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Lost battle and no cash (Yummy x DonVoltonus)

"I'd recommend giving your pokemon some very personal training, they'll be alot better connected with you, and clear headed in battle."
"Uhh...r-right" Sarah was pretty sure she knew exactly what he meant by 'personal training', was that really something she could do? Was it something she should do? Well, it seemed to have worked for him at least, from the way he had been talking he had 'indulged' his Lucario himself on more than one occasion. "Well...I'll certainly keep that in mind, thank you" Sarah's dark cheeks were still somewhat flushed as she bowed her head before turning to leave, looking at the Pokeballs of her Flareon and Kirlia, thoughts rushing through her mind.
Flareon was male, so he'd be easier to train that way. Her female Kirlia on the other hand would be much more interesting to work with, and able to communicate with her psychic abilities.
Sarah managed to make her way to the Pokemon center relatively uneventfully, and was thankful for it, handing over her Pokeballs to the nurse to get them healed up whilst she organised a spot to camp out for the night, getting her tent set up. By the time she was done she could collect her Pokemon and bring them back, releasing them for their evening food.
Once they were done eating she recalled her Kirlia first, then looked at the Flareon and bit her lip. How was she supposed to go about even starting this? Just the thought though, it was already making her a little aroused, a heat growing between her legs, which made her once more aware of the Lucario cum still inside of her.
Flareon stretched with a little yawn, nuzzling her leg, soon tilting his head at the strange scent coming from her body.
"" Sarah laughed nervously, she had no idea how to even try and explain this to the Flareon. She almost wished that trainer and his Lucario were here to explain it for her. "I um...I got told about a new training method today...." She glanced down as he nuzzled at her leg, concentrating on not closing them.
Sarah shivered as he nosed at the fabric of her panties. Her pussy was already starting to get hot and wet and there was no way he wouldn't have been able to feel it through the thin cloth. "W-well's a method of training that should bring us closer you see...." Sarah hesitated for a moment, then slowly reached down, starting to tug her panties down her legs.
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