Lost in the Echos
- Joined
- May 9, 2018
The name is Lost, I live in the Eastern Time Zone in the USA. Can usually reply multiple times a week, sometimes back and forth if we're both online at the same time. I'm patient with replies, will only check in if a week has passed without communication.
My F-list is found here.
(New) Friends...with Benefits? - Our character's are close friends, having either grown up together or met a few years prior and developed a close bond. One night they're hanging out, having a few beers when the discussion turns to sex and fantasies which leads to a night of passion acting out their fantasies.
It's only customary - MC's family takes in a foreign exchange student (Where front doesn't matter). MC doesn't really pay much attention to her at first, keeping his distance from her. One day he's hanging out with his best friend, a girl he's known his entire life and as she's leaving YC asks to talk to her, asking her why MC doesn't like her. The friend being a notorious prankster tells her that it's because YC isn't following the American custom of 'taking care' of the oldest son. (Not gonna lie, got inspired from The big bang theory when Howard told Raj that he's gotta give gifts for Thanksgiving haha)
Sharing is Caring - YC and her sister are extremely close and do just about everything together, so when MC starts dating her sister, YC gets jealous that he's taking her sister away from her. Her sister realizes how it's effecting her sister and decides to include her sister to show her that she's not going anywhere. (Rough idea but I'm thinking MFF Threesome and partner sharing.)
Blackmailed - YC is an actress, real or fictional. She's having phone or computer issues and hires a tech (MC) to come out to fix it. Without YC knowing MC copies her data and uses it to blackmail her into getting what her wants.
Escape - MC is a on a business trip to a foreign land, he's a higher up in one of the leading tech companies that's looking to expand and open a new factory which would bring thousands of jobs to the struggling country. He arrives in the country for his week long trip and YC is assigned to assist mine in whatever he needs. YC having no family, pretty much a servant to the person running the country. YC shows up at his hotel and informs him of her duty, even though she's desperate to escape the country and start a new life anywhere else.
You Owe Me - YC is MC's Step-Sister (Or Sister) and they don't get along. Always arguing and yelling at each other as most siblings do. One day YC decides to walk to the store that was only a couple blocks away, and my mom makes MC go with yours not wanting her to walk alone. As they're crossing the street in front of the store a car comes speeding through and MC sees it first and pushes yours out of the way only to get clipped by the car. He's hurt but not critically injured (Thinking it just breaks his leg or something). That changes the dynamic between them so when our parents leave for a trip they had planned months in advanced YC volunteers to take care of mine.
Who are you? - (MC) is a newly single college student who shares an apartment with his roommate. He was supposed to be going back home after work to visit family, but an unexpected snowstorm grounded all the flights. So he goes back to his dorm after work. His roommate's sister (YC) is in town, either starting at their college the next semester or just visiting. Thinking his roommate wouldn't be home he tells his sister she can sleep in his roommate's bed. It was late by the time (MC) got home and his roommate was already asleep. He goes into his room but doesn't turn the light on seeing a girl in his bed. Thinking his ex came to surprise him he crawls into bed with her... (Thinking (YC) doesn't tell him at first, but eventually, he turns the light on after he's already inside her)
Re-connection - (MC) is on his way to his buddy's wedding, flying out from his hometown to a tropical location. He was happy for his friend but he wasn't looking forward to traveling alone or being there and not really knowing anybody. He makes it through security at the airport and finds his gate only to see a familiar face sitting there waiting to board. (Thinking it was a girl he went to school with maybe a high school ex or just someone he lost touch with through the years.)
The Landlord - The apartment you and your mother moved into was nice, maybe too nice for her budget. The first few months everything was fine, and then money got tight. The mother's hours got cut or she lost her job and was having trouble finding a new one. The landlord is a nice guy and cuts her some slack when he can but it was getting to the point where he was going to have to evict her and her daughter. The daughter comes home before her mother one day and sees the eviction notice on the door. She decides to go to the landlord and see if there's anything she could do to buy her mother some more time. The landlord isn't bad bad-looking guy, surely she can convince him to delay their eviction.
My F-list is found here.
College Student/College Student
Survivor/Survivor (Zombie Apocalypse)
Older Brother/Babysitter
College Student/College Student
Survivor/Survivor (Zombie Apocalypse)
Older Brother/Babysitter
Newest Additions:
(New) Friends...with Benefits? - Our character's are close friends, having either grown up together or met a few years prior and developed a close bond. One night they're hanging out, having a few beers when the discussion turns to sex and fantasies which leads to a night of passion acting out their fantasies.
It's only customary - MC's family takes in a foreign exchange student (Where front doesn't matter). MC doesn't really pay much attention to her at first, keeping his distance from her. One day he's hanging out with his best friend, a girl he's known his entire life and as she's leaving YC asks to talk to her, asking her why MC doesn't like her. The friend being a notorious prankster tells her that it's because YC isn't following the American custom of 'taking care' of the oldest son. (Not gonna lie, got inspired from The big bang theory when Howard told Raj that he's gotta give gifts for Thanksgiving haha)
Sharing is Caring - YC and her sister are extremely close and do just about everything together, so when MC starts dating her sister, YC gets jealous that he's taking her sister away from her. Her sister realizes how it's effecting her sister and decides to include her sister to show her that she's not going anywhere. (Rough idea but I'm thinking MFF Threesome and partner sharing.)
Blackmailed - YC is an actress, real or fictional. She's having phone or computer issues and hires a tech (MC) to come out to fix it. Without YC knowing MC copies her data and uses it to blackmail her into getting what her wants.
Escape - MC is a on a business trip to a foreign land, he's a higher up in one of the leading tech companies that's looking to expand and open a new factory which would bring thousands of jobs to the struggling country. He arrives in the country for his week long trip and YC is assigned to assist mine in whatever he needs. YC having no family, pretty much a servant to the person running the country. YC shows up at his hotel and informs him of her duty, even though she's desperate to escape the country and start a new life anywhere else.
You Owe Me - YC is MC's Step-Sister (Or Sister) and they don't get along. Always arguing and yelling at each other as most siblings do. One day YC decides to walk to the store that was only a couple blocks away, and my mom makes MC go with yours not wanting her to walk alone. As they're crossing the street in front of the store a car comes speeding through and MC sees it first and pushes yours out of the way only to get clipped by the car. He's hurt but not critically injured (Thinking it just breaks his leg or something). That changes the dynamic between them so when our parents leave for a trip they had planned months in advanced YC volunteers to take care of mine.
Who are you? - (MC) is a newly single college student who shares an apartment with his roommate. He was supposed to be going back home after work to visit family, but an unexpected snowstorm grounded all the flights. So he goes back to his dorm after work. His roommate's sister (YC) is in town, either starting at their college the next semester or just visiting. Thinking his roommate wouldn't be home he tells his sister she can sleep in his roommate's bed. It was late by the time (MC) got home and his roommate was already asleep. He goes into his room but doesn't turn the light on seeing a girl in his bed. Thinking his ex came to surprise him he crawls into bed with her... (Thinking (YC) doesn't tell him at first, but eventually, he turns the light on after he's already inside her)
Re-connection - (MC) is on his way to his buddy's wedding, flying out from his hometown to a tropical location. He was happy for his friend but he wasn't looking forward to traveling alone or being there and not really knowing anybody. He makes it through security at the airport and finds his gate only to see a familiar face sitting there waiting to board. (Thinking it was a girl he went to school with maybe a high school ex or just someone he lost touch with through the years.)
The Landlord - The apartment you and your mother moved into was nice, maybe too nice for her budget. The first few months everything was fine, and then money got tight. The mother's hours got cut or she lost her job and was having trouble finding a new one. The landlord is a nice guy and cuts her some slack when he can but it was getting to the point where he was going to have to evict her and her daughter. The daughter comes home before her mother one day and sees the eviction notice on the door. She decides to go to the landlord and see if there's anything she could do to buy her mother some more time. The landlord isn't bad bad-looking guy, surely she can convince him to delay their eviction.
The Visitor - YC lives in a very rural part of the country. One night while she's outside in her backyard she spots MC walking alone and very naked looking very lost. She cautiously approaches MC and realizes that he's unlike anyone she has ever seen. Tall with white, almost paper like skin that seemed to glow in the dark. Piercing blue eyes and hair that was white as snow. Is he a fallen angel? Or is he from somewhere far...far...away. (Based on a video I watched about the Tall Whites, an Alien race.)
It's just sex - My character has been seeing this girl for a few months now and their relationship is mostly casual, most of a friends with benefits type thing. Well his girlfriend and her roommate are heading off to the beach for spring break. She invites him and he agrees to go. What I'm thinking is that they're all sharing a hotel room with two beds. One night him and his girlfriend are going at it and he can't help but notice that her roommate is awake and watching them in the darkness. His girlfriend notices as well and urges him to pay her roommate a visit in her bed.
Sex-U - My character's hopes and dreams crash after high school when his dream college rejects him, leaving him with very few options. He was considering going to a community college but then he saw something online about a College Lottery. The computer would place you into the college that's right for you. He wasn't sure what kind of algorithm the computer used or how accurate but at this point it was his last chance to get into a decent school. To his surprise, he gets picked to go to Wilmington College. He had never heard of it before but figured it was better than nothing. After the paperwork is filled out, he finally arrives at the school weeks later and is completely taken by surprise. The campus was nice and his things were taken to his dorm while he was ushered off to orientation only to find out that was a real college but it was meant for the sexually inexperienced. Along with the normal classes, there were also classes dealing in sex, and sex was not only accepted, it was required. (Thinking our characters were matched up to be roommates and partners for the whole experience.)
Accidental FWB - Our characters are close friends, having always been in each other's lives since they were kids. (Could be Siblings or Step-Siblinbgs if you want to go that route.) They're so close that they spend the majority of their time together, including watching movies or TV at night before bed. One night, they're watching TV before bed, MC in just his boxers, YC in a tank top and panties, or something similar. After some teasing and joking around a play fight breaks out and they wrestle around on the bed, very physical, and clothes somehow get pulled down, and before either really knows what is going on he's inside of her. I'm thinking a one-night thing turns into an unspoken agreement between the two for their physical needs.
Captured - Your character is having some hard times, evicted from her apartment and forced to sleep in her car. She falls into the wrong crowd and becomes friends with a young woman who kind of teaches her the ways of the street. But as an initiation, she has to break into this nice house just outside of the city and steal something. She decides to do it after she's assured that the homeowner won't be home. Little does she know that it's actually a set up and the girl knows what will happen to Your character when she's caught. (Maybe she's even paid by the homeowner to send girls his way. This one will be kind of dark to an extent.)
Boyfriend on loan - My Character is your best friend's boyfriend. The three of them (MC, YC, and MC's girlfriend) all share a two-bedroom apartment. They all get along and enjoy living together. Your character is single, maybe having just gotten out of a relationship or maybe doesn't have the best of luck with guys, and her best friend feels sorry for her and is always trying to encourage her to get out more and try to find someone. One day my character's girlfriend finds out that she has to go out of town for her work and will be gone for a week or so, leaving My character and yours alone in the apartment. Figuring a week is a long time for her boyfriend to go without sex and her best friend being in a dry spell, she convinces him to try to seduce her.
The Global Bastard - My character is somewhat nerdy, a virgin with no real experience with girls. Either from lack of interest or maybe he just gets nervous and doesn't know how to speak to the opposite sex. Your character is kind of a wild child, kicked out of her family home only to be taken in by my character's parents. Our characters don't interact a lot at first but the 'global bastard' makes a comeback forcing people to stay home to limit exposure. The only problem is that my character's parents are stuck across the country with no way home. For my character it's not a big deal, he prefers to stay at home anyway. But your character starts to get bored…
Heist - My character is stuck in a dead-end job at a small convenience store in a small town. He's pretty much given up on life and sees no hope or future. Your character comes into the otherwise empty store with the intent on robbing the place, alone or possibly with your best friend/partner-in-crime. Your character or your partner threatens to kill MC and he just kind of laughs and tells her to do it. But your character ends up feeling sorry for mine and instead of killing him, you make him go with you. A lot of possibilities for this, he could just be your captive or maybe even help with crimes.
Boss' Payback - I'm thinking two co-workers who just can't get along, always arguing and bickering back and forth. So when it comes time for their company to open a new office in another state their boss chooses the two of them (Mainly to get them both out of his hair). He makes them share a room but doesn't tell them. Maybe also he makes them share a bed just to torture them both. I'm thinking things come to a head one night and they start arguing and my character snaps and pushes her down on the bed and takes her, rough and hard. Maybe afterward she doesn't talk to him as she progresses about what happened, but maybe the next day she picks another fight hoping for the same result. What happens when they come back from their trip is open for debate.
The Neighbor's Pool - (MC) is your neighbor, he's kind of older and has done well for himself financially. He's single and doesn't have any kids. (YC) is either fresh out of high school or in college. For months she's been sneaking over into his backyard and using his pool and hot tub thinking he didn't notice. What she doesn't realize is that he has security cameras and knows that she's been on his property. One day he decides to confront her while she's in the pool.
Stalked - (MC) is a celebrity, either an actor or musician. One night he arrives back to his hotel room after an event or concert and finds (YC) inside either trying to rob him or maybe she's a stalker or has some kind of grudge against him and plans on trying to kill him. Or maybe she throws herself at him, offering her body in exchange for a better life.
The Geek - (MC) is a nerd. He's a total computer geek and has some, but very limited experience with girls. (YC) is his sister's best friend. She comes over one night to stay the night and work on a school project. She ends up having some issues with her laptop and asks (MC) to look at it. (MC) fixes it and gives it back to her, not thinking anything of it. Later on that night, after (MC)'s sister falls asleep, (YC) decides to come to his room to thank him for fixing her computer.
The (Slave) Trade - My character is a guy who works hard and has just earned a huge promotion. His boss convinces him to take a trip with him and they go into a black market-type environment. His boss, as a gift offers buys him a slave girl (18+) to use as he sees fit. He declines saying it's illegal and wrong. But then he sees your character and he can't resist.
Theif - My character owns a clothing store and your character is a teenage girl (18 or 19) and tries to steal some clothes but he catches her and gives her an option either he'll call the cops or she'll repay him with her body.
A Lesson Learned - Your character's boyfriend is my character's little brother. The brothers are close, and when the little brother tells the bigger brother about how bad his girlfriend is in bed, he decides to take matters into his own hands and train his brother's girlfriend how to be a better girlfriend.
Road Trippin - A group of friends pile into a van and go on a road trip, in the van there's not much room with all their bags, so my character and yours take turns sitting in the floor in front of the back seat. Our characters are extremely close and have been friends for 10+ years. As a joke, he decides to pull out his cock and take a picture just as she turns around. (It would be up to you how she reacts)
Run - My character is on the run, he has done some terrible deeds and the Police and FBI are looking for him. He makes it out of the city and travels for days before coming across a little farmhouse in the country. He scopes it out for a while noticing there was just a young woman (YC) living there. He approaches the door and knocks… (Figured this could go one of two ways.
1. When your character answers the door he asks to use the phone, but when YC lets him in he subdues her and ties her up using her place as a place to stay and her…as something to play with.
2. Your character lets him in and they end up hitting it off.)
Disaster - Our characters are in the basement, waiting out a deadly tornado or hurricane, the electricity is off and it's hot, very hot. They're wearing next to nothing and worried that they could die at any moment. My character is trying to keep your calm, rubbing your shoulders, massaging your back and they end up kissing they look at each other, shocked for a few moments before kissing again which leads to…
Invited Guest - Your character and my character's sister share an apartment together and my character comes to visit his younger sister. You come home after work one day expecting to have the place to yourself not knowing that my character was in and crashing on the couch.
The Favor - My character is your sister's ex-boyfriend, they had broken up years ago but stayed friends. My character moved away to another city and when your character gets accepted into college, the college is in the same city and your sister asks my character to watch after yours.
The Jumper - My character is driving home from work one night and finds your character on the side of the bridge, looking down over the edge. Fearing that she planned on jumping, he stops the car and gets out, talking her down. Hearing her say that she didn't have anything, no job, no family, etc. He talks her into coming home with him. He knew she needed direction in her life, a purpose. (This would be a Dom x sub pairing)
Seduction - Your character has lusted after mine for quite some time now, my character notices but doesn't really pay much attention since your character is his little sister's best friend. Your character finally has enough and makes her move after staying the night with his sister. His sister gets called into work and your character decides to go into his room in just her bra and panties, making him an offer he can't refuse. But can she handle him? He doesn't plan on going easy on her.
It's just sex - My character has been seeing this girl for a few months now and their relationship is mostly casual, most of a friends with benefits type thing. Well his girlfriend and her roommate are heading off to the beach for spring break. She invites him and he agrees to go. What I'm thinking is that they're all sharing a hotel room with two beds. One night him and his girlfriend are going at it and he can't help but notice that her roommate is awake and watching them in the darkness. His girlfriend notices as well and urges him to pay her roommate a visit in her bed.
Sex-U - My character's hopes and dreams crash after high school when his dream college rejects him, leaving him with very few options. He was considering going to a community college but then he saw something online about a College Lottery. The computer would place you into the college that's right for you. He wasn't sure what kind of algorithm the computer used or how accurate but at this point it was his last chance to get into a decent school. To his surprise, he gets picked to go to Wilmington College. He had never heard of it before but figured it was better than nothing. After the paperwork is filled out, he finally arrives at the school weeks later and is completely taken by surprise. The campus was nice and his things were taken to his dorm while he was ushered off to orientation only to find out that was a real college but it was meant for the sexually inexperienced. Along with the normal classes, there were also classes dealing in sex, and sex was not only accepted, it was required. (Thinking our characters were matched up to be roommates and partners for the whole experience.)
Accidental FWB - Our characters are close friends, having always been in each other's lives since they were kids. (Could be Siblings or Step-Siblinbgs if you want to go that route.) They're so close that they spend the majority of their time together, including watching movies or TV at night before bed. One night, they're watching TV before bed, MC in just his boxers, YC in a tank top and panties, or something similar. After some teasing and joking around a play fight breaks out and they wrestle around on the bed, very physical, and clothes somehow get pulled down, and before either really knows what is going on he's inside of her. I'm thinking a one-night thing turns into an unspoken agreement between the two for their physical needs.
Captured - Your character is having some hard times, evicted from her apartment and forced to sleep in her car. She falls into the wrong crowd and becomes friends with a young woman who kind of teaches her the ways of the street. But as an initiation, she has to break into this nice house just outside of the city and steal something. She decides to do it after she's assured that the homeowner won't be home. Little does she know that it's actually a set up and the girl knows what will happen to Your character when she's caught. (Maybe she's even paid by the homeowner to send girls his way. This one will be kind of dark to an extent.)
Boyfriend on loan - My Character is your best friend's boyfriend. The three of them (MC, YC, and MC's girlfriend) all share a two-bedroom apartment. They all get along and enjoy living together. Your character is single, maybe having just gotten out of a relationship or maybe doesn't have the best of luck with guys, and her best friend feels sorry for her and is always trying to encourage her to get out more and try to find someone. One day my character's girlfriend finds out that she has to go out of town for her work and will be gone for a week or so, leaving My character and yours alone in the apartment. Figuring a week is a long time for her boyfriend to go without sex and her best friend being in a dry spell, she convinces him to try to seduce her.
The Global Bastard - My character is somewhat nerdy, a virgin with no real experience with girls. Either from lack of interest or maybe he just gets nervous and doesn't know how to speak to the opposite sex. Your character is kind of a wild child, kicked out of her family home only to be taken in by my character's parents. Our characters don't interact a lot at first but the 'global bastard' makes a comeback forcing people to stay home to limit exposure. The only problem is that my character's parents are stuck across the country with no way home. For my character it's not a big deal, he prefers to stay at home anyway. But your character starts to get bored…
Heist - My character is stuck in a dead-end job at a small convenience store in a small town. He's pretty much given up on life and sees no hope or future. Your character comes into the otherwise empty store with the intent on robbing the place, alone or possibly with your best friend/partner-in-crime. Your character or your partner threatens to kill MC and he just kind of laughs and tells her to do it. But your character ends up feeling sorry for mine and instead of killing him, you make him go with you. A lot of possibilities for this, he could just be your captive or maybe even help with crimes.
Boss' Payback - I'm thinking two co-workers who just can't get along, always arguing and bickering back and forth. So when it comes time for their company to open a new office in another state their boss chooses the two of them (Mainly to get them both out of his hair). He makes them share a room but doesn't tell them. Maybe also he makes them share a bed just to torture them both. I'm thinking things come to a head one night and they start arguing and my character snaps and pushes her down on the bed and takes her, rough and hard. Maybe afterward she doesn't talk to him as she progresses about what happened, but maybe the next day she picks another fight hoping for the same result. What happens when they come back from their trip is open for debate.
The Neighbor's Pool - (MC) is your neighbor, he's kind of older and has done well for himself financially. He's single and doesn't have any kids. (YC) is either fresh out of high school or in college. For months she's been sneaking over into his backyard and using his pool and hot tub thinking he didn't notice. What she doesn't realize is that he has security cameras and knows that she's been on his property. One day he decides to confront her while she's in the pool.
Stalked - (MC) is a celebrity, either an actor or musician. One night he arrives back to his hotel room after an event or concert and finds (YC) inside either trying to rob him or maybe she's a stalker or has some kind of grudge against him and plans on trying to kill him. Or maybe she throws herself at him, offering her body in exchange for a better life.
The Geek - (MC) is a nerd. He's a total computer geek and has some, but very limited experience with girls. (YC) is his sister's best friend. She comes over one night to stay the night and work on a school project. She ends up having some issues with her laptop and asks (MC) to look at it. (MC) fixes it and gives it back to her, not thinking anything of it. Later on that night, after (MC)'s sister falls asleep, (YC) decides to come to his room to thank him for fixing her computer.
The (Slave) Trade - My character is a guy who works hard and has just earned a huge promotion. His boss convinces him to take a trip with him and they go into a black market-type environment. His boss, as a gift offers buys him a slave girl (18+) to use as he sees fit. He declines saying it's illegal and wrong. But then he sees your character and he can't resist.
Theif - My character owns a clothing store and your character is a teenage girl (18 or 19) and tries to steal some clothes but he catches her and gives her an option either he'll call the cops or she'll repay him with her body.
A Lesson Learned - Your character's boyfriend is my character's little brother. The brothers are close, and when the little brother tells the bigger brother about how bad his girlfriend is in bed, he decides to take matters into his own hands and train his brother's girlfriend how to be a better girlfriend.
Road Trippin - A group of friends pile into a van and go on a road trip, in the van there's not much room with all their bags, so my character and yours take turns sitting in the floor in front of the back seat. Our characters are extremely close and have been friends for 10+ years. As a joke, he decides to pull out his cock and take a picture just as she turns around. (It would be up to you how she reacts)
Run - My character is on the run, he has done some terrible deeds and the Police and FBI are looking for him. He makes it out of the city and travels for days before coming across a little farmhouse in the country. He scopes it out for a while noticing there was just a young woman (YC) living there. He approaches the door and knocks… (Figured this could go one of two ways.
1. When your character answers the door he asks to use the phone, but when YC lets him in he subdues her and ties her up using her place as a place to stay and her…as something to play with.
2. Your character lets him in and they end up hitting it off.)
Disaster - Our characters are in the basement, waiting out a deadly tornado or hurricane, the electricity is off and it's hot, very hot. They're wearing next to nothing and worried that they could die at any moment. My character is trying to keep your calm, rubbing your shoulders, massaging your back and they end up kissing they look at each other, shocked for a few moments before kissing again which leads to…
Invited Guest - Your character and my character's sister share an apartment together and my character comes to visit his younger sister. You come home after work one day expecting to have the place to yourself not knowing that my character was in and crashing on the couch.
The Favor - My character is your sister's ex-boyfriend, they had broken up years ago but stayed friends. My character moved away to another city and when your character gets accepted into college, the college is in the same city and your sister asks my character to watch after yours.
The Jumper - My character is driving home from work one night and finds your character on the side of the bridge, looking down over the edge. Fearing that she planned on jumping, he stops the car and gets out, talking her down. Hearing her say that she didn't have anything, no job, no family, etc. He talks her into coming home with him. He knew she needed direction in her life, a purpose. (This would be a Dom x sub pairing)
Seduction - Your character has lusted after mine for quite some time now, my character notices but doesn't really pay much attention since your character is his little sister's best friend. Your character finally has enough and makes her move after staying the night with his sister. His sister gets called into work and your character decides to go into his room in just her bra and panties, making him an offer he can't refuse. But can she handle him? He doesn't plan on going easy on her.
Movie Night - Our characters are brother and sister (or Step-siblings) and pretty poor. Growing up in a two bedroom apartment meant sacrifices had to be made including sharing a bedroom. They had shared a room since they were little so it was all they knew. They were comfortable around each other and are extremely close. Nudity wasn't uncommon between them, it was just skin, even as they got older and developed. Nothing sexual happened between them before. One night while they're alone at home (Their mother works nights, father either left or died when they were young.) and out of boredom they look for a movie to watch in their mom's room. They find a DVD they had never heard of and decide to watch it. Back in their room they get comfortable in bed and start the movie. The movie starts off innocent enough but quickly turns explicit, being their first real exposure to sex they can't look away even as their bodies begin to react.
Step-father's love - (MC) is (YC)'s father or step-father. He's always been in her life since she could remember. While he was more of a free spirit, his wife wasn't and sheltered (YC) for all of her life. Fast forward to just before (YC)'s fifteenth birthday (MC) wakes up to an empty bed and a note beside him saying that his wife was gone and wasn't coming back. To his surprise, she leaves her daughter with him. The next year is rough on both of them but it ultimately brings them even closer together. They spend a lot of time together and he tries to undo some of the sheltering that she had done to (YC). Daddy-Daughter dates, watching movies and TV together. By the time (YC) turns sixteen, snuggling up together on the couch and watching a movie is the norm for them. One night while they're watching TV together, his hand lands on her thigh and he gently strokes it, leading her to start feeling feelings that she had never felt before.
Good Vibrations - (YC) is (MC)'s stepdaughter, he's been in her life for the past few years and they get along pretty well even though (YC) has a history of wild and crazy behavior. One afternoon the family was heading to dinner. (YC) was dreading it and decided to make it a little more interesting and wear her wireless vibrator to dinner. She goes into the bathroom to put it on and leaves the remote on her dresser. (MC) comes to her room to see if she's ready and spots the remote. He takes it and puts it into his pocket. And tells her to hurry up and that they're waiting for her. Fast forward to the car ride to the restaurant, he's having a conversation with her mother and he decides to press the button and turn the vibrator on. He teases her with it during dinner and eventually reveals that he has the remote to her. Thinking the parents on rough terms, maybe they're in the middle of a divorce but continue to try to keep the household together for the most part.
(Step) Sibling Bonds - Our characters are step-siblings, my father married your mother, or vice-versa. Our characters are around the same age and go to the local college or are 18 and fresh out of high school. They get along great and are playful with each other, always kind of flirting. Little touches here and there, gropes, swats on the ass, inappropriate comments but never anything past that, until one night when my character is in the shower when he notices her peeking at him through the crack in the door.
The Good Niece - (MC) has just returned from a business trip overseas when he finds out that his estranged brother and his wife had died a few days ago. He knew that his brother's wife had a daughter who had recently turned 18. He calls her to check on her and finds out that she's pretty much sleeping on friend's couches with no real place to go, so he takes her in.
New Bonds- Our characters meet at the local college bar one night and hit it off, ending up having a night of passion. The next day after they exchange numbers and he leaves her apartment he gets a call from his dad wanting him to join him and his girlfriend for lunch, so he can meet his girlfriend's daughter, who happens to be the girl from last night.
(Step)daughter's love - They didn't always see things eye to eye, but when her mother decided to cheat on him his step-daughter decides to stay with him, wanting to give him the love and attention that her mother wouldn't.
The Secret - They didn't always get along, in fact growing up together they had many wars, disagreements, and arguments but they were still there for each other when it counted. So when he slept with one of her friends, she felt betrayed and maybe even a little jealous. Especially when she over heard the details from her friend, she decided to confront her brother.
Welcome Home - My character has just returned from the Marines, only to find that his little sister has grown into a beautiful woman. They had always been close and the 5 years were rough on both of them for different reasons He comes home to find that his parents are gone on a business trip and the only one home is his little sister.
All Tied Up - Your character is my character's step-sister. They don't get along, constantly fighting and arguing. Their parents had just gotten married a few years ago and their relationship hadn't gotten any better. One day your character is fooling around with her boyfriend, and he decides to tie her down to the bed. Once she was tied down to the bed, he breaks up with her wanting to humiliate her by leaving her to be found by her family. My character arrives home a little later and finds her, naked and tied down to the bed. Will he get his revenge on his sister for the years of torment? (Could involve blackmail, some BDSM elements)
Step-father's love - (MC) is (YC)'s father or step-father. He's always been in her life since she could remember. While he was more of a free spirit, his wife wasn't and sheltered (YC) for all of her life. Fast forward to just before (YC)'s fifteenth birthday (MC) wakes up to an empty bed and a note beside him saying that his wife was gone and wasn't coming back. To his surprise, she leaves her daughter with him. The next year is rough on both of them but it ultimately brings them even closer together. They spend a lot of time together and he tries to undo some of the sheltering that she had done to (YC). Daddy-Daughter dates, watching movies and TV together. By the time (YC) turns sixteen, snuggling up together on the couch and watching a movie is the norm for them. One night while they're watching TV together, his hand lands on her thigh and he gently strokes it, leading her to start feeling feelings that she had never felt before.
Good Vibrations - (YC) is (MC)'s stepdaughter, he's been in her life for the past few years and they get along pretty well even though (YC) has a history of wild and crazy behavior. One afternoon the family was heading to dinner. (YC) was dreading it and decided to make it a little more interesting and wear her wireless vibrator to dinner. She goes into the bathroom to put it on and leaves the remote on her dresser. (MC) comes to her room to see if she's ready and spots the remote. He takes it and puts it into his pocket. And tells her to hurry up and that they're waiting for her. Fast forward to the car ride to the restaurant, he's having a conversation with her mother and he decides to press the button and turn the vibrator on. He teases her with it during dinner and eventually reveals that he has the remote to her. Thinking the parents on rough terms, maybe they're in the middle of a divorce but continue to try to keep the household together for the most part.
(Step) Sibling Bonds - Our characters are step-siblings, my father married your mother, or vice-versa. Our characters are around the same age and go to the local college or are 18 and fresh out of high school. They get along great and are playful with each other, always kind of flirting. Little touches here and there, gropes, swats on the ass, inappropriate comments but never anything past that, until one night when my character is in the shower when he notices her peeking at him through the crack in the door.
The Good Niece - (MC) has just returned from a business trip overseas when he finds out that his estranged brother and his wife had died a few days ago. He knew that his brother's wife had a daughter who had recently turned 18. He calls her to check on her and finds out that she's pretty much sleeping on friend's couches with no real place to go, so he takes her in.
New Bonds- Our characters meet at the local college bar one night and hit it off, ending up having a night of passion. The next day after they exchange numbers and he leaves her apartment he gets a call from his dad wanting him to join him and his girlfriend for lunch, so he can meet his girlfriend's daughter, who happens to be the girl from last night.
(Step)daughter's love - They didn't always see things eye to eye, but when her mother decided to cheat on him his step-daughter decides to stay with him, wanting to give him the love and attention that her mother wouldn't.
The Secret - They didn't always get along, in fact growing up together they had many wars, disagreements, and arguments but they were still there for each other when it counted. So when he slept with one of her friends, she felt betrayed and maybe even a little jealous. Especially when she over heard the details from her friend, she decided to confront her brother.
Welcome Home - My character has just returned from the Marines, only to find that his little sister has grown into a beautiful woman. They had always been close and the 5 years were rough on both of them for different reasons He comes home to find that his parents are gone on a business trip and the only one home is his little sister.
All Tied Up - Your character is my character's step-sister. They don't get along, constantly fighting and arguing. Their parents had just gotten married a few years ago and their relationship hadn't gotten any better. One day your character is fooling around with her boyfriend, and he decides to tie her down to the bed. Once she was tied down to the bed, he breaks up with her wanting to humiliate her by leaving her to be found by her family. My character arrives home a little later and finds her, naked and tied down to the bed. Will he get his revenge on his sister for the years of torment? (Could involve blackmail, some BDSM elements)
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