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Bloodkiss/Russian Vodka

She laughed, a sound like ice shattering. "Don't look so terrified, boy. I'm not as terrible as all those stories. At least not without provocation." She paused, picking at her long, almond-shaped nails idly. "So, tell me...why have you been trying to hide from me right under my nose?" She eyed him closely, her silver eyes sharp and alert.
His pupils changed at the sound of her calling him terrified and telling him that she wasn't terrible without provocations. It was like something sparked inside him as she then questioned him with what seemed like the first of many questions. Damian took in a deep breath as he then exhaled. "I have not tried to hide, Miss, I have simply maintained enough invisibility as to keep the servants from finding out about me." He told her, knowing that she would be the first to know if there was a servant acting strange in the castle.
Ariya chuckled, leaning on the side of the large wooden tub. "Alright then. Why are you trying to maintain thise ruse. What reason have you for coming here in the first place? We have nothing here that our neighbors don't have."
"I came here, in the hope of finding others like me, but also to gather information." He spoke, not looking at her as he closed his eyes, already seeming images of what might possibly have happened to his family, whom he had been forced to abandon when he had been turned. "My heart aches, and if I want to rest fully every night, I have to find out what has happened to them." He whispered to her, knowing that she probably wouldn't know who he was talking about.
Damian turned his head towards her, keeping his eyes closed as he tilted it a bit. "My family." He spoke in a soft and slightly sad tone as he slowly opened his eyes, looking at her with the black, empty-looking orbs. "I was forced to abandon them when I was turned and I'm trying to find out now what had happened to them." He added shortly after.
She frowned, puzzled. "What does all of this have to do with me or my brother? You came here because we are vampires? We haven't turned anyone in centuries."
"I came here because I wanted to know more. Mainly in the hope that someone in the staff knew about my family, but also because being turned has left many questions unanswered." He could tell from her tone what her expression was as he looked back at the door. "I'm still feeling new at being a vampire, every night I fear that I'll forget to go to sleep because I want to see the sunrise." His voice dropped in sound, but he was sure that she'd still hear him. He was confused about the whole vampire thing, seeing as the vampire who had turned him, had left him as quick as it had happened, leaving him on his own to die.
"So you came with the hope of learning more about your new heritage? Well, you are lucky you came to us. I suppose we can teach you a few things. But, first and foremost: forget every myth you've heard in your past life. They are all terrible tales told by men and women who hold centuries old grudges. Nothing more." She paused, leaning down and scrubbing her legs with the coarse boar bristle brush. "Don't fear the daylight. Fear the creatures who roam it. Many would strike you down without warning."
"Thank you." Damian whispered as he heard what she told him. "I have not heard more than stories when I was a child, I did not believe them because I wanted to see them first." He was almost silent when he spoke as he looked at her, hearing the brush against her legs. "I don't fear humans, yet I do not tend to go too near them." He told her, understanding what she said.
She nodded, seemingly deep in thought as she scrubbed her arms. "How long since you were turned? You are obviously not a fresh turn. And how old were you when you were turned?"
He looked at her, hearing her scrub her arms as he then thought back, going through time. "I was seventeen or eighteen." He said, not remembering it clearly as he had been sick for a very long time after, not knowing how long had passed since he had been turned. "I think it's around fifty years ago I was turned." He wasn't sure about dates because his memory was blurry the further back he got.
She nodded, processing this information. "How far did you travel to get here?" She sat the brush down, now occupying herself with running a comb through her long hair.
Closing his eyes again, Damian begun to focus. He wasn't sure how long he'd been on the road to get there, but he knew that he had left a few corpses behind him, having to feed on the way. "I'm not sure how long exactly, but somewhere between three or four weeks." He told her in a slightly doubtful tone, doubting himself.

((I'm not gonna reply very quickly because I gotta write something on a story for a friend.))
She chuckled. "That's quite a journey. I'm sure we can make it worth your trouble." She ran her fingers through her freshly washed and combed hair, the soft strands scented like rosemary and mint.

(ok. I'm watching a movie with my niece anyway, so i'll be slow too)

Damian heard her chuckle as he instantly smelled her hair, being reminded of an old memory that he couldn't recall fully, not even seeing much of it. "Thank you." He told her, closing his eyes again.
She moved aside the curtain and stood, taking a drying cloth from a chair beside the tub. She was unashamed by her forward behavior, and hardly seemed to notice her momentary nudity. She wrapped the cloth around herself and stepped out of the tub. "We will speak to my brother in the morning. He is a much better teacher than I."
"Yes, Miss Ariya." Damian nodded, not daring to look at her naked as he was afraid of what might happen if he did as he blinked a few times, wondering over why she said her brother would be a better teacher than her. He had always seen her brother as the one who would never stop to teach someone, usually leaving that to the head servants.
She dried her legs and arms off quickly, then wrung the water out of her hair with the cloth. When she fnished her task she went to the dressing screen across the room, tossing the wet cloth over the side of the tub as she passed. Taking a thin shift from the screen, she pulled it over her damp hair, the thin fabric clinging.
Damian had his hands in his lap, knowing she wouldn't be able to see them as he drove his fingers into his knees, feeling aroused because he knew that there was a naked woman, vampire too, in the same room as him, getting dressed now, he didn't move or say anything as he didn't want to accidentally upset her.
Ariya went to the fire, sitting down in a large wooden chair, covered in furs. She pointed to a chair across from her. "I'm not sure what you know and do not know, so it makes sense to begin with any questions you have."
"Okay." Damian nodded to her as he got up from the chair, noticing the furs as he sat down in the other chair. "I don't know where to start, but maybe you could tell me a bit about how to behave and act around humans?" He was mostly concerned about behaviour and how it meant to be around humans as he often had trouble, holding himself back from assaulting them to drink their blood.
She nodded. "You're still young, so you'll need to drink more often. Do not give in to the temptation to attack a human. If you feel the need, come find myself or my maid. It is hard, but once you learn to curb the lust, it becomes easier. Can you do that? Cecilia and I will help to the best of our abilities, but it is a hard battle, won only by your own hand."
"Yes, Miss Ariya." Damian nodded towards her, noting that as he knew that he didn't want to make mistakes. He wanted to be able to conceal himself and his nature, yet walk amongst humans and be able to act like one of them. "I will try my very best." He said, putting on a hopeful smile.
She nodded. "We will try to help you along. But as I said, it will be a hard battle for you. Eventually you will need to feed less often. I rarely drink blood anymore, because of my age. Your new powers, whatever they may be, will strengthen with time. And as for the sunlight, you can go out into it, but you will need more blood to do so, and your heightened senses will go back to how they were when you were human."
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