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Pokemon: On the Case! (Daxxel x Applepoisoneer)

Tristan looked over the file on the crime boss, “seems he’s cornered the market on gambling at the local gym, huh, seems he’s the gym leader too.” Tristan said with a grin, “looks like it won’t be as hard to get close to him as I thought,” he added with a grin, “tell me, have you ever wanted to join the Pokémon League?” He asked.
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"You know, I thought about it." Leona admitted, sitting upright and folding her hands in her lap. "My father was absolutely sure I wouldn't like it. Being youthful and rebellious, I wanted to do it anyway. So, to prove he was right, my dad and a friend of his battled me twice a day for a week. By the end, I was kind of sick of battling, and I knew he was right." She sighed and shrugged. "I know you probably weren't looking for my life story, but that's kind of how I ended up here."
Tristan grinned, “well coming from the Alola Region, We don’t have gyms there so I have always wanted to see what the hype was about,” he said grinning, “plus wouldn’t mind a rematch with that Claude guy,” he added.
“I guess we go challenge ourselves a gym leader,” Tristan said getting up and grabbing his jacket. “I’ll even give the lady the honour of challenging first,” he added grinning. “Come on the gym is in the entertainment district.”
"Oh, how chivalrous." Leona laughed, straightening her blazer and following her partner onward to the gym.

When they got to teh gym, Leona was impressed with how bi it was, much bigger than her hometown gym. Well, home region gym at any rate. The village she started out in wasn't quite big enough to offer a gym all its own. Two men stood outside the door and seemed to glower at everyone who passed by. She turned to Tristan and spoke behind her hand. "Who're those guys? Hired goons?"
“Yuup,” Tristan said before walking up to the two burly men at the door. “Hey there we’d like to challenge the Gym Leader, so if you wouldn’t mind just stepping aside,” He said with a wide grin but the men didn’t move.

“Battle,” was all on said in a deep gravelly voice, “yous two against us, you win you get in, you loose and...hehe let’s just hope you don’t loose,” the other said with a wicked grin of his own.

“Very well, Primarina center stage” Tristan said and called out his seal-like Pokémon. The two thugs smirked and released their Pokémon, a Beartic and an Exeggutor.
Leona figured there'd be some battling involved, but she hadn't thought it would be two on two. "Ginger, let's go!" She tossed out the pokeball and the fabric-like pokemon appeared. She fluttered in the breeze created by her release and let out a musical cry. "Alright Ginger, throw a little shade. Shadow Ball!"
“Wood Hammer!” Shouted one of the doormen, “Icicle Crash!” Shouted the other and their Pokémon leapt to action. The Beartic focused on Ginger while the Exeggutor attacked Tristan’s Primarina.

“Alright Primarina counter with Dazzling Gleam!” Tristan commanded and his Pokémon let out a melodic call before its body became surrounded in a rainbow colored shine. The shine then got brighter and brighter, before striking the Exeggutor. The attack blinded the tree-like Pokémon for a moment and as it swung its attack it missed wildly slamming harmlessly into the ground.
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(OOC: Sorry it took so long, I actually wanted to research this a little so I didn't completely much up the battle.)

The giant polar bear pokemon conjured a massive icicle above Ginger. It chilled her and caused her to look up, but by then it was already bearing down on her. She tried to float out of the way, but the sharp point caught her in the side before she could. She let out a little cry of pain and surprise.

"Shake it off Ginger!" Leona tried to sound encouraging, but it always worried her to see her pokemon injured. "You know what this guy needs, Will-O Wisp!"

The Mismagius's eyes glowed with a blue fire, which spread to her entire body. Completely engulfed in spectral flame, she rushed the Beartic and painted him in blue embers.
The bear-like Pokémon let out a roar as it was burned and it’s trainer growled, “Shadow Claw now!” He shouted and the Beartic lashed out with a massive paw wreathed in dark energy. The other trainer looked at his Exeggutor and frown as he saw the attack miss, “Seed Bomb!” He shouted and the Exeggutor opened it mouths and fired a rapid succession of glowing seeds. Tristan’s Primarina didn’t have time to react as it was pelted by the exploding projectiles. Tristan felt his stomach lurch, the attack had done a lot of damage to Primarina, but as the smoke cleared he sighed seeing his Pokémon still standing. “Bradford, what do you say we switch dancing partners?” He said then ordered his Primarina to attack the Beartic with Moonblast. Primarina spread its flippers wide and gathered a ball of energy from the moon and threw it at the Beartic. Tristan didn’t even wait for the attack to land before shouting out for Primarina to follow up with Hydro Cannon. Primarina openes its mouth as a glowing light blue ball of water appears in front of it and it launched it at the Beartic.
"Okay, Ginger, you heard the man." At that, Ginger bolted across the field, narrowly avoiding the shadow claw, to float in front of the Exeggutor. Despite being a ghost, Ginger looked a little tired. This was probably the toughest battle she'd had in quite a while. Or at least, the fastest. "Give it all you've got! Will-O Wisp!" The Mismagius began to chant something melodically and the familiar blue glow of the ghostly fire attack surrounded her, shooting toward the grass type in a beam of radiant light.
The Beartic barely had a chance to register its attack missed before Primarina's attacks hit it square in the chest. The Beartic roared out and collapsed to the ground. Tristan smiled triumphantly as he turned to look at his partner. He watched as the ghost-type attacked the Exeggutor. The plant pokemon staggered back as it was burned badly. "Exeggutor use Psychic!" the brutish man said. The Exeggutor's eyes began to glow blue as it sent out a power wave of psychic energy.
Unfortunately, Ginger was unable to dodge the overwhelming psychic attack, and took it full force. Her eyes clamped shut, and she looked as though her head were going to explode. "Ginger, return!" Leona raised her pokeball and called the fluttering ghost back. If she had been angry before, she was furious now. "Ember, go!" She tossed out another pokeball and a lampent appeared with a screech. "Ember, use flame burst!"
Tristan watched how his partner handled herself in battle, she seemed more determined now to win. As the elegant chandelier like Pokémon attack her opponent tried to retaliate with Seed Bomb but the power of the fire-type attack engulfed the Exeggutor knocking out cold.
(OOC: Lampent's actually the one right before the chandelier. I like Chandalure more, honestly, but I thought it would be unfair to give myself all the final forms. It's not really super important to the story, but it was something I thought I'd mention.)

The Lampent goulishly giggled and danced with glee. "Alright, we've played your game, and now we'd like some answers." Leona demanded firmly but calmly. There was a hard glint in her eye that suggested she might not be above using her ghostly pokemon's flames on humankind. "Or would you like to keep drawing this out?"
“Well done,” Tristan said with a grin then turned his attention to the two men, “Alright we won so let us pass to challenge your boss,” he demanded. The two men grumbled but stepped aside to allow the two trainers entrance. “Well that was easy,” he said as they walked down the hall of the gym.
"Yeah, I've got to admit, it makes me skeptical." Leona stroked her chin in contemplation. Ember floated alongside her and looked confused, but happy to be out of the ball. Once down the hall, they encountered another man in a suit. This one looked a little less burly than the two in the front, and seemed to size them up a little more methodically.

"Alright, which one of you guys is the challenger?" He demanded with a sigh, as though this were an unwanted chore.
“We both are,” Tristan replied, “we both want to take a crack at beating the gym leader,” he added with a triumphant tone.

The man looked the pair over again, “who’s first?” He asked, “only one challenger may enter at a time, the other can go wait in the stands,” he finished by pointing the way towards the visitors’ box.
“Sure thing, I got this,” he said flashing a winning smile. Tristan then followed the man through a set of large doors and out onto the battle field. The field itself was cold and covered in tall trees and snow. Tristan shivered and ribbed his shoulders not being dressed for such a cold arena. As he took he spot on the challengers side, an other set of doors opened opposite him. A large man dressed in a thick red coat and boots walked out.

“So this is my challenger for today huh? Alright let’s get this over with,” he said scoffing in a deep voice. The man from the door took up the spot of ref and began announcing the rules for the match. “This will be a three on three battle, only the challenger is able to substitute Pokémon, once all three of either opponents Pokémon are defeated the match is over. Now send out your first Pokémon!” He shouted.

Don Provo was first, with a smirk he threw out his first Pokémon, a winter Sawsbuck. Tristan grinned “ok let’s start things off easy, “Snorlax, up and at ‘em!” He said releasing his large sleeping Pokémon. Don Provo wastes no time ordering his deer-like Pokémon to attack with Jump Kick.

The battle between Snorlax and Sawsbuck didn’t last long with Snorlax being defeated. Tristan frowned his Snorlax put up a good fight but Don Provo was no slouch. Figuring he should play type advantage, Tristan sent out his next Pokémon. “Inconeroar, tag in!” He said releasing his large cat-like Pokémon.
The man in front of the door had permitted Leona to watch from the doorway as long as she didn't try to interfere. It hadn't occurred to her to do so, but she supposed people had done it in the past. Otherwise, why would there need to be a rule? The battle looked pretty intense already, but it looked like Tristan had it well in hand now that he'd called out a fire type. She wondered if he played the sandwich method when it came to three on three; the strongest pokemon choice between two slightly weaker or mismatched pokemon that wouldn't have the type advantage. She'd had to do a lot of that herself considering all her pokemon were ghost and grass types, and were weak to fire and a few other types. She supposed she would have to diversify at some point, but she was so fond of her team that it seemed cruel to just trade one of them away.
Tristan smirked as the battle continued, his Incineroar easily holding off the attacks of the gym leader's Sawsbuck. "Alright Incineroar let's finish this with Blast Burn!" he said and his Pokémon roared as it's body was engulfed in blue flames, it then slammed it's fist to the ground. The ground shook and erupted in dazzling blue fire spreading out from Incineroar. Don Provo tried to save his Pokémon but the Sawsbuck was unable to protect itself and as the flames hit it the arena exploded. As the dust cleared, sawsbuck was laying on the ground unconscious. Don Provo growled, "fine I was going to go easy on you but now you asked for it,' he said and threw out his next Pokémon, the ball opened with a flash of light and a massive Pokémon with shaggy white fur towered over Incineroar. Tristan grinned and looked back at Leona, he figured the gym leader would bring out Abomasnow sooner or later but he never expected it to be so big. "Abomosnow, Blizzard!" he shouted and Abomasnow's body began to glow light blue, and a dark cloud appeared above the arena. Chunks of ice began to rain down from the cloud and strike the Incineroar. Tristan panicked, using Blast Burn had tired Incineroar so he could do nothing but watch as his Pokémon was pummeled by the attack.

Suddenly the roof of the gym was peeled open and a Meowstic floated in. Tristan looked back at Leona again. "Incineroar Return!" he shouted and recalled his damaged Pokémon. "what the hell is this?" Don Provo shouted looking up at the floating Pokémon. “Don Provo, your Abomasnow is coming with us,” came a voice as a man lowered on a cable into the gym. "Like Hell, Abomasnow Razor Leaf!" Abomasnow roared as it launched a flurry of leaves spinning at the intruder. Meowstic's eyes shone as the leaves stopped midair.

Tristan grabbed another of his Pokeballs and threw it. "Decidueye Take Aim!" he said and the ball opened, but nothing came out. Don Provo laughed, "think you got the wrong ball their sport," he said and looked back at the man on the cable. Tristan just smirked, "Spirit Shackle," he said calmly, suddenly an arrow flew through the air, its tip glowing with a dark prple energy. The arrow circled around the Meowstic they struck its shadow exploding. The Meowstic was thrown to the ground. Everyone looked to see where the arrow came from and a large owl-like Pokémon materialized in the rafters, "Nice shot, Follow it up with Leaf Blade!" he said and Decidueye swooped down at incredible speeds, its hand glowing green as it slashed at the Meowstic.
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Leona brushed by the man in front of the door to join the fray. She called out her Ivysaur and chose her target. "Alright Sprouts, let's nip the problem in the but. Grapple the trainer with your vines!" Sprouts let out a low croaking call and two vines shot out from beneath it's blooming bulb. They wrapped around each of the legs of the man on the zipline and attempted to tug him down. The harness was making it difficult, but he was at least distracted now. Perhaps he should have thought better of busting into a pokemon gym and demanding a fight. This wasn't like a restaurant where one wouldn't be readily available.
Claude growled as his legs were entangled by the Ivysaur. He reach to his belt and tossed two more pokeballs, “Mittens, Snuggles Power Gem!” he shouted as a pair of Persians, one normal and the other Alolan, appeared. Both of the the Classy Cat Pokemon meowed and shot a powerful beam from the gems on the foreheads towards Leona and her Ivysaur.
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