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Warcraft III: The Tale of Princess Artha (Kaybee x east)

Artha flushed as the dwarf's voice rose loud enough to sound over the trees, the moonlight highlighting the tint of pink upon her cheeks as Elisabetta got her attention. "It's what soldiers make do with." She remarked, though the words came off a little awkwardly and she had to force herself to meet the other woman's eyes. She was pretty, Artha was realizing. She'd never found herself more drawn to girls than boys, but this here, that casually intimate offer, it reminded her of how she'd felt with Jaina that one time, a silly thing, practicing kisses, only she'd...

She'd wanted it... Badly...

"I... If you would be so kind..." Artha nodded, suddenly demure as the memories flooded in, turning her back. Artha had always been a little self conscious of her chest, her breasts being larger than a warrior's should be and contrasting against the toned stomach and muscled arms around them, but her rear... She'd always been quietly proud of the toned curve of her ass, just big enough to show, accentuating her hips without being grotesque. She glanced over her shoulder and the flush on her cheeks deepened as she caught another eyeful of Elisabetta's body, softer, curvier, a farmer's body rather than a warrior's but appealing nonetheless., unaware of the tableau she cast herself with the shy glance over one shoulder as silver traced her curves from the moon overhead.
Elisabetta chuckled slightly as she saw Artha's blush. The brunnette watched with green eyes admiring the ladies back, when Artha gave the go ahead for her to do so Elisabetta touched her with a firm hand. Working the soap along her back rubbing into her shoulders to help ease some of the tension she felt, and also to better admire the strength of the female paladin. He could see her ass the shapely hips, and feel the soft pale skin of the noble lady, yet underneath it came the strength and muscles Artha had. "You've done a lot today, it's okay to relax."

Elisabetta's voice was low and quiet not wanting to be heard by the two men who though they had been more quiet were still clearly out in the bushes just beyond the river bend. The farm girl turned footsoldier couldn't really hold back her excitement while touching Artha, and when she looked back hesitantly she only smiled towards the princess. "You can look if you want too your majesty, I have nothing to hide from you, the drunk idiot up there maybe, but naught from you."

She took a moment after her words to playfully place a soapy hand on Artha's rear grabbing the nobles ass, before stepping around her and exposing herself for the noble to admire if she so desired. "Then again," she said smiling and blushing with a light chuckle to her voice. "I did drink a lot too, I think only the spoil sport stayed completely sober." She said gesturing to the bushes but this time in reference to the knight standing watch for them. "You can touch too, if you so desire my lady."
Eager hands running over her, roughness smoothed by the slippery touch of the soap. The way she kneaded the muscles was clumsy and crude, but the warmth radiating against Artha was more intimate, and the massage as all the more for it. "It's..." Words caught in her throat, relax? With her kingdom on the line, and the throne in the wings, waiting for her? With all of their lives under her aegis, not just the soldiers but every man, woman, and child she'd met today? "I..."

She did look, one part shock at the boldness of the proposition, but one part desire, one part repressed want. She'd been forced, earlier that day, taken against her will, but these were touches offered, touches given permission for, and... And...

The flush had spread down towards her chest and she yelped despite herself at the quick squeeze of her ass, the sensation shooting through her like an electric shock. It spurred her, made her jump and splash in the water, and her blue eyes met Elisabetta's, wide and hopeful and twinkling with teasing interest. Artha turned, stepping into the embrace, wrapping her arms around Elisabetta and pulling her into a kiss, one hand at the back of her neck, under the soaking tangle of her brown hair, the other reciprocating the touch, cupping the soft curve of her ass in turn and squeezing gently.

Some part of her reminded that her little cry and splashing might have been heard by the men. She ignored it.

This... She wanted this...
there was an eager gasp as Elisabetta was touched, and pulled into that hug. One of her legs lifted and to brush against the outside of Artha's thigh, her leg wrapping around the princesses to press their bodies even closer. The contact of their breasts pressing water between them. She shivered at the difference in the tempature between the river, and the soft press of the lady's lips against her own. Elisa held Artha, her hand holding the ladies shoudler gripping her as she eagerly returned the ladies kiss, her body was completely open for the princess to do with as she pleased.

When the kiss broke Elisa had to catch her breath, a smile upon her face as her fingers trailed over the princesses body. The only problem the fact that the two had to remain quiet else they would certianly attract the attention of the dwarf.

Artha's previous squeak however had caught the attention of Garth, who called out to the two ladies. "Everything okay down there?"

Elisa gestured for Artha to be quiet, but her hands moved between Artha's thighs, brushing her hand between the ladies legs, and then lightly touching against the most sensitive parts of a females bodies, finding her clit she pressed a single finger against it. Pressing into her pink flesh, while her green eyes looked at Desire with Artha, keeping eye contact as she went in for another kiss.
Artha didn't know how to deal with this, and she wavered under the push of her own desires and Elisabetta's easy confidence. Her hands moved awkwardly, graceful yet lacking purpose, no knowing where to touch, where to press. The best she could do was follow Elisabetta's motions, be taught like she was a novice in her first combat class all over again.

Garth's voice sounding over the trees made her jump in surprise, and she opened her mouth to reply, only to find a finger at her lips, shushing her. "B-but..." She kept quiet, half whimpering in confusion. She didn't want this to end.

Then Elisabetta pressed one finger into her clit, and Artha's jaw dropped, "Aahn~" The moan was out of her before she could stop herself, cut off by the renewed kiss as the farm girl toyed expertly with her body. Sensations she'd never known she could have, that went beyond the kiss, that put pale to the forced pleasures the gnolls had visited upon her. Her second moan was muffled by Elisabetta's lips as Artha tried her best to reciprocate, moving her own hand between the other girl's legs and clumsily exploring her folds with her fingertips while her other arm pulled her closer, wrapping around her in a powerful embrace.
There was something to be said about the princess's hands. Elisa let out a muffled moan of her own, as she felt the warm hands mix with the cold water, and touching her sensitive folds. Elisa shuddered at the firm hands of Artha, she was a lot stronger and as she squeezed her into an embrace the girl felt more like she was being crushed than held. "Lighter touch." She eventually had to break away from Artha to catch her breath both so that her legs would stop tingling, and because she felt like the embrace was going to crack her ribs, it was clear that Artha's prowess as a warrior of the light made her a lot stronger than Elisabetta.

"Women are delicate, you can't go about crushing me." She took hold of Artha's hand and lead her closer to the shoreline, leaving the colder water, for the relatively warm night air. She gestured for Artha to sit down, and nearly pushed her shoulder so that she was atop the princess. Her fingers lightly trailed along Artha's breast tickling the princess as Elisa smiled and looked at her with affectionate eyes. "It's a bit like touching yourself, only a lot more fun."

She finished her comment, by lightly squeezing Artha's breast, before letting go, her fingers trailing down and tickling the lady's stomach. She kissed Artha again, as her fingers slipped between her folds in her new position, their bodies inches apart as she played with Artha's body. Elisa's tongue touching lightly against Artha's mouth as she invited any touch the princess would give her.
Artha's back arched as two fingers slid inside her and she moaned into the contact between them as her walls rippled and flexed against the intruding digits. The moss and sand of the rivershore stuck to her back where she lay against it, catching in her hair, cool upon her skin. Words failed, so instead she sought actions, only barely remembering to modulate her touches as she'd been instructed.

Questing and hesitant, her fingers delved between Elisabetta's folds in response, this time curious rather than overeager, teasing her lips apart and learning the shape of the farmgirl's pussy by touch, finding the spots that made her gasp and put that delightful distant pleasured look on her face. It was not a perfect system, she was still learning after all, but she did her best, trying to give back some of the pleasure being imparted upon her.

As their lips parted and she moaned again though, she had forgotten the momentary scare of the men potentially coming upon them, and so did not consider that they might hear her sounds...
Hearing Artha's eager moans Elisa parted her legs, feeling Artha's hand ready to try again. One of her own joined the lady's as Elisa tried to guide Artha's fingers in her touch. Showing her how to touch her to elicit a response. She moaned softly against Artha's ear encouraging the exploration with a soft smile on her lips. Elisa's hips moved to grind against Artha's fingers giving her more access and showing her body was ready for the princesses touch.

"yes that's it." Elisa spoke softly to Artha her own voice wasn't being masked but she was speaking in a soft tone. Either way their voices were carrying up to the hill where the two men were standing. Garth had kept his head turned away from the ladies. Focused on the dwarf a steady hand pushed the shorter man back. An arguement not breaking out between them but defenitely some grumbles.

"I just wanna watch the two ladies!" Garth sighed, he would be lying if he said he wasn't being tested with the two of them openly having sex down on the rocks, but since her first moans he had recognized the sound and was intent to give the two of them their peace. "We were not invited, to watch or otherwise, so stand over there or I swear I am going to take one of your heads."

Elisa chuckled at that. Her hands were still exploring Artha's body, she moved in to kiss her neck softly nibbling on the more sensitive parts of the Paladin's overwhelming body. "You know we are pretty much torturing those two right." She smirked mischievously. "I'm no fan of men, but it does seem kind of cruel. Of course I leave that choice up to you my lady."
Head swimming with sensation and wavering under the pleasurable attentions, Artha grasped for something that could anchor her. She'd been extremely careful, but she hadn't always been able to resist opportunity and temptation. Even if she had little experience with women, she had a little more with men.

Still, she looked to Elisa first, cautious. "Are you sure?" Artha was long reconciled to her interest in both men and women but she knew that she was unusual in that regard, most only preferred their opposite number. She waited for a sign, not sure whether Elisa had offered out of deference to perceived preference or out of genuine desire.

Then she bit her lip. "Y-yes... But..." She took a deep breath, trying to shut out her pleasure for a moment to draw on her authority as princess. "What happens here... You will never speak of it again. Understood~?"

A moan made mockery of her seriousness at the last moment, but she fixed Elisa with a look.

Then she raised her voice, a low call through the trees. "Trooper... Hunter... Ah~" She'd tried to play into it a little, order them down as a commander rather than give the coquettish call of a common harlot, but seriousness was damaged by yet another moan as she spoke. "Come down to the river~."

She was scared, scared of wanting such unbecoming things. Scared of what was about to happen, but at the same time it felt like revenge, a battle against what the gnolls had inflicted on her, a way to get back at them, to enjoy sex with partners in arms in defiance of the trauma and pain that stained her memories.
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