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(D&D 3.5 FR) Between Stars and Under Hills B.1, Ch. 1, The Star Smith

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The Dragonspine Mountains,
West of the Moonsea
Thirteenth of Kythorn

While most of Drakengard was built fully into and bellow three of the Dragonspine mountains, most invited guests entered through the River Gate. This meant passing through a well maintained but abandoned traded town hewn from living rock on both sides of where a river emerged from the mountain face below the gate.

Likewise, the Spire of the Starsmith was the highest peak of the mountain one further south, the top fifty feet of which hand been hollowed out and shaped inside and out to facilitate one of the most uncommon sites in the nation.


Though they were all known and respected enough here to have some idea of the other ways in and out of the nation, invited guests entered through the river gate. It was then several hours of walk, including a good many flights of stairs—first down hundreds of feet, then up even further—to reach the Spire. Entirely too many of their hosts gave them the silent treatment on the streets. A few looked like they wanted to spit or curse. Others, though—particularly among the younger generation, called polite greeting or pointed them out to their peers with word of their exploits.

Otherwise, the dwarves were impeccable hosts. They ensured that their visitors had comfortable housing and food that suited their tastes. Whenever they went somewhere a teenager joined them as both guide and lantern bearer. Sometimes—especially when actually walking to their audience—candles were set out to light the otherwise dark road.

On the thirteenth, as Shar cast her cloak across the heavens and the sun sank behind the mountains, painting the western skies soft red and purple, they were called to their audience.

The spire was a high, wide dome. Stairs and balconies running along the outside wall lead to windows of the finest glass, before most of which were positioned elaborate telescopes. From the ceiling—five or six stories above—hung an elaborate model of the night sky. Small jewels formed movable markers of the stars. The sun was represented by a golden sphere, the moon silver.

“Well again, friends, neighbors, and comrades,” Roderic spoke from the head of the table. “Join us. Please introduce yourselves for those yet to meet you. The king wore a jeweled crown of gold and adamant. A white fur mantle half covered silvery-gray banded armor—also adamant. A fine warhammer hung on his belt. Of medium build for a dwarf, Roderick was tall and thick of limb. His raven black hair fell to mid back, lightly streaked with silver. His beard was pure back, short and neat trimmed with no sign of gray. His blue eyes had a crystalline quality reminiscent of the finest sapphires.
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Enen basked in the attention, good and bad, for she remembered earning all of it when they were here before. She bounded up the steps a flight, then to be problematic back down as she remembered something she forgot to do below. This didn't happen often for their were entirely too many steps. Her biggest problem was they moved rooms twice to get them closer to their destination, and still keep from wearing her out. She had dressed it up of course, as guests she 'needed a room much closer to her new friend's room for she could not be expected to travel an hour to change clothes, just so she could make a dinner with them before another hour march back to her guest quarters'. Each night was in a different room a few miles worth of steps from the last and a few miles closer to the meeting point. She reveled in the new world, for she had spent her life under stars and trees. Though some of those trees were not upon the plane of Toril.

She was fit, but truly, why would she need a marathon of steps before meeting the king. To make sure you don't have the strength to go for his throat, when he asks you to do some hair-brained stunt. That was the only thought she had for their design, that and that an invading army would have to be half goat to make it all the way to the throne room. She commented this last to Fender their guide, but the young man just advised that there have been no sightings of satyr in these mountains since his great-great grandfather caught his great grandmother's hearth sister in the lower meadow with one. Strengthens the rumors of changechildren even amongst the dwarves, for that one was a wily child and had run the pants off the satyr after he had stolen her underclothes from their bathing pool. The child seemed to not see the holes in his story, she would enjoy the tale and allow him his blissful ignorance.

The meeting hall was magnificent, and everything about it brought one to the realization of how truly insignificant one is in the grand cosmic scheme of things. Her own importance held little weight in the grander relations between the dwarves and her people. She would be their emissary, and besides, this sounded very much like it was going to be fun. Enen had arrived in her most regal of dress, though it was still little more than fair leggings, calf boots, hardened bustier, and half jacket in vibrant blue. She had removed the dulling agent she used to keep her vibrant locks from drawing as much attention. She was here for attention.

Her sister, ever-overflowing in verbal acumen, had introduced her, and she stood, bowing just a bit, "Named dwarf-friend after assisting with the troubles caused by a particularly crafty hag a hand-span of years ago. We greatly appreciate your hospitality and invitation for this visit and await your leisure to your purpose."
Fanchi smiled tiredly at the dwarven wizard's familiar. He now understood why he'd not seen it before, if it was being used as a messenger. "I trust the three of them are doing well?" Those three, after all, accounted for almost all of the arcane mastery within King Roederick's forces.

Upon entering, the young giant swept a deep bow towards Roderick—at least, as deep as he could manage while wearing his mithril breastplate. (Which was freshly polished to a mirror sheen.) His heavy trigger breaches and soft white shirt were freshly laundered. He still bore no obvious weapons save for a dagger on his belt—albeit one that looked big even for a man of not quite eight feet tall.

The young giant regarded the rest of the table with dark eyes. “My name is Amalric. From three to nine years ago, I worked for his majesty stiffening the border guard. I learned a lot of my combat skills from him, for which I shall be ever grateful.

“This is my companion Tessa,” he indicated the big, tawny dog sitting next to him. “She is intelligent and understands several languages. I can translate hers as needed.”

Then he rested one hand on the tiny waist of a comely young redhead. Grinning an unabashedly thrilled grin, Amalric continued, “This is my Selena—an extremely gifted druid.”
Selena curtsys as she is introduced. "It is a pleasure..." She starts then her eyes grow wide as her gaze gets drawn into the cleavage of Torunn. She mouths out a -Wow.- Then manages to shake her head to clear it. Clearly impressed by the beautiful women here.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm a druid, which as I'm sure most of you know, means I have extremely potent nature magic at my disposal."
The man and woman sitting together were in stark contrast. She was red-haired and so fair her skin looked porcelain, while his hair was a raven black and skin so golden he had to have celestial somewhere in his lineage. She stat silently with an and watched the others with an almost malevolent look in her eyes while he smiled chatting and smiling at the others when she did speak it was only to comply with the request of Roderic her voice as pointed as the glares she cast about.

I am Torrunn, a wizard who specializes in conjuration, my companion here Jelven is from an alternate plane he specializes in the creation of magical items. That is all I really care to share about myself. Why did you call us here Roderic?
Naruna smiled and looked up the table. She stood up and waved a hand. "Excuse me for one moment ladies and gentlemen. It is a pleasure meeting everyone so far. However, I am remiss.I have failed to tell where I've been and really who I am. Again, I am Naruna. I am a favored soul of the Goddess Samhanine Moonbow." She said. She curtsyed and sat back down.
Sorry, messed that up!

Before the raven left, he told you King Roderick wanted to see you in the Tower of the Star Smith on the thirteenth. The scroll said the same thing in more formal languege, with Roderick's seal and signature. Sorry, what do you need to get here?

The half drow wore a light brown blouse and under it a green corset with brown trim and dark green pants tucked in to brown boots. She also wore a grey cloak the hood not drawn up.
A necklace adorns her neck with a sturdy chain and platinum medallion. A silver ring on her right hand . A quiver and a back pack
Amaris quietly followed the group listening to the conversations as they ascended the stairs to the tower.

Once their and the king arrived and the half drow lowered herself into a curtsy.

"Greetings All I am Amaris Moonwhisper Devotee to the Maiden of the Sword and Moon, Elistrae and it is my pleasure to meet you all. "

The silver symbol of the long haired nude elf holding a bastard sword hung from her belt at her left hip and at her right hip a well made drum and a well made short bow hung from a leather Strap. A dagger in its sheath at her left side. From the back of her belt hangs her bastard sword.
Lia was moving at a brisk jog down the path to king Roderick’s realm, making decent time, glad that her wandering had already brought her close.
After Fanchi and Lia had also introduced themselves, Roderick introduced his own retainers.

He gesture to a dwarf with a long silver beard early in his third century stood. “Allow me to present Warmen Glitterbright. Clan Glitterbright are an ancient family dedicated to perfecting the art of glass making. As a result of Warmen's life's work, this once abandoned spire had become one of the finest observatory's in all of Faerun, housing what may be the world's finest telescopes.

Warmen made a humble gesture despite clearly preening. He was missing the fourth finger on his right hand, though the scar tissue there was ancient.

The king briefly introduced the two plate armored knights behind him, and the two scribes on the other side of the table. Then he moved on too the other four dwarves present.


“My second son, Varric, and my third, Kardol.” Varic looked like a younger, sleeker version of his father. Kardol—though only an hour younger—showed his mother's golden hair.

Some of them knew that the last two dwarves present were several years younger than Vardic and Kardol. At 50, they had just completed their apprenticeships and come of age. Nonetheless, his majesty introduced them as, “My court magician, Rini Cherry Red, and her familiar Laman.” The raven gave them all a dramatic bow from the chocolate haired dwarf girl's shoulder. “And my court battle mage, Trina.”


These two girls were identical, including their alluring leather outfits, the style of their long brown tresses, and the green flecks in their silver eyes. The only easy way to tell the two apart was that Laman--the raven who had delivered the summons ot most of them--was sitting on Rini's shoulder. Her curvaceous body—though tight and trim—was a little softer. Trina's battle ax was larger than her sister's—a full out Dwarven War Ax.

They had all met these two inquisitive young women at some point. Among the most gifted magicians of their generation--which was the first generation of dwarves to have any grasp of arcane magic--they had been entrusted with sorting through the nation's collection of items of arcane power.
Roderic took his chair then, inviting the rest of them to be seated.

Amalric did a double take, “Rini?” his jaw droped just a little. “Trina?” This time he couldn't stop his eyes from dropping from their faces, to their cleavage, and down to the line of tight waist both showed.

What a diference three years can make, wow! Sune and Beronar have worked wonders with these two! When his eyes made it back to the gilr's faces, they were both having a good giggle at his expense, but also showing the pleasant flush common to late bloomers admired for the first time by a handsome man. “I'm sorry, I should have recognized you both.” He settled down in his seat as Tessa chuffed in canine amusement.

“Lets begin, then,” the king continued, “Master Glitterbright?”

Warmen stepped forwards and lay out a star chart. “As I’m sure you're all aware—and may have witnessed—on the fifth night of this month a large shooting star descended from the consolation of the leopard—or perhaps from the Tears of Selune themselves. The angle of the meteor's descent tells me that—though it was quite large—it should have been burned up before reaching Faerun's surface.

“The resilience of this meteor tells me that it consisted of one of the hardest materials known. Only adamnatine could have withstood that much heat.

“Instead of burning up, the meteor shattered into seven different pieces that then impacted separate locations. I have calculated where all but one of them has now come to rest.”

He lay out an exactingly detailed map. The politcal topography described was ancient, but the geography seemed painstakingly accurate. Small blots of golden ink indicated six impact sights.

The high ice, the Anrocuh desert, the forest of Cormanthor—about where the spider haunt woods were these days—the moonsea, the sea of fallen stars, and the mountains of Chondath.

“I'm still calculating the last piece.”

“Thank you, Warmen,” the king took the floor once more. “For many years now, I have been looking for a way to reconnect my people with the outside world. Our eyes do not handle the sunlight well, making it difficult for us to patrol our own borders, much less seek out markets for trade.

“Though our mines have not produced a substantial stock of adamnatine for many centuries, we were once rich with it. Many examples of that craftsmanship remain among the heirloom weapons and armor of our people. More importantly, we retain the infrastructure, tools, and skills necessary to work with adamantine. If some or all of these meteor fragments can be retrieved, the masterpeices we can make and enchant will open new markets for us—Phlan, Yulash, Cormyr, Elversult, Waterdeep. Sembia if a respectable merchant prince can be found to deal with.

“It is my desire, my friends, that you guide my sons on a quest to claim as much of this ore as possible. I will see you rewarded—both with the fruits of our labor and with a share of the resulting prosperity
Lia bowed when Glitterbright and king Roderick’s family were introduced, standing by the table, and looking at the map, eyes darting from dot to golden dot. “Some of these places are quite hazardous. I can see why you didn’t simply send miners after them.” She looked up, eyes roaming from seat to seat, taking in each of the gathered adventurers. Lia didn’t know any of them personally, but if they were friends of the king, then they could be trusted.
Selena for her part had been spending the last few minutes, her face beet red, and gaze laser focused on the cleavage of the half drow... The half drow's metaphorical charms had completely ensnared Selena. "Pretty booby lady." She giggles happily clearly paying no attention to the content of the meeting.
Naruna looked at everyone at the table after listening to the King's request. She smiled at the king. Then she looked at Rini. "You look well." She said. She looked at Amalric and smiled. Good looking guys and pretty girls will be with us. Tha is reason enough already. "I agree to this quest." She said.
I might do it once I have more details.... If this is adamnatine , and I have no doubt it is for I saw the event you are referring to and agree with your estimation that the meteor should have dissipated, exactly how do you expect us to transport that much of a weighty metal known for its inability to be modified? Even though it broke into pieces the sheer size is going to make transporting it difficult if not impossible.

Torrunn was not so impressed by the king she would loose her sharp wit or tongue, and they both knew it, she would speak her mind and right now as far as she was concerned the logistics had not been given enough thought. Instead of visiting with old friends she preferred to get down to business pleasantries could wait.
Roderick gave those who agreed a warm nod.

He turned to Torrun. "You have an amusing way of getting right to business without committing to the task, Torrun. We have put together some options, but if we didn't need suggestions, we wouldn't have called in specialist."

Roderic glanced at Rini and she nodded and rose. "I have been able to master a teleportation spell. I can move three at a time almost instantly up to nine hundred miles. Our strongest priest has a similar spell that takes a little bit longer but he can take 5. It's our hope that these abilities combined with yours can help us get to the adamantine quickly. I have also read of a spell--usualy called Shrink Item--that could shrink a great deal of ore to 1/10th it's usual size. Combining that wtih teleportation and magic bags, we might be able to teleport the adamatine out within a day of finding it.

"If we can't manage something like that, things will take a lot longer as we'll need to secure the fragments one at a time 'til a party with wagons can reach them."

Roderick nodded, "Marching a hundred of my warriors from here to Cormanthor, in the light of day, passing within fifty miles of Zhentil keep is hardly ideal, but if it proves to be our best option, it will at least be a good change of pace for us."
Torrunn's face might crack because there is the beginning of a smile on it.

Roderic in my line of work being noncommittal and direct are all but obligatory.

The shrink item spell has it's limits, it can only affect a certain amount of material at once depending on how powerful the caster is. If these fragments are to truly be the size you say then no one here is powerful enough to cast the spell and have it work on an object that size. Which means at best we could try and secure them while an extraction team comes to move them... though how far they will get trying to carry something that heavy and valuable is going to be interesting. Just think of what will happen once certain leaders of certain cities find you are trying to transport something that valuable.

I do not voice my concerns in order to harass you I voice them because we need a very solid strategy to do this properly.
Varic rose. "My brother and I--like every other boy in Drakengard--have spent hundreds of hours over the years studying the old texts on how to mine and work adamantine. Father has given us access to the tools that would make it possible to break the fragments apart. We won't know 'til we see them weather it's possible to break them into small enough chunks with a field kit."
The fires caused by the meteor likely burned off any impurities you will not be mining ore but pure adamantine, if you two think you are up to the challenge fine far be it from me to tell dwarfs how to mine, I will help I will be fairly beneficial in carrying the ore.
“Good to see we have an expert. I don’t have much experience mining, but I may be able to assist by carrying what I can, and acting as a sort of bodyguard.” Lia pats her bag of holding, probably the most expensive thing she owned, containing all her worldly possessions with the exception of the clothes on her back. “Might it be possible to draw a teleportation circle around some of the adamantine and bring the entire meteor to the courtyard?”
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