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Fx F or NB Shaky Shaky, Sweaty Sweaty, You make my Spaghetti ready (FxF Request Thread)

Lost in the Echos

May 9, 2018
My name is Echos, I'm a 26-year-old woman living on the East Coast of the US. I'm Bi-sexual but my preference is to write FxF stories. If the mood strikes me I may be willing to play a guy or a Futa. Or maybe against a Futa. For various reasons, I will not play against a guy.


Incest (Sister x Sister, Cousins)
Best Friends
Cheerleader x Nerd
Boss x Employee
Babysitter x Older Sister


Newest Additions:

Do Not Disturb
- My character is a singer. She's not a megastar or anything but has a bit of a following performing in small clubs and bars. One night after her performance she's at the bar hanging out and having a drink when she meets YC. She instantly feels the attraction between the two of them and starts talking to her with the plan to take her back to her hotel room for the night. Maybe YC comes from a bad home life or wants to get away so she ends up traveling with MC. (It's a rough idea, but having them traveling around together could be fun.)

The Video - Our characters are sisters, close in age. They grew up poor, having always shared as room and bed since they were small. They are as close as sisters could be and very comfortable together. Their father had left the family when they were little leaving them to be raised by their mother. It's summer time and today was the last day of the school year. Our characters get home to find that their mother is at work as usual. As they relax my character remembers that one of her older friends had given her a DVD with a movie on it. She decides to get it out of her bag. It's a burnt disc with no label, her friend told her it was a good movie but she should watch it alone. She didn't understand why she should watch it alone, so of course she watches it with her sister, not knowing it was a copy of a lesbian porn movie. The two girls watch curiously, never having seen any kind of porn before. It didn't take long until the movie had its desired effect and both girls feel the heat.

Not from around here - YC lives in a very rural part of the country. One night while she's outside in her backyard she spots MC walking alone and very naked looking very lost. She cautiously approaches MC and realizes that she's unlike anyone she has ever seen. Tall with white, almost paper like skin that seemed to glow in the dark. Piercing blue eyes and hair that was white as snow. Is she a fallen angel? Or is she from somewhere far...far...away. (Based on a video I watched about the Tall Whites, an Alien race.)

The Roommate - Our characters are roommates in college. Your character is kind of shy and inexperienced when it comes to guys/girls, barely has had her first kiss let alone gone all the way with anyone. My character is more experienced. It's Spring Break and they decide to drive to the beach, making a stop at MC's parent's house to stay the night before leaving early that morning to finish the drive to the beach. There isn't a lot of room at her parent's place so they share her bed in her old room. That night YC is restless and can't sleep, feeling her tossing and turning on the bed keeps MC up, and knowing they both need to sleep for the long drive ahead of them she helps her friend sleep the only way she knows how. She goes down on her friend, giving her the first orgasm of her young life. (Rough idea but it could be fun dealing with the aftermath and the awakening of YC's desires.)

The new sister- Our characters have just recently become Step-sisters after their parents had married. The parents decide to make your character live with her new step-sister in a house down the street instead of living with them. My character doesn't mind her new step-sister moving in, her wild lifestyle won't change. But your character is in for a wild ride, the drug use and drinking is only the tip of the iceberg.

The Gift - My character is your character's new step-mom just ten years older than your character. Our characters get along pretty well but there's some tension there because my character had just married your father. Your father goes out of town for a business meeting leaving us alone for a week or so. One day my character comes home from work early, catching your character masturbating. She listens and watches but doesn't interrupt. The next day as you get out of the shower my character is sitting on your bed, holding a gift bag in her hands.

Family Reunion - It was the annual family reunion, our characters hadn't seen each other in years, my character having been off to college. Sleeping spaces are limited so our characters end up sharing a room.

Summertime Sizzle - Your character is my character's cousin and visiting with family for the summer. Space is limited so you end up sharing the room with my character. My character is bi-sexual and yours is straight, but will she be straight by the end of the summer?

A little tied up - Our characters are Sisters or Step-Sisters. My character comes home and finds yours naked and tied to the bed. Your boyfriend thought it would be funny to tie you up and leave you for your family to catch you. Our character's relationship isn't the greatest, and we don't get along most of the time so when MC catches you tied to the bed, she takes advantage of the situation and takes some photos as blackmail, so she'd have the leverage to get you to do whatever she wanted.

Clockstoppers, (Yes the 2002 Nickelodeon movie.) - Very loosely based on the plot, as in just really the watch itself. The idea is that my character and yours are roommates and friends sharing an apartment while in College or maybe even just outside of college and working. The friends go to a thrift shop or maybe a garage sale and MC finds this watch, thinking it looks cool kind of vintage but still kind of modern. She buys it and puts it into her bag and doesn't think anything else about it. Later on that night while they're back at the apartment she gets the watch out to really take a good look at it and she's playing with the buttons to try to set it to the right time. She hits one of the buttons and nothing happens. She shrugs and decides she'd figure it out later. She puts it onto her nightstand and gets up and walks to her window to close her curtains so she can get changed for bed. At the window, she notices how quiet it is and that's when she notices that the birds in the evening sky are frozen in place. Her eyes widen and she looks back at the watch. She runs over and grabs it, bringing it back to the window. She hits the button and watches the birds come back to life, flying in their usual pattern. She hits the button again, just to make sure she's not imagining things and sure enough the birds are frozen. She turns and runs out of the room to tell her friend who was in the shower. She barges into the bathroom only to find her friend frozen in time in the shower. (For this one, I'm thinking it starts off as little pranks on her friend, removing her panties when she's wearing a skirt, putting her in provocative situations, and maybe even putting a vibrator inside her while MC has the remote.)

Wish Upon a Star- Our Characters are roommates and close friends. One night they're hanging out outside and talking about their relationships and just guys in general. They end up seeing a shooting star and my character jokingly wishes that she could be a guy for a week to understand them better. It was a joke and they laugh about it. Until the next morning when she wakes up and her joke wish came true.

New Family -Our characters meet during ladies' night at the local college bar. Both are extremely attracted to each other and end up having a night of passion together, only to exchange numbers and go their separate ways the next morning. Right after (YC) leaves (MC) gets a call from her father inviting her out to lunch, wanting her to have lunch with him and his girlfriend and her daughter whom (MC) hasn't met before. Turns out it's the girl from last night.

Mistaken Delivery - A mysterious package is delivered to your address. You keep meaning to take it back to the post office but after a few days your curiosity gets the best of you and you open it. Inside the box is a USB thumb drive as well as a new vibrator. You decide to keep the vibrator and check out what was on the thumb drive. On the thumb drive is a video of my character masturbating. The package is intended for her long-distance lover. Will your character delete the video and keep the vibrator or will she look my character up on Social media and explain what happened?

Shared Spaces - Our characters are friends and are sharing a hotel room, either on a school trip or on vacation. Thinking my character is asleep, yours decides to quietly get herself off. Only my character isn't asleep and decides to call her out on it. Thinking our characters are straight or at least bi-curious at first.

The Proposition - Your character has just turned 21 and is at the bar with some friends, drinking and having a good time. My character sees you and begins to flirt with yours before asking if she wants to come home with her and her boyfriend for some fun.

ASS-istant - My character hires yours as her personal assistant, to help plan her day, meetings, travel, etc. They end up getting trapped in a city as a snowstorm hits and delays all the flights. They manage to get a single room since all the other rooms are booked. Nudity and masturbation change everything. (Thinking it starts off as mutual masturbation, laying side by side on the bed, and progresses to sex later on)

The Package - My character is a young woman in her early 20's. She's house-sitting for her parents while they're away on vacation. She had heard about the next-door neighbor passing away a month ago. (He was a dirty old man, perverted and always trying to peek at her while she was sunbathing by the pool in the backyard.) She awakes one morning to someone knocking on her door. She opens the door to find a delivery man standing there, with a big crate behind him. He tells her that there wasn't an answer next door so he's leaving the package with her. She tries to explain that the neighbor is dead but the guy doesn't care. She ends up signing the paper and the guy hands her a crowbar before getting into the truck and leaving. She approaches the crate and notices that there were air holes along the top. She uses the crowbar to open the side of the crate only to find a naked girl curled up inside. The neighbor had ordered a sex slave before he died! A sex slave that she apparently now owned.

Watching You - The apartment in the building directly across from you has been empty for quite some time, you had gotten used to it and enjoyed it being empty. It allowed you to walk around your apartment in your underwear or even naked with the curtains open without anyone seeing you. However, one day while you were at work someone had moved into the apartment and sees you once you were home and out of the shower. First, you get embarrassed, but soon the girl across from you decides to pay you back by walking around her apartment naked as well. Soon, it's a common thing for the two of you to walk around naked, having a bit of an exhibitionist streak. My character decides to take it a step further by fucking a girl she had met at the bar one night, right where she knew you could see.

She's a little runaway - YC comes from an abusive home, a really rough home life. MC is your sister's best friend and is about to head across the country in her beat-up RV. She comes by to tell your sister bye and YC wanting to get away sneaks into the RV and hides until she was far enough away to not turn back.

Sorry, Wrong Number - It was a hot, stormy night and you were lying in bed, watching a movie. Your phone buzzes, alerting you to a new text message. The number didn't ring a bell and when you opened the message, you were greeted by a very provocative text and by the time you were about to reply and tell this person they had the wrong number a picture accompanied the message, a picture of a woman, or well womanly parts. You were straight, but for some reason, you found this very attractive.

Across the Room - Your character is a chubby college girl, a girl that no one really pays much attention to. One night while out with some friends at a bar, you spot MC and can't stop watching her. MC notices and approaches her and pulls her to the dance floor.

The Longest Distance - Your character is in a relationship with a guy who is currently a few states away visiting his family for the summer. Our characters are roommates and best friends. My character walks in on yours taking sexy snaps to send to him and decides to help you take the pictures, starting off with just taking the pictures for you but things escalate from there with the pictures getting steamier and steamier.

A Lesson Learned - Your character is dating my character's younger brother. The two of you have just become intimate in the past few weeks and you both realize that the sex is lacking. Your character doesn't feel comfortable talking to your friends about it so you come to my character for advice, which turns into a hands-on demonstration.

The Bet - Our characters are friends and your character loses a bet, maybe on a football game, reality show, or anything really. The loser has to go out on a "Date" with the winner…while wearing a remote-controlled vibrator.

The Party- Our characters are best friends and have been from an early age, and one night my character hears about a party on the wealthy side of town and decides to drag your character along. Once there the party seemed normal, except that the guests were all female. Around midnight when the couple throwing the party announces a game, a game that would put a lot of money in someone's pockets. They will choose two people at random and offer them a lot of money to have sex in front of them, using whatever toys the couple chooses. My character decides they should probably leave until they hear how much money is involved. And of course, my character and her best friend are chosen. Will they do it? It is a lot of money…

Lust in Space - Two rivals are on a ship exploring the cosmos when disaster strikes. They end up in the same escape pod and land on an unknown planet with minimal supplies and only each other to rely on. Throw in some unexpected danger and freezing cold nights, will they stay rivals?

Road Trip- Our characters are friends, stuck in the back of a van on the way to the beach. Their friends are in the front and there's a wall of luggage between them. The space is limited so they're sitting very close together. It's hot in the van and the AC isn't working. My character being the free spirit decides to strip down to beat the heat. How will your character react?

Thin Walls - Your character had just moved into an apartment. After a couple of nights there she begins to hear loud moaning and sounds of sex coming from the apartment next door. After a while, she couldn't take anymore and goes to her new neighbor's door and bangs on it. She's greeted by a beautiful and very naked woman. Apologizing for the noise, she invites her inside.

In shape - Your character is the daughter of a very wealthy man. Her dad hires her a personal trainer to help her get into better shape. The trainer that he hires is my character. Your character is instantly attracted to mine but torn because she considers herself straight.

Surprise…Penis? - Our characters get paired together on our senior trip, having to share a hotel room. They're not friends and don't really know each other but there had always been a rumor that your character had a penis. And now that my character has your character alone, her curiosity is getting the better of her.

Huge Favor - Our characters are close friends and have been for a while. Your character is dating a guy, a nice guy who she really cares about. My character is single, just having fun. Your character's boyfriend has a birthday coming up and your character is at a loss as to what to get him. So she decided to give him something he'd never forget. She asks my character if she'd be down with having a threesome. My character had been attracted to yours for a while now so she eagerly takes her up on the offer.

The Toy- Our characters are friends and have been best friends for a while. My character is bisexual and yours is straight. They share an apartment together and get along great. One night your character comes in while mine is cleaning some of her sex toys. Her eyes land on a strap-on and is mesmerized and curious.

Batteries Not Included - My character works in an adult toy shop and your character comes in looking to purchase a toy for herself. Thinking your character is kind of shy and bashful so she comes in really late at night, right before closing. My character offers to help her pick one out and they end up talking a bit before my character asks yours to come home with her.
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