Mx Female Medieval, Fantasy, Slow burn, Adventure, and Romance (Updated 12/24/22)


Apr 28, 2018
United States
Hello once again!

First off, thanks for clicking on my thread and showing interest. But before we get into the plot, let me share a bit about myself as a "writer".

I've been roleplaying on and off at varying levels for about 10+ years now! By no means does that make me a professional šŸ¤£. I do this as a side-
hobby. In other words, this is supposed to be fun, therapy, relaxing. So I try not to take it TOO seriously. So if you're looking for something less laid back.. and stressful.. and more dramatic. I might not be your guy. But the draw to roleplay for me has always been the escape from reality. So why would I surround that with stress? Let's just have fun and build a world we'd both love to escape to.

1. Flexibility, I like my roleplays sliced down the middle as far as creative power goes. Feel free to pitch me your ideas and twists as you please (as long as it makes sense and isn't blatant god modding). Also I would also request that you don't control my character, as I won't control yours, because... Its yours. But of course there are cases where push comes to shove, and that's totally fine. But if you need clarification feel free to ask!

**Also, I'm pretty friendly, and love to chat. So feel free to talk my ear off or start a convo about pretty much anything. I love partners I can connect with and that bring energy. If that's not your thing, I get it. We can keep it just RP related. Also, so I know you are still reading, tell me your favorite snack!**

2. Expectations, no one is perfect and nobodys the same. My grammar and spelling are FAR from perfect (obviously) and I get sometimes we are in a rush to reply. But just make it understandable and give it substance. As far as length goes, to me size doesn't matter (lul), so whatever you see fit as far as a length of a reply goes is fine with me. As long as you give me something to run with I will do the same for you. As for me you can expect 2-4 paragraphs usually. If the plots really good and I'm really really into it you can expect 5-7+ paragraphs.

3. Smut. Don't rush it, and please don't force it. I'm fine with smut, I love me some smut, but its better when it is built with tension (teasing, accidental exposure/touching, ect.) and through plot. And if and when we do get there, don't overdo it. And by this I mean every other scene our characters bang, that will get boring fast.

Likes/Dislikes as far as smut goes I don't have an F-List, but feel free to run anything you don't see here by me.

Kinks and Likes (Scale of * to *****)

Edging (Giving and recieving)*****
Orgasm control/torture***
TLC (Tender Loving Care) *****
Oral (Giving and recieving)*****
Cock and ball worship *****
Light bondage (giving and maybe receiving)***
Edging (giving/recieving) *****
Size difference (short/extra short girls 1-3 foot difference) ****
Nice asses (big or small, as long as they jiggle)*****
Fantasy Races (elves, orcs, goblins, ect.)*****
Breeding**** (something that is usually saved for near the end of the rp)
Smaller breasts***
Big breasts**
Medium breasts****
Sensitive characters (sexually. Premature climaxes)****
Nerdy/shy or innocent characters*****
Tsundere characters**
Buff/Strong women**
Reading my kinks like you care(send an emoji if you did)*****
Description *****

Don't see one of your favorites? Ask, I'm pretty open as long as you give and take with me, I'm sure we can make something work. Unless, of course your kink is below this line. In which case.. Well I'm sorry.

Hard no's.
Toilet stuff
Disproportionate appendages.
Rape (sensitive topic for me, just don't want it anywhere near our characters.)
Gore (in bed obviously)
Dry characters
Mind readers
Age gaps (large 7+ years)
Bad endings (like I said, I'm lame. Sorry)
Not reading my thread (tell me your favorite genre of music if you read this, lul)


Mostly I am interested in a medieval fantasy setting. So a dungeons and dragons type of Roleplay. What I'm really looking for is a long-term adventure, so if we can mash our brains together on a fun storyline, that would be amazing.

A super long adventure full of tons of side quests, beautiful settings, monsters, bandits, and tons of sexual tension and lust between our characters! I'm looking to make this a long-term sort of romance where our characters slowly fall in love as they go through their journey.

I also tend to keep my characters around my age at 25 plus/minus a few years here and there. But again it's another thing that is open for discussion.

Some pairings:

Also, getting into this. Do not be afraid to say you want to play a fantasy race! I love playing against them! Or, even mix and match pairings and plots! I know these are incredibly bare. But im hoping to fill it with something completely original we can fill together.

King X Servant/assistant
King X Princess
Warrior X Warrior
Demon Lord X (Your character choice)
Monster hunters
Human X Monster Girl(s) (get as creative as you want here)
Human X Bound to summoner Succubus/Incubus (im open to playing either.)

As you can see these are incredibly bare bones because I want to really flesh something out together and make it original and fresh. Feel free to send your own ideas here as well! Like I said previously I'm pretty open and would love to hear your suggestions. Feel free to mix and match plots if you'd like as well.
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