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Trainers for Justice (mag and I)


Hey, Lois! I'm a shiny!
Jan 24, 2009
Eric was a mysterious Pokemon Trainer, a brunette with deep green eyes, and pale skin. He was wearing a blue shirt with a faded yellow Silph Co. Logo with a slogan of some sort below it. The only word clear enough to read was "Justice" . His shorts had a type of army camo pattern, and his shoes were red and black.

He was barely five feet and nine inches tall, with decent muscle tone.

Suddenly, he heard a loud scream for help, certainly from a young woman.

Eric instinctively ran towards it.

He saw three male Rocket Grunts, presumably horny, since they were circling a female Trainer.

Eric's blood began to boil. Team Rocket made him sick to his stomach with their crimes.

Eric pull a locket off his belt, which was black and shape like a rose. He kissed it for luck, and put it around his neck.

Eric picked a Pokeball from his belt, and his majestic male Pyroar jumped out with a mighty roar.

"Alright, you sick bastards. I'd suggest you get the fuck away from her unless you want to become my Pyroar's
next meal." Eric snarled towards the deviant grunts.

Pyroar growled at them menacingly, and they fled, scared out of their wits.

Eric offered the female trainer up off the ground a helping hand and a kind, reassuring smile.
Crystal was normally a commanding figure, her black hair and green eyes almost always in a scowl. Her dark, black bodysuit with her signature red jacket just seemed to intimidate most trainers. Reference

In actuality that wasn't her at all. To those she knew and trusted, she was sweet and caring. Even her choice of Pokemon had reflected that.

Today, however, she was clearly wasn't herself, her long legs and slim figure attracting the opposite type of attention. She had tears in her eyes, the obvious fear having consumed her entire being. She could have handled team rocket herself, if she hadn't been so scared.

She looked up at her rescuer, a shaky hand taking his as she stood up next to him.
"Th .... Thank you ... umm"

She normally would have snapped at him, she didn't want to be seen as a damsel to be rescued. But today she just felt vulnerable, her fear taking over, not even being able to reach for the Pokeballs on the back of her belt.

Crystal wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled a half-smile.

"Just thank you."
Eric nodded, and helped this attractive young woman up unto her feet, even if it seemed like she didn't want any assistance.

"The name's Eric. I'm just glad I arrived just in time." Eric intentionally avoided using the word "came" since he clearly just prevented an attempted rape.

Eric's choice of Pokémon reflected his mood, with a rotation of about thirty different species. His current team reflects his hatred for Team Rocket. Exactly two years ago, a Rocket executive planted a bomb in Saffron City. Eric's girlfriend at the time was a high-ranking Pokémon Ranger, whom the Silph Corporation hired to do security. Her life would be one of dozens lost in the attack.

The memory was now playing in Eric's head. A beautiful, young lady, with dark chocolate-colored skin, and hair with the exact color of Murkrow feathers, dying in her lover's arms, after one final kiss.

Eric vowed from that day on, he would dedicate the rest of his life to avenging her death, no matter what the cost.

Eric then looked at Crystal.

"We should probably stay together. Team Rocket has been running rampant as of late. Not even the International Police can figure out why."
"Thanks Eric ... I'm Crystal"

She had visibly flinched at the prospect of 'teaming up' with another trainer. She had relied on herself, and, to a lesser extent, her Pokemon since leaving on her journey 8 years ago. Other trainers came and went, but her partners were a constant.

However, she could feel the tense situation. She didn't feel herself right now. Perhaps there was nothing wrong with having another human being for company. At least for a little while.

Without saying a word she let out her Crobat, giving him the same look that she always did. He knew his role for now. His echolocation was to make sure that he would alert her if anyone were to begin coming close to her, and her new companion.

"He's well trained." Crystal said, folding her arms over her chest and hugging herself out of a slight anxiety. "He'll let us know if anyone's around"
Eric nodded, and walked towards the general direction the next town or city happened to be. He began to explain to Crystal why he despised Team Rocket, while clutching his locket in his right hand. His left hand held Pyroar's Pokeball, and called the lion-like Pokémon back, putting the spherical capsule back onto his belt.

"It started two years ago today, I was going to surprise my girlfriend with a marriage proposal while she was working. She was a Ranger, then hired by Silph after a possible security breach by Team Rocket. There was an explosion right after a walked into the building, coming from the seventh floor. I remember her dying in my arms.. I swore to the almighty Arceus that I would avenge her death, and bring as many members of Team Rocket to justice. I don't want anymore innocent people and Pokémon to suffer because of them." Eric explained. "I think I might be on number one on their Most Wanted List now. But they'd need, at least, maybe, Thirteen grunts, just to bring me and my Pokémon down."

Eric kept going, hoping she wouldn't fall too far behind.
Crystal had nodded, not knowing quite what to say as she tried to match his speed.

She never really had a life like that at least.

She had spent most of her time in the mountains, training her Pokemon like the great Red had. She had moved to the mountain gradually. At first it was a weekend away camping in a tent on the north side of Goldenrod. The weekends turned into weeks, weeks into a month and when a month was no longer enough, she took a sabbatical from part-time work at the pokemarts for the summer. She never returned.

She hadn't set out in life to be a recluse; the lullaby of the mountain, however, sang to her more strongly than any siren of the city. She'd begun to think it was inevitable, but held not one regret. Crystal ran to catch up, her Crobat hovering along behind her.
Eric knew it was getting dark, but saw that the lights of civilization were not too far away. The sun was setting at the Lavender Town gate, and Eric was waiting for Crystal.

He waved over, letting Crystal know that there was no danger. Suddenly, another tragic memory struck his mind. His beloved's final words of wisdom, "Stay strong, babe. I'll always be at your side, even if it seems like you're all alone in the world. Do what you must, to make the world a better place, for people and Pokémon alike." rang in Eric's ears.

"Don't worry, Peggy. I'll set things right. For both of us!" Eric quietly muttered to himself, assuming Crystal couldn't hear him.

Eric kept a vigilant eye on Crystal, making sure there weren't any Rocket Grunts sneaking by.

Eric planned to pay his respects to his beloved Peggy at the Pokémon Tower, before the day was done. This was the two-year anniversary of her tragic death, and Eric had a feeling that he'd see her willful spirit lingering. Who knows, maybe Crystal could see her? Eric just met this woman, but he thought she had great potential to help him out in more ways than one on this journey that they're making.
eric said:
Eric knew it was getting dark, but saw that the lights of civilization were not too far away. The sun was setting at the Lavender Town gate, and Eric was waiting for Crystal.

He waved over, letting Crystal know that there was no danger. Suddenly, another tragic memory struck his mind. His beloved's final words of wisdom, "Stay strong, babe. I'll always be at your side, even if it seems like you're all alone in the world. Do what you must, to make the world a better place, for people and Pokémon alike." rang in Eric's ears.

"Don't worry, Peggy. I'll set things right. For both of us!" Eric quietly muttered to himself, assuming Crystal couldn't hear him.

Eric kept a vigilant eye on Crystal, making sure there weren't any Rocket Grunts sneaking by.

Eric planned to pay his respects to his beloved Peggy at the Pokémon Tower, before the day was done. This was the two-year anniversary of her tragic death, and Eric had a feeling that he'd see her willful spirit lingering. Who knows, maybe Crystal could see her? Eric just met this woman, but he thought she had great potential to help him out in more ways than one on this journey that they're making.
Crystal took his hand, not hearing him, but sensing that he was feeling as vulnerable as she was. She gripped it tightly, still walking behind him slightly as Crobat flapped overhead.

The wind blew round lavender tower, whipping up her short dark locks. She had to remind herself that all this would be worth it in the long run, he clearly had an agenda here.

She hoped that Crobat was on his game, if she ended up in a battle here, too many of her team would be well and truly off their game. Especially her Gardevoir. She had never intended for him to see her as anything other than a strong trainer, she worried that her shaken emotional state would throw him off severely during battle.
Eric led Crystal up several flights of stairs, and a monk nodded to them as soon as they reached the fourth floor.

The monk opened a door that led to a secret passage.

It was pretty straight forward, when they reached the other side, there was a plaque on the wall with the names of the innocent people who lost their lives at the hands of Team Rocket.

Eric immediately noticed his girlfriend's Ranger codename. "Black Rose". She didn't want her real name to be used due to her having family ties to the international police, and her aunt is a former gym leader from Unova.

Eric got down on to his knees out of respect.

Suddenly, he noticed her lingering spirit, unsure if Crystal could see it as well.

Eric shed a few tears.

He heard her voice say "You must avenge my death, and make sure those miserable Rockets never hurt another soul."

Eric nodded, understanding her, then drying his tears.
He got up, and whispered in Crystal's ear.

"I already lost my beloved Peggy, and I can't afford to lose you."

Eric was falling in love for the first time in years.
Crystal held back her tears from the moving display in front of her, small amounts collecting on the corner of her eyes, threatening to smear her make-up. She could feel her face going red as he whispered into her ear.

She refused to let the emotional display get her any more shaken up. She felt heat from her blush, pulling the zipper on her bodysuit down to between her cleavage. Putting on a brave front, she puffed out her chest and stood up tall. She took his hand once again.

"OK Eric" she said, slowly leading the way down the tower, "where are we headed to next?"

She gripped two of her pokeballs, crystal ball juggling within her spare hand, playing off as if she was far cooler than she was actually feeling.
Eric looked at Crystal, and thought for a second.

"It's getting dark. We should probably find a place to rest. Unless you have another idea." He told her, sounding slightly seductive. He pecked her on the cheek. "Sorry. I haven't been with a woman in such a long time."

He then kept the same pace as her, just in case there was any danger.

Eric tried desperately not to show any blatant signs of arousal, trying to think of literally anything that could prevent the possibility of him getting an erection.

"Thank you for supporting me through this ordeal, Crystal. How can I ever repay you?" Eric asked.

The exit was in sight, and Eric was going to suggest that they went skinny dipping in the ocean, but he didn't want to come off as a pervert or anything, so he kept his mouth shut.
A look of shock struck Crystal's face. Realizing that in her haste, she had left her tent and belongings back around the general location where she was attacked. All she had was the clothes on her back and the Pokemon on her belt, along with her purse of money. She hadn't even brought any food or healing items for her team. Blissey was holding some leftovers, but it didn't seem fair to take that from her.

"Ummm... my things ummm..." Her timid side was back, taking hold as she realised she didn't even have a towel to dry herself off with if she decided to wash. She could easily replace the items in Celadon, but the store would be closed by the time they got there.

"May I stay with you, If you feel you need to repay me, it would be a huge help."
Eric nodded, understanding.

"There's a hotel in Celadon City where we can stay for the night." Eric explained. "I got this voucher from the Silph CEO as an apology, for a free night at that hotel. I still haven't used it, but it doesn't expire. He said it was specifically for the.. Couple's Suite..."

Eric smiled at Crystal. "I think we'd make a good couple, to be fair. In fact, I... think... I'm in love with you." Eric said, somewhat awkwardly.

Eric then imagined the two of them making sweet love. He longed for a woman's touch now more than ever.

He then led her towards Celadon City, via the shortcut through Saffron.
Crystal seemed shocked at how fast he was moving, but a bed was a bed, and she had nowhere else to stay.

She recalled her Crobat, kissing his Pokeball in thanks as she tucked him back onto her belt loops.

She followed behind him, not knowing the particular routes around the area, after all, she wasn't a Kanto native.

She wiped the sweat from her brow and tried to jog to keep up with him, her breasts bouncing as she did.
Soon, they made it to the hotel.

Eric showed his voucher to the reception desk, and received a room key for the couple's suite.

Eric opened the door, and motioned for Crystal to come over.

He then began to disrobe, taking off every except socks and underwear.

Then, he carefully prepared the bed for the two of them.
Crystal slipped into the bathroom breifly. The shower showed its age, the tiles were cracked and discoloured, and the drain looked like a sinkhole waiting to happen. But as luck would have it, the shower head was almost brand new and multifacet to boot. she turned on the shower and waited for the right temperature, then stepped under the flowing water.

The luxury of full water pressure, most of the time she was used to bathing in rivers or streams, or even in the rain. She could feel the tension in her body slowly release as the hot water flowed over her. She loved to watch the water take different directions down her body, appreciating every curve that she worked so hard to maintain.

Crystal took the washcloth that had been left out, grabbed the handle of the detachable shower head and gave it a quick clean. She changed the setting to pulse and decided to have a little fun. She adjusted the lower the temperature and slowly sprayed the pulsing water over her breasts. Her nipples hardened immediately and her body shuddered with goosebumps.

Once she felt satisfied she stepped out, wrapped up in a complimentary bathrobe, not having anything clean to wear to bed.
Eric motioned for her to get under the covers.

He had a surprise for Crystal in the form of his erect penis, if she desired it.

"I have something for you. Consider it a thank-you gift for your support. If you want it, it's all yours, milady." Eric said, seductively.

Before the tragedy, Eric always looked forward to when he and his beloved would have sex. He was concerned about being rusty, this time, since it's been more than two years since he has had any sort of intercourse.

Eric stared Crystal down, undressing her in his mind. Arceus knows Eric really needs this.
Crystal tied up the bathrobe before sliding in to the bed next to him. She reached into the pocket of her bathrobe and placed her party members Pokeballs on the bedside table.

"A gift, for me? May I see it?"

Crystal seemed totally oblivious to his intentions, slowly lying down in her bathrobe. The day had taken a lot out of her.
Eric began kissing Crystal on the neck, while rubbing her shoulders. He wanted to start out slow, since he had a feeling she had never been with a man before.

"Don't worry, milady. I'll keep you safe, and treat you right. Have you ever made love before?" He said, trying to seduce her.
Crystal shook her head, having been alone from such a young age, she'd never really even spent time with boys during her adolescence.

"But what does that have to do with my present?" She said, her robe sliding down off of her shoulders slightly as she sat back up.

"Can I please see it ..."
"I want us to make love. It's what us young couples do. The reason I got that voucher was in case I found a woman to replace Peggy. And I found her, in you." Eric said. "Your present... Is me! I'm your Prince charming." He slid his remaining clothing off of his body.

He untied Crystal's bathrobe, and began kissing her breasts slowly, but passionately. He gently stuck his cock into her presumably virgin pussy, and softly thrusted back and forth.
Crystal squealed. She wasn't even expecting this, her pussy hadn't even been touched by herself, let alone another person. Her eyes rolled back and her back arched, her 'Prince Charming probing deep inside her, his raw dick pushing deep within her.

Her robe, her covering had been pushed away and her body had been bared to someone other than her Pokemon. Never had she expected that when she had been saved from those grunts that the evening would end in this way.

Crystal could feel her icy persona melting away, the warmth from his dick melting her icy heart. Although perhaps this was not something she would have said yes to, she was happy he took the initiative as a subtle moan escaped her lips.
Eric fondled Crystal's tits, while gradually picking up speed inside her.

He then began to passionately kiss her on the lips.

He tried not to cum quite yet, instead attempting to last until she came.
Crystal reaches up and tries nibbling at his earlobes, her hands running down his back whilst she licks her lips slightly. She wasn't sure what to do in this situst, or how to deal with the feelings welling up in her.

“Fuck, Eric. You’re too big for me.” She whispered, leaning in an biting his shoulder hard just to help solve the tension building within her. Her heart was pounding, skipping a beat as her ecstasy was beginning to build within her.
"You'll get used to it, Crystal. Don't worry. I'm all yours, and you're all mine!" Eric said, mere seconds before finally giving her insides a blast of his semen.

He paused for a moment, and held onto her ass for a good grip.

"Sorry about the amount of cum. It's been such a long time since I've been intimate." Eric added, apologetically.
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