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From AVALANCHE to SLUT {darkest_fate&Morathor}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
"Jessie, is that you?" asked Tifa, outright now believing her luck. The dark-haired monk's expressive brown eyes grew saucer wide as she beheld the chained, slender brunette before her. It was a little hard to tell: her old companion wore some sort of collar strapped about her neck, along with the standard uniform of a Honeybee (in Jessie's case, this amounted to black and yellow striped lingerie, complete with long stockings that ended in jet black heels, a pinching corset that pushed up the mechanic's chest, making it look larger than Tifa remembered, and some makeup to make the more roughly pretty girl look downright stunning). Tifa recognized a lot of the adornments. After all, she'd been working there for well over two weeks now, serving as an introductory Bee and helping guests get situated into rooms. Her experience as a barmaid made her perfect for the job.

Well, that and the fact that no matter how you looked at it, Tifa was a knock out. Her honed body gave her an incredibly fit figure: athletic, tight, well muscled abs, a rock hard ass that looked great in a tight skirt, legs that looked like they could kick off a robot's head (because they could), and arms with just enough definition to be almost scary. Plus, she had a good mixture of girl next door jeans: a slightly soft face, expressive brown eyes, an easy smile. Oh, and there was her chest: arguably too large for a martial artist, though she managed to strap the girls down often enough. She couldn't really hold either breast in one hand, but it wasn't like she needed to, or that anyone else was asking. So, yeah, Tifa could easily slide into the roll of overly cheerful, overly pleasant girl.

She could also reach over and tug at Jessie's collar, making the mechanic grunt. They both knew to be quiet: even in the almost constant thrum of noise, someone could be paying attention. It was almost a miracle that there weren't thugs on hand to watch, mostly because Tifa had tricked them after having noticed the girl who looked like Jessie in passing. Tifa leaned in now, studying the collar. "Yeah, they got you with some status materia," she mumbled, still not quite believing how they'd managed to warp materia to their gains, or how their collars let them equip it to girls without much chance of removal. "We can probably remove it..." Tifa chewed her lip.

"But not here," finished Jessie. Tifa had to shake her head, but the mechanic waved it away. "It's fine," she clasped Tifa's hand, "I'm just glad you found me! You don't know how awful it's been here. Ever since they caught me after the raid..."

Tifa nodded. They'd lost Jessie during a raid on a reactor. The raid had succeeded, but SOLDIER had been present, scooping up Jessie. That's what pressured Tifa into demanding that they seek out Cloud, since she knew he was in town (her feelings toward the cute blonde had nothing to do with it). But rumor had put Jessie here, so Tifa had gone through the downright painful process of getting in. At least she hadn't needed to break many fingers during her stay here: they knew to keep their hands on the floor bees instead of the greeters.

"Right, so what are we waiting for?" asked Tifa. "I have keys to get out and--"
"No!" Jessie shook her head. "We need to---there's this thing," she gave Tifa's hand a tug. The fighter paused for a moment. Did they have time for this? But Jessie was insistent, and so Tifa relented. She followed her companion through the bustling club. Nobody looked twice at a bee and a greeter. Tifa wasn't wearing her standard outfit, though she'd thought about changing for this, but what she had wasn't that far removed: tight yellow halter top and black leather skirt. Her long, butt length ebony hair had been left loose instead of her loose tail, but she was still confident it wouldn't get in the way, a fact she proved as they ran into a surprised guard.

Jessie led her down, down into a basement, where the trappings and entertainment faded away. Down into what... what looked a lot like a lab. Tifa chewed her lip, nerves twisting her gut, wondering if they shouldn't go up, come back later. But Jessie insisted: they had to figure this out. So they went forward, moved further and further...

.... finding.. finding... "Is that a Mako infuser?" gasped Tifa, gaping at the tube and the extra equipment on hand, unable or unwilling to believe her eyes.
If Tifa hadn't been so focused on the Mako infuser, she might have been more aware of her surroundings. Even with the sinister machine occupying much of her attention, she wasn't completely oblivious, but... from where Jessie was standing, she could easily see over Tifa's right shoulder. If someone was coming from that direction, she only had to say something, or point. Even a change in her expression or body language would have clued Tifa in to an approaching threat. So she could, logically, keep her attention elsewhere, trusting in her AVALANCHE ally to cover that blind spot.

But she didn't. Jessie didn't say or do anything to indicate that anyone was stealthily drawing closer; Tifa didn't have any indication of the man's approach until she heard his footsteps right behind her--far, far too close to do anything, even with her reflexes, before something jabbed against the bare flesh of her back, just to the right of her spine. It was a needle, of some kind, and no sooner had she registered that than she felt a slight increase in pressure as it injected something into her.

The drug began to affect her almost immediately, an uncomfortable chill spreading through her body, sapping her strength. Standing on her feet grew harder with each passing second, as her legs threatened to buckle under her.

"Sorry about that," the man said. Tifa recognized the deep, smooth voice--she could hardly have infiltrated this place without being aware of the head of security. The man was a tower of muscle, easily over six feet, with pecs and shoulders that strained at the fabric of his three-piece suit. His bald head was covered in scars, and he stared down at Tifa with disinterested grey eyes. "I normally prefer sedatives, but I heard they'd interfere with your infusion. Is that right, miss Jessie?" He glanced past Tifa at the technician.
What was that? Tifa had stopped and stared, her attentions wholly focused. It truly looked like a Mako infuser, but she couldn't figure out why it would be here. At least she could tell why Jessie had insisted on showing her this before they left: the potential was devastating. The thought made Tifa shudder, her body tensing, nerves bunching.

Which made it almost too easy for a prick to hit her.

"What the--" she got out as she felt her legs buckling. It was a testament to the brawler's strength that she didn't fall immediately. A woman of her size and weight couldn't have taken a dose like that and not felt it, particularly so close to the spine. She could feel the chill pouring into her veins, trembling her legs. She did manage to lift her head, glaring up at the glowering man. Yes, yes him, though his name slid from her mind. Had they even been introduced? Tifa had sized him up as one of those she'd need to potentially look out for, one she might not beat in a fight. With her gloves and bracer, with her materia, she might.

Without them? Well, she had to try. Yelling, Tifa tried to step forward and punch the man, swinging. Jessie stepped forward then, almost neatly sweeping Tifa's weak legs out from under her. The fighter collapsed to the ground, her skirt rising immediately, panting.

"What---what---infusion?" she gasped. Her body felt sluggish, slow, and she wasn't sure whatever this was wasn't a sedative.

"It's right," Jessie said, sounding eager to please the man, "we want to make sure you're ready for the first infusion. I know you'll be anxious, but it'll take several for it to really take hold, probably some materia too."
"Speaking of ready, gotta get this shit outta the way." The security chief knelt down over Tifa, straddling her prone form and flipping her onto her back. One hand closed around her throat and shoved her roughly against the floor; the other reached for her striped yellow and black top. Without the drug, Tifa probably could have gotten out of this hold--a blow to the crotch would do wonders, or she might able to simply overpower him, despite the size difference. But in her current state, there was little she could do as he tore her halter top to shreds with one yank. He reached down for her skirt, clearly intent on doing the same.

"Don't just tear it off!" It was another voice Tifa recognized, high and grating, and this one she could put a name to. How could she not know Don Corneo, the owner of the Honeybee Inn, and the most insatiable patron of its services? In the two weeks Tifa had been here, she hadn't seen much of him, but whenever she had he'd always been leering at her. There could be little doubt that the gorgeous young woman had caught the old lech's attention. Even now as he approached to scold his subordinate, he was staring at Tifa's exposed chest with a grin. He stopped, standing over the scene--only possible when Tifa was pinned to the ground, given that he was scarcely five feet tall. But what he lacked in stature, he made up for in bulk. The man was rotund, but as he slipped the luxurious red robe from his shoulders, Tifa could see for the first time that there was quite a lot of muscle beneath the fat. One didn't get to be a mob boss without breaking a few heads, after all.

After a minute or so, he tore his eyes away from Tifa's bosom and back to the security chief. "That's a perfectly good uniform. We can just remove it, no need to tear it."

"Sorry boss,"
replied the man straddling Tifa. "You know I like things rough."

"I don't care how you like it, this is business, not pleasure."
He smiled again at Tifa. "Not yet, anyway. Here, lift her up."

With his hand still clasped around Tifa's throat, the security chief got to his feet, lifting Tifa with him, until her toes could barely reach the ground. Corneo circled around to the other side, reaching out to give Jessie an appreciative pat on the head before turning his full attention to Tifa. Despite the chiding he had given his subordinate, he first reached around to settle his hands on her breasts, giving them a rough squeeze.

"This is an important civic duty, you see," said the Don, as he slid his hands away from her chest and ran his palms down her sides. "Capturing two members of the terrorist organization AVALANCHE, and conducting some very important research for Shinra as well."
A gasp left Tifa as the guard loomed over, almost taking position. She threw another punch, the blow weak, almost kittenish. It landed, but he barely seemed to know, grasping onto her throat. She reached up, hands gripping at him, trying to claw. But everything felt so slow, so weak. She didn't even feel her body properly responding, like she fought through water or sludge. Her knees jerked all the same, her well muscled form undulating. Nothing: she simply squirmed beneath him, even as she felt her anger rising. Yes, she needed to play into that: she could Limit Break out of this if need be.

Though she almost growled as he pulled her top from her. Tifa's almost too perfect breasts bounded free. Milky white, they'd overfill a hand, and each was capped with a light pink nipple. The chilled air kissed them, making Tifa shiver. That gesture, along with her continued squirming, meant titflesh jiggled oh so enticingly for the sight. Tifa only froze as she heard another voice, her eyes shooting to see him.

Corneo! That perverted fucker. He oogled her and she raised a hand, flicking a rude gesture his way, glad that she could manage that. Her body was fighting and fighting hard against whatever they'd hit her with. She kept struggling, squirming. "I'll show you rough," she hissed, again trying to kick. Soon she found herself fully upright, nearly on her feet---no, higher. The tall, impressive bartender dangled in his fat fist. She writhed again, looking like nothing so much as a caught fish. Hands clawed at his, trying to pry apart.

And hands touched her chest, making Tifa gasp. She lurched to slap at Corneo, but again, her blows were more amusing than effective. "So, you know who we are---" she said. "There's no point in my mentioning that doing something to us is stupid then, right? You think they won't send someone after me?" She let out a rough laugh. "We'll end up blowing up your whole fucking operation, Corneo," she smirked, "hopefully literally." Though Tifa was already shivering. She was half-naked, and there was a tube and talk of infusion. They could do a lot to her before Barrett and the others came to look, and she wasn't dumb enough not to realize that.
"If it were that easy," Corneo said mockingly, as he slid the black leather skirt down the curve of her hips, "you wouldn't have bothered with this whole charade." He left the skirt around her knees, allowing it to slip the rest of the way down of its own accord as he reached back up. "And Jessie has been so helpful about your methods and protocols. It should be a while before they realize anything's wrong." He ran his fingers along the waistband of Tifa's panties, before sliding two down over her crotch. "By the time they come looking for you, they won't find you. They'll only find our new star."

He leaned against her, his face pressed against her shoulderblade and his hot breath washing over the bare skin of her back, contrasting with the chill of the drug. "We're going to remake you completely... a more radical rebirth than what we put your friend through." He pulled away from Tifa just for a moment to nod at Jessie. "You get to be the first test of this new mako infusion process--the first subject for project SLUT."

He pulled his hand away from her groin and hooked his fingers in her undergarments, beginning to slide those down her hips as well.
Tifa was tempted to argue, to insist that they would've or could've. Something about loss of life or protecting others. She truly did, and felt bad about not immediately saying so, for not trying to think of others. But it was rather hard to do so when your body wasn't wholly cooperating with you and a grotesque man was working one of the last bits of your clothing down your body. The skirt clung so tightly to Tifa's flared hips that tugging it would disturb the simple white pantie she wore underneath (they'd tried to get her into black; it had embarrassed her and she'd snuck these in instead.

Hard even to focus on the words as he started teasing. Tifa shuddered as he felt his touch sliding, twisting her gut with repulsion. New star? The thought made her queasy, and she twisted, trying to resist. It only got worse as he leaned in, his hot breath puffing against her. Promises slid into her ear, and her gaze flicked to Jessie. Right, Jessie: they'd gotten to her, gotten to her before Tifa could do anything. Again the martial artist felt a quick pang in her heart, but again her own situation replaced it.

"What? SLUT?" she repeated, almost feeling the capitol letters. She watched in horror as he started sliding her panties down her wide hips. They ruffled the thick thrush of her black pubic hair, teasing the fine hairs.

"It's our new program!" chirped Jessie, nodding enthusiastically. "It has the same general principle as SOLDIER, really. Where that enhances your abilities for combat, giving you better strength and durability and all that, SLUT works to aid your abilities for sex. So it should increase your sensitivity, enhance your sex drive..." Jessie trailed off, brow furrowing as she struggled to remember precisely what it was it all did. They had trained her, and trained her well, in how to operate the machine, but details about what it actually did were rather fuzzy.
Once he was done sliding Tifa's panties down her legs, Corneo reached over to give Jessie another reassuring pat on the head. "You don't have to know all the details. I certainly don't; the science is way over my head. Shinra's top minds came up with this one, and aside from giving us the equipment, they're paying us handsomely to take notes. So we had better get started. Jessie, be a dear and open the pod."

Once the chamber of the infuser opened with a hiss, the security chief hauled Tifa's helpless form over to it and shoved her in roughly. Her back was pressed against a metal slab, and he began securing restraints around her upper arms and wrists, as well as a strap just beneath her breasts. Curved pieces of metal were tightened against the sides of her head.

"Now," Corneo said, "of course in order to see how much your sensitivity and all that increases, we'll need to see where it's at now. Just as a baseline, you see. Which is why I had to come down for this myself." He approached Tifa, licking his lips. "I wasn't going to pass this up for the world."
The pat seemed to reassure Jessie, who very nearly seemed to preen under it. That worried Tifa almost moreso than everything else. Jessie just looked... looked almost craving the little gesture of affection. And it had been borderline demeaning, like the smart, intelligent mechanic' was little more than a dog who had done well. Who treated people like that?

Of course Jessie followed instructions. She turned, hands flying over the keyboard, looking every bit the confident mechanic that Tifa knew. The bartender/AVALANCHE co-leader tried to get her muscles to twitch, to fight back, even to drag her heels. To Tifa's credit, some of the drug they'd shot her with had started to leave, and she was more than a little tough. Still, it wasn't nearly enough. Soon Tifa felt cold steel pressing against her back, making her gasp at the sensation. Arms stretched up, more metal tightening all about her body, pinning her, leaving her open.

And Corneo saw that opening. His words had Tifa's brown eyes widening. "no, no, you don't!" she insisted, squirming. She tried to move, but her body would've struggled to keep up even if they hadn't just strapped everything down. The best she could manage was pinching her thighs together. That just seemed to make the dark forest of hair around her sex seem a little bit more covering, offering very little in the way of defense. At least Tifa could certainly resist, and this man's foul touches wouldn't get a reaction from her no matter what she did. In truth, she was more concerned about what Jessie was doing: the mechanic's hands were still at the controls, working at top speed, as if she knew precisely what she was doing. Infusion... what was all this? Tifa tried to jerk again, fighting a shiver as the chill of metal behind nearly scraped along her back.
Once the security chief had secured a strap around Tifa's waist, Corneo waved him off. "Go get the toys, Mason," he said. The guard gave a disgruntled huff and wandered off as Corneo took his place, fastening a few electrodes to her body--one one her collarbone, one on the side of her ribcage just below her breast. He placed three on her stomach, directly over her ovaries and uterus, then ran his fingertips up and down the toned muscles of her abs.

"Is everything displaying correctly, Jessie?" Corneo asked, although he didn't wait for an answer before reaching up and burying his hands in Tifa's breasts. He moaned a little as her soft flesh seemed to swallow up his fingers, even as he squeezed and kneaded them--gently at first, then more and more roughly. He pulled his hands away, only to close his fingertips on her nipples, pinching them delicately, twisting them back and forth gently, and then pinching them again--this time between his nails, just sharply enough to leave creases in her skin.
Toys? The word made Tifa jerk, or more accurately, tried to jerk. She mostly flailed as deadened nerves attempted to fire instructions to muscles that weren't quite working. She watched the man leave, definitely more interested in that then what Corneo was doing. Out of the corner of her eye she could also catch Jessie checking readings and displays.

Of course, having electrodes attached, particularly considering where they were being attached, distracted Tifa. She looked back to Corneo's work, noting the positions, worrying a little more at that. She tried to wiggle, but again, frayed nerves didn't quite want to work properly. Tifa winced as hands moved toward her breasts, sucking air in between her teeth.

"Everything looks to be reading fine, sir," called Jessie. "Showing the stuff still in her system, oh, and her pulse is spiking from your touching, sir!" The words made Tifa flush, fighting the urge to either blush or start trying to kick him again. Hands had started working her breasts, as of course they were going to. Tifa could feel them, gripping, pulling, teasing the impressive mounds. Most of the mauling, she could handle just fine. But ah, as he drew to her nipples Tifa had to jerk. That sent a little shock into her system, mostly pain. Tifa actually had to hiss as he outright pinched.

"Those are attached!" she yelped, trying to jerk away again, moving just enough to show off the amount of jiggle in her breasts (note: impressive).
"You're awfully touchy," Corneo said, releasing Tifa's nipples. The reprieve was short-lived, however, as he closed his hands down on her breasts again and squeezed them roughly. "I thought you were supposed to be tough." He leaned in and buried his face in her cleavage, inhaling deeply the scent of her skin. Then he shifted his head to the right and closed his mouth over her areola, sucking gently at her tit. He pulled his mouth away slightly to run his tongue expertly in a circle around her nipple, before biting down on it gently and tugging it between his teeth. He let go and repeated the pattern--suck, lick, bite, pulll--several more times, switching between her breasts as he did.

After nearly a minute of this, Corneo slipped a hand away from her chest, releasing the breast he wasn't currently teasing with his mouth, and ran it down her stomach. His fingertips swept through the patch of dark curls that adorned her crotch, as his hand crept closer and closer to her slit.
At least he released her breasts. Tifa flushed, turning her head away, unable or unwilling to look him in the eyes as he kept teasing her. The next line had her turning slightly pink, squirming as he leaned in further. The sniffing the almost burying himself in her ches,t felt almost bizarre. Again, he teased her chest. Tifa tried to stiffen and jerk as he started sucking on it like a child or something, feeling mostly discomfort from the odd touch. It felt a little good? There was warmth and a little pressure along it, pushing some tingling sensation into her. And the more he worked, the more she squirmed and wriggled and it started to shift from unusual to pleasing.

That is until he bit. Those made her jump. She jerked as best she could against the bindings, fighting the urge to try and kick him. Nearly each nibble drew a reaction like that, her body definitely not thrilled with those little jolts of pain. And it continued for far too long. At least he stopped teasing her breast with his hand after a while. Though Tifa had already figured that relaxing or feeling relieved would be stupid. Sure enough: she felt something moving down, drifting lower and lower. she pressed her body against the cold metal, desperate to try and get her untouched sex away from his questing fingers. Already she could feel him ruffling the curls above, which just made her shiver. Her legs tried to jerk to kick him, attempting the gesture as best she could.

Though Tifa clenched her jaw rather than let him hear her complaints about the situation, clenched it and locked her brown eyes on him, watching every move closely.
Corneo shook his head as she thrashed her legs at him; she was still too weak to kick him properly, but this would be such a pain if she kept moving. He released her other breast and ran his hand down her side, over the gentle curve of her hip and down her muscular thigh. He slipped his hand around behind her knee and pulled, lifting her leg up and pressing her thigh against her side. "There's no point in dragging this out, Tifa."

With her legs separated like this, her slit was fully exposed, and the Don ran two fingers gently down its length. He gazed up at her face eagerly, looking for some sign of reaction. Although, he had a far more reliable source of information than just her expression. "Jessie? What have we got so far?" His fingertips ran up and down her labia, slowly and carefully.

Behind Corneo, the security chief--Mason--returned with a small wheeled table laden with tools and machines. Of course, Tifa might not have noticed, with the Don's attention taking up so much of hers.
Growling, Tifa tried to jerk, to move, to at least stay out of his range. Perhaps if she hadn't been pinned, Tifa would've had a chance, probably could've avoided him completely. Unfortunately, hard metal kept her from doing more than wriggling and writhing under his touch, likely looking more enticing. at least the writhing got him to release her breast, or something did. Tifa felt the hand moving and jerked away from it, nearly slamming her body against her bindings, twisting and jerking as best she could. It almost surprised her when he managed to lift her leg up, nearly pointing it completely upward. Fortunately the brawler could manage such a pose with only a bit of stretch.

Unfortunately it made the path to her furred sex all the easier. The tight slit of pink rimmed with the thatch of black looked almost too snug to be allowed. It tucked within the muscled thighs and pulled itself almost inward. If Corneo were hoping to find it wet or even warm to his touch, he'd be sorely disappointed, as Tifa simply jerked. Oh, she felt a slight tingle. Her loins had started to send signals and she could hardly ignore having her sensitive areas tweaked, let alone the nearly constant touches and rubs that he pressed upon her body. Nonetheless, she was hardly the needy SLUT awaiting his touch.

"Some sensitivity," replied Jessie, watching monitors. "Increased heartrate at the touch... some light temperature increase," Jessie tapped screens, moving to study as Tifa jerked to try and pull away. "Jeez, sir, I'd say she's almost frigid or something..."

Tifa nearly argued, and certainly she flushed slightly. Frigid? That even sounded awful. She pulled again, and, as Corneo and others expected, hadn't even noticed Mason's arrival. After all, there did happen to be something distracting her.
"You've got a point," Corneo said, his voice mocking and derisive. His fingers began slowly parting her labia and working their way into her slit. "It's such a shame, body like hers. What a waste of potential. But don't worry." He suddenly pulled his hand away from her crotch and reached up to pat her cheek. "We'll help you find yours. We're gonna make you a star."

Corneo released her leg and stepped away from Tifa entirely, surveying the tools on the table. "Really, that makes you an ideal test subject. Oh, I could break you without the infusion. Without materia." He turned to her, leering, a vibrator wand in his hand. "I kind of want to. But, I have to think about my business, you understand?" He pressed the soft, rubbery tip of the toy against her cheek, turning it on to a low intensity. "And I think this SLUT program is going to be real, real good for business." He ran the vibrator down her throat, then back and forth along her collarbone, before working his way down over the mound of her breast, slowly but inevitably approaching her nipple.
A short little gasping breath left Tifa as the fingers explored her slit. Thighs tried to clench together, once more demonstrating impressive muscle control and flexibility., given that one leg was raised high... it didn't manage much. Clearly that had been Corneo's intent with raising that leg, pulling her free and stopping her from, well, stopping him. Though Tifa could at least pay attention, take note of his plans. The patting that followed earned a glare, and she actually managed to spit at him, which pleased Tifa, despite her fluttering gut and strong desire to cover herself up by any means necessary.

Make her a star? find her potential? It all sounded horrifying; right up there with this... this process.

Tifa watched now, just noticing the table, and seeing what Corneo drew up. "I doubt it," she mumbled as he insisted he could break her without it. Apparently Jessie had found something funny in the readings, because she let out a light laugh at that. Tifa would've shot a glare, but she was a little more focused on the thing vibrating against her cheek. Her eyes moved to it, watching, listening. So she was ready when it traveled downward, prepared as it touched her chest, tensed when it hit her--

"Ah!" came out anyway, as Tifa jerked. The sensations of vibration upon her chest had surprised her. Just that initial burst though: she managed to take a deep breath and center herself quickly enough. Though even that burst made her flush: she should've been better than that, much better.
"Mmmmm..." Corneo's response to Tifa's brief outburst was half contented sigh, half lustful moan. "That's what I like to hear." Slowly he made his way down to her nipple, circling it with the vibrator wand. "But there's no need to hold back. We're recording all your vital signs... heart rate, respiration, body temperature." He reached up to tap the metal restraints on either side of your head. "We're monitoring your hormone levels and your brain activity. We know when we're getting through to you." He pressed the wand a little harder against her nipple, turning up the intensity as he did. He had started the device at the lowest setting, one out of seven; now it was up to three.

"Anyway, don't think that if you can just get through this, you've endured the worst of it." He moved the wand across her breasts, turning it back down to setting two as he slid towards her other nipple. "Right now we're just collecting data. This isn't even close to what's in store for you once we start training."
The circles were much easier to endure. Now that Tifa had experienced it, knew what it felt like, could see where it was going, she could simply lay there and take it. Take deep breaths and put aside the sensations as they buzzed around her nipple. The little nubs of flesh still stood at full attention, pink swollen and all but begging for attention, but she could at least stop herself from jerking overmuch. That is, until he started tapping near her head. That had Tifa starting, losing some of her concentration and rocking her body against the bindings.

The sensation jostled everything, making her breasts jiggle a little and her body move again. Something clicked and Tifa could feel the vibrations suddenly increase, pushing pressure down into her chest. She hissed between teeth, her body jerking. She'd tried to bend, to cover herself and shield from whatever it was he intended to do. What happened was mostly just her jerking against the bindings yet again, and showing quite clearly that the newly increased vibration had affected her.

Tifa looked back up to him, nearly panting, as he started with the other nipple. New vibrations shook different flesh, making the orb jiggle and move. She didn't know about readings, but she knew that this felt slightly better than the other stuff. Instead she pushed through, focusing on words. "I've been through training before..." she tried, looking up at him. her eyes flashed again with that mixture of anger, frustration, and mounting arousal, and she gave her body another little jerk, pushing against the bindings that held. Tifa had a lot of strength, maybe she could actually manage to...
A sound of exasperation welled up from the back of Mason's throat. "Don, you know, that muscle relaxant doesn't last forever."

"Don't rush me, Mason, it takes time to do these things right."

The security chief leaned down--far down, considering the foot and a half he had on Corneo--and spoke quietly into the Don's ear. "I don't know if those restraints can hold her without it." He didn't want to give the girl any ideas, though she might well be getting some all on her own.

Corneo rolled his eyes and sighed. "Fine, fine. I'll wrap this up. We already know how much it takes to get her started." He leered up at Tifa's flushed face. "Don't we, my dear? Then I guess let's get some data on what it takes to get her finished." He pulled the vibrator away from her bosom and reached a hand down to her crotch. He ran two fingers up and down her slit, faster and a bit more roughly than before. Then he carefully pried apart her pussy lips, until he had exposed the sensitive nub hidden by her folds.

There was a slight click and a sharp change in the wand's pitch; that probably gave Tifa some warning that it had been turned up to a much higher setting, just before Corneo mashed it roughly against her exposed clit.

He turned towards Mason. "Happy now?"

"...I'll be happy when I get to fuck her."

Corneo chuckled and turned back to Tifa, staring into her face with a smirk.
Another jerk as Tifa heard the security chief's grunting. Her eyes flicked to him, and she wished she'd paid more attention when they'd discussed reading lips. She let her gaze flick to Jessie, but her old friend was still doing readings, carefully logging things away. Probably needed Tifa's baseline so that they could determine how much the process had changed everything. Though it did strike Tifa as slightly odd that they were concerned about that given everything they'd done to her thus far. Her musings meant she couldn't hear what Mason and Corneo said, not that she'd have managed to do so even if she hadn't been focused elsewhere. Tifa kept her teeth grit and her mind distracted, still testing as best she could. The stuff was wearing off, she could swear it.

A leer drew her attention back. Tifa glared at Corneo, then watched as he removed the buzz from her chest. Tifa couldn't quite hide the sigh of relief, and she heard Jessie letting out a chuckle as she logged something away: turns out that her breasts were at least slightly sensitive, and while Tifa had been trying to hide it, the nipple play had aroused her. Of course, Corneo was finding that out some now. Tifa wasn't exactly soaked, wasn't too noticeably wet, but she did have a heat that could be felt. Her sex tingled, and she felt her hips gyrating, trying to move against him. His fingers ruffled her nether fur for a bit, and the continued sensation was.... odd.

Fingers parted, and Tifa bit back a hiss as she felt air teasing her spots. Her little clitty looked particularly shy, tucked under folds and not too willing to make an appearance. Tifa hadn't actually found the nub herself in her fumbling attempts at masturbation, and she hadn't had any men get close enough to dare try. So she barely understood what Corneo was doing, and she frowned as she watched him turning up the thing.

"Ah, fuck!" spat the AVALANCHE member. She jerked harder than ever, letting out another sharp, wordless cry after the curse. Her thighs trembled as she felt raw pleasure sensations assailing her sex directly. The initial onslaught was nearly unbearable, spiking pleasure so intense it felt like she'd been kicked between the legs. Tifa's body kept arching, squirming, trying to break free while she tried to refocus her thoughts. She didn't need sensors to know that her nerves were firing like crazy. Her panting chest, rushing blood, and that pleasure, oh God, that pleasure, were more than enough. "Stop it!" she insisted, thrashing again, letting out another wordless near scream as frustration mounted, seeping down into her abdomen and coiling her body tightly. She grit her teeth, determined not to let release occur.
Corneo laughed at Tifa's wail, the shock and rage and desire it contained. To watch her spasming, back arching, chest heaving. He loved to watch a stubborn bitch like this climax.

Only, she didn't. He shook his head. See, this was what happened when you rushed things. If he'd taken just a little more time to tease her, he could have pushed her over the edge with this; instead, she was clinging on. Just barely, maybe, but he wouldn't let her hold out on him. Now, what to do next.

Her words, combined with the way she'd been writhing her hips under his fingers before, gave him an idea. "Stop it?" Abruptly, he pulled the wand away. "Are you sure?" He waited a few seconds, for her to catch her breath, process the sudden absence of the pleasure. Then he rammed the wand back against her clit; once it was in place, he slipped the fingers that had been holding her labia apart into her slit.
The pleasures of wand and finger made Tifa writhe and gyrate. She could feel the mounting tension forced up into her by everything he'd done. But she could tamper it down, and she did, keeping her teeth grit and fighting against it. The teasing didn't fully push her anyway, and the more she fought, the more she could just... dampen the sensation. Sort of take it. Though her chest was heaving both from effort and from arousal, and she could feel the tension pulling all the same.

Ah, but he pulled away. That made Tifa heave a sigh of relief, body trembling. She didn't quite relax completely, catching the hints in Corneo's voice. Tifa just greedily sucked air as best she could, desperate for even those few precious seconds of breath. She could hear everything: Corneo almost hyperventilating with lust, Jessie clacking away at the machinery, the thrumming of the toy. She just had to stop thinking about it and---

The toy returned, making her let out a sharp cry. Her hips jerked upward, almost as if she could hip thrust the thrumming device away. But he kept it in place, and used the opportunity to slide inside. She felt him, felt her walls clamping hard. Tifa's sex wasn't simply virginal tight: it was almost impossibly so. The well muscled woman could close her inner muscles with almost bone-breaking strength, and she seemed determined to crush Corneo's hand. Still, her hips arched, and she hissed breaths. "St--stop!" she finally had to beg, pinching eyes shut, tears starting to form. She could feel that tension rising, twisting her gut, and she knew that if he didn't give into her begging, she was quite likely to cum. "Please, stop!" she tried again, even as her body shuddered, slapping against the hot metal behind her.
The Don grimaced, as her already tight passage clenched down on his intruding digits. Only what remained of the drug was stopping her from crushing his fingers. It hurt, but it was worth it to feel her from the inside. Corneo had a wealth of experience toying with hundreds of women, and with his fingers in her cunt he could tell how desperately close she was to her climax. How he could push her over, if he just perservered a little longer.

"It's never going to stop, Tifa." He wriggled his fingers as best he could in her tight passage. "This pleasure is your life now. Learn to enjoy it, as fast as you can." He forced his fingers deeper in. Not by much, just another quarter of an inch, but hopefully that would be enough...
Fingers moved. Tifa could feel them pushing against her tight walls, writhing and wriggling against her. On their own ,maybe she could've ignored them. But the constant thrumming from above had put her on the edge. She'd been fighting the pleasures assailing her body for several long minutes now, from breast, from loin, from just about everywhere that this expert had teased against her. That tension built strong and fierce, broiling in her lower abdomen. Muscles clenched, Tifa's body tightening as she fought to hold off, hoping he'd stop for some reason, perhaps listening to her. She heard him insisting: no stopping. This was life.

"Ahaaa!' she breathed, feeling the tension growing. "Ah, Fuck!" she snapped, jerking. Her hips shot upward as the pleasure finally snapped, the tension rippling against her. "Ahaaaaaa!" came out again, accompanied by a sharp shriek. The little bursts of pleasure from her button kept firing, making Tifa's hips jerk and spasm toward the fingers. Tight walls gripped tight, milking and working as if the fingers could spew what the sex suddenly demanded. Hot and wet descended, moisture seeping forth from insides. Everything tensed and released in one might burst, the orgasm drawing her upward as it tensed and tensed. Then...

"haaaaa," she gasped, feeling her hips hit back as the orgasm started to subside. She trembled, toes curling, fists clenching and releasing. Everything kept sending pleasure signals throughout her, ricocheting throughout her body and sending her mind into those upward spirals of pleasure. Her eyes had started to roll. Panting, she glared at Corneo, still shivering and letting out heavy, breathy noises, halfway between sighs and grunts of frustration. "You--you got what you want!" she snapped, shivering, trying to curl her body inward, the pleasure at least seeping and gripping onto the muscle relaxers, pouring stillness into her body.
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