Fx Male Updated 7/20 - LF writers who like plot and smut [NSFW images]


Works Too Much
Feb 27, 2018
Updated 7/20/2020

Please read the rules before reaching out to me. The first two rules are extremely important. If anything in my request thread is unclear or you have questions, I am happy to answer them.

The thread is currently a WIP and being updated as I go.

Though Blue Moon is my most recently chosen platform, I've been role-playing for over 15 years in various formats. I play both male and female characters of varying temperaments. Tomboys, femboys, masculine males, feminine females, etc. If I find the story appealing, I will likely find a way to create a character I like for the story.

I adore collaboration and communication. If you bring a beloved plot-in-a-box idea to me, I will likely find a twist and change things up for both of us. I am also perfectly fine starting with a base concept, pairing, or a singular starting point if I'm writing a proper story-driven RP.

What's a plot-in-a-box? Sometimes it's a story that doesn't have a home because you never got a chance to RP it, but sometimes it's a story with enough established plot points to fill out a story diagram.

I.E. 'YC is this, MC is that. We meet on a moonlit night under a rose bush and declare love at first sight. But, OH NO, YC is already engaged and MC returns back home to discover he's been promised to a new (insert trope) fiancee! So they run away together, but YC gets kidnapped so MC has to make a pact with--' -- You get the idea.

If it's a story that you want to see if I would enjoy, but would prefer that no changes are made to the plot points or scenario, please explicitly say that you want to know if I'd want to RP it as-is. It wouldn't be the first time that's happened.

Posting Schedule? I am mostly able to post between 5 PM-midnight Central Time, but I can sometimes sneak in responses earlier or later depending on how busy my day is. Weekends the hours vary wildly due to no work and a messy sleep schedule.

I only seek out new RPs when I have the chance to respond to posts quicker, it helps get the world-building set so we can get to the meaty goodness. So chances are if you're reading this and I've recently bumped it, that means I'm in a situation where my foreseeable future allows me the time to RP.

My posting schedule flexes between 1-3 days, I do aim to respond within 24 hours but sometimes life and work doesn't allow for responses. I am not a rapid-fire poster. Nor will I ever claim to be, but if I am able to post more than once a day, I will.

I feel like this should go without saying, but please do not harass me for posts.

It's one thing to make sure I'm still interested or if everything is alright if it's been a few days, but I've legitimately had people flat out tell me I should post faster even if I had already responded a few times to their RP earlier that day due to having extra time (1-3 hour delays)

Overall...sometimes I'm faster, sometimes I'm slower. I tend to respond to OOC messages as soon as I see them thanks to email notifications, but I might not write a response IC immediately.

Absences? They happen. I try to let people know, but it doesn't always work out that way. I try to be considerate of people having unforeseen issues with availability and I expect the same consideration in return.

On the flip side, if you disappear without a word and come back after a few months wanting to continue or RP a different story, I won't be mad. Shoot me a message when you're back.


- I find it extremely offputting when someone emotes against me directly. I'm here to write a story with you, not be your kitten.
* Third Person only, please. - I would appreciate it if you don't say "I" or "you" when referring to our characters. A slip-up is fine, but it is very difficult for me to roleplay against someone using first-person pronouns.
* Past tense preferred - I mostly prefer to write in the past tense, so it is easier if my partner writes in the past tense.
* On-site RP only. No discord, no email, no messengers.
* Who you are behind the keyboard does not matter to me. M/F/H/T/Unicorn
* Teamwork is crucial. Please don't make me do all of the 'heavy lifting' in a role play OR in world-building.
* I would like to know if people actually read the rules anymore.
* Bigger isn't always better. Sometimes posts will be 600+ words, other times they'll be 200+. I always aim to give my partners a post that has plenty to respond to, but I don't like to force or assume actions on behalf of another character.
* Writing is like the tides of the ocean as they ebb and flow. Sometimes I save good ideas for a later post because I believe they will be more impactful that way.


I'm all for world-building and making things unique, but we don't need to include everything except the kitchen sink in our RPs.

* Apocalyptic
* Dystopian
* Fantasy
* Futuristic
* Medieval
* Modern
* Modern Fantasy


This is, for all intents and purposes, a "wish list". For the long version, please see my F-List. Not all of these are required in an RP.

I do not play MILFs or older sisters.

If I had a nickel for every time someone messaged me asking me if I'd RP their mom or older sibling despite this like being on my list since I made this thread, I'd have at least $10 of nickels! Nobody wants $10 worth of nickels!

* Age Differences
* Ageplay
* Big vs small (taller guys vs shorter gals, humans vs halfling chicks, etc)
* Choking
* Consensual
* DD/lg
* Dominant Partners - my ladies have wills of their own, but I love watching them get taught who is in charge.
* Dub-Con
* Fight for dominance
* Forced prostitution
* Humanoids (Gods, Demi-Gods, Angels, Demons, etc)
* Intelligent Partners
* Kidnapping
* Manipulation
* Messy Sex
* Mirrors - MC being forced to watch herself
* Non-Con
* Older Male vs Younger Female - or close in age to each other. I've been seeing a lot of requests to play someone's mom lately and I'm NOT into that.
* Pregnancy (and risk)
* Romance
* Stockholm Syndrome
* Vampires

Not Right Now:
* Incest
* Super Heroes

* Being asked to RP someone's older sister or mom by someone who's supposedly read my request thread.
* Gore
* Potty stuff
* Vore

Pairings, examples of writing (in the form of starters abandoned by my partners), and scenarios are in the second post.
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