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Game of Tongues! (Jack Stalker and MissMayday)

Dec 26, 2011


Queen Cersei Lannister knew that the meeting could have gone worse, but it could have gone a lot better. Nevertheless, they were not fighting or dying, so things could be improved, this was more and more evident the longer Cersei thought about the so called mother of dragons. Retiring to the city with Daenerys and her forces alongside, she had moved to her chambers to await the woman who had tamed some dragons and garnered a following because of it. Women were different, Cersei knew that. She had been fucked thoroughly and often by her brother, by studs who had been brought to her chambers to service her and then left in pieces, bagged and disposed of. She had even enjoyed the enormous cock of the mountain, albeit while he was dead and could never speak of such things. To her shame she had even come from being abused, several times in fact, as she had walked naked through the city. False tears had stained her cheeks as she had orgasmed from the vile comments and harsh thrashing of hands, sticks, whips and spit. She was a sick and twisted woman, who relished the touch of her own brother, who drowned in ecstasy from the mere thought of incest, who craved depraved couplings, wild carnal escapades and the feel of an orgasm wrenched froth by frenzied and passionate fucking.

However, the wettest she had ever been was right now, right this moment and its cause was not a man, or an act of depravity, not even the thought of a threesome or the taste of a mans cum. She was soaking beneath her dress, which had been wrought and decorated by the hands of a dozen slaves, in fact she was drenched. Her thighs were slick and her pussy lips were puffy and swollen. The cause? The cause was the sight of the so called dragon queen, a woman who had sent shivers of anticipation through her as she had fucked her with her eyes and raped her in her waking dreams. She had known, right then and there, that she had to have Daenery’s. She had to fuck her, to show her the pleasures of her body, to dominate her. She knew that was the key to both success and pleasure. Men were controlled by allowing them to fuck her, to giving them the illusion of control over her. Their cocks spurting their foul seed into her insides, as they groaned out and came within a few minutes. They were always easier to manipulate and control when spent and flaccid. Women were another matter though, they could be teased, they could be fucked and edged for hours, they were not submitted to in order to control, they were dominated, controlled, made to moan in ecstasy and pledge their allegiance. Their taste was of honey, their scent was of flowers, their skin was soft and pliable.. and when they were spanked, or beaten, or whipped, their flesh stained with red trails which pleased the eye. Their tight holes were hungry for tongues, fingers and toys from the east which could stretch them and make them spill forth the most delicious moans from their soft red lips. Cersei wanted Daenerys, she wanted her and she was going to have the false and self appointed so called queen, because only in taking her and making her worship Cersei's flesh would she win. They would both win.

Cersei paced back and forth, slipping out onto the balcony of her tower suite. From here she could see the Dragons and the threat they suggested, but she knew they would not attack, not when they were needed to fight the walkers, not when it was so painfully evident that one had been killed or lost already. The click of her heeled shoes, imported from some Southern nation, sent echoes through the stone chamber as she sipped at her goblet of wine. She was naked beneath her expensive robes, the slits at the sides revealing tantalizing glimpses of her long slender and toned legs all the way to her hips, for those with enough courage or foolishness to stare at their queen. She could feel the stain of her own juices clinging to her inner thighs and it angered her, it made her furious that her control of her own body was slipping away from her, simply because of some lust for a false queen. The hot little blonde who had come to her with the audacity to lay claim to the throne would have to be bent to her will, shown that the very best she could hope for would be to rule at her side... of course at her side meant beneath her feet, but sitting on a throne beside her might placate those with concerns. Perhaps. Of course all that was fantasy and conjecture, all she wanted right now was to replace the taste of wine in her mouth with that of Dany's juices, her lips, her pussy, her flesh.

She wondered if Daenerys felt the same way? Had she imagined the earlier stares? Was she responding to the subtle eye fucking that Cersei had sent her way? Or was she simply sizing her up, thinking about how best to try and destroy her? It could not have been easy for the blonde, surely? With a body and looks such as hers men would fail and flounder, unable to fuck longer than a few minutes before spilling their seed and groaning before rolling over to sleep. No, a woman was needed to feast on that perfect flesh, to suck and to lick and to finger her, just the right way. Cersei hissed, taking a larger gulp to steady her impatience as she paced back and forth. No, Dany had agreed to this meeting within the city, why else unless she wanted to be taken, dominated, shown her true calling... not as the mother of Dragons, but as the thrall and lover of the one true Queen? With a smirk Cersei wondered if she shouldn't simply greet the woman naked, her fingers buried in her gash while she spread her legs wide upon the royal bed. But no, such crude and vulgar brazenness would be for later, first she wanted to see her reaction, feel her heat, look into those hypnotic eyes and know that Dany was as wet for her as she was for the beautiful delicious morsel of a whore given a royal title.

The door opened and the Mountain stood there for a moment before stepping aside to reveal Daenery's. Cersei made no attempt to conceal the way she looked at her, her gaze raking up from her toes to her face before she spoke. "Welcome to my chambers Dany… we can be much more informal here, without prying eyes to test our resolve or judge our demeanour. I admit I'm surprised that you agreed to come here, but first... some wine?" she poured out a goblet full. "We have a lot to talk about, and there is much for me to explain to you about a possible alliance, such as where a woman’s true power comes from. Do you have any questions before I begin?" she asked, gesturing to a long couch which sported enough room for them both. Its back and sides were made from weapons swords and spears and halberds, as if it was an elongated parody or homage to the Iron throne, except made for two to sit upon instead of one. Red velvet covered its seat, which contrasted against Cersei’s outfit, as she sat down. Her gown slid apart at the slit, as she crossed one leg over the other, exposing her right leg almost to her waist. She waited, patiently, moistening her lips with her tongue as she did so. Feasting her eyes on the false illusionary queen.
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Daenerys was a proud woman. She was the claimant to a mighty throne that would rule the majority of the known, civilised world, never mind her earlier conquests in Slavers Bay and the riches she had garnered there were beyond counting, never mind still the three massive Dragons- Two...two massive dragons now.

Daenerys Stormborn, breaker of chains was a name feared throughout Essos, and already the icy tendrils of gossip and rumour were bringing her tales and legends across the grassy lands of Westeros. All the way to the Northern icy wastelands, down to the burning deserts of Dorne. The Targaryen legend was back, and a white haired Queen was riding the wave of power.

The conquest of Westeros wasn't exactly easy though. The damnable Lannisters did put up a fight, even when confronted by hordes of Dorthraki screamers and dragon fire, two of the most terrifying weapons in her arsenal. The Starks rode with her now, as did the Dornish and the remnants of the Tyrells, a host of smaller houses threw their troops into the mix also and she had quite the little force under her command. Except, now it was riding north. She had seen the true enemy, it wasn't a blonde sitting on a pile of melted bastard swords, it wasn't a Crimson House that ruled with an iron fist and interlinked their bloodlines-Not that there was anything wrong with that according to the young Targaryen- it was an army of the undead. Innumerable in counting and terrifying in scale. She had sent her armies Northwards, and rode as hard south as she could to arrange a ceasefire and Peace Talks, and try her damnedest to get Lannister red cloaks onto the wall alongside her forces.

She had been surprised at the gentle summons to Cersei's chamber and was more than happy to take up the offer. It might make sure she would ride North faster...besides, the older womans eyes had never left the young Targaryen the entire time they were at the meeting. Daenerys returned the glances often, and a stirring inside of her kicked off...seeing such a powerful woman was almost a novelty for the Targaryen. She'd always been the one that was in charge...but suddenly she had an equal, and it was exhilarating. Her thick, warm jacket and trousers were soon appreciated...her nipples could cut diamonds and a certain dampness was forming between the girls legs.

Knocking on the door and entering, she gave a diplomatic smile to the older woman, but felt the rush of lust settling in as she set eyes on the Golden haired woman. The mountain was a tad unnerving but Dany had seen bigger monsters in her time and strode right past the beast. Dany was dressed more conservatively still in her thick furred jacket and trousers, her red cape trailing from one shoulder behind as she walked in.

"Some wine would be lovely your Grace. Thank you." She replied as she settled onto the couch, eyeing the spears and blades with interest as she sat and also crossed a leg. Though maybe not quite so revealing as the other womans. The goblet met her lips and the dry red was a wonderful sensation, and clearly piqued Dany's interest, just as her eyes trailed up that long leg without thinking.

Snapping back to reality, she returned the warm smile.
"Where do I get more of this wine..." She replied with a small smirk, a nice little ice breaker as she broke into a beaming grin, already feeling more relaxed as she sunk into the couch.
"Where do we begin? Cersei..." She drawled. The formality's now obviously dropped.
The stories had never done Daenerys enough justice. The reports from spies, those Dorthraki who had been captured and either tortured or bought off, then killed, they all said how beautiful she was. However the real thing, in the flesh and up close, was far in excess of anything Cersei had really expected. Of course the conversations had not all been about her looks, Cersei knew quite a bit about her history, her past, and how steeped in blood and death it was. Some might say it challenged her own history and in places exceeded it. Certainly, she had to concede that Dany had been responsible for far more deaths... well, at least until the Sparrow had been blown to bits by ‘an act of God‘... or more properly an ‘act of Kings Landings true Goddess‘. She mused about the false queens past as she looked her over, feasting her eyes on perfection made flesh. "My goodness, you look like you are dressed for winter already... before we speak further, please, divest yourself of those excess furs, you don't need them here." Cersei insisted in an almost friendly tone as she passed Dany the goblet. It would have been so easy to do away with her right now, poison, settling into her system over a few days... but what would the dragons do? They could sense when their mother was in danger or pain, that's what some of her spies had told her. Hopefully, like most children, they would not rush to her side if that pain was caused by the teeth of another squeezing against a hard nipple, or the painful but indescribably pleasurable stretching of a tight hole.

"Where do we begin indeed?" Cersei replied, moving to offer a hand with slipping off any furs Dany might be wearing if she wished, along with her jacket. "There are so many places to start. Both of us have had quite the history and quite the life up until this point. Both of us only want what is best for our people, yet to achieve that we have both had to engage in, encourage and condone acts of barbarity, bloodshed and death. You have slaughtered people in their hundreds at least, even borne witness to and encouraged the death of your own brother, or so the rumours say. Your entire life spent dealing with men who have betrayed you, used you, bent you to their wills. Even now you are just as much a slave to those dragons... males I take it? As they are to you." she began, pausing she idly reached out to stroke and feel the bottom strands of Dany's long platinum locks. "However that stops now, doesn't it? By now you must have realised, with your alliance with that young girl who claims to be some sort of pirate leader, that women are far more amenable to alliances, to contracts, to partnerships. Far less brutish, egotistical and hardened. You have learned that you can use your wit, your intellect, your knowledge... instead of simply having to rely on your beauty and the power all women have between their thighs." she glanced downward, then back into Dany's eyes.

"Arguably we are two of the most powerful women in the world right now. I rule here and you rule... well, you hope to regain what you imagine to be your birthright don't you? Except you know, in your heart, that unless you compromise that will never happen." she took a sip and smiled. "You don't have the forces ruthlessness or manpower to take this city, otherwise you would have done it already. Plus I expect that it doesn't fit your narrative to slaughter wholesale the people you mistakenly come to ‘liberate‘ from freedom I have already secured for them. There are things perhaps you do not know... I have already saved these people from a religious maniac who sought to control through fear and lies. I bear the marks and scars of his madness upon my body, my hair, my memory... yet I triumphed because of my love of my people and their love for me, my city, my position as Queen. It's a position which was not merely give to me by clutching at an egg and surviving a fire. I had to fight for it tooth and nail, and I will never give it up. Never." her words were calm, relaxed, assured. "So your current options, my beautiful mother of Dragons, are to die battling your icy foe in the north, alone and with no hope of ever coming back here... or it is to accept an offer, which will allow you to be seen by the people of Kings landing and beyond to be that of a saviour and friend. Anything else and this place will be gone." she shook her head, still smiling as she slid a little closer to Dany. "We all sometimes want things which we cannot have, don't we? Yet we are women who find ways to get what we want. We both know that you will never sit upon the Iron throne, but that thing is simply a piece of metal, a symbol. Symbols can be changed. Most people have not even seen the throne, why, they might even think that this is the throne... a longer smoother seat, with space upon it for a Queen and her Advisor, partner, her Hand." she ran a fingertip along a spear point, down the tip of a sword, then back to play idly with the bottom of Dany's hair. "So I have a proposal."

She took another sip. "You will serve by my side, as the Queens Hand, partner and advisor. It will be terribly disappointing for Qyburn granted, but it will afford you everything you have ever wanted. You will be able to serve these people who are not really your own, not as a conquering tyrant merely waiting to be betrayed and overthrown at some point, but as a much beloved addition to the hierarchy of Westeros, of Kings Landings. You will sit at my side upon an iron 'throne' and together we will make this a better place perhaps one day even change the name to Queens Landing." she smiled a genuine smile while fire flickered behind her eyes. "That's what you want, isn't it? To influence the lives of those here, to forge new paths forward for these people, to pass laws for them, to guide the decisions made, to be seen at the side of their queen not as a jailer, or a invading monster who killed and murdered their sons, but as an ally and a friend. All that is possible Dany... if only you see through to the future and realise that you never really wanted to rule upon that throne by yourself. It's just an object, a piece of metal... it's cold." she took hold of Dany's hand, if she let her, placing it against the cold hard metal of a halberd jutting up behind their homage to the real throne. "What you want is the warmth and love of the people." She continued, moving Dany's hand to rest upon her exposed knee, placing her delicate fingers against her thigh with a casual nonchalance. "It's something you will never have through invasion. The people here love me... and a war would be devastating to both sides, in both those lost and the lust for vengeance which would have been ignited in those who survive." she shook her head.

"Thus your only choice is to join me as I have offered. Advise, assist, merge your ways with mine." she explained. "Or everything just turns to dust when the 'Walkers' come, bringing the last winter with them." she said sadly. "Of course, there is one other thing. It is far easier to trust a friend, than a potentially invading leader. Far easier to believe in a partner, than a ally with fluid loyalty. Far easier to bond with a lover, than simply agree to the whims of someone who could care less about you." she informed Dany, moving her own hand back to the woman’s hair easing it up a little further. She afforded her "But listen to me, I've done so much talking... when all you wanted to do was to relax and slake your thirst. A thirst I expect you've had ever since you arrived here." she told her. "Here, Daenerys Stormborn, future Hand of the Queen of Queens Landing. This is where you get more wine from." she brought the goblet to her own lips, taking a small amount of the cool liquid into her mouth. Her hand slid up to Dany's neck, easing behind it to fist in the woman’s hair, using just the right amount of force to bend her head as she moved quickly to seal her lips against Dany's, rising up on the couch to loom over her. She let the wine flow from her lips into Dany's mouth as she kissed her, sealing her searing hot lips against the other womans. Assaulting her with hot breath and cool wine. Her other hand moved to rest on Danys shoulder then breast, in order to steady herself. "Did you want more?" she gasped, pulling back a little, a confident and cocky smirk on her tainted lips as she traced around them with her tongue. Flames of fiery lust burned in her blood and flushed her features. She expected that their negotiations had only just begun...
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"Why thank you for your Hospitality your grace." The younger woman said with a clipped diplomatic hint and a warm, if careful smile. Not wanting to give to much away, not wanting to give away her hand. This was Cersei Lannister, the wife of the Usurper, the Incestuous mother of a brutal dictator and a tyrant. She was a stateswoman, that much was terribly clear. With the way she welcomed her in, with the decorum of the couch and even the brooding, terrifying figure by the door. Cersei was just buttering the younger woman up for some form of assault.

Though she did just as the golden haired woman asked, the room was terribly cold and the Queen stripped down, her gloves tossed aside onto a small table, as well as her large furred coat. Revealing underneath her Dorthraki riding trousers and a sleeveless blue and grey dress bodice. Her milky white breasts once more pale from her months at sea and time in the north, all under a terribly stormy sky. It had been dark the entire time she had been in Westero's, until she finally entered the eternal city. Kings Landing, the centre of the continent, and the clouds seemed to dissipate.

An omen? Perhaps. The seven gods certainly seemed to believe so.

Throughout the Blonde woman's carefully articulated speech, the platinum haired girl sat bolt upright, correct posture, strong eye contact. Just as she had survived in Slavers Bay with the same political attitudes. The young Targaryen had quite the eye for state craft as well.

Even as Cersei played and toyed with Dany's hair, the girl didn't mind. She been used to her handmaidens musings and playful touch in the ivory white hair of the Targaryen dynasty. Cersei certainly seemed to have a compelling argument across almost all of the points. She had found Yara and Sansa Stark to be terribly alluring and useful to contract with. That bastard Jon Snow had been belligerent, so had the snake Xaro Xhoan Daxos in that most honourable and revered shithole that was Qarth.

With suspicious, cat like eyes she watched the older woman downing her wine, and was surprised as suddenly they're lips were locked in a kiss, her entire body froze, her mind blanked and somewhere, deep inside, like a Dragons egg hatching in an eternal fire...something was born.

The Woman pulled back, and with her full lips sweetened by both saliva and wine, Dany considered her options.

Engage in further...negotiations for the betterment of Westero's, or run screaming? Well where was the point in running.

"I've always found that tasteful, high class discussions lead to the betterment of my people, discussions and arguments and partnerships arranged and crushed through deep thought and discourse...but of do that...I'd need a hell of a lot more wine your grace." The Targaryen purred, waiting for Cersei to fill her mouth again before the girl took the initiatve. A fire erupting in her loins as she grabbed the back of Cersei's neck and pulled her into a deep, dragging kiss. Swapping wine and spit as their tongues duelled. The blade of an axe pressed into her spine, a cracked shield thrusting into her buttocks but Dany didn't care.

The time for diplomacy had arrived...
Cersei paused, listening to Dany's request for more wine. Teasing her with the length of time she took to respond, before indeed taking another draw from her goblet and moving to pour it from her lips into Dany's willing and eager mouth, just as Dany grasped at her and drew her into another wild kiss. When Dany's hand moved to the back of her neck she pulled back and away with a snarl, her lips curled, her teeth clenched. She stared at the woman, as though she was an insolent slave who had over stepped her boundaries, then her own grip tightened and she allowed herself to be drawn back in, just as she drew in Dany, their lips smashing together as she indulged in some ferocious and feverish kisses.

Some of the wine dripped and dribbled free to stain her top, she supposed that would have to be removed later, while some spilled down over Dany's chin and onto her throat. Cersei wasted no time in following it, a trail of hot wet kisses assaulted Dany’s lips, chin, throat and finally her collarbone. All the while Cersei's hands worked, one remaining fisted in her hair, while the other crudely grasped at her left breast. Fingers and thumb found the hard nub of a nipple beneath the flimsy garment, tormenting it with their touch as she feasted her lips on wine and flesh, tasting Dany's skin as much as the grapes from the bottle. She returned her mouth to Dany's, before affording her the chance to continue with whatever it was she was saying. The younger girls lips tasted better than any wine, her flesh better than any other living being Cersei had laid her tongue against.

Violence continued to dominate the action, the initial lust and fury of wanton need and passion. She knew things would ease up and soften eventually, but right now the fire was boiling within her, far too hot to be quenched with simple soft savourings. She needed to feel the pressure of Dany's mouths on hers, taste her spit, fuck her tongue with her own, see the flaring fire in her eyes as she indulged herself with the so called mother of dragons lips. "Yes, the betterment of our people is at the forefront of my thoughts as well, and nothing can better them more than your agreeing to my offer." she smirked. Her voice breathy, rasping, moans of pleasure mixing with her words and tone as she battled with Dany's tongue, dominating the younger woman with a series of deep passionate and driven kisses, pushing against her, her hand trying to free Dany's breasts as she squeezed and grasped at one. her other hand released her hair, sliding down her back to clutch at her ass.

She pushed Dany back against the Iron couch, then straddled her, her bare legs exposed either side of the thin strip of her dress which ran between them now. Pinning the girl with her thighs as she moved both her hands to Dany's top, working to open it, to tear it open if she had to in order to feast her eyes on the girls young perky tits. My people need their queen... and so do you." she told her, working at the garment. Giving up she drew a blade from the rear of the couch and slashed it across the lattice work of threads and cords which were vexing her so much, moving fast to discard the blade and drag apart the now severed bodice to expose Dany's tits. She did not even wait to see any look of surprise, instead leaning down to begin licking and sucking on Dany's tits, one after the other, fingers grasping at the swell of her breast before guiding them to her hungry lips and deft flicking tongue as she attended both nipples in turn, back and forth, eyes flicking up to look at Dany as she did so. "You are driving me wild Dany... I'm so wet think I'm going to soak though my dress." she hissed.
From the very first seconds, Dany knew it was going to be more like a trial by Combat than a lusty night in the Red Keep. Hair was pulled, teeth bared and eyes flared with fury as the two women duelled. Cersei's lips came crashing down and her wine spat out like a tidal wave into the younger Queens mouth. Gulping it down eagerly as they wrestled for dominance, breaths snatched between kisses as their hands explored. Dany felt the touch on her nipple and moaned into the kiss, responding in kind, trying to slip a hand up to Cersei's much larger breasts. Feeling the press of a nipple and savagely twisting the nub for a moment before she started running her hands up the blondes luxuriously long legs. Slowly marching up the long slit and aiming to sneak inside the dress.

"You mean our people of course..." She added with a lusty grin as she felt her breast freed and her perky arse the subject of the Queens attentions next. She let out a moan into the kiss and felt the push back against the harsh iron. Shuddering with the violence.
She hadn't been taken this violently since Drogo's first night with her on the rocks in Essos. Since she was pile drived by the Dorthraki screamer for hours on end...before she had taken control, and fucked the Khal into submission.

"I don't need a Queen...I just need fucked." She growled back as she grinned up, her eyes bright with lust, though a hint of surprise flashed over her eyes as the knife appeared, her hands flying up to protect herself but only her Bodice was cut, and the pale skin within was attacked by a hungry mouth. Dany taking the opportunity to upend the wine onto her chest, letting Cersei lap the Dornish red off of the pale pink nipples of the young Queen. No doubt it was a wonderful taste.

"Well why do you still have the dress on then?" Asked the girl below with a hint of mischief in her eyes. Her own loins practically flooded with desire.
Dany knew how to kiss, that was certain, but did she know how to fuck? Or had she simply been used her whole life, never really having been fucked, never really knowing how to pleasure another? Cersei would find out one way or another, while Dany discovered that she would not be able to use her cunt to get what she wanted in this land, not when there was a Queen on its throne. She stole her breaths, feasted on her tits and tongue fucked her mouth, over and over, roaming hands feverish with desire and want slid about Dany's nubile young body, finally stripping her bodice away and exposing her tits for Cersei to feast her eyes, then mouth, on. Sitting back, still straddling her, Cersei forced a hand down her pants, feeling for Dany's slit while toying idly with her right nipple. Trapped between forefinger and thumb she twisted and toyed with it, until finally allowing it to tug free of her fingers and snap back against Dany's breast with a quivering shudder. Every moan and gasp which spilled from the younger girls lips was drunk in and relished.

Dany's hands sliding up and down her thighs brought fierce kisses, appreciative moans and deeper more meaningful lashes of tongue on tongue as she sank into her and delivered a series of hard kisses to her lips, followed by more calm and in control ones as her fingers danced along the creases of Dany's cunt, splaying open her folds until Cersei's expert digits were able to slide back and forth along her wet slot. "The people of Westeros. The people of the city. Whatever." smirked Cersei. "No.. no... no..." said Cersei then, shaking her head. She eased off and back, licking her lips. "You do need a queen. Too long have you tried to be the good queen, look where it got you? Stranded in some city trying to play the role of good Samaritan with people who did not want it. You cannot change people's nature by forcing your misguided morals onto them. Only through guiding them from the sidelines, only from carefully manipulating events from my side can you achieve what you want. The best for the people. "You aren't a natural born leader Dany, take it from one who can tell the difference, but that does not mean you cannot achieve your goals, it simply means you need me to help you. No more bending to the stupidity of men, the urges of men, the ego of men. Already you have lost a dragon, one of your children. Was that because of a man? Because of a mans stupidity? I bet it was. We have both suffered at the hands of men and I say never again. You need a queen to follow Dany, a proper Queen, one as devoted to her people as you are to your adopted brethren and hired mercenaries, all with their own agendas, just seeking to use you." she told her, before sucking on her lower lip, tugging it away an allowing it to slip free from her lips and teeth.

The fear in Dany's eyes when Cersei produced the knife? It told her she was dealing with a fearful child, a young girl ready to be made into a woman the proper way, by being taken by a Queen, not some thug with a sword. She rode dragons but feared the blade of a woman, Cersei knew she had her in that moment, would take her and make her into her perfect ’Hand’. "But do not worry. I am going to fuck you Dany. Because I want to, because I crave your flesh, because I desire it, just as I have desired it since first laying eyes on you. Not even your display of a crazed monster in human form could force my eyes away from you.. and I noticed the same from you. Why don't you go ahead and admit it.. you want someone to show you the way, you want someone to take control, it’s been too long, alone, making idle and rash choices, now lowered so far as to be taking advice from half a man, some deformed dwarf of a thing. You know that he murders children, don't you? I expect he keeps that to himself." she hissed. Standing up she stepped back, turning she slid off the shoulders of her dress, allowing it to fall away to the floor, where she lifted her heeled feet free of it.

Her back was a tapestry of flowers and birds, a large bloom in the middle of her shoulder blades, while a exotic bird was wrapped about her upper right arm. Other plants and flowers were scattered about the stunning vista which had been etched on her flesh, to conceal the worst of her scars and blemishes which were inflicted upon her by the sparrow. She was a walking work of art, her flesh a beautiful canvas which had been turned into a colourful display. Her body was tight now, sculpted after the incident to become harder, more toned, fitter. Her taut ass was firm and inviting, then as she turned her tits came into view, nipples as hard as slingshot bullets, her swollen areola circling the protruding nubs. She stood there with her hands on her hips, a smug grin on her face. I know what you are thinking, but it isn't going to be that way." she said simply. She stepped forwards, raising a heeled foot to place it next to Dany’s left hip. Reaching out she slid the fingers of her left hand behind Dany's head, forcing her to look up into her eyes. Her pussy was inches from the girls face, the swollen puffy lips of the shaven mound almost throbbing with anticipation. Her weeping slit already having decorated her inner thighs with streaks of girlish fluids. "You've had something to drink. Now it's time to eat." she told her.
As terrified as she was to admit it...Cersei was right. Dany had been stumbling through wastelands and hellscapes for years. A rag tag band of Dorthraki at her side grew to an army of Unsullied warriors, grew to a mighty collection of cities and an almost cult like following of slaves, Three monstrous dragons that had rode with her across the seas. Her army was one of the most terrifying to ever land in Westero's...yet what had it achieved.

Casterly Rock was taken, but her soldiers had fallen under siege, one of her beloved dragons lay decomposing north of the wall, and her fleet were scattered.

Was direction what she really lacked? Did she rely too much on the fickle aspirations of the men around her? Jorah the love filed older night, Da'ario the merc who claimed to love her...but in reality it was only her gold...and Tyrion. He was a bit of a beast, cunning, but odd and different...and he reeked of ambition.

Perhaps she was weak, perhaps she was a subordinate woman.

Only one way to find out.
Their lips finally came away from the kiss and the woman shuddered as her tits were abused by the blonde, listening to her commanding tones and confident demenour. It made her cunt slick with desire and it was positively dripping down her legs as she fantasised about what was to come next.

But she wasn't going to make it that easy.
"Why don't you give me a bit more time to think over your words..." The younger woman purred out. Defiance flickering behind her eyes as the long, powerful leg finally propped up next to her hip, she'd spent quite some time admiring the tattoo work. Studying the intricate swirlds and careful patterns. Quite unexpected, and deliciously revealed it seemed.
"Your grace..." She purred with a delicious look in her eyes as she dropped down a few further inches, a tenative tongue probing out before starting to lick and tease along her length. Starting to nibble at her thighs, not wanting to give too much away quite just yet as she worshipped the womans inner thighs and a single finger played with her pussy lips. Rubbing down whilst her tongue ran up, circling just away from her clit for a while, she was a sweet nectar, and Dany was getting a taste of it.
Finally, it was time to push on, and Dany's finger pushed inside, just as the tongue finally hit the clit, and began going into overdrive.
Standing there, looking down at Dany's bared breasts and inviting lips, it drove spears of lust through Cersei which she thought she would never feel again. Fucking the younger blonde, the nubile so called mother of dragons, it was exhilarating, as satisfying as fucking her sibling, perhaps even more so. It made her wish she had been blessed with a sister who looked just like Dany. She could feel her pussy drench itself, with beading droplets of liquid sin breaking free to trail down the insides of her thighs as she stood there, brandishing her drenched inviting cunt, as though it were a weapon to be used to achieve an end. Raw lust burned at her soul and she questioned the sanity of men who would allow such perfection to walk around unmolested... oh wait, her main army all lacked balls, that was why Dany even had the opportunity to pretend to be a queen. Any other army would have ravaged her to rags by now. Cersei needed to take her into her protection, not simply ravage the girl for her own pleasure.

"Of course. You take your time Dany, as long as you come to the correct conclusion. That only together, as strong women who have no need to rely on the whims of men, will the people be able to prosper and move forwards... AUUHhhhUUU!" she let out a long agonizing roan of pleasure as Dany's mouth found her slit, hot breath and cool spit combining to assault her sensitive lips and clit. Sensations of sheer ecstasy inducing pleasure ran through her body, causing her legs to quiver and shake, her hands moving to reach for Dany. One fisting in her hair the other resting on her shoulder as she shifted her hips, forcing her cunt against the other woman’s mouth as she stood before her. She let her taste the royal juices pouring from her queenly slit, washing across her mouth and dripping onto her tongue. "fuck.. that feels good." she moaned, as Dany's finger slid inside her and her mouth found her clit. The throbbing nub was nestled in folds of soaking hot flesh, while her tight pussy strained to stretch around Dany's finger as it was driven into her. She steadied herself, occasionally halting the assault to pace herself, to control the pleasure. A fisted hand dragging Dany away from her mound, before allowing her to resume her assault. She was pouring forth juices, too much to be contained by a meek attack. Her thighs glistened and her lips quivered with excitement as she watched Dany feast on her cunt.

She grit her teeth, focusing, trying to imagine terrible fates and horrible scenes which would help her force away the overwhelming desire to simply squirt out every drop of sin she could and wash the dragon whores face with her royal secretions. Finally, as she slid towards the edge of ecstasy, she wrestled her fist into Dany’s hair and tugged her away, dragging her face up to stare into her eyes. "You were born with a mouth meant for a woman’s cunt." she told her, enunciating the word cunt, emphasizing it, enjoying the way the foul words lid off her tongue. "But you aren't going to make me come so easily. No Dany, did you like that? Did you like the tatse of your queen? Keep it in your mouth, on your lips, because you only get to taste it again when I allow it." she pushed Dany back, moving onto the couch to straddle her, naked this time. She forced a hand down her pants, sinking her fingers into the girls cunt without pause or mercy.

Her middle finger sank into her depths, while the other two splayed apart her cunt lips. Her thumb began to work against her clit, her hand pimping away, tenting her pants as she twisted and shifted to get into a better position. Staring at Dany all the while as she finger fucked her with expert precision, every move calculated to bring the precise amount of pleasure and pressure. Her free hand went to Dany's throat, squeezing it lightly, almost playfully as she held her down. "I want you to come for me Dany. I want you to come for your Queen. You think I can't feel when you are about to reach the edge? I can... and you will never reach it unless I permit it. Now, tell me, tell me how you want to taste the hot river of juice from my cunt again. Tell me how you want me to make you come. Beg for it. Beg your queen, your partner, your ally, for your first release. Beg and I will slake your thirst for my cunt… after I allow you to come." she commanded her, her fingers a twisting twirling frenzy within her pants, stretching, delving, coaxing at her tight vaginal tract as her thumb showed no mercy to her clit, teasing constantly about it, pressure, release, circling the hot little nub with the expertise only a woman could bring.
Daenerys had never expected a cunt to taste so...deliciously divine, so terribly intoxicating in every way shape and form. It was perfectly sculpted, as if the gods themselves had paid extra attention to this one individual, for such a beastly woman she had such a heavenly cunt. Her lips tasted the sweet nectar and lapped up every molecule of her desire, Her deft tongue was fast, taught by her Lyseeni slave girls that had accompanied her through the Dortharki sea. Many nights had been spent in a tent, either being serviced or learning how to service her mini-harem of beautiful women. She knew how to eat out a cunt in a dozen different ways far before she could deepthroat Khal Drogo...and that was a fact.

She knew how to tempt a woman as well, and never once did her eyes leave the terrifying orbs of the Lannister above her as she stabbed her tongue in and out, using the finger to curl and prod in all the right places through their love making. A single arched eyebrow raised as she was dragged away from her new favourite cunt in the world, and she lay back against the couch as the Queen mounted, the Targaryen making quite the show of licking her lips clean of the womans juices. She knew what was coming next as the womans hand slipped down into her leathers, and it lit that excited little fire again. Getting the woman ready to accept a new wave of pleasure.

Cersei didn't mince around it seemed, and in but a few seconds the woman was slipping past the silvery curls of the womans sex before plunging into her depths. Already, her toes curled in pleasure as she let out a whimpered gasp, accentuated only as that hand clamped down onto her windpipe and began to strangle Dany into a wonderful, dangerous ecstasy.

Then, the woman began to growl out her demands, starting to establish that dominance that she so obviously craved...and someone subconciously, deep inside of Dany's depths as they were probed and assaulted by the blonde, she knew that this was her perfect place...and so she relented.
"Make me cum..." She whispered out in tiny words as her fingers reached around to the mothers tattooed back and began to scratch.

"Fucking make me cum!" She roared out suddenly as that tension built up. Her eyes fluttering shut as the first waves started to slide over her form.
Dany's mouth against her cunt had been deliriously ecstatic, but now Cersei was back in command, fingering the tight little blonde slut who had entered her realm with threats of dominance, demands of assistance. Now things were different. Her lips curled into a grin as she watched the girl squirm and writhe beneath her attentions, her fingers stretching out her tight vaginal tract, assaulting her narrow channel, twisting and twirling within her sodden gash as she finger fucked her to the edge. Her wrist turned and pumped, her fingers sinking in then drawing back as her thumb fucked away that the flesh surrounded Dany's throbbing nub of a clit. She edged her suddenly stopping as she felt the girl approaching her end, putting a cruel stop to the waves which had been building to crash down. "Plead, don't command. Beg, don't request. You need to learn how to ask for your pleasure properly Dany. I don't take orders, but you do, don't you? You want to, I can tell from the way you are soaking yourself right now. You like it, don’t you? You like the taste of my cunt, you want to taste it again… you want to do whatever you need to, to have that taste rolling across your tongue and down your throat, don’t you? Except that for that to happen now you need to obey a wiser woman, an experienced woman, someone who will show you the way forward and bring you the pleasure that you know you deserve." she hissed, licking her lips as she withdrew her fingers from the tented distorted pants she had been fumbling beneath.

She held up her fingers, her tongue slipping out to lick at the strands of sticky liquid which were string between them. She lapped at them with the tip of her tongue, before returning her had to Dany’s stomach, then easing it down to her cunt lips again to resume her teasing strokes and delving probing finger thrusts. “I’m soaking. I’m so wet for you… mother of Dragons.. However if you want to feast on the nectar from my drenched pussy, then you are going to have to give me what I want, what we both want.” she told her, in a seductive drawl which beat down upon the girls ears. “Put your hands on my tits.” she commanded, squeezing Dany’s throat gently as she stroked an erratic route around the folds of her cunt, her motions stretching out her pants further, forcing them down to rest on her hips, exposing the upper areas of her mound and clit as the garment was amused into a position more satisfactory for Cersei’s abuse of her cunny. She gave a gasp as she felt Dany's fingers snake around to claw at her back, smirking through the sharp sensation of her nails leaving red trails through her colourful tapestry of ink. She could feel her now slit soak further, with her juices now leaking onto Dany's leather pants to give them an obscene shine as he ground into her a little while straddling her. "My tits, you little bitch." she said in an almost playful manner, though she continued to tease and torture Dany's slit.

Easing to the side she began stroking her cunt lips along Dany's thigh, while her hands remained against cunt and throat. Her mouth lowered to her left breast, teeth and lips teasing and tugging at the hard nipple, distending it, allowing it to be drawn out, then snap back, then cooled with tongue, before being crushed between merciless lips. Finished with her violation of her tit she kissed her way up to Dany's mouth sliding her throat grasping hand around to tug at her hair as she seared her throat now with her lips. "I want to pour my juices into your throat, watch them burn their way down to your insides. I want to see myself upon your face, dripping from your chin, my juices decorating your flesh. I want much from you Dany... and you need to earn that, earn my devotion to your tongue, by showing me your own devotion and obedience. Now.. tell me what I want to hear you little bitch, we know it's what you want. Tell me or your lips will never find my perfect cunt again." she hissed, tenting and working her wrist hard beneath Dany's waistband, fingers sinking and withdrawing from her sucking tight hole, her thumb relentlessly pushing and circling her clit as she pushed to shove her towards the edge again. Keeping her hovering there again and again. She found the torment of Dany to be amusing, enticing, arousing. She would continue, unless of course Dany went over the edge, in which case she would throttle her while mercilessly finger fucking her cunt, then simply start the process again. No mercy would be found here.
The Dragon Queen was losing her mind, every little detail was like a shockwave or a blast of Dragons breath directly to her nervous system. Her legs were coated in the two womens combined juices, her white hair which was usually ever so carefully arranged and pleated and braided was now just a ragged mess, her alabaster skin flushed red with exertions and excitement as she writhed on the couch, Suddenly grateful for the soft cushions blocking her from the dangerous pointed blades and terrifying arsenal she was lying on, knowing full well one wrong shift in her pleasure riddled state may mean some dagger into her sternum or cracking her head open on an axe pommel.

So she tried her damndest to stay still, her eyes glazing over as those fingers finally slid back down into her brown leathers and began to probe, tease and explore every little fold that Cersei damn well wanted to. There was no stopping the golden haired Queen. This was her kingdom, her city, her castle and finally and most importantly, it was her bedroom...

Cersei Lannister, protector of the Realm and Queen of the Seven kingdoms...she was in charge, and Dany knew the only way to escape the room with some semblance of order and control in her mind instead of turning into a sex crazed lustly version of the Mountain, was to finally submit.

At Cersei's orders, her hands shot up and grasped the mothers tits. Starting to tease the nipples as her chest heaved with the exertion of trying just to fill her lungs up.

This had not been what she was expecting from a peace conference...

Those next tense words of command barked out and Dany knew she had to beg and grovel even just to consider the possibility of her sweet release. So she did just that.
"Please! Oh my Queen! My Queen please make me cum! I'll do anything! I'll eat you out till you can't stand, I'll let you use all my holes all night, I'll be your bitch! I'll be your partner! I'll be whatever the fuck you need me to be! Just give me the chance to eat out your heavenly cunt one more time please!" She pleaeded, eyes never leaving Cersei's once as she fondled and teased every centimetre of the womans breasts.
Cersei wasn't interested in Dragons, or armies, or the coming winter, all she craved right now as obedience, obedience and the writhing squirming flesh which was Daenerys to follow her commands so that she could fuck the delicious little blonde and feel her filthy juices flood across her fingers, although more and more she wondered about slaking her thirst for the girl by lathering her cunt with spit and sinking her tongue into the hot mess of her drenched gash. Her eyes flashed with a fiery lust, as she stared into Dany’s eyes as she delivered her commands, her cunt fucking digits dancing about the sopping and sodden mess of Dany's slit as she held her flushed body in place. Then it came, the words she wanted to hear and she gave a satisfied smile, burning a triumphant gazed deep into Dany's eyes as the girl did as she had been told.

"AHHHhh UUHHHAAuu!"! she groaned out a long drawl of pleasure, her voice husky and deep as Dany’s fingers found her tits, her sensitive nipples were like sling bullets protruding from her chest as they were grasped, her body tensing slightly, muscles straining along her arms, her legs taking on more definition, her stomach tightening as she felt herself grow easily as wet as the girl she was mercilessly fucking. She struggled to recover, managing it by biting against Dany’s neck, leaving her with a wicked love bite as she forced two fingers into her snatch, before withdrawing them after a short but furious period of thrusting. she stood up and back, depriving Dany's fingers of her flesh, slipping her fingers away from the girl cunny yet again. She looked down at her with a powerful air and regal stance of someone who was a Queen, even though naked and bared. Her thighs were slick with her own juices, a glinting trail of dampness catching the eye as it trickled down to pool against the rim of one of her heeled shoes. She leaned down and forwards, grasping Dany's pants and rocking them from side to side as she togged them down, pausing only once they were dragged down awkwardly to her knees. Then she returned her hand to Dany's slit after sucking on all over her fingers, them.

Leaning over her she stared deep into her eyes, as she forced three fingers into Dany's tight young hole her free hand resting on her shoulder, thumb teasing at the reddening skin around her love bite. "I think this will be a match made in heaven Dany. You will command respect inspire love, attract loyalty, all while serving at the side of your true Queen, all while living out the true role you were destined to. You will help the people and at the same time you will relish the new life you have found with your new mistress, your new lover, one who knows what a woman wants and will give it." she told her, pumping slowly into her pussy. She kept her thumb pressed up against her clit as she did so, not quite touching it, instead maintaining a teasing pressure against it with folds of her own flesh. "I will have this Iron seat moved into the throne room, and while some will think it represents our 'alliance'... you will know the truth..." she hissed. Her fingers twirled and twisted inside Dany stretching her until they became comfortable in their violation of her tight place. A steady building thumping rhythm began, slowly increasing in speed and force, almost imperceptibly, but yet relentlessly. An obscene sucking and squelching sound filled the room as she was fucked with skill, diligence and dedication.

"...the truth will be it is there to remind you of where I first made you come. It will be there to tease you with the scent of your own orgasm, the sight of stained metal, ruined velvet, sodden leather, from where I tore an orgasm from your willing and submitting form... as you gave in to lust, to want, to need. As you realised that you have spent far too long serving the whims of men, and that only by fulfilling your role as the Queens hand.. my hand, my lover, my friend, only that role truly makes you happy." she slid her hand down form Dany, straddling the girl yet again, but never breaking eye contact. Her left hand twisted around, bringing her thumb up against Dany's clit hood. It was dedicated and devoted to circling about the nub and fucking it with precise calculated pressure while she brought her right hand to bear on the girls vaginal tract assaulting it without mercy now, turning her wrist to curl her fingers up against her clit from within, meeting pressure with pressure a she stroked away in the boiling heat of her furnace like cunny. She looked at Dany with a confident arrogance mixed with a level of lust which she had likely never seen. A bead of sweat blossomed on her brow as she spoke.

"Come for me Daenerys. Come for your queen, your lover, your soul mate, come for the woman who will take you to heights undreamed of. Give yourself to me. let me feel you come, see it, give yourself to me! And when you are done, coming, done soiling my fingers with your filthy fuck juices like a common whore, I want you to stand up and strip, because that is when you will finally receive your reward… my love…" she moaned in a soft alluring tone, forming the word love clearly and distinctly, emphasizing it as she leaned forward to brush her lips sensuously against Dany's mouth. All the while her expert fingers wove a irresistible dance of heat and sensation within her viciously tight chamber.
It was a blizzard of sensations and emotions. Daenerys' world had shrunk, from the Northern wastes of Westeros' from the Western badlands of Slavers Bay and the hot sands of Dorne. For Daenerys Targaryen, her world had shrunk to a measly five feet cube in which lay all of her desire and lust. In which her hatred burned for the bitch who had ruined her in just a few minutes, reducing her to a shuddering, sexed mess with her plans of a carefully constructed Seven Kingdoms destroyed. She was submissive, and had given herself willingly to the Queen of Westero's. Finally she managed to knit her thoughts for a few seconds to realise what was happening. Her fingers had been freed from the heavenly delights of the Blondes nipples. Her snatch was being brutalised by three delicious fingers and a thumb was assaluting her clit as it throbbed and burned in beautiufl pleasure.

"Fuck! Fuck yes!" The White haired slut moaned as she caught snippets of the blonde's monologue as she was being abused. She'd been filled with some damn big cocks before, but nothing had made her feel quite so alive as this beautiful golden haired woman who was so damned persistent. Her eyes rolled back into the back of her head, her chest heaving for breath as she struggled wtih even that basic function as her mind started to struggle with the pleasure, and that burning buildup finally erupted out into a delicious explosion at the behest of the Lannister.

It. Was. Delicious.

Toes curled, arms pulled at the woman as her nails raked down her skin. Mouth lolled open and her world slammed into a euphoric white blast of sheer pleasure that blocked her vision. A strangled cry bursting forth as she peaked.

"My Queen!" She roared with a convulsion.

Slumping back down against the harsh iron, Daenerys Targaryen was a mewling mess as the sensitivity began it's retreat. It was delicious.

But she had been given orders.

Struggling back up to her feet, on shaky legs she stumbled forwards a step or two before reaching down and peeling off the now soiled Dorthraki leathers. Bent at the waist, displaying her drooling cunt and winking arsehole to the woman. A devious grin on her lips as she turned to face the blonde, giving her a bit of a show.
"Like this my Queen?" She teased. Standing back up and turning to present herself to the blonde. Wondering what was next in store.
Cersei knew something about this delusional little bitch, who thought she could come back here after so many years and take from Cersei what she had paid for, with the blood of her own children, the hate of her father and the disdain of her brother. She knew that Daenerys, mother of dragons, was the hottest girl she had even laid eyes on, able to make Cersei soil herself with her won fluids within minutes. She knew that just looking at her was enough to get her wetter than she had ever experienced. She knew that it wasn't just insane wild lust which drove her into the frenzy she was in now, it was some sort of primal connection, a feeling, a bond, a belief that she was fated to meet with this girl, fated to fall under her spell, fated to allow her what others would have been slain for in a second... the power to influence her thoughts and weave a partnership with her which would allow her to bring her wants and needs to bear upon Kings Landing and Westeros.

Daenery's was the one who would tempt her to forsake cock, the one who would invade both reality and dreams with pleasure, the one who would consume her thoughts and bring to her the ecstasy which a man would always fail to. Already she wished she had been blessed with a sister, yet here in the form of the girl who controlled Dragons, was the girl who fate had decreed should be her new adopted sister, her new family, her new source of depraved delight. Just the look of her made Cersei want to debase herself, to give in to whatever sick twisted delights of her own the girl might possess. She did not fear such a weakness, such a compromise, she relished it, hungered for it, just as she hungered for the moans and mewling gasps of ecstasy which she would wring from Dany's lips each time she fucked the girl to oblivion.

She felt Dany's nail's against her skin, raking at it. It only encouraged her to renew her efforts to fuck the girl into submission with her fingers. Her pumping and pounding digits showed no mercy and paused for nothing as they sucked and squelched within the viciously tight channel of her vaginal tract. Hot fluids frothed and foamed at the entrance to Dany's cunt as Cersei drove into her with the fierce lust of someone driven made with need. Her eyes bore into Dany's, as she watched the girls orbs roll back into her head and her body cave in to the assault which as being perpetrated upon it. Then there they were, the tell tale signs of orgasm which made Cersei gasp and launch into a frenzy of attention, fucking harder and harder, both hands working in perfect sync to batter Dany's flooded slit with perfect precision as her own cunt leaked down her thighs and threatened to simply give way to a orgasm induced from fucking the perfect little slut in front of her. "God.. you're coming aren't you Dany... oh my god, it's.. it's almost enough to make me come myself, from just watching you, just feeling you... Oh... Oh god..." she gasped, her voice cracking as she fought to hold back, only managing through a superhuman feat of will.

Finishing, she sucked her fingers clean, leaning in to kiss Dany passionately on her lips before allowing the other to stand. She stood back, hands on hips, watching as Dany disrobed before her, stripping away the last of her annoying clothing until she was as naked as Cersei was. The sight of both women in such a state would likely have ended many men and women, driven to fatal orgasms from the sight of so much perfection, laid bare and clad in the secretions of slut and arousal.

"Yes, exactly like that." she told her, stepping forwards she slid her hands onto the other woman's hips, drawing her close, their tits mashing together as she looked into her eyes. "You come divinely, as though it was your divine reason for being to satisfy the needs, the carvings, the desires of a queen. Your purpose for being is clear, there is much we will be able to do with one another. Of course there is just one thing you will have to do, to seal things perfectly, before we can make the progress we both want." she paused, leaning in to kiss her, lips searing against lips, mouths sealing against each other. She held the kiss, letting her hands stray down and around to Dany's ass, squeezing it, before she stepped away, giving the girls buttocks a playful slap. She spent a moment admiring the sheen of fuck juice which dripped from the Iron seat, before turning back to Dany. "You want to taste me know, don't you?" she asked, moving away from the seat towards her bedroom. The four poster bed there bordered by hanging lace which covered the sides, but which provided no such obstacle from the front as she turned and sat down upon it. She coyly crossed her legs, resting her hand son her knees as she watched Dany.

"You want me to allow you to fuck me now, don't you Dany? I want that too.. but I also want you to be safe. You know? I fear for your safety and the prosperity of this kingdom, not because of the enemy you know, the white walkers, but the enemy you don't. The deformed dwarf you hold counsel with. I know that killing him might be a bit much for your sensibilities, but he is dangerous, far too dangerous to keep in your court of followers. You are going to have to get rid of him,, you know that?" she mused idly. As she spoke she parted her knees with her hands, before lying back, resting on her elbows, her legs spread wide. Her cunt was slick with her juices, which poured down her thighs, giving them an alluring shine. Her cunt lips drenched, her pink gash visible and inviting. She moved a finger to it, stroking up its length and bringing a droplet of sin to her lips. "Your queen... your lover... wants to come, she wants to come on your sweet innocent face. Come Dany, don't leave me waiting, don't disappoint me, I know how badly you want me to fuck you. Come, come over here and feast." she hissed in a sultry drawl as she looked at Dany through lidded eyes, letting a moan escape her lips as she abused and violated her own sweet quim.
With her arse wiggling in the air and a devious look stitched across her young face, the dragon 'Queen' shuddered in arousal, her cunt drooling in anticipation. Nipples burning in anticipation of what was coming next. A grin was plastered all over her face, eager young hands even reaching back a tad to spread her tight little arse cheeks and give the Westerosi a taste of exactly what was to come next. Even as Cersei continued her damned monologues and speeches on 'Divine Rights' and 'Progress' and 'Tyrion'. She just wanted fucked desperately, hard, and fast. Her legs were still shaking from the mind-blowing orgasm. With her mind shackled in pleasure, the affairs of state could certainly be put on hold indefinitely.

The stinging slap left a wonderful impression on Dany's arse cheeks as the woman reached up and sorted her out hair. Tidying it back into some sort of order as Cersei crawled onto the bed, her pink gash gleaming as the legs opened, and the Targaryen took a few moments just to admire the blonde Queen as she lounged back, tasting her own cunt, waiting eagerly for that last act of submission and partnership.

"Yes...yes My queen...But let's not talk of that little monster until after...yes?" She growled out. Suddenly hungry, violently desperate to satisfy her carnal needs.

Suddenly marching with a motive, the girl mounted the bed, crawling forwards and nestling herself down in between the older womans legs. Her little pink tongue shot out and began to lap at the burning gash. The Cunt drenched in love juices as she began to eat the woman out with a passion. Her taste was divine, her texture irreplaceable as her fingers reached up and spread the rosy lips. Granting her tongue deeper and better access. There was no foreplay. It was immediate and rough. She breathed the musk of the Lannister deeply with her every inhale. Eyes never wavering from the womans face as she licked, lapped and sucked to her hearts content, finally targeting the woman's clit. Knowing that with how pent up the Westerosi was, she wouldn't take long to come.
Cersei could feel a cool draft against her cunt lips, coming in off the balcony, cooling the fluids which stained them. It was only mildly distracting though and more of a god send, she felt her pussy was on fire right now, molten liquid sin weeping from the engorged lips as she waited for the heat from Dany's mouth and tongue to send shivers of ecstasy stabbing to her core. "We'll talk of what I desire, when I desire it Dany. I am your queen after all, but perhaps you are right, perhaps your wanton moans and ecstatic gasps have earned you some measure of mercy. A mercy which you will find between my legs." she gave a confident, dominant smirk as she looked at the girl, using one hand to splay open her cunt folds and the other to squeeze and tease at one of her own sling bullet hard nipples. She reclined back as she clenched her muscles, grit her teeth, bore her stare into Dany as she admired her young body. "Do you have any idea of how beautiful you are? How desirable? You are fit only for the attentions of a queen from this point forwards, understand? Others must be discouraged, dismissed or simply dealt with by other means." she explained in a tone which brooked no insolence.

"AUuUUuuHHHhNnnHH!" a long low growling moan of pure ecstasy poured forth from her parted lips, as Dany nestled between her thighs and began to go to work on her tongue. The girls tiny delicate tongue feeling like it was made of molten raw ecstasy. Cersei spread her legs wider, languishing as she drowned in the sensations assaulting her, the mix of cool spit, hot breath and a tongue made to fuck with, hammered into her. She squirmed a little, positioning herself to receive Dany's attentions perfectly, her cunt pouring its rewards forth to stain the girls tongue and lips as she shuddered every few moments from the delicious attack on her womanhood which drove spears of throbbing pleasure into her soul.

She let herself go for a moment, simply relishing every flick and lap of the young girls tongue, reaching down to slide her fingers into her hair, stroking through it before grasping a little tighter, letting her know who she was with, letting her know that Cersei was still very much in control, using her extremely talented mouth to satisfy her queenly needs. "Yessss.. AUuUhHhuunNN.. that's it you little bitch, fuck me, fuck me with your mouth. You are a wicked, wicked little slut... but you know that, don't you Dany. A wicked little slut wrapped in the skin of an innocent looking young virgin. YOuauuHHh... you.. you're like a sister in my eyes, a sister who is just as depraved and nasty and wretched as I can be, when it's needed." she groaned, writhing under the assault. She crawled backwards, as though trying to get away, until she felt herself at the back of her bed. Her free hand reached behind her, grasping and flailing to get a grip on the headboard, as her fingers clawed at Dany's scalp, her cunt trembling against the girls tongue as she felt a wave of rushing pleasure slowly crawling towards her from the horizon. Her voice was strained, collapsing, gasping as she hissed through clenched teeth and writhed like a squirming beast caught in a trap.

Sudden;y her back arched, her mound thrusting into Dany's face, her body tensed, spasmed, bucked wildly. Her words tumbled out in a cacophony of blind delirious ecstasy." Gods... I'm coming, you're fucking making me come... UUHHHHAAAhhHUH!" she groaned loudly, wantonly, without a care. Her cunt spat a gushing hot torrent of her juices against Dany's mouth, her lips, her chin, as Cersei orgasmed violently, her cunt juice staining the womans face as she erupted in bliss. Ecstasy claimed her and she shook violently for many moments, her vision blurred, her body caught up in a never ending sea of debauched sensations as she felt her cunny melt against Dany's tongue. "Don't stop you wicked little bitch, fuck.. AAHhh.. fuck me... UUHH! Take it all!!"
The cunt was absolutely beautiful. A work of art from the gods truly, it had taken a pounding in it's life as well, that much was evident, from that brute the Baratheon usurper, from the golden haired and now golden handed brother, from probably many damn others that Daenerys didn't know about but she didn't give a damn, her tongue dove and tickled and prodded. No folds were safe from the Targaryens sweeping strokes and nibbles from her teeth. She was absolutely relentless in her assault.

It didn't seem to take long though as the woman humped Dany's face. Again, Cersei was prattling on like a fucking madwoman. That liquid gold dribbling out of her was an absolute godsend and Dany was grinning the entire time she was eating the woman out. Her entire face covered in the sweet juices of the woman. She was lost in her pleasure, and as Cersei's fingers dug into her scalp, Dany took it as her cue to launch into her final assault. Aiming straight for the woman clit with her every attention. Her lips wrapped tightly around the nub as her tongue slashed at it and her fingers finally pushed up and deep inside of her awaiting cunny. She was Danys to command, the girl grinning as the orgasm finally hit.

A hint of it even squirted out and coated Daenery's fine features, but she locked lips around the rest of the pink little lips as she hammered the orgasm home.

Following Cersei's orders, she finally did slurp up all of the womans juices before pulling back. Gasping for air, smelling nothing but the stench of sex as she crawled up the womans stomach and locked lips with her. Tasting juices and lust as she took a moment to lie in the golden haired queens embrace. Shuddering through a mini-orgasm herself as she rested. Gasping and shuddering gently.

It was a good day for negotiations...,
Cersei did not simply kiss Dany back, she feasted on the younger girls lips, her tongue dancing across the others with a fierce erratic fervour. Sometimes her movements were precise and almost divine with their accuracy, then others she gave into a more animalistic and feral passion. Lips seared against each other and were joined by roaming hands and probing fingers as she slid them along Dany’s hips, around to squeeze at her ass, then up to cradle a breast,, squeezing the swell of it while thumbs grazed hard sensitive nipples. Finally a hand nestled between Dany's thighs, teasing at her own clit as Cersei's continued to throb and pulse from her well delivered fucking. "You see..." she stated, drawing away to look into Dany's eyes. She rolled her over, so that she was on her back, with Cersei straddling her now. The juices from Cersei's climax wracked cunny weeping out to bead and drip onto Dany's own cunt lips, merging with her girlish secretions as Cersei grasped her wrists, pinning them above her head against the head board. She held them there, betwixt the fingers of one hand, while she freed the other to stroke against Dany's lips, then explore down her body as she spoke, teasing a nipple, stroking down her stomach, delicately tracing lines around her clit hood and down the grooves of her quim.

" see what can happen when you give into your true nature? You do not seek to conquer and dominate Dany, you seek to be conquered, to be dominated, to join with someone who can pleasure you, feats on your body, make you come and feed you the glorious nectar which can only be found between the legs of an equal, the thighs of a sister who knows the trials and tribulations of those in power." she told her. She leaned down, teasing her lips against the woman’s throat, nipping at it with her teeth before kissing her way up to her chin, then her cheek, then finally her lips. She tugged at Dany's lower lip before allowing it to slip free form her mouth, licking her lips before speaking again. "Misery has been wrought upon you all your life. By men. You can't trust them.. I know this. Every foul deed, sickening problem, toxic encounter, it's been down to some man getting in your way, trying to manipulate you, begging for the aid that only your dragons can provide. They don't see you, they just see how they can manipulate you into using your magical beasts." she nodded.

"That's not me." she leaned to Dany's ear, sucking on the lobe, before teasing it between her squeezing teeth. "I don't give a fuck what you do with your dragons. I want you. I want you to sit upon the set of Iron and give the people what expert and graceful guidance you can, while spending your life where you were destined to, at the side of a woman who may as well be a sister, given the trails we have both had to endure." she continued. "We haven't even begun to explore the things which we can do together, with our flesh or with the implements of ecstasy I have collected from the four corners of Wetseros. Do not let the false words and cursed greed and ego of men drive you from your destiny... to sit alongside a fellow sister of power, where you can give guidance and assurance to the people... rather than fuelling the vile and toxic masculinity of men driven with only a lust to murder children and slaughter the weak and defenceless." she gave a hiss, kissing Dany's throat again, leaving trails of kisses down it and past her collarbone, until her teeth captured a nipple far below. She tugged at it until it drew free, then spoke again.

"Inside all of us is something else that beats alongside our hearts... we both know what lies within you, don't we Dany. Your inner whore, your inner slut, it begs for pleasure, for satisfaction, for a love that no man can provide. A simple ceremony of bonding and we can put all of your mistakes behind us, and we can move forwards." she told her. She slipped to the side, moving off Dany, releasing her wrist as she leaned over to draw a small chest from beneath the sumptuous. Opening it she pulled out a long thick pliable piece of material which had a rubbery texture to it, both ends shaped like that of a phallus. There seemed to be other things scattered about in the chest as well...
Daenery's body shivered at the roaming hands, the invasive fingers digging into soft pale flesh and teasing along muscles. In dipping into the Targaryens red hot cunt and drawing out her liquids. At using every inch of the womans body for divine, regal pleasure. It was absolutely perfect. The slightly shorter woman was tucked perfectly in to the blonde, but it seemed that Cersei wasn't done quite yet, and in a few seconds, she was soon back on the bottom. Staring up at the beautiful woman , her motherly figure certainly wasn't that of a pudgy, slightly overweight matron as was the norm. She was toned, muscular, beautiful and determined...much like Daenerys in that regard. Almost youthful in her beauty. She was stunning in every regard of the word.

"Sister..." She mused gently between kisses. Their lips lashing back and forth across eachother. Wondering just exactly how Cersei's mind had conjured up that comparison, but in truth it was rather accurate. The two of them were shockingly similar. Their hands roaming and exploring before Cersei slipped off the bed. Dany's sensitive nipples burning as she twisted and pulled at her own breasts to accentuate the pleasure further, and grinned as the sex toy appeared.

"Oh we're getting exotic aren't we..." She purred playfully, her white hair falling down across her body as she spread those long legs again. Starting to get an idea of what the device was used for, though she was rather enjoying seeing Cersei's dominant personality starting to creep out over and over again.

Maybe being a submissive was Dany's calling in life.

"And what's inside of Inner mistress? A woman destined for absolute monarchy and control...or are you the same as me...a wanton harlot?" She purred back, taking a grip of the phallus and slowly aiming inside of her steaming little pink pussy.
Cersei was momentarily distracted as Dany tugged and manipulated her own breasts, she paused to let the girl know she was being watched, being admired, being craved. Cersei's fingers slid down her own body, sliding between her legs to splay about the fluids of her tight cunt and allow a single digit to teas e inside as she let her imagination fuel her desire and lust for a moment as she imagined the younger girl in all manner of situations. Depraved, defiling thoughts rampaged through her head, painting twisted and debauched fates for Dany, before she withdrew her fingers to suck on them, tasting her own sweet cunt, though it paled in comparison to the juices which had seeped from between the thighs of the so called mother of dragons. Her cunt throbbed like never before, sending shivers of anticipation and wanton need coursing through her regal veins. She had to ensure that this girl went nowhere, that any forces she wished to dispatch would go with others. Dany was needed right here, to satisfy her cravings, her wants and her commands.

Cersei allowed her to grasp the wicked looking device, the exotic toy as she crawled onto the bed, sitting opposite her she moved up close, taking hold of the device as Dany grasped it she took control immediately. With her fist about the phallus, she twisted it and screwed it slowly into Dany's yielding cunt, spreading her entrance with the thick wide girth, as she forced it into her. She spat on it, soaking its length, as it was drilled into Dany's hungry looking slit, several inches piercing deep into the girl as she drove it home. Satisfied it was in enough she brought the other end up to stroke open the lips of her own pussy, before shoving it into herself, hissing as it spread her vaginal tract and vanished into her own sweetly gushing depths. With the toy buried in both Dany's tight little cunt and Cersei's narrow tract, she shifted, the motion of her hips as she leaned over Dany serving to fuck both her own tight hole and Dany's young snatch with equal measure and force.

"What's inside of me? You're inside of me Dany. You are in my thoughts, inside my head, you have filled my dreams for too long and now I am going to make those illusions and fantasies into reality. I know that with you fulfilling your role, the role you were born to fulfil at my side, I will be able to do anything, anything at all that serves my interests and those of the people." she smirked confidently, shifting to apply sufficient force to drive Dany's end deep into her tight pussy, the girth of the toy increasing so that eventually further progress would be impossible without violence and painful levels of defilement. Her own pussy clenched and gripped at it, as she felt it burrowing inside her, each movement transferring the sensations from her cunt to Dany's and vice versa as she took a moment to savour their new connection.

Reaching down she spread Dany's thighs apart with her hands on her inner thighs, before they slid up to grasp at her tits. Cersei moved between her legs, like so many had moved between hers in the brief moments of reward where she allowed them to be on top, or pretended to resist as she was fucked hard at the side of a coffin... her thoughts were scattered and in disarray as she gave into the bliss for a moment, thrusting up and down above Dany as though she were fucking her with the phallus, fucking them both, Her nails left scratched in Dany;s skin about her tits as she fucked her with increasing passion and lust. "Ahhh... what's inside me, you filthy little slut, is your soulmate, your mistress, your older and wiser sister... UUHHh.." she shuddered, her cunt flooding her thighs, the toy slipping about, as she moved a hand down between them to grip it, steadying the way she could use it to pleasure them both. "I'm not destined for control. I have it already... and us bonded together we will both have everything we have ever wanted." she growled out in a deep bass tone as she brought her lips down to feast on Dany's once more. A droplet of sweat fell onto Dany's cheek, Cersei immediately licked it up, letting her mouth shift to Dany's ear as the toy bottomed out in them both. "But now, let us see who can bring the most pleasure to the other."
The sight was gorgeous, as Dany lay on the bed, legs splayed and with the thick head of the Phallus sinking inside of her pretty pink cunt that drooled with lust, the ivory haired Royal groaned as she watched the older blonde displaying her body, displaying her wanton core of a cunt. Dany's toes curled in anticipation as she watched in quiet admiration of this absolute bombshell of a woman. Her breath hitching for a moment as she considered what was next to come.

It was going to be a damn good night. With the fading feeling of her previous orgasm still tingling in her bones, the younger woman let a lazy smile grace her face as her slender legs crept further open. Exposing her already filled cunt and winking little arsehole to the woman as she watched the Lannister approach. Again, that damned talking...Daenerys was going to have to start gagging the woman...such a wonderful idea, or perhaps just sitting on her face until she shut up and made Dany come again...

But then, Cersei drove the toy deeper into the furnace of Dany's desire and she let out a choked gasp of pleasure. Her teeth biting down onto her bottom lip as she tipped her head back and whispered to the gods, thanking them a thousand times for this regal pleasure. The two women's legs were soon intertwined, a mass of writhing flesh as their faces crept closer and closer together as more and more of the cock vanished into the two yearning cunts.

The feeling of Cersei's tongue on her cheek sent a shockwave shuddering through the woman as she ground her hips harder into the cock. Soon feeling their cunts mashing together as they were stretched out. Her lips dancing across Cersei's jaw, lapping up every inch, drinking in her sweat, her taste, her brilliance.

"Just try me...Try and break me...try and make me your wanton slut and bitch..." Growled Daenerys, her eyes aflame with the challenge.
"I'll do the same for you...Sister." She grunted out, suddenly her hands finding the older womans tits and twisting them savagely as she started to hump the golden haired woman into the bed...first to cum lost it seemed.
If Cersei had been aware of Daenery's thoughts regarding her regal words and courtly advice, she would likely have had the girl near flayed with a whip for her ignorance and insolence. As it was she simply entertained herself with the constant thrusting and rolling of her hips as she fucked the double headed toy into both Dany's tight little cunt and her own. She gave a startled hiss and a gas, as she looked down to see Dany's hands n her tits, loving the feeling of her fingers clawing at her breasts. However her words sparked an aggressive sneer and Cersei almost growled with defiance and annoyance as Dany attempted to fuck her, trying to roll her into position to fuck her into the bed.

She lifted a hand a delivered a sharp stinging slap to the girls face, before lowering that hand to grasp at her throat. As she did so she shifted back allowing her cunt to ease off on its clinging grasp on the toy buried within it, the slick end which had been at least half a foot in length within her was left protruding from the end which was still buried inside Dany's tiny tract. "Try An advisor. An Aide. The hand of the queen does not break her, it serves her." she hissed, almost spitting the words. With her hand on Dany’s throat she gave her one last lick, her tongue tracing along her cheek to an ear which she bit down on until it was squeezed red. Then she lifted herself up and rolled Dany over onto her front. She released the younger girls throat and took hold of her wrists, using her superior size and strength to pin the girls wrists into the small of her back. She held then fast there, using one hand to grip them as though by iron. With the other she reached down to grip the toy which was left jutting forth from Dany’s stretched out cunt.

A globule of spit left Cersei's lips, dropping down to splatter against Dany's ass crack, seeping down to soak into the entrance to her ass, just as Cersei bent the toy around in the middle, until one end remained squeezed into Dany's pussy, while the other end curled around to kiss the entrance to her spit soaked anal passage. "I’m not here to be broken sister. A queen is never broken. I'm here to be served, to be worshipped, to be loved... to e craved, to be lusted after and to be fucked as I command and as I see fit. Perhaps I may play at having you take the lead, but do suffer any delusions. You belong to me now, you little bitch." she grunted the last word as she drove the other head of her toy into Dany's anus. The thick girth stretched her rim and then the length, which had previously been stewing within Cersei's own hot juicy cunt, was instead now peering deep and hard into Dany's rectum, defiling her rectal duct as it was shoved into her.

With the U shaped configuration now penetrating both Dany’s holes, Cersei maintained her grasp on the girls wrists and devoted herself to pumping the makeshift double phallus in and out, back and forth, rocking it between her holes as she fucked them both. Hard, fats and without mercy she assaulted the girls most sacred hole and her most taboo one, ."Save your challenges for the weak I take what I want, when I want, and what I want is for you to scream and come like a filthy, dirty fucking whore when I tell you to. Understand Dany? I want you to come for your fucking Queen. Come for your mistress. Come for the people. Come for whomever or whatever you fucking want, just come when I tell you to fucking come you little bitch. I want to hear your screams of fucking pleasure, I want you screaming so fucking loud, and with such ecstasy, that your fucking dragons can feel their so called mother coming and that she fucking loves every minute of it." she gasped, sweat beading about her flesh, her body writhing and lifting up to help power her hand driven thrusts into Dany's shaking and shuddering form as she violated both her holes with a wild enthusiasm. She fucked her now with an angry wild passion, determination on her face as she watched the device pushing back and forth in Dany’s holes, stretching them wide… until that moment when she would drag them free and watch the gaping remains twitch and pulse.
The slap brought a stunned gasp from the woman, her pale cheek reddening instantly, her mouth hanging open in shock...but a curl appeared at the corners of her insolent mouth. A shudder of pleasure passing through her lithe form as the strong hand found her throat. As her earlobe exploded into pain and Cersei's tongue explored the flawless contours of the Dragon Queens throat and neck. The white haired woman had no chance, and didn't even put up much of a fight at the sudden re positioning. She was rolled to her front and her hands were uncomfortably pulled back. Her elbows parallel to the ground and making her tits stick out wonderfully as she bent at the waist, lifted fully off the bed for a few moments before she fell face first into the thick sheets and warm furs.

"Oh yes!" She cried out as she felt the spit running down her arse crack. Knowing damn well what was going to come next. Khal Drogo had been a bit of an ass man, though the horse-lord's cock shrivelled in compairoson to this Imperial instrument of pleasure. It was enough to split Dany in half!

It only served to send another shiver of unexpected pleasure through the womans very core. Shaking her very essence.

"I'm your bitch! I'm your little sister of a bitch! Fuck me! Fuck me!" She cried out, feeling her orgasm preparing itself to build. Preparing to have the most violent orgasm of her life as her teeth bit into the warm furs and pelts below her. Her arse was on fire, her cunt in a pool of molten ecstasy as she was literally humped up the bed. Her eyes already rolling back into their sockets as her hands stetched and scratched at eachother as they were pinioned behind her.

"I'm going to...I'm...I'm going to fucking cum oh my gods!" She cried. The shrill scream filling the chamber, wafting over the balcony and into the courtyard. Surely several courtiers were already moving between teh commanders and guards. Far off, a Dragons screech could be heard...perhaps her children were hearing her emotions...

"Make me cum! Fucking make me cum sister! I love it!" She screamed. Eyes squeezed tightly shut as her breath came out in ragged gasps.She was about ready to shut down from the massive impulse of new emotions running through her, and suddenly she felt her orgasm come crashing in. Destroying any further barriers, proepelling the Targaryen into a mindless lust of humping, drooling and contracting around the U-shaped dildo. It lasted for alomst a full minute, and at the end she flopped down onto the bed. Toes curled, nipples hard, and the toy still buried deep inside.

It was going to be a bitch to stand back up after that...
The word sister spilling from Dany's lips while under such pressure and duress, it made Cersei's cunt weep with pleasure, seeping secretions of girlish pre cum moistened her cunt lips and gave her pink gash an undeniable shine, would that it had been visible to Dany, as her face was rammed down and her body was fucked deep into the fur covered mattress of the royal four poster bed. Cersei wondered if her ecstatic moans and screams would be heard through the open windows, past down the balcony to the ground below, not that she cared. The mother of dragons had to be fucked and fucked hard, the places she had been, the things she had likely endured and even come to like? Cersei had much knowledge and knew that to make an impression on the girl, who was now her personal little whore, she had to give her everything and hold back nothing. She would need to visit upon her the most her depraved and wicked thoughts could muster. a task she held no qualms about completing.

The obscene squelching coming from the twisted phallus, as it continued to be thrust wildly in and out of Dany’s tight holes, was evidence enough that the thorough fucking she was receiving was indeed something she welcomed and craved, apparently Cersei had been going too easy on her, perhaps a touch of going soft due to her enamoured and lust fuelled thoughts regarding her. Now there was no such mercy as she listened to her wails and whimpers, drilling the toy into her at just the right angles to elicit the sweet symphony of moans that she craved. The vocal confession that the fucking was going well.

She fucked her right to the edge, right until her screams and moans gave way to a declaration that her writhing body had taken all it could take. Cersei gave a confident triumphant smirk, licking her lips as she watched the undulating and quivering frame of Dany shake as she began to approach her end. "That's it girl, come for your queen. Come for me.. but know this, you are not coming from some crude toy, some object.. you are coming because I am telling you to, because I am making you come." she hissed, drawing out the U shaped phallus from Dany's holes with a hard tug to overcome the tightness, she drove three of her fingers into the girls viciously tight anal passage, aided by a last moment glob of spit. At the same time four fingers were thrust into her quivering cunny, aided by a thumb which sought out and pressured her clit as Cersei delivered the finishing touch with a more personal nature to her fucking frenzy upon Dany's fragile looking flesh.

Now every contraction and clench assaulted her fingers, not the unfeeling shape of a foreign love utensil. Every shudder of Dany's young body was transferred to Cersei's delving probing fingers as her digits danced inside Dany's most treasured holes and laid claim to her innocent looking but far from virginal body as it was defiled an desecrated with an almost insane glee by the Queens feverish fingering. Even after she seemed to simmer down a little Cersei maintained her assault and her pressure,, her digits working her still, constant attention throbbing inside the girls tight holes as the packed out channels almost kissed her fingers together within her. She pulled her cunt fingers free, only long enough to toss the crude phallus next to Dany's head. "Suck on it. Show me how you make a man weak, suck on it for comfort if you need to while I task you to keep me pleasured with your wicked secretions and your girlish cum." she whispered, before leaning down to bite Dany’s ass, leaving crescent shaped indentations in her skin. "Push back, fuck yourself onto my fingers. Don’t give up yet Dany, you can take more than this surely? Or has the Queens hand given in already."
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