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Sune collection (be the boy who titty fuck's Sune~) [NSFW Images]


Mar 4, 2012
So for the Grail War, the premise is a lesser mage girl is in the clock academy and basically has a weakness, very weak mana channeling capacity, any intensive spells and of high use of mana leads her to mana burn, under mana burn her body reacts by putting her in a sort of heat so that is she cums she can get some mana back. (She is also small busty and really cute. ) I am still debating if her mixed weaker mage bloodline might have to succubus in it to explain her weak mana capacity, high sex drive and beauty. but anyway, she is looked down on by her fellow female mages for being weak, but still cute enough to gain attention, and male students want to challenge her, if she burns out they win and can take advanatge of her needing release. she can also have a crush on a upper classman student who probably is interested in her for a number of reasons but she again feels inadequate so she decides she can with careful planning attain a great feat, summoning a Servant for the Grail War.

Well shit happens and she actually succeeds, but all the weight of what this means dawns on her... she is not locked in the deadly challenge of the Grail War, she summoned a powerful heroic spirit that might not appreciate that she did his without thinking it through... and worse... this servant is... a womanizer....

Space colony breeding/concubine program (update)

Space Hegemony: post Big Push

so basically the setting big is in the Big Push era of Hegemony, the Hegemony, basically being this neo-fuedal confederacy of 23 human controled systems with colonized planets and even a k2 civilization. the status quo was the Hegemony kept power by keeping planetary and system nobles happy via supplying them with concubines. then came the Big Push.

the Big Push was basically an attempt at uniting humanity and using a new warp drive template, creating millions of colony ships and trying to seed as many potential habitable systems beyond their local neighborhood as soon as possible. Why? well some think it is a uniting project, some believe a cataclysm is coming that this is a move to avoid extinction, or its a political move to seize power to the Hegemony and not the Nobles.

well what if the later was the case?

I am thinking a few centuries into the Bug Push era, alot of the human system are depleted of manpower for the big push project and maybe even the visionary behind the project is now dead. then... a universal levy is called, but this time for the military. normally the Hegemony just maintain commerce security, via their navy, but now, they possess the strongest military in the local volume, they are a K2 civ, AND they have the warp infrastructure. basically everyone who worried they would be betrayed was right.

Well, that when I thought, what if the Nipponse not only broke away, being also a K2 civ, but also with two systems and very strong navy and engineering acumen, but what if they reach out to their Setai rival and not call a truce, but an alliance. they are Nipponse after all, and which ever faction of the Setai gains the aid of the Nipponse navy will with the Setai unification wars, meaning the other clans will have to fold and join or be wiped out. So now the Nipponse Imperium and is now founded, K2 level civ, high amounts of energy, resources, living space, industry, a strong navy, but now no treaty limiting its size, further ahead in science than most civ, and with the Setai, one of the largest, best trained armies in the local group, now with Nipponse tech, and with Onna Setai, basically unlimited manpower.

the declaration of independence and unification of the Nipponse and Setai, would jsut WRECK the status quo and be super fun for political intrigue since a new military super power with rise overnight, so either the Hegemony tries to save face by disbanding its new army before other groups also rebel, use their massive military or loose it, or try to unit the other systems against the nipponse. part of the reason the Setai never conquered and populated the local group like crazy was the lack of a good navy, and their constant infighting... which is not resolved. would most nations try to become protectorates of the Nippose to avoid being conquered, or join the Nipponse aginst the Hegemony that betrayed everyone? or will other nations declare independence? I think it would be a fun storyline with different ground having to negotiate with the threat of be stomped under the boots and miniskirts of the Setai war machine.

Space Hegemony: Big Push Era:

okay, so admittedly I have been playing Surviving Mars and honestly getting some smutty ideas. Want to build a colony, okay, you'll need to make it habitable for people, before sending a bunch of specialists over. but all the specialists will be busy... and growing the colony will be slow if we want replenishment numbers right? and sending people is expensive...

Welcome to humanity's Great Push. The Human Hegemony want's to expand into their new emerging star system while resources as super easy to access and lay claim to new systems before recent K-0 civilizations jsut discovered try to expand themselves. But building new colonies will take lots of man power, the best minds, the best tech, and more than ever, fertility. The Hegemony has had the concubine program as a form of feudal appeasement to the harems of System nobility, to gen-hance the existing cuties and beauties that humanity and produce to the best that they can be. but not will rivalry in the galaxy, the Hegemony and humanity as a whole needs to claims more worlds and system FAST, meaning the tech, training and recruitment of concubines to serve as the breeding caste on generation ships and colonies needs to be increased exponentially, this means recruitment of more Booty Hunters, to head hunt the hottest ass the core systems can provide, Sensei to oversee gen-hancement and training of new concubines and more and more concubines. for the Good of Humanity's future!

So this story can go a few ways, Sune being spotted and booty hunted, maybe raped and reviewed, on beauty, libido, sexual performance, fertility and genetic suitability. Or she can be taken from her homeworld and in the care of her Sensei, helping along her gen-hancement, her beauty becomeing even more increadable by the day as she gets her accustomed to sex/rape multiple times a day. or lastly, colonists who are not sure what to expect from seeing real concubines on their ship or in their colony and meeting Sune of having her assigned to their bed along with other overwhelming girls.

or we can work out other systems and world building, but we can discuss.

Current Craving:
so this is the same setting of the space age, but during the era of the Big Push, but with a Cute Nipponse Engineer girl

Shumi Takahara: Pre-genhancement

Age: 23 Standard (44 with stasis sleep)

System of Origen: Nipponse Secundus

Planet: Sakura Secundus

Tech level: K 1.5

Profession: Engineer

Temperament: Dedicated to her studies and making things work, lacks self awareness and has very limited experiance with social and physical intimacy, easy to tease. tends to be stubborn, but shy, the Nipponse term in her native tongue is 'tsundere.'

Body type: small and busty

Hidden records: Due to streamlining of the Concubine Program, specifically the Booty Hunters, several Booty Hunters have programed AI to scan the social media feeds in worlds to rate girls deemed suitable. Normally the beauty standards are very consistent to the tastes of most Booty Hunters, but due to leaving 'cuteness' as a category, Shumi fell under the radar and did not get double checked. this resulted in her being sent to a Concubine Academy instead of a the Alpha Century 'Jump Hub.' avoiding the scandal in the program going public and still keeping records satisfied, Shumi was not trained as a Concubine, but did undergo gen-hancement to satisfy inventory logs. she still struggles to get used to her altered body and enhanced needs and if unaware of her affect on others. she is heading to Alpha Century with the rest of the graduating concubines but being thawed early in the Sleep Ship.

(shumi is more a romance character with potential for smut, Sune could be in stasis for the rest of the crew....)

Setai lore:
ah, well basically they are the descendants of Terran Japanese, and at this point in the setting they have two star systems and are working towards K2 civilization. but for fun I made a very militarize faction that is banished to the gas giant region of their primary star, the Setai. Basically they are a shogunate, but with tech and radiation issues and some spartan aspects. So they are highly militaristic, but due to the wars they have over moons and dealing with the planet's radiation, they basically steered their evolution toward breeding at insane rates keeping their manpower maxed out. so basically the average nipponse woman is fertile almost all the time, and gestation period is only 5 months, and birth is basically easy due to the systematic breeding for wide hips. so that brought on the idea of the battle breeders. the female Setai mop up units that take over once the enemy starts routing and wear miniskirts to breed with defeated of wounded enemy soldiers, they also tend to be buxom and like most nipponse, cute. they tend to finish you off after taking your seed, but sometimes if you are not wounded, and are into it, they usually take you as a POW for battle breeders to train with

What I had in mind for battle breeding (skip to 2:34 )

Sune stuff

Sune has a teacher who is lusting for her and finds excuses and ways to touch her lecture her and keep her after class. HUGE kink now, Sune has to sit on her teacher's lap, facing him. he lets the hardness of his cock now against her crotch explain the effect of her sexiness and why she needs to be cautious, but he himself does admit to enjoying her beauty and will gladly use whatever discipline he deems necessary to reprimand her for whatever he is holding her to, including rape, which he can even tell her he is looking forward too. Clothed sex and cuddling is also a craving. Sune can range from D to EE cup in terms of bust.

be the boy/young man who fucks Sune

Sune's trip.

The bus stop just outside the museum and students started to unload. Ms kai looked over at the now famous museum, I read it had once be an shoe factory in the industrial side of town before group of artists and engineers converted it into a giant play place, for adults as well as kids. still she couldn't really see the education in all this, nor could she see how only three teachers were supposed to chaperone over fifty girls. she sighed as she waited in the long line for entrance. she saw Ms Faye mischievously pulled out a flask from her cleavage and flash a wink at her. Ms Kai shrugged. Might as well.

Sune bounced up and down excitedly on her toes peering over the crowd. the lithe girl's large eyes beamed at the crazy building, all the stuff they could do there! she looked again over the heads of the girls in front of her to see how far she was from the entrance. there were boys here too! the girl blushed as she consciously adjusted the hem of her tight tank top which eagerly hugged her tiny waist while straining to contain the girl's large, but not yet fully mature breasts. its was one of the few occasions where the girls were allowed to wear street clothes without getting detention, besides sayako was not coming on this trip. sune was glad for that, and to be able to wear shorts again instead of just skirts. usually she wore jean cut offs ,but today she just wore tight black spandex shorts, it showed off much of her full hips, tone and shapely buttocks and bare thighs. however a year of fitting into sayako's tiny PE uniforms took away that embarrassment. she brushed her dark brown bangs out her eyes before holing out her hand out to get stamped.




Sune in rape city

Sune's Version^^



Sune pushed back tightly agisnt the wall, hoping too avoid the sight for the passing undead creatures. even in in the dim alley, a soft light fell over her illuminating the pleasing contours of her curvy, shapely body.

she was of mixed decent. nordic on her father's side but Japanese on her mother's side. she had all the delicate and sweet looks of a very pretty asian girl, but with a more curvacious body and particularly full bust and wide hips. the girl was a track start back in school, very fast and athletic. she was scantily clad, only in running shoes, a pair of skimpy spandex short-shorts that hugged her full hips and tone, shapely ass. her tight tank top hugged dearly to her slender waist and practically molded itself around her large breasts. the low neck to her top let much of her cleavage visible. her silky black waist length hair was braided into a pony tail than fell down her shoulder.

she was a sexy girl, and she couldn't help it. and in a city like this, that was the last thing you wanted to be. the monsters here sought out sexy women where ever they could.

Sune whimpered as one of the zombies paused and sniffed the air, picking up the sweet scent of a female. Sune blushed. she forgot the zombies could do that. she dared a glance at the zombie and blushed deeper. he was the same zombie who had raped her at the beginning of the apocalypse... and several other times. the creature knew her body well by now and seemed to have a fetish for tanned skin, black hair and large breasts....

Sune whimpered and looked back down the alley. the zombie had friend with time, and they was a huge growth of semi luminescent purple creep growing down the alley. she needed to escape, but how?!

another sune intro

the throbbing in her loins had still not gone away. Even after a full day had passed, she still felt that her body had not returned back to normal. was it that the effect of the semen was lasting longer? was her body just becoming accustomed if not expectant of the daily rape? or was her body hot with anticipation?

Sune Blushed in shame, she knew she needed to go out and forge for for supplies. her make shift rain system had definitely provided her with enough whatever but her food rations were going to run out soon. Sune shivered at the thought of going out again, knowing what would happen to her.

she was of mixed decent. nordic on her father's side but Japanese on her mother's side. she had all the delicate and sweet looks of a very pretty asian girl, but with a more curvacious body and particularly full bust and wide hips. she was a track star back in school, it was what got her her scholarship to this school. she very fast and athletic, but wonderfully curved and considered one the prettiest if not sexist new freshmen athletes on campus. the the sky turn green and the males of the city turned to horny well-hung zombies that roamed sought and raped whatever sexy girls they could find. Sune of course became an obvious target. with only in running shoes, a pair of skimpy spandex short-shorts that hugged her full hips and tone, shapely, bubble butt. her tight tank top hugged dearly to her slender waist and practically molded itself around her large breasts. the low neck to her top left much of her cleavage visible.

she was a sexy girl, and she couldn't help it. its what the zombies and other creatures of the city desired above all else now.

Sune tried to fight off the memories of being taken from behind, on her back of the a time on her knees when the zombie came on her breasts. her tank top still had semen stains form that encounter. her body grew hotter.

"just... get some food..." she told herself. "just run if any trouble comes... even HIM..."
She was blushing deeply, to go out without getting rape was unlikely. the zombies seemed to know her general location, only the creep which had grown from t
the basement up the stairs was keeping them out, and preventing sune from using the front door the two story house. the creep too had taken her, twice. both time she was careless and forgot it was there, and a third time becasue it grew without her knowing. as long as it didn't fuck her it should grow slower she hoped. at least stay on the ground floor.

finally summoning up her courage. the girl adjust her tight short shorts and re-braided her shining black waist length black hair into a ponytail. for whatever reason some zombies really like her hair to be down when they raped her, leaving her scavenge for scrunches of all things later...

Sune hopped down form the second floor window and into the alley. she huddled her tanned shapely, slender frame together as she slowly and shyly started to walk down the street hoping to avoid alerting any of the creature of the city and the ignore the hot throbbing in her loins...

sune's ass


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-My master can't possibly be the cute~

So this one is a bit of a romance, and adventure type concept, but basically take your typical Grail War setting, you are a Servant of your choice with your own motivations and principals, however, you are being summoned for the Grail War. So what master will you get, a power hungry mage, a blood thirsty conqueror, a misguided idealist, or a genocidal conjurer? Or... a small, adorably pouty and cute, lesser made hobbyist who was just trying to see if the summoning would work. thankfully she doesn't have any truely evil ambitions, but is also very shy and teasable, some one fun to embarrass, but there is a risk of running into other masters and their servants.

Your master is Shumi:
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