A Land Unreachable, with Stone Walls.
- Joined
- May 30, 2018
- Location
- Purgatory
Greetings from somewhere on this rock!
Let’s get down to brass tacks, shall we?
Please if you’re gonna show interest in anything below, please make sure you’ve read EVERYTHING, then PM me, then we’ll talk. Thanks! I. Can. Not. Stress. This. Enough.
About Me:
I’m here to play, to create stories. Fantastical tales that escape the norms. To step into a characters shoes and be any body but myself, because frankly, I often can’t stand myself even. Just the way it is and the way I’ve been conditioned.
I’m here to be friendly with like minded individuals. I’m not here to find the love of my life, kinda given up on that at my age. So, I will be friendly but I will not overshare anymore, please do the same and just respect it if all I want to do in OOC is plot and plan, however, that does not mean you can’t tell me about your day, nor does it mean I won’t ask. And if you ask about mine, that, I will share but little else.
I like action, adventure, mystery, romance and a smattering of sex tossed in the mix. Let’s say a 70/30 Story to sex ratio. I LIKE story, what can I say, it gets my imaginative juices flowing far, far better than anything else. I mean honestly, I can only handle so much thrusting and moaning and “Oh baby that feels so good!” Hours of that and you’ve lost my interest. And honestly for me, in order to integrate sexual scenes into a story, it’s far easier and more natural for me if our characters have gotten to know each other, are invested in each other in some fashion, on some level, at least to a degree. That does not mean that your character has to wait a year courting mine and then beg her father, uncle, brother and best friend for the key to her chastity belt (rest assured, none of mine wear one.), what it does entail is that there needs to be some connection that goes beyond playing eye tag across the street for five seconds before a bus drives through and breaks contact. I am not the kind of person in real life to see someone on the street and instantly want to hop into bed with them. I am entirely too old for that shit to be honest. Same holds true for stories I might be involved in.
I don’t have an F-List and frankly I won’t likely ever create one. I’m kinda old fashioned in the sexual relationship department. Vanilla (with a little twist), if you will. Straight forward note: I am not into serious hardcore stuff, I’m just not. Incest is also out, just nope. To each their own though. No anal either. Also, I hate sucking dick, so let’s just bypass those. There may come a time where I feel comfortable enough with you as a writing partner that those last two may present themselves but don’t hold your breath.
Now, if I still have your attention, please note that that does not mean I can’t or won’t try some things. Also note, if I’m not comfortable with something you bring to the table, I’ll let you know. I like honesty and I’ll give it as much as I expect to receive it.
I struggle with coming up with a good concept of a story on my own. However, I have no problem brain storming and together coming up with something we both can get into and have fun with. Something we can enjoy and bounce off of each other in a way that just flows, together.
”Fifty Shades of Something.” (Kinda straight forward, really but on a lighter dominating scale. I can do the lighter stuff but don’t bring the heavy shit, please. And as always, there needs to be story involved.) Think “Idealized billionaire romance with a hidden bad boy side” — Cheesy I know but it’s what I’m after.
Your Character - Business man. CEO. Hotel/Casino owner. Someone in power. He used to be a scrawny, nerdy, quiet, straight laced kid. Odd man out in the little town they grew up in. Not so much anymore since moving to a bigger city and expanding his horizons.
My Character (Tell me who you want me to use.) - She’s finally ventured out of that little town, wanting bigger and better things for herself. She stayed to take care of family and with it no longer being an obligation, she needed to get away from the memories.
They were friends, perhaps best friends, but she always had her eyes on the jocks, or rather one in particular. Though she never landed him. YC had his eyes on her but she never noticed.
She ends up in the same city, ends up working for him, having no clue who she’s working for at first. Nor having a clue of how much he’d changed.
We can discuss the dynamics further of their renewed interests in each other and perhaps how she stumbles upon his new appetites. Her curiosity getting the better of her....and so on. Also, take note that only in private will she be any kind of submissive. She is still her own person and in control mostly of herself when she’s not with him. We can discuss this too if there is something he wants her to do in public that won’t completely take away from that independence, but it’s something that needs to be discussed.
Taken (but could be convinced to have another one going). —
”Country Lovin’” — YC’s picture below and you need to give me at least a list of names of a face you would like me to use, please. Don’t be vague and tell me to choose someone for you. (Sorry, too many doing this to me, I’m not the one that’s gotta look at the face, you are, so please, tell me who you’d like to look at, as I’ve told you who I wanna look at.)
Tabitha has recently lost her husband (for stories sake, we’ll say within the last 6-8 months). The small ranch they ran together of course being left to her. Her husband however was the one that did all the ‘heavy lifting’, raising and taking care of the animals, slaughtering them when it was time. Taking care of the horses they boarded, along with their own. Plowing the larger fields and so on. Tabitha helped take care of (feeding, mucking stalls) the animals. Grew the smaller garden vegetables, took care of the main house. The Ranch was their bread and butter. They sold the fresh fruits and the fresh meats to a local grocery store, of course keeping some for their own use.
Her brother stayed and helped for a while after her husbands death but he had his own family to get back to. Leaving her with a need for help because she just couldn’t do it completely on her own.
Enter Your Character — Maybe He’s new to town. Maybe he’s not. I’ll leave that up to you. Answers the ad in the paper, hears about it from a friend, the grocery store, or some other form. He’s hired on before the brother leaves. He’d likely live on the property, a small apartment above the stables.
This can be a ‘slice of life’ type story on its own or if you have an idea to spice it up a bit, throw me the idea (and by spice it up, I mean adding some sort of supernatural or action sort of element to it. Not throwing in like he’s cheating or some shit like that, not my bag, don’t even suggest it. I want this story/romance to blossom because I’m a sap. Lol
We can either start when he’s first hired on and go from there, which I think I would prefer but it can be discussed. Or we can start a few months after he’s hired on.)
Taken but might be convinced to take on another! —
Really craving this at the moment! Really hoping to find someone interested in it! —
I think that’s about it, if you’re interested, drop me a line and we will see where it goes and what we can come up with! I’m ready to dig my heels in and get some play going!
Let’s get down to brass tacks, shall we?
Please if you’re gonna show interest in anything below, please make sure you’ve read EVERYTHING, then PM me, then we’ll talk. Thanks! I. Can. Not. Stress. This. Enough.
About Me:
I’m here to play, to create stories. Fantastical tales that escape the norms. To step into a characters shoes and be any body but myself, because frankly, I often can’t stand myself even. Just the way it is and the way I’ve been conditioned.

I like action, adventure, mystery, romance and a smattering of sex tossed in the mix. Let’s say a 70/30 Story to sex ratio. I LIKE story, what can I say, it gets my imaginative juices flowing far, far better than anything else. I mean honestly, I can only handle so much thrusting and moaning and “Oh baby that feels so good!” Hours of that and you’ve lost my interest. And honestly for me, in order to integrate sexual scenes into a story, it’s far easier and more natural for me if our characters have gotten to know each other, are invested in each other in some fashion, on some level, at least to a degree. That does not mean that your character has to wait a year courting mine and then beg her father, uncle, brother and best friend for the key to her chastity belt (rest assured, none of mine wear one.), what it does entail is that there needs to be some connection that goes beyond playing eye tag across the street for five seconds before a bus drives through and breaks contact. I am not the kind of person in real life to see someone on the street and instantly want to hop into bed with them. I am entirely too old for that shit to be honest. Same holds true for stories I might be involved in.
I don’t have an F-List and frankly I won’t likely ever create one. I’m kinda old fashioned in the sexual relationship department. Vanilla (with a little twist), if you will. Straight forward note: I am not into serious hardcore stuff, I’m just not. Incest is also out, just nope. To each their own though. No anal either. Also, I hate sucking dick, so let’s just bypass those. There may come a time where I feel comfortable enough with you as a writing partner that those last two may present themselves but don’t hold your breath.
Now, if I still have your attention, please note that that does not mean I can’t or won’t try some things. Also note, if I’m not comfortable with something you bring to the table, I’ll let you know. I like honesty and I’ll give it as much as I expect to receive it.
I struggle with coming up with a good concept of a story on my own. However, I have no problem brain storming and together coming up with something we both can get into and have fun with. Something we can enjoy and bounce off of each other in a way that just flows, together.
”Are you from Outer Space? Cuz Baby you are out of this World!” (Cheesy as fuck title I know )
I have a plan. Part of a plan! Ok, 12% of a plan. Hey it’s better than 11%, right? (Kudos to those that totally get the reference!
Plan A:Ophelia is a secret agent sent to infiltrate an illegal mercenary operation. She’s done so by cozying up to the Captain (or Lord as he likes to call himself) of the ship and operation. Not everything is illegal, it’s all actually hidden under and around very legal activities, hence she was sent in to unearth it all.
YC is second in command and has been suspicious of her for some time. Keeping as much of an eye on her, from a distance as possible. He also might be harboring feelings for her. He also very much isn’t as fond of the Captain/Lord as he lets on. He also has secrets of his own.
Ok, so let me preface this by stating that this is from my old account from years ago. I loved this story and would like, love actually, to find it again in some fashion.
A Tangled Web -- (Asylum and the_gladiator)
Plan B:Your guy is a rouge space Captain/Pirate. In general a confident and commanding presence.
My girl......Prisoner, enemy/competition, someone that works for him? Eeny meeny miney moe! Let’s talk, eh? See what kinda trouble we can make! Both adventurous trouble and sexy trouble, hmm?
Ok maybe less than 12% but hey, we can formulate further.
Plan C:IF.....IF you feel you can play Star Lord correctly, I MAY consider a story in that vein. It would be against an OC though because I do not feel competent enough to play a Canon character from GotG.
I have a plan. Part of a plan! Ok, 12% of a plan. Hey it’s better than 11%, right? (Kudos to those that totally get the reference!

Plan A:Ophelia is a secret agent sent to infiltrate an illegal mercenary operation. She’s done so by cozying up to the Captain (or Lord as he likes to call himself) of the ship and operation. Not everything is illegal, it’s all actually hidden under and around very legal activities, hence she was sent in to unearth it all.
YC is second in command and has been suspicious of her for some time. Keeping as much of an eye on her, from a distance as possible. He also might be harboring feelings for her. He also very much isn’t as fond of the Captain/Lord as he lets on. He also has secrets of his own.
Ok, so let me preface this by stating that this is from my old account from years ago. I loved this story and would like, love actually, to find it again in some fashion.
A Tangled Web -- (Asylum and the_gladiator)
Plan B:Your guy is a rouge space Captain/Pirate. In general a confident and commanding presence.
My girl......Prisoner, enemy/competition, someone that works for him? Eeny meeny miney moe! Let’s talk, eh? See what kinda trouble we can make! Both adventurous trouble and sexy trouble, hmm?
Ok maybe less than 12% but hey, we can formulate further.
Plan C:IF.....IF you feel you can play Star Lord correctly, I MAY consider a story in that vein. It would be against an OC though because I do not feel competent enough to play a Canon character from GotG.
Taken (but could be convinced to have another one going). —
”Wild, Wild West” (Picture below, added for a reason)
Miss Kitty lost her parents as a younger girl. Jonathan Holt, murdered them and kidnapped her for all intents and purposes, took her to the whore house. The Soiled Dove, run then by Miss Mona. He paid her to raise her and groom her....for him.
She was his favorite, so favorite in fact that he branded her, on her inner thigh with a simple “H”. No one else was allowed to have her and he was not a kind man. His brother, James, on the other hand was far kinder and he had developed a crush on Kitty at some point.
Kitty had had enough one day and stood up to Jonathan, leaving him with some nasty claw marks deep in his face. And she threatened to shoot him with his own Dillinger (which she’s kept since) if he didn’t leave her and leave town.
Kitty kept herself off the market but she had no where else to go, everything had been taken from her and the Soiled Dove was all she knew. She took over when Mona died.
James Holt at some point became Sheriff.
Mind you this is the BASE story behind it, we can grow the story further.
Miss Kitty lost her parents as a younger girl. Jonathan Holt, murdered them and kidnapped her for all intents and purposes, took her to the whore house. The Soiled Dove, run then by Miss Mona. He paid her to raise her and groom her....for him.
She was his favorite, so favorite in fact that he branded her, on her inner thigh with a simple “H”. No one else was allowed to have her and he was not a kind man. His brother, James, on the other hand was far kinder and he had developed a crush on Kitty at some point.
Kitty had had enough one day and stood up to Jonathan, leaving him with some nasty claw marks deep in his face. And she threatened to shoot him with his own Dillinger (which she’s kept since) if he didn’t leave her and leave town.
Kitty kept herself off the market but she had no where else to go, everything had been taken from her and the Soiled Dove was all she knew. She took over when Mona died.
James Holt at some point became Sheriff.
Mind you this is the BASE story behind it, we can grow the story further.
Taken but might be convinced to take on another! —
The Motor City, Hockeytown, Motown, Paris of the West.
Detroit, Michigan. Known for its music, sports, architecture and the multitude of cars that rolled from its automotive lines. The city known by many names.
The once great Rock City now lays in ruin. Its once grand architecture is now fading, stained with blood and age. The ice has melted in the rinks, diamond grass is brown and dead. The automotive industry has rusted and stalled, unfinished product crumbling on the lines. The music has died.
The Epicenter of the Damned
The worlds populace, or rather what remains of it, does not know this once great city by such a name. Most are oblivious and trying to survive. There are however some that know. Those that created this dark and dismal world we now live in.
A handful of scientists, doctors, Military and the U.S Government.
Some were unknowing of what they were creating while others knew it all but no one could predict the true ramifications of their experiments. Scientists and doctors knew full well there could be...side effects. The volunteering soldiers knew there could be complications. The Government sanctioned the secret program.
Super soldiers.. That was the plan. Create a....killing machine.
Time and time again the experiment failed. The test soldier died, another was brought in. Families were told the men and women had died in combat. Failures and lies. It could have stopped there. This dystopia could have been prevented but greed and power got in the way. They continued testing, they needed to get it right. For the greater good, they told themselves, the test subjects and those working for them.
Bodies began to pile up and something had to be done with them. The Detroit River is 53 feet deep at its deepest point and it seemed just as good a place as any to dispose of the fallen soldiers.
Previous treatments of the river to clean it up from its polluted and toxic state interacted with the decaying bodies and the toxins and treatments inflicted on the soldiers. Creating a deadly pollutant into the body of water. A body of water used for fishing, swimming, a plethora of recreational usage by its surrounding cities, in both Michigan and Canada.
People began to get sick. Some began to die. Investigations found the common link but by then it was too late. Vacationers had gone home. Families had returned to their lives as best they could.
The mutated infection laid dormant, just long enough for people to believe they had a handle on the situation but then, bodies in the morgues, in hospitals, in their own unsuspecting homes began to rise, hungry.
They'd gotten what they'd wanted. Killing machines. Just not the way they'd envisioned it. They couldn't control them, their primal hunger, the spread of the infection. It was all out of their hands by now and all they could do was try to survive, just like the rest of the unsuspecting world that they'd unleashed this nightmare on.
This all begs the questions.....
If the infection was created by man....could it be cured by man? And who can survive long enough to find out?
Detroit, Michigan. Known for its music, sports, architecture and the multitude of cars that rolled from its automotive lines. The city known by many names.
The once great Rock City now lays in ruin. Its once grand architecture is now fading, stained with blood and age. The ice has melted in the rinks, diamond grass is brown and dead. The automotive industry has rusted and stalled, unfinished product crumbling on the lines. The music has died.
The Epicenter of the Damned
The worlds populace, or rather what remains of it, does not know this once great city by such a name. Most are oblivious and trying to survive. There are however some that know. Those that created this dark and dismal world we now live in.
A handful of scientists, doctors, Military and the U.S Government.
Some were unknowing of what they were creating while others knew it all but no one could predict the true ramifications of their experiments. Scientists and doctors knew full well there could be...side effects. The volunteering soldiers knew there could be complications. The Government sanctioned the secret program.
Super soldiers.. That was the plan. Create a....killing machine.
Time and time again the experiment failed. The test soldier died, another was brought in. Families were told the men and women had died in combat. Failures and lies. It could have stopped there. This dystopia could have been prevented but greed and power got in the way. They continued testing, they needed to get it right. For the greater good, they told themselves, the test subjects and those working for them.
Bodies began to pile up and something had to be done with them. The Detroit River is 53 feet deep at its deepest point and it seemed just as good a place as any to dispose of the fallen soldiers.
Previous treatments of the river to clean it up from its polluted and toxic state interacted with the decaying bodies and the toxins and treatments inflicted on the soldiers. Creating a deadly pollutant into the body of water. A body of water used for fishing, swimming, a plethora of recreational usage by its surrounding cities, in both Michigan and Canada.
People began to get sick. Some began to die. Investigations found the common link but by then it was too late. Vacationers had gone home. Families had returned to their lives as best they could.
The mutated infection laid dormant, just long enough for people to believe they had a handle on the situation but then, bodies in the morgues, in hospitals, in their own unsuspecting homes began to rise, hungry.
They'd gotten what they'd wanted. Killing machines. Just not the way they'd envisioned it. They couldn't control them, their primal hunger, the spread of the infection. It was all out of their hands by now and all they could do was try to survive, just like the rest of the unsuspecting world that they'd unleashed this nightmare on.
This all begs the questions.....
If the infection was created by man....could it be cured by man? And who can survive long enough to find out?
Really craving this at the moment! Really hoping to find someone interested in it! —
”The Sirens Song”: An old tale of a Sea Captain/Pirate and a captured mermaid. Mixed with a more modern day pairing also(so four characters; the Sea Captain and Mermaid ghosts and the modern day male and female friends or strangers or co-workers, we can decide between us). The ghosts of the forlorn captain and mermaid and the love they eventually fell into before the sea claimed them both. Haunting a modern day pair of friends, literally. Until they are strong enough to either possess the humans and completely take over the pair and live out the lives they should have before they died or....merely having their unknown true story told.
”And if we’re not careful, they’ll be here after.”
Ok so I don’t have any ideas locked down but....think Jurassic Park/World. I’m thinking something after JW2, gives a broad area to work with. Can be right after, a little further down the road, I’m flexible. Love these movies and would like to do at me, bro! and bring some ideas, we can figure something out, yeah?
Ok so I don’t have any ideas locked down but....think Jurassic Park/World. I’m thinking something after JW2, gives a broad area to work with. Can be right after, a little further down the road, I’m flexible. Love these movies and would like to do at me, bro! and bring some ideas, we can figure something out, yeah?
Louisiana (or any Southern Plantation setting.) Pretty Southern Belle. A Masquerade party. A Vampire.
Let’s discuss how things go down.
Let’s discuss how things go down.
Genre: Wild West, 1920’s, (Mild)Erotic Horror, Supernatural (vampires, werewolves and such.), Space (think Star Trek, Guardians of the Galaxy, that sort of thing. Not odd tentacled creatures and such. Mind you, in a storied environment, they are ok as background or secondary type characters but when I play and especially in any sexual scenes, I prefer human on human, end of story. I can not express that enough.), Modern Day, Modern day Mafia (Pinstripes and all) and if you think you might have something that may attract my attention or curiosity, don’t be afraid to suggest it. Again, if it’s not my bag, I’ll tell ya.
-she plunked back into her chair and pulled herself up to the piece of painted plywood and drew her keyboard closer to her when she noticed the small picture frame she had positioned in the corner, pushed away from it and laying face down.
Her brow furrowed and she sighed, pushing back slightly her eyes zero'd in on Johnson around the cubicle wall.-
-a shrug, that was all she'd gotten from the stuffy, creepy man next to her. She grunted and shook her head. Sliding back into her spot, she righted the picture, making sure it touched the cubicles wall. Johnson hated that, he'd made that clear a few weeks ago. She thought it was an absolute, absurd and silly complaint. He didn't like anything touching what he referred to as "his side of the fence". She'd merely blinked at him and retorted plainly that it wasn't his cubicle, therefore it wasn't his side of the proverbial fence and that if she started actually hanging it in his cubical, then he could complain, otherwise he just needed to shut his pie hole about it. She idly wondered if he was just trying to be creepy and nosy, looking for a way in that demented head of his to touch and go through her things.
She thought better of merely propping the frame against the wall, she was instead digging in a drawer when she heard her name. Slender fingers curled around a pushpin, withdrawing it as she straightened. Slender hips rotated herself and the chair in the direction of the voice, while mischievous pale blue eyes found the source.
A smile danced across her lips, she shifted the pin to her other hand and even as she spoke to Harold, she slapped the pushpin into the side of the cubicle. The side that Johnson considered his. Then reached for the picture, it was of a woman that looked remarkably like Tabitha, only older. Her intentions were clear of what she planned to do, she simply had no intention of letting Johnson bully her into being all mousy and afraid. She'd gotten out of that, out from under her fathers thumb, her brothers as well. She finished placing the frame on the wall, making sure to rattle it just a little bit.
Her head canted softly, her gaze sweeping sideways as Harold continued to speak. Tendrils of gold bounced against her cheek, she swept them back before letting her hand reach for the offered envelope, the tips brushing against his fingers briefly. She relaxed back into her chair and chuckled softly.-
"Thanks. I'm beginning to wonder if it might be easier to ask for a change in seating, might make it easier for the kid to get things at least close to where they belong. Might save on my sanity too."
-her gaze shifted, moving to look around Harold at a now scowling Johnson. She only offered the man a smile. What was that old saying? "Kill them with kindness." Attention reverting back to Harold, that twinkle still in her eyes.-
"Hey, you wouldn't happen to know a place for some good Chinese would you? Every place I've tried since I've been here...just...bleck"
-she made a face, her nose scrunching cutely in distaste. Sometimes being new in town sucked. You had to learn things all over again so to speak. She could have asked anyone, they had all been here longer than her. Johnson wasn't an option for asking and she idly wondered how often the masked avenger actually got out and about, the mail kid annoyed her with being unable to get mail to the right cubicals, she doubted he'd be able to answer that simple question either. Harold though...he seemed like someone that might be able to point her in the right direction and he didn't exactly put her off as it were.-
-she plunked back into her chair and pulled herself up to the piece of painted plywood and drew her keyboard closer to her when she noticed the small picture frame she had positioned in the corner, pushed away from it and laying face down.
Her brow furrowed and she sighed, pushing back slightly her eyes zero'd in on Johnson around the cubicle wall.-
-a shrug, that was all she'd gotten from the stuffy, creepy man next to her. She grunted and shook her head. Sliding back into her spot, she righted the picture, making sure it touched the cubicles wall. Johnson hated that, he'd made that clear a few weeks ago. She thought it was an absolute, absurd and silly complaint. He didn't like anything touching what he referred to as "his side of the fence". She'd merely blinked at him and retorted plainly that it wasn't his cubicle, therefore it wasn't his side of the proverbial fence and that if she started actually hanging it in his cubical, then he could complain, otherwise he just needed to shut his pie hole about it. She idly wondered if he was just trying to be creepy and nosy, looking for a way in that demented head of his to touch and go through her things.
She thought better of merely propping the frame against the wall, she was instead digging in a drawer when she heard her name. Slender fingers curled around a pushpin, withdrawing it as she straightened. Slender hips rotated herself and the chair in the direction of the voice, while mischievous pale blue eyes found the source.
A smile danced across her lips, she shifted the pin to her other hand and even as she spoke to Harold, she slapped the pushpin into the side of the cubicle. The side that Johnson considered his. Then reached for the picture, it was of a woman that looked remarkably like Tabitha, only older. Her intentions were clear of what she planned to do, she simply had no intention of letting Johnson bully her into being all mousy and afraid. She'd gotten out of that, out from under her fathers thumb, her brothers as well. She finished placing the frame on the wall, making sure to rattle it just a little bit.
Her head canted softly, her gaze sweeping sideways as Harold continued to speak. Tendrils of gold bounced against her cheek, she swept them back before letting her hand reach for the offered envelope, the tips brushing against his fingers briefly. She relaxed back into her chair and chuckled softly.-
"Thanks. I'm beginning to wonder if it might be easier to ask for a change in seating, might make it easier for the kid to get things at least close to where they belong. Might save on my sanity too."
-her gaze shifted, moving to look around Harold at a now scowling Johnson. She only offered the man a smile. What was that old saying? "Kill them with kindness." Attention reverting back to Harold, that twinkle still in her eyes.-
"Hey, you wouldn't happen to know a place for some good Chinese would you? Every place I've tried since I've been here...just...bleck"
-she made a face, her nose scrunching cutely in distaste. Sometimes being new in town sucked. You had to learn things all over again so to speak. She could have asked anyone, they had all been here longer than her. Johnson wasn't an option for asking and she idly wondered how often the masked avenger actually got out and about, the mail kid annoyed her with being unable to get mail to the right cubicals, she doubted he'd be able to answer that simple question either. Harold though...he seemed like someone that might be able to point her in the right direction and he didn't exactly put her off as it were.-
Face Claims: You want to get my undivided attention? Chris Pratt is the way to go, just sayin’. I repeat....Chris Pratt, he turns me on and I’m not even sorry about it.
Here are a few others as well that will do it for me but the above still stands.
These are a few that I would like to see used, obviously so I can look at and enjoy during the course of play.
Robert Downey Jr
Christian Kane (longer hair preferred but not necessary!)
Timothy Olyphant
Jeremy Renner
((I’m sure I will add more eventually.))
You see, I’m all about using a real face that my partner enjoys looking at and I expect the same courtesy in return. It’s not that hard of a concept, really. It’s part of what helps a storyline flow in my opinion.
I will in turn ask if you have a particular face you would like me to use. I am more than happy to oblige and indulge.
Here are a few others as well that will do it for me but the above still stands.
These are a few that I would like to see used, obviously so I can look at and enjoy during the course of play.
Robert Downey Jr
Christian Kane (longer hair preferred but not necessary!)
Timothy Olyphant
Jeremy Renner
((I’m sure I will add more eventually.))
You see, I’m all about using a real face that my partner enjoys looking at and I expect the same courtesy in return. It’s not that hard of a concept, really. It’s part of what helps a storyline flow in my opinion.
I will in turn ask if you have a particular face you would like me to use. I am more than happy to oblige and indulge.
Places of Interest: New Orleans! I’ve never been, would love to go and it is on my bucket list. Again though, bring something to the table and chances are, I’ll be down for it. I haven’t been out of my little bubble to many places in the world but that doesn’t mean I can’t do research and figure out what I’m working with.
Play Places of Interest: PM and Board are viable options. I personally prefer to post character pictures, to help the visual aspect along, please don’t let that distract from verbally visual play either, from either side of the playing field.
Pet Peeves: People that just disappear without an explanation. It’s fucking rude.
If something comes up suddenly and you don’t have time to say “Hey, I gotta go for a bit.” BUT you do have the common courtesy to come back a little later and say “Hey, life got a little heavy there for a bit and I had to take care of it.” That’s cool, that’s alright. That’s fucking understandable.
If you just suddenly decide you aren’t into this RP anymore and you don’t reply and you don’t come to me like a big boy (or girl) and say “Hey, I’m just not feeling this anymore.” and you’ve been around still...yeah that’s just fucking rude. Grow a pair and be upfront about it. I’m a big girl, I can handle it but I do so hate players that just fuck off without any sort of explanation.
DO NOT Control MY character. Do not presume to say that my character has super huge tits or a shaved pussy when in fact I’ve never given that information out one way or the other. Some control is ok, for instance if your character turns mine around and pins her against the wall....that kind of control is ok, I’m down for that kind from time to time. But do not force your likes and kinks onto my character, that I’ve created, UNLESS we have expressly discussed such things AND I have agreed to them. Just don’t.
One liners. Sometimes it can’t be helped, depending on the flow of the RP and I get that but a constant stream of one line replies and it’s done and over with because if I can’t formulate a post in return that holds any significance, it’s not worth my time or yours.
Anime/Cartoon-ish characters. Just Nope.
If something comes up suddenly and you don’t have time to say “Hey, I gotta go for a bit.” BUT you do have the common courtesy to come back a little later and say “Hey, life got a little heavy there for a bit and I had to take care of it.” That’s cool, that’s alright. That’s fucking understandable.
If you just suddenly decide you aren’t into this RP anymore and you don’t reply and you don’t come to me like a big boy (or girl) and say “Hey, I’m just not feeling this anymore.” and you’ve been around still...yeah that’s just fucking rude. Grow a pair and be upfront about it. I’m a big girl, I can handle it but I do so hate players that just fuck off without any sort of explanation.
DO NOT Control MY character. Do not presume to say that my character has super huge tits or a shaved pussy when in fact I’ve never given that information out one way or the other. Some control is ok, for instance if your character turns mine around and pins her against the wall....that kind of control is ok, I’m down for that kind from time to time. But do not force your likes and kinks onto my character, that I’ve created, UNLESS we have expressly discussed such things AND I have agreed to them. Just don’t.
One liners. Sometimes it can’t be helped, depending on the flow of the RP and I get that but a constant stream of one line replies and it’s done and over with because if I can’t formulate a post in return that holds any significance, it’s not worth my time or yours.
Anime/Cartoon-ish characters. Just Nope.
Characters: Human/Human and MxF - that’s it. Please do not take that to signify that I’m in anyway opposed in real life to gay or lesbian couples, I’m not, I actively support their lifestyle as well as Transgender (and anything else! I’m for all Human Kind). Also, please note that this does not mean the player has to be a male playing a male, if you’re a great RP’er and you’re interested in telling a story with me AND you’re a female playing said Male character, step up honey because that doesn’t bother me. I also have the capability of playing a male myself, despite the tata’s on my front end (but that’s for the other forum, should I choose to play one). I just prefer Male/Female roleplay.
Age Preferences: Sorry, not into the teenage thing. I have a teenage daughter and I suffer greatly from momma bear syndrome, meaning I’d be livid if some man objectified my child. I will not play such things.
Also not into overly young males, trying to just get into my older chicks pants for the sake of doing so. My age preferences are below and they are pretty concrete, I will work with you in that age range though.
Also, I’d prefer our characters to be close in age, preferable if the man is a few years older.
Actual ages preferably somewhere between mid to late 20’s to 40.
Not into Cougar play either. And playing airheads is not my forte.
Also not into overly young males, trying to just get into my older chicks pants for the sake of doing so. My age preferences are below and they are pretty concrete, I will work with you in that age range though.
Also, I’d prefer our characters to be close in age, preferable if the man is a few years older.
Actual ages preferably somewhere between mid to late 20’s to 40.
Not into Cougar play either. And playing airheads is not my forte.
I think that’s about it, if you’re interested, drop me a line and we will see where it goes and what we can come up with! I’m ready to dig my heels in and get some play going!
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