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Fx Male Searching 1x1 Genshin Impact crave


Sep 14, 2013
Somewhere along the east coast
Hey, I like to pop in and out of this site from time to time when I'm looking for something specific. Before we get into that I am a female. 31, have a job during the day so I'll usually post relatively afternoon/night.

I would prefer to do this either over private message on blue moon or on discord. You'll have to ask me for my discord name if you're interested.

While I do like smut and NSFW atmospheres I also like a nice heaping side order of plot to mix in with it so if it's just purely sex and smut you're after I'm sorry to disappoint.

Would be awesome if this was long term but I understand people get bored and such.

As for writing I can range from a nice paragraph to multiple paragraphs. It all honestly depends on what's going on in the roleplay at the moment. I'm not gonna give you 10 paragraphs where all our characters are doing is having a lovely cup of tea.

I am a sub at the core so a dom would be nice. I also like ABO mechanics.

Link to my Male x Male or Male x Dom Fem thread

So what am I looking for exactly?:
Genshin Impact. Bold are the characters I want to play.

Eula x Diluc or Kaeya, or both
Please! I need this so much~ :heart: :heart::heart:

Female Kaeya x Diluc or Albedo

Ganyu x Kaeya
Ganyu diligently works for the Liyue Qixing without ever taking a day off. In light of the situation in Liyue the Qixing, mainly Keqing and Ninggaung decide that it's time to let their favorite secret adeptus take a vacation. A vacation not in Liyue because they know she'd just be tempted to work if she could. After an arrangement with the Knight Favonious, Ganyu is booked a wonderful trip to Mondstadt for her vacation. Little does she know foul plots are afoot. There have been more unsettling reports of missing peoples in Mondstadt and Springvale. All evidece points to abduction but not my HIlichurls but instead of people. Slavery and the sale of people are still somewhat legal in the shadier parts of Liyue. Liyue being where all evidence that these people are being taken to. It just so happens that the Liyue Qixing's beloved secretary is visiting Mondstadt during such times? That's not suspicious at all! Captain Kaeya is going to get to the bottom of this... All while Ganyu just wants to enjoy her vacation...

Ganyu x Diluc
Same start as previous plot. Ganyu is sent to Mondstadt for a vacation. During her stay she visits the popular hot spot, Angel's Share. However, an unfortunate accident forces Charles to unman the tavern while no one is around to take his place. Ganyu, being duty driven ends up taking over to help while Charles is AWOL. During that time Diluc had come to relieve his bartender of his duties for the evening only to find a peculiar girl behind the countertop. Intrigued he watched her for a time before deciding her work ethic is remarkable....and hires her. Little does he know she has a job elsewhere but while on vacation it's not like Ganyu has anything better to do. So that's how Ganyu ends up being Diluc's personal assistant.

Jean x Kaeya

Female Venti x Diluc or Kaeya or Zhongli

Sucrose x Albedo

Yanfei x Zhongli or Xiao

Ganyu x Zhongli or Xiao

La Signora x Childe

Here is my f-list if someone's curious.
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