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Mx Female Fluffy Kink


May 12, 2017
Hello! I'm excited to get a chance to see who is out there on this forum and get a chance to play! I'm a male player looking to play against female characters though I don't particularly care what the gender of the player is. I appreciate any interest in playing!

If you have interest in any of these ideas, know that I'm willing to modify them so feel free to PM me and discuss details.

Some general guidelines:

1. I prefer to play over PMs.
2. I play from the 3rd person perspective and tend to aim for roughly 1-5 strong paragraphs of text in my posts.
3. I'm more than happy to play a variety of sex/story ratios. It usually turns out to be something in the neighborhood of 30/70 smut to story but I'm happy to play as high as 90/10.
4. Here's my F-List for a quick hit on what keeps me interested, though this can be extremely flexible depending on my mood as well.
5. I'm happy to describe my character's appearance within our play, and I tend to do so, but I also appreciate face claims as well. They're not required, but I find them helpful. I lean toward realistic, but I won't complain about anime.
6. When it comes to dom/sub roles, my characters tend to lean toward the dominant. They generally aren't cruel and lean more toward the firm type. It's probably best to describe them as Tops instead of Dominants.

What I'm Looking For Now:
I'm looking for a fun consensual babysitter x parent pairing. Maybe he's super stressed and takes some solace in the listening ear of the babysitter. Maybe she's having financial trouble or trouble with her parents and needs a place to stay. But quickly there's a relationship growing and the two of them aren't willing to stop even if the rest of the world would frown on what they're doing. It can include some soft dom/sub aspects or not.

Some Plot Outlines:
These are some generalized ideas for play. I'm happy to work out details and twist and change them to suit our own needs.

I'm also more than happy to listen to ideas that you may have if these aren't of any interest to you.

Wedding Shenanigans
I have several different ideas for this when it really comes down to it. I love the idea of a dozen different possible secrets happening around the wedding festivities. An old friend banging the bride before she heads down the aisle? Sure! A bridesmaid getting petty revenge on her best friend by screwing the groom at the rehearsal dinner? Yup! The mother of the groom finally getting the fucking she so desperately needs at the hands of the videographer at the reception? There's a million ways to go about it! I'm happy to hear your ideas on this one too.

Fluffy Times
There are so many ways to take a fluffy story. I like the idea of a couple that is madly in love. They're in that honeymoon phase of their relationship and can't get enough of each other. There's not a lot of shape to this story because there's just so many ways to go with it.

If They Only Knew
I'm looking for something that's slides along the idea of a romantic D/s relationship between an established couple. I like the idea that to the outside world they would be a typical couple, living a normal life. But in private they have a consensual D/s relationship that no one in their family or their neighborhood would understand. She's his Princess and he's her Daddy or Sir and I'd love to play how they negotiate that lifestyle, especially when they blur lines between their public and private lives. This is incredibly character driven, because it's all about how the two of then negotiate a relationship in addition to how they balance public and private issues as their relationship progresses.

Dire Straits
Two room mates or neighbors are having a terrible time trying to make money. Economic times are hard and jobs are scarce, forcing the two of them to come up with the idea of starting their own porn website to pay the bills. And then it turns out the two of them like it more than they thought they would. The problem is that they have to explain how they continue to live to their families, and how they negotiate their new relationship is a challenge that they're going to have to figure out.

The Family
This is all about incest. There's plenty of pairings that I'd love to play but I'm just not interested in an abusive style relationship. Whether it's hidden from the rest of the family or accepted, it's something that they just get too wrapped up in to stop. Of course, that family member can be older or younger. This can happen through a variety of different ways. My character can be fairly aggressive, but if you'd rather be the aggressor, then that's perfectly fine. I'm open to a wide variety of different pairings for this or even open it up so that we're playing multiple characters within a larger family. I really like the idea that they have to hide this from the rest of the world too though.

The Neighbor
My character is a pretty good neighbor. He's a nice guy and he takes care of everyone's houses when their family is out of town. Of course, in private he can also be a bit of a freak. Maybe your character saw him taking out his aggression on a playmate one night and can't get it out of her head until she asks him about it? After all, it's fun to play behind the backs of everyone who thinks a nice neighborhood isn't full of kinky sex.

The Dominion
This one is a little longer in terms of description so I decided to hide it in case you don't want to read the whole thing
The Dominion storyline is a bit of a kinkier, slightly odd version of a normal world. It takes place in the real world, but at an economic level of which few people are even aware.


The premise behind The Dominion is that there are super rich people in the world that have paid the media to pay little attention to them. Sometimes attention is unavoidable but for the most part, they are left alone. These families do as they please, when they please using their money to open all doors. There are only roughly twenty of these families in the world, and money is no object to them.

There are other people that do know of these Dominion families. They are servants or the children of former servants to these families and they would like to see their own children rise to the level of comfort enjoyed by the mega-rich. However, there is only one way to do this.

These families do marry outside of themselves but usually into other prominently wealthy families. So the only way for children to make it into these families is the Choosing, which happens every four years.


The Choosing is a big event for the Dominion families. They all gather in a location that changes every four years and the lower families who aspire to see their young ones taken care of for the rest of their lives submit their children to be auctioned off to interested Dominion families. The requirements for a child to be chosen is they must have reached the age of eighteen and be considered exceptionally beautiful or handsome. They have been trained from birth to be obedient and trusting. They understand that their families will become wealthy in their own right by being Chosen into a Dominion family.

The Choosing happens in three phases. There is an open showing, much like a mixer where families and the prospective Chosen can meet and talk. It's a relatively relaxed affair with everyone on their best behavior. This is a chance for the families to examine the social grooming of the various prospectives.

Next there is a formal runway walk where the families sit and watch the prospectives walk along the runway to determine grace and poise. Lastly the prospectives walk again but this time in the nude so the Dominion families can determine physical perfection.

Lastly bidding takes place and the winning family is allowed to meet their new Chosen in comfortable holding room before taking him or her home.

What I'm looking for...

There are some specific things that I'm looking for and then there's some that are definitely up for discussion.

1. This is a willing situation. This auction is completely voluntary and is a chance for someone to make a comfortable live for themselves. The Chosen is expected to be arm candy at some public functions as well as a sexual being for members of the family. However, she is also loved and honored as a member of that family, just with a different role.
2. The idea is that families go to the Choosing together. But I'm willing to play my character either as a family man with a wife and kids, or as a single man who is going to his first Choosing on his own without being a member of his father's family.
3. The storyline would involve a very jetsetting lifestyle. My character would move from house to house constantly for business and pleasure, and he'd always take his Chosen with him, even if his family couldn't go along.
4. If you have a character that you'd like to play, great! If you have an image for that person, then that's great too! But realize that Dominion families are very specific about who they pick so I'd like to talk over what characters may look like. If you need some help in this department, I've got a few different choices to work with too.

Possible guys:
I'm also open to playing others if you have something specific in mind.

Possible Inspirations:
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