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Star Ocean

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Jun 21, 2009
"You people would be lost without me" the ship was built like a massive flying castle sailing between stars. He may be stuck in a tit can but when he got there he would grind the monsters into dust. Looking around the bridge he was sure that these softies would just get in the way when battle came. "Fayt ill be in my room if you need me" with that he turned away how did these weaklings ever beat him. He was a warrior without mercy or pity no one should have been able to defeat him. He could here someone following him if it was Fayt he would prove once again he was no match for him.
Maria sighed, looking around the crew. Everyone seemed annoyed by Albel as usual. The swordsman seemed to have an uncanny ability to make everyone around him pissed off. Fayt looked unusually calm though, having long since grown used to Albel's boughts. Maria herself wasn't really surprised. However she stood. She really couldn't have that type of behavior on her ship, not while she was in charge. She walked calmly after the Elicorian male, pausing a bit as he neared his room and leaned against the wall. "You know...trying to make everyone but Fayt hate you when we're supposed to be allies is kind of pointless, isn't it?"
Abel had the adrift bad boy look down not because he was trying to pick up girls but it kept most people male and female away. "How would you feel, i cam to fight not sit in a fish bowl" The crew were treating him like some kind of subhuman. He might have come from a world without modern technology but he could beat any of them hands down. "Anyways i did not come to make friends i owed Fayt a debt and i pay those back" she had treated him worst of all trying to get him to tone down his cut first cut second cut till every one was dead or you were.
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