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Star Wars RP (Funner & RPG-Girl)


Feb 5, 2018
Selia looked forward to this day a long time, her dear sister's birthday. Aside from customs that made it special, she planned to make this one especially memorable, hopefully Mount Kalee could just not dump any thick ash clouds over her favorite viewing spot, that would be lovely. Speaking of the place, it was a spire roughly a hundred feet in diameter just twenty minutes away from their home by flight--though she wasn't sure if her sister would be able to handle such speeds, since she was one of the Wingless, one of the two genders of the Gadron people.

She was already at said locale, squinting at the volcanic mountain in question. So far it hadn't been active, which just told her that it was that much closer to another eruption, though it was far enough from home not to pose a threat, even with it's closest ejection, and for the hundred of years the are had been populated, the mountain was quite large, but was far enough from home that it was only an inconvenience when the wind carried it overhead, leaving a fine layer of dust in the bowl of her spire. She'd have to set up a tent just in case the mountain had an early morning explosion, Kalee's unpredictability was actually part of the reason why she had the place to herself--no one else wanted to risk getting caught in a rain of ash, and most were convinced there was nothing to see out there. Perhaps knowing that no one else valued the area was what drew Selia out that first time, but she stayed for the view, the privacy, or the air--which was only nice when it Kalee cooperated.

She had the tent pitched, she checked the supplies again, it wasn't like they'd be out for long, but she had plenty of water on hand, as well as rations, and some blankets and pillows, since the tent wouldn't keep out the chill by itself. After preparations were complete, she decided to head back to town, she didn't want to stay away longer than she had to.
For the most part, as she busied herself with the various tasks about the chamber, mainly helping to prepare some of the cloth for weaving, she would be inwardly giddy with excitement. After today, she would not be a child any longer, but a full grown woman. Of course, as one of the Linnorn, it would be rather foolish to make assumptions for how the day would go, even if she was sure that her Drake sister was planning on claiming her for herself. And so, she would be leaving behind her old quarters, saying goodbye (though she would be visiting!) to her mothers and sisters and moving in with Selia.

Still, as Yasin finished her chores, lightened due to what day it was and her likely upcoming wedding, she would nod and smile at and with her family, laughing and accepting their wisdom, though any gifts would wait until after the wedding. This was because if for some reason Selia did not want her, nor any of her other Drake sisters, well, she would belong to her dickmother for a time. And sure, as she would rub a bit of quartz dust just below her eyes, looking into the mirror to make sure she looked as enticing as possible.... well, strings of silver and gold, a few semi-precious stones, a handful of longer lengths of silver around her waist like a skirt, and she would smile. It was traditional after all, to wear this sort of display when one was going to be with ones intended, even if the deal would not be final until the actual wedding ceremony.

Granted, as she preened in front of the mirror, and readied herself, she would check, and once all was in readiness, she would begin to walk, sandals of beaten silver on her feet, as she would go to the edge of the harem. Sure, like all Gadron buildings it was made of stone, an close to a spire, but that only made sense, given the drakes ability to fly, and tendency to refer to refer to their females as wingless, to the point where she and the other Linnorn were fairly sure that they actually thought they were called that.

Still, a smile on her face, she would sit, and wait. Her eldest sister, as was tradition, should be by soon, to... well, she would spend the day with her, to impress her, to entice her, and to have her virginity taken by her. After that... the presentation to their dickmother and Selia's choice on if they would be married or not. She could hardly wait!
Selia flew down to somewhere near the middle of the spire, where she had hidden the necklace she prepared in advance for the bride price in a dull leather sack inside an old lunch box, though the hiding place was good enough without the need for subterfuge. The necklace was something she took a lot of care with, she didn't have much, but from her various outings the past year, she found, traded animal resources, or performed tedious and/or heavy manual labors for what she used as materials, not to mention the odd gold pieces she'd acquired before then. She had practiced making very slender, very precise holes in stone blocks before so she wouldn't waste resources, even if she had to give it to her mother, she wanted it to be as beautiful and unique as the young woman she would claim by the end of the day.

The necklace itself wasn't overly complicated or flashy, though calling it simple would be accurate, Selia preferred the term "sensible", with nothing taking away from or outshining anything else. It was adorned with four fangs from vifers--the swift, weasel-like carnivores that roamed the fields--and a couple of shiny, small, delicate-looking gold orbs between each pair, in the very center was an obsidian sliver as wide as a couple of fingers, the edges worn away carefully to be as smooth and elliptical as possible, though not quite as long as two fingers, it was smooth on the surface as well. All the pieces were carefully, meticulously drilled with a diamond tipped needle and woven with sturdy but thin fibers from some plants growing south of the village, along with silver and gold string for beauty.

She lay it around her neck and let out a deep breath, she hoped it would be accepted as it was during the ceremony's negotiations, she didn't mind running around looking for more resources, but she really rather not if she didn't have to. Selia made it with her sister in mind, so the craftsmanship was as good as someone of her low skill level could manage. Still, the incisions were clean, and she had polished any scratches she made when her hand slipped, but she was sure--being younger than her mother--she missed something that could've made it even better, that in her great naivete she accepted that is was good enough without pushing herself, or that she had undeveloped tastes and should've added something more, but she was more than prepared to add a little extra if her mother wasn't satisfied.

Her bride price ready and displayed on her person, Selia started back to her dickmother' home, when the Drake arrived, her eyes were greeted by the jewelry adorning Yasin's already beautiful body. As she approached her younger sister, she smiled at her drakesisters as she passed, surely hoping the necklace around their elder sister's neck was a wedding gift to whichever of them didn't turn down Yasin, but at the same time, that would surely not be the case, not if they thought and felt like Selia did. She almost felt bad for them, but she wouldn't lock Yasin up or something, they'd be able to admire her beauty whenever Selia visited, or if she couldn't, wouldn't hold Yasin back from visiting home.

"Yasin!" Selia called out happily, as she ran to embrace her sister, very eager about making her sister hers "Hope you're having a happy birthday, Sis. I'll see if I can't bump it up a notch or two! So, did you have anything planned for the day, hmm, all dressed up..."
Yasin, on seeing her sister, gave a squeal of delight, and ran forward, ignoring her other drake-sisters. Sure, if they were at Selia's home she may be expected to help entertain them, but for the moment? She had made sure she was all dolled up for only one of her sisters. The one that she was hugging, her body rubbing against hers. The one that was going to make her a woman. The one that she had all but wheedled a promise from her dickmother to accept a marriage offer from. Of course, that would be if Selia wanted her, which, from the necklace she was wearing, as she nuzzled her neck?

There was a warm flash of contentment, even as she would of course be nice and proper, demure and submissive to her intended. "Well, my dragon," and really, so what if she used the term that spoke as if they were already married, "my plans are in large part your own, though I would hope that the end of the day would coincide with..." She would giggle, and wink up at her. "I have a wedding gift ready."

There is mischief in her eyes, even as her red and blue hair, highlights of purple flashing through them, as she looks up at her. "Of course, spending time with you..." She would hum and nod her head... and her tail would be moving back and forth, she smiles. "Oh, and I should mention, all of my clothes are handmade." She would puff up with pride, even as she would have her nipples graze along her sisters scales. It was traditional for a linnorn to spend the year before her coming of age to fashion her courtship dress, as well as working particularly hard to acquire the small amount of property and assets that they could, and would belong to their intended.

After all, while the drake may control the household, it was the harem that actual did the management, farming, looking after livestock, mining and the bulk of the crafts. Thus, a wise Linnorn sought to bring a few things into her bed to help her prospects. "Though, the Ullfi have been lambing, and perhaps it would be good to check up on them." After all, over the last three years she had managed to acquire five ewes and a ram, though she had been selling the lambs to finance some of her other deals.
Selia enjoyed the way her sister's body felt against hers, smirking when Yasin nuzzled her, hoping she noticed her handiwork. She let out a soft, gentle, but certainly hungry growl as her sister addressed her as her dragon, her hold on her sister tightening a bit as her sister spoke. Selia chuckled as her sister winked at her.

"Well, as it happens, I believe your wedding present is also ready exchange." she had to exercise considerable control not to press her hips against her sister's, let her feel how excited she was to make Yasin Selia's Linnorn.

She ran her claws through Yasin's hair when she looked up at her, she was so proud and felt quite honored that Yasin had gone far beyond her expectations for the dress, just because it was traditional to make it didn't mean it had to be so lovely. Her hands on her sister's back told her that it was a very nice fabric she used, certainly something to be treasured, "I'm very impressed you got this ready in just a year, it looks and feels so expensive." Selia bit her lip and glanced down at the nipples brushing against her scales, she wanted to take Yasin to her bed right now, but hearing about her Ullfi, she decided that maybe she should wait, "Alright, if something needs to be done, I'll do it, you worked hard on that dress; these are just my usual's the least I can do after you let me borrow your crafting tool, I still owe you one, remember? I'm a Drake of my word."
She would seem pleased at the growl, perking up, even as her lips curled into an amused half smirk, even as she would nod. "Mostly taken from my Ullfi." Which, as she would turn, hands brushing against groin, was another way of subtly bragging about the wealth of her little herd. And for the most part, the Ullfi was a creature that resembled a sheep, and yet, like most creatures from Gadron, it was able to incorporate metal into various parts of itself, or in these cases, the wool. While there were three main breeds, the Gold, Silver and Iron Ullfi, for the most part that refereed to what metal it was able to incorporate into it, though Rams were notably, when it came to breeding, metal neutral.

"Besides, I wanted to look nice, as this is the day when I'm supposed to be showing off my wealth, skills and appearance to my dragon. Of course, if I listened to the older girls, you might have liked it best if I just showed up with gem dust coating my body and a pair of heels." She stuck out her tongue, playful, before she would continue. "Besides, it's not like I'd want my first time with you to be right here." She would look down, right at her groin, and lick her lips, coated in a small amount of ruby dust, sparkling under the suns light.

Still, she would seem to consider things for a moment, before checking around them, and the coast was clear. Having done so, she dropped to her knees. "Selia Ritar, I, Yasin Ritar ask your permission to court you on behalf of our sire Salia Ritar and according to custom. Until the time comes, as the sun sets and you present me for the negotiation, you are my dragon, my mistress, my world and the center of my being. I kneel at your feet, and offer all I am and shall be and all my daughters yet unborn." She blushed as she finished. For the most part, this ritual greeting was very old fashioned, and rarely done anymore... and almost always an indicator, as she smiled up, that she wanted this.

"And my dragon, if you owe me... perhaps you can carry me around today, when you are not... making use of your property?" She blushed then, cheeks blazing red and blue.
Selia's eyes lit up at the thought that--in the last year--Yasin was able to sheer so much wool from her Ullfi that she could spare some for herself, she was sure that most had to be sold for the adornments, though she wasn't the expert on how much wool the creatures produced, or how much wool she was looking at, her focus did mainly lay in training, pushing her physical strength and honing her efficiency in fire breath output, often protecting the clan from the Vifers by keeping their numbers down, allowing Linnorn wise in the arts of medicine to go out with no fear of being turned into one of the beasts' snacks, though it was only common sense to watch after them just to be safe; more than once such precautions saved their lives, it was also a good way for Selia to familiarize herself with plants, to develop her trading skills by learning the value of different parts of a plant.

The Drake chuckled heartily at her sister's jab at the older girls advice, and shook her head slowly, "Well, I don't know if these girls are trying to deceive you to sabotage you or what, but I like what you have on now, it looks very comfortable to you and feels great to me, around your body, in my arms...that would be a really strong selling point if I were to buy you something. Just knowing that it's also the accumulation of all your skills, displayed for me? It' honor to have such a dedicated Linnorn, devoting so much time and effort and supplies for this day...if the Drake of the house doesn't end up demanding some earrings in addition to the necklace, I may feel like I'm cheating her out...maybe I should have made a matching necklace for her chief wife, just in case I wind up paying the bride price?" Selia was being playful, but then she paused to seriously consider if her prepared gift did her sister justice--not that anything could, but if there was something she could've done to go the extra mile, if she had been stingy at all. Selia wished there had been a better way to hit Vifer's than in the snout, who knows how many teeth she could've sold if the hadn't broken in the animal's head? If it was that simple, though, she would've had a small fortune by now.

She bit her lip when her sister brought up giving Selia her virginity right where they stood, it didn't seem like a great idea, she had to agree, but the thought weighed on her. Yasin's hand going to her groin before hadn't gone unnoticed, the same could be said of her gaze this time, she noticed there was ruby dust on her sister's lips, the sudden interest to clean her lips struck the Drake hard, she wanted her little sister so much right now, and was about to ask who's room she should make Yasin an adult in, make her Selia's in, when her sister dropped to her knees. The words were hazy, but she knew what this meant; still, she wanted to honor her sister's efforts, so did her best to recite the ancient reply, as she moved her hands to caress her sister's cheeks, "Yasin Ritar, I Selia Ritar, grant you permission to court me, on behalf of our sire Salia Ritar, and according to custom. I intend to fulfill or accept the dues of the negotiations after the sun sets and keep you as my chief wife, my greatest treasure, my most adored possession. I accept your offer, and most proudly, gladly take all you are and shall be, and all your daughters I shall sire."

Selia hadn't been sure if the first wife was traditionally the chief wife, or if the declaration of intentions was ever used with chief wife in it's recital to the Linnorn of that status, or if that was simply something specified before hand, but she knew that this was what she wanted. She glanced down at her groin, the throbbing member pressing through her undergarments and making its presence known through the fabric of her clothes, she wasn't sure if her sister had intended for her to claim her here, but as she glanced around behind her, she saw that no one was present yet and wondered how long it would stay like that, she slid her hand under Yasin's knee and the middle of her back, and scooped her off the ground, "Mm, I find your proposed manner of compensation to be quite only question is where I should carry you, my room or yours...or perhaps I should show you where I planned on spending the night with you? We'll only lose forty minutes going back and forth."
She would give a gasp at the mention of chief wife, as that was decided, almost always, as a matter of pecking order and authority inside of the harem, apart from a favorites of the moment. The chief wife was the one that their dragon considered first in their hoard, and to be offered it before they even married? She had been lucky in her gambling and investments, and would have some extra things to give to her for the bride price, even as she would do her best to win her the dowry. Still, as she was gathered up in those strong arms, a hand brushed her groin, she would give a smile and a wink. "My dragon, you are courting me. While I wanted to get on my knees for you, and hopefully will be spending a good bit of today on them, I just wanted to say the old words in private." She would giggle. "Its more romantic that way."

Still, as she seemed to consider things, finger tapping her chin, she would look up and be greatly amused. "As for where you make use of your property my dragon? I am your linnorn and you are courting me. While it is impolite to breed my cunt in front of others until the time of the presentation, as anywhere and anytime else, you may have me as you please." She would give a pleased sounding hum, as she relaxed in her arms, breasts pressed upwards. "Did I not just pledge that I belong to you? That I am yours in all ways? I stand between childhood and womanhood, and yet, as Linnorn, consider me a sex toy that speaks to you, that loves you and makes your house. If you are hard, feel free to jerk yourself off using the body that belongs to you, or command me to attend to attend to my mistress."

She would giggle, a hand moving up along her stomach and breasts, as she looked happy and content. "My childhood, my time of freedom is over. As of now? I. Am. Yous." She stresses each word, as she pokes her sisters chin. "So my dragon, by your command, what are your plans for your property?"

There is something saucy in how she says that, as was the wink and the stuck out tongue.
"Hehe, I know, but I wanted to try saying the old words back to you, it just felt right." Selia licked her lips as she carried her sister towards her quarters, having decided on taking her sister in her bedroom. Just the thought of laying with her in Yasin's bed, breathing in her scent, making a special memory in the room where the young Linnorn had slept for so long just felt right somehow to complete the transition between child to adult in the same bed she slept, make Yasin hers in the room that had been Yasin's private place, her home within home.

"Well, my sweet harlot, I plan on taking everything that belongs to me, and I can't think of anywhere that belongs to you and you alone more than your very own bed, after your throat or your knees get tired." Selia replied, revealing her intentions as she watched her sisters hands explore her own body, "Let's enjoy your final day of childhood and your first in adulthood in your bedroom together." she caressed Yasin's cheek with her own as she spoke, "I'll make you a proper Linnorn, leaving no part of you untouched...especially your mouth, I want our dickmother to lose herself in you well before I'm overwhelmed by my own inexperience, not to mention just being in your cunt will work against me, I'm sure you could just milk me dry." she lay the girl down for just long enough to get the door open, then scooped her back up again and carried her into the bedroom, she was only ever in the room a few times before, and often wondered how it would be to lay in the bed with her, lay in the bed with her cock in Yasin's mouth. She laid her little sister down and pulled her shirt off, followed by her leggings and underwear, which was had a very eager erection straining against it before it was free.

Selia intended next to lay beside her sister, hold her tightly, and kiss her deeply, not being able to hold back her excitement and include her tongue almost immediately, tracing Yasin's lips before gently pressing into them. She wanted to take her time embracing her this way before rolling on top of her, let her hands roam the dress Yasin made, her kiss becoming more insistent, lustful.
She would giggle, licking her lips almost in response, as she took in the much more reptilian, much more powerful and savage form of her sister. Still, she would speak, her tone a purr. "All I had is yours. It is now your bed, my dragon." She would pause a moment, before she spoke, her words thick. "From the moment of my hatching, all that was mine was yours. It merely took until this moment for the world to become aware of this simple truth." Her words hold her conviction in their truth, in their simple power, even as they pass by some of the other Linnorn in the harem, heading for her chambers. Drakes did not often venture this far into the harem, unless it was their dickmother of course.

Still, as she was placed on the bed, she would speak, as she looked up, as she was ready for the embrace. "If you wish it, my gift for you is on the desk, the larger box." She spoke it simply, as she would wait. It was not something particularly flashy, a simple iron collar, with silver tracing that marked the wearer as property of Selia, along with a leather leash. She was... aware of some of her sisters desires, and if she was to be a good girl, she would have to share in them, revel in them, and encourage them. She did not need to have a weeding gift of course, as the bride, but still, it was only the... erotic thing to do.

Of course, as lips met lips, and hands explored the dress, she would press into the kiss, her hands roaming naked flesh, exploring that body, roaming up and down, making sure to know each inch of the dragon that was claiming her inside of her reach. For the most part, these hands were soft, tracing each scale and pressing, moving and seeking, never stopping, even as they would tease any pleasure center they could find. Still, lips would open, to accept that tongue inside, to let it plunder and take and explore, because as her folds dampen, rich with dew, eager to have her sister claim what was hers, everything was hers for the taking.

Now, as hands explored the dress, she may be able to discover one simple fact. Linnorn courtship dresses, no matter how pretty and beautiful, no matter how well made, are designed to come off easily, with a minimal amount of damage to the dress itself, though of course, their dragon could always just tear it off in their haste.
Hearing her sister speak, Selia couldn't help but feel a fresh surge of pride. The was absolutely no way she would've let her sister pass onto someone else, even if she could've elected to skip the one next in line after herself, but even if that old feud and giving her rival victory after so many years wasn't an issue, even if Solia could've held her peace to accept the claim with grace, Selia couldn't have given Yasin up, everything inside her wanted Yasin, so she would take all the girl had with all that she was. She wasn't sure what any of the harem might have thought, seeing Selia carry the greatest treasure she would ever possess, but they knew what day it was, as well as the duty, the privilege, that was Selia's alone to fulfill. It was a sacred work, and was her pride and honor to perform where and however she pleased.

When she heard of her gift, she turned around in surprise, she recalled her sister had told her she had a present ready, but she had taken that to mean Yasin was ready to give herself to the Drake; now her mind was spinning, what sort of treasure would she be able to add to her small hoard of more common material? She decided she should investigate this, and as she opened the box, she was greeted by a silver gleam from within. She hummed approvingly as she removed it and the leather bundle with it, found that the leather was a length of leash to compliment the iron collar. She was quite taken with practical simplicity, and the name of the Drake in silver was all that it needed as far as adornments went. She smiled as she studied the tracing, it stood out very well against the solid iron, as she felt the heft of it, she wondered if iron was worth it's weight in Ullfi wool.

When she had leaned over her Linnorn and closed the iron hinges of her gift, she made sure to lay her cock into the soft dress, she was sure her sister could feel the heat pulsing through it, the eagerness she felt growing stronger in herself, "Thank you, Sister, my wife," pride burned inside her, though she hadn't married her yet, the words felt so right, "unless there is yet another very ancient tradition you rediscovered from the jaws of time, you have honored me beyond words, I won't let your efforts be wasted." she brought up her claw, the leash wound around it, and thought how good her palm felt with the leash in her hand.

The gift just made her want to claim her sister so much more, and started with her mouth, her hand holding the back of her sister's head, growling softly she grew acquainted with the lips that would come to please her well, the depths of her warm, sweet mouth, the soft tongue she brushed her own against. She let out long, rolling groans, the kiss growing more wet and messy as her Linnorn sought out the best ways for her hands to please the Drake.

Selia was shivering with blissful excitement as her hands felt the dress' design, and tested her suspicions, carefully at first, but as she found her suspicions confirmed, the dress was not covering her sister's body for long. She considered the courting dress as a treasure, a monument to her sister's love and devotion, as well as skill and wealth, so instead of dropping it on the floor, she lay it over a pillow.

She laid her hands on her sister's newly bare flesh, staying true to her word, she explored her the dips and curves of her hips, sides, and stomach, took in the whole of her torso before moving to her breasts, fondling her gently at first, though her hands grew more insistent as she caressed them, her eyes stuck on her sister's as she felt the nipples between the pads of her digits, though her hands soon slid down, past her sister's hips, to her thighs. She gave her Linnorn a gentle squeeze on her thighs, raising them slightly, glancing down between them, eager to fill the space between them with her body, claim Yasin's body with her own. She looked back up at Yasin and moved her hips to feel her sister's body, her eyes closed as she first felt the dampness, her readiness to be taken, and moved back down to kiss her sister, murmuring gently before filling the girl's pussy, "Mm, time to fulfill my duty and desire, claim your virginity, push you over the threshold between childhood and adulthood."
In truth, the dress and her herd comprised the vast majority of her personal possessions, along with a small handful of tools. Most of her wealth, earned from the time she was hatchling and decided that this was the path she would take in life, had been carefully built, hoarded, expanded... and then spent on the materials for the dress. Sure, it was not like iron, gold or silver were particularly valuable until crafted and given pleasing or useful shape, but still, as she would smile, as she would exalt in the hardness and heat of her dragons shaft, even as she would merely shake her head at the question. She had no more little things to drop on her, even as she all but preened as the collar closed around her neck, and there was a rush of juices on her folds as she saw the leash in her hand.

Still, looking up, with eagerness in her eyes, she would speak, as her legs parted, giving her older and larger sister plenty of access even as she would begin to move them, ankles reaching near her ears... and perfect for grabbing onto. She had read on the holonet that offworlders practiced a discipline similar to that used by the linnorn to make sure they remained in ready physical condition for whatever their dragons required, though for some reason, they tended to call it yoga. Still, she would not speak, though she would give a needy little moan, eager and hungry, even as her eyes, wide and eager would look up, ass shifting to try and have her be impaled on it as soon as possible.

After all, they had the better part of fourteen hours before she needed to be presented for the marriage rites, and she was eager to make sure that she looked like a well used cock-sleeve by then!
As Yasin spread her legs for her intended, Selia couldn't help but smile. She didn't know how long she wanted this, thought about getting a collar around her sister's neck. Even though she would carry Yasin like the treasure she knew her to be, she couldn't wait for their dickmother to see the gift she was given, it was her very blatant claim to her sister, and Yasin had given it to her.

As the legs were raise up high, Selia eagerly held them, gasping softly as her cock pushed into her smaller sister's folds, first the tip slid into Yasin, followed soon by the rest of Selia's hard, throbbing member. She looked down at the Linnorn's hips, gazing with love, joy, and pride as she met the resistance of the Linnorn's hymen, with a little pushing it soon gave way to the Drake. She couldn't help but reach down to claim her sister's breasts again, giving her an affectionate squeeze as her cock filled the girl's tight virgin pussy, stretching her with the girth of Selia's cock.
She smiled back, eager, wet and ready, even as she felt the hardness, the drakehood of her sister pressing against her. She would, as she felt it go in, whimper, throat expelling air as she almost whined, as she needed it, wanted it, longed for it with every scrap and part of her being. Of course, she did not feel pain as her hymen tore, rather a wave a pleasure, as her body shook, and as she looked up. While it would take some time, and was not yet complete, the bonding process had begun. It was somewhat more... complete in their species then others, though it was a secret never shared with drakes, kept hidden among the Linnorn.

Still, as she would flex and clench the muscles in her folds, seeking to squeeze, milk and from the feel push out the throbbing shaft, she would feel it beginning, feel herself becoming more attuned to Selia, her whims, her desires, her needs and wants. While most Linnorn changed on their bonding to their dragon, it tended to be subtle, small things, little things in line with the preferences and needs of their dragon, some of their own desires changing to match those of their partners. It did not change them completely, and indeed mostly provided small nudges, but the linnorn all agreed. It made them better for their dragon, and she was the one that mattered the most.

And so, as she would begin to breed her pussy, as she explored, she would try and clench and ripple and milk, even as she gave a gasp and coo, as hands squeezed her breasts. Nipples would be hard as diamond against her palms, as flesh would yield, slowly and surely, firm above and like a vise below, as she whimpered, and tried to avoid wiggling like bait on a hook under her sister.
Selia bit her lip as her sister's needy sounds reached her ears, it only made her fill Yasin's tight hole more eagerly than she already would. Her eyes were on those of the girl she now claimed, licking her lips, she wanted to keep Yasin shaking, hit her hard with wave after wave of pleasure. The Drake bit her lip, the very heat of her sister's body was very pleasing, and as wet and tight as she was, it was just that much better.

Yasin's clenching muscles were especially delighted in, giving her even more friction as she pulled back, making her even tighter when she thrust back in. This was certainly something she wanted more of in the future. Breeding her smaller sister, touching wherever she liked, hearing the lovely sounds she made for her, she'd be especially excitable now that the time of waiting for her sister's fifteenth birthday was finally over. She leaned back down to fill her mouth once more with her tongue, longing for the sweet, wet heat of her Linnorn's mouth as she continued massaging her breasts, pressing the hardened peaks with her thumbs, thrusting her drakehood deep into her sister.

She slowly pulled her mouth back from her wife's, threads of saliva breaking as her hands went down, resting on the back of her sister's thighs, trying to thrust faster while keeping Yasin still, the desire to fill her sister's womb quickly increasing as the heat in her member rose, the pleasure building inside demanding release, "Ah, oh, Sis, you're just a natural little cumdump, aren't you? Keep squeezing me just like that! Mm...even your sounds are so good!"

Selia closed her eyes as she thrusted, the thought coming back to her; Yasin belonged to her, and no Drake would feel her pussy except Selia, this was pleasure reserved strictly for her.
She gave a pleased moan, as her sister complimented her skills, as she would give a mewl of pleasure and need, folds rippling and moving as if to clench and try and suck her shaft right inside, this time almost in time to her thrusts, as it would loosen as it left, only to tighten again and try and suck it all inside, as her back would arch, even as she would time her exhalations with her thrusts, so that each time she would slam in, it would force a moan and a whimper from her, even as she would seem to almost be vibrating, hips moving forward to meet hips on the downward stroke, and trying to following them out.

Still, as the saliva spilled across her chest and stomach, she would merely give a light breathy groan, begging without words for the mouth back, as the muscles in her thighs would tense and relax, moving as she would try and strain her back, to mash and meet with her sister, to give up everything even as she would be taking everything. And of course, that was only the most obvious thing that was happening. The Gondar are a species that was deeply in tune with the Wild Force, with the primal energies of nature unshackled from the more binding views of light or dark that dominate Jedi and Sith thought, to the point where many of their abilities are instinctive and subconscious.

Then again, while by itself the feminine juices of a linnorn helped increase arousal and staying power, it was largely mostly just a medium for their own version of force refreshment. Granted, it faded after two or free months after they lost their virginity, but in the meantime? As Yasin cooed under her, juices gushing again, coating the shaft inside of her, she was in for a long day as she was made full use of.
Selia was panting heavily as her sister's movements matched her own more and more, sliding out became smoother and pushing back in gave her more sweet friction, she was really impressed with how Yasin was doing, and was sure that if this kept up, she would be finished soon, though she kept thinking that, and yet, she was holding on fine. She wondered if it would be even more intense the longer she kept going, the longer it seemed Yasin's body made her go, despite being so tight. Truly, Linnorn were wonderful.

As her hips smacked against the birthday girl's, filling her with her drakehood, Selia smiled down at the wordless begging, and after cupping her cheek and whispering, "You're so cute." she took her sister's mouth again, this time pressing her lips with varying degrees of roughness, though ultimately her tongue did return, her hand on the back of her intended's head, feeling her red, blue, and purple hair; her own deep green hair just an inch from Yasin's cheek, kept shorter in the front so as not to be singed by her own flames if the wind blew the wrong way. She moaned softly into the kiss as Yasin's body rose to meet her, and arched her back to assist.

Even though she expected to lose herself near immediately, the unknown aid her sister's juices gave her allowed her to enjoy the way Yasin felt against the Drake's larger body, letting her burn in the sweet flames of passion much longer than she could have without the Linnorn's abilities.
Right now, as Yasin moaned right into Selia's mouth, the main thing that was going through her head was a simple desire and need. Really, she was unaware of anything save for her sister, for her dragon. The world fell away, and all there was were sensations and needs, desires and aches that spoke entirely to her instincts and feelings, with no rational words or sense. And now? Despite trying to push that shaft out of her, despite a rippling cunt that was at once trying to push it out and swallow it whole, there was just the aching need to be filled, to be pumped so full of jizz that it hurt, and for her belly to swell with eggs... and for them to be Selia's.

And so she moaned right into her mouth, as she gave voice to this with a single word, that came came as an exhalation and almost shriek that blurred and managed the single word. "PLEASE!" Lips vibrated, as she shot the single thing down her throat, as she begged and needed this. She needed to be bred, to be claimed in all ways, to become Selia's pretty little broodmother, even as she was reaching a third high so far, and she would begin to just keep whimpering, needing and aching, her cunt trying her best to milk that shaft, to drink like some wanton, filled with the need to quench the raging fires.
Selia was so lost in the rhythm, that the muffled cry caught her off guard, the needy whimpers that followed made the Drake crave her release even more, not just for herself but to give Yasin what she was trying so hard to attain, and so when she pulled back the next time, she took a deep breath before filling the Linnorn as hard and deep as she could, pressing the head into Yasin's cervix. The Drake gathered up her sister in her arms as overwhelming pleasure surged throw her, surprising her in intensity as she kept her hips ground firmly against her little sister's, shooting her cum straight into the smaller girl's womb.

Moans of pleasure rumbled in Selia's throat as she filled her sister with her seed, the intense flames of desire now melting into sweet, blissful satisfaction. What could be more satisfying than enjoying her chief wife-to-be, taking all of her, filling her with her love? She purred softly as she considered the only real answer was to do so again and again.
As her sister, as her dragon erupted into her, she gave a great cry, as her back suddenly became ramrod straight, groin slamming upwards to meet her sisters hips, as she would give a keening cry of release to join the vertible flood of femcum and madly clenching muscles in her folds, as she came alongside her, her sisters release and planting her seed the spark that pushed her over the edge and into a mindblowing release of her own, even as a part of her was eager and ready, another part was crowing and exalting in who she lost her first virginity to, as she accepted her love, and hopefully her clutch inside of her.

Still, as she would be breathing deeply, breast moving up and down slowly like the swells of the sea, she would be purring, and making little cooing noises, as she relaxed. She was not able to speak just yet, even as she would keep with the kiss. Still, she would not pressure her dragon. After all, as she had said earlier, her will was to be but an extension of Selia's own. When she wanted to continue, or walk her out of the harem wearing only the collar and her sandals or dress first, that would be entirely up to her.
When Yasin reacted so intensely to Selia's release, the Drake couldn't help but let out a low, satisfied growl. She pet her sister's hair affectionately as the Linnorn released on her, it felt so good, knowing her pleasure could make the smaller girl cry out in bliss like that. Eventually she had to draw their lips apart, her own face flushed from the intense orgasm her sister gave her, she took deep, ragged breaths as she held her sister possessively, as much as the pussy hugging her drakehood.

Selia slowly lay onto her side, keeping her sister in her arms and her cock buried deep within her still. As her body settled down, she would find that the passion still flared up inside her, that her burning desire for her beloved sister hadn't been fully sated, though for now she would be quite content to hold her for now, enjoying her sounds, the way she felt when she moved in Selia's arms. Even as her body craved more, she found the position they were in to be very relaxing. She decided it'd be nice to cherish the Linnorn she claimed, enjoy a restful few moments following the fulfillment of her duties.

"How's it feel, Yasin, to be an adult? Not missing your childhood yet, are you?" she teased, pecking her sister lightly on the lips.
She would give a pleased whimper at the growl, reacting to her dragon without rationally understanding why, body shifting to indicate submission and affection, like a pet that just did well and was being praised for it. Still, as she would begin to nuzzle her older sisters neck, she would speak, her tone quiet and pleased, flush her her own orgasm and climax. "The only reason I do not regret that this day did not come sooner is because I would have had less to offer you. As it is, while it is cute that your asking me for my opinion my dragon..." She would look up, backing away after returning the peck.

"You are treating me like an off-world male would his intended. Seila my dragon, I am a linnorn. The moment I was at your feet this morning I stopped being a person. You do not need to treat me so..." She would scrunch her nose, as she was thinking of a way to put it. "Delicately. Yes, I am being a bad girl by telling you how to act," she would giggle and flutter her lashes, "but a linnorn dreams of her wedding day. I'm happy however you want to treat me, but..." She paused and looked thoughtful, then she winked, smiling.

"My dragon, I exist to serve and please you. Use me, jerk yourself off with me, this body belongs to you, it is yours to do with as you will, even if many a hatchling dreams of being used to near her breaking point by her dragon." She would giggle, even as her cunt muscles rippled. "Even if I couldn't get the harness ready in time...."
Selia smiled lazily as Yasin spoke, and held her tightly in her arms, "Hehe, just enjoying the moment, little slut. Mm, using you to near your breaking point can certainly be arranged, I'm going to thoroughly take you before the day's done."

She thought of how she wanted to claim Yasin next, though she was curious about the harness she mentioned, it seemed she wanted it for her wedding day, so Selia was certain it would be applicable for the Drake and her sister, "How close to complete is your harness? If you could have it ready before the presentation, I could just jerk and finish on you or in one of your holes while you work. In any case, I want to fill your mouth with my cock now."

As she finished speaking, Selia rolled again, laying her sister back down and slowly pulling out. Selia sat up on the edge of the bed, her drakehood still glistening with her sister's Linnorn juices as she watched her sister intently.
She would blush, even as her nipples hardened and her folds clenched in anticipation. Really, there was just something romantic about a drake taking what she wanted. Really, it was nice in a way to know that Selia valued her, but hey, she was not some child any longer, she was Selia's. Really, her older sister did not need to say anything, unless.... internally, she gave a shudder. There was no way her sister was submissive. Still....

At the question, and as she would begin to move as she spoke, helping her leave, she would speak, as her mouth was against the scales. "The leather arrived late actually, so have been cutting it into the strips, but have not finished the buckles or decorations." The latter of which was mainly so it was not something plain... and made to match some of Selia's dresses, to resemble something close to a bikini. After all, it would be something for her to wear, she she may as well look amazing!

Yet, as she slipped off the bed, nipples and breasts moving over the cock, she would take the shaft inside of her own mouth comfortably... even as she would give a contraction so her throat was nice and tight, almost a vacuum seal around the shaft, lips closed, as she would begin to move down. She would not stop until her nose touched her dragons groin, taking it all in with the seeming ease of experience, even as her tongue would begin to move around, shifting over and under, tasting the entire shaft as she gives a happy purr.
"Mm, sounds like a couple of days' work, I'm sure you'll do an excellent job on the decorations, your work so far is very pleasing--aaaahh, and I don't only meant the things you've made." Selia commented, moaning softly as her sister's mouth took her cock, her eyes gleaming with lustful excitement as she filled the younger girl's mouth, down the throat that tightened around her.

Selia dug her fingers tightly into Yasin's colorful hair, watching as she took it all in with no hesitation, she reacted to the tongue and vibrations of the purr by holding her sister firmly in place and standing up. She stared down hungrily at the Linnorn and pulled her drakehood almost out of Yasin's mouth, reveling in the sensation of her tongue on the head of her member, then slid it all back in, repeating the motions after she remained firmly planted in Yasin's throat for a few moments.

Eventually she decided to try barely pulling out at all, working on getting as much friction as she could in her Linnorn's tight throat.
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