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Adventures on the Lost Continent (Midnight Lass x Blood Red Romeo)

As the pair made their way to the Flying Toupee, Dandy said, "Well, first bit of news I should warn you about is that some scion of a major stockholder of Steam and Air arrived from London yesterday. And the welp also happens to be a stringer for the Sunday Times out of London, and has decided that some puff piece about airship captains for the Leisure section of the Sunday Times is just the ticket they need to rise to fame and fortune. Something like that. And Tarloff is having to be nice to the offspring, which is putting him into an even fouler mood than normal. So just a head's up. You might find someone with a notepad and a pen sniffing around your new airship."

"Also, you've heard of darnium, right?" Darnium was a metal with interesting properties that had first been discovered in trace amounts in the western frontier of the United States. No one was quite sure what it could be used for, but scientists and industrialists everywhere were convinced that the mineral represented the next stage in the Industrial Revolution, and that they were "this close" to unlocking its secrets. "Well, supposedly the Wilkes expedition, the one that got back about a month ago, brought back a few small rock carvings. Nothing special, just the sort of thing you give to the hometown museum to build up a good reputation. Anyway, the Wilkes expedition donated a few of these small stone idols to the museum in Chicago and one of the professor types up there decided to run a test on it, and found out that the idol contained pure chunks of darnium. Not trace amounts, but chunks. So if the Lost Continent has veins of darnium in there, it might be worth it to see if that professor Miharu talks about you recruiting has geological experience in her background. If the rumor about darnium is true, that is," Dandy concluded as they reached the door to the Flying Toupee.
“Ah, Tarloff. Being nice to some people makes him meaner to everyone else. Glad I didn’t try to get the Twins on board now and not before,” he mused. Honestly, a reporter didn’t really bother him. Depending on the story they wrote, it could actually be useful getting people excited for his expedition. He didn’t have to funds or the team for it, so he wasn’t able to make the public aware. Still, excitement before they left could help when they got back to see everything they found.

“I don’t know if we have a geologist, so I’ll have to see if Dr. Wilson or Dr. Dubois know enough to find darnium. I’m not sure on how useful it is, but we could see pieces for more than gold. And if can find a vein, the location of that would set my whole crew up for life.” He was exaggerating a bit, but it was true this could be a windfall for the crew. Orson wasn’t going to be blinded by greed. He just understood the practical needs for money, especially to someone like him where funds were an absolute necessity to actually go on expeditions and keep a crew. If they found this metal, that would no longer be a problem.

“Thanks for the info Dandy. Those are good things to know,” he said as they walked through the front door of the Flying Toupee. “But what’s this favor that you need doing?”
Dandy said nothing, but led Orson to a back room. Waiting in the small room was Miharu with another Japanese girl, both seated at a table, both dressed in the loose, white conservative clothing that Miharu called her 'working clothes,' dorned when she was being someone's bodyguard. Miharu immediately rose to her feet, a bright smile on her face. The other Japanese girl remained seated, her face tilted downward, a solemn look on her face.

"Captain James, may I present my cousin Saki," Miharu said brightly. At the mention of her name, Saki gave her head a quick nod, but remained seated, silent and solemn.

"Saki just got here yesterday. She's a...I forgot the word, but she's like her cousin. Part of that warrior class that's getting run out of Japan, due to the Reformation. Unlike Miharu, however," Dandy continued, "The new government doesn't want Saki just exiled from Japan. They want to never officially see her again. The Japanese are opening up a consulate in the City, which means she can't stay here, None of the official transports will let her leave the city on their vessels, sea or air, and the unofficial ones are just as likely to try to turn her into the Japanese for a price."

"Now, I'm not asking you to take her on your crew, or anything like that," Dandy continued, "But the Pedicata Islands are just a couple days north of the Lost Continent, Wouldn't be that far out of your way, and the Air and Steam company operates a hub out of there. You could get her a fare to San Francisco, and I've got a buddy there, who can take her up to a ranch on the US-Canada border. I've got everything covered, except getting her from here to Pedicata."

"With respect, Mr. Shatner, Captain James," Miharu began, but Dandy cut her off.

"We've gone over this, Miharu, and that's not an option," Dandy insisted.

"With respect, Mr. Shatner, but that is for Captain James to decided," Miharu said politely. Turning to Orson, Miharu continued. "I believe Saki would make an excellent addition to your crew, for the same reason you hired me. If she may give a demonstration?"

"And this is where I leave," Dandy said. "Intellectually, I know it's safe, but it still gives me the willies. Whatever your decision, Orson, I appreciate any help you can give me."

"If Saki may demonstrate, Captain James?" Miharu asked politely.
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It didn’t really surprise Orson that Miharu’s cousin was this cute. They were family, after all. He did openly welcome the development, listening to Dandy’s request. He didn’t fully understand this reformation or it’s consequences. Still, that sounded unnecessarily brutal. If Dandy was asking for it, he’d give the help needed.

However, he found himself at a lost with Miharu’s counter offer. She was a member of a warrior class and a relative of hers. That alone was a strong endorsement. But the opportunity to see a live demonstration? He wouldn’t say no to that. “Sure. Saki, if you don’t mind, can you show me what you can do?”
Miharu said something in Japanese and Saki nodded. When she stood up, she revealed two blades on her belt, one approximately two feet long. Saki said something to Miharu, who nodded, turned and picked up a red lotus. Miharu cradled the flower in her right palm, then extended her arm outward, making sure her fingers were flattened.

In a blur of motion, Saki pulled the curve blade from her belt, swung it over Miharu's open hand, then placed it back into her belt.

Miharu smiled, then tilted her hand so that the flower would fall from her hand. The petals had all been sliced off.

"She needs work on her capability on firearms, but she is a most excellent archer," Miharu advised. "And, of course, she is my equal in the other arts of our station. Though she prefers mayonnaise on her cheeseburgers, rather than mustard," Miharu advised.
Orson could understand why such a display would leave Dandy unnerved. That was a level of speed and finesse normally impossible. Even Orson, a man who’s sharp vision and ability to follow motion was among the best, couldn’t see the speed she moved at. Even training under hellish conditions could only take someone so far. Clearly, she had both talent and the drive to refine it. In Orson’s head, three words resonated from the display. The Third Sword.

“That was incredible,” he told her, resisting the urge to applaud. “Honestly, I’ve been worrying about our combat ability. With the size of our crew, it’d be difficult for just the two of us to keep everyone safe in case of an attack. So Saki, it’s your choice. If you want to go to Pedicata, I’ll take you there. No charge, of course. But if you want to come with us, The Midnight Curse will welcome you onto our crew,” he told her with a friendly smile.
Miharu translated Orson's words. Saki nodded, then turned to Orson and said, "Arigato, kyaputen. Wasashi wa anata ni hoshi suru koto ni hijo ni koeidesu."

"My cousin thanks you, Captain, and says she is honored to serve on the Midnight Curse," Miharu told Orson.

Saki said something else, which caused a brief conversation between the two. Saki said something, which caused Miharu to tilt her head to one side thoughtfully, then nod.

"Saki said she saw a moving picture one time, and that it was in English, so she didn't understand it," Miharu began. "In the movie, the girl gave the hero a hug to show her gratitude. Saki would like to show you her gratitude, but does not think it would be proper for her to hug you by herself. However, if you are not averse, Captain, Saki and myself will give you a hug simultaneously. This will allow my cousin and I to chaperone each other in this hug."
Another person who couldn’t speak English. Of course, Orson had no issue that people didn’t all speak English. He wasn’t of the same kind of some of the extreme empirialists that believed that was the only language. People learned and used different languages, and there was no problem. It worried him that they would get in a situation where communication would be needed, but not possible. Even worse, if something happened to Miharu, he didn’t think anyone would be able to speak to Saki, and that worried him even more. Though maybe Tamra spoke Japanese. He couldn’t remember all the languages she knew. Still, she was skilled and she was almost certainly a good person if Miharu was vouching for her. That would be enough.

His thoughts and concerns on the subject of language were completely eliminated by her next question. Oh, this was unfair. Part of him really wanted to refuse. It seemed improper to do that and almost like he was taking advantage of her. At the same time, two beautiful and well endowed women asking to hug him by their own idea was such a tempting proposal. Eventually, his lower instincts won out.

“Of course,” he told her with a smile. “Only if you both feel comfortable with it. There’s no need to if it would be unpleasant.” That was the most he could do with his attempted gentlemanhood, giving them an out without refusing. He was hoping they would go through with it. It had been years since he had been hugged. Not since Madeline had it happened.
Saki removed her blades and placed them on the table. She then placed an arm around Miharu's waist, and Miharu placed her arm around Saki's. They then both extended their free arms toward Orson, both with beatific smiles on their faces.
Oh, these natural temptresses. They were going to make him go in for the hug, wasn’t he. What man alive could resist a sight like this? It would be someone far stronger than the mere mortal that was Orson. He closed the gap between them, hesitating a bit before finally reaching them. He wrapped his arms around the smaller women, one going around each and meeting in the middle. He pulled them closer to him. Not tightly or in a way to make them uncomfortable, just in a way to make it a full hug.

It was almost crazy how good it felt. He suddenly felt more relaxed than he had in ages. The simple act of touching another person in this way. It just felt good, Luke his tensions were being let go. Of course, there was no way to hold onto them long enough to release everything he had built up, as much as he wanted to. After what felt like a respectful amount of time, he released them, pulling back from the two women.
"Sore wa totemo sutekina hoyodeshita," Saki said to Miharu, who replied, "Hai!"

"We both agreed it was a very nice hug, and perhaps we can do it again," Miharu replied with a bright smile. "However, if you have no objections, perhaps the three of us can go to the airship. Saki and I will share quarters. I will settle her in, and then bring her belongings to the airship later."

Saki said something, and Mahiru relayed her question.

"My cousin wants to know if you enjoyed the hug as well," Miharu asked.
These girls were too innocent and too adorable. If he were a less honorable man, he might take advantage of that. Then again, he knew what these girls could do. If anyone tried to force them to do anything they didn’t want to, he imagined that person would at best be flipped onto the floor, and at worst in agonizing pain before dying. Still, this encounter had been enough to foster just the tiniest flame of deeper affection, something he would try to stamp out.

“Yes, it was a very, very nice hug,” he replied, unable to hold back his own smile. “I would be thrilled if we could do it again.” Yep, no lying about this. If pretending to be aloof would get him fewer hugs, it could go to hell.

“That would be fine with me. We’ll just need to tell Dandy about your decision before we go,” he explained. Honestly, he was confused as to why he had seemed so opposed to this. He hadn’t had an issue with Miharu coming. But he didn’t want to pry into the man’s reasoning. “Once we’ve done that, let’s show Saki her new home.”
The two girls exchanged words and giggled to each other.

"It was both our first times to hug a man," Miharu explained. "We would enjoy another hug too. But we understand the need for decorum, and will wait for the appropriate time. Let me go get Mr. Shatner."

As Saki and Orson waited for Miharu's return, the Japanese girl pulled a carrying bag for her blades from underneath the table she had been sitting in, and reverently placed the blades in the bag. Once done, she looked up at Orson and gave him a beaming smile.

Miharu returned back to the room with Dandy in tow.

"Miharu told me about your decision, Orson," Dandy began. "Are you sure, my boy? All I need you to do is get her off the island. Granted, her instincts in a fight are spot on, and she's as deadly as her cousin, and that's no mean feat, but she doesn't speak a word of English. And you're going to have your hands full as it is."
Oh, now he was just being teased. He held himself back from saying anything more, but he really wanted to make some sort of comment encouraging more hugs. Who could avoid wanting more of those?

“You might be right,” Orson replied to Dandy after he came into the room. “But she wants to come on board. And those skills are what we need right now. Plus, if she and Miharu and coordinate, I’m sure it’ll be fine,” he replied. He opted not to mention the fact that they had both given him a wonderful hug that he would very much like to repeat sometime in the future. Or maybe go even further, possibly cuddling? But his impure thoughts aside, he was still confident that Saki would be an excellent addition to his crew.

“Most importantly, Miharu believes this is the best choice. And I have chosen to believe in her,” he finished. That was also true. He needed to have faith in his crew to survive. This was him proving the faith placed in her.
"Well, ultimately it's their choice, not mine," Dandy responded, "And if I tried to lay down the law, which is not mine to lay down, you lot could do as you please five minutes after you were airborne. Well, good luck to you, Orson my boy," Dandy said, extending his huge hand, "And I'll let you get on about your business. You've got an expedition to get ready, and I got a tavern to run."
“Good luck to you too Dandy. If you need anything, including giving transport to another beautiful and talented person, you know where to reach me,” he joked, reaching out to shake his hand. He suddenly hoped that Miharu wouldn’t translate that. He didn’t want to make Saki feel uncomfortable

With their goodbyes said, Orson, Miharu, and their newest companion left the Flying Toupee. From there, they returned to the ship, finding it to be a much livelier hub of activity than it had been when he left. People must have started waking up. He was also relieved that Dandy’s favor hadn’t taken long at all. He still had plenty of time before the meeting at noon. “Saki, would you like me to show you around the ship? Or would it be easier if Miharu conducted the tour?”
As the trio prepared to board the Midnight Curse, making their way through the crowded dock, their way a temporary break in the crowd, and the exotic face that Orson had spotted earlier in the morning was there again too. There was a momentary locking of eyes, and then the crowd enveloped the mystery woman, making her vanish as quickly as she had appeared.

Miharu had just translated Orson's request, and Saki was about to answer it, when there was a shout from above. Looking up, the trio was met with the sight of the de la Vega twins working on the outside of the blimp. The twins shouted down for Miharu to join them. Saki asked something to Miharu, her voice excited, and Miharu gave an enthusiastic "Hai!" in response.

"With your permission, Captain James, I will begin Saki's exploration on the exterior of the Midnight Express," Miharu said, as the twins lowered two ropes down, along with safety harnesses. Miharu and Saki ignored the harness, but quickly ascended on the ropes. If the twins showed a general competency in their movements on the exterior of the airship, the ability of the Japanese cousins to move about bordered on the preternatural/

"Well, whoever your new friend is, Captain, " Doctor Tamra Wilson said, meeting Orson at the airship's entrance, "She certainly is nimble. " Tamra watch Saki and Miharu move about effortlessly, and seemingly without care, before turning her attention back to Orson. "You'll be happy to know the twins are just doing a final examination, and have said the ship will be ready to go this afternoon, barring any unforeseen complications. The luncheon is being prepared for our guests, are medical personnel are on board and getting sickbay squared away, and our parachute demonstrator will be by tomorrow morning for their sales pitch."

Tamra looked up at Saki and Miharu one more time before asking Orson, "So who is our new highwire performer?"
“Enjoy the tour,” he told Saki as the ropes were lowered. They weren’t exaggerating when they said Saki was Miharu’s equal. The way those two climbed and moved about the ship was incredible. No one would be surprised if they had been circus performers rather than trained killers.

Orson nodded as Tamra listed off the developments on the ship. It was steady progress for them all. He welcomed the parachute demonstration if for no other reason than it would allow him to test how his new ship flew. There was no doubt that it’d have a different feel now that the twins had modified so much. He hoped everything would go well. It needed to.

“That’s Saki. She’s Miharu’s cousin. Apparently there’s some big political upheaval going on in Japan. It not only forced Miharu out, but Saki isn’t even supposed to exist. At least, that’s the vibe I got,” he replied. “Dandy wanted us to smuggle her off the island before the Japanese consulate gets set up, but Saki would rather join the crew. At least, according to Miharu. I don’t speak Japanese, so I can’t be sure. Still, I have full confidence she’ll be a strong asset to the crew.”

“Thanks for handling all that. I’m glad to know everything is going well. Is there anything else we need covered, or are we looking good for the moment?” He hoped he’d have some time later in the day to be free. He wanted to see if he could track down that mysterious person. After two encounters, he was sure something was going on. He just didn’t know what.
"I can interview her later., if you wish," Tamra said, as she watched the Japanese cousins scamper about on the airship's exterior, "Though it looks like she's enjoying herself for the moment."

"Everything's covered, at least for the moment," Tamra continued. "Vu and Qui are in the kit---galley, getting the luncheon ready., "Tamra said, correcting herself with the correct terminology, "and Doctor Motwani, Nurse Costa and Safa are in the...whatever the nautical term is for dining room. And speaking of Safa, she knows the Midnight Curse doesn't have unlimited funds, so Safa took care of the cost of the luncheon today, as well as laying in for the extra supplies that Vu and Qui wanted."
“That reminds me, I still have to ask Dr. Motwani about that D thing the twins were talking about,” he said, thinking out loud. “And I can’t tell how much I’ll end up owing Safa by the time this is over. I can’t thank her enough for coming along, though I’m still surprised she decided to do so. She doesn’t seem like the type for dangerous exploration missions. Though I did meet her very recently, so what do I know?” he asked with a laugh.

“But I would appreciate you talking to Saki. The main thing I’d like you to do is make sure she wants to go, not just being pressured by her cousin. I’ll play the bad guy if that’s the case and say we can’t keep her on board. I just want to make sure she’s a willing companion.” He was almost certain she was, but he wanted to make sure. “If that’s all, I’m off to my room until lunch. I had an idea yesterday that I’m still working on. I should be done when our guests get here.”
"Not a problem," Tamra said. "I'll let you know how that conversation goes."

At the mention of 'the D thing', Tamra giggled. "Captain, as a woman with a low sense of humor, it would amuse me to no end to hear you ask Dr. Motwani that question, and to hear her stutter through an answer to would cause you both an equal amount of embarrassment. As your first officer, though, I feel compelled to answer that question in private, and avoid the scenario I just described."

The two were passing a cleaning supplies closet. Tamra opened the door and said, "Mind stepping into my office for a moment?"
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At first, Orson tried to imagine Tamra as someone with a low sense of humor. He both didn’t expect that and liked it. He wondered what on earth it could be that was so embarrassing. Considering how many of his crew were educated women, he wondered if it had something to do with grades. He hadn’t gotten one in almost fifteen years, but they did use letters. Maybe there was a test most of them were bad at? That would be embarrassing. Though maybe he was just being clueless.

“Okay,” he said hesitantly, stepping into the closet. It was one of the main supply cabinets on the ship, so there was enough room for two people, though it was a tight fit. Still, it was lit and private, which he imagined was enough. “So, what am I missing?”
"A few years ago, an undergarment was introduced for women called a soutien-gorge, though the common english word in use for the garment is a brassiere," Tamra said, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Initially, there were just two sizes, but as you have no doubt observed with your crew, women, like airships, come in different shapes and sizes."

"Trust me when I tell you that a soutien-gorge...a much more comfortable than its predecessor," Tamra explained. "It also allows for a more active lifestyle. A few years ago, a Michigan company took into account that there were more variations in the size of a woman's breasts than could be accommodated by just two sizes. So they introduced four sizes, ranging from 'A' to 'D', with the letter referencing the difference in the circumference of a woman's torso when measured around this point and then this point." Tamra pointed to just below her breasts and the peak of one of her breasts.

"This measurement was further refined to allow for a woman's overall physique and stature," Tamra concluded. "Our Doctor Motwani would have no problem discussing and helping assess the proper size brassiere a patient should wear, to prevent neck and shoulder problems. In fact, with a female patient, she could even be quite frank. On the other hand, it's not a subject she would feel comfortable discussing with a member of the opposite sex. The twins probably thought nothing of it because they see the world as one giant engineering problem, though I suspect that they already feel comfortable enough around you to mention the subject without thinking twice about it. And I'm only discussing it with you to prevent embarrassment between my captain and the ship's doctor. So, does that pretty much answer all your questions, mon capitan?" Tamra asked with a smirk.
Orson turned red as Tamra explained the subject, only growing darker in color as the explanation went on. It was embarrassing, to say the least. He would never have thought the twins had been openly discussing breasts around him. He knew they were eccentric, but that was more than he expected.

“Umm....well...uh,” he stuttered, looking away from her as she finished her explanation. There was at least one silver lining to this situation. He had been able to look at her breasts with no hint of sleaziness. They really were quite beautiful. At least, from what he could tell. “Wait, everyone on the ship is D?” he asked as the revelation began to hit him, remembering what had been said before. “No, wait, never mind. Don’t tell me. Forget I even asked,” he quickly followed up with. As much as the subject of a beautiful woman’s bosom did appeal to the young captain, he knew it was an inappropriate thing to discuss, especially with one of his female crew mates.

He took a few deep breaths, finally calming himself. This had been a rather interesting experience, one he hoped wouldn’t spread around the ship. “Thank you for the information, Tamra. I’ll make sure to never bring up the subject again,” he said. Orson maintained as much control of his mental facilities as possible, what with the blood rushing between his legs. “I hope I didn’t come off as too...boorish,” he added, not sure if that was the right word. But it seemed appropriate.
"Actually, the minimum on the airship is a D," Tamra answered with a laugh, enjoying Orson's consternation. "One of the further refinements was to extend the scale upwards, beyond D. So, for your edification, I'm a D cup, which means the difference between here and here..." Tamra explained, pointing first to the base of her breasts, and then to the peak of her left breasts, "is four inches. "And speaking of which, I'll need to make sure our newest recruits get fitted by our good doctor."

"And not to worry, Captain," Tamra said with a laugh. "Our conversation will remain our secret."

"And speaking of our good doctor," Tamra said, leading Orson out of the supply closet, "She and Nurse Costa have definitely extended the supply and equipment in our sickbay. I have to tell you, Captain, I'm very excited about how things are shaping up."

As the two entered the airship's mess, the three women already there (Safa, Ayisha and Bianca), were enjoying a cup of tea with a plate of tea cookies in the center of the room. A cheerful conversation in Vietnamese was coming from the ship's galley.

"By the way, Captain," Tamra asked, "Do you know a Lady Jane Salvin?
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