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Warcraft III: The Tale of Princess Artha (Kaybee x east)


Oct 12, 2011
"Welcome Princess Artha, the men and I are honoured by your presence."

She was in many ways the picture of Lordaeron's ideal. Clad in azure plate trimmed in gold, her long blonde braid twitching slightly in the gentle breeze from the south as she strode into the encampment, flanked by a pair of footmen as her bodyguards. Princess Artha, heir to the throne and champion of her people, heavy two-handed warhammer slung easily over one shoulder as she approached the fire, swinging down to impact the dirt with a heavy *thump* as she finally relieved herself of its weight.

"Enough with the formalities Uther, I'm not Queen yet."

It was a far cry from a grand war camp or a military parade ground. A couple of hastily-constructed sentry posts, a handful of tents in the wilderness, a half dozen more footmen hacking at training dummies. Had the princess stood where her mentor and friend did she knew she would have been out of place but for all that Uther Lightbringer was a noble paladin, he seemed perfectly at home as the centrepiece to this scene.

A smile curled at the blonde's lips as she took him in, a little glilnt in her eyes speaking to something more than mere friendship between them as her voice warmed. "It's good to see you."
The camp had been a hasty construct of sorts. The footmen here were all volunteer recruits. Lordoreon's real force wasn't needed for these country side problems, and some could argue that Uther himself was too valuable a piece to waist on a single Orc camp, but they had become more and more active, the Horde was starting to mass and now there was rumor of a plague further to the north. He didn't trust the paranoia of wizards, but he was also wary of anything that would draw out these conflicts with the Orcs for longer than they could last. If food became scarce and winter approached with wars within.

Uther shook off the thoughts, and turned as scouts announced the arrival of an old friend. For now he could focus on the good, it was early spring and they still had time to cut off the head of this problem. Walking up to his old student he evaluated her, and himself. When did she get old? for that matter when did his hair start turning grey? His beard was streaked with it, his brown hair had loose hairs here and there, and it seemed to be getting worse in the front. He was still fit, and in full plate he was as intimidating as ever, but compared to his old student, now an adult woman, and an attractive one at that he had to sigh contently for a moment.

"And you lass." Uther walked forward putting down his hammer, and pulled his old student into a hug that lingered a touch longer than he should have. As it broke he gestured around the camp. "I'm pleased the king saw fit to send you. I haven't exactly been getting anything else from your father."

He gestured around the new recruits at the camp, and sighed. He was stuck with a group that could hardly lift their weapons. But at the same time he could at least say that the majority of them were brave. Though he wished he could even have a couple of knights or more experienced men. "I would have liked a few more experienced men to put into battle, but with you here I can at least know that you will whip them into shape."
Artha chuckled as their armor jostled in the rough hug and found herself leaning into the warmth of it a little. She could feel Uther's aura from this close, familiar, like a warm and protective blanket. She settled into a more relaxed posture as they parted, putting one hand on her hip as she rested the other on the butt of her warhammer. "Father still hopes that some of your patience and experience will rub off on me."

She put a grin on her face. "I bring intelligence too, scouts have narrowed down the location of the orc encampment to somewhere on the other side of that ridge. They don't know the exact location but they're preparing to attack the village of Strahnbrad nearby." Her lips turned down in a grimace. "Unfortunately, so far as we know the village is defenseless."

She took a deep breath and pushed down the revulsion that coiled in her gut at that thought. Barbarian orcs assaulting an unguarded village, looting, killing, and raping as they went. I must remain focused, and temper my rage... "We may have time to run a drill or two, but these recruits might need to learn to fight the hard way. We haven't much time to lose."
"Well it's a father's right to dream." Uther had done as much as he could to ensure that Artha had a better head on her shoulder. He had tried for years to temper the girls anger, and turn her into a weapon for the light, but as he saw her scowl he knew she would always have a way to go. Hearing that the camp was close, he thought about their options. If they attacked the war camp, and some Orcs got away than it would mean that the town would be slaughtered wholesale. He had done what he could to prevent oncoming attacks, but their resources were spread thin.

"I suspected as much." He sighed wishing he could have some more time at Artha's side, but knew that would risk loosing the element of surprise they had already been here long enough that the warcamp might be expecting some form of an attack.

"I will go ahead and take a hand full of men with me, I will entrust the towns safety to you, rally the townsfolk, see how many volunteers you can get, meet me up ahead, i'll try to cut them off near their base." He turned to walk away from her, but paused.

"I trust you still remember how to swing that hammer? That castle life hasn't softened your swing too much?" He smiled towards her. looking at her frame for a moment, he couldn't help but smile a little. That said he could see she wasn't.
"Of course Uther, don't worry about me." The confidence in her voice was assured, and the casual ease with which she swung the massive hammer back up across her shoulder told of comfortable familiarity with the weapon. "The Practice courts and I are well and regularly acquainted after all."

The cheer passed quickly though, grim countenance returning, and Artha took two steps towards the old paladin, setting one gauntleted hand on his shoulder. "Stay safe Uther, I'll meet you at the Orc camp once I've made sure my people are safe." The hand remained, perhaps for a moment longer than was necessary or proper, the touch lingering before she slid away and turned her back, rallying her guards and the remaining footmen around her. "Alright men! We have innocents to protect and a village to save! Break camp and move out!"

With the men assembling, Artha led the way down the road, the quartet of footmen arranging themselves into a loose formation behind her and to either side, watching her flanks while she watched the front. The countryside was quiet, the few houses they passed peaceful, but it wouldn't last. Sooner or later, the attack would come.
Uther watched as Artha rallied her people. He was proud of her, and if anyone was capable of rallying a defense he knew she would be first among them. As she told him to stay safe he smiled at her. "It will take more than a few Orcs to hurt me." He said picking up his own hammer, watching as a few of his recruits fallowed him and walked with him breaking camp putting out the fire, and deviding the small forces they had.

The town of Strahnbrad had been warned of a possible attack, but despite that kids were still running about in the mid afternoon sun. As Artha and her men approached the town some of the older men cheered for her arrival. Two of them walked out to greet her. They were holding swords but no armor lacking formal equipment. "My princess it is an honor."

"My name is Garth me and my friend Thornby have taken up the majority of watch duties. We have a few other men and women old enough to hold a sword." Garth was a taller male, he had dark hair, and green eyes, Even so he could hardly match Artha's stature in full plate, but his eyes couldn't help but cross over the Princesses body, he made no comment but his eyes gave away what he was looking at. "We weren't actually expecting royalty, if we had. I'm sure we could have done more to prepare for your arrival."
"It is no trouble." Years training under Uther had included more than a few excursions, learning camping and fieldcraft alongside combat training and the wielding of the light. These were hardly the first wide-eyed villagers who'd never seen a princess before that she'd encountered, though with her new and well-fitted armor combined with the blossoming of her figure in the years between that she'd spent back in the palace, it was the first time those looks had lingered on her like this.

Hiding a light blush at the attention, Artha nodded. "Every extra blade is a help against orcs. Make your preparations, but know well, you are offering to go into battle." The unspoken words, 'you may not come back.' echoed in her mind. She was confident in her ability to wield the light for healing, but orcs were cunning and brutal above all else, and the dead were beyond her reach. Seeing determination in their eyes, she nodded and took off one gauntlet, extending her bare hand. "Garth and Thornby of Strahnbrad, welcome to the Princess' service."

A small gesture, but one worth making. It gave them something to fight for, a banner to stand by.

"Let's move out. The outlying farms were becoming thicker now, and they could see the walls of the village just peeking over the trees. No smoke rising yet, a good sign indeed, but no reason not to hurry. There wasn't much further to go.
The two men saluted and fell in alongside Arhta. Though Garth's eyes kept straying towards Artha's backside. the question of how exactly they made plate that fitting and why they would make armor like that made him wonder. It gave him small thoughts that were unworthy, at best he was a footman, or squire and thus completely unworthy of royalty. But he couldn't deny that he wanted her on some carnal level that he was going to shove deep down and never bring up to her face. Cause she had a giant warhammer, and he wasn't wearing armor.

"We will fight by your side till the end my lady." The two fell in behind her making a brisk walk. Despite not having armor they strode with confidence. Garth didn't think himself top tier but he had been the one to handle a sword before. He had fought off small crooks and bandits before, acting as a marshal of the town. But they had never had anything like an entire camp of Orcs barreling down on them. "If anything was wrong they would sound a bell."

Though he was glad that they didn't see any smoke she was right that they needed to hurry, and a quick jog through the land was better than nothing. Walking into town however, a distressed woman ran up to them.

"My lady, please you must help!" The footmen looked at the lady as she fell to her knees sobbing. "I warned Timmy not to go out today, that the woods were too dangerous but the boy was determined to do his job. He's been taken!" She pointed off to the distance, but not towards the Ridge of the Orc camp. Rather towards a forest where two camp fires burned and smoke from cooking fires seemed to rise up.

Garth chimed in. "That's towards the lake, there have been a couple sightings of a small band of brigands, and we had reports of Gnolls in the area. My lady we are pressed for time but the child could be in either one of the two camps."

The thought of fighting off Gnolls was a touch more than they could handle.
Artha nodded, though she tried not to show how reassured she was by the man's confidence. She led them at a hurried pace, a fast march. They weren't trained soldiers, and would hardly be able to hold the pace for very long, but the town wasn't far now.

Unfortunately, trouble sprang up along the way, the sort of trouble Artha was loathe to ignore.

She ground her teeth as she listened to the woman's plea. A child was missing, in the hands of bandits the boy would likely be made a slave or plaything, in the hands of gnolls... The paladin had to suppress a shudder. If they were late, they'd be lucky to find more than picked-clean bones. "We are pressed for time, but we will do what we can." Artha took the woman's hand in her own, letting a little of the light slip from her fingers to comfort her with it's warmth.

Then she let go, and turned to her troops, such as they were. "Company!" She called, grabbing their attention.

"You will move together to the bandit camp, Falric-." she named one of the two footmen who had accompanied her as personal guard, proper soldiers rather than green recruits or armed farmers. "-will serve as your captain for the engagement, I expect you to obey him as you would me!" She looked each in the ey, daring the men and women to disagree. "I will be hunting these gnolls myself. Time is of the essence."

"Return here as soon as the thieves are slain!" She pointed to the larger of the smoke columns, most likely the bandit camp.

She waited until they moved out, then turned and sped off herself, going from a march to a steady run, moving with alarming agility for one so armoured as she made her way into the forest in the direction of the second, smaller campfire's smoke. It could just be more bandits, but if gnolls had a child, they'd be building a cookfire.

She just had to hope there were only a few of them. Otherwise this could take time she might not have.
The company formed up behind Falric, the farm hands watching her go off on her own. If anything the men could admit that this was the safer job. Brigands were rarely well armed, but but watching the paladin go off on her own some of the men felt more like they should be assisting her, then again with how little time they had they knew they would need every man they could for the bandit camp. Falric took the lead running at a pace.

As Garth fell in with them, he was starting to regret the fact that he unlike the others around him didn't have armor. Still the man had dealt with brigands before, he knew their tactics, and he had a strong guess as to who the leader of the camp was. If Lady Artha wanted these men cut down than it would be his pleasure to do so.

The Gnoll camp was a small dingy and kind of stinky affair. It was a hut, the three Gnolls and their leader gathered around a cooking fire, their jaws tearing at the cooked remains of a hunting dog. They had a few stolen blades, and shields, but nothing sophistacted nothing that would pose a threat to heavy armor. In the corner huddled towards the back of the make shift shack was the boy, tomorrows lunch, or maybe a midnight snack. Maybe something to trade for more weapons. The important thing was that he was tied up, and gagged.

The fifteen year old had gone into the woods to do some fishing near a river that was supposed to be safer. But it seemed the orc activity had forced the creatures out of their usual home.

When Artha arrived, the Gnolls smelled her long before they could see her. Quickly the three got up, each grabbing their weapon, one of them ran to quickly intercept the paladin, bearing his teeth as he growled like a rabid dog and threw everything he had into an attack with his sword.

The other two were smarter, Stepping back to their camp, the leader of the Gnolls making the connection between the woman, and the boy, grabbing the boys hair and putting a knife to his throat. He barked his order in a mixed half tongue. "Halt."
The first gnoll came barrelling through the trees, leading with his sword as she thundered towards the clearing. The notched old weapon still gleamed with a wickedly jagged edge in the afternoon light but it skittered on her pauldron as Artha threw her shoulder into the blow, crashing through the swing and slamming into the creature itself an instant later. He took flight from the force, knocked up and back, but he never struck the ground. The check was turned into a twist, dragging her hammer across her body, and the hammer slammed into the gnoll's side, snapping his spine like a twig.

One down.

But Artha skidded to a halt, momentum bleeding away as her greaves gouged two furrows in the dirt. The larger of the two remaining gnolls had a knife to the child's neck.

The command that followed it was unnecessary the moment she noticed that.

Setting her stance, Artha slung her warhammer out in a one-handed grip, but didn't move. Her mind was racing. Could she kill them and then heal the child before he bled out? Not from this far away... The child was no good to them dead though...

"What do you want?"
The two Gnolls looked at one another when she actually paused. The slow realization that the two of them had an advantage, and hey they now had a meal for tomorrow to replace the boy that they were going to loose. As for what they wanted, the leader was smart enough to know they only had a bartering tool so long as he held the knife to the boys throat. The two looked at each other, then at the woman who was on their doorstep, they had just lost the female in their group, so it seemed only fair.

There was some snarling and talking back and forth, and then the two nodded as they came to agreement. "Hammer away." He gestured a tossing motion for the lady to loose her weapon.

Once the weapon was discarded the other Gnoll walked a bit closer but they were smart enough to keep their distance and not press their advantage too much.

"Armor, off no weapons!" To exemplify the command the Gnoll leader gripped Timmy's head tight enough that his claws caused a bit of blood as he scratched the boy. "Stand, nude. Then we talk."

The Gnoll's cackled slightly at the command, but looking between the two of them they had little more than loin cloths in the form of clothing.
The hammer struck the ground with a heavy thump, it's head weighing enough to leave the handle sticking up at an angle as Artha raised her now-empty hands, glaring at the gnolls. She could take them down weaponless, she could even take them bare handed if it came to it. She'd probably be hurt, given they had blades, but she'd win in the end.

Of course the next words out of the half human creatures' mouths was a challenge to the very thoughts that had been running through her head...

Her mouth curled in a snarl but the threatening step forward was arrested by the grip the gnoll had on the young boy's head. Artha grit her teeth. She needed... She needed...

Choices? What choice do I have? I can't let him win... I can't let the child die...

Gritting her teeth, Artha reached up to the clasps on her breastplate and opened them, glad she had sent the footmen away. I just need to play along until I have a chance... The armor fell to the ground. Her hands moved on. First the plates, then the chain mail coat, Then the padded underclothes in Lordearon blue... She was toned, taut muscles giving her a lean and powerful form, but on the other hand, without armor confining her, it was easier than ever to see that Artha was endowed in other ways too. Her breasts were full with hardly a hint of sag, and her hips were broad and womanly, to say nothing of the perfect curve of her toned rear.

The underclothes came away too, Artha's cheeks burning red from the humiliation as she glared at the gnolls. "Alright, Talk."
The Gnolls watched her as she dropped the hammer, and then started to cackle to one another as she started to undress. Timmy for his part watched with a look of pain in his eyes. He almost looked like he didn't want her to do this for him. That trading away her dignity wasn't worth his life. The Gnoll leader stayed with the boy every second that went on, watching with intent interest as Artha stripped down past her armor and down to her nude body.

The smaller of the two Gnolls scratched himself. His claws kicking off dust, and showcasing flees as the two male creatures looked to one another knowing what was going to happen. There were a few barks exchanged between the two of them. The smaller of the two stepped forward, grabbing Artha's hammer, at first with one hand expecting it too move, and then having to use two, and even then he could only manage to drag it a little further away from her. To compensate for that fact he just stood in front of her weapon, as if that was the simplist part of this equation.

The leader nodded it was... good enough.

"All fours. I let meat go, and you stay, be bitch." The Gnoll's command over common was poor, but once Artha was down on all fours, the gnoll started to work on the boys restraints cutting away the gag, and the bindings of the 15 year old.

As soon as Timmy could speak he looked between the three people. "Please m'lady I am not worth this humiliation."

The Gnoll leader simply picked the boy up leaving his hands bound before he pushed the kid, keeping a knife to his back, walking him over and past Artha. As the exchange was going on, the other Gnoll the smaller of the two pushed himself on top of her. His Claws grabbing her shoulders as he removed the loin cloth, the only thing that kept them in any way shape or form decent if they could be called that, and exposed a bright red cock. His claws gripped into Artha's smooth back, as the slick and hardening red cock started to poke against her folds searching for an entrance.
Artha shook her head, giving him a sad smile as she slowly got down onto her knees, her cheeks burning. "Do not fear, for my people, this is my burden to bear." As soon as he was out of danger she could cut loose and kill these creatures, make them pay... "Go." Hands down, bent over, exposing the pink outer lips of her pussy and accentuating the curve of her ass with the pose. The long blonde braid of her hair fell over one shoulder and her bangs shadowed her eyes.

"Go, and do not speak of what you saw today. I will be fine."

She could feel the claws as the gnolls grasped her shoulders, mounting her, making disgust roil in her gut. "Go!" She barked it, commanding as she felt the hot hardness of the beast's shaft prodding against her. She was far from aroused, but between the sweat of running in full plate and the natural slickness of the thick red shaft meant she could already tell it would probably slide in easily enoug-!

She gasped as her thoughts were proven correct, her shoulders hunching at the sudden penetration as the gnoll finally managed to line himself up with her pussy on a thrust. The sense of violation was immediate, his cock forcing her walls apart, unwanted friction sending shocks of pain and faint instants of unwanted pleasure through her body. "Guh~..." She couldn't twist enough to land a solid hit from this angle, the bastard had inadvertently managed to trap her! "You... Whoreson..."
Timmy ran, and would never speak of what he saw to another living being. Going back towards town he flee'd as quickly as his legs could carry him, which meant he left Artha to the mercy of the Gnolls.

The Gnolls cock inside her pussy started humping away at her. With her trapped under weight and unable to land a good blow to the creature. The beast on top of her shifted his weight so that Artha bore the brunt of it, his hips slapping against her choosing to take her for a rough and wild ride. His claws digging into her shoulders and cutting her soft flesh as he panted and held her down lifting her ass while pushing her breasts into the dirt and mire. Tarnishing her pale white skin with scratches, and marks.

His cock thrummed inside of her. His hips warm and fuzzy fur slapping against her ass with every thrust. The walls of her tight pussy rubbing against his cock. The creature drooled as he held his body over Artha's thick drops of saliva dripping down his wet fur and chin.

The leader moved closer getting on his knees in front of Artha. He slipped he blade close to her throat, but kept it flat so as not to cut her. "Ooh you good bitch, me bet you tight." Pulling back his own loin cloth his red rocket slapped her across the face, it's semi slimy state rubbing against her cheek. "You use mouth, suck me good."

The two Cackled as they grabbed her blond hair lifting her face. "Suck me good, you get us finished, then we go." They knew well enough that whom ever this woman was, they couldn't possibly keep her hostage. The hammer alone proved that there was more strength to this one than the meat, but they would enjoy her body to the fullest extent they could.
"Huh~ Hahh~" She couldn't help it. The responses were purely physical, but that was enough to force her to bite back moans as she panted. The gnolls was relentless and seemed to have stamina that went beyond human, but surely he had to tire soon. Surely... I'll kill you...

Her head jerked to the side as the other cock impacted her cheek, not from the force but from the sheer surprise. For an instant she almost instinctively bit down, but fighting her way out from such a disadvantaged position was a frightening prospect.

She grit her teeth, snarling up at him, only for another moan to catch her off guard as the other gnoll's wild thrusts struck something sensitive deep within her. Even if it was only for an instant, the shaft was past her parted lips before she could close them again, and then she was spit between them, fucked from both ends and no longer able to properly suppress her voice.

Like it or not, hating it or not, Princess Artha moaned around the bestial shaft despite herself, a muffled sound of unwanted pleasure that hummed against his length. I swear I'll kill you both...

She just wanted this to be over, she could not... She would not allow these subhuman monsters to force her to cum. It would be unacceptable. Finish you bastards... Hurry up and finish... I'll kill you...

She wanted revenge...
With the larger Gnoll's cock secured in Artha's mouth the one on her shoulders leaned back, and grabbed Artha's hips. His claws gripping her thighs just as tightly as he had her shoulders, causing cuts and scratches as he continued to slap his hips against Artha.

However it seemed the leader had no real intention of letting Artha up so much as he was just better positioning himself, as he dropped his weapon to put one hand on her head, and the other claw on her shoulder lifting her up so that he could ram his own cock down her throat.

Now Artha's sounds of pleasure were accompanied by the two Gnolls who raped her. The two cackled and panted, saliva running down their muzzle dripping onto her back as they fucked her without any sign of mercy or desire to slow down. At one point the leader gripped Artha by her long blond hair and pulled her so that his cock would go all the way down her throat and held her there so that she could choke on him, his fur brushing against her face so that she could smell the powerful earthy musk of the creatures dirty cock letting her taste every inch of him as even his balls were pressed to her lips.

He released her only a few seconds later, as the Gnoll behind her reached his climax, his wild thrusting and his cock heating and twitching inside of her to better release his load. He didn't pull out, letting his seed fill the woman before he pulled his cock out of her and stroked the next few drops on her back.

When the leader came he did so directly into her mouth letting his foul seed fill the paladin's mouth and holding her down so that he wouldn't pull himself out until he was sure she had swallowed every single drop. the tip of his cock constantly rubbing against her tongue forcing her to taste every thick heavy drop.

However with the two men climaxed, she may have thought that it was over. instead the two held her down. Pushing her down into the dirt and grass as they held her down, pulling their cocks out of her and the trading places, this time the leaders thicker cock rubbed against Artha's ass. "Ohh yes you like this."
Artha's muffled moans increased in pitch as she fought the arousal every single step of the way. Every drop of moisture, every sound of pleasure, she held them back as much as possible, making them creatures force them from her one after another even as she swallowed and tightened around them, trying to get them off before she came, trying to finish them so she could finish her job and cleanse Azeroth of these filthy beasts.

Resist, resist, she fought tooth and nail, but as the thrusts sped up and the cock inside her pulsed with incipient seed, Artha lost her grip, and an orgasm tore through her, a powerful shuddering climax that made her thighs shake and her back arch as she moaned openly, unable to stop herself.

It was a small mercy that the tightness and trembling set her attackers off in turn. She'd still been forced to cum, made to climax by these filthy creatures. If she'd just been used, been humiliated and gotten revenge, that would not have been so bad, but the bastards had made her cum despite everything.

Worse still, rather than move away as they pulled out, the one behind her simply moved his newly re-lubricated cock up to her rear. "N-no!" Artha found her voice again. Struggling for real this time. "Don't you d-dare!" That was... Wrong! Filthy! He couldn't! He wouldn't!
The two males worked together now, lifting up Artha, the one standing behind her grabbed her legs, and lifted her up so that her thighs were spread apart, the two men towering over her naked, sopping wet form. the leader now stood in front of her, his face towering over hers, as her back now rested on the other gnoll's chest, the warm fur filthy, matted and even itchy to the touch.

As she called for them stop, told then that they wouldn't dare the two men exchanged a small look and shrugged. She was in no position to give orders. With his cock lubricated from the time spent inside his mouth, the leader claimed sloppy seconds over the girl's pussy. Plunging his still hard cock into her pussy causing the other Gnoll's sperm to seep out of her with each thrust.

The now lubricated cock near her asshole rubbed against her back for a few moments finding her cheeks and poking around, before finding her ass, and then sandwiching Artha between the two Gnoll's as they fucked her on both sides.

The Gnolls laughed and cackled as they bounced Arthis between them, The alpha's claws on her hands holding them at her side so that she couldn't try to punch or struggle against them as they took her for a second ride. The only comfort being their warm fur against the late evening chill in the air.
Her front was freed as the gnolls hoisted her up but before she could really bring her strength to bear it was robbed from her once more by their cocks, this time penetrating her ass and pussy at the same time. Her traitorous body was even more sensitive from the prior orgasm and the twinned penetrations made her twitch and shudder as they pounded in and out of her, grinding against each other through the thin membrane separating her holes from inside. "Ahhn~! F-fuck~! Fuck youuu~!" She struggled, no leverage, not hope.

She just had to ride them out until they finished again. She just had to hold out... Just a little longer...

A second orgasm was already growing inside her...
Sensing that the girl had no fight left in her the gnoll leader released her hands as he grabbed her breasts instead, squeezing them as the two roughly continued to share and ride her between them. Their cocks dragging and rubbing her, and bouncing her against their laps. The Alpha played with her breasts as his subordinate held open her thighs so that the two of them could reach deep inside of her with their cocks.

As the two of them got closer to their second climax the Alpha did something unexpected. He shoved his muzzle against her face, heavy fetted breath invading her as he shoved his long tongue down her mouth and stole her kiss.

The two men gripped Artha tighter as they reached their second climax, the smaller of the two letting his cock flood her ass, and the leaders thick semen filling her pussy. The thick load of cum in her pussy mixed with the previous load filling her and spilling out against the Gnoll's hips.

Dropping Artha between the two dogs, the leader grabbed her hair, letting her fall heavy to her knees. "You clean, then round three." He said gesturing to the two red fluid soaked cock.
"N-nnooo! Ha~aahhn!" She screamed, howling pleasure to the evening sky as she shuddered through a second, stronger orgasm around their cocks. Her holes tightening, instinctively milking them for their seed even as they exploded inside her, flooding her with white heat.

Then they softened, faltered, and she fell.

Her knees gave as she landed on the forest floor, tumbling into a mussed pile, cum oozing from her holes as she struggled to get her feet under her, ignoring the gnolls' mocking laughter.

They'd let their guards down, believing her broken.

She was Artha, Princess of Lordaeron and Paladin of the Realm.

She. Did. Not. Break.

Her legs still felt like jelly but she grabbed the wrist of the gnoll holding her hair, her grip tightening until she felt the bones creak under her fingers before twisting. The few strands of golden blonde that fluttered to the ground were worth the sound of bone giving under the force of her motions. Gathering her legs under her she sprang upwards, releasing the gnoll's wrist to lash out at it's jaw, snapping it's head to the left as the punch connected with brutal force and then rounding on the other one with a growl.

Gnolls are cowards, at heart, feeling his paw break the leader let out a whimper then tried to howl and attack, but by that point it was far too late, and his neck was broken slumping down. The other one however didn't take a second look back, by the time the leader's body hit the ground he was already turned barreling away from Artha on all fours running into the woods. Artha would either have to choose to charge after him, or get dressed and go to the village.

A village that had a bell tolling the sound of attack. A pillar of smoke rose from the distance showing at the least some form of raiding party.

On the other side of the battlefield Garth slit the throat of the bandit lord he had been chacing for a while. But it had come at a price. The bandits had called out to the group saying they needed help, for a moment they thought they had found the boy Timmy, and then they were jumped, the limited forces they had and the quick ambush had arrows flying a few of their men fell, first among them was Falric, the man that Artha had left in charge.

Garth was the first one to hear the bells ring. "Fall back, everyone back to the village!" First bandits, then gnolls, and now the raid had chosen to come, of course this day kept getting longer and longer. Garth hoped that Artha fared better with the Gnolls.
She turned to pursue, only to halt dead in her tracks as the tolling bell reached her ears. Smoke rising over the treetops. "No..." All this time, all this damn time she'd wasted... "No no no..." She scrambled for her armor, cringing at the squish of cum on her thighs as she pulled underclothes over her still-dripping womanhood. Humiliation was forgotten in the shade of a greater specter.

The fear of failure.

Buckling the plates of her armor up as fast as she could and hastily wiping away the traces of sperm stuicking to her face and chin, Artha grabbed her warhammer and took off at a run, pounding through the forest.

The attack has already begun...

Light, let us not be too late.
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