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NBx F or NB All women wear diapers as underwear to pee (no soiling)


Oct 17, 2016
Hey everyone,

For this roleplay I would like to ignore the existence of men and have the world exist out of Futa (both penis (with balls) and pussy with clit) and female.

As time evolved it became more and more commonplace for women to wear diapers for their Daily needs. Over a century time female toilet routines had completely changed. Every woman nowadays wore a diaper and used it to relieve her bladder in, when a girl grew old enough to be potty trained most of them were trained to do their stools on a bidet.

Women were not allowed to change their own diapers and their wife's and daughters change them. To this end the old traditional restrooms had been changed by larger rooms having several dressers and bidets in them all without any privacy screens since everyone knew what happened and had probably seen each other’s privates at some point

I would love to start a roleplay around this description and have some ideas but interested in hearing yours,

I) A D/s relationship between a pro domme and a client. This can be straight forward D/s roleplay just with everyone wearing diapers but they can also be more included in the roleplay like the sub has to orally clean the domme when she changes her domme's diaper. Or the sub as she is naked looses control over bladder -since she is used to the diaper- and the domme forces her to drink it or rubbs her face through it.

II) Just regular lovers having fun among themselves or with their friends.

III) Involving a family of two women and their children living their lives and sexually exploiting their diaper wearing with each other and friends.

All characters involved in the roleplay are either Female or Futa (vagina and penis), males, TG or M to F are not allowed.

If possible I am looking for a woman to play with however men are also okay.

I play over PM and threads.

Please send me a PM if you are interested.

X Thessa

F-list - Warning
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