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From AVALANCHE to SLUT {darkest_fate&Morathor}

"Got what I want?" Corneo pulled his hand from her trembling innards. He ran the head of the vibrator up and down her slit, turning its intensity down with each pass. This is just the start." One the wand was back to its lowest setting, he finally pulled it away from her groin and pressed it instead against her cheek. It was soaked with her juices; he wondered if she'd ever smelled her own lust before. He wondered if she'd ever even cum. She was clearly a virgin, but did she even masturbate? Did she know what she was doing if she did? Either way, he'd trained teenagers more experienced than this. She was gonna be great.

" You put on a hell of a show when you cum. Never change that. Customers love to feel like they're sex gods, even when you're the one doing all the work." He pulled the wand away from her face and set it back on the table. "Anyway. We've got our data. Time for your first transfusion." Corneo stepped out of Mason's way as the security chief moved in and crouched down to fasten additional restraints around Tifa's ankles. Then he stood up, and shifted a few locks of her hair aside to get at the metal panel she was strapped to. Mason pulled a small respirator from the wall and fastened it over Tifa's mouth and nose, before shutting the door and sealing her in the pod.

He turned to Jessie. "It's good to go, kid."
The hand withdrawing had Tifa sighing in relief. Yet she could still feel the thrumming toy near her sex, teasing her. It kept her warm, kept that blissful sensation, the drug of post-orgasm, seeping into her veins. She heard his comments as he teased, insisting, as if she didn't already know. Tifa hissed again, but she didn't quite find the energy to do more than that. Something pressed against her cheek, and Tifa found herself moving, shifting, trying to pull her head away from it. The heady aroma of her own arousal hit her: pungent, powerful, with a strong undercurrent of sweat and sweetness. The brawler had only smelled that a few times, when she'd been desperate enough to at least try to coax an orgasm from her, finding the experience mostly pointless. She knew, at least: she had been around Midgar enough to pick up some bits.

The mention of the show had her flushing, flushing and glaring at him. She hadn't meant to do anything; she hadn't even meant to cum, really, but he hadn't exactly left her much choice. At least he pulled away, leaving Tifa to take a few breaths. Just long enough for his comment, which had her eyes widening. She tried to jerk, but the orgasm truly had helped her sedative. Her muscles felt like jelly, and just as they might have regained enough strength to burst free, they were useless. Soon Tifa found herself even more restrained, pinned into place, hair jostled. At least she knew enough not to fight the respirator, though she gave Mason a desperate, begging look.

"Her stats are good," said Jessie, still looking at the panels. "There's a high level of hormone from the orgasm that seems to have done its job. Everything's primed and ready for reception of the first infusion," Jessie started flicking, letting the pod finalize the sealing procedure. Nodding, Jessie turned. "Would you like the honors of getting it started, boss?" she asked, gesturing toward the tube. "After all, one button and it's goodbye old Tifa, hello new!"
"Oooo..." The Don clapped his hands together and rubbed them together gleefully. "How could I pass that up?" He walked over--danced over--to the control panel and slapped his hand down on the button eagerly.

In the pod, there was a hissing noise, and then liquid started to well up around Tifa's feet. It was cool, about ten degrees below room temperature, and too viscous to be water. It rose up around her calfs and then her thighs, washing away the fruits of her pleasure. It continued up her arms and torso; only when the fluid level rose above her bosom could she see that the liquid was a faint, glowing green. The liquid kept rising, stinging her eyes as they were submerged in it, until it filled the tank.

Dozens of needles jabbed into Tifa. Some extended from the metal plate she had been secured against, pricking two need rows on either side of her spinal column. Several penetrated each of her limbs, and two plunged deep into her back, near her waist, until they penetrated her ovaries. Other needles came around to her front on swinging arms, driving into her throat, her stomach, her thighs. Two swung around to pierce her nipples, clamping and squeezing her breasts in the process; it seemed the machine was barely able to fit her giant bosom. FInally, one last arm swung around to her pelvis. There was no needle to pierce her flesh; instead a thin metal tube, about half an inch thick, forced itself into her cunt.

When everything was in place, the machinery all went still for a few seconds. Then everything kicked into high gear, the needles flooding her body with something, something that spread an intense heat through her flesh--at once feverish and searing, disorienting and agonizing. The liquid began to roil and churn around her, as if boiling from the heat radiating off her body. As it did, the glow grew brighter and changed color--from green, to red, to finally a vivid, neon violet.

It was several minutes before the glow faded. The needles and assorted apparatuses plunged into Tifa's flesh withdrew, and with a tingling sensation the small holes they had left closed almost in an instant. Then the water drained, and finally the pod opened.
A hiss made Tifa start. She looked down, feeling a fluttering panic. The sealing had made it hard, nearly impossible, for her to hear whatever the hell they'd been saying to each other. But she could guess that that was rising up below her. She shivered as it touched her feet, curling her toes as if she could deny it. But it kept going, rising. Rising more and more, drawing cool into her body, fighting against the heat that Corneo had risen up within her. She felt the stuff sliding over her skin, matting down her hair. It crossed her chest, finally rising further. Tifa took several deep breaths, fighting panic as it passed her mouth, knowing that they wouldn't drown her. It stung her eyes and she pinched them shut, shivering at the loss of sensation. Tifa forced them open, desperate to watch.

A scream drew out of her as she felt. Dozens of pinpricks throughout her skin. Each little bit made her want to yelp in pain, and she swore her eyes watered, though who could tell in this? Dozens of needles, so many, throughout nearly every portion of her body. And the machine seemed determined to humiliate where it couldn't inject: pressing and squeezing her breast-flesh, shoving a rod up into her sex, hopefully not ruining her insides. Tifa could feel the metallic intrusions everywhere on her tingling body, the post-orgasmic bliss having left quickly from the cold bath. She swallowed hard, trying to look around, to see.

Another harsh scream tore from her, raw, primal, almost guttural. Tifa screamed so hard bubbles floated from around her mask.

"She's within range," said Jessie almost casually, watching as the monitors adjusted. She could see her friend writhing, held in place. Every signal showed intense pain: Tifa being almost overwhelmed by the raw life energy pumping throughout her. It would be reshaping nerves, altering parts of her body, even potentially rewriting her genetic code. Sometimes the changes were almost unpredictable. Like now, Jessie almost giggled as she looked. "It's killing all the hair follicles on her groin," she said, pointing at the screen, as if they couldn't watch as Tifa's sex turned almost impossibly smooth.

Finally, after forever, it stopped. Tifa panted, feeling her body aflame. It was hard to tell what was different, given that everything felt so sensitive, so different. Her vision blurred and her brain was on overload, struggling to take in everything and process it. Her head spun as she kept sucking in air, trembling.
Corneo was the first to approach Tifa after the pod opened. He reached towards her, but his lecherous hands did not so much as brush her skin. Instead, he gently looped his fingers under two clumps of her slick, dripping hair, and pulled them away from the rest of her thick locks to hold them in front of her face. If her eyes could even focus, Tifa would see that pink streaks had appeared in her dark brown hair. "A nice touch," Corneo said, sneering. "Don't you think?" He shook his head. "Some time, before your next treatment, we're going to have to test your sensitivity again. We could do it now, since we've got you properly hooked up and all, but I think all you've been through might just throw off the readings. Don't you think, Jessie dear?" He glanced at the technician, though he didn't wait for her answer. "Besides, I want to try out the SLUT for myself..."

He stepped aside as Mason moved in and began to remove Tifa's restraints. Every time his skin brushed against hers, it seemed to light a fire in her flesh. Her sense of touch seemed impossibly accute; she could feel the creases in his knuckles when they scraped against her. Mason shook his head almost wistfully as he loosed the straps around Tifa's arms. She was leaner--still fit, her limbs lithe and luscious, but he was certain her strength had dropped notably. He had been very wary of Tifa, uncertain if he could take her in a fair fight; now that doubt was gone. She might still have enough strength to pose a threat to a customer--this was only her first infusion, after all--but Mason was sure that he could take her.

When he was done unfastening the last strap, Mason stepped back and let Tifa collapse on the floor.
Tifa blinked, her vision still blurry .She could feel his touch upon her, wincing in anticipation. To her surprise, his fingers teased her hair first, pulling some of the dark clunks away from her. She managed to just focus, seeing the strange strands of pink threaded throughout. What---what was that about? Another little touch? Tifa let out a groan, feebly twitching. The whole procedure had exhausted her, made her body feel as if it had suddenly been fried. Nothing wanted to work properly, and her mind was still struggling to reconnect nerve endings and fully process what precisely had just happened to her.

The mention of more tests had her mumbled again, trying to form words, even making vague motions as though she were shaking her head. She thought she heard Jessie almost answering, but instead blinked, refocusing her attention upon Corneo. "What--what didchu do ta me?" she mumbled, her mouth feeling mushy. Her body felt drained, somehow too. A touch, and she swore she could feel a shock rippling through her, making her wince. When the bondings were finally gone, Tifa couldn't remain standing. She collapsed, falling into something of a wet heap on the floor. Beads of moisture still rolled off her, and she shivered, her body suddenly feeling hot and cold at the same time.

"Infusion results are quite positive," announced Jessie. "She takes to the mako quite well: no visible rejection signs and it looks like it's taken hold."

Whatever that meant. Tifa shuddered, glancing up at the two men, her breath catching for a moment. she wanted to move, but even rising up seemed like such a bad idea right now.
"Good to hear... that." Corneo made a vague gesture, flapping his hand in Jessie's direction. Then he turned to face the technician, reaching out to ruffle her hair again. "Good work, kid." He hand a hand down the side of Jessie's face, cupping his fingers under his jaw. "I'll be sure to give you some special attention later. That is..." He turned his leering gaze back to Tifa. "Assuming I like how she's turned out."

He walked back to the fallen brawler and crouched down, tangling his fingers in her long, dark locks. He hauled her up by her hair, a visceral reminder that despite his girth and stature, he was not a weak man by any means. Soon he had Tifa propped up on her knees, which brought her face nearly level with his. Corneo tilted his head back and stared into her eyes. There was a glimmer of green light welling from deep inside them.

"You know, I noticed when I was messing with you earlier. You've never been with a man, huh?" Corneo chuckled. "Body like that, and still a virgin. You must be one hell of a frigid bitch. You ever even been kissed?" He hauled her up a few more inches, pressing her mouth to his. His lips were fat, rubbery, and his eager drool poured messily over her face and dribbled down her chin and throat.

After a few seconds Corneo dropped her, giving her just enough of a push as he let go to make sure she landed on her back. He began to unbuckle his pants.
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