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Fear The Living - Flashbacks (w/ Orion)

Nick Clark finding booze despite being underage was nothing out of the norm - it was especially normal when he found himself paired with one Marley Scott, a beautiful girl that he had met during his fist year of high school when they shared a low-level arts class together. Ever since then their friendship had blossomed and grown in to possibly the best thing that had ever happened to him. Over a year later and they were still spending a vast majority of their time together. Like most teenagers, fifteen year olds especially, they were a little reckless and rebellious. They would sneak out, smoke weed, and drink much more often than they probably should.

Today was one of those times. While usually Marley would sneak over to his place, nowadays she was with a foster mom who couldn't give a flying fuck about anything but the paycheck she was getting. Therefore, it was much simpler for Nick to sneak out of his own place and come for a visit. It was a Friday night and no one would even notice he was gone as long as he woke up early enough to wander back home before anyone got suspicious (so, not until noon basically). They had grabbed a bottle of Marley's new "mom"s whiskey and chased it with pepsi until the were so drunk they could barely even see straight.

That was the point that they had started kissing each other. Considering the fact that he had been in to her since they met, Nick was in no position to stop her when she climbed on to his lap. It was innocent enough for a while until she had started grinding her hips against him which, as a fifteen year old and a virgin still, immediately had him growing hard. At that point he had been unable to stop himself from grabbing at her, fondling her ass and her breasts, touching her every where else that he could. After a while he had even pushed her just slightly off of his body so that he could undo his pants and get a more intimate contact between their bodies. While he did keep his boxers on still, it was one less layer between them.
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For the first time in months, Marley Scott actually found herself aroused. She wasn't quite sure why now was the ideal time for that but she had a feeling that the whiskey was definitely a deciding factor - either way her best friend Nicky had looked absolutely delectable as he sat beside her, laughing along with her to whatever dumb thing had caught her attention most recently. He'd looked absolutely kissable, perfect to touch - perhaps that was why the girl had climbed on top of his lap and kissed him for the first time, something that had quickly escalated in to more.

The short green dress that she wore offered little in the way of coverage as she rolled her hips along Nick's own, teasing her own body just as much as she was his. She had grown wet pretty quick just like he had his erection - but even though it was obvious that both of them wanted more from pretty early on, over an hour had passed as they just made out and touched each other, not daring to cross that line. While physically she wasn't a virgin, she didn't like to classify the rape that had gotten her pregnant back when she had still been fourteen as "losing her virginity". She was very much awkward and new to boys, unsure how to let someone touch her for the first time.

She had convinced herself that she should, though. No amount of denial would change the fact that she had pretty much fallen in love with this boy, especially when he stuck by her side throughout the worst few months of her life. Would there really ever be anyone better to walk her through this? Show her what it was like to be properly loved? Marley knew that Nick didn't have any experience either, which just made it all the more appealing - she wouldn't have to worry about seeming like she didn't know what she was doing, because he didn't either.

The fact that he'd gotten his pants out of the way just made up her mind for her - the only thing between their bodies was their underwear and holy fuck, Marley didn't know it was possible to want someone this much. "I'll take your virginity if you want," she breathed in to his ear, hoping that he would take her up on the offer.

Nick had not been expecting what Marley had suggested. Well he had been hoping for it... but he hadn't expected it. At the same time it made him still her body and he wrapped his arms loosely around her waist. They may have been drunk, but he wasn't too drunk to realize that blatantly coming on to him was not part of Marley's character. On top of that, she hadn't displayed any interest in him throughout the almost year and a half that they had known each other. Nick quickly became worried that she was making an offer that she didn't actually want to make, and that if they went through with it she would regret it once morning came.

The young man squeezed her in a little tighter towards his body and then kissed her again. Lust clouded his already dark eyes, and he had an incredibly hard time not immediately throwing her down on the bed and ravaging her like he wanted to. "I do want that," he conceded and then nodded his head slowly. "But how about you ask me again in the morning if that's what you really want?"
In return, Marley scrunched her nose and used the fact that he pulled her in closer just to reach around him and give his ass a squeeze. Maybe that was something men typically did to the ladies, but she didn't care in the least. He had actually said that he wanted to screw her, so it's not like she would be crossing any kind of line by touching a bit, right? She didn't like that he had tried to put her off right after saying that, though - that really made it come off like he wasn't actually in to her and right then all she wanted was to feel wanted by him.

"Or," she started, and then leaned in to kiss his neck over and over again, feather soft touches to sensitive skin. "If it's what you really want, we could just go for it now?" He could reject her again and she would drop it - but she didn't have the self control that he seemed to have. The last little bit of their time had really gotten to her, and as much as Marley knew she would still be in to Nick once morning came, she also knew she wouldn't have the confidence to actually say anything - they would end up back at that impass they were in before where she desperately wanted him but could never say anything.
Fucking hell - how was he supposed to say no? Nick had tried to talk her out of her plan, but it seemed that Marley had her mind set on things. It was impossible to resisted her, too. He had struggled enough just pulling away the first time, and now she was kissing down his neck. She was the first person to touch him like this, too. He'd kissed a couple girls, but anything more? Not at all. She was the first person to make out with him, the first person make a move on him, and definitely the first person to be riding on his dick.

"Fuck," he gasped as her lips fluttered over a sensitive part of his skin. At that point he couldn't do anything other than give in. He released his hold around her body just to grab her by the hips and push her down on to her bed. He pulled his pants fully off before he climbed on top of her, but he didn't touch her just yet. "Are you absolutely sure 'bout this Mar?" He asked while he hovered on his knees above her thighs.
Marley let out a stream of giggles as she was pushed down on to her bed and he climbed on top of her, and after Nick had stripped his pants off of his body she was eager to pull his shirt off as well. She didn't speak, didn't answer his question - just grabbed his shirt by its bottom hem and pried it over his body, sitting up as she did so. With him on his knees, she ended up at the perfect level to be able to press her lips to his chest, and after she'd tossed the top of away and freed her hands again, she reached down to his hips and then urged his underwear down as well.

"I am," she promised as she took him in hand, a fumbling gesture as she had never even had a dick in her hands before. She knew the theory, though, and hoped that the gentle way she stroked him from base to tip would give him the encouragement he needed to accept that she truly wanted this. Booze or not she did - she just would never do anything about it if she had to wait until she was sober again.
Nick couldn't hold back a moan when Marley started to stroke him. No one had touched him like that before, and he was amazed at how much different someone else's hand felt compared to his own. She didn't have to be an expert in order to touch him like one.

He couldn't hold back for long though. He was basically naked and Marley was still fully clothed, so that had to change. She would have to move. Nick pushed her down on to her back once more (he hated having to do that because she couldn't keep stroking him like she was from there) and first fumbled with her bottoms. He probably should have gone slower than he did, but lust and intoxication fueled him. He pried her pants and underwear off in a single move, and then her top followed a moment later.
Marley's heart had never raced as fast or as hard as it did when Nick was stripping her bare with no hesitation, his handa ravishing ber body as he pried fabric from skin. A nervous giggle escaped her lips but she wasn't hesitating - the young woman had no desire to stop, even if things were moving a bit faster than she had thought that they might have gone.

"Wow," she gasped as she was finally bared. Her body hit the bed and she looked up to her love with a desperate desire for him - for affection, for touch, for his fingers between her slick, warm folds. She reached in for him eagerly, giving him no choice but to be on top of her. Marley's fingers slid in to his hair and she urgef Nick to kiss her.
By now, Nick couldn't fight his desires - as if that hadn't been obvious by the way he had pulled Marley's clothes from her body in a desperate fervour just seconds ago.

"God I've wanted this forever," he said as he kissed her with more passion than he had ever felt in his life. He couldn't keep his hands off of her, either. He touched and roamed everywhere from her head down to the sweetness between her thighs. He was definitely going to slip himself in to her (his cock had been at the ready, harder than it had ever been before, for ages now) but first he wanted to feel her. He ended their kiss so that he could bring his lips to her neck, and at that point his fingers slipped between her thighs and two parted her slit. As soon as he found her entrance, he sunk his fingers slowly in to her.
The noise that left Marley's lips as soon as Nick's fingers buried themself inside of her was best described as a whine - she wanted something different andnthat different was more. Besides that, she had never had anyone touch her like that so it was all very new to her. She didn't want to be the only one being touched, though. Just moments ago she'd held his cock in her hand and she wanted more of that - so she reached down between their bodies and took what she wanted. At first her fingers grazed over the head of his cock, but just a second later she had wrapped her hand around his length again.

As much as she wanted to make him feel good, Marley also wanted to guide his cock betwen her thighs so that she could get what she wanted. She was nervous but excited - and could only imagine how good sex would feel when she had actually chosen to do it. "Then do it," she whispered against his lips. As much as she was loving having his fingers inside of her, she wanted so much more. "Or do I have to beg?"
Marley whimpering and pulling him towards her core had its intended affect. As much as Nick wanted to continue to soak his fingers in her juices, the thought of his cock in that warm wetness was so much better. First he pulled his fingers out of her, and second he urged her hand off of his length. He then didn't hesitate to line himself up with her, but as he pushed in to her for that first time he decided that slow was the best way to go.

That was easier said than done, of course. As soon as her juices coated the tip of his cock, Nick wanted to start just pounding her. He knew that she was new to this as well, though. Instead he settled for drawing things out and stretching her slowly so that she could accommodate him without hurting. All the while, Nick let out a loud moan.
God Marley wished this was actually her first time, that no one had ever dared to lay a hand on her and she could give this boy that precious moment in her life. The best she could do was let him be the first person that she had wanted to touch her, though - the first person to treat her with softness and affection and respect. In reality, she didn't think there would ever be any better of a person to offer that to. They may not have been sober but this was a choice she would have made even if she was - had she the courage to actually act on the affection that she always had for this boy.

It may not have been her first first time, but her body still wasn't used to it. That first push in to her made her whimper, but Nick went so easy and slow on her that she didn't hurt at his hands. After she felt like she had adjusted well, became desperate for more of him, her leg looked around his hip and she used it to subtly urge her for more. "Please, Nicky," she begged of him.
He couldn't possibly resist when Marley was beneath him and begging. The way that she goaded him didn't help either. Her leg around his hip urged him closer to her and with that a little deeper in to her, and Nick let out a loud moan. Nothing in his life had ever felt as good as this did - but this was also Nick's first time having sex. It was no surprise that nothing had ever felt this incredible. The fact that it was Mar beneath him probably helped, too. No one had ever meant more to him than she did - and likely, no one ever would.

"Of course baby," he whispered in her ear. Nick braced himself against the bed and started to rock his body against hers in slow, shallow thrusts. Staying slow was nearly impossible as he an intense desire to simply take her as his own, but for now he was able to keep control of himself. After all, Nick wanted this to be pleasant for Marley as well.
Marley absolutely adored every single time he had called her baby tonight - and that affection was only amplified now that he had buried himself in to her. He was louder than she was but that was okay - no one here would care. All her foster mother wanted was the check she got to keep Marley there, and as long as that kept happening Marley could have got pregnant that night and the bitch still wouldn't care. That wasn't much a surprise - she was letting fifteen year olds drink, and behind closed doors at that.

She cried out Nick's name as his cock caressed her insides and each thrust caused friction against the sweet spot inside of her. They fell in to a rythym and she fell absolutely in love - with sex, for the first time in her life, with her own body, even more with Nick. Her nails scratched at his back as her desire grew and her body tightened, a strange but pleasuable feeling to the girl who had never came before.
It didnt take much for Nick to lose control. Never in his life had he experienced anything better than being inside of Marley, and as a teenager he had raging hormones. Normally he could just whack off, but he had feeling that using his hand wouldn't feel the same now that he'd had a taste of the real thing

His pleasure grew exponentially with each passing moment. As a (past) virgin, it was no surprise that the pleasure of sex was quickly overwhelming to him. Soon - too soon - he felt like he would topple over the edge. In a drunken haze pulling out wasn't even a thought in his head. All that matterwd was this beautiful girl's moans and her tight walls around him.

"Mar, I'm gonna-" he tried to warn her, but he was cut off by his own moan. In the same moment he couldn't hold back any more, and his semen started to spill in to her. It was possibly the most intense orgasm that Nick ever had.
Nick wasn't the only one to be overwhelmed by how amazing their connection felt, and each thrust deep in to her sent Marley a little closer to the edge as well. She clung hard to him - hands grasping at his shoulders, legs hooked around his hips. She was riding the line as Nick tried to warn him of his impending release, and his flood brought a gasp to her lips. She may have been drunk but she wasn't dumb - and the last time anyone had released in to her body she had found herself pregnant. She was going to be worried for weeks now.

... But at the same time, holy shit. Nick's moans and his cum filling her insides was enough to push the blonde over the edge, and the redhead cried out as possibly the most intense pleasure she had ever felt wracked her system. She clung even tighter to the boy on top of her - something that she had felt wasn't even possible until it happened in that moment. As she rode out her own orgasm, soft moans and whimpers escaped her lips. Even as it faded, Marley didn't have it in her to let her boy go just yet.
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