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Suggestion Show avatar icon of partner in private conversation inbox.


Oct 3, 2017
It seems like the private conversation inbox shows the avatar icon of the individual who started each conversation. Since I tend to reach out to my partners first (I was on the site six months or so before I even made a request thread) and since I also tend to write the starters for our roleplays, my inbox is largely an unending sea of my own face, making it difficult to track down conversations with specific individuals.

I suspect I'm not atypical in that the vast majority of my private conversations are with a single other member of the forum. Is there any way to configure the inbox to show avatars from other people in the conversation instead of your own?

With great appreciation,
Oooh, good idea. Will see if I can work this in.

I'm almost done with the first pass of the conversation rework (adds folders and better search capabilities), so I'll see if I can get to this while I'm getting the rest of it tested.
Yeah, actually, folders + search for private conversations would probably alleviate my entire problem, though I wouldn't say no to the other thing if you can find the time to fit it in. Thanks again for all the work you've put into this site over the past several months!
I made it so that if the last person to reply wasn't the originator, the last responder would have a mini icon like you see on threads you've posted in here.

Not exactly what you asked for but it was easy and breaks up the monotony a bit. : )
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