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Pokemon: On the Case! (Daxxel x Applepoisoneer)

Leona straightened her skirt and slid her legs out of the town car the agency had sent for her. As the vehicle's driver pulled away, without a word, she read the sign ; LUMIOSE BUREAU OF POKEMON INVESTIGATION. "Hm, not very catchy." She chuckled slightly as she passed beneath the sign. Then again, she supposed her old agency wasn't winning any prizes for word play either. They were what they were, and what they were, were semi-privately owned investigation agencies who didn't deal in nonsense. And she supposed that was why she was involved. Although, she couldn't help but indulge herself in a wit battle every now and again. After all, the pokemon couldn't have all the fun.

"Your ID please, Miss?" A voice snapped her out of her thoughs. Someone behind a security check-in was waiting to scan her ID. Fortunately, the agency had issued her a temporary one to use until she'd gotten there. She passed the slip of paper through the window, and the man behind the glass took it with ginger fingers, as though it were a delicate artifact. "First day, huh?" He asked as he stamped it with something written in large, red letters. Leona couldn't read it upside down from where she was standing.

"Yes,." She nodded, taking it back when it was offered. "I've just come over from Goldenrod."

The security guard let out a low whistle. "Quite a trip. Well, I'll let you get to it then."

"Thank you." Leona attempted to sound cheerful, but might've come off more as unsure. She continued through to the main hall, where she'd been told her new partner and the head of her department would be waiting for her.
Tristan shouldered his bag as he stepped out of the cab. He took a deep breath, happy to be back at the home office. As he walked into the building he smiled at the security guard, "Vinny! How's it going?" he said happily as he shook hands with the guard. The guard grinned and shook Tristan's hand, "Agent Brennan, back already? Where were you this time? Johto? Kanto?" the guard asked excitedly. "Nah, I was back home in Alola," he said, "Caught some bad guy trying to poach Lapras," he said and produced his ID badge to be properly signed in. "Have a good day Agent Brennan," he said as Tristan saluted the guard and headed up the stairs to his office.

As he reached his floor he saw his boss waiting for him. "Agent Brennan, welcome back. Please come into my office," She said. There was something about that phrase that put Tristen in mind of his days in school being sent to the principal's office. Stepping into the office he saw another woman sitting there, Tristan smiled politely and took a seat next to her. "First, welcome back Agent Brennan, glad to see you back. Now, I would like your to meet your new Partner," she said with a grin and pointed at the other lady.
"Leona Bradford." She pulled her painted lips into a tiny smile and shook hte other agent's hand. She was attempting to size him up,, but knew that despite what the old adage told her, first impressions were not always accurate. She would have to give herself more time to see what kind of person he was. But he didn't seem to jump right on the Disrespect Express when he saw her, so that was a good sign. "I'm from the Goldenrod City branch. Pleased to meet you." When she was given her hand back, she tucked a lock of deep green hair that had come loose back into place and adjusted her glasses.
“A new partner, that must mean a big assignment,” Tristan said as he’d never had a partner before. “Tristan Brennan,” he added shaking the hand of the young woman.

“Yes, the two of you are going to be assigned to a new case. A recent string of Pokémon robberies have occured throughout the region. Our on clue is this mark,” the director said as she opened a file and pulled out a photo of what looked like a graffiti tag of claw marks, “this symbol has been found at every crime scene, the unsubs tend to target wealthy or highly renowned trainers. They are challenged to a battle then once the Pokémon are out the trainer is attacked by a second assailant and their Pokémon is captured in a pokeball.”

Tristan was confused, “but I thought a trainers Pokémon couldn’t be caught in another pokeball?”

“True, but it seems these unsubs have created a new type of ball, so no Pokémon is safe. Now here is the case file, put a stop to these robberies, dismissed,” the director said. Tristan stood and grabbed the door holding it open for Leona.
Leona already seemed to be puzzling things out as she passed through the door Tristan held open. Her finger rested under her chin in contemplation. "Well, do you think it would benifit us to work backward from the most recent attack, or forward from the first recorded incidence?" She asked, having already had an idea in mind. She too wasn't so used to working with a partner, but she wanted to make sure he was included in her thought process.
As he got to his desk, Tristan dropped his bag and sat down putting his feet up on the desk. “Well, I think we should start the the most resent attack, the memory of that victim should be the freshest and we might learn something about the attackers,” he said pushing his glasses up on his nose, “besides the latest attack happened at a pizza place and I’m starving,” he added with a dopey grin
Leona's eyes widened for a moment before she smiled. She could tell he was going to be a very informal partner, but his assertions of the victim's memory were astute enoughto assure her that he was taking it seriously. "If we're being honest, me too. It was a long, long trip over here. We can take a few statements, collect some details, then gorge on pizza." Her grin fell away for a moment. "Though it's kind of odd they would attack a pizza place, isn't it? I mean, aren't the marks usually wealthy or well known trainers?"
Tristan smirked, this partner was going to be ok. “You are obviously new to the city, Gormond is not only the best Pizza chef he and his Magmar have won every cooking competition in the city,” he said grinning, “so it the thieves are after champions, that Magmar is a prize,” he added and stood up his grin never faultering, “So agent Bradford is it? Shall we crack this case wide open?” He asked holding out his hand to shake hers.
"Absolutely!" She took his hand and shook it emphatically. "I'm glad I get a local on this one. I didn't even have to do research that time." There was relief in her sigh as she and he moved back toward the security desk. "Normally I'm the only one who thinks to do research when I'm with a partner. Thats why I tend to work alone as much as I can. But something about trying to solve a case of this magnitude on my own in a city I'm unfamiliar with seems wildly impractical."
Chuckles as they walked out of HQ. “Don’t know how local I am, only been here for a few years,” he said scratching the back of his head and smiling. As they exited the building, Tristan hailed a cab and opened the door for Leona. “Gormond’s Pizza Palace,” He said getting in. “As for the research there’s no sense rushing in to anything without knowing the facts, I blundered through my first few missions that way before I learned,” he admitted blushing.
She smiled and shook her head as she slid into the cab. "I've always been a big fact checker, but sometimes it makes me a little spacey. Like, maybe I get so llost in the books that I miss the here and the now." She thought her first partner had been a royal ass when he'd suggested that, but the longer she worked, the more she found it to be accurate. However, her first partner was far too impulsive, and she couldn't take him seriously at the time.
As the cab pulled up to the pizza place, they found a broken window boarded and the door locked. “Wow those thievies did a number On this place, Gormond had to close up.” Tristan said getting out of the cab. He looked in through the unbroken window and saw the place deserted. “Hmmm...looks like we might need to find out where Gormond lives,” he said turning to look at Leona.
“Bradford I could kiss you, you’re a genius!” He said looking at the file, “Lavender Blvd is on the other side of town, pretty ritzy street. Seems the pizza business in quite lucrative,” he added before hailing another cab.

A little while later the cab pulled up in front of the gate to a large house. The gate was adorned with gold plated Magmar statues. “I think this is the place,” Tristan said smirked as he got out and pushed the buzzer, “Yes, hello we are insurance brokers for Pokesurance, we are here to see Chef Gormond,” he said. The gate slowly swung open and he walked up the driveway to the house. He obviously didn’t look like an insurance broker in his bright button down shirt and jeans, he didn’t look like an agent for Bureau either for that matter. As the pair were lead into the house, they found Chef Gormond sobbing in a chair a Vanilluxe beside him freezing a bowl of ice cream.
A trace of pink tinged Leona's usually pale cheek, and she grinned. She'd never been praised so boisterously before. When they arrived, and he'd given them his story about being an insurgence broker, she quickly began to formulate questions she could ask in that guise. She looked the part a little more so than Tristan; wearing a black sport coat and matching skirt and little pumps. But it wasn't a cover story they'd talked about. Maybe it was just to get them in the gate.

She saw the chef there, about ready to drown his sorrows in ice cream, exactly what she'd do if she'd suffered a loss of a pokemon. She felt her hand creep across one of the pokeballs she wore at her side out of instinct. "We would wish you a good afternoon, Chef Gormond, but it seems inappropriate under the circumstances. May we sit? Please, feel free to eat while we're speaking. We didn't wish to interrupt."
The chef waved at the love seat near him as he sobbed. “So Chef, we here just to ask you a few questions about this terrible incident.” Tristan said and The chef nodded.

“A man came out of nowhere on my way home with Mozza, my sweet Magmar, and challenged me to a battle,” the chef began, he started eating the ice cream as he spoke the vanilluxe hovering near by. “naturally I agreed the man and I battled and just as my Mozza was going to win, a Liepard came out of nowhere and stole my pokeball!” at this the chef began to ball as he stuffed ice cream in his mouth in large quantities.

“Then what happened Chef Gormond?” Tristan asked as he feverishly took notes.

“a woman stepped out of an alleyway and snapped a black capsule around Mozza’s ball. Then it’s stare went blank and and it walked iver to her and returned to it’s ball. They both demand I hand over my other Pokémon but I couldn’t let them have my Squishy,” Chef Gormond said and hugged the Vanilluxe.

Tristan went to speak but was cut off as a large bay window bust in and a man and a Zangoose walked in. “thought you could escape us? We are Team Claw we always get what we want! Zangoose, Crush Claw!” he ordered and the Pokémon leaped into the air it’s claws glowing blue-white. Tristan was quick to react throwing a pokeball from his belt. “Toxicroak, hop to it! Counter it with Cross Chop!” He said and the frog-like Pokémon appeared out of it’s ball and it’s arms began to glow white and it crossed it’s arms to form an "X". As the two attacks collided both Pokémon were stuck in a stand still.

“Don’t interfere!” Warmed the man as he glared at Tristan.
"You fools make it too easy sometimes." Leona muttered, throwing out her own pokemon. An eerie olivine Mismagius appeared from the either. "Ginger, cast confuse ray!" The little witchy scarf began to chant and bob back and forth, dipping forward and focusing her mind on the Zangoose. The formerly fierce pokemon took on a dazed look and swayed on it's feet. It tried to raise a clawed hand and take a swipe at it's closest target, but that had been what Leona had been hoping for. "Sucker punch'em!" Suddenly, the Zangoose's claw rounded on itself and took aim at it's own face. In a barrage that would make any schoolyard bully proud, Ginger caused the pokemon to continue to hit itself at full force three times before stopping. Her hollow cackle echoed inthe Chef's parlor. It was clear that she enjoyed that move a little too much.
“Kinda takes some of the fun out of it doesn’t it Bradford?” Tristan said before smirking and looking at his Toxicroak, “alright this fools had enough, let’s finish this with Focus Blast,” he added and Toxicroak put its hands together and formed a sparking yellow orb of energy in between them. It then hurled the orb at the Zangoose. The force of the blast sent the Zangoose and its trainer flying back out the shattered window and into the yard beyond. “Too easy,” Tristan said disappointedly as he walked out and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. Before he could cuff the man, he was picked up and thrown back by a powerful psychic attack. Soon after a male Meowstic floated down with another man with dark hair and a black scarf.

“tsk tsk tsk,” the man said looking at the other trainer in the yard before turning to look at Tristan and Leona. “Allow me to introduce myself, I am Claude special agent of Team Claw. I congratulate you on this victory but warn you not to get in Team Claw’s way again if you know what’s good for you, Felix Misty Terrain,” Claude said and the Meowstic released a thick mist that blanketed the area. Once the mist cleared, Claude and the other trainer were gone with just three large claw marks singed into the yawn outside.
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(OOC: I just realized that the last name I gave her in her profile wasn't the one I went with in game. Oh well.)

Leona stepped gingerly through the pane of broken glass to ensure that her partner was alright. "Well, that's something to add to the notes." She muttered, looking from where Claude had been to where Tristan was now. "I'm not sure how he got away so quickly under cover of mist, but there doesn't seem to be any trace of him, other than their usual calling card. Maybe...Teleport?" The detective was mostly thinking aloud, but she felt it would be better to do so to keep her partner in the loop.
Tristan sat up holding his head, "I'm not sure, all I know is that Meowstic really packs a wallop," he said slowly standing up. "Toxicroak return," he said recalling his Pokémon. "It also seems that we are dealing with a much larger organization then I first thought." he added turning to look at the damaged house, "how is Chef Gormond?" he asked Leona, "Also looks like we might have just made this investigation that much harder," he said rubbing the back of his still aching head.

A few hours later and they were back at HQ. Tristan was going over all the files associated with the case and trying to find any connections between the victims to see if he might be able to predict when and where the next attack would take place. Unfortunately all the attacks seemed to be at random times and places, the only connecting factor was that all the victims were high level trainers and champions in some aspect. Frustrated, Tristan kicked back from his desk, "this is pointless, it seems all the attacks happen at random, the next one could be happening right now and we'd have no way of telling." he said angrily
Leona sat at her new, temporary desk in the bullpen and pressed her palms just above her eyes. "I hate this kind of guess work!" She groaned. "There are no patterns, there are very few facts. Everything is conjecture!" She sat up right and looked across at him. "Well, we have two options. We can take a guess as to whom they'll hit next with what we know; it'll be someone with a famous pokemon relatively close to here. Or, we try cross referencing this Claude character with active criminals and their pokemon that're already on file."
"I guess we could do both, I'll cross reference This joker against know crime organizations and you can search for any high profile trainers in the city," Tristan suggested and started his search for any connection of Claude in any files of the know crime syndicates, no matter how small. He even went so far as to search the files for any trainers know to use a Zangoose or Meowstic. There were no mentions of Claude but there were a few mentions of a trainer that used a Meowstic, except the trainer was a woman. Again it seemed like Tristan was still just spinning his wheels, until he came across a high profile crime boss with a reputation for never being defeated with his powerful Abomasnow. "Hey Bradford, I might not have found any connection to Claude. But I think I found a possible target," he said turning his monitor to face Leona, "What do you think?"
"Hmmm," Leona leaned in and adjusted her thick glasses on her nose. "High profile...pokemon unique skill set...access to further criminal underlings..." She leaned back and clapped her hands in front of her resolutely. "I think you've found the hay in the needle stack!" She paused for a moment and raised an eyebrow. "Wait, that is how it goes, right?"
Tristan chuckled, “I think you mean a needle in a haystack,” he said with a wide grin. “Now the only trouble is, how do we get close enough to the big boss?” He asked not sure how two agents of law and order were going to get up close and personal with a crime boss
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