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May We Meet Again (randomname98766789 and Orion)

Dec 22, 2014
United States
Two Ark Guards entered the isolated prison room of Callen Rodgers. The young man assumed it was time for him to be floated. How did such a well-mannered young man end up in the Sky Box? In essence, it was love. Callen’s mother got pregnant around the same time as her close friend, Abby Griffin. It was only natural that their two children were close. Play dates at a young age, time spent at the other’s quarters when parents were working – they were together often. As the pair grew older, it bloomed into something deeper than a friendship. Callen’s only experience with girls, romantic or sexual, happened with Clarke. They had been dating ever since they were around the age of twelve.

They were simply cuddling on the couch of her quarters, watching an old film when the guards busted into the door. They arrested Clarke for her knowledge about the Ark losing oxygen. Well, nobody was going to dare put their hands on Clarke without Callen saying something. Now, Callen was not exactly overly masculine or strong, but there was no telling what a man could do when the woman he loved was in jeopardy. As hard as he fought, he was no match for multiple trained, armed guards.

They were both eventually arrested. It was revealed that it was Abby’s doing, that she informed the Council about what her husband knew and what Clarke knew. She just did not expect Callen to know or to react like this. It had been over a year now. Callen had lost track of time in isolation. It was driving him nuts. After a wristband was slapped onto his wrist, he found himself shoved into a drop ship headed for Earth because they are expendable but that if they are co-operable, their crimes will be forgiven, per a message from the Chancellor.

There was too much going on for Callen to take in, especially when they seemed to land safely, minus the two delinquents that were dumb enough to attempt and follow Finn’s lead. Callen was in the middle of the pack when everyone stood up, filing out towards the door. Callen was not that tall, only around 5’9”, so it was tough for him to see over much of anything. His hazel eyes continued to scan the drop ship, though, hoping to find a certain familiar face that would make things on the ground so much easier.
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After over a year in solitary, Clarke Griffin had sworn that her flotation had come early when her cell door opened and she was grabbed at. She hadn't gone easily and the guards had to use force to get her to move - and even then, she had been so volatile that she needed sedation.

She sure wasn't acting the same way when she hit the ground. While she wasn't surprised in the least to find out that the Ark had finally hit a critically low level of oxygen, sending kids to the ground seemed irrational. However even as they plummetted through the sky there was one consuming thought in the blonde's head: if they had sent all the prisoners to the ground, that meant that Callen had been sent as well. She has considered him rash for acting as he did on the fateful day when they were parted, but now it seemed almost like a blessing.

Her blue eyes scanned the sea of bodies as everyone started to file out of the drop ship. Since she hadn't seen the face she wanted while still secured, Clarke figured that he had simply been placed elsewhere. Eventually she caught sight of him - and even from behind she knew that it was him. She weaved her way through the crowd until she could come up behind him and then she squeezed her beloved tight. "Callen!" she cried out, ecstatic. "I don't think I've ever been this happy to see you!"
A voice from behind Callen called his name. Seconds later, a familiar pair of arms were wrapped around his midsection. “Clarke?” He spoke her name, as if he tried to figure out whether he was hallucinating. Placing his hand on top of her hands that were wrapped around his waist, Callens simply stopped, standing still until the other delinquents walked by. Turning around, finally, Callen had possibly the widest smile on his face, that he ever sported. “It’s really you.” He breathed out, a happy sound leaving his lips. Now, nobody ever accused Callen of being sensitive. More often than not, Callen was even, calm in his emotional state. Right now? He felt like crying tears of joy because he was reunited with the love of his life.

He spent the past year believing that he would never see her again, that they were both going to die within the next month or two. Tightly, Callen pulled the blonde into his embrace, hugging her as tight as he could. “Clarke.” He spoke her name again, just trying to make himself understand that this was real. His eyes squeezed tight, one hand slowly tangling in her hair, the other resting on the center of her back. They were still the only two left on the drop ship as the others already stepped out onto the ground. Despite that, Callen did prefer the privacy they were afforded right now. They could explore the world later, but for now, they had each other again, it felt completely surreal.
"It's really me," the blonde assured. She was so overwhelmed with emotion that tears welled in her eyes. Even as everyone had left the ship behind, she was happy here. After over a year apart, Clarke had not felt very confident that a moment like this would happen. She had wanted it of course, but they were both criminals and she knew secrets that had deadly consequences - she would have been a goner on her birthday.

"Oh, Callen. I'm so happy to see you, there aren't even words for it." The blonde squeezed her boyfriend's body and leaned in close. After stealing a kiss, her head rested against his chest/shoulder area. For a moment, she simply wanted to breathe him in. "I missed you so much. I love you so much. I'm so glad to be here with you."
“I love you, too.” Callen responded immediately, his lips still tingling. Going so long without kissing his girlfriend was torturous. Now that they were reunited, Callen never wanted to stop. Logically, there was nothing he could have done when Clarke was arrested to save her. Even if he did somehow fight off the guards, did he just expect to run for the rest of their lives? Where would they run?

At the time, logic went out the door. If anyone dared to lay a hand on Clarke, they would likely need to kill him before doing any damage to her. It was just the way Callen believed – he would die for Clarke, if needed. He almost did, when the situation was conceptualized. He would have been floated, too, if not for this.

Pulling away from the hug, only slightly, Callen allowed his forehead to rest against Clarke’s. “I never thought I’d get to kiss you again. I thought I’d seen you for the last time.”
The world around them could wait a little longer. Clarke wanted - no, needed - a second kiss. Now that they were reunited, that was only the start. Like Callen, she had believed that they would never see each other again. After all he had attacked a guard and Clarke held one of the Ark's dirty little secrets. Her father had died over what he knew, and had a month more passed she would have as well.

Even two wasn't enough. Clarke wanted to kiss her boyfriend like it was their last day alive - the irony being that it possibly was. They may not have died immediately, but that did not mean that the ground was habitable. That was something that they would find out in the coming days and weeks. He rested his forehead against her own and Clarke used that as an excuse to angle her face up towards him to secure another kiss. "I thought so, too. This is so much better, though. Even if the ground will kill us... At least I'll have gotten to lay my eyes on you again, and spend a last night with you. Let's hope that's not the case though yeah?"

Her voice cracked as she spoke and a tear streamed down her cheek - happy tears. Ecstatic tears.
Callen caught sight of the tear sliding down from Clarke’s eye. To combat it, Callen pressed his lips against her cheek, kissing the tear away. “I have a feeling we’ll have more than a day left. I wasn’t optimistic about this mission, until now. I believe we can still make a life together on the ground. I know we can.” Smiling at the blonde, Callen latched onto her for one more passionate kiss. It felt so surreal. He spent each day dreaming about the moment he could touch her again. It was much better than anything he ever imagined.

Sighing in pure bliss, Callen reached to grab each of his girlfriend’s hands, giving them a firm squeeze. “Maybe we should check out the ground now, yeah?” Before moving, though, he could not resist kissing her one more time. He could not get enough. Finally, after forcing himself to stop, their fingers were now laced together as they started walking forward. Upon reaching the ladder, Callen climbed down first, finding that not touching her for five seconds to descend a ladder was asking too much, so he immediately grabbed her hand again once she was back onto the floor. “Let’s go.” He whispered, now approaching the ramp with Clarke by his side.
Callen had to be the sweetest person that Clarke had ever met. Never did a moment pass where she didn't feel his love, and that was something that she adored about him. Almost all of her time locked up had been spent thinking about him and whether or not she would ever get the chance to touch him again. It had seemed impossible given their crimes, but here they were. He wasn't the only one who had a time letting go long enough for them to get the ladder, because now Clarke never wanted to leave his side. She was normally a rather touchy person, at least with him, so that on its own was no surprise. That desire of hers seemed to be amplified now that they had reunited.

"Together?" She asked as she held on to her boyfriend's hand. She gave it a squeeze as she looked over at him. She hoped that they could take their first steps on to the ground at each other's side, together. It only felt right to her, and she hoped it would for him as well.
“Together.” Callen confirmed Clarke’s desire, as it was his own desire, too. In unison, the couple’s first steps on Earth was taken together. A shaky breath escaped his lips while his eyes scanned the surroundings. Wow. It looked magical. He remembered when Clarke would draw for him – she would lay her head in his lap and draw something of them standing together on Earth. It was no longer just a drawing – it was real. The air smelled clean. Everything felt fresh. This was fantastic. Looking to Clarke with a big smile on his face, Callen could not help pulling her into another hug.

“This place… is unlike anything I could have imagined.” Callen admitted to the blonde, a laugh leaving his lips. He barely believed this was happening, holding tight onto Clarke like he would lose her if he let go. Callen kept his eyes open, just taking in the surroundings. “I never thought we’d see this place.” It was still so much to take in at once, but Callen knew it was a good thing. They were sharing it together. They would make this their new home together. There was a future for them here.
Nothing compared to the visceral thrill that shot through Clarke's system as her feet hit the ground for the first time. It was just as beautiful as she had imagined, and drawn so many times. It was no secret that she had often wondered what it would be like to step foot on to the Earth, though until this day she had never thought it would actually happen. The planet was supposed to be uninhabitable during her lifetime, so she had accepted the fact that her fate wouldn't involve fresh air in her lungs, magnificent tall trees and the bumpy unevenness of the ground beneath her that no book could have prepared her for.

"Me too," she admitted as they started to step away. Already she could tell that it was everything she had dreamed of and more. Like Callen, she was sure that they would be able to make a home out of this place together. She didn't wander from his side and instead kept close to him. While they held hands, there was still no more than few inches between their shoulders. "It's amazing, though. I don't think I've ever really felt this... alive."

The earth on its own wasn't having that affect on her - but to be surrounded by fresh air as well as the love of her life, Clarke felt content for the first time since her arrest.
Their peers wandered aimlessly. Everyone was full of excitement and jubilation. It was important they find the entrance to the Mount Weather bunker. However, Callen truly only wanted to focus on Clarke right now. He did not want to even think about responsibility or handling business. All he wanted to do was stay with Clarke. “How about we put some distance between ourselves and the drop ship. We won’t wander far, but I’d rather have you to myself, instead of being around 90 other people.”

It was probably not a great idea to move far from their campsite, so they would not. They could just explore the woods, mark their path, and spend time with each other. Their fingers linked together, moving towards the woods. There was something that resembled a walking path through the woods, making it easy to mark their way. Soon enough, Callen just felt drawn to a certain spot. There was a huge tree, overlooking a small pond of water. It was not that far across, they could see the bottom, but it was the first open water they had ever seen.

“Maybe we could just sit down here for a bit.” Callen murmured, now leaning against the tree, slowly sliding down, pulling Clarke down, too. She could sit however she liked, but Callen hoped she would sit on his lap, just as he pulled her to. “This place is beautiful.” The male commented, looking at their surroundings – the trees, the water, the grass.
Clarke was more than happy to spend some time alone with her boyfriend, especially after so long apart. Callen was the epitome of perfect to her, and he also seemed to be a mind reader. She didn't want to wander far in case something went wrong, but she did want a chance to be alone with him. The blonde kept close to his side during their entire adventure. It even seemed like they were being subconsciously lured to the same spot.

The area in which they settled down was absolutely stunning. Maybe it wasn't rushing waterfalls and the deep blue sea, but it was the closest thing that either teenager had ever experienced as well as their first sighting of open water that didn't involve a book. Clarke was visibly wowed by it all. Her bright blue eyes were wide and she looked alive.

"This place really is amazing," she said before letting out a soft sigh. Clarke was happy to rest in Callen's lap and she leaned back against his body. Before he could even get a hold on her she had grabbed his hands and wrapped them around her own waist. "I'm so glad that I'm getting to experince this with you, Callen. I couldn't ask for any better than what we already have right here."
Despite withstanding a nuclear apocalypse, the water looked crisp, clean. The Earth looked lively with tall trees, thick grass. Callen noticed the absence of animals, but other than that, Earth did not look much different from before. Listening to Clarke made him smile, as did holding her in his arms.

“We can start over, here. We’ll have a new life together. Freedom. The ground. I just feel so happy right now. I was terrified that you would not have been on this ship with me. I don’t know what I would have done without you. Just be prepared for me to never let you out of my arms again. I did that once, and they took you away from me. It won’t happen again.”

As stupid as it sounded, Callen somehow felt guilty about Clarke’s arrest. It was not his fault, but he felt like a failure when he was unable to fight the guards off as they dragged the love his life away. He was supposed to protect her at all costs – he tried to, but it was just too much. Now, they were on the ground. In the end, everything ended up being alright. Yeah, being in solitary for a year wasn’t fun, but it led them to this moment, which was much better compared to the alternative of being floated.

“You’re so beautiful. I swear, you just get prettier each day. Thinking about you was the only way I didn’t go crazy this last year. It was tough to have faith that we’d find each other again one day, but I always believed it was possible. Now, here we are. I won’t ever let anything separate us again.”
Callen may have considered her arrest a personal thing but Clarke did not. He had not failed to do right by her - there was nothing that he could do for her back then. Had he voiced that he felt like that she would have hushed him. As much as she appreciated his care she did not need his protection, and he would be harder on himself for percieve slights than she would be. Some men were just like that, she supposed (though Callen was her best friend and then her first and only boyfriend so it wasn't like she had people to compare his nature to.

"I don't want to be without you either." Clarke settled between his thighs - though she was already sitting she leaned in to him a little more. After she had wrapped his arms around her she rested her hands one on top of the other over his forearm. "I don't want to leave your side either, so you're not going to get any fight from me there. We've already spent too long apart, babe. Even one more day would be criminal now that I have you back."
The entire day was spent by trading touches, kisses, fond memories, and hope for the future. In essence – it was a perfect day. Callen felt whole again. The night quickly crept up over the dropship – their first night on the ground. Callen had long fantasized about spending a romantic night with Clarke in an open field, gazing at the stars and the moon. He imagined the view from Earth was magnificent. So, when nighttime came, Callen was eagerly pulling Clarke behind him. They did pass a field earlier in the day, so he made sure to remember where it was located.

They were in for a (good) surprise. The field was not empty, but it was full of butterflies. They were bioluminescent, lighting up the night sky. It was utterly breathtaking. Wow. Just, wow. “Oh, God… this is so beautiful.” Callen commented, walking with Clarke beside him, pulling her to look at the sight. Butterflies were fluttering all around them, making it such a romantic scene. The moon was full. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. “We need to just take a second and… admire this. Wow… I’ve never seen anything quite like this.” It was not even like they read about, either. It was so much better.
Clarke had a feeling that their first night on the ground would be memorable, and as they reached that field she knew she had been right. There was a beauty to the bugs whose bright blue wings illuminated the otherwise pitch dark sky. Clarke couldn't contain her amazement and wonder as she stood at Callen's side, and she looked to him with her blue eyes wide and wonder on her lips. There was a reason that they hadn't heard about these in the books back on the Ark, it was a side effect of years of irradiation, but that was just a thought in the back of her mind.

"Hey, you're right. I'm so glad we decided to come here." Clarke let herself be pulled towards him, and even rested her head back against his shoulder. The Earth was beautiful in a way that the books couldn't even start to describe. What was even more beautiful was being here now that Callen was once again at her side. Clarke couldn't ask for anything more.
The couple spent another ten minutes at the butterfly field, kissing each other. Eventually, Callen decided that they should head back. “It’s late. We probably have to actually do some type of work tomorrow. I guess we should set up our tent now.” He pulled away, but not before stealing one fiinal kiss. Walking with Clarke, fingers laced together, Callen pulled her towards camp. They set up their tent on the outskirts of the camp – not too far away from everyone, but not in the center either. After the few minutes were spent getting the tent together, Callen crawled in first with Clarke, plopping down onto the blankets that would serve as a mattress.

Callen could not help but think about the direction the night might take. It had been so long since they were without each other. He wanted to make love with Clarke again, to spend the entire night inside of her, kissing her, seeing every inch of her skin. He hoped she wanted the same thing, but he decided to gauge her actions once she crawled inside the tent as well. When it was all zipped up and they were alone, he placed a hand gently onto her arm, pulling her towards him so they could continue kissing.
Ten minutes wasn't enough to Clarke, but she too knew that they had to return at some point. Ideally they would have their tent up and running quick. Callen wasn't the only person here who was thinking about sex tonight. It was no surprise that after a year apart, both of the young couple wanted to engage in a night of fiery passion together. If he had thought for even a second that she wouldn't be on the same page, his memory must have slipped a little since they became imprisoned on the Ark.

With the tent up and ready, they finally had privacy. Clarke shrugged her jacket and her shoes off, though at least for the start of the night everything else was on. She was more than happy to oblige when her boyfriend reached for her arm and pulled her on. As their bodies met, chest to chest, Clarke took Callen by the waist and took that kiss with enthusiasm and fire. "I missed this so much," she whispered. Nothing in the world had ever felt as good to her as... well, anything that this boy did. They could simply be holding hands and he would make her feel on top of the world. "I missed you so much."
Clarke’s passion and fire in the kiss were matched by Callen. His body hovered over the girl, every inch of touching. Callen was already breathing heavily, both hands slowly sliding down Clarke’s back, resting on her ass. He missed Clarke for many reasons: it would have been a lie to say that her body was not one of those reasons. His hands started to grope, squeeze the flesh through her jeans, knowing that they were both probably eager to be intimate. Even before their arrests, the couple were quite active in the bedroom. There was only so much they could do, considering they hardly had privacy, but they managed.

Now? There were no restrictions. Callen did not intend on holding back – he intended to experiment with Clarke like never before. Not jumping right into it, he wanted to work her up. There was a smirk on his lips while his hands fondled Clarke’s rear, digging his fingers into her ass, kneading the flesh, giving it small slaps before groping her again. Callen’s hands were not staying to himself tonight – or any night, for that matter. The kiss continued, but Callen dipped his head down lower, focusing on the blonde’s neck. He had not forgotten her sweet spots, so he focused on them. “Clarke, I need to make love to you tonight. I can’t go another night without you."
Ah yes - they weren't going to have to worry about sneaking around any more. The Ark may have given every woman birth control implant starting at sixteen, but they were still subtly encouraged not to mess around. Given that families shared living spaces, there was rarely an opportunity to just decide to shack up in bed for a little while. They had made do, though. In fact, Clarke had found the sneaking around pretty hot. They had made plentiful use of the time when parents were spent working, but when that was an option they had always been able to find somewhere else. Other locations may have came with a risk, but she was pretty sure that was part of why she liked that sex so much.

Just as Callen groped at her, Clarke's hands were touching and roaming. Just to be playful she squeezed his ass back and her face lit up in a grin. As Callen's head sank towards her neck, Clarke's fingers ventured forward and pushed up under the fabric of his shirt. With her thumbs still on the outside she could hook it in her hands, and then she moved to pull the fabric off of Callen's body. "I need you too baby," she whispered. A sigh escaped her lips as his kisses started to drive her crazy. "Please take me, I need to feel you again. It's been way too long."
Callen did not fight Clarke when she started tugging at his shirt. Once it was removed, he pulled Clarke’s hands to his chest. Now, he was not built like he trained wit the guard, but he had an athletic tone, a few muscles, but Clarke never seemed to find him unattractive, which made Callen feel confident about himself. Sure, he did feel jealous at times, seeing the taller, stronger members of the Ark Guard as they marched around, but Clarke always made him feel attractive. Like now – the way she was looking at him, it was incredible. Now, it was his turn to rid Clarke of her shirt. If she was wearing a bra underneath, he quickly disposed of that item as well, leaving Clarke’s upper body bare.

The first thing he did was dive his head right into her breasts. It began with him kissing the mounds of flesh slowly, his tongue peeking out, wrapping around one of her nipples, sucking it into his mouth while he kissed and grazed his teeth along the nub. He repeated the same process with her other breast, slowly grinding against her. His hands still remained planted on her ass, squeezing the flesh as roughly as he could. “Clarke… there’s something I want to try with you.” He whispered softly, saying these words before even thinking about the consequences if she said no. “That small bag right by you. Open it for me.” He murmured – inside, there was a length of rope he intended to use, if she allowed him.
Clarke would have rathered Callen over any of the Ark guards. Just because someone might be more typically appealing didn't mean that he wasn't the hottest person in the world to Clarke, and his kind nature was more appealing than any amount of ripped abs would be. Now that they were both topless and touching each other, her adoration for every inch of his body would be apparent and never ending. She touched and caressed, grazed her fingers along his skin as his lips and tongue found her breasts. His grinding made her move in tune.

He paused and for a moment she was concerned. It didn't take long for him to say that he had a suggestion, and generally Clarke was always interested in hearing out what her boyfriend what might to try. She was curious as she moved towards his bag, and when she looked inside there was simply a length of room. At first she was confused, but she quickly realized what he was suggesting. "You want me to tie you up?" She said as she pulled it out. Given the grin on her face, she was obviously teasing. She had seen the way he had looked at various items that could be used to bind someone before so this wasn't a surprise. More seriously, she spoke again: "I'd love to try it, if that's something you want."
Callen chuckled softly, reaching his hand towards her face. “So adorable. But, no, you will be the one tied up.” Honestly, the male had no interest in ever switching it up. Himself being tied would have killed any arousal he had or might have had. However, he could tell that Clarke was teasing. It seemed he was not as secret as he liked to be with hiding these desires. “Thank you, Princess.” I have a feeling you won’t regret this.” After all, she could trust her boyfriend. Even if she was restrained, she was still safe. Sitting upright, Callen took the rope from Clarke’s hands. His head was tilted slightly, watching her expression. God, he hoped she would enjoy this. “Now, bring your hands over to me. Hold your wrists together.”

After making the order, Callen gently pulled the blonde’s wrists towards him. Then, the process started. Each end of the rope was wrapped around both wrists a few times. Then, he began weaving the ends of the rope back through the length that he already applied. The last touch was a tight knot on top- no matter how she twisted her hands and fingers, she was not reaching the knot. It was not just a playful knot, he was truly committed to genuinely binding Clarke. “What do you think? Could you struggle for me? I want to see if it holds.”
Clarke waited patiently for her boyfriend to tie her wrists together. The entire time she looked towards what he was doing. Admittedly she was rather nervous, as she typically was when trying new things, but more than that she was excited. Callen's joy in her approval had become apparent immediately and she trusted him fully.

"Alright," she said after he asked her to test out the restraint around her wrist. Clarke had figured he had thought about this before, but the concentration he put in to tying her made it clear. To give the tie a test, Clarke tried to pull apart and free her wrists - only to fail. "Seems like you did a good job, baby. What do you want to do with this now?"
Callen simply watched Clarke, pleased to see that the knot appeared to pass the test. Before they made another move, Callen leaned down to capture her lips in a kiss. Even though she was tied up, she was completely safe with him. He would never do anything that would hurt her. Since her hands were bound in front, Callen decided to place both of his hands into her bound ones, letting her hold onto him while they kissed. She was so perfect - in, and out of the bedroom. He was so thankful she was willing to appease his fantasies.

Now, slowly pulling back from the kiss, he decided to continue forward. "Now, I want to get you a little more... comfortable. It looks like those pants are a bit much right now, don't you think?" There was a smile on his lips as he leaned down to press a kiss to her tied hands first, then crawled down lower to work on the process of removing her pants. It was a slow process, one where he peppered kisses to her exposed skin, each inch that showed until he could pull the article of clothing off her legs entirely.
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