My mom the porn star (Krad + Foxxy)

She smiles at his words and reaches for the remote control. She turns on the tv and turns to a movie on the tv. She sets the controller down and goes back to the way she was on him.
She moans out quietly as he grins against her stomach as she is snuggled up against him. Her arms tighten saround his waist softly, keeping him close to her body.
A soft hmm came from her lips as they snuggle with each other in her bed with the tv on low. At lease low enough to actually hear it and sleep with it on withought it waking you up.

(you can time skip if you like)
The woke up a few hours later. Krad looked up to see the tv still playing, and his mother laying beside him.
She felt his body move a bit and looked up to his face since her eyes were on the tv. She smiles softly at him and ran her hand lightly up and down his chest. "How did you sleep?" She asked him softly.
"Lot better since your father's departcher." She said softly to him since it was the last time she really gotten anysleep. She moved up a bit on the bed and kissed his cheek while he yawned.
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