Master Mesmerist
- Joined
- Mar 25, 2018
- Location
- London, UK
The Basics
Hi, I’m Paul. I’m in my thirties, I’m based in London, UK.
I’m here for erotic roleplaying with an engaging plot, usually (but not exclusively) involving my main kink - mind control, and with my partner playing canon characters or female celebrities (or at least using the latter as faceclaims).
I’m a switch. I prefer to be the dominant role, but don’t mind (and frequently rather enjoy!) being submissive. Mainly, I’ll play as a man, but I am capable (but not expert!) in playing a female role.
I’m here mostly for M/F pairings, but I can be tempted into M/M pairings, particularly if there’s an element of mind control and power play involved, usually with me in the submissive role.
My F-List can be found here. You can regard it as a good guide to my kinks, but if you're ever in doubt, just ask.
Everything in this thread is a general guide to what I like. Negotiation is key to any good RP. I'm more than happy to bend my rules for the right partner, and if you have ideas that you think I might enjoy, but haven't specifically mentioned here, please do get in touch.
Current Craving
What I'm Looking For from Roleplaying
Method, Frequency & Length of Responses
Turn Ons, Turn Offs, Smut Preferences
What ‘Mind Control’ Means To Me
Plot Ideas
Restating before we start - although many of these ideas imply some form of mind control and/or harem play, both of these are negotiable - please do not let this put you off.
The following is a set of random ideas I've had over the years. Not exhaustive, merely a taster. Please do get in touch to explore possibilities with me.
Slice of Life
Celebrity/Canon Character Focused
Cult/Religious/Politically Themed
Particularly Dark or Squicky
Celebrity Muses
Please note: this is a representative sample of the celebrities I'd love to play opposite. I'm open to others, of course - but generally, not random porn stars.
These celebrities can be face/name-claims only, if you'd prefer, i.e. don't feel you have to know their personalities/lives inside out.
Hi, I’m Paul. I’m in my thirties, I’m based in London, UK.
I’m here for erotic roleplaying with an engaging plot, usually (but not exclusively) involving my main kink - mind control, and with my partner playing canon characters or female celebrities (or at least using the latter as faceclaims).
I’m a switch. I prefer to be the dominant role, but don’t mind (and frequently rather enjoy!) being submissive. Mainly, I’ll play as a man, but I am capable (but not expert!) in playing a female role.
I’m here mostly for M/F pairings, but I can be tempted into M/M pairings, particularly if there’s an element of mind control and power play involved, usually with me in the submissive role.
My F-List can be found here. You can regard it as a good guide to my kinks, but if you're ever in doubt, just ask.
Everything in this thread is a general guide to what I like. Negotiation is key to any good RP. I'm more than happy to bend my rules for the right partner, and if you have ideas that you think I might enjoy, but haven't specifically mentioned here, please do get in touch.
Current Craving
Pop Tarts - Loosely based on a hentai comic called 'Maddening Training Camp', this scenario would see an all female pop group fall under the sway of a charismatic new manager. After their previous manager decides to quit in mysterious circumstances, the new man on the scene weaves his spell over each of the members of the band. Some may start out sceptical, others naieve, but by the end of it, they're all utterly infatuated with him. Think girl groups like the Spice Girls, Girls Aloud, The Saturdays, Little Mix - that kind of thing. We can use RL celebs, or make up original characters (ideally with faceclaims).
What I'm Looking For from Roleplaying
Method, Frequency & Length of Responses
Real life comes first, both for me, and my partners. Where possible, I will try to give a heads up if I can’t manage a response at least once a day/two days, but there will often be times where that isn’t doable.
I do this for kicks, for fun, and when I'm in the mood, not as a professional commitment. You'll know if things are going well, if I'm posting regularly, but sometimes work and real life gets on top of me.
I'd rather save myself for when I feel I can get in the mood, and that can lead to absences.
If we're playing, and I haven't replied for a few days, it's almost certainly because I've not been able to write something I feel is worthy of sharing - ping me.
I expect similar from my partners - let me know of absences if you can, but if you can’t, that’s no big deal. That said - if you’re unable to respond for a long time, and you feel bad about getting back in touch, please don’t worry. I’ll most likely be happy to hear from you again, and am always prepared to at least give people another chance.
In the main, I play through Private Messages here. However, I also use Discord. Bear in mind with the latter that although I'm currently working from home (thanks, pandemic!), I cannot guarantee fast replies, at least until the end of the working day.
Please expect asynchronous replies, especially if you’re not in a UK timezone. I have a full time job, so mostly check in whilst having breakfast,on the commute, and once I’m finished with work, fed and rested. I try to respond at least every couple of days, though as mentioned above, if I'm not in a creative mood, this can be longer.
It'll be much more regular if I'm absolutely loving the RP, though
It’s quite possible that at any one time, I’ll be involved in multiple RPs. This means I may be slow to respond, or be more ‘into’ one than another at any time. Sometimes I’ll bump this thread, just to see if there’s anyone new who’d be interested in playing. Please don’t take any of this personally. I’m sorry if it seems that way.
When it comes to starting a new RP, I’ve found that the best ones usually need some time for plotting beforehand. Not in great detail, but some basic exchanging of ideas, moods and so on - and we can continue to plot as we work our way through the story.
The nature of two-way RPs being as it is, it is inevitable that I will make mistakes, we’ll be on different wavelengths occasionally, and things won’t always be perfect. This is fine. The most important thing is a) that we’re both enjoying it, and b) we feel that we can talk to each other, OOC, to negotiate and plan ahead, rewriting if necessary.
If I ever write something you don’t like, please let me know, and I will try and change it more to your liking. I want us both to enjoy this.
Relatedly - if, for various reasons, you aren’t feeling the RP any more, that’s also fine. All I’d ask is that we chat about that, see if there’s anything we can do to get things working for you again, and if not, we can pause or stop completely.
I do this for kicks, for fun, and when I'm in the mood, not as a professional commitment. You'll know if things are going well, if I'm posting regularly, but sometimes work and real life gets on top of me.
I'd rather save myself for when I feel I can get in the mood, and that can lead to absences.
If we're playing, and I haven't replied for a few days, it's almost certainly because I've not been able to write something I feel is worthy of sharing - ping me.
I expect similar from my partners - let me know of absences if you can, but if you can’t, that’s no big deal. That said - if you’re unable to respond for a long time, and you feel bad about getting back in touch, please don’t worry. I’ll most likely be happy to hear from you again, and am always prepared to at least give people another chance.
In the main, I play through Private Messages here. However, I also use Discord. Bear in mind with the latter that although I'm currently working from home (thanks, pandemic!), I cannot guarantee fast replies, at least until the end of the working day.
Please expect asynchronous replies, especially if you’re not in a UK timezone. I have a full time job, so mostly check in whilst having breakfast,
It'll be much more regular if I'm absolutely loving the RP, though
It’s quite possible that at any one time, I’ll be involved in multiple RPs. This means I may be slow to respond, or be more ‘into’ one than another at any time. Sometimes I’ll bump this thread, just to see if there’s anyone new who’d be interested in playing. Please don’t take any of this personally. I’m sorry if it seems that way.
When it comes to starting a new RP, I’ve found that the best ones usually need some time for plotting beforehand. Not in great detail, but some basic exchanging of ideas, moods and so on - and we can continue to plot as we work our way through the story.
The nature of two-way RPs being as it is, it is inevitable that I will make mistakes, we’ll be on different wavelengths occasionally, and things won’t always be perfect. This is fine. The most important thing is a) that we’re both enjoying it, and b) we feel that we can talk to each other, OOC, to negotiate and plan ahead, rewriting if necessary.
If I ever write something you don’t like, please let me know, and I will try and change it more to your liking. I want us both to enjoy this.
Relatedly - if, for various reasons, you aren’t feeling the RP any more, that’s also fine. All I’d ask is that we chat about that, see if there’s anything we can do to get things working for you again, and if not, we can pause or stop completely.
Turn Ons, Turn Offs, Smut Preferences
Turn Ons
My biggest turn on is exploring the mind. Reactions to the action. This manifests mainly in my fetish for mind control, hypnosis and brainwashing. Really, though, that’s a front for exploring how thoughts, beliefs, and feelings change in realistic and unrealistic scenarios.
Whether that’s through falling in love, seduction and temptation, drugs, love potions or spells, swinging watch hypnosis, irresistibly compelling visuals, subliminal programming - anything that alters the mind. Changing someone’s opinions - turning them from innocence, indifference or hate, into pure love, lust or total obedience. It could be against their will, they might barely notice, or they could absolutely love what’s happened.
Another key part of this, for me, is serial recruitment. The idea that once changed, the person who's been altered is made to, or wants to, see this happen to others, too.
To be clear - harem play is not required - I’m perfectly happy with one-on-one scenes. But my stories may at least hint at the collection of a harem. We can play a series of one-on-one scenes, with occasional multiple partners, but if you’re not into harem stuff, please don’t let this put you off.
In short - mind control or manipulation, seduction and temptation. If you’re into that, I’m into you.
I am also interested in scenarios that don’t involve mind control/manipulation. Typically, these can range from forbidden love and traditional temptation/seduction, to more romantic themes (celeb meets fan, unexpectedly falls in love), as well as darker ones too (misogyny, elements of violence, some form of prostitution).
A huge turn on for me involves female celebrities and/or canon characters. This can be as simple as face claims, name claims, casting the celebrity in an OC (or canon) role, right through to playing as the celebrity in question (i.e. the female character is ostensibly that celebrity, but you don’t need to adhere to complete reality - just what you, or we, imagine her to be like). At a minimum, I’ll at least ask for female face claims.
Smut Preferences
I'll admit I'm better at writing mental smut than physical smut, but for what it's worth, I love action involving, but not limited to...cock-sucking/tit-fucking/anal (to some extent), and the threat of pregnancy (making women beg to fill them with my babies - in my darker moments this manifests as them getting pregnant and then being forced to abort the child..)
Turn Offs
Anything scatalogical, huge age regression/nappy/diaper stuff, really heavy BDSM/torture/mutilation.
My biggest turn on is exploring the mind. Reactions to the action. This manifests mainly in my fetish for mind control, hypnosis and brainwashing. Really, though, that’s a front for exploring how thoughts, beliefs, and feelings change in realistic and unrealistic scenarios.
Whether that’s through falling in love, seduction and temptation, drugs, love potions or spells, swinging watch hypnosis, irresistibly compelling visuals, subliminal programming - anything that alters the mind. Changing someone’s opinions - turning them from innocence, indifference or hate, into pure love, lust or total obedience. It could be against their will, they might barely notice, or they could absolutely love what’s happened.
Another key part of this, for me, is serial recruitment. The idea that once changed, the person who's been altered is made to, or wants to, see this happen to others, too.
To be clear - harem play is not required - I’m perfectly happy with one-on-one scenes. But my stories may at least hint at the collection of a harem. We can play a series of one-on-one scenes, with occasional multiple partners, but if you’re not into harem stuff, please don’t let this put you off.
In short - mind control or manipulation, seduction and temptation. If you’re into that, I’m into you.
I am also interested in scenarios that don’t involve mind control/manipulation. Typically, these can range from forbidden love and traditional temptation/seduction, to more romantic themes (celeb meets fan, unexpectedly falls in love), as well as darker ones too (misogyny, elements of violence, some form of prostitution).
A huge turn on for me involves female celebrities and/or canon characters. This can be as simple as face claims, name claims, casting the celebrity in an OC (or canon) role, right through to playing as the celebrity in question (i.e. the female character is ostensibly that celebrity, but you don’t need to adhere to complete reality - just what you, or we, imagine her to be like). At a minimum, I’ll at least ask for female face claims.
Smut Preferences
I'll admit I'm better at writing mental smut than physical smut, but for what it's worth, I love action involving, but not limited to...cock-sucking/tit-fucking/anal (to some extent), and the threat of pregnancy (making women beg to fill them with my babies - in my darker moments this manifests as them getting pregnant and then being forced to abort the child..)
Turn Offs
Anything scatalogical, huge age regression/nappy/diaper stuff, really heavy BDSM/torture/mutilation.
What ‘Mind Control’ Means To Me
Whilst I’ll admit that sometimes, the ability to take control of someone like a puppet and have them as a mindless plaything appeals, there’s a lot more, at least for me, to the mind control fetish. Here’s my attempt to explain it in more detail.
Mind control/brainwashing - this can vary quite a bit from subtle manipulation/influence (or what I call the ‘Kilgrave’ method - I say, you obey, and post-rationalise, or are screaming inside), to subliminals, to drugs/gas, the traditional spirals or hypnotist/hypnotherapy, all the way to intense brainwashing. I realise this isn’t for everyone, so I’m happy to chat and negotiate on this.
Hypnosis is one part of it, but the sheer power and control, the ability to affect thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, memories and actions. The idea that someone could, subtly or not-at-all-subtly, brainwash and or just take control of anyone they please, in groups, one at a time, it wouldn’t matter.
They could make anyone do, say, or believe anything they want, and the victims would be none the wiser, forgetting everything that happened whilst they were under the controller's spell, unless they wanted the victim to remember it. No lasting consequences, just the sheer pleasure of power and control.
Making a whole slew of people so very happy, calm, almost ethereally content with their new lot in life - to do anything they can to please their controller (be it male or female).
It’s not necessarily a sexual urge that takes them under, more like a mind-expanding, mind-blowing epiphany that causes them to realise that everything in life should be geared towards bringing their controller as much pleasure as possible.
I also love the idea of people obeying without even realising. Submitting, even though they believe they’re fully in control. Until their entire world view has changed, and it just feels natural and right to serve and obey their controller completely, and bring others to the same viewpoint. This includes the control of those that would stand in the controller's way, so that they do not question or try to prevent what's happening. They just see it as perfectly reasonable that the controller would want to take what they want from this world, shaping it to their desires. And if that means taking the minds of the women they love, then so be it.
Happy slaves/worship/recruitment - I love to turn women into adoring, obedient, submissive lovers - often with an almost religious-like fervour to recruit and enslave other women for me. I want to hear their thoughts as their minds are twisted and changed. Sometimes I’ll be in the mood for mindless drones, but most of the time it’s more about making women who’d never give me the time of day, hopelessly infatuated and obedient to me.
Corruption/Adultery/betrayal - stealing women away from their husbands, girlfriends or boyfriends, making my slaves betray their friends and family to bring them under my control - I’d happily enslave the men that got in the way, too, though I’m very unlikely to want to do anything sexual with them, myself.
Squick - I'm sometimes partial to virus/tentacle/squicky forms of mind control/possession, too.
Mind control/brainwashing - this can vary quite a bit from subtle manipulation/influence (or what I call the ‘Kilgrave’ method - I say, you obey, and post-rationalise, or are screaming inside), to subliminals, to drugs/gas, the traditional spirals or hypnotist/hypnotherapy, all the way to intense brainwashing. I realise this isn’t for everyone, so I’m happy to chat and negotiate on this.
Hypnosis is one part of it, but the sheer power and control, the ability to affect thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, memories and actions. The idea that someone could, subtly or not-at-all-subtly, brainwash and or just take control of anyone they please, in groups, one at a time, it wouldn’t matter.
They could make anyone do, say, or believe anything they want, and the victims would be none the wiser, forgetting everything that happened whilst they were under the controller's spell, unless they wanted the victim to remember it. No lasting consequences, just the sheer pleasure of power and control.
Making a whole slew of people so very happy, calm, almost ethereally content with their new lot in life - to do anything they can to please their controller (be it male or female).
It’s not necessarily a sexual urge that takes them under, more like a mind-expanding, mind-blowing epiphany that causes them to realise that everything in life should be geared towards bringing their controller as much pleasure as possible.
I also love the idea of people obeying without even realising. Submitting, even though they believe they’re fully in control. Until their entire world view has changed, and it just feels natural and right to serve and obey their controller completely, and bring others to the same viewpoint. This includes the control of those that would stand in the controller's way, so that they do not question or try to prevent what's happening. They just see it as perfectly reasonable that the controller would want to take what they want from this world, shaping it to their desires. And if that means taking the minds of the women they love, then so be it.
Happy slaves/worship/recruitment - I love to turn women into adoring, obedient, submissive lovers - often with an almost religious-like fervour to recruit and enslave other women for me. I want to hear their thoughts as their minds are twisted and changed. Sometimes I’ll be in the mood for mindless drones, but most of the time it’s more about making women who’d never give me the time of day, hopelessly infatuated and obedient to me.
Corruption/Adultery/betrayal - stealing women away from their husbands, girlfriends or boyfriends, making my slaves betray their friends and family to bring them under my control - I’d happily enslave the men that got in the way, too, though I’m very unlikely to want to do anything sexual with them, myself.
Squick - I'm sometimes partial to virus/tentacle/squicky forms of mind control/possession, too.
Plot Ideas
Restating before we start - although many of these ideas imply some form of mind control and/or harem play, both of these are negotiable - please do not let this put you off.
The following is a set of random ideas I've had over the years. Not exhaustive, merely a taster. Please do get in touch to explore possibilities with me.
Slice of Life
Social Media Takeover - Women who work in tech are hot. Intelligent, geeky, they float my boat. Your character is a software engineer or someone high up at Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, Snapchat. I brainwash you via computer viruses, and the virus is spread throughout the company, to other intelligent, capable, soon to be nymphomaniac women, and then released out into the world.
Doomed Rescue Attempt - Girl trying to rescue her friends, or sisters, who are acting very strange - completely love struck over a mutual friend of the three of them, even though the guy in question has never been the object of lust for any of them ever before. She comes to the conclusion that they’re under some kind of love spell, making them dopey and doe-eyed for him, but before she can bring them back to their senses, she too succumbs to the spell, leaving all three girls totally besotted with him.
The Show - A group of girls (and perhaps guys!) go out for the evening. Perhaps it's a student party, perhaps a private Hollywood party, or an office Christmas do. The venue they end up at is hosting a stage hypnotist. During the course of the show, some, if not all, of the group end up on stage, being hypnotised. To the audience, and to their conscious minds, it all seems like a bit of fun. But, under his breath, the hypnotist instructs them to come back somewhere private with him afterwards. Lots of scope to play within the basic set up, here.
The Demon Headmaster - Look into my eyes.... Welcome to Hazelbrook Academy, a school formerly rated as one of the worst in the country, now zooming up the league tables thanks to a new Headmaster who is successfully instilling order, discipline and control. But there's a dark secret to his success, and anyone who stands in his way will eventually fall, deeper in his power.
Based on the series of books and subsequent television series, this plot would see me take on the role of a powerful, evil, domineering, enthralling headmaster with a lust for power - and slaves. Teachers, parents, (age-appropriate) students - other schools, even reaching into the corridors of power. The Headmaster wants control, and nothing will stop him...
The Perfect Candidate for the Job (Femdom) - MC is a manager at some kind of broadcast/media/tech company. I'm interviewing for an assistant, and YC walks in the door - a beautiful woman who seduces and mesmerises MC in order to convince me to employ YC. YC then proceeds to manipulate me in various ways - either to spread your seductive message through the company and its' customers, to ruin my career, and/or to leave my wife/family, or any combination of the above.
The Mesmeric, Corrupting Cougar (Femdom) - in this scenario, you'd play a beautiful, evil seductress who twists and turns innocent men into become darkly depraved slaves to her divine will.
Doomed Rescue Attempt - Girl trying to rescue her friends, or sisters, who are acting very strange - completely love struck over a mutual friend of the three of them, even though the guy in question has never been the object of lust for any of them ever before. She comes to the conclusion that they’re under some kind of love spell, making them dopey and doe-eyed for him, but before she can bring them back to their senses, she too succumbs to the spell, leaving all three girls totally besotted with him.
The Show - A group of girls (and perhaps guys!) go out for the evening. Perhaps it's a student party, perhaps a private Hollywood party, or an office Christmas do. The venue they end up at is hosting a stage hypnotist. During the course of the show, some, if not all, of the group end up on stage, being hypnotised. To the audience, and to their conscious minds, it all seems like a bit of fun. But, under his breath, the hypnotist instructs them to come back somewhere private with him afterwards. Lots of scope to play within the basic set up, here.
The Demon Headmaster - Look into my eyes.... Welcome to Hazelbrook Academy, a school formerly rated as one of the worst in the country, now zooming up the league tables thanks to a new Headmaster who is successfully instilling order, discipline and control. But there's a dark secret to his success, and anyone who stands in his way will eventually fall, deeper in his power.
Based on the series of books and subsequent television series, this plot would see me take on the role of a powerful, evil, domineering, enthralling headmaster with a lust for power - and slaves. Teachers, parents, (age-appropriate) students - other schools, even reaching into the corridors of power. The Headmaster wants control, and nothing will stop him...
The Perfect Candidate for the Job (Femdom) - MC is a manager at some kind of broadcast/media/tech company. I'm interviewing for an assistant, and YC walks in the door - a beautiful woman who seduces and mesmerises MC in order to convince me to employ YC. YC then proceeds to manipulate me in various ways - either to spread your seductive message through the company and its' customers, to ruin my career, and/or to leave my wife/family, or any combination of the above.
The Mesmeric, Corrupting Cougar (Femdom) - in this scenario, you'd play a beautiful, evil seductress who twists and turns innocent men into become darkly depraved slaves to her divine will.
Celebrity/Canon Character Focused
Competition Winner - you’re a famous celebrity. I’ve won a competition to spend time with you. I have a huge crush on you. Somehow, by hook or crook, a one-night stand ensues. Or maybe something more long-term?
Biggest Fan/Competition Winner - A nationally/world-famous girl group are on tour. Their management company has run a promotional competition, and my character (male) has won. The prize? An all-expenses long-weekend trip to see the group perform, and stay at the same hotel as them. It's a remote, secluded hotel, and after the concert, I find myself in the hotel bar, when the girls walk in, fresh on a high from their performance.
We sit, we chat, we drink, we drink some more...and then...depending on whether we want to play it as a male-dom or fem-dom, and/or with mind control or without, either they decide (or are persuaded) to have some fun and 'reward' their biggest fan, or they recruit me to be their own personal sex slave for the weekend.
Convention Collection - Again, this could be male-dom or fem-dom - but this one definitely has mind control. I play a big fan of a show (hmm, let's say Doctor Who
) and gradually I enslave a series of beautiful actresses.
Alternatively, a group of the actresses (at least a pair) team up to seduce and control me - perhaps brainwashing one of my female friends (who I've always fancied, but never got together with) along the way, too.
Enslave Young Hollywood - You know the type. Young, rich, bratty, famous. Actresses, pop stars, it doesn't matter. This could either be male dominant, in which I corrupt and enslave a slew of young hotties, or it could be femdom (your character as one of the Young Hollywood set) who uses her charms to seduce and enslave an older man.
Hypnotherapist/The New Agent - Mind control smut RP 101, I guess. Beautiful woman seeks therapist, evil hypnotherapist persuades her to sleep deeply now and plants all manner of smutty suggestions in her head, including sucking his cock, fucking him in his office, persuading her friends to visit him too. Alternatively, you're a celebrity who's star is on the wane, and you stumble upon Mesmeric Talent, a new public relations agency. You're soon brainwashed to sign up, you'll agree to anything, and again, you need to persuade your friends to sign up, too.
A Right Royal Enslavement - I've got a hankering for Kate & Pippa Middleton, and Meghan Markle, too. Just thinking of the money, prestige and power to be obtained by enthralling them…
Down on His Luck - Look, I'm single. Always have been, always will be, it seems. I have no luck with women. Until...somehow...something happens to change the minds of various hot celebrity women. It's like something just...clicked for them. They don't fully understand why, but they have to cancel all plans, drop whatever they're doing, and come to me. They've realised that they really should reward me, comfort me and fuck me, seeing as I’m all alone here, as usual…
Mr. Magnetic - You know when he enters the room. His mere presence is... other-worldly. The atmosphere seems to shift and blur, the second he appears. Women find him charming, commanding, powerful - irresistible, frankly. Men find him similar - though if they're straight, they see him more as their natural superior, their commander. He's totally aware of his power, too. Which means he takes what he wants, when he wants - and considers any attempt to resist him downright foolish and rude.
He is Mr. Magnetic - and the question is, will you try to resist (perhaps you're investigating suspected criminal behavior...perhaps he's bewitched your sister, daughter, wife, mother or best friends) - or will you crumble at his feet, worshipping the ground he walks on, cherishing every moment he graces you with his presence, bringing him more and more disciples?
It's Bliss - There's a new craze sweeping Hollywood. It's a drug, it's a drink, maybe it's a new skin cream. Whatever it is, if you're a woman, and you're not using it, you're nobody. Seriously, anyone who is anyone is using Bliss. And the CEO of the Bliss Corporation is just....dreamy. So commanding and powerful - the more you use Bliss, the more you realise you were born to be a Bliss Babe, a disciple, an acolyte - a drone in the Bliss Army. Maybe the police, detectives, or politicians try to investigate and shut it all down? Maybe you're a celebrity, hawking Bliss? Maybe Bliss takes over the local school? Who knows? But as the CEO says - obedience is Bliss...
Celebrity Hook Up - Perhaps a development of the 'Competition Winner' idea, but this scene sees my character give his number to a celebrity after their time together - she then passes it around her celebrity friends, who know that whenever they're in town, for filming, shows, awards and so on, they can call me up for a good time...
But I'm a Real Girl! - Shamelessly cribbed from another player - in this RP, the modern world has one difference - technology has been invented that sees the creation of pleasure dolls, sex robots, who can take on the form of whoever their buyer desires. The catch is, for the most part, the robot doesn't realise they're a robot. Deep down inside, they know they're loyal and in love, completely beholden to their buyer, but on the surface, they truly believe they are the celebrity they've been configured to become. Perhaps with some triggers to make them totally obedient.. The RP then explores the dynamic of that relationship.
Pop Tarts - Loosely based on a hentai comic called 'Maddening Training Camp', this scenario would see an all female pop group fall under the sway of a charismatic new manager. After their previous manager decides to quit in mysterious circumstances, the new man on the scene weaves his spell over each of the members of the band. Some may start out sceptical, others naieve, but by the end of it, they're all utterly infatuated with him. Think girl groups like the Spice Girls, Girls Aloud, The Saturdays, Little Mix - that kind of thing. We can use RL celebs, or make up original characters (ideally with faceclaims).
Biggest Fan/Competition Winner - A nationally/world-famous girl group are on tour. Their management company has run a promotional competition, and my character (male) has won. The prize? An all-expenses long-weekend trip to see the group perform, and stay at the same hotel as them. It's a remote, secluded hotel, and after the concert, I find myself in the hotel bar, when the girls walk in, fresh on a high from their performance.
We sit, we chat, we drink, we drink some more...and then...depending on whether we want to play it as a male-dom or fem-dom, and/or with mind control or without, either they decide (or are persuaded) to have some fun and 'reward' their biggest fan, or they recruit me to be their own personal sex slave for the weekend.
Convention Collection - Again, this could be male-dom or fem-dom - but this one definitely has mind control. I play a big fan of a show (hmm, let's say Doctor Who
Alternatively, a group of the actresses (at least a pair) team up to seduce and control me - perhaps brainwashing one of my female friends (who I've always fancied, but never got together with) along the way, too.
Enslave Young Hollywood - You know the type. Young, rich, bratty, famous. Actresses, pop stars, it doesn't matter. This could either be male dominant, in which I corrupt and enslave a slew of young hotties, or it could be femdom (your character as one of the Young Hollywood set) who uses her charms to seduce and enslave an older man.
Hypnotherapist/The New Agent - Mind control smut RP 101, I guess. Beautiful woman seeks therapist, evil hypnotherapist persuades her to sleep deeply now and plants all manner of smutty suggestions in her head, including sucking his cock, fucking him in his office, persuading her friends to visit him too. Alternatively, you're a celebrity who's star is on the wane, and you stumble upon Mesmeric Talent, a new public relations agency. You're soon brainwashed to sign up, you'll agree to anything, and again, you need to persuade your friends to sign up, too.
A Right Royal Enslavement - I've got a hankering for Kate & Pippa Middleton, and Meghan Markle, too. Just thinking of the money, prestige and power to be obtained by enthralling them…
Down on His Luck - Look, I'm single. Always have been, always will be, it seems. I have no luck with women. Until...somehow...something happens to change the minds of various hot celebrity women. It's like something just...clicked for them. They don't fully understand why, but they have to cancel all plans, drop whatever they're doing, and come to me. They've realised that they really should reward me, comfort me and fuck me, seeing as I’m all alone here, as usual…
Mr. Magnetic - You know when he enters the room. His mere presence is... other-worldly. The atmosphere seems to shift and blur, the second he appears. Women find him charming, commanding, powerful - irresistible, frankly. Men find him similar - though if they're straight, they see him more as their natural superior, their commander. He's totally aware of his power, too. Which means he takes what he wants, when he wants - and considers any attempt to resist him downright foolish and rude.
He is Mr. Magnetic - and the question is, will you try to resist (perhaps you're investigating suspected criminal behavior...perhaps he's bewitched your sister, daughter, wife, mother or best friends) - or will you crumble at his feet, worshipping the ground he walks on, cherishing every moment he graces you with his presence, bringing him more and more disciples?
It's Bliss - There's a new craze sweeping Hollywood. It's a drug, it's a drink, maybe it's a new skin cream. Whatever it is, if you're a woman, and you're not using it, you're nobody. Seriously, anyone who is anyone is using Bliss. And the CEO of the Bliss Corporation is just....dreamy. So commanding and powerful - the more you use Bliss, the more you realise you were born to be a Bliss Babe, a disciple, an acolyte - a drone in the Bliss Army. Maybe the police, detectives, or politicians try to investigate and shut it all down? Maybe you're a celebrity, hawking Bliss? Maybe Bliss takes over the local school? Who knows? But as the CEO says - obedience is Bliss...
Celebrity Hook Up - Perhaps a development of the 'Competition Winner' idea, but this scene sees my character give his number to a celebrity after their time together - she then passes it around her celebrity friends, who know that whenever they're in town, for filming, shows, awards and so on, they can call me up for a good time...
But I'm a Real Girl! - Shamelessly cribbed from another player - in this RP, the modern world has one difference - technology has been invented that sees the creation of pleasure dolls, sex robots, who can take on the form of whoever their buyer desires. The catch is, for the most part, the robot doesn't realise they're a robot. Deep down inside, they know they're loyal and in love, completely beholden to their buyer, but on the surface, they truly believe they are the celebrity they've been configured to become. Perhaps with some triggers to make them totally obedient.. The RP then explores the dynamic of that relationship.
Pop Tarts - Loosely based on a hentai comic called 'Maddening Training Camp', this scenario would see an all female pop group fall under the sway of a charismatic new manager. After their previous manager decides to quit in mysterious circumstances, the new man on the scene weaves his spell over each of the members of the band. Some may start out sceptical, others naieve, but by the end of it, they're all utterly infatuated with him. Think girl groups like the Spice Girls, Girls Aloud, The Saturdays, Little Mix - that kind of thing. We can use RL celebs, or make up original characters (ideally with faceclaims).
Cult/Religious/Politically Themed
Soporific Society - I can’t be the only one who is turned on by the idea of ‘political’ mind control. Not any particular political stance (let’s not open that can of worms, here), but more the idea of hypnosis/mind control/brainwashing being used by someone (or some group) to take control of society, or to quell resistance/rebellion.
I was reading a tech article about how Facebook is making us soporific and compliant as a society, how Western governments might end up copying China and trying to control and censor the use of the Internet…and that made me think of a girl pop band being used for political ends, to brainwash and/or calm the populace, to quell resistance etc. - to make people feel happy, safe, compliant…unquestioning obedience to the government…to infiltrate and defeat members of political opposition or resistance movements…
This could, of course, be male or female dominant - the current fantasy in my head is of a group of sexy twenty-something girls in a band being the ‘face’ of the dominant force…
The Cult of Heaven - The Leader is Good. The Leader is Great. We surrender our will, as of this date. Ever wondered what it's like to be part of one big, happy family? Where no-one is bored, or sad, or angry? No-one protests, no-one complains. All because they're totally, like, in love with The Leader. He's just so.....dreamy! There's no jealousy, either. The Leader's pleasure is all that matters.
Lots of scope here - you can be a new member of the Cult, joining willingly. Perhaps an established member of The Leader's chosen ones? Or maybe you're a threat from the outside? A detective, a police officer, someone concerned for the welfare of the girls within the walls? It doesn't matter. All you need to do is stay with us a while, and surrender. Soon, you'll realise you've never been happier. There's nothing to fear, here. Everything is wonderful. And you'll do anything to please The Leader...
He Won - It was a day, seemingly just like any other, when it happened. No-one knows how, or why, but it happened, alright. The world, the galaxy - hell, the universe, both real, fictional and all the multiverses - none of them would ever be the same again. All because He Won.
It's unclear, to this day, whether there was a contest, a vote, a competition, perhaps even a lottery. It doesn't really matter anymore. The only thing that matters is that He Won.
What exactly did He Win, you ask? Entirety. Everything, Everyone, Everywhere, Everywhen. It all belonged to Him, instantly. He owned it all. Complete control over all of it, with the power to reshape, remake and change anything, from the smallest blade of grass, through the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and appearance of any and all sentient life, all the way up to universe shattering changes.
He didn't realise it at first. But it didn't take long for Him to learn. Anything He wanted, would be His. Others soon discovered it, too. Whether they found out through meeting Him in person; gossip, rumour and hearsay; or just a creeping realisation that the world had irrevocably shifted towards Him - everyone knew, and accepted it completely. No resistance.
None was possible when they realised what all this was for. It was All for Him. He was, and remains, All. His pleasure is the only possible thing that matters, and every single atom of every single being in the entire universe now exists solely to bring Him pleasure.
He Won. And now, the real fun can begin...
A chance to indulge a completely overpowered fantasy in which canon characters, celebrities and even characters based on real-life crushes of mine are totally and completely worshipping their new God.
I was reading a tech article about how Facebook is making us soporific and compliant as a society, how Western governments might end up copying China and trying to control and censor the use of the Internet…and that made me think of a girl pop band being used for political ends, to brainwash and/or calm the populace, to quell resistance etc. - to make people feel happy, safe, compliant…unquestioning obedience to the government…to infiltrate and defeat members of political opposition or resistance movements…
This could, of course, be male or female dominant - the current fantasy in my head is of a group of sexy twenty-something girls in a band being the ‘face’ of the dominant force…
The Cult of Heaven - The Leader is Good. The Leader is Great. We surrender our will, as of this date. Ever wondered what it's like to be part of one big, happy family? Where no-one is bored, or sad, or angry? No-one protests, no-one complains. All because they're totally, like, in love with The Leader. He's just so.....dreamy! There's no jealousy, either. The Leader's pleasure is all that matters.
Lots of scope here - you can be a new member of the Cult, joining willingly. Perhaps an established member of The Leader's chosen ones? Or maybe you're a threat from the outside? A detective, a police officer, someone concerned for the welfare of the girls within the walls? It doesn't matter. All you need to do is stay with us a while, and surrender. Soon, you'll realise you've never been happier. There's nothing to fear, here. Everything is wonderful. And you'll do anything to please The Leader...
He Won - It was a day, seemingly just like any other, when it happened. No-one knows how, or why, but it happened, alright. The world, the galaxy - hell, the universe, both real, fictional and all the multiverses - none of them would ever be the same again. All because He Won.
It's unclear, to this day, whether there was a contest, a vote, a competition, perhaps even a lottery. It doesn't really matter anymore. The only thing that matters is that He Won.
What exactly did He Win, you ask? Entirety. Everything, Everyone, Everywhere, Everywhen. It all belonged to Him, instantly. He owned it all. Complete control over all of it, with the power to reshape, remake and change anything, from the smallest blade of grass, through the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and appearance of any and all sentient life, all the way up to universe shattering changes.
He didn't realise it at first. But it didn't take long for Him to learn. Anything He wanted, would be His. Others soon discovered it, too. Whether they found out through meeting Him in person; gossip, rumour and hearsay; or just a creeping realisation that the world had irrevocably shifted towards Him - everyone knew, and accepted it completely. No resistance.
None was possible when they realised what all this was for. It was All for Him. He was, and remains, All. His pleasure is the only possible thing that matters, and every single atom of every single being in the entire universe now exists solely to bring Him pleasure.
He Won. And now, the real fun can begin...
A chance to indulge a completely overpowered fantasy in which canon characters, celebrities and even characters based on real-life crushes of mine are totally and completely worshipping their new God.
Particularly Dark or Squicky
Patriarchy Always Wins (disclaimer - this is fantasy, not a representation of my real life beliefs) - feisty women forced to admit, or brainwashed to believe, that feminism is a lie - that girls are meant only to serve and obey, to fuck, and suck, and be bred. Maybe there’s a resistance group who fight against it, but always fall eventually…
The Regime (Warning: not for the feint at heart, or representative of my real life beliefs) - It’s all over. Patriarchy has won, and is stronger than ever before. Women have been reduced to the social status of property, without rights or a voice. Many men take advantage of new ‘bolting’ technology to turn women into mindless sex slaves.
Under the Regime, all forms of feminism are outlawed, considered dangerous, a disease to be wiped off the face of the planet. Some women are in hiding, some decide it’s not worth fighting - they’d rather collaborate, become spokesluts for the Regime, or betray their friends and family to try and protect themselves.
Regardless, this dark RP idea would involve harsh treatment and degradation of women, stab-in-the-back deals on all sides, and perhaps even a bad ending or two. We’d play characters within the Regime’s hierarchy, or from the Resistance, both men and women, taking and bolting and fucking as many as possible.
The Goo - based on a series of stories by SpaceSamurai, this RP would be squicky, telling the tale of a strange, alien goo which has the ability to smell and taste like the most perfect foodstuff in the world, but once inside you, renders you a mindless, feral fuckbeast, eager to mate and spread its’ influence. Goo Girls would tempt men into their thrall, and once men have become Goo Beasts, their seed is infected with Goo, becoming thousands of times more potent and addictive. (I wrote a short story along these lines, a while back.)
The Great Old One - Alien parasite, or ancient being who was here aeons before us. It matters not. All that matters is the need to spread your influence, to grow in power and take over the world. A huge, writhing, bubbling, pulsating mass of alien tentacles, and a group of women circling it, mindlessly, helplessly, worshipfully in thrall to it. Each woman brings their friends, their family to it, and whilst it may repulse at first, the shimmering bulk of slimy tentacles entrances its’ victims, rendering them nothing but slaves to its’ commanding will.
Oink! Oink! - OK, something a bit different for me, but I seem to be developing a fetish for animal transformations, specifically pigs, and the mental degradation that implies. I imagine some kind of virus-like scenario in which famous women are infected with a highly-transmittable disease that turns them into feral fuckpigs...
The Regime (Warning: not for the feint at heart, or representative of my real life beliefs) - It’s all over. Patriarchy has won, and is stronger than ever before. Women have been reduced to the social status of property, without rights or a voice. Many men take advantage of new ‘bolting’ technology to turn women into mindless sex slaves.
Under the Regime, all forms of feminism are outlawed, considered dangerous, a disease to be wiped off the face of the planet. Some women are in hiding, some decide it’s not worth fighting - they’d rather collaborate, become spokesluts for the Regime, or betray their friends and family to try and protect themselves.
Regardless, this dark RP idea would involve harsh treatment and degradation of women, stab-in-the-back deals on all sides, and perhaps even a bad ending or two. We’d play characters within the Regime’s hierarchy, or from the Resistance, both men and women, taking and bolting and fucking as many as possible.
The Goo - based on a series of stories by SpaceSamurai, this RP would be squicky, telling the tale of a strange, alien goo which has the ability to smell and taste like the most perfect foodstuff in the world, but once inside you, renders you a mindless, feral fuckbeast, eager to mate and spread its’ influence. Goo Girls would tempt men into their thrall, and once men have become Goo Beasts, their seed is infected with Goo, becoming thousands of times more potent and addictive. (I wrote a short story along these lines, a while back.)
The Great Old One - Alien parasite, or ancient being who was here aeons before us. It matters not. All that matters is the need to spread your influence, to grow in power and take over the world. A huge, writhing, bubbling, pulsating mass of alien tentacles, and a group of women circling it, mindlessly, helplessly, worshipfully in thrall to it. Each woman brings their friends, their family to it, and whilst it may repulse at first, the shimmering bulk of slimy tentacles entrances its’ victims, rendering them nothing but slaves to its’ commanding will.
Oink! Oink! - OK, something a bit different for me, but I seem to be developing a fetish for animal transformations, specifically pigs, and the mental degradation that implies. I imagine some kind of virus-like scenario in which famous women are infected with a highly-transmittable disease that turns them into feral fuckpigs...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
DC Universe
Doctor Who
Harry Potter
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Orphan Black
Parks and Recreation
Star Trek
This fandom is ripe for sexy love spells, devious demon possession, slayer-based harems..
Anya Jenkins
Amy Madison
Buffy Summers
Cordelia Chase
Dawn Summers
Faith Lehane
Jenny Calendar
Joyce Summers
Tara Maclay
Willow Rosenberg
Anya Jenkins
Amy Madison
Buffy Summers
Cordelia Chase
Dawn Summers
Faith Lehane
Jenny Calendar
Joyce Summers
Tara Maclay
Willow Rosenberg
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
DC Universe
Please note, I'm much less familiar with the DCU.
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman
Felicity Smoak
Harley Quinn
Kara Zor-El/Supergirl
Lana Lang
Lois Lane
Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy
Zatanna Zatarra
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman
Felicity Smoak
Harley Quinn
Kara Zor-El/Supergirl
Lana Lang
Lois Lane
Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy
Zatanna Zatarra
Doctor Who
I'm not interested in playing the Doctor, but either myself, or the Master. Almost any group of women who’ve been involved in the show, and/or their characters, are up for grabs.
Zoe Heriot
Jo Grant
Romana II
Tegan Jovanka
Peri Brown
Rose Tyler
Donna Noble
Martha Jones
Lady Christina de Souza
Amy Pond
River Song
Clara Oswald
Yasmin Khan
Zoe Heriot
Jo Grant
Romana II
Tegan Jovanka
Peri Brown
Rose Tyler
Donna Noble
Martha Jones
Lady Christina de Souza
Amy Pond
River Song
Clara Oswald
Yasmin Khan
Harry Potter
Bellatrix Lestrange
Cho Chang
Fleur Delacour
Ginny Weasley
Hermione Granger
Katie Bell
Luna Lovegood
Nymphadora Tonks
Cho Chang
Fleur Delacour
Ginny Weasley
Hermione Granger
Katie Bell
Luna Lovegood
Nymphadora Tonks
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Black Widow
Scarlet Witch
Captain Marvel
Jessica Jones
Pepper Potts
Peggy Carter
Gwen Stacey
Mary-Jane Watson
Scarlet Witch
Captain Marvel
Jessica Jones
Pepper Potts
Peggy Carter
Gwen Stacey
Mary-Jane Watson
Orphan Black
I'd love to RP an Orphan Black story. I'm thinking mind control based, but the subtlety or otherwise of that is up for discussion.
Essentially, I'm thinking that during or after the events towards the end of the series, a new shadowy faction involved in the whole Leda conspiracy emerges - this one has secretly inserted gene programming into the Leda clones, which renders them horny, nymphomaniac sluts, totally obedient and in thrall to this shadowy cabal of Masters.
Sarah Manning
Cosima Niehaus
Alison Hendrix
Rachel Duncan
Krystal Goderitch
Mrs. S
Delphine Cormier
Essentially, I'm thinking that during or after the events towards the end of the series, a new shadowy faction involved in the whole Leda conspiracy emerges - this one has secretly inserted gene programming into the Leda clones, which renders them horny, nymphomaniac sluts, totally obedient and in thrall to this shadowy cabal of Masters.
Sarah Manning
Cosima Niehaus
Alison Hendrix
Rachel Duncan
Krystal Goderitch
Mrs. S
Delphine Cormier
Parks and Recreation
Star Trek
Sylvia Tilly
Ezri Dax
Seven of Nine
Beverly Crusher
Robin Lefler
Keyla Detmer
Kira Nerys
Jadzia Dax
Ezri Dax
Seven of Nine
Beverly Crusher
Robin Lefler
Keyla Detmer
Kira Nerys
Jadzia Dax
Celebrity Muses
Please note: this is a representative sample of the celebrities I'd love to play opposite. I'm open to others, of course - but generally, not random porn stars.
These celebrities can be face/name-claims only, if you'd prefer, i.e. don't feel you have to know their personalities/lives inside out.
Aisling Bea
Alexandra Daddario
Alison Brie
Anna Kendrick
Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen (specifically around 2001-2003 era)
Aubrey Plaza
Billie Piper
Bryce Dallas Howard
Caroline Flack
Cat Deeley
Chloe Grace Moretz
Christina Hendricks
Diana Vickers
Dua Lipa
Elizabeth Olsen
Ellie Goulding
Emily Blunt
Emma Stone
Emma Watson
Felicia Day
Felicity Jones
Girls Aloud (Nicola Roberts, Cheryl Cole, Nadine Coyle, Sarah Harding, Kimberley Walsh, in that order of preference)
Hailee Steinfeld
Hannah Fry
Hayley Atwell
Ingrid Michaelson
Jenna-Louise Coleman
Jennifer Aniston
Jenny Owen Youngs
Jessica Brown-Findlay
Jewel Staite
Jodie Whittaker
Julianne Moore
Karen Gillan
Kat Dennings
Kate Middleton
Katherine Jenkins
Kaya Scoledario
Kiera Court
Kristin Kreuk
Krysten Ritter
Letitia Wright
Lily Cole
Lizzy Caplan
Louise Nurding
Lucy Hale
Lucy Pinder
Mary-Elizabeth Winstead
Melissa Fumero
Michelle Dockery
Michelle Trachtenberg
Mila Kunis
Molly Quinn
Nathalie Emmanuel
Nina Nesbitt
Pixie Lott
Poppy Dinsey
Rachel Riley
Rachel Stevens
Rachel Weisz
Rita Ora
Sarah Hyland
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Scarlett Johannsson
Selena Gomez
Stephanie Beatriz
Susannah Reid
Talulah Riley
Tatiana Maslany
Taylor Swift
Tessa Thompson
The Saturdays (Frankie Sandford, Una Healy, Rochelle Wiseman, Mollie King, Vanessa White)
Tina Barrett
Vanessa Hudgens
Victoria Pendleton
Zara Larsson
Zoe Kazan
Zoe Sugg
Zooey Deschanel
Alexandra Daddario
Alison Brie
Anna Kendrick
Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen (specifically around 2001-2003 era)
Aubrey Plaza
Billie Piper
Bryce Dallas Howard
Caroline Flack
Cat Deeley
Chloe Grace Moretz
Christina Hendricks
Diana Vickers
Dua Lipa
Elizabeth Olsen
Ellie Goulding
Emily Blunt
Emma Stone
Emma Watson
Felicia Day
Felicity Jones
Girls Aloud (Nicola Roberts, Cheryl Cole, Nadine Coyle, Sarah Harding, Kimberley Walsh, in that order of preference)
Hailee Steinfeld
Hannah Fry
Hayley Atwell
Ingrid Michaelson
Jenna-Louise Coleman
Jennifer Aniston
Jenny Owen Youngs
Jessica Brown-Findlay
Jewel Staite
Jodie Whittaker
Julianne Moore
Karen Gillan
Kat Dennings
Kate Middleton
Katherine Jenkins
Kaya Scoledario
Kiera Court
Kristin Kreuk
Krysten Ritter
Letitia Wright
Lily Cole
Lizzy Caplan
Louise Nurding
Lucy Hale
Lucy Pinder
Mary-Elizabeth Winstead
Melissa Fumero
Michelle Dockery
Michelle Trachtenberg
Mila Kunis
Molly Quinn
Nathalie Emmanuel
Nina Nesbitt
Pixie Lott
Poppy Dinsey
Rachel Riley
Rachel Stevens
Rachel Weisz
Rita Ora
Sarah Hyland
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Scarlett Johannsson
Selena Gomez
Stephanie Beatriz
Susannah Reid
Talulah Riley
Tatiana Maslany
Taylor Swift
Tessa Thompson
The Saturdays (Frankie Sandford, Una Healy, Rochelle Wiseman, Mollie King, Vanessa White)
Tina Barrett
Vanessa Hudgens
Victoria Pendleton
Zara Larsson
Zoe Kazan
Zoe Sugg
Zooey Deschanel
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