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Mary’s group of rebels (craving vampires)


Mar 7, 2018
Princess Mary Elmwood
27 years old
Blue eyes and blue hair
Mary was born into slavery making her a slave herself. Always wanting to see the free world she would figure out ways to escape her masters. She was sold into slavery by her uncle, her only living relative to settle gambling debts. She secretly has a brother named Trent, her father Wrath and Mother Victoria were the King and Queen of Lorrin a demon country. When both her parents died of a disease Mary and Trent were sent to live separate sides of the family. Marcus Mary's uncle became King and erased Trent's and Mary's memories of their lives. Trent was put into slavery in the fields to the kingdom and Mary was sold into slavery to a foreign country. Mary's magic is sealed inside her mind behind powerful magic barriers.

Always a rebellious spirit escaping her masters houses, always in the auction and it came to a point most of the masters knew she was a handful and wouldn't give her the time of day. Staying in the auction for almost a year she became the punching bag of stressed guards especially when the warden looked the other way. Still rebellious as ever but secretly doesn't want to go the mines till the day she died because she wanted to explore the world. She is also a part demon with black wings, fangs and tail.

( I made a new account, formly known as mary.elmwood.)

Telsa Knight
28 years old and female
blue eyes and black hair
Grey skin and blue wings
Telsa was born into slavery she was fortunate enough to not be seperated from her family. She works on a farm harvesting crops for her owners. Telsa's life changed when the owners of the farm died and everything went to the children. The farm expanded with no increase in slaves to work it so the slaves get worked to exhaustion. Telsa is a hard working woman, tries to work harder than others so the elderly don't have to work as hard.
Marybe your character is a friend of the new owners and wants to buy Telsa?

I am open to most roleplay ideas.

Semi Lit roleplayers only please, I love detailed stories.

I also love to play elfs, vampires and humans.

I really want to do a Kylo and Rey roleplay where Kylo captures Rey and uses the force to turn her into his plaything
To be dominated
Being Submissive
Rebelling characters
Double Penetration
All holes filled
Ball Gags
Forced Orgasms

Not a fan of
Age play

*!*!*!*!*!*!!* Please Reply thru PM*!*!*!*!*!!*

My pairings are usually
Master x Slave/Pet
Adventurer x Servant
King x servant
Vampire x captive
Angel x Demon
Demon x Fox Girl

Guardian & Ghost x fellow Guardian (Destiny 1 & 2 games)

I love to play demi human characters, elves, awoken females (Destiny).
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