Fx Any Tons o' Fun, And Shady Puns ~ [All Are Welcome Here] ~

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Aug 17, 2016
Utahlkin' About Me Mother?!
Hey There!
Welcome to my Request Thread!

I'm Umbrale!

If you want to know more about me, then here it is! Else, skip on below for the regular stuffs!

I'm a college student with absolutely no idea what they want to do with their life. I'm a professional procrastinator, barista--which I dearly enjoy being--and overall nerd with a love of all things gaming, anime(seinen), and EDM.

I've spent over six years roleplaying, and tend to be fairly literate. I don't, however, enjoy putting a word limit or average on myself, as it tends to vary greatly. Depending on my interest in the story in question, I can write anywhere from two paragraphs, to a dozen. Hell, I've written my own scenes-worth of multiple characters once or twice. I try to match my partner, or more often than not, my partners tend to be about the same level as I am. Although with abundant levels of self-deprecation, I never really take that into consideration.

At the moment I find myself struggling to make ends meet, and might have to pick up a second job. As such, more often than not, my replies take a while.

If there's anything else you'd like to know, feel free to ask! I'm fairly open.

The Important Parts

  • Prefers Literate Partners
  • Plot Over Smut
    • Plot-relevant smut is fine, and of course some plots will have more smut than others. However, it's important to equalize this, or at least have things be relevant, if it isn't a smut-based plot. Else, the roleplay tends to grow stale for me.
  • Uniqueness is Key
    • Make a good first impression, have a sense of humour, and throw out something unique. The cliche and vanilla plots that I see all too often, are just not fun for me. I want something fun, something refreshing. The more unique it is, the more likely I will be interested.
  • Communicate!
    • If you don't like something, let me know. It's no fun if it grows stale for either of us. I always keep an OOC chat with my partners, so don't be afraid to talk.
  • Patience!
    • I'm in a really rough spot right now. If you can't be patient, then I don't think we'll work. I always reply, but sometimes you just need to wait...
  • Prefers PM's or Threads
  • No Toilet-Play, Watersports, or Vore
  • Don't be a brain-dead zombie, without a sense of humour.
    • If you want to leave a good first impression, then make a joke, good or bad, when you first PM me. Introduce yourself.

I'm here to write, relax, and make some friends.
So, have some fun with it, aye?

A Few Notes

  • I Love Grammar and Diction
    • If you can hit me with that, I'm going to love you already. I adore unique writing 'voices'.
  • I can play anything.
    • At least, I like to think so. Male, Female, Beast, Monster, or just about anything in between; I've probably played something like it. I do tend to enjoy Female characters the most, though. Mamono are another highlight, be it male or female(or something in-between).
  • I like all kinds of stories, but all can be fun.
    • It doesn't matter if its dark and depressing, grim and bloody, fluffy, or the like. Everything can have humour, be it sarcastic, bubbly, or grim. Crack some jokes, have our characters be alive, and above all, let's have some fun. Surprises, and the like, you-know?
  • Story-Depth & Characters
    • I adore stories, where we can spin off endless characters and the like. Starting with an original pairing is fine, but its a wondrous experience when we can flush out random characters or people within the stories, and run them off as well. A story, after all, is rarely about the two people, aside from the beginning. Let's switch perspectives, play the bad guys, the supplements, or the sidekicks. Let's roll with those that should be in the spotlight, but are never given the chance.

Turn Ons

  • Biting/Markings(leave a hickey~ <3)
  • Plot
  • Facials
  • Handjobs
  • Aliens, beasts, monsters, etc.
  • Plot
  • Brains(Smart characters!)

~Current Cravings~

I'm really wanting something deep and psychologically/emotionally/existentially fulfilling. Whether it be dark, sadistic, bloody violence playing over the passionate stems of lust through adrenaline, or the sweet-tragedy of beings struggling to survive in a world hunting them down. I want a powerful story that'll sweep my feet away and suck me into it's enticing depths.

Hand-in-hand, I really want to be drawn into the conflict, struggles, and unions of characters. I want to feel what you're writing, and vice-versa. Make me beg for every new reply and added pit to the weave.

Shadowrun/Cyberpunk/Modern Fantasy - I would say that I have no idea why I want this setting and style so badly, but in reality it completely encompasses my other cravings. If you know what the setting is, enjoy futuristic-fantasy with the dark existential and philosophical tones that Shadowrun-esque stories(not to mention the games themselves) hold, you already have my attention.

And, that's all there is for now! If you're interested, send me a PM, I'd love to hear from you!


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