Love Me Atypical - mxf, fxf, nsfw


Apr 1, 2018

Hey there. While I'm new to the site, I'm not that new to role play and collaborative writing as a whole. I've had enough experience to begin to know what it is that I'm looking for. Saying that though, just because you don't see something in this thread, doesn't mean that there's no chance I'm looking for it. You'll never know until you ask, so please feel free to drop me a private message.

This is going to be a bit of a stream of consciousness, that I'll try and format into something that looks pretty, although my bbCode skills are a little rusty. It's not likely to contain anything resembling a plot, at least not at the moment, but more loose inspiration ad my areas of interest. I like working things out together. So if there's anything here that catches your eye in any way, or even if you just fancy a chat about something, or would like to know more about the girl behind the keyboard, drop me a PM, and I'd be more than happy to chat with you.

I love using imagery, as you can probably tell from a quick scroll through this thread. I love using it to augment my writing, and stimulate my imagination, whether it's for loose inspiration, or even as a face claim, or to show a specific outfit, or position a character finds themselves in. Another thing to mention is my love of detail in the background, and world building. I love researching stories in quite a lot of depth, really getting to understand the surroundings and the background of a pairing. Or even better, working with someone to build our own background for a world together.

From a practical point of view, I'm open to MxF, or FxF pairings, other's might take some convincing, and I write in third person perspective. My default is to use private messages, but I might be open to threads, or other methods of writing together if my partner prefers something else.

This thread is a little bit long winded at the moment, so I won't say that you have to read every word. If you'd rather get to know me by chatting, then feel free. But if you want to settle in, and have a read about my interests, then this is the place to be for you.



- Introduction
- Story Themes
- Settings
- Character Tropes
- Things Vaguely Resembling Story Ideas




I like stories that are based around these themes. Action based, following the lives or certain scenes of everyone from police officers, to spies, to soldiers, to politicians, to criminals. Stories that can involve gritty, potentially dark aspects, while focusing on overarching plot themes. It could be a big, complicated arrangement that we build together, political scandals and high level crime. Or it could be much simpler, perhaps more along the lines of police procedural set ups.

Either way, this opens up the option of exploring a favourite character trope of mine. Badass women. The type who might be drawn to the seedier side of the world. A life in the criminal underworld, or maybe as a fixer for a politician, or working for other shady government departments. Fighters, from tough backgrounds. Hard drinkers, drug users, psychos who have a fetish for blades. There's all sorts that can be explored here, everything from the adorable psycho with knives strapped to her thigh underneath a pretty dress, to the angry, tomboyish gutter punk who wouldn't be seen dead in anything but clumpy boots and shredded jeans.

The relationships that can develop with this kind of character can be incredibly interesting to explore. Something that forces them into submission? A fiery romance? Them taking the more dominant role in the bedroom? There are all sorts of options.

Romance, in all it's wonderful, confusing and messy forms. I love to explore a budding romance, between all manner of characters. Soft and loving, with lots of presents and tender moments between the two. Or violent and passionate, with broken furniture and unhealthy relationships. All can be fun.

Two young lovers, exploring each other, as well as themselves together. We could follow them through, from the first date, through to meeting the families, moving in with each other, proposals, even marriages. And of course, all the mess that there will doubtless be along the way. Break ups, cheating, arguments, fights. Holidays together, road trips, meeting each others friends. There are so many aspects to explore in a romance pairing.

Just as fun as something compatible like this, is contrasts. I love contrasts. Old and young, rich and poor, foreign and local, big and small, innocent and experienced. The idea of a romance budding between two people who should never connect, but somehow do, and all the mess that can come with that is incredibly interesting to explore. I love the idea of someone being dragged out of their comfort zone. A young, tomboyish teen from a poor background finding herself surrounded by the high life, or dolled up for a formal ball, totally out of her depth.



Sometimes, not being in control can be the greatest feeling in the world.

There's something very intriguing about D/s dynamics, and BDSM activities and relationships as a whole. I love to play characters who end up on the submissive side of a dynamic like this. Now that's not to say they'll always be submissive in a traditional sense. Some of my characters may be massively headstrong and feisty, and yet still be the ones who end up on the bottom in the bedroom. It's a very interesting dynamic to explore.

These relationships can be entirely consensual, perhaps intertwined with romance as a pair begin to explore the dynamic between each other. Or perhaps something a little more dark, with her being coerced, or even full on forced into the bottom of a D/s dynamic. Exploring the emotional and psychological states of people in this kind of pairing can be just as interesting as the actual sexual acts of the relationship.

That's not to say the sexual aspects aren't important though, not at all. I love the changing hands of control that can come in within this kind of dynamic. Control over her appearance, where she can go, who she can see, what she can do, what she can eat. Collars, bondage, rough sex, corporal punishment, spanking, caning... So much fun to be had. More on some of these is likely to come up later.

Ranging from playful and romantic, to dark, and even brutal. These kind of dynamics are so interesting.

I'm open to various settings for a game. I think the easiest way of getting some suggestions across is a straight up list. As I've mentioned, something not being on this list doesn't mean I'm not open to trying it, so if there's something you think I might enjoy that I haven't mentioned, feel free to suggest it.


Perhaps the most basic, modern settings are where I got my start in writing, and where most of my stories still end up. Run off the mill, modern. The world you can see by looking out of your window.


This can be a fun detachment from reality. A fantasy world, one of our own making, or potentially a fandom of sorts. I've got a bit of a thing for playing elves...


I'm open to a huge range of settings within a historical context. Ancient history, Greeks and Romans, the dark ages, Vikings, Victorians, Tudors, Revolutionary America, Slave Trade, Age of Sail, World Wars... Probably more that I haven't mentioned. You don't need a history degree to work on one of these settings with me, I know that I certainly don't have one.


Something that I don't have a lot of experience with, but am definitely interested in. Try me.

Boarding Schools

Always a fun setting, with a lot of variance. From a realistic, modern sort of place where it's similar to most high school style settings, all the way to places that are little better than prisons. Like school uniforms and caning? This might be the setting for you.

Alternative modern/Alternate history

Modern, or historical, settings, that we've taken a bit of liberty with, making alterations. Could even include urban fantasy type settings.


From an office, to a restaurant, to a hospital. All types of workplace environments can provide great bases for stories.


Military settings have always been interesting to me. Soldiers? Officers? Enemy fighters? Civilians? Modern, historical, or even futuristic, military settings can be a lot of fun.

Police Procedural

From beat cops, to detectives, to high level armed police or hostage rescue teams, all of it can be exciting.

Spy Agencies

Taking the police idea even further, exploring a story within intelligence agencies of various sorts could be fun. This has the potential to get very dark... CIA black sites and torture for anyone?


The cutthroat world of politics. Staffers, aides, elected officials, fixers... All sorts of fun to be had here, as we explore worlds of scandal and power.


There are a few archetypal character types that I often enjoy playing. That's not to say that every single character that I play has to fit into one of these categories neatly, often times they won't, or could even be completely different to the type of people I'm describing here. These are archetypes and themes that I find myself coming back to time and time again.

Wild Girls

Not wild as in the stereotypical 'bad girl' sort, that's something different. No, I mean wild in it's most literal sense. Girl's that come from a background that has left them almost feral. Perhaps some kind of less advanced society, or even a different species (I've played stories involving elves that are seen as primitive and barbaric before). This kind of thing can lead to some incredibly interesting stories. Often the culture she comes from might not actually be undeveloped, it's just different, causing most people to label her as barbaric or uncivilised.

Eating with her hands. Wild hair, braids and even dreadlocks. Either baggy, unflattering clothes, or the opposite, with her wearing no clothes at all by choice. Often she might be dirty or unhygienic by the standards of 'civilised' society. If anyone has ever read the First Law trilogy by Joe Abecrombie, Ferro Maljinn is a perfect example of the type of character I'm think of here. From a harsh background, not trusting of anyone, primitive, wild behaviours, bouts of skilled violence.

Stories involving this kind of character often involve a large amount of world building, something I love exploring. Building up a word to explain why this girl is so wild. Everything from as complex as entirely knew worlds with various races, to as simple as her having being raised in a hippie commune, or out in the woods.

No picture for this one for now, I can't find something that encapsulates some of what I'm thinking for this sort of character without simply being cheesy.

Tough Girls

This is an interesting one. Soldiers. Cops. Criminals. Assassins. Spies. Rebels. All of them can be characters that would fit into this type of archetype. They're cool, collected, and undoubtedly doubtless. Equally as unafraid to be violent as they are to be seductive, whatever it is that's needed to achieve their aims. This can also come into more more mundane settings. These kind of character doesn't necessarily need to be in a traditionally bad ass position in order for this character type to come out. The cool girl, smoking and wearing leather jackets at school. The tough girl on the sports team. Athletes, fighters, all sorts of others can come under this banner.

This can link into some of the darker themes that I intent to discuss later on. Girl's who aren't afraid of getting into a fight, and coming away beaten and bloody. The same kind of logic could be applied to sexual situation for some of these girls... They're not going to cum unless the sex is rough and violent, both giving and receiving blows. We don't have to go this far for any character fitting this kind of archetype, but it's definitely an option.

This one's a little short, and I'll likely come back to it after I've had more of a think about wording exactly what it is I'm looking for with this kind of archetype. You can see some images that might help get it across here



Sultry Sorts

A very different archetype to the previous two here. Women who know exactly what they are, and exactly what that can do. Who know how to move their body, how to meet someone's eyes. How to attract. This isn't exclusive to this group by any means, many of my characters might be a little more on the seductive side, but this archetype is a slightly more extreme version of this. A character like this would centre herself around this sultry nature. It would be an important part of her identity, and how she goes about her life.

Sultry doesn't have to mean feminine, although it often will. A tomboyish teen can be just as sultry as an elegant model to the right man. Or woman. The kind of stories that would develop around these characters are often very much relationship and character development focused. Obviously, relationship development will come into it heavily with a character like this. But growing the character can also be very interesting. What it is that makes them this way? Are they hiding deeper issues with their seductive natures? Something more sinister? Or are they simply looking for someone to spend time with, and this is their way of doing it. All sorts of options.
Things Vaguely Resembling Story Ideas

This is a very rough list of loose ideas at the moment, so please don't assume that if you don't see something on here that I'm not interested in it. If you have your own ideas, or something on here interests you, hit me up.​


A prison setting. There are so many options we can explore here, with so many different characters, and levels of darkness. We could make it a realistic, almost slice of life style exploration of life within a prison for this character. Perhaps she's a tough one, who did something serious to belong there. Perhaps she's totally out of her depth, a white collar crime sort of thing, or something being dredged up from her past that has landed her there. We could explore her life in this setting, and perhaps even relationships developing with other prisoners or staff.

From here, we can get darker and darker. A similar setting, but with more abusive aspects? Is she forced into things she doesn't want to do, whether it be by other prisoners, or even by staff or the warden? We could take it even further, and start to bring in some world building aspects. A concentration camp style prison camp? A dystopian future, with a facility holding dissidents and political prisoners? A Guantanamo Bay style internment camp, with 'detainees' in a sort of legal limbo? Something even darker, with torture starting to be an aspect?

There are all sorts of choice here, for various levels of plot vs smut, character development, and darkness. Let me know if you're interested.


I love building settings around slavery. I'm not talking D/s relationships in a more realistic sense, where the term 'slave' might be used for a more consensual submissive. I'm talking real slavery, where my character is purchased, whether she likes it or not. As with any idea, there are so many directions we can take this. It could be a like modern setting, with slavery going on behind closed doors amongst the upper echelons of society, or it could be an alternate setting of some sort, where it's practised more openly, perhaps where owning slaves is a matter of status. We could even go down the route of something historical or a fantasy setting to explore these practises.

If we go with something modern, or resembling a modern setting at least, a big aspect that I'd like to explore is contrasts between those who might be buying and/or owning slaves, and those who find themselves enslaved. Those at the top of society, with all the power, all the money, sleek modern buildings, designer clothes, everything they might want in the world. And then there's those at the bottom, who end up in slavery. Their are various potential backgrounds. Human trafficking backgrounds? Indentured servitude from debts? A society where living in poverty is the norm, save for a select ruling class. There's all sorts of options, but what they all have in common is that MC won't ever have experienced anything like the situation she finds herself in. From the slavers that sell her, to her buyer, it'll all be knew. Being surrounded by opulence, designer clothing, and riches she couldn't ever imagine. But being a slave to the owner of all these riches. It's a really interesting dynamic to explore.

There are all sorts of fun themes to be included. BDSM-esque practises, tattoos or other owning marks (barcode tattoo perhaps?), control, contrasts, and so many more. Let me know if you might be interested in something along these lines, dark or lighter.

Human Research

Now this type of story could get seriously dark. I'd love to explore some form of a human research, and the subject/victim of it. There are all sorts of ways to take it. Is she simply used as a lab rat of sort, testing various substances on? Did she manifest some sort of capability or power that the government is looking to reverse engineer from her? Are they trying to create some sort of super soldier type?

Whatever the reasoning, it could be fun to explore a damaged character. Maybe drugs designed to help make violent and aggressive soldiers were tested on her, leaving in a feral, even animistic state? Or perhaps she's simply been in a research facility for as long as she's known, and has no experience of the outside world. What happens when a girl like this escapes, or is broken out of the facility? Who does she meet? Do they try and take advantage? Or do they form a bond with the girl who's never really had much in the way of human interaction, never mind actual affection or love.


There's something appealing about riches and luxury, especially when this is taken to an extreme. People so rich that the money has become power. Those at the top of international crime that are untouchable, those who hit on the perfect idea for a startup and are now so well funded that it would be faster to earn their money again then it would be to pick it up from the floor. I love all the trappings that can come with it, sleek modern architecture, state of the art technology, luxury cars, yachts, priavate jets, designer clothes all of it.

This is one of those things where I have a very clear idea in my head, that I'm struggling to put into words effectively, so if you'd be interested in this kind of theme at all, please let me know. Perhaps I'd be able to get my idea across better in discussion. Effectively what I'd be looking for though would be some kind of dominant character who's in a serious position of power and prestige, but not necessarily the celebrity sort. The kind of power that comes from sheer money, and acts behind the scenes in a quite classy way. Elegance, opulence and class would be the names of the game here. What happens when this dominant character decides they want to explore their darker interests? Slavery? We could build a really interesting story around a character who comes from a very different background finding herself swept up into this new life.


Warfare. The gritty sort, action, intrigue, and even some tragedy. This is going to be a bit of a vague one for now, but I've had a real interest recently in exploring some kind of war based setting. This could be a good chance for some very extensive world building if we come up with some kind of conflict to impose onto a modern or near future sort of world. A new cold war, and all the espionage and black ops that might come with that. A new terrorist threat somewhere in the world. A conventional war. Special forces, resistance movements, or even just regular soldiers plodding along through a tough existence. There's all sorts of options and scenarios we can come up with.

This would definitely be a quite plot heavy story. Alongside the world building, weaving a plot through the set up could be fun to explore. And then there's the character's themselves, building up their personalities, backgrounds, and reactions to the difficult situations they might find themselves in. From intense action, to emotional or traumatic scenes. Will they have sex? While it's not a hundred percent needed for the story, it would as always be a fun aspect to add. Consensual relations between soldiers, trying to hide it from a chain of command? Something more forceful, an officer taking advantage? Or even going down the really dark route of capture, interrogation and sexual use.

I have some slightly more detailed ideas for potential story lines, but I'm not going to put them up here. If the concept of a military pairing of any kind interests you, please drop me a message and we can certainly discuss it. Girls with guns? Action? What more could you want...

Out of Her Depth

He's distratingly, aggravatingly impossible for her to push out of her head. He's every stereotype that she hates, from that slick hint of a somehow sophisticated American accent, to his rich boy swagger, to his splashing of cash. Everything she turned her nose up at when she found herself at the British boarding school. And yet she still can't push him out of her head. And even worse? When she's with him, it simply feels right to relent, to let him past her usually bristly defences. The second she's alone she find's herself looking back in disgust at what she'd just done. How could he do this to her? How was he so far into her mind? It was all she could do to stop herself punching a wall when she closed her eyes and saw that smug little smile on his face flashing up from her memory. And yet even as it sent flushes of anger through her, it made her heart beat faster. Impossibly tangled feelings of attraction leaping to the surface...

The kind of dynamic I'm looking for here is something a little difficult to explain. I have a really clear image in my head, just need to put it into words. She's someone who's found herself in a totally alien surroundings (I have something of a character background developed as to how and why this is the case, ask about it). A posh private school, away from her home town, away from her estranged parents. Full of people she can't help but scoff at, coming from a completely different background herself. And yet it's an opportunity for her, for all it's faults the place would provide an amazing education... And that's when she meets him. The absolute tip top of the social ladder. Someone who has his pick of all the preppy girls of the school. And yet from when he sees her, he's interested. And when he see's how little she fits in? Well, then she becomes his project. He helps her, whether she likes it or not. Uses his social standing to make her life easier in subtle ways. Uses his (ridiculously substantial) wealth to buy her gifts. Takes her with him to a flat in London, Dubai, back home to the US with him in a holiday, there are all sorts of options. From there, I envisage their relationship developing into more and more of a power imbalance dynamic, with D/s and BDSM elements coming in, combined with all those deliciously confused emotions. As I mentioned I have quite a bit more background for this noted down. Ask me.

Should be noted, although it should go without saying that despite the school setting, any character involved in the story will be aged up as per the site rules.

I'm going to leave it here for now. This is by no means a finished product, and I've got a lot more to come, but hopefully this is enough to attract some attention, and get some conversations started. Watch this space for more content to come.
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