cracked his features. "Voltaire."

Richard's gaze never strayed from that of the menace before him but he was acutely aware of the sharp edge of a blade pressed to his very own heart. Every muscle in Richard's tightly corded form screamed out to take action but he knew how very fatal that move could be for Laurel. The ferocity of fury rampaging through his veins could have melted a glacier. There was no way in hell Richard would allow a single hair on her head be harmed. Yet, his heart hammered in his chest, threatening to tear itself out.

A stand off with Voltaire d’Auteur was hardly a new experience for the Viscount. He'd faced many a foe, far more lethal and he'd done that with a presence of mind, without emotion, with peace of soul. However, that single shinning blade pressed to the most precious thing in this entire world evaporated that otherworldly tranquillity. Never fight with your emotions. Wasn't that the most important lesson his father had taught him? He had to find some sort of composure . . . For Laurel's sake.

"We really have to stop meeting like this." Richard ventured with an ease he did not feel at all. They were both formidable men and formidable foes. Richard had gained a title amongst the French: Le moissonneur. The Reaper. He was known to take no prisoners, if he could help it. Breaking bread with the enemy just wasn't in his blood. D'Auteur was no less impressive. The Frenchman was no less violent than Richard and had as an impressive kill score. Richard could appreciate that level of brutality. Truly it was impressive. They may have even got along, if, they weren't on opposing sides. Right now however, he had to extricate Laurel from this volatile situation without her learning the truth. "Really? Taking retribution this far? It's rather unbecoming for a man of your station." Richard drawled. "My apologies for debauching your mistress but believe me, Monsieur, she invited me to her bed."

He had to distance himself from Laurel, needed D'Auteur to believe she was little to him. The air was thick with something unknown. Something violent. Something dangerous. Voltaire D'Auteur and Richard Salisbury had gone head to head more than a few times and the results had never been pleasant. The men were perfect matches in head to head combat. Both thrived on the change. "It's a fault of my character to be quite honest. This dear Lady was just begrudging me the same suit. What can I say? I love them and then I leave them. Ce qui peut être fait? You understand."


Regina Williams was a fool. A silly, young fool. Far too concerned with the basic pleasures of life and as so often is the fault of the young and innocent, every moment in life has to be exciting and enjoyable. She quite flushed with a natural pink blush that made her all the more prettier as Lord Frank Howard fed her sweet words and libations of passion. That flush worked it's way down her flesh between the valley of her youthful perky breasts to her moistening loins.

Budding gentlemen had professed their love for her in odes and poems but they were all green boys. She had encouraged them and enjoyed their fawning. She was a prize after all, any gentleman of her acquaintance would be a proud groom indeed to claim her for their bride. However, Regina had informed her mother during her very first season that she intended to enjoy herself for a year or two and keep her options open before she settled down. After all, there would be no shortage of suitors for her. In fact, her list of admirers had rapidly grown over the past two years. Nonetheless, none had been so articulate and arduous as Lord Frank.

The breath quickened as the older gentleman held her close as they waltz. His words a seductive spell that wound around her tightly. Of course, Miss Regina Williams enjoyed the chase more than anything else. When he begged her to push him away as he leaned over her hand, Regina felt that power again that her beauty held over poor fickle men. Instead of doing as he asked, Regina looped her arm around his and took him on a turn about the room. Very casual. No eyes were raised to them as she looked up at him through big blue eyes and spoke. "How can you ask such a terrible thing of me my Lord after such words of devotion." Slowly they made their way through those open doors to the outside and as soon as they were out of sight Regina turned on the man. "How long have you felt this way?" She demanded breathlessly.

The teenager may have been a silly fool led around by her own vanity but she was not so blind social connections. She would have her fun with this new, experienced admirer. Take and give a little as she pleased and keep him on the string. But no more than that. "I thought you barely even noticed me?" She had the coyness to look down with a shyness she did not possess at all in character. "We shouldn't do this." She played, making a pretence to move past him to go back in. "You have a wife. No matter how we, feel." She looked up into his eyes in the dimly lit dark of the night, believing she was the master of this game. The poor stupid fool could not realise how very wrong she was.


She made the most sweet, alluring sounds. It was enough to make a man bury himself to the hilt right there and spend himself. And God! How he wanted to! The Duke of Dynevor taunted his Irish captive mercilessly. Keeping up that insistent, exquisite rhythm that enraptured his lovely little cath wyllt. It was almost unbearable when she arched up against him. Even as she insulted him in English and her foreign tongue, her body betrayed her. Will took an educated guess regarding what she was spewing to him in Gaelic and doubted it was pleasant. As long as he removed that smirk off her lips, if only even for a moment.

However, the Duke was hardly thinking about that as they rode a wave of subtle pleasure together that held the promise of rapture. Had he ever been so hard before in his life?! It was almost painful it was so good. Her plum little arse felt like silk between his coarse fingers as he squeezed hard and held on. His other hand shackling her painfully that there was no doubt he'd leave marks. Will rocked against her soft pliant flesh, never allowing her communion with him, no matter how she tried. She struggled at every turn and it only proved to turn him on more, if such a feat was even possible.

The large man spread her gorgeous long freckle covered legs wide apart by his knees, holding her in place. Colleen O'Donovan was a stunning sight in the dim light of the orangery. Will slowly licked up a drop of perspiration that ran down the valley of her beautiful breasts all the way up to her neck; with a tongue that was as impressive as his cock. That was when the spitfire began snarling at him like a possessed banshee. Dynevor listened to her tirade before barks of laughter escaped him against the curve of her neck where his face was buried. Will lifted his head, for the first time in a long time, the pale depths of his stormy gaze sparked with genuine amusement. There was almost a boyish light to the hard planes of his features.

"Oh aye Miss O'Donovan." He addressed her with mirthful teasing in his deep dark voice. "I can certainly pull it off," he continued as the tip of his nose rubbed against hers when he nipped and licked at her full lips. "But where would the punishment be in that?" To prove his point, he moved his well endowed tool at an angle that made her jolt up and arch, his one strong hand holding her there as he stroked and gave a nice hard spank to that magnificent derriere.

Any man in his position would be sorely offended but Will knew how fortunately endowed he was. He may have only bedded a handful of select women in his time but none of them had ever left his bed disappointed. Maybe, he should have feigned insult. That would have pleased her. But he wasn't here to please her, was he? A guttural moan escaped Will's lips. There was no denying, he was torturing them both. Pushing her down back onto the bench, he spread her once more by his hand, still keeping Colleen prisoner by the other. His desire drunk gaze bore down into her. I want to fuck you so bad: It read. How easy it would it be to breach her willing barriers. He could slip inside with a single trust. God only knew how he wanted to. She was too willing. Too eager. If he dare let go of her wrists, she would be his undoing.

"Any man can get the deed done." Will continued through rasps and gasps. His hand travelling up her full smooth thigh, stroking that fiery tuft of fur between her legs for a teasing moment, dipping down and into her soaking wet sex as he slowly leaned over her. His lips but a breath away from his as he dipped two fingers in and out of moistness, his thick thumb rubbing in perfect motion that oversensitive numb with the help of his massive cock. Holding her on the edge right there, feeling the rising tide of her release approaching. Flushed and glowing with arousal, Colleen was a sight to behold, quivering below him. He could stare at her all day like this. It would be his own guilty pleasure . . . Alas, it wasn't meant to be. He happily worked her until he heard the quickening of her breath. "But you don't want just any man." He breathed against her lips. "You want the right man."

Cruel and callously he withdrew his fingers from her just as she was close to reaching her climax and with the same hand buttoned up his rampant aching cock behind his breeches. It took all his will to bite back a groan of utter pain. Was pride really worth this torment?! Screamed some part of his brain that was connected to his prick. He felt her slick juices against his stomach where his cock stood angry and at attention. Colleen was still spread out before him. He drunk in the view of her most private parts oozing with need. He was no more than a parching man in the desert. Slowly, the Duke had the decency to lowered the Devil O'Donovan's skirt. "I told you not to get on my bad side."

Letting go of her now tender wrists; like a cool winters breezy, the Duke swept out of the heated greenhouse. The door shutting behind him with a decided bang. If he had the fortitude to think right now, he may have been prideful in his willpower and the fact that he had resisted the lures of a fruit so sweet and sumptuous as the Irish lass. The hell had he been thinking?! Will swore to himself. How could he let a woman get the better of him?! He was an idiot, he told himself as he disappeared into the lodge. An idiot that would never repeat that mistake.


Think over it, Eleanora did. In fact, she had spent most of the afternoon and evening yesterday to do just that. That is not to forget, the holes she burnt into the carpet in her modest bedchamber that night pacing and thinking. Thinking and pacing for there was not a moment of rest waiting for her. The governess had been decidedly perturbed by the time the Earl had handed her up into the carriage. The Marchioness had received only very quiet yes and no answers to her enquires. Fortunately, for Eleanora, Addie had things on her own mind that kept the woman from prying too much, for the time being at least.

The conversation with the Earl had been something between unreal and a nightmare. It was unexpected. Unwanted. And yet . . . She had agreed? Why?! For a long time after returning, that was exactly what Eleanora kept asking herself. She simply should have slapped him, called him a licentious rake and left. But she hadn't. He had said think it over like it was picking something similar as the dinner menu. It was utterly absurd! And when Lord Bailey had agreed to her price . . . Something just didn't add up.

The whole affair repeated in her mind like an Instagram video, over and over again. How she missed that life . . . She couldn't dwell on that now! The Governess told herself the next day as she sat in the drawing room on a beautifully upholstered sofa. A tea tray laden with a steaming tea pot, two cups and saucers and an assortment of biscuits awaited the arrival of the Earl. The afternoon sun was bright and filled the room in a golden glow. Nerves caused Eleanora's back to straighten to a most ridged position.

She pondered those surreal moments the day before as she awaited her guest . . . Is that all? That had been his first response but it had quickly changed to . . . That is a great expense to spend all at once . . . Or something along those lines. In the silence, it all started to become clear to Eleanora Spencer. The Earl was clearly a shrewd man. Clearly no stone was left upturned when he conducted his business. Eleanora chided herself. She had spent all of yesterday and today worry when she should have been doing what the Earl had done in but a few moments.

It was only a quarter of an hour later that the Earl was walking into that very room. Only a nod was her response to his greeting. The governess began to pour the tea as the noble took a seat before her. Only when she was done with the tea did she look up at him after placing a cup before him. It was hard to look such a handsome face straight in the eye but if she was craven enough to look away she would lose her position to haggle.

"I want £2,500 before the first night." She was the first to speak but she took a moment to sip the tea. She had only had fifteen minutes to think this cause of action through. What had he said the other day . . . She was all business? . . . Why yes, Eleanora thought rising that sharp chin a notch, why yes she was, today. In her drab grey trappings she continued with more steel than any woman in her position should have. "Then, a £100 a night after that is acceptable."

Pushing up her spectacles on the bridge of her nose, she continued to look upon him. Just as he had been looking out for his interests she was looking out for her own. And she doubted, he'd accept this counter offer without an explanation so before he could interject and make her look foolish, Eleanora continued. "That, my Lord, is the price of my virtue." She could hardly believe she had spoken such words to man! How had she not died of embarrassment on the spot right there?! She had just confessed to the man she was a virgin! And not just any man. The Earl Bailey. The governess tried to suppress the blush that threatened to undermined her completely, and half failing. "This is not up for negotiation." She went on, her words tumbling over each other as the nerves began to bubble up under that piercing gaze of his. "You could easily get what you wanted and then not pay me and throw me away like a used handkerchief. £2,500 before the first night." She reiterated for good measure. "And we have a deal."
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Gabriel had been soaked through when he had handed Miss Spencer back to her lady and tucked her safely away from the eyes of the rest of the world. Still, he had been painfully hard for what had seemed like hours after their little encounter. The little tart had tried to stifle him with a large sum of money, but the little miss had no idea what large sums really were. He was grinning like the devil himself when he woke the next morning. The expression stayed with him throughout breakfast and was difficult to smother before he was invited into the drawing room where that very same Miss was waiting for him with tea.

God Damn, but she was perfect. All he had said was that he would be there for afternoon tea. She could have turned him away at the door. She could have made him leave his card and sent for him later. She could have even simply denied him tea. Out of all that could have been, there she was, waiting his pleasure. In that moment, Lord Bailey couldn’t have been more pleased, or more hard. Something he took care to disguise from the lady’s attention as he took the seat he was proffered.

He greeted her warmly as the were closed off from the rest of the house. They had their privacy, such as it could be in a home that surely had an ear pressed to every wall, but she said not until after she had set a cup of tea on the table before him. Out of all the things he thought he might hear, it was not the words that spilled out of that pretty little mouth.

“That is not the amount we agreed to,” he began, his attention narrowing on her face as his voice took on a tone he reserved for commanding men. But, as the woman went on, his features softened. Her haggling was annoying, particularly as it was rather late in the game to be adding conditions. But, he shouldn’t with hold from her the right to barter her virtue. Come to think of it, he hadn’t even considered she would actually be a virgin.

“Well, my dear,” he sighed after a long pull on the warm tea. “I cannot argue your logic. Your virtue ought to have its own unique price, shouldn’t it.” As he watched her, he saw her in a new light. She was a beautiful woman, physically, yes, but in some other way that made her utterly unique, and absolutely captivating. She was unlike any other member of her sex that Gabriel had ever known; utterly vulnerable, and yet unusually formidable.

“Forgive me, it was lecherous of me to assume you weren’t virtuous, but that is what I did,” Lord Bailey apologized as he set his cup back down on the table. He’d never even considered the thought. Perhaps he should have. And what a creature she was, sitting there straight faced and wound tighter than a spring, demanding a surcharge for her womanly virtue. Standing, Gabriel reached into his inside breast pocket to take out a £100 note and set it on the table before her.

“I also under estimated you, it seems, and arrived only with an advance payment for the dinner I hoped to take you to this evening. If you would still indulge me, I would still very much like to take you to dinner. I will bring your £2,500 with me, if it pleases you, but we will only be having dinner tonight. It is,” a priceless gift you give me, “a generous offer you are making, I would be honored to be the man that deflowers you. We have a deal, Miss Spencer. Be ready by 6, I will be here ten minutes after. Have the Marchioness help you pick a dress, as her tastes actually complement the unique beauty you seem so desperate to hide.”

Lord Bailey set his hands in his pockets before he bent over to inspect the woman more closely. “I admire your last little attempt to get out of this by trying to suggest that you ever had a chance of setting the terms of this arrangement. However, it is beneath you. If you wanted to say the word No, then you should have said it before we struck a deal. Now, you are mine, for 100 nights. Tonight, will be the first, and I will warn you only once, Miss Spencer. Do not test my good graces, you will not enjoy what happens when you find the end of my tolerance.”


"Oh, aye Miss O'Donovan. I can certainly can pull it off.”

There was something utterly disarming about the man’s mirth. More than his growling, posturing, or threatening could ever be. He laughed as loudly as he roared, and when a smile graced that scared face, he almost looked pleasant. The beast of a man was teasing her, but she refused to grace him with a smile, even if his little joke had tickled her fancy. Strangely, in more than one way. Colleen was suddenly fascinated by the image of the man doing exactly what he joked. He nipped and licked at her lips, and she very nearly bit that tongue that seemed to explore more of her body than his hands had as it chased away the delightful images in her mind. The Fecker played her body like a well tune instrument, and despite how refreshing it was, she loathed him a little more every second that he forced her to wait. It was an exquisite kind of torture, and in direct counterpoint, the stinging slap to her ass made the woman yelp and squirm. The Devil delighted in her squirming, wriggling struggle, and her insults seem to be as useless against his pride as her struggles were against his strength.

As quickly as mirth had bubbled up in the man, it seemed to flow right back out of him. He pushed her back down into the bench and away from him, leaving too much cold air between them for her liking. That painful grip on her wrists increased and Colleen hissed at the man as his other hand spread her legs apart again. His eyes devoured her entirely, everything about him screamed that he wanted everything she offered, and yet he held himself away from her.

No, not any man, she wanted to say, but wasn’t able to get the words out before he leaned over her and two long fingers slipped inside her velvet folds. She couldn’t look away from him. The Duke’s eyes bore into her as her body arched up to meet him. Colleen’s bright green eyes glassed with pleasure while her lips parted against his own each time she gasped for breath. He seemed to learn so quickly what would make her twitch, or quiver, or sigh for wanting him. He played with her, toyed with her, until her cunt was twitching with need and she was pliantly ready to accept the much-needed orgasm that was so very nearly hers. Her eyes had drifted closed at some point, and she may have even moaned his name, and then…

"But you don't want just any man. You want the right man,” his warm breath fanned over her face as he whispered to her, and Colleen opened her eyes to stare questioningly up at him. She refused to acknowledge how true those words were, to give him the satisfaction of being right, and then he drew away from her. The implausible scoundrel stopped touching her, and a stunned silence took the Irish lass.

All his warmth, his suffocating size, the intoxicating scent of him, his touch, he took it all away from her so that he could… button up his breeches? He stood there and stared at her while she caught her breath and her mind tried to catch up with the utter travesty that was taking place, and then he kindly lowered her skirts for her before he let go of her wrists and strode out of the greenhouse like a man on a mission.

“You damn coward,” Colleen spit at his ghost. She had to wait until her legs had stopped shaking before she could get up from the bench, and he was long gone by then. Her fingers tingled, and her wrists ached as she rubbed them. His fingers had left their mark on her skin, which was already turning purple in places. At the sight of it, Colleen began to laugh so loudly that she drew the attention of those who came out looking to see what had happened to O’Donovan when the Duke had come back alone.

Her sleeves weren’t long enough to hide the marks on her wrists. They would spark rumors the likes of which would harm her reputation more than it would improve her position. That meant she was forced to sneak around the hunting lodge for a quiet, back entrance by the kitchens to get back inside. Thankfully, everyone there was far too busy cleaning to pay much attention to her.

If this was his bad side, it was deeply annoying, but it had been well worth every moment of his punishment. By the time she made it to her room, she was still shivering from the after effects of their little interlude. Perhaps it wasn’t such a bad thing that Baroness Shelton had insisted on giving the Duke the rooms that adjoined Colleen’s favorite apartments. At the very least, she would be happy to see him in the morning. Colleen would greet him in their shared bath. What would he prefer, she wondered – the rose water most women of the ton drowned themselves in, or the clover and honey she so enjoyed perfuming her bath water with. She’d just have to wait until morning to see.

Before she retired, she made sure to leave instructions for the brass, claw-footed tub to be filled with hot water and waiting for her before her breakfast arrived. If she was going to great him as a naked water nymph, she had to be sure she was the first awake and the first to the bath. Some said revenge was best served cold – the Daerbhail disagreed.


“Miss Williams,” Lord Howard sighed as if in pain as the girl drew him into a stroll about the room. It was all quite respectable, and he had to hand it to the girl. For one so young, she was quite practiced at this part of the game. It made him wonder. Was the lovely Miss Williams already tried and tested? It seemed unlikely she would be flattered so easily if that were the case. But, his confidence in that assessment was tested still further just a few moments later. She led them out a pair of doors for some air, leading away from the dancers and the crowds. She wasted no time at all in finding a spot out of sight, and his fears about her conditioned deepened… at least, that was, until she turned on him demand to know how long he had felt so passionately about her.

“I cannot say,” he answered slowly, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck to buy time to weave his story. “It was lust first, last season,” turning away from the girl, Lord Howard walked slowly deeper into the gardens as he spoke, meandering and allowing the girl to follow him. “I vowed to myself to watch you from afar, to admire you from a distance. I don’t know when lust became,” the man hesitated, frowned darkly, and dropped his voice to barely more than a whisper, “something else. It is a disgrace to my wife, to my station, and to you.”

Frank could have laughed. Oh, if he were a younger man, she may have spun him about as hopelessly as those other lust besotted sots that chased her skirts around the dance floor. She actually thought she was running this little game. But, why not let her go one believing just a little longer?

“Please,” he caught her hand as she tried to pass him. Her fingers were gloved and protected from his touch. But, as he gently pulled her closer, his other hand wrapped around her wrist so that he could gently pull her glove away from her - one dainty finger at a time. He undressed her lovely little hand as if he was undressing her. “Don’t toy with me so callously. I begged you to send me away while I still had the strength to do it, and now you try to run from me. How could you be so cruel?”

Lord Howard bent over her dainty hand to press a kiss into the center of her palm, and then gently licked at her skin. “How can something so sweet be so unkind?” He wondered as he straightened. Not relinquishing his hold on her arm. “I beg you, I may not be able to have you as I would like but allow me your company for just a little longer. It is a warm night, and the night sky is crystal clear. Have a turn about the gardens with me and let us count the stars.”


“Le moissoneur, it has been quite some time,” Laurel felt the man smile as his lips moved against her temple. His warm breath fanned over her cheek and she closed her eyes in her effort to make her frantic heart stop beating so loudly. She could barely hear herself think over the drumming of it’s beating in her ears. Keeping her eyes closed just made her focus on the sharp point at pricked her skin just beneath her jaw, and her eyes shot open again to seek out Richard.

He was not looking at her, but just beyond her, at the man that held her so tightly. It seemed so strange. He caged her with his body, nearly cut off her air, and yet, it was only her wrist that ached. It wasn’t his grip that hurt her, either, but the way he had yanked on her arm. Even now, that minor discomfort was fading. It was so counter to the horrors that her mind seemed determine to examine, that her panic stalled into a frantic confusion. Morreland’s apparent ease with the situation, and familiarity with the man only made her situation worse and left her gawking. The man she knew so well became someone else entirely in little more than the blink of any eye. It wasn’t simply his demeanor that seemed to change, but the voice she heard and the features of his face where suddenly not his.

“I couldn’t agree more,” Voltaire agreed with a slight incline of his head, “I would much rather meet on better terms, mon amie, but alas, that never seems to be the case.” As Richard drew closer, the body of the woman in his arms wriggled, her hands delicately grasping the arm he held wrapped about her chest. A tiny squeeze quitted her resistance before it could begin. He had hoped to avoid this situation all together, but the woman had nearly trodden upon him in her haste. A confrontation with Morreland was something the man would have much rather avoided. He wanted to taste death no more than he wanted to hand it out to the lovely woman who’s heart beat so frantically beneath his arm.

“Retribution?” the man began curiously, only to laugh so loudly that Laurel startled in his arms. “If she welcomed you in to her bed to worship her, Morreland, I hope you made it worth her while. Why should any woman have only one lover” Chuckling, the man looked down at her, and Laurel visibly paled. “La mort a un Coeur? I would have never known. Sois calme, mon tendre, I will be happy to free you as soon as I am certain your moissoneur will not stab me in the back as I leave.”

Something shifted on the air, and Laurel shivered as her eyes jumped back and forth between the two men. Trying to catch a spider’s silk would have been easier than trying to figure out what the two shared – well, beyond a woman, it seemed – and why this was happening. Why would anyone ever need to put a human shield between themselves and Richard?

“Love them and leave them?” Voltaire asked slowly as his amber eyes narrowed on Morreland. “Is that why she is so spitting mad with you? You would be a fool if that was the truth, but I don’t believe you, because you are anything but a fool.” The man’s lips touched her cheek and Laurel tried to turn her head away, leaving them to brush against her. “He loves you more than life itself.”

Laurel shivered in the man’s arms and her throat closed before a desperate sob was able to escape. Fear was making her weak, but some small part of her mind had latched onto his words. The tiny part of her soul that had always believed, despite everything, that Richard had truly loved her, even if it had only been for a short time. Her battered and broken heart couldn’t stand the pain the hope brought with. As it blossomed, an old familiar ache came with it, and she hated them both with more ferocity than she had to capacity to feel.

“I would rather not do this tonight,” the French man was still speaking, but Laurel was trying not to listen, “Be reasonable, take your woman and I will be on my way. The violence in this infiltrator business has never sat well with me, you know that. Ce qui peut être fait?”
Bright blue eyes narrowed on Earl Bailey when he retorted sharply. All the embarrassment that threatened to consume Eleanora dissipated that very moment. Righteous indignation was slowly taking a hold of the young Governess. That was not amount they agreed upon, said he. Well! As far as Eleanora was concerned they had agreed upon very little. He had made his commands and expected her to simply accept them! Her spine stiffened some more if that was even possible, but then, the handsome fiend seemed to soften suddenly.

That, very characteristic, the Earl Bailey possessed, seemed to constantly put Miss Spencer on edge. It was a most annoying trait, she had decided. He would come at her one way and just when she had rebuttal ready he switched just like that and she was left wondering where in the hell she stood! Biting her tongue, she glowered across at his damned handsome face as he continued. And there he went again, meandering like a river, putting her off guard. His words sending a decided shiver down her spine, almost as if he'd scorched that very line of her back with his own fingertips. She must be completely out of her wits to allow this man anywhere near her person and yet . . . Eleanora found herself awestruck and vexed in equal measures.

Lecherous indeed! That blush stained her cheeks once more when he spoke of her virtue; like a prize he had won. Her gaze followed his rising form; watching every slight movement, watching as he slipped a £100 out of his pocket onto the table before her. That there was so much money. And, so very insulting! What did he think coming here today?! He could lay down that £100 and have his way with her?! Humph! No wonder the man had been agitated, she wondered if she had ruined his plans? She certainly hoped so.

Eleanora swallowed hard, removing her gaze from the cash to flash up to that deceivingly Godly face. No matter how she tried her breathing remained an uneven chorus. He continued to command her as if he had every right. As if he owned and possessed her already. It chafed Eleanora. The Earl of Bailey was exactly the kind of man Eleanora had avoided at all costs for these however many years she had been stuck here. She despised them for these exact licentious ways of theirs and their ingrained beliefs that they could simply buy whatever they wanted. So how was it, that Eleanora Spencer had found herself in contract to do just that? These were her very principles she was selling for a fee. Never had she imagined she would be one of those women who'd compromise but then . . . She'd never imagined she could possess a life of utter freedom! And that, was, exactly what the true price of her virtue was.

She turned her pretty face to the side when the Earl came around and bent over her. She could feel his warm breath fanning her already scorching skin and subdued another tremor that threatened her composure. Dinner? She had never expected such . . . cordial intentions on his parts. How could she be seen around Town with him? He was a fool, it was utterly impossible! And yet her mind drifted to where he would take her . . . Maybe to The Grand Easton. It was the newest and most luxurious hotel in all of Europe. Boasting heated running water in every suite and in built bathing rooms. Hosting the most rich and famous from around the world. The who's who of London often spent their time there to rub shoulders with the most important and elite and it was all the more famous for it's mysterious and illusive American owner. A one, Mr Easton, who there had been many a rumour floating about . . .

Or Maybe the Earl intended to take her to his London town house . . . Although, that would provide her with the anonymity Eleanora wished to keep . . . to be alone, with the Earl of Bailey . . . in his own home . . . That was a very dangerous idea indeed . . . Howbeit, he had said it was just dinner, but could she trust the word of such a man? There was so much to consider and yet very little time to do so. Plus, she couldn't think at all when he was stood so damned close to her like now.

. . . Then he spoke again . . .

Eleanora gasped at the Earl's words. There was so much said between those few short sentences. So much that it frightened, shook and incensed Eleanora. Fear often made her cower, run and hide. But here in this large spacious drawing room there was little escape from the treacherous Earl that made her heart pound and enraged her every sensibilities at the same time. The governess shot up out of her seat like a firework. "For your information my Lord," Eleanora began curtly with indignation, taking up the £100 he had left on the table and stuffing it back into his breast pocket. She had touched his person, as no lady should do to a man that was not her close relation, but she was breaking all the rules as it were now. "I'll have you know I was not trying to get out of anything. And if you haven't noticed," She continued tartly. "All the terms are mine and so you have accepted so gladly. If I had wanted to say no, then you would have heard the words from my very own lips clearly and precisely, be sure of that your Lordship." It was only now, Eleanora was realising how very close she was stood to the Earl. How very little space there was between them. How very much taller and larger he was than her . . . "And-and it will be good for you to remember that I maybe yours for a hundred nights. The operative word in that being, nights." She made it clear to him, though she may have faltered for a moment, she continued with the rise of her dainty chin. "And you my Lord should not test my good grace either. For I am very almost at the end of my tolerance with you already! I am not your wife so do not command me so. £2500. Bring it. I'll be ready at six."

And then all was silent, except for the sound of her heavy breathing as she held the Earl's gaze. She had been furious and now that she had finally got a word in edge ways with him she found herself frightened by his stoic demeanour. She wanted to take a step back. Take ten steps back! She wanted to run out of the room. Anywhere. Just away from him. However, that would show weakness. Something she would rather die than allow him to see. So Eleanora stood there, not daring to look away from the man she could feel surrounding her . . . She was in trouble . . .


The Marquis of Wessex had ridden out of Hampshire like the hounds of Hades were on his very back. In but a short time the Marquis had found his life had been turned completely upside down. His mission in life had been so very clear. He had all but one purpose to live for. To live and die for King and Country. That was, until Adelaide Aedler. Like a tempest, she had rolled into his life, turning everything on it's head and ruining his once peaceful sleep. Her beautiful face with those expressive and challenging eyes tortured Roarke in his sleep. And the distance between them was like a physical ache, that seemed only to intensify the closer he rode to London.

Roarke had every intention of riding home and demanding Addie tell him the damned truth! Enough of these games! He had gone against every fibre of his training, of his knowledge. Kept her safe. Against all good reason. Against his brothers in arms. All for her. And now, because of this, because of her, his very loyalty was being questioned by men who had once trusted him with their lives. With the lives of the nation! He may have been a man who kept his emotions tucked deep beneath the surface but Wessex felt this distrust as a knife to his very breast.

His every action was being scrutinised. He was being watched by his own people. How had his life come to this turn of events?! Cornered beasts were very dangerous creatures indeed. The Marquis could think of nothing else between his French captive and the suspicious of the Hades Club. That was why as soon as he was back in London, his first stop was that very 'gentleman's club'.

"They're watching me St. Merryn?!" Roarke roared when the Leader of his squad entered the sparse interrogation room. "I'm not privy to the information being extracted in my own home?! What is this Arthur? Because to me this sounds like bureaucratic horse shit. Let's not forget I have given more than my own life's blood for this damned business and now you have me down for a fucking traitor?!"

Arthur Salisbury, The Earl of St. Merryn sighed, folding one arm across his chest while the other hand rubbed his tired eyes. The man had been in taxing meetings for the past thirty two hours and sleep was still a long dream off. He was very much a calm man, in that regard his son, Richard was very much like him. But even patient men had their limits. Especially when everything seemed to be going to hell like it had lately.

"Firstly, Roarke, there is some information that is off limits to you regardless. You already know that." The Earl began pushing off the wall near the door where he was resting. "You don't have the clearance and we're not discussing it any further. Onto your next point of contention," The Earl sighed again. "I've spent the better part of today convincing the council to not denounce you as member Anathema."

Roarke's blood drained from his face. The Marquis could not believe what he was hearing. How could it have reached this point without him even realising. Anathema . . . Denouncement . . . The thought was inconceivable. Wessex swallowed hard, he had to regain some sort of composure. This was too serious for him to lash out like an injured wild beast. He had been foolish thinking he could do as he pleased without the consequences catching up with him.

"You understand what I am saying." The Earl continued pointedly. "Persona non grata. That will be your status. You will be unwelcome within the walls of this club. You understand the seriousness of the situation."

Oh, he understood alright. Persona non grata. Anathema. Traitor. He would be denounced and banished from the Hades club. That hardly sounded riveting, except . . . Being member Anathema was nothing short of a death sentence. Those very brothers in arms that fought by his side would be out for his blood. Of course, Roarke understood the importance of such a status. How could they let a member just walk away free with all the information he held about the club and all it's operations. It was an impossibility. And no man in his right mind would accept such a fate. He would become a high priority target and the club would not rest until he was dead and buried. Everything he loved and cherished would be at risk.

"Son, listen to me." The Earl continued when Roarke was not forthcoming with an answer. Resting a hand on the Marquis' should St Merryn went on. "You've been sent sanction after sanction to bring in the Aedler girl for questioning by the Inquisitor's. For whatever reason you've ignored the sanctions. This is a very thin line. You know that better than anyone. You've been out there on the front line. The council are taking no chances with this discovery of treason on a monumental scale. You're my boy. You've been under my command since you were eighteen years old. I trust you know what you're doing and that's why I've managed to convince the council of granting you twenty four hours. You have twenty four hours to bring in the French spy for questioning."

"And if I don't?" Roarke finally ventured with a remote, cool gaze.

"Then there's nothing I can do to stop the council from executing the order."

This could wait no more. It had to be settled once and for all. Roarke would have Adelaide's secrets. Once and for all. Wessex left the Hades Club without another word. Were those eyes he could feel on the back of his neck? Or was paranoia settling in quickly? Twenty four hours. Twenty and four hours, his life hung by the tick and toke of a clock. Yes, he had ignored the sanction. Putting them off for the next day and the day after that. It would have been easy too, he was away, he could have sent her to the Inquisitor's without having to lay eyes upon her. How easy it would have been. But how could he send his Adelaide to be questioned and tortured by those minions of the devil? Even if she was a spy . . . Even if she meant him ill will . . .

Still his heart beat with this ferociousness as he took two steps at a time up the steps of Belaquis House. His knocking was equally impatient as he burst in as soon as the door was opened. "My Lor-" The startled butler began but Roarke was already moving towards the drawing room where he had seen two shadows moving through the window on the outside. Only, when he opened the door it was not Adelaide he found but . . . Miss Spencer . . . Looking flushed and standing inappropriately close to Earl Bailey.

"Bailey." Roarke stopped with a raise of a sharp brow. As amusing as this would have been any other day. Today was not that day. The Marquis flipped open his pocket watch to glance at the time and then back up at the odd pair. "What a strange time for you to visit my Governess." He went on in that amusing drawl he was known for, though there was a strain to it this time. "You had better get going. Your presence and help are both quite unnecessary. I'm quite capable of debauching my staff all by myself. Miss Spencer."

"Y-Yes my Lord?" The flustered Governess moved away from the Earl.

"Don't you think you had better get back to teaching my daughter how not to become a drab bluestocking spinster like yourself?"

"Yes. My. Lord." The Governess hissed, that fire back in her eyes at his merciless teasing, as she moved past him not before glancing over her shoulder at the enigmatic Earl one last time.

Roarke would have loved to find out the circumstances of this strange meet but he was far too consumed by far more pressing matters. "Bronson." He called to the butler who stood outside the door.

"Yes my Lord?"

"Please show Lord Bailey out." The Marquis commanded. "And where pray tell is my wife?"

"Her Ladyship is in the Yellow Room my Lord." Bronson informed his master with a bow before he moved to show the Earl out.

Roarke wasted little more time on the Earl and his errant Governess. Miss Spencer's affairs were her own, so long as they weren't on his time and she had his full protection should the vocal Governess ever have need of it. However, Wessex was certain that Eleanora Spencer was quite capable of handling herself. Still . . . Maybe, he should make it clear for her that he was at her service should she need it. That was of course as long as he was around which appeared for all intents and purposes not to be very long at all if he did not give up his French spy of a wife . . .

He moved with determined steps across the expensive marble floor of Belaquis House, the glass dome above fractured light down in the most sublime of rainbows here and there. The free openness and lightness that spread a splendorous radiance throughout the foyer was in stark contrast to the dangerous waves of emotions crashing within Roarke Rochester. He had every intention of demanding she tell him the truth right there, right now or that he would beat it out of her so help him God!

Yet, when Wessex opened the door and his gaze fell on her lovely form with that wretched look upon her even lovelier face, that mimicked the state of his own heart; Roarke found himself closing the door behind him quietly and demanding on a husky growl, "Come over here right now and show me how much you've missed me."


The beautiful Regina followed behind Lord Howard as he traced a path before her. She listened carefully to her newest admirer who seemed to feel so deeply for her. And how deeply satisfying was it for the vapid flirt to be fawned upon so. Frank Howard had his charms, though he was far older and yet this was a new turn for Regina. It was different from her other admirers. More pleasing to be wanted so passionately. More so knowing she had him wanting for so very long.

How quaint. Regina attempted to brush past the man coyly. She gasped when he grasped her wrist and pulled her towards him. Excitement fluttered through her as he began to remove her glove one finger at a time. She listened and watched as he did so. His words caressed her vanity like his tongue did her bare palm. Regina gasped again at the shocking contact. Her natural instinct to pull away was halted by his tight clasp.

Oh how she was enjoying this interlude. It was so exhilarating and . . . dangerous! Yet it stirred a pleasant sensation within her womanly core. A feeling no young Miss should know about. How could she be so cruel? Regina pondered his words with light amusement, moving closer to Lord Howard, their lips but a breath apart. "Quite. Easily." She replied with a flirtatious curve of her pink lips. "Even roses have thorns my Lord." She teased pulling herself free of his tight hold before giggling.

"If you want my company." She giggled again, picking up her skirts and dashing towards a tall hedge maze. "You'll have to catch me first!"


There was that friendly tone of Voltaire's that made Richard want to take the man out and buy him a pint. He often wondered how someone so agreeable could be so villainous? But then Richard was certain Voltaire was probably thinking very much the same thing about him. Each man believed their cause to be meritorious. Only God knew the truth, yet even the Angel's had to pick a side when the Heaven's were torn asunder.

"How very French of you." Richard managed almost a genuine smirk. "I cannot claim to be as generous a lover as you Voltaire. I'm sure she was terribly déçu."

The friendliness was short lived however with Voltaire's next words and the constant threat of that blade against Laurel's lovely neck. Indeed, death had a heart. Once more however, fate had quickly showed him why a man like Richard could never bare such a precious gift. Even with Voltaire promising no harm to Laurel, Richard could not stand by such promises. He had made similar promises to many before doing what he had to do.

Richard's sharp gaze remained fixed on Voltaire as the enemy pressed his lips to Laurel's cheek and professed Richard's love for that very woman. How could a maniac like Voltaire see the truth of his heart and Laurel be blind to it? But blind she must remain now. He could see it clearly now. The Viscount had allowed his emotions to over take him with the intimacy of acquaintance but now he could see why he made the right choice to begin with. This was the very reason. His very real fear come to life.

Richard scoffed, no matter how it tore his heart. "Kill her if it pleases you." He lied. "She is no more my woman as is your mistress. In fact," Richard slowly moved forward with casual strides. "You'd do me a favour. Stop her crowing and harping at me." He shrugged stuffing his hands in the back pockets of his breeches where he had stuffed that letter opener. "As for our business mon amie, as you say . . . Ce qui peut être fait? As much as it is a detestable vocation, we knew what we were getting into when we joined. Much as you know now my friend, that I cannot do as you wish. Tu comprends?"

Voltaire understood. The tension grew thick on the air between the two formidable agents. Voltaire no more wanted to kill Laurel as he wanted to stab Richard but both men knew wants were nought. It was all about what had to be done. Richard stood, his form relaxed but every muscle in his body ready for action. Though he did not spare a glance for Laurel, he had taken note of every single bearing . . .

A loud shriek of laughter from outside down below tore through tense atmosphere. It was enough to distract Voltaire to loosen his grasp on Laurel for only a moment. But a single moment was all Laurel needed as Richard watched with fear the size of the sun within his chest as she stabbed the heel of her slippered foot into Voltaire's own and tore herself away when the slight man yelped in pain.

Good girl! Richard silently praised the woman that held his heart as he moved past her. Putting himself between Voltaire and her. He'd never allow the man to get that close to her ever again. Throwing the the letter opener with deft skill, if flew through the air just missing Voltaire's head. But Voltaire was not unskilled either. Just as the letter knife sailed past his head he caught it with a quick turn. Turning it in his hand as Richard barrelled towards him, knocking Voltaire's blade out of his grasp and sliding across the floor into some dark corner. Still, the Frenchman possessed the letter knife. His lean forearm hitting Voltaire's to stop the stabbing motion that promised the knife to find purchase in Richard's chest.

The enemy twisted freeing his arm, turning quickly to strike Richard in the back with the weapon. But Richard was quick, crouching on a turn, his booted foot making contact with Voltaire's chest. The impact of which causing the knife to slip from man's grasp and clatter to the floor like the first. The sounds of manly exertion filled the office, meddled with the vigorous force of punches and combat as Richard did all he could to keep Voltaire away from the strewn weapons and Laurel.

Richard was little more than a conditioned solider at times like theses. He was trained to conqueror by any means necessary. He thought of nothing but victory. Felt nothing but adrenaline pumping through his veins. There were no words now. Only actions. Even when Voltaire managed to throw Richard onto his back and the heavy brass of a candle stick holder made a sickening sound as it stuck the left side of Richard's temple and torn the skin open to a bloody gash. No, Richard didn't feel a thing not even then.

The scene playing before their unsuspecting witness was deathly violent. Something a young Lady could not imagine in her most frightening of nightmares. Richard could never have wanted to expose Laurel to this dark . . . soulless side of his character. He never wanted her to see what kind of demon he really was. Nevertheless, at the cost of her protection he was willing to commit every and any sin happily, even if eternal damnation awaited him in the afterlife.

The brass stuck Richard's skull again and the next time it was lifted, a solid, teeth shattering right hook met Voltaire's cheek before the man could strike down on Richard again. It was enough to allow Richard to push up and climb to his feet, but before he could make it up from his knees, Voltaire pulled at the tail of Richard's coat with a hiss, pulling the man back. Both men were breathing hard from the exhaustion of hand to hand combat. It was in neither's nature to give up. It could only end in one way.

As Voltaire had pulled Richard back by his coat tail, Richard had very almost fallen onto his back, it took all of his might and balance, to twist forward with a grunt, slipping his coat over his head, his arms still in the sleeve as, he slid around on his knees and crossed his arms and wrapped the material of the coat around Voltaire's neck. His arms in sleeves controlling the tightness around Voltaire's neck as the Frenchman struggled to breath and pull himself free. With gritted teeth, Richard rose to his feet. Blood dripping from the side of his face where his skull had been smashed. Both men were covered in a dozen bruises that looked better than they were. Richard had no doubt he was sporting a broken rib. Still, he felt not the pain of such an agonising injury. Pain would have to wait for later. With all his might, Viscount Morreland dragged Voltaire's staggering form towards the small balcony from which he had arrived.

How odd they had been talking as old friends but a few minutes ago and now, Richard was twisting the man by his own coat before him, untwisting that garment from the tight hold around the man's neck, and in an instant with a hard shove from his boot to the man's spine, Voltaire was kicked off the balcony down into the dark depths of the garden below. A harsh thud echoed up as Richard flexed the coat back over his head and pulled the lapels in front so that it fit properly to his form.

He was breathing hard but he was an athletic man and would soon find his composure. He was merciless and unrepentant. Unfeeling. Untouched by the violent act he had just committed. What kind of man was he? It was a dark business that had been conducted here today. He held Voltaire d’Auteur in great esteem. But it was him or Voltaire. And no man would get away with threatening the most precious thing in the world to Richard . . . Laurel . . . Richard glanced over his shoulder as the world came back to him. Panic filled the cavity of his chest until it landed on her frightened form on the far side of the room.

The Viscount rushed to her side, kneeling down before her. His hands made quick work of marking any injuries. "Oh thank Christ!" He sent up a prayer pulling her against his chest when he found none. Pressing a kiss to her temple. His heartbeat frantically against hers. "I don't know what I would have done . . ." If anything happened to you. He began out loud without realising.

The warmth of her very being enveloped him. Calming him, relaxing his tense muscles. There was nothing more he wanted in the world than this and yet reality slowly dawned on him. His eyes slowly opened as he pulled her away from him by her slender shoulders to gaze down at her beautiful face. His eyes glazed over in a wintery cold starkness. "Don't you still understand?" He said to her in a icy tone that could freeze the warmest of hearts. "I've had my fun with you. You're redundant. I don't want you anymore." With a slight shove, he pushed her away, rising to his feet and leaving the room without a single glance back. Doing what he needed to do for the second time. Breaking both their hearts.
Amusement danced in Gabriel’s silver eyes as the Governess blushed and swallowed as he spoke of her virtue. His language was crass at best and he enjoyed watching her seethe. The quiet, timid little mouse that kept trying to find ways to escape him was quickly being overcome by a different woman – one that she kept quietly hidden away in sever clothing and tightly bound hair. He wondered at the thoughts that were racing through her mind. Behind the pale blue loveliness of her gaze he could see the wheels turning. Her little gasp at his words of warning made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. But, it was as he straightened, and the small woman bounced out of her seat like some avenging sprite that his blood began to burn.

Eleanor snatched up the bill he had set on the table before her and reached inside his jacket to stuff it back into his breast pocket. His hands, stuffed safely inside his pockets, clenched into white-knuckled fists. That little contact, brief as it was, had set his skin on fire. He listened, uncomplainingly and indulgent, while he enjoyed the woman’s fury. It boarded well for her that her spirit was not a fragile and vulnerable as her persona suggested. However, as his newly acquired little tart dined to return his orders with one of her own, a cold clarity seemed to settle into the Earl’s eyes.

Just then, the Governess seemed to realize that she stood nearly toe to toe with him. Her sharp little chin was tilted up, her cheeks flushed, and her previously narrowed eyes were wide in a sudden dawning. He wondered, then, if she understood just what she was getting into. He thought for a moment that she would run. When she did not, Gabriel allowed himself an amused chuckled.

“No, you are not my wife,” he agreed in a slow drawl as he took a step forward that forced the little governess to take a step back if she didn’t mean to be pressed intimately against him. His hands, however, stayed in his pockets. “You, madam, have agreed to be my property. Carte’ blanche, remember? Anything I want, Whenever I want, and how ever I want it. This is what you have agreed to.” Gabriel took another step forward to push her resolutely another step back – another step closer to the wall behind her. “You are mine, Miss Spencer, and I will speak to you in any way I please.”

The drawing room door came open in a rush, and as Gabriel turned to look, a very harried and harassed looking Marquee Wessex walked into the room. It was apparent that he and the Governess where not who he was looking for, but the man recovered well. He offered that it was a strange time to meet hos Governess. The stress on the ‘my,’ in that sentence made the Earl of Bailey grin devilishly, but when he spoke of debauching the woman, Gabriel laughed aloud despite himself. Had he not just bought the woman’s virtue, he would have believed Wessex’s claims.

Almost as soon as Eleanor had left the room, the Marquee turned to leave as well. Gabriel unclenched his fists and took a deep cleansing breath. Wessex kept a lively household, it seemed, and with the help of the frazzled butler, he collected his things to leave. It was on the front steps to Belaquis House that Lord Bailey found himself crossing the path of a man he didn’t know.

“Evening,” he ventured politely as his waiting carriage was brought around. “I believe you may be waiting for Wessex for quite some time if you mean to see him today. The man just arrived, but he seems deeply occupied.”

“Wessex has returned?” the man carried a French accent, and the deep blue jacket he wore suddenly made a little more sense.

“He has,” Gabriel rejoined as he hauled himself up next to his driver. “Good day, to you, Sir.”


Something so strange happened. The world was grey and dim, and then full of color and life. Her mind was sluggish and vacant, and the energized and running so quickly she could barely keep up. Her emotions had become numb, and then they were so numerous and so intense that she could not breath.

The door to the yellow room opening had made her start. Eleanor had been gone for some time with the Earl Bailey – not that Addie at all begrudged the woman her free time – but she had grown melancholy and sleepy while she waited. When the door swung open suddenly, she came quickly to her feet, only for her knees to lock beneath her. There in the door way stood Roarke, and at the sight of him her very soul raced to meet him… but her mind screeched that he was only here to see how well his ploys had worked and her heart rent itself in two at the sight of him.

And yet, despite herself, Adelaide found herself in Roarke’s arms before she could even make sense out of the cascade of emotions that were tearing through her. In all the time he was gone, she worried he could very well be dead. One assassin had already nearly taken him from this world, and another soon would. Tear were falling down her cheeks unnoticed as her shaking hands settled against his chest. Some part of her didn’t even truly believe he was there until she felt the warmth of his arms closing around her. Her lips found his, and relief made her knees buckle. Roarke held her up as if she weighed nothing at all, and still she clung to him as if to life itself.

If he left her again… Addie trembled. He’d given her his name and his home, and with that came a certain kind of security, but she had learned something terrible in his last leaving. Maybe if she had been strong enough to deny him, to keep him away from her, and her heart locked away. But, she had been so foolish, loving this man she knew would die. If he abandoned her again, she was certain she would not survive it.

“Where have you been?’ she demanded of him as she broke away from his kisses. She wanted to hit him, but she felt as if she barely had the strength to hold up her head. “I was so afraid you were never coming back this time,” she was rambling, not giving him time to respond, but she could hardly keep her own thoughts straight. “Please tell me the truth, did you do this just to break me? I told you that I would tell you anything you wanted to know. I begged you not to seduce me, why did you do it?” Addie dissolved into shaking as she rested her head against his chest.

“I’ll say anything you want me to say,” she swore quietly, closing her eyes against the dread that threatened to cripple her resolve, “just don’t disappear like that again.”


The hapless girl stepped closer to him, stretching up until her soft, pink lips nearly touched his own. Her warm breath spilled over his face as she told him it was quite easy for her to be so cruel. Everything within Lord Howard coiled a little tighter. The little smile she gave him was innocent at best, and so was her naive notion that thorns on a rose were as cruel or as dangerous as the man she taunted so carelessly. Oh, but he did enjoy the girl. She felt safe and secure in the idea that he would never do anything she didn’t want him to do. None of those little dandies she played with would ever dare to risk her father’s wrath, and no could gentleman could ever harm a lady.

Shame it was that he was no dandy, nor a gentleman, and she was no lady. Something she made very clear as she gathered her skirts, told him he would have to catch her, and then darted off into the tall hedge maze.

“Oh, you poor little fool,” Frank allowed as he followed the girl into the maze. He couldn’t have planned it better himself, and in her glee to play a game of playful flirtation and self-denial, she threw herself far from any prying eyes or aid that could find her. Frank stayed just a step or two behind the girl, listening to her giggles and squeals of delight when he would reach for her. A couple of times he caught her skirts only to set her free again. She was flushed and breathing quickly, those lovely little breasts of her swelling above the limits of her bodice delectably. He enjoyed her little game, and he kept her running, wearing her out a little more each time he lunged for her and then let her flee. It was somewhere around the heart of the maze, where he could hear the fountain at its center, that Frank decided he had been chasing her for long enough.

“I have you now,” Frank whispered against the girl’s neck as his arms wrapped tight about her trim midriff. She had darted into a dead end, and while he could have let her escape him, he was tired of her lithe little body brushing tauntingly close to his own. “You are so beautiful,” Lord Howard murmured against the girl’s ear. She was breathing heavily, still catching her breath, and he wasted little time to capitalize on her innocent little game. His chin rested on her shoulder as his left hand slid up over her chest and then down inside her bodice and beneath her corset. Rough fingers grabbed cruelly at one of her pert breasts, her silky-smooth flesh warm against his palm, and squeeze viciously. At the same time, his right hand slipped down over her skirts to cup the lovely little mound between her thighs through the layers of fabric. Gripping her firmly, he pushed her tight little bottom firmly against his painfully insistent erection.

“You brainless little bitch” he growled at her as he rocked his hips, rubbing himself against the smooth curves of her ass, “if I were still a young buck, this might be over quickly. You, Miss Williams, are not so lucky.” Vicious teeth clamped down on the girl’s ear, biting and nipping. He meant to make her scream, just so that he could laugh at the delightful sound.

“Look where your clever games have gotten you,” holding tight to her chest with his left hand, Frank began to gather her skits in his right, slowly drawing them up and exposing her shapely legs in their pretty sheer stockings. “If only you had sent me away when I told you to.”
She tasted like fear and salt. This was not the woman Roarke had become used to. Gathering Addie up in his arms, there was no such feeling of relief and homecoming as this. Their embrace was as fierce as it was sweet. Never had home been another human being for the Marquis of Wessex. Dear God! What had he allowed to happen to himself? But it was too late now. He knew that the moment he set eyes on her slender figure. And it was all but set in stone as her lips met his. He was done for. All intentions and purposes lost to the wind.

Wiping the tears from her stained cheeks he held her there, looking deep into her eyes for a moment. She said everything a man in his position could want to hear but . . . It no longer was what he needed to hear. Taking a deep breath, a slow and wicked smile crept up his lips. A smile that was wholly one that could belong to no other man. "If I knew you'd become so obedient if left alone for but a few days I would have left earlier." Roarke teased Adelaide pulling her tighter against him. She felt slimmer in the few short days he'd been gone, hiding a frown. If there was one thing he could not stand it was seeing this fierce woman so broken. He wanted that fire back in her eyes. It tore at him that he had hurt her so. He wanted to come home to her kicking and screaming at him until he soothed her anger away . . . but they were so deep now . . . And the Marquis couldn't bring himself to consider what that meant either.

"I'd so much prefer you do anything I want instead." He continued to beguile her in that infamous drawl of his as the Marquis lifted her weightless form up into his arms. "I recall some unfinished business." Stealing a searing kiss from his Lady's lips as he carried her out the doors of the yellow room. "Bronson! Be a good chap and send a bottle of champagne and two glasses up to my chambers."

"Right away my Lord."

With any other woman, Roarke may have shown some discretion and concern for the Lady's sensibilities but with Addie, he knew he had no such cause. She was like no woman he had ever encountered. Not even in the powdered and sophisticated French parlours and was she not his wife now, in the eyes of men if not in the eyes of God? Something that required rectifying as soon as possible. He wanted Adelaide to be his in all ways; within the realm of laws that bound all mankind. He simply wanted her.

"As for seducing you." Wessex continued to provoke his fragile Lady with that ever present smug air, though he felt very little of that sentiment at this very moment in time. "I warned you. Didn't I?" An almost animalistic undertone to his deep tone. His desires growing with each step up the staircase. Recalling their back and forth. Yes, he'd desired her from that first moment she'd opened her mouth and began berating him. He was surely some sort of sick individual wanting such. But there were lines . . . And they'd crossed them all. There was no point as far as the Marquis could see to turn back now as his chamber door shut behind him resoundingly.

"What did I tell you?" He murmured against her ear as he laid her down upon his bed in the gold trimmed bedchamber. "What did I tell you Lady Wessex?" He reiterated as he stood tall and looked down upon her lovely flushed form as he very slowly undid his cravat and plucked it away from his neck, which was quickly followed by his coat. "If and when, chéri, because you wanted to." Falling to his knees, skilled hands slowly lifting her skirts as his lips followed the trail of the ascending layers of material, biting, kissing his way up the pale, soft slopes of her thighs. "Because you want me."

His mouth coming over that most sensitive core of hers, devouring her like a wondering soul in a desert upon a fount. There were dark times ahead. Tough decisions to be had. But every concern, every trifle could wait until after the Marquis had fill of his wife.


The Duke of Dynevor was a man of many talents. Satisfying women was one amongst that list. Yet, tonight he had chosen to do otherwise and he had to keep reminding himself why that was as the imagine of that petulant, disobedient, impoverished Irish so called Baroness quivering beneath him haunted him incessantly. What the devil had he done?! And why the hell had she been so very compliant?! Colleen O'Donovan's immorality both annoyed him and turned him on. The Duke frowned deeply as he watched Morreland pull out something familiar and heavy out of one of his trunks and with a jerk of the man's wrist the wrapped up roll unfurled with the sound of metal against metal across the man's mattress.

"Is that necessary?" Will questioned, watching Richard pull out sharper after sharper knife and sheathing it on different parts of his person.

"Would I be armouring myself if it wasn't necessary?" Richard retorted uncharacteristically shortly.

Will's frown deepened. Voltaire d’Auteur was a surprise . . . Why would a French spy be here if they weren't on the right track? Clearly the Shelton's played a bigger role in this treachery than any of them could have imagined. Dynevor despised these games. He was a man of action. A man who much preferred outright violence than the mechanisms of politics and mind games. Still, it was their lot and they would do what they had to.

"You suspect he'll return and he's in a fit enough state to be a continual threat?" Will asked, his demeanour making his doubt clear as he folded his arms across his chest and leaned against the wall.

There was something in Richard's tight lippedness tonight that the Duke had never come across before. It was unlikely that a whisp of a man like d'Auteur could have Morreland in such a state. There was something beyond that. Something Richard was not telling the man. However, Will was not a man to press the matter. He examined no further threat, at least not from Voltaire d'Auteur for the foreseeable future. In any case, this just accelerated their schedule. If there was duplicity to be had then it was to be under this roof. Nothing could solidify the Shelton's involvement more than the unexpected presence of the French spy.

Richard said nothing as holstered his final weapon, a gun, one that was a new model and not available on the open market yet or for years to come before he finally spoke up. "He wasn't there when I went outside to check but I'm not taking any chances."

"The hell is that suppose to me?" Will called to Richard's back as the door closed behind the Viscount. "Jesus Christ."

Was it not bad enough that he had to deal with the likes of unruly women as Colleen O'Donovan and not to forget his own Goddamn mother that he now had to deal with a sullen and ill humoured colleague now? Will sighed, rubbing his tired eyes before taking his leave of Richard's room, making his way to his own. Thought's of his mother in such close proximity to his person stirred the depths of his hatred and images of the redheaded vixen drove him to the edges of his sanity. There was no peace for him to be had here. The sooner he could depart this place the better. The Duke missed the seclusion of his home on the Welsh/English border. Missed his sister and his dogs.

That night was as restless as any a man could have. He'd slept better in ditches in France, knee deep in water, bruised and battered from head to toe. That in fact was exactly what the Duke was thinking to himself as he entered the adjoining washroom to his chambers the next morning. Stroking his beard in the looking glass as he examined his dreary appearance. He stood shirtless, scars littering his front and back like constellations in the night sky. He was surprised when he asked for a warm bath to be readied to learn that it already was and awaiting him. Still, he paid little attention to the tub with his back to it, unaware of anything behind him as he continued appraise his countenance. That deep scar looking all the more menacing of late.

"Fucking bitch." He cursed at the memories that could not be forgotten try as he might.

Meanwhile Morreland's night had been no restless but at least there was some respite for his emotions and most of all for his heart, in that knowing Laurel was safe and sound for the night. The Viscount had stood stationed in the recesses of a corner outside her room for the entirety of the night. What more peace of mind could there be for him than knowing that she slept undisturbed. He had no doubt that Voltaire was unlikely to return tonight, still his heart could not be convinced and he would happily stand guard outside her door every night of his life just to know she was safe.

In those dark silent hours of the night, Richard had time to ponder the events of that evening. Of course he should have been assessing every detail of the Frenchman and what bought him to the Shelton's hunting lodge this night of all nights, except he could not see past that blade kissing Laurel's neck. Her life was all that matter to him. He knew it was wrong. He'd been taught better. Emotions compromised missions. And he was utterly, undoubtedly compromised and no matter how he tried he couldn't escape. His loyalties were split. How could he focus on his objectives when Laurel filled every crevice of his mind.

By the break of dawn, Richard stopped trying. He would wait until she came out for breakfast and found safety in numbers before he'd retire to his room for a bath, a shave and a change of clothes . . . and the charade.


Her laughter echoed out into he night. Such fun! Who would have thought a man like Frank Howard could be such an exciting little pet. He always seemed so austere and unapproachable when she had laid eyes upon him from time to time. She ran through the maze, this way and that. Laughing harder when he caught up to her and then would let her go. She could not know her way around the maze but was that not half the fun? Oh she was pretty, there was no doubting it but her beauty could only be enhanced by the moonlight and it gave her pride and spirit and extra boost knowing no woman here tonight could compare to her.

The sound of rushing water beckoned her and she skipped towards it. There could not be a more romantic setting for such a dalliance. And though Lord Howard was far from a handsome and idle partner for such an affair he was quickly winning her over with his admiring words and such. Regina gave little thought to his wife. An utterly disagreeable woman. Why, Regina giggled harder imagining Minnie Howard's face if she should come upon them. However could a woman be so disagreeable with a husband like Frank Howard, Regina simply couldn't understand.

Regina stopped when she discovered the centre and a majestic fountain rained lit by the moon light which was a dead end within itself blocked on three sides. She gasped when she was caught up from behind by Frank. A smile splitting her lips as he claimed her. "So you do." She conceded on a float of laughter feeling breathing hard feeling his arms around him. Her body trembled as a delicious sensation enraptured her being. She leaned back against him as he whispered of her beauty against her ear. Oh how she could hear that any number of times from a man's lips and never tire of it. She was breathing hard from the excursion of the chase still, much unused to such exercise.

She gasped again when she felt his hand very suddenly and rather roughly slip into the front of her bodice. "My Lord!" She pretended offence but her smile betrayed her. It was hardly the first time a man had fondled her so. In fact she quite enjoyed it except . . . This was a little hard. A little to rough. Frank squeezed cruelly and the smile started to falter on her lips. "That's too rough-" She complained. "Please-Not so hard."

Her words were falling on deaf ears and her hands came to her front to try to pry Frank Howard's hand away from her breast. He saw strong and as soon as she tried to pry that hand away another was upon her, cupping her between the legs making he squeak in shock at the intimate action. Regina's smile had completely disappeared now. A slight alarm was beginning to take hold of her. "Please my Lord." She tried struggling to no avail, only feeling herself being drawn closer to him. Feeling the hard shape of his manhood pressed firmly between her cheeks.

And then he spoke again.

Regina screamed. The sound was like thunder breaking through a cloudless sky. Her struggles becoming violent as Frank held her tighter, moving against her. Speaking such terrifying words. "Let go! Let go of me!" She screamed and struggled, kicking and thrashing as he bit her ear, laughing in delight at her screams of terror. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she continued to struggle, panic taking a hold of her entire being. She could think of nothing but escape. Feeling his fingers that now felt like slimy leeches lifting her skirts and she screamed again. "No! Help! Help""

Oh God! What had she done?! Sending silent prayers to the heavens as she continued to thrash. When he foot made contact with his knee, Frank's gripped loosened for a split second and Regina jumped out of his arms. It was all instinct as she ran. Ran silently with tears streaming down her cheeks in fear that if she made a single sound he'd be upon her like a dog out of hell. Her dress had ripped at the shoulder and her eyes were failing her in the dark, only the light of the moon guiding her through this maze that felt endless and fate was so cruel as to take even that ray of hope away as clouds began to cascade over the moon stealing away it's light. Regina whimpered in fear, her limbs feeling heavy and she was so afraid. So very afraid. She ran on heedlessly. Escape was all that matter. However the poor vain fool found everything was hindering her safe return as she tripped over a protruding thick root of a nearby tree, falling face first onto the grass straight into another dead end.

Stifling a sob with both of her hands, she cried silently as she lifted herself into a seating position trying to get her bearings. The night was silent and still. The sound of revelry could not be heard. They were far too far away from the house. An owl cooed from somewhere above and a dog barked somewhere in the distance. Those were the only sounds Regina could hear over the thunderous beating of her own heart. Try as she might to listen out for footsteps she could make out nothing. "Please God." She whispered standing up and slowly backing out of the dead end she'd found herself in.

"Please God save me."
The Baroness O’Donovan let out a soft sigh as she slid down into the steaming water. The maids always complained that it was far too hot, but she enjoyed the sting as her skin adjusted to the heat. It made her skin glow a soft pink, and the heat made the clover and honey scent last longer. Colleen had slept well, and her bath had been readied early just as she had asked. Her breakfast was on a tray on the floor by the tub, from which she stole a piece of cheese to nibble. Colleen let out a little moan of delight and sank a little deeper, letting the steaming water close around her neck. It really was lovely to enjoy a hot bath, no matter how many people insisted cold water was better for your health.

The adjoining door opened, and Coleen stilled as she watched the Duke of Dynevor stride into the room. The man stroked his beard as he appraised himself, but Coleen was more interested in the man’s scars. It was a strange sight – even if she really shouldn’t have been surprised – but the crisscrossing marks on his back mirrored her own. The pattern wasn’t right, they weren’t caused by roped leather as hers were, but they were obviously earned through hardship. Based on the stories, she assumed they were from the war. He was a man of action, there was no denying. And suggesting he was anything like the people her protected was beyond stupid – not that you needed to see those scars to know it. He was a barbaric Welshman form an era long gone from this world. He would have been right at home wielding a battle axe, reaving and raping all along the coasts. He was made for drinking, fighting, and fucking, and the lanky Irish tart in the brass, claw-foot tub would help him with all three just for the fun of seeing how good he really was at each of them.

"Fucking bitch."

The red-headed she-devil in the steaming water grinned at his back. Was he still thinking about her then? Good. He wasn’t so unreachable after all. There was no missing the proof of that man’s interest, all of his muscles were larger than normal men, but then he truly was a devil among men; a beast in so many ways, but not in the same ways that Frank had been. It was strange, to her mind, that a man so powerful wielded it with such care and precision, when a man as useless and discardable as Lord Howard would use every ounce of what little he had to force a fly to obey his commands. The Devil Duke was a strange man – no, a dangerous man – because he made her curious.

“Good morning to you, too, Dynevor,” she drawled with a certain appreciative purr to her voice. As the man turned around, Colleen sat up just enough to rest her arms on the edge of the tub. Her skin was warm and reddened from the hot water, and her pert breasts bobbed in the water as it shifted. Beneath the water’s surface her bright pink nipples where tight and ardently pointed, some small token of the effect the memories of the previous night still had on her.

“I’m sorry I left you with such a bad impression, mo a bhastaird mor, but I hope to improve upon it.” Colleen smiled at the beast as she leaned over to pick up another tiny cube of cheese. The woman was nothing if not brazen, utterly comfortable with his eyes one her nakedness. Grinning like the evil sprite she was, she tauntingly let her legs part just long enough for the Duke’s eyes to drop before she pressed her milky thighs back together like a lady ought. “I have breakfast here, and there is room for two if you can take the heat. Tea and coffee should be brought up shortly. I wasn’t sure which you would like most, so asked for both.”


“A few days,” Addie began to argue, but she let it go. It was a trifle. What did it matter? Roarke was back, and while her head still insisted she was a fool, she wanted nothing more in the world than to be held close to him. And, for the betterment of her very soul, his comment about her obedience made her smile. “Is that what this was then, a punishment?” she teased as he wiped the tears from her cheeks.

He pulled her tighter to him, and her arms slipped up to wrap around his shoulders. Somehow, she had forgotten how small and delicate he made her feel, and if not for his arms around her, she thought she might shake apart. He teased that he would rather her do anything he wanted than say what he wanted to hear, and her heart stuttered on a doubt even as his drawl made her laugh. She had missed him so that there was nothing in her to resist him when his lips slanted across her own and he lifted her bodily to carry her out of the yellow room.

He carried her as if she weighed nothing at all, and he did not set her down until he could place her delicately onto his bed, safely tucked away in his chambers. Addie had never stepped foot in them, not in all the time she had been there. As he laid her down, a spark flashed through Addie’s body, followed quickly by a longing that took her breath away.

“What did I tell you,” he asked against her ear. His warm breath spilled over her neck to make her shiver and Addie closed her eyes as fear, doubt, and arousal blended into a heady concoction that stole her reason. "What did I tell you Lady Wessex?" he asked again, this time reminding her that he kept insisting she was his wife. Her eyes opened again, but they were glassy and unguarded now, her soul left bare for him to witness while she watched him slowly draw away his cravat, and then shed his coat.

"If and when, chéri, because you wanted to."

Addie’s cheeks were already warm and flushed with color, but her blush heightened as she realized the truth of those words. When she wanted him, that’s when he promised he would have her. He’d kept that promise, hadn’t he? Roarke had even held himself away from her until she had begged him to take her. The memory rushed to her mind as if it had only been hours ago that he’d held her pinned to the bricks and fucked her in a wild frenzy.

Roarke slid down to his knees and her awareness immediately centered on his warm hands sliding up her legs to lift her skirts. She knew in an instant what he was about, and still she nearly screamed when his mouth covered her moist folds and his tongue lashed against flesh that suddenly felt far too tender to bare his touch. Her mind emptied as her back arched off the bed, and Addie bit the back of her left hand to silence herself. He drank from her like a man dying of thirst, and something about his assault made her heart ache for him. There was a desperation in him that mirrored her own and it emboldened her to reach out.

Her right hand slid through the soft strands of his hair and fisted there while she gave herself permission to enjoy him, to let him bring her pleasure, and before she knew it, Adelaide was writhing in ecstasy for the man that could still be little more than her jailor, but from whom she wanted so much more. She felt ashamed for doubting him, but how could she not? He thought she was some kind of spy, didn’t he? That’s what all of this was about… and yet, everything about him screamed the exact opposite. How could he possibly love her, he didn’t know her… she didn’t know him! It was utter madness, all of it. His tongue was a flicking firebrand on her clit, and Addie shuddered from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. The sweet sensation brought her back up off the bed once more, and then Addie pushed herself up on her left elbow so that she could look down at the man that claimed himself as her Lord and Master, her Husband, Roarke.

I love you.

Addie shivered again, but it had little to do with what the man was doing, and more to do with who and what he was to her. The words echoed in her head. She ached to speak them, but she couldn’t seem to get them past her throat. “Please,” she said instead as her head fall backward and her legs trembled, “Roarke, I’m going to…” her words trailed off on a sharp intake of breath, her hips jerking with a will of their own. The man was relentless, and she was barely able to whisper his name once more before Addie fell back and covered her mouth with her hand, muffling the sharp squeal of pleasure that he stole from her for fear the entire house would hear it.


Laurel hadn’t slept.

She’d tried, she might have even dosed off a time or two, but she hadn’t slept.

When she closed her eyes, she felt the knife at her neck, she saw the cold ruthlessness in Richard’s eyes, she saw the man he had called Voltaire falling from the balcony… and then his voice, those damned and cruel words he had thrown at her feet before he had abandoned her.

"Do you still not understand?" he had said to her, his voice so cold and ruthless; so more terrifying than what he had done. "I've had my fun with you. You're redundant. I don't want you anymore."

Laurel silently howled in pain each time her eyes opened again, because her heart was being torn from her chest yet again. It was an emotion so deep that it made her beat her chest to try and force out the pain, but she couldn’t make the cold hand that was squeezing the life from her release her heart. When she would remember what had come before that – his wild fear and panic as he had dragged her against his chest, his gentle kiss at her temple, the way he had frantically checked her over to make sure she was unharmed – it all made the pain so much worse.

Her heart screamed that he loved her, but the hope was more than she could bare. In the end, he had shoved her against the wall and left her sitting there, alone, terrified… no one had come. Laurel had sat there, shaken and afraid for hours before she had gathered the will to move. Everyone had gone to bed by then, the lodge was silent, and she’d made her way slowly through the dark. Every sound had made her startle and freeze. She’d even sank back down the ground a time or two to curl into a ball and hope no one found her. She didn’t cry. She didn’t scream. Sometimes she was too scared to breath.

Even in the morning, with the first rays of sunlight streaming through the windows, Laurel couldn’t seem to cry. She wanted to. She wanted to cry, and scream, and pull at her hair, and break something, anything… All she did was sit on the side of the bed and watch the sun rise. The birds had started singing long before the sky had even begun to lighten with that first hint of dawn. Dew was on everything, but it wouldn’t last long.

Try as she might, she couldn’t even seem to rebuild those carefully constructed walls that she had thought were so strong. She was so pathetic. One little whisper from a stranger that claimed Richard loved her and it all came undone. What was the point of building back a thing that was so weak to begin with? And, what now? She was engaged to marry another man. It seemed trivial compared to what had happened the night before, but even hint of scandal could ruin everything.

She couldn’t love him…

God help her, she knew that she did. She always had.

Laurel didn’t come out of her room. She waited for a lady’s maid to come looking for her, but she did not open her door when the woman knocked. Instead, Laurel told her that she didn’t want any food, she was feeling ill. She asked for hot tea with lemons and told her to leave it outside the door when it was done. When no one was around, she’d fetch the trey, and then she’d lock the door again. That was the plan. Laurel Bailey wasn’t stepping foot past that locked door, not until Gabriel came to fetch her when the week was up.

A few days alone in a room was far better than facing Richard, and the monster that lived inside the man she loved.


The girl screamed, and Frank laughed, utterly at ease. They were so far from anyone that could hear that he felt certain no one would bother to come looking. Over the music and chatter, the girl was going to find naught by deaf ears.

“I thought you enjoyed the game?” he taunted, a man content in the knowledge that his strength utterly outmatched that of the slender creature in his arms. “Would you enjoy more sweet words about your beauty? Would you give it up willing – Fuck,” the man cursed vividly when the girl’s heel connected with his knee. Pain lanced up his leg, and then the little bitch wriggled free. She ran blindly into the maze, and despite his newly acquired limp, Lord Howard was close behind her. Hew knew the maze well, he’d walked it many times, but for a moment he lost her. He stopped to listen, her frantic running had come to an end, those dainty foot-falls had stopped. Frank grinned into the darkness, Regina had run out of steam.

The first thing he heard was a little sob, a sound that bad his cock pulse in anticipation. He reached down to undo the stays to his breeches as he rounded a corner, and then he paused to watch the hapless girl push herself up to her feet. He smiled as she backed up, slowly moving closer to him. She begged God to save her, and he nearly laughed aloud despite himself. The poor thing actually believed she would be saved… ah, but it made it so much sweeter when her primal instincts made her stop within arm’s reach of him. Her breaths came in shallow gasps, and Frank growled as she reached out to sink his thick, short fingers into her hair.

“Beg some more,” he taunted as he turned her around by her hair and yanked her head back. “Maybe he will hear you.” He dragged the wisp of a woman closer, but left space between them so that he could use his free hand to yank the front of her bodice and corset down, just enough to lift her beautiful, flawless tits free.

“This is what you were made for,” he grinned, and then smacked one of those lovely breasts to make the pale skin turn bright pink. Careless fingers clamped down on the nipple and tugged cruelly, enjoying the way she writhed, and keeping her contained through his handful of her silky-soft hair. “This, all of this, was made for men to enjoy, to devour, and to use.” Frank released the nipple he held prisoner to smack the girl’s other breast, the impetus making the little mound bounce and eliciting a crack of sound that seemed to echo in the quiet night.

“You all think your untouchable at first,” he chuckled as he watched a second handprint form on her flawless skin. “You taunt, you tease, you beguile, and then you expect men to keep their hand’s off of you.” Amusement became hatred as Frank gripped the girl’s chin to hold her face still, and then he pulled up hard on her hair to raise her up onto her toes. “You’re all alike. My wife was just like you once, all noble ladies are, until your husbands teach you to be the whores you are. We breed you and trade you like cattle. That’s what you are, Regina, a cow, livestock your father will trade for land and money.”

In that moment, it wasn’t the girl he hated. It was his wife, his mother, his daughters, the withering looks of a girl that had laughed at his confessions of love as a young man, and every other woman that had wronged him, slighted him, or made him feel small. Most of all, it was rage at Colleen O’Donovan for trading him in for the fucking Devil Duke. Regina was just the poor little idiot that was going to pay for it, all of it. Tomorrow, night, too… and maybe even the night after that. After all, they would all be at the Lodge for the week, and the stupid little girl wouldn’t tell a soul if she meant to be worth anything to anyone.

“Let’s get that hymen out of the way,” Lord Howard mocked her before he threw her down to the ground at his feet. Standing over her, he drew his eager cock from his pants and gave it a squeeze. He wanted her to see what he was going to use on her, and the widening of those pretty eyes was a joy to witness. “Be a good little cow, now, and don’t struggle too much.”

Lord Howard launched himself at Regina and flipped the slender woman onto her stomach before he pinned her down with his weight. Her struggles helped him in raising those lovely skirts, but he was already tired of listening to her scream, so clamped one hand over her mouth and nose to shut her up. His other hand worked at getting her damn skirts up before he pushed her legs open with his knees.

There was a thick thud, a sound that was utterly out of place… and then Frank’s weight collapsed on top of Regina.

“You really are repugnant, Monsieur.” A masculine voice that should not had been there spoke from somewhere behind Regina, and then Frank’s weight was lifted off of her.

Voltaire kneeled down to watch the terrified girl try to right her clothing. He did not reach out to touch her but smiled softly and held up his hands in supplication. He was bleeding from his lip, and he looked awful after crawling through the bushes beneath that damned balcony, but even if he had been in perfect condition, he would not have expected the girl to trust him.

“Un… Bonjour mademoiselle,” he started haltingly, “You didn’t seem to be enjoying the tryst, so I thought I’d put an end to it.” He glanced at Lord Howard who was snoring off to his left. The man’s cock was still out, and he looked a fool, but Voltaire was not about to save him from that fate. A man that would force a woman deserved a fate worse than death… it was a shame he was in no position to provide that fate at the moment.

“I don’t want to frighten you,” he promised slowly, keeping his hands up where she could see them, “but I will help you, if you let me?” He stayed crouched, kept himself as small and harmless as he could possible appear, while he waited. “I will sit like this all night if you want me to, but we may find ourselves worse off, in the end.”
The lilt from the sudden voice took Will by surprise. When he glanced over his broad muscular shoulder it was as if the universe was manifesting his fantasy. Or tormenting him. Never before had the Duke laid eyes on a more tempting sight and still he could not pinpoint exactly what he found alluring about the Irish harlot. She was brazen and opinionated. All things he detested in women. Nor was she exceptional in anyway. There was nothing to recommend her. Not looks. Not manners. Not family connections. And not even finances.

Will's gaze roamed over her naked form from the short distance between them. Not that he could see enough to appease his stirred appetite. But what he saw certainly stirred something within him. He listened to her blather on. She was good at that and annoying him. Still it was too early for the latter and his interest had suddenly been piqued. Or was it his ferocious desires? The Duke took his time slowly stalking to her side.

So this was all her doing he realised. Clearly last night wasn't warning or lesson enough for the wench. And after all, he was only a man. And even the best of men fell to their base instincts from time to time. From his mountainous he could see clearly all she had to offer and he was far from disappointed. Striding leisurely around the brass tub the Duke finally stopped by her side. "Bad impression Baroness?" The title from his lips was little more than a taunt. "I regret to inform you that there are worse members of your sex than you that fit that criteria in my books." He educated her in that brusque tone of his while his fingers stroked a copper red curl between the tips. "You're not significant enough to occupy my time."

For a moment he was silent. Contemplating deeply. He was extremely hard and thankful of the positioning of his cock in his breeches that made sure his arousal was not blatantly obvious. He had been thinking about his mother until he was aware of Colleen's presence behind him but now all he could think about was Colleen and her lovely nakedness. How if he wanted he could spread those long legs of hers and thrust himself deep inside while his lips followed that trail of freckles between her hot and heavy breasts.

Every reasonable thought that spoke of what a troublesome mistress Colleen O'Donovan would be seemed to go silent as those fingers playing in the tips of her curls turned into a fist, pulling her head back, causing those delectable rosy pink nipples to pop out of the water just above the surface. The Devil Duke took his time crouching, his lips roving over the rosy buds in an infuriating tease before he devoured the hard nip. Biting, licking, all while keeping her at his command with his tight grasp in her thick air.

The scent of honey and cloves stirred with the taste of her only made his cock throb harder. Will didn't know if he had it within him to stop himself for second him in all but twenty four hours. He didn't want to stop himself. So, he wouldn't. His clever mouth had her squirming which made it easy for him to run his free hand between her soft supple thighs ever so slowly until he reach her core and ever so slowly stroked her lips open; toying with her most sensitive part only tormenting himself from the moans and gasps that escaped her.

The Devil was sent into a frenzy. His blood rushed through his veins. A predator who's prey had walked into it's own trap. Shooting up standing tall once more, Will yanked Colleen to turn to the side in the water. His clench only tightening in her hair further as he pulled her face level with the fastening of his breeches. "Undo them." The Duke commanded. His gaze desire drenched and thirsty. He could see everything. Her marvellous tits. The seductive curve of her ample arse . . . Running his thick thumb over that full bottom lip . . . You couldn't provoke the Devil and expect to escape unscathed . . .


There was nothing more the man desired in that very moment except bring her to the heights of her pleasure. Her moans, her gasps, all the sounds she made only made him work harder to make sure she reached that exquisite petite mort. A satisfied smile painted the Marquis of Wessex's face when his sweet captive capitulated into the depths of her pleasure. That persistent tongue of his playing her like a harpsichord until the taste of her pleasure was potent on his tongue. Lapping it up, the scent of her arousal stoking his own. He wanted her so badly he could barely breathe.

Biting her inner thigh Roarke snaked up ontop of her and quickly reversed their positions so her laxed figure was straddling him. She was desire drunk and Roarke was certain that if he let go of his hold on the back of her dress she would tumble down onto his chest. His other hand stroking the hallow on the side of her neck wondering what he was supposed to do with her. Adelaide . . . She was perfection. Her flushed skin only making her appear lovelier to his dark gaze. She had bought a light into his life that had long ago been extinguished. Her tenacity to overstep him at every turn had only endeared her to him and now he was truly fucked.

Lines had been crossed. It was his duty to bring her in. She was the enemy whether by choice or force. Whatever her reasons . . . She was keeping something from him. He kept plenty of secrets of his own, for good reason of course. And yet there was nothing between them to warrant an honest exchange of information. She was his captive pure and simple. She was in fact a prisoner of King George III and he was in danger of treason by harbouring her.

These were but a few of the mired thoughts swimming around the Marquis head as his hand slowly began to unlace the back of her dress. The slow sound of silk being pulled filled the sombre chamber besides a knock to motion the libation he'd ordered waiting outside the room. However, Roarke's mind was far from any pleasures but the one sat on his lap. Her firm bottom torturing his already aching manhood. He'd been more celibate in these past ten days than he had been in the past fifteen years in his life. Of course there had been plenty of wenches to satisfy his needs back in Hampshire but he didn't want any of them. He only desired the one with him now.

"Don't tell me you've decided now's the time to be shy." He teased as he pulled the last of the lace binding free from her gown. The bodice in the front dropping slightly as he pressed his face against he partially bared skin. It wasn't nearly enough of what he needed. The memories from the ball all those nights ago stirring every sense, remembering the warmth of her around him. The tightness. The urgent need to make her his. Entirely his. "Or I'll have to really punish you." He growled, nipping wherever his mouth could reach; his hips rocking against her hot core.

There was so much he wanted to do to her and yet somehow he managed to contain himself from not throwing her onto her front and taking her right then and there until he had his fill of her. And yet there was this odd certainty within his being that somehow knew that he would never be able to get enough of Adelaide Aedler. His hands slowly peeling open the back of her gown. "I want all your secrets."


The long night Richard had just endured could be seen upon his worn features and the day worth of stubble that marred the bottom half of his dashing face. There was nothing worse than wakefulness on nights like these but he was determined to keep vigil. He find no sleep in his own bed anyway and at least this way he was certain that Laurel was safe from harm. However, as those troublesome thoughts have a tendency to do in the early hours of the morning, the Viscount realised he was very much the biggest threat to Laurel's safety. That had to be remedied. Yet the only way to do that was to remove himself from her presence. That was not possible for the time being but in the future . . . He knew it wasn't impossible. He'd done it for years and yet . . . She was like an addiction. Just her presence in close proximity and he was nothing short of a thrall to her magic.

The night was long and the wall behind his back hard. The only respite from such thoughts were the shenanigan's of the other guests. They changed bedfellows like musical chairs. The grim amusement of that lasted but a short while and by the time dawn had broken on the horizon, Richard was counting the minutes until the house would be alive and awake. The man had to make himself scarce when the others did begin to stir but he never lost sight of Laurel's chamber door.

His thin frown only deepened when almost everyone was downstairs at breakfast and Laurel had not stirred. Catching a maid, Richard commanded that she go see to Lady Laurel while he wondered where her own damned maid was. It wasn't long before the servant stood before him with the news that the Lady was not feeling well and asked for only some tea to be bought up and left before her door.

Sleepless nights often put the usually charismatic and patient Viscount in an abominable nature. He bid the maid fetch the tea quickly and do as the Lady bid. Those minutes seemed to pass like hours. When the maid finally came back up, tray laden with tea, she nervously glanced in Richard's direction before leaving the tray on the floor before the door and letting Laurel know through the door that she had bought it up. When the young servant rushed past, Richard stopped her with a finger to his lips and a note slipped into her coarse worn hands.

Morreland wasted no time as soon as the maid departed to move towards Laurel's door, where he rested his weight against the door frame and when Laurel finally opened the door, the shock on her face as priceless as it was did not even prompt or elicit any humour from the normally good humoured Viscount. Instead with the tip of his boot he pushed the tray in through the threshold and to the side before he moved forward into Laurel's personal space and close the door behind him. The last thing he needed was for them to be intruded upon because someone spotted a cold pot of tea on the floor outside.

"What exactly is wrong with you?" He demanded pressing a hand to her forehead to check for signs of a fever.

There were only a few options. Either she was hurt or injured in some way that he had missed last night, or she was truly ill or she was trying to avoid him. All were possibilities and none would put his mind at ease. This wasn't what he had meant when he'd promised himself he'd keep his distance from her but the man was running on pure instinct right now. The only woman he ever cared about claimed to be not well and she was right here within reach, how could he not do something about it?
What exactly is wrong with you?

Laurel had waited until she was sure the maid was gone. She’d listened at the door, holding her breath, for any sign of another human being before she’d unlocked her door. Even then, she hadn’t opened it right away. She was so damn careful. She thought she was careful. Not only was someone on the other side of the door, it was Richard she found glowering at her like some avenging beast.

“No,” was the tiny, desperate squeak of sound that passed her lips. She had tried to slam the door closed again, but he came through the threshold with an unyielding will that sent her skittering back into her room like a mouse looking for some place to hide. She didn’t even notice the tea tray, not when she was far more worried about the hand that pressed to her forehead. Her traitorous heart jumped into her throat and started pattering away with the speed of a hummingbird’s wing. She was thrilled and horrified to see him in equal measure. Half of her dimmed and scattered wits was all too happy to wrap herself up in the warmth and safety he could offer while the other half was desperate to run as far and as fast as she could from the ruthless killer she knew him to be.

“I’m fine,” her voice cracked as she pushed his hand away. A few quick steps put some distance between them when she danced out of arms reach. When he followed, she shifted away from him again. How could she even begin to tell him that she was in shock, Laurel didn’t even know what shock was. All she knew was that she was frantic, terrified, sick on adrenaline, nauseous, anxious, and light headed. She was sure she’d burst into tears at any moment, or fall apart, or simply faint away when she reached the end of her tolerance.

Close proximity to Richard seemed to be helping absolutely none of those things.

“You’re done with me, aren’t you,” she snapped at him, using his words to try to chase him away. “You never loved me, you don’t care, so go away!”


You’re not significant enough to occupy my time.

Out of all the horrid and detestable things that had ever been spoken to Colleen O’Donovan, she could not remember something that cut so cleanly as that simple phrase. If he meant to use it as a weapon or not was ambiguous when attached to the concept that there where worse women than she that took up room in his thoughts. However, something in it wounded her in a way so little else in the world had ever succeeded in doing. She ignored the sting as she would a bee buzzing about her bonnet, her lips turning into a petulant smile. One thing she absolutely refused to allow the man was to see how thoroughly he’d hit his mark.

“Then I pity those that have garnered enough of your wrath to warrant it,” she allowed before she popped the little bite of cheese past her lips and chewed delicately. He stood over her for a time, seemingly lost in thought while his fingers played with the soft curls at the ends of her hair. His gaze roved over her while he contemplated whatever it was that had been troubling him, and Colleen relaxed back into the tub to let him look his fill. She wanted him, badly, but there was something strangely comfortable about the bear of a man testing the silken threads of her hair with his rough fingers while he puzzled over whatever quandaries men such as he puzzled. She had relaxed almost completely when his hand wrapped her hair around it once, twice, and then closed into a painful fist at the base of her skull.

Her bright green gaze snapped up to his face, and then he yanked her head backward. Colleen was forced to arch her back and her hands settled on the rim of the tub to hold herself balanced. The lass jerked her head to try to free herself, but his grip only seemed to tighten as he crouched down beside her. For a moment, she thought he was just getting a closer look, and then he dipped down to press his lips to her skin. He touched only the soft, pink skin around her nipples, but the sensation sent streaks of lightening straight to her core. The tender buds turned bright red as they tightened, and just when she thought the ache was too much to bare, warm lips closed around one to suck, lick, and viciously bit.

Despite herself, Colleen trembled under his attention, mewling her pleasure like a cat in heat when he suckled greedily at her breast. While the sensations made her toes curl, the sight of it made her head spin. She would have never imagined the Devil Duke to indulge himself in such a simple and intimate an act as to suckle at a woman’s teat. While he lavished attention on one breast, and then the other, wandering fingers found their way betwixt her thighs. Colleen’s legs fell open far too easily, and then her hips lifted eagerly while his fingers stroked ever more boldly at her core. He opened her slowly, invading her person a little more with each stroke, only for his attentions to abruptly be taken away.

For a moment Colleen thought the man meant to play the same game from the previous night, tormenting her only to leave her wanting. The original insult had been bad enough, but for it to happen again was more than her pride could handle. Before she could voice a word against him, however, the Devil yanked the lass up onto her knees by her hair.

Undo them.

Colleen’s gaze hopped back and forth between the stays of his breeches and the Duke’s glowing eyes. It was a simple enough order, and yet she hesitated while he stroked her bottom lip. She didn’t have a problem with the act itself, but instead the strange sense of violation that was settling over her. William was not like other men, and the sense of power that she normally found in seducing a man had been stripped away from her so completely that she was left grasping at straws. Trying to turn her face away earned her nothing more than a vicious tug on her hair. The very idea of over powering or escaping the man was beyond stupid. She was left with no other recourse but to obey his command. Her hands shook slightly as she lifted them to his breeches, but her fingers were confident in their work as she tugged the lacings free. Slowly, the fabric parted, and Colleen sucked in a sharp breath as the man’s cock as freed. She’d thought him somewhat unaffected, but she’d been wrong. He was simply controlled by an iron will that other men didn’t process. He was hard and ready, and yet he seemed in no hurry to slake his lust. It didn’t help that what had felt impossibly large the night before looked even more so now that it was inches away from her face.

“You are an unusual man, Dynevor.” Colleen murmured, some of her confidence returning with proof that he wasn’t as unflappable as he seemed. She could let him have control. She could allow him to dictate how this encounter would play out. All that mattered to her was that it was another opportunity to wriggle beneath the skin of the Duke where he couldn’t get rid of her. The lass needed no extra urging or further instruction, she knew what he wanted, and she was surprised to find she was eager to wrap her petal soft lips around the head of him and suckle as greedily on his cock as he had at her breast.


Addie let out a little yelp when Roarke bit the inside of her thigh, but she was flushed and laughing when she found herself sitting astride his waist a moment later. He made her dizzy and breathless, and now that she had given herself permission to love him, she felt light and relaxed in her post-orgasmic glow. There was still so much left unsaid, so much that could end the fragile peace they had, but she was to determine to steal what little joy she could while she had the chance.

Nestled against her bottom was the proof of his desire, something Addie exploited by subtly rocking her hips to rub against him while his long fingers pulled expertly at the laces that held her dress closed. As was her want, she wasn’t wearing a corset. It was scandalous, she knew, but it wasn’t as if she had planned on leaving the house. She’d been so melancholy she hadn’t even planned on leaving her rooms until Eleanor had talked her out of them. As her bodice fell loose, Roarke pressed his to her skin.

“Not shy at all,” she murmured as she pulled her arms free from the gown and pressed the top of the dress down to bunch up around her hips. It was as naked as she had ever been in is presence. Somehow it felt right, comfortable, and she wasn’t about to question it. “It’s just the middle of the day and the entire house is awake. But, I’ll take that punishment if you like,” she teased, only to gasp when his hips bucked beneath her. Her clit was so tender the contact was almost painful, but there was no denying that she was more than willing to let him have anything he wanted.

I want all your secrets.

Accept that.

The small statement made her blood run cold with a fear that was far too familiar. Again, the paranoid belief that this was just some game he was playing with her rose up to try and strangle her reason. It was made so much more painful for Addie now that she knew she loved the wretch. But, that understanding somehow made her more resilient as well. Yes, it could all be a game. Maybe he did still believe her to be some French spy, and this was all an elaborate method of making sure she was his creature.

“What secrets do you want to hear?” she asked as one of her hands slipped up the back of Roarke’s neck and into his hair. She gently held his head against her chest to coax his mouth into covering a tender nipple that was desperately aching for attention. It was a distraction, something to keep him busy while her other hand reached beneath the gown now piled around her hips to slowly work the ties on Roarke’s breeches loose. For now, she needed the comfort of feeling him buried inside her, of his body moving against her, hard and urgent. The rest could come later. She wasn’t ready to face the calamity that was sure to follow when she told the man that she was from the future. He’d think she was insane, and all those would come to a shattering and horrible end. She wasn’t ready to face it, not yet. Instead, she focused on lifting him free of his breeches. She rubbed the slick lips of her slit against the hot head of him, savoring the way his body tightened and coiled, like a spring ready to snap, before she lowered herself down over him.

Addie let out a soft growl while her damp walls clamped down around him greedily. They hadn’t had to time for Roarke to learn that she was not like other women he’d know. He’d only had her once, and that was a rushed quickie against the brick and stone walls of Belaquis House. Some of her old confidence resurfaced and Adelaide settled easily into slow, sensual ride. Some part of her wondered what he’d think if he knew the things she was willing to do with him, or things she had done with other men before him. How many times had she insisted she was not a lady?

Maybe it was time for Roarke to know just how true that statement really was.
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