Aureus clinked. Single coin moved between elegant fingers of a man who observed this marvelous little bauble that moved the world. It was trapped but safe in hands of a man who knew exactly how much it is worth. Fingertips moved over the intricate engraving that determined value of this precious metal. Twenty five denarii... monthly pay of a legionnaire and with few more to spare. Twelve bags of wheat, fifty amphora of good wine. Smile appeared on Lucius' face, but it was not this marvelous little coin that achieved this. No, it was something else, something much more amusing.
"As you know..." Man stood up, addressing his peers. Years were catching up to him. Once brown hair became gray and clean cheeks were covered in just as gray beard. In Lucius' eyes, this man was always a traditionalist, a product of bygone age lingering in hallowed hall of Senate not for his wealth or prowess... but wisdom that was quickly being washed away with each year's first snow. You are getting old Tullus, Lucius thought and Senator continued his speech "... construction is already eight months behind. Deadline was crossed two times already. There are whispers among citizens that will of gods prevents us from finishing the temple. Some say, even, that Rome is falling out of its grace.
No Tullus. Gods did nothing to stay your hand Lucius mused to himself, leaning his chin against fingers. Coin. That's what you are lacking to finish this and coffers are light. Lucius was not wrong in this assumption of his. Though Republic expanded more int he last decade, it did nothing to change economic position that Rome was in. They funded four campaigns, four swords to strike at the heart of barbaric tribes that still plundered northern borders. It was a success, resounding one too but what they did not expect was that they tried to squeeze water out of dry wood. Legions were not free. Each legionnaire needed to be fed and clothed, they needed to be trained and paid and every time they marched back through the gates a triumph had to be held... It was not will of Tullus, no this was will of Senate. You emptied coffers... how will you explain this to -them-?
"We have already prolonged this for too long." Another consul rose from his seat "Delaying once more will show that Senate is not capable of reason, that we order without care if we can pay for it. Romans will not forget that."
"Then perhaps..." Tullus continued after clearing his throat "A tax increase is in order."
No, you won't raise another tax, Tullus. Another thought rushed through his mind and much to his expectation, other consuls responded with mumbling among themselves. Few rose to openly defy this idea. You would not dare touch into pockets of citizens so soon after previous tax increase. That would be your political suicide. You know this... you know that as soon as you so much as tilt your head to the side, wolves will reach for it... and they will replace you with someone younger, someone they can control. Aureus danced among his fingertips. This plan of theirs, this construction of temple dedicated to Mars has already been modified three times, each time adding more to it, each time increasing its size and splendor. It was firm belief among citizens and consuls alike that this might appease god of war and grant them swift and decisive victory in upcoming conflicts. But each extension added more to the cost and every time it stopped. For months at a time just so city could bring marble from the provinces... an expensive commodity when used in such grand projects. Lucius let out a gentle snort, barely audible but impossible to contain. He knew this dance, he recognized it...
"If not taxes..." another man rose, younger and with more strength in his body and mind. "Then we shall ask for public funding." Another set of mumbling occurred, heads turned from left to right to see what the other person has to say about it. Public funding? You mean, you would ask wealthy patricians to fund the rest? But whom will you ask? "There are many who would see this as honor to be bestowed upon their house and a public proclamation shall be done to honor their name!"
Heads now nodded, many did. It was a good idea. Senate would add a small bronze plaque somewhere at the very bottom of the pillar to 'honor' the name of benefactors who ensured this grand edifice's success... and Rome would not need to pay a single as any more. However, it was a double-edged sword for whoever was to cut open his coinpurse will more than likely attain great popularity among population, and they would ride this 'glory' for months if not years to come. It was not uncommon for few consuls to be replaced during those times. Appius, the orchestrator of this idea, knew this well. His seat was safe, his future clear... though there were those who sat on opposite end who were not so lucky. He counted on it. You cunning bastard.
"Whom shall we ask?" A voice raised a question. Appius stood still for few moments and Lucius chuckled. He wondered whom will Appius look toward. Will you look toward Scipia? Mars is one they pray to, surely they would jump to this chance to gain favor of god who guides their swords on the field of battle. No, they won't stand up, their coffers will bleed dry and vultures will tear them apart. Will you ask Iulia? Lucius' eyes now jumped on the opposite side where entire row of men sat in silence. If there was ever a House Lucius was weary of, it was House Iulia. Their influence was strong, their informants skilled. Nothing could ever be whispered on streets without them finding out. But they won't do it either... Like Scipia, their power did not lie in coin. I know whom you are waiting.
Appius waited, patiently. He waited for Lucius to rise to stand up for he knew his house can pay for this construction without so much as a scratch on their wealth. But Lucius did not stood up. He knew that if he did, Appius will refuse him... If Lucius asks again then it will paint him as a desperate man who tosses coins. They will take coins but it will then look as if Senate is doing house Aurelia a favor, and in politics, favors were powerful tools. Appius waited and so did Lucius. When it was more than apparent that he would not stand up, young man now turned.
"Perhaps House Au-"
"No." Lucius interrupted him, pocketing his coin. He still refused to stand up "I have no intention to fund this temple. House Aurelia has paid for damages that Forum suffered not too long ago... Temple of Mars is not what I will fund when statues in my home are dedicated to another."
"The wealth of your house, honored consul Alba, is-"
"Not concern of anyone present here." Lucius bellowed. His posture leaned forward and in single movement he stood up. It was as if age refused to catch up with his body which moved as if he was barely eighteen years. Vigor followed his every step that led him to the center and his cold, piercing eyes gazed into those of young man "My house prospered because I do not frivolously toss coins every time someone barks my name. Proclaim another extension of deadline."
"The people of Rome..." Appiues spoke, tone softer, defeated by presence of man who outgrew him for almost entire head in height.
"When first revision of construction plan was done, do you remember who voted against it? If you have trouble remembering, I will be more than glad to remind you." He took another step forward. It would be unheard of to dare lay a hand on another Consul within hallowed grounds of Senate but Lucius never intended to even touch young man. With just two meters between them, their height difference was all too apparent. "Me." Lucius said with soft tone "I voted against revision every time it was discussed but each time you spoke of divine favor and our duty to the gods. Why must I pay for your failed plans? Go tell them." He nodded with head toward exit "Tell them you can't finish what you started."
The beast was wounded, its pride beaten into the ground... all it needed now is one more blow, a decisive strike to ensure its defeat. Lucius took a few steps toward the exit, followed by another round of incoherent mumbling of others. Just as it was certain that he would abandon this argue, he turned on his heels and looked toward the gathering. His expression was stern, his eyes determined to not let this little exchange unanswered. The final blow.
"I am not a heartless man." Smile widened on his lips "I will send coins and ensure that final phase of construction is finished without any further delay." His words echoed in dead-silent hall "After all, we do not want citizens to believe gods have abandoned them just because of few... miscalculations." Eyes connected to that of Appius, certain that young man would understand it was he who was labeled as 'miscalculation'. "We will finish the construction and ensure that rumors of this put to rest. I am sure Senate won't mind my sudden outburst of boldness. Will it?"
The question was rendered moot. Lucius left the Senate and with quickened steps made way toward his villa. Four guards followed him at all times, armed and trained, looking more like pack of rabid dogs ready to be unleashed... for the pay they received, they were more than content to play obedient puppy and a bloodthirsty hound. Their pockets were never empty and their loyalty without question. Unlike his guards, Lucius did not hide obvious joy that rushed though his body... Not only will he himself be there when final white marble slab is placed in the temple, but it will be done in such a way to ensure every Roman hears of his 'most generous' donation. Senate will preserve its dignity and credibility and they will not dare send so much as an glance toward Lucius. Granted, this will not ensure more seats in Senate for House Aurelia... he will still be way too far from succeeding in any plans for final word within it. After all, he never wanted to crown himself an Imperator... but then again, neither will rest of the Senate. They hatred toward that very word was enough to ensure no single man will ever rise to such power to control every aspect of roman life. For the moment, his future is secure and his treasure well within his grasp. The most valued of them all...
"My lord..." Servant lowered head in respect for master of the house as soon as he entered. He was given the honorary toga that Lucius had to wear within the walls of the Senate. Instead of pure white linen, purple cloth with gold embroidered edges now adorned his still fit body.
"Where is my daughter?" Lucius asked, still brimming with joy. In the sea of corruption and shameless ambition, Lucia was his beacon of hope and pride... one he would never allow to be blemished.