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Missing Romance (Kitten and xdeviltriggerx)


Jun 22, 2009
The obnoxious blare of the alarm clock drew him from a deep sleep. Rising, bleary eyed, he slammed his hand on the snooze button and grimaced.

"Not a good day for that alarm," Tristan muttered under his breath as he rose to his feet. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he went to his closet and began to rummage for a shirt to wear. Opting for a black buttondown shirt, a pair of blue jeans and his customary black boots, he began to get dressed for the day. He could hear his mother yelling for him.

"Tristan, come and eat!"

He knew that tone all too well. She would head off to her job as a servant to the rich family up the way...and with it, she would see her before he did. Shaking his head, he went downstairs and headed into the kitchen. Mom had made some pancakes for him, the bottle of maple syrup sitting under the warmer.

"So what classes do you have today," she asked him. Mom had tried to take more of an interest in his life despite the whacked out hours that she had been working for her boss.

"It's an odd day...let's see, history first, then gym, lunch, art and biology." He cringed when that last one came out- they were going to do the dissections today for a grade, and try as he might he couldn't get out of it. His mother had told him the education would do him good, and the teacher had said it would toughen up his stomach. Finishing what was left of his pancakes, Tristan started to head out the door and on his way to the schoolyard.
Heather Kay woke up to the gentle ringing of bells as they herald in a new day. Although, she didn't exactly wake up in the best of moods. No, instead, she stared up at the ceiling and laid there for a good ten minutes more before getting herself out of bed. It didn't take her long to prepare for the day. A quick shower here, a little make-up there and finally some clothing. Everything she owned had some designer label attached to it, but she had stopped inspecting the tags before slipping into a light blouse and pleated skirt. Couple that with some dark stockings, a pair of smart looking mary-janes and her little red tie and Heather was off to join her family for breakfast. Like most families, her mother was very devoted to her children, but her father rarely joined them at the table. In fact, she suspected that he took his meal in the office most days. Which didn't really bother her. It was the way things were and she didn't know anything else.

"I hear your teacher is planning something along the lines of a dissection today. If you want, Heather, I could call into your school and have you exempted." Linda Lee, her mother, smiled brightly over a steaming cup of coffee and plate of poached eggs.

Settling into her chair, Heather only had to wait a few moments before the servants were buzzing with life. Before she knew it an identical plate to her mother's was set in front of her. Although, her cup was filled with iced orange juice and her eggs were fried. Picking up a fork, she started moving the sloppy mess around her dish before speaking.

"That's alright, mom. I figure it might do me some good. Besides, everyone else is doing it." She forked a piece of white and smeared it across her toast. "You know what daddy says. What doesn't kill us... makes us stronger, right? And I don't want to appear weak."

That was practically the family motto. Always uttered under their breath like a short prayer, but not always followed through. Still, she knew that appearance meant everything to her parents. Or her father, at least. Sighing, she nibbling at the little breakfast sandwich she made. Conversation went on for a little longer. Mostly commenting on the weather, her after school activities and all that nice stuff. Then it was time to leave. Heather kissed both of her mother's cheeks before leaving to meet her driver outside. The way to school was a little on the long side, but this particular academy was known to house the children of wealthy families and some that were less fortunate. Tristan was pretty lucky to even be among them, but then again, his mother was a good friend of Heather's.
Tristan walked onto the campus, seeing a couple of his old friends. As the trio exchanged greetings, he looked up towards the sky. It was a beautiful day, and today he resolved he would talk to Heather one on one.

"Hey Tristan, you listening?" Diego Caballero, his childhood best friend, poked him. He looked back.

"Yeah, sorry man."

"Sorry my ass, you have your eyes on the girls." He razzed him in their usual style. "Admit it, you have the hots for Heather Kay." Tristan jabbed him in the ribs, countering his friend's own jabs. "I know when you're beat, Tris."

"Just like you're about to be right now," he retorted. The principal came walking through, the two dropping their fists and shaking hands. They never got overly physical due to their longtime friendship, but also due to an understanding that ran beyond their years. "So are you guys ready for that cat dissection in Bio today?" As he spoke, he could see the familiar visage of the young woman his heart had been set on since he was a child.
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