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Tsuruya and Mikuru's Love Tornado! (Mu Halim)

Tsuruya looked around in the car, surprised at how expensive everything was. Was it really okay for her to be getting a ride in a car like this? She did as he told her, putting her seat belt on. She brushed a bit of her hair from her face, a little blush on her face still. " house please...I'll direct you." she said. She looked over to him quickly, finding him rather attractive as well. then again, she didn't know a thing about him, other than he saved her from Edward and he drove a nice car. She wasn't quite ready for his question right after. "Um..." She paused as she thought of what to say. "He's in my class. He was trying to prey on my best friend and I confronted him. He suddenly came out of nowhere just now..." She paused once more. It still felt pretty good, but thinking about what he was doing made her rathr upset.
Kensei started pulling out until he heard what she said, he abruptly stopped, opening his glove compartment, pulling out brass knuckles. "Give me one moment." He unbuckled and started walking out of the car. Inside the glove compartment was something Tsuruya was always curious about, but never actually wanted to see in person. A small, black handgun.
Tsuruya was surprised as the car suddenly came to a halt. They hadn't even driven very far. "W-what's wrong?" she asked. She backed up in her seat as he opened the glove compartment, pulling out the brass knuckles. "W-wha?! Is this guy a yakuza or something?!" she thought, starting to panic a little bit. She watched him walk out of the car, but she noticed he hadn't closed the glove compartment. What she saw next worried her even more. A gun. "W-wait a second! What's this for?!" Numerous questions and scenarios ran through her mind as she examined in. What was he planning to do? Sure, he looked friendly now, but who knows what he might do? He was so nice to help her, but what she was seeing now was really starting to worry her. She waited quietly, wondering if there was a chance for her to escape.

In the meantime, the S.O.S. Brigade had concluded with their club meeting, all going off their separate ways. Knowing that Tsuruya had probably gone off home already, Mikuru didn't have to worry. She had a meeting with Professor Laos after all. She quickly headed off to where he told her to meet, knocking gently on the door a few times. "Um...Professor Laos?"
Edward started to finally recover somewhat, and turned to get onto his stomach and push himself up slowly. He reached for his eye and grimaced in pain. Much to his misfortune, a stylish black car was parked several feet away, the guy who took him out walking in his direction. This guy was going to add a little more insult to injury, a natural reaction from a guy who can't stand guys who rape girls. Kensei approached fearlessly, as some students started coming out of their clubs.

Robert sat up, a newspaper over his chest as he walked to the door nervously. He opened the door and smiled, "Hey, Mikuru, you made it. I was starting to think you wouldn't show up." He waved her into his office, closing the door behind them, but not locking it, a definite good sign if Mikuru was even worried about something.
While Kensei was still heading off to the campus, Tsuruya carefully opened her car door. She didn't bother to close it, as it might get his attention if she did plan on running. However, she noticed just what he planned to do with those brass knuckles. He was approached Edward on the ground, who was starting to come to. She was rather hesitant to do anything at the moment. After all, if she just left now, he'd beat Edward to a pulp in front of all those students coming out of their clubs. Sure he was a rather nasty fellow that was molesting her just now, but maybe even he didn't deserve that sort of humiliation. It was enough that Kensei had knocked him out to save her. For a second, she wasn't sure what made her move, but she found herself heading right back onto campus in a mad dash. She quickly shortened the distance between Kensei and herself, wrapping her arm tightly around his arm to prevent him from moving further. "Please...wait a second."

Mikuru was also a little fidgety, twiddling her fingers a bit before he came to open the door. "Hello Professor Laos. I'm glad my club meeting didn't last too long. She walked inside his office, watching as he closed the door behind her. This certainly was a rather odd situation for her, but she was at least relieved that the door wasn't locked in case something happened while she was here. " mentioned earlier in class...that you want me to model for you?"
"Um, yes. See, you remind me of a girl I knew at some point... I have no clue where she's gone, but she was a really beautiful person. With that in mind, I'd like for you to pose for several different mediums. I will be in charge of the school magazine, I want you to be our lead model. There is a fashion show coming up in about a month, I'd like for you to attend that too. A little later in October, there is a "Sexy Halloween" party where the school's most charismatic and dreamy girls will all take up costumes and have fun. I'd like for you to participate in that too. I just think you're an interesting subject with very tiny flaws. It's a bit troublesome. If only you were a bit older..." He started to stand up. "So, what do you think? Could we take some simple pictures now?" He said, a digital camera on his desk.

Kensei looked back at her, then at the students coming out. "Don't you want me to put him away? He hurt you, didn't he? Don't worry, a few punches to the face will just assure that he doesn't do it again. Maybe break a bone."

Edward had now fully stood, and noticed Tsuruya holding on to this, fucking, gangster bastard that knocked his lights out. "Why didn't you tell me you were taken, Tsuruya!" He yelled, holding his eye as he dashed towards the crowds, some left staring at Tsuruya and Kensei. Especially Kensei since he was never seen before at the school. Kensei looked over at her and smiled, putting the weapon away. "You should take better care of yourself. He'd do it again, and do it more violently. Come on. I'll take you to your house if you like." He started walking back to his car, with our without Tsuruya tagging along.
" that so?" Of course, she knew that he really was talking about her, Mikuru's future self though. If he did find out about her, there would be some complications. For now, she'd just have to go along with it. She didn't know who this girl he was talking about was. "Hmm? You want pose?" She hadn't heard anything about him being in charge of the school magazine, but it must have been related to him wanting to start a Newspaper club. A faint blush appeared on her face at the thought of a "Sexy Halloween" party. "Umm...well, I'll think about that." She watched him as he stood up in front of her. "W-well...I don't mind it."

Tsuruya shook her head a little as she looked back up at him. "I know what he did was horrible, but even he doesn't deserve that sort of humiliation. I'm sure you've taught him his lesson already!" she said. It wasn't like she was on his side or anything, but he looked pathetic enough after being knocked out earlier.

She paused as she noticed Edward getting to his feet, giving them a rather nasty look. She was rather surprised with his comment, a little embarrassed as well. She could see some heads turning to lok over at them, and it would likely make them misunderstand. "W-wait a second! That's not true!" she called, but he had already run off, getting her some odd looks from the students. She let out a little sigh. "Nothing I can do about that now..." She turned to Kensei as he started heading back to his car. Aside from the weapons she had found in his car, there were other things that she wanted to find out. Even if she was feeling a bit nervous to ask, she felt the need to know. "Hold on...why are you here on campus? Are you a student?" She didn't want to ask about the weaponry just yet. It was likely he'd know she saw the gun if he went back. The glove compartment was still open after all.
"Good, good... then we should get this underway. Just a few quick ones to give myself a subject. Don't worry, there will be other members... but I don't think anyone can top you in looks in all honesty. Tsuruya is a cute girl, but she lacks certain feminity about herself. I guess she's still a bit of a kid inside." He said, getting the camera in his hands. "Do you want to keep your clothes on?" He asked with a serious look on his face.

Kensei immediately put away the knuckles and started walking back to his car. "Well... yeah. Yeah, I'm a student here. I got to class a little late I imagine." He said, waiting for her to get inside before he did so. The doors closed as students started to huddle around. He looked over at the glove compartment and watched Tsuruya as he put the brass knuckles in there and closed it as if nothing had happened. "He really upset me a lot. I don't like guys like him."
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