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Tsuruya and Mikuru's Love Tornado! (Mu Halim)


Jan 9, 2009
The ringing of the morning bell signaled the beginning of yet another year at North High School. The campus was once again filled with the sounds of students chattering and discussing classes among other things. Of course, the name of the infamous S.O.S. Brigade was being tossed around as well. There were numerous occurences in the past that many returning members still remembered, examples beng the two bunny girls recruiting members and the surprisingly popular, but cleary unprofessional video shown at last year's festival. They were left to wonder what other shinanigans they could expect this year, but at least they hadn't been doing so much lately. Of course, they had been meeting over the summer, mainly because of their ever-energetic leader Haruhi Suzumiya. After finishing up summer assignments, they could all look forward to yet another year.

Most of the students had gathered around the signs showing what classes they had been assigned to. Afterward, they quickly dispersed to go there, though there was still a good deal of time before classes officially began. Tsuruya, Mikuru's best friend made sure to check up on both of their schedules. Mikuru wasn't there at the moment, as the S.O.S. Brigade was having a pre-classes meeting to start off the year. Being the club's mascot, Mikuru ad to attend. Tsuruya flashed her trademark grin as she noticed that Mikuru and her would be in the same class for yet another year. She brushed some of her green locks aside as she moved through the crowd, now headed for the S.O.S. clubroom. She headed up to the hall where the S.O.S. clubroom was in, noticing that Itsuki and Kyon were outside of the clubroom. It was obvious as to why that was, as Mikuru's cries for help could be heard from inside. "Oh! If it isn't Kyon-kun and Itsuki-kun as well!" she said, beaming as usual as she approached the two of them. "Oh, Tsuruya-san. Good morning." Itsuki replied, polite as always. "Oh...hello there." Kyon seemed rather unsure of how to respond to her constant cheerfulness.

The door finally opened up with Mikuru Asahina stepping out, looking rather exhausted. It was to be expected, as Haurhi had made sure to buy some new costumes for her to wear today. Yuki Nagato sat in her same corner, reading a book as usual. Haruhi stepped out after her, wrapping an arm around Mikuru. "I know you'd look just perfect in those costumes I picked out! you better not skip the meeting afterschool since I have a few more for you to try on!" Tsuruya let out a little sigh as they walked out. "Aw...I guess I'm a little late. I was hoping I could take a quick picture or two of Mikuru in her new outfits." Haruhi seemed quite delighted with her comments. Of course, those two seemed to get along unusually well. "Then you'll just have to drop by our meeting and get all the pictures you want! Isn't that right Mikuru-chan?" Poor Mikuru simply whined under her. After a few more words they had all dispersed to go to their respective classes. Tsuruya had another one of her laughing fits as Mikuru mentioned the sort of outfits she had to wear, along with some events the S.O.S. Brigade had planned. What she said wasn't necessarily funny, but anything that amused Tsuruya would have her luaghing like a maniac. They made their way into their classroom, taking their seats. Coincidentally, they were sitting close with Mikuru in front of Tsuruya.
School had indeed begun once again, a summer which only felt like a few warm winds had flown right by them, and then it was back to the hunt, back to the slavery that was school. Although, overall, it wasn't too bad at all.

The classroom was slowly but surely filling up with students, newcomers and returning classmates alike.

"Keigo! Oh! Keigo!!" Yelled the absolutely obnoxious voices for several females following a young man around. He was quite fit, handsome, seemed charming, but with his flock of wild geese, it was probably going to be tough for him to manage anything but a squeak past those ladies. He peeked over them, trying to get a better glance of Tsuruya, but couldn't the five girls were all over him, he honestly liked the attention, but it seemed that the girl he wanted to glance at him the most, probably saw him as just a player and a womanizer.

A slender, serious looking male then entered, followed by a evidently careless boy. Edward McSullivan, a returning student, an unremovable smile on his face as he walked by a beautiful Mikuru Asahina, her beautiful cleavage too. He looked down and stared, moving towards the empty seat at the left side of Tsuruya, eyeing her as well. As he reached for the chair, still making eye contact with Mikuru's breasts, his fingertips felt...flesh.

The slender, extremely smart looking male was already pulling the chair out. The two stared at each other for a moment, before the taller student, pulled the chair forcefully, causing the breast gazer to sigh and sit elsewhere. He sat down and looked at the board carelessly, his eyes moving to look at Tsuruya a single time.
While they were waiting for the class to start, Mikuru and Tsuruya had been chatting about other things that had happened over the summer. It certainly helped to pass the time as they noticed more students began to move into the classroom. The annoying cries and voices of the female students warned everyone of their next classmate. "Keigo! Keigo!" This was nothing new for most students, as this could be heard almost everyday. "Uh oh. Here he comes." Tsuruya said. She remebered Keigo very well, Mikuru not as much. He wasn't bad at all, in fact she could see why all the girls were around him, though the constant attention he received had her staying clear from him for now. "It looks like we're going to have a rather diverse class this time around." she said jokingly to Mikuru, getting a little giggle from her. They were oblivious to the wandering eyes of Mr. McSullivan. They didn't necessarily pay attention as the two students fought for the seat next to Tsuruya. Neither Tsuruya or Mikuru had really heard of Edward, though they had gotten word of a certain student going around fondling female students. Tsuruya made sure she'd be with Mikuru as much as possible to prevent that, knowing Mikuru was most likely to be targeted.
The classroom started to finally quiet down as the teacher entered, another young man with an idealistic look, unlike any teacher the girls had seen.

"Good morning class. I am Professor Robert Laos. I'm glad to meet all of you. As you know, I will be your homeroom and first and second period teacher. We will see plenty of each other, so I am hoping we can develop relationships of trust, and understanding." He smiled at Mikuru, probably coincidentially. "Now then. Let me get started with the attendance. I will check it every morning at around this time. You are allowed to arrive up to five minutes later than this, anything after that will be marked late. I will post my e-mail, telephone, and cell phone information on the blackboard. Jot it down, be sure to call me if you are on your way but late, or will not be able to make it to class. Start treating this as more of a job, and less of a class. Well now... Adrianne Marshall... Tatsuki Higarama... Adell Silverstein..." And the names continued to roll.

"The... the Professor... he's... he's so gorgeous..." One of the girls whispered to the other, loud enough for some students to hear while others were deafened by his name-calling.

"Hiro Samsuki"

The silver haired male besides Tsuruya raised his hand carelessly, "Here..." He brought his arm down and crossed it over. Most girls would likely be very happy in this class.
Mikuru had caught his smile, finding herself blusing a little at it. Whether it was coincidence or not, something about the look he gave her got her a little embarrassed. They listened to him speak for a while, noting the personal information he had written down on the board. the students seemed a little hesitant to copy it all down, but eventually they were all jotting it down. Tsuruya seemed quite pleased that they were allowed to arrive a little later. After all, if Mikuru was going to be in any more of her club meetings in the morning, it would be great to have those extra minutes in case she took a while longer. Both Mikuru and Tsuruya could hear the girls swooning over the professor. They had to admit that he certainly was quite handsome though. "I hope they're not looking to get too far with that admiration." Tsuruya whispered to Mikuru. Of course, it was just a joke, though some students tended to get into those relationships with their teachers, which only made things really complicated. Luckily, they were able to catch their names amongst the chatter.

"Mikuru Asahina."

"I'm here." she said, raising her hand. Her voice had caught the attention of most of the male students, even those who hadn't seen her before. Of course, that was just the innocent charm of Mikuru that could snatch up just about any man's heart.

"And Miss Tsuruya."

She let out a hearty laugh as her name was called, rasing her hand while the rest of the class stared at her. "That's me." It seemed whenever you looked over at Tsuruya, she was always in a good mood. Her unmistakable fang could also be seen as she laughed. It took her a little while before she calmed down.

Tsuruya turned her attention to the male student sitting next to her, a pleasant grin on her face. She wasn't too sure why, but something about him had caught her interest, and that wasn't an easy thing to do. Mikuru on the other hand probably didn't have anyone she was too interested at the moment. At a point it seemed that her and Kyon were getting pretty close, but because of one person in particular, that relationship was most likely not going to happen.
Hiro looked over at her from the corners of his eyes, then looked back at the teacher. "The hell's she looking at?" He thought to himself, taking another quick glance at her. She was definitely a pretty girl, but likely, nothing more than an airhead. Or so he thought.

Edward was more than happy when he heard Mikuru speak, Tsuruya was cute as well, as a clear foreigner, he believed he had an advantage in these cases, but he was in this school last year, so it's not like he's a completely new face.

Robert smiled at Mikuru again after she answered and nodded his head with a smile after Tsuruya answered. "Well then." He said, closing his attendance booklet. "It looks like we're missing a student. He'll be sure to hear from me if and when he arrives. Until then, let's get started. I'm giong to ask you all to purchase a book at your local bookstore. The school bookstore has it for $35, I personally paid $10 for mine and it's the same exact book. So... I would really suggest you buy it elsewhere, pocket $25..." He continued to go on about the book's title and author, and how they were expected to read the entire thing before the month was over.
Tsuruya continued to glance over at Hiro for a little while longer, a little curious if he knew she was watching. Even if she couldn't talk to him now, she was rady to confront him when she got the chance. It was almost similar to Haruhi's interest in the supernatural. for now, she just turned her attention back to the front of the classroom, but not until she had gotten another good look. They both listened as he began to talk about the textbooks. They had been through this before last year, so it really wasn't anything new for them. It wouldn't be too hard fr them to find their textbooks for this year.
The moment Tsuruya stopped looking at Hiro, Hiro turned slightly and looked at her, to see if she was looking at him. He then turned to the teacher and frowned. Books were such a hassle. Even if the books was $35 it was still an ok price to pay for class. Edward rested his head on his hand as he looked over at Mikuru, hoping she'd turn to look at him, but the stupid teacher apparently had her trapped in his web of immorals. Keigo was dying to speak to Tsuruya, it was crushing him to see her look at this, Hiro guy so much, but then again, with all the girls around him, he'd have a difficult time talking to anyone. "Well, since today's the first day... I suppose you can enjoy the rest of the period. For second period, you can do as you please as well. I just don't want you guys to leave the school and get into trouble or anything." He said, sitting back, immediately three girls pulled close to him to talk to him.
Tsuruya seemed very happy to hear that they were allowed to do as they pleased for the rest of the period. It was always like this in the beginning of the school year: getting back into studies and meeting some new faces. Mikuru turned in her seat to face Tsuruya. " what should we do now?" Her friend flashed her another little grin. "Haha! It's time to strike some conversation of course. You should try talking to other people too you know." She quickly spun in her seat, facing Hiro once more. Now was the perfect time to talk. "Yo! You're Hiro right?" she asked, remembering his name from the role call earlier. Mikuru was a little surprised that she had tried to talk with someone new already. Maybe it wouldn't hurt if she did the same.
Hiro turned towards her, closing the small book he decided to open. His eyes seemingly scanned her entire face, adorable as it was, Hiro seemed somewhat upset about something. "Hi. What's your name..." He said quietly, his eyes narrowing at that fang.

Robert waved off the girls. "It was nice talking to you all, why don't you try to plan out where you'd get that book?" He sighed, looking at Mikuru, waiting for her to look up so that he could ask her to sit closer to his desk. He wanted to talk to her.
Tsuruya just beamed as he spoke to her. However, he was rather quiet. "You can just call me Tsuruya." Her upbeat deposition was probably something most people weren't used to if they were meeting her for the first time. "So...what's that you're reading nyoro?" Of course, her fang gave her a bit o a lisp sometimes, pronouncing some words odd, like nyoro and megas.

Mikuru was looking around the room still, noticing Robert who was busy trying to wave off some girls. He was a foreigner after all, so it wasn't that strange for some people to be interested in him. She foud herself watching him a little longer than she intended to.
Hiro immediately put the book away, he hated nosey people, especially girls. "It is nothing in specific. A boring book I picked up at the library. I'm sorry..." He excused himself, "But why are you talking to me?" He looked into her eyes intensely. What was his deal?

Robert had noticed Mikuru looking over quite a bit.

Edward finally got enough courage to stand up. "Asahina Mikuru... I want to..."

"Mikuru... would you come here a moment please?" Called Robert Laos, the girls in the class feeling their nostril's flare as Edward slumped over in failure.
Tsuruya sighed softly as he put the book away. It didn't seem like he was a people person. How rude! She figured he would at least want to talk to a cute girl like herself. "Why? Well why not? Just trying to get to know you. That's all. there something wrong with that?" she asked.

Mikuru did notice Edward had mentioned her name, but before she could respond to him, the professor had called her up to the front of the room. "Oh? Y-yes Professor. I'm coming." She politely bowed to Edward before she headed up to Professor Laos. Se stopped on front of his desk. "Um...did you need to see me for something?" she asked.
Hiro looked over at her again, "It's not bad. I suppose I'm just not the friendliest to people I don't know. It's not a book you'd like to know anything about, I promise you..." He looked at her, his eyes moving slightly to see Mikuru walk towards Professor Laos. "H-ow about you... aren't you reading something perhaps a little more interesting..."

"Mikuru, I was just wondering... did you have a sister before? Perhaps she's an alumni here? I remember going to school with a girl who looked just like you. It's a bit strange... but you remind me of her. She was always quite nice to me. You can sit down, there's some space here." He smiled at her carelessly. "I have an idea, actually. I wanted to start a photography club. You're a perfect subject, and the girl I knew also liked taking pictures. Might that be something that interests you? Of course, there'll be more than just you and I, I plan to have a number of members."
"Haha. You certainly are not the friendliest I've met." she said suddenly. Even so, she said it with a rather large grin on her face. "Me? I don't think I'm the kind for books." It was most likely because she was too energetic to sit through one. "I mean, every now and then I'll pop open a good manga if it looks good."

Mikuru was rather surprised with his words. "A s-sister?" There was really only one idea that came to mind. She thought maybe he was referring to her future self. It would probably make a little more sense since they could be similar in age now. "I'm sorry. I don't have any sisters." she said. " club?" She didn't mind taking pictures or anything. It just wasn't one of her most known hobbies. Of course, she was previously in the caligraphy club before being forced to quit and join the S.O.S. Brigade. "Well, a photography club sounds fine. I don't know if I can attend though. My current club has me meeting almost anytime there's a break."
Robert looked interested. "Strange... you sort of look exactly the same." He shrugged. "Well, I guess you two you just look alike." He seemed even more interested when she spoke about her club. "Well, what club is that? Maybe I can take a look at it..." Just thinking about the trouble Haruhi would cause him was enough to make a someone shake.

Hiro looked into his watch. "Manga..." He looked at her more closely. "Don't you have a boyfriend or something... Tsuruya..."
"I assure you that it is a coincidence Professor." she said. Plus, she didn't know too much about how her future self and him were with each other. It was likely classified information anyway. There were so many difficulties with being a time-traveler. "W-wait a second! I'm part of the S.O.S. Brigade." Every living soul on the campus had heard that name. "Um...I'm not sure what Ms. Suzumiya would do if I couldn't go to our meetings." That name was even more infamous, especially among the staff.

Tsuruya couldn't help but chuckle at his comment, almost bursting out into laughter. "A boyfriend. Haha! Not at all. I haven't found any of them that can keep up with me anyway!" That got her laughing a little, making a few heads turn in their direction. She had said it all a bit loud too.
Hiro's eye twitched. "Keep up with you... what exactly do you mean by that..." He stared at her, x-rated images running through his head.

Keigo heard her yell that, he sighed at the thought of his x-rated images.

Edward also heard her. He shifted from Mikuru to try and picture her nude. He wondered if she had pubic hair, perhaps styled, perhaps bald, he smiled to himself and leaned back.

Robert even turned slightly, before he realized the name. "Suzumiya... Haruhi?" He asked, "I... uh... I heard she's quite... energetic..."
Tsuruya stared back at him curiously with his question, clearly oblivious to what he was thinking of. "Hmm? What else could it mean silly?" she said with a cheery laugh. "Why?" She moved even closer, her face rather close to his. "What were you thinking of just now?" she asked, a sly grin on her face. It was clear she wasn't thinking too much about his comfort.

Mikuru was unaware of course with Edward's fantasies of her. She glanced over at him from time to time, knowing that he had tried to get her attention earlier. She looked back to Professor Laos. "Um...y-yes. She wants me to be at all club meetings, various reasons." She didn't want to tell him anything about how she was wearing those outfits all the time. At one point a whole bunch of her pictures were online, but Kyon had convinced Haruhi to take them down.
Hiro's heartbeat had increased quite a bit. "You're..." He swallowed. "I can smell her sweet breath. This girl's probably eaten candy for breakfast or something..." He thought to himself. "I... I... need to use the restroom... Tsuruya." He said, slowly backing away.

"Gaylord." Murmured Edward, looking at his fingernails after watching the kiss potential in there.

Laos was starting to see what kind of class he had. He turned towards Mikuru. "Well, I just wanted to see if there was any way I could possibly get you to model for me. You have the looks and personality." He said, waving slightly. "Sorry to bug you."

Keigo nearly died when he was Hiro so close to kissing Tsuruya.
Hiro was partially correct about her breath. she had made sure to pop a few hard candies in her mouth before she got to class. She stared at him curiously as he started to back away before running off suddenly. "Ah...he's gone. What a strange guy." she muttered to herself. She could see that Mikuru was still talking with the professor in the front, and there was still plenty of time for her to meet other people if she wanted to.

Mikuru watched as Hiro ran out of the room, wondering what Tsuruya could have done for him to do that. She turned back to te professor. "Um...w-well, I have meetings before and afterschool. and i'm not sure if Ms. suzumiya has any plans for club activities. She didn't say anything this morning, so I might be able to meet after our afterschool meeting."
Robert smiled. "Well... that... that would be just perfect... I have something to do immediately after school." He said with a short smirk. "Well, I hope we can meet soon." He smiled at her, the bell ringing, signalling the end of period 1.

Hiro had only walked outside and paced over and over. She was adorable. Hiro couldn't do anything with her, his family had him a wife pre-selected... and he HATED her. He could be seen pacing outside however.

Edward stood up and moved to where Mikuru would have been sitting. "So... Is Mikuru single? I imagine you must know. You girls all tell each other all sorts of weird things." He turned towards her. "Hey, are you listening to me? Just because I'm not from here doesn't mean anything... You're not bad looking yourself. Maybe both..." He paused before he got hit.
Mikuru gave him a little bow. "Um...w-well then I suppose I'll see you afterschool." She was about to head back to her seat, but she stopped and turned back to him. "Um...where are we going to meet?" she asked.

Tsuruya didn't really pay notice to Edward as he slipped into Mikuru's seat. Sure, he was quite a looker, but there was something about him that she didn't quite like. Perhaps the only thing interestign so far was that he was a foreigner. She didn't hit him, as she didn't feel the need to, but he was starting to bug her a little. "Excuse me. I appreciate your comments, but I believe the bell rang right?" she asked with a rather cheery expression. "I'm sure that means you'll be returning to your seat?" She didn't hate him or anything, but she hadn't met someone that was so open with their comments like him. It was just a little creepy. "Mikuru will be coming back to her seat soon too." It was then that she noticed someone outside. she took a quick peek, recognizing Hiro. Why he was pacing around was unknown to her, but he had to get back to class soon.
Edward smirked at her. "You're right. Mikuru should be getting back to her seat." He sat back and spread his legs. "I can hardly wait." He looked back at Tsuruya and smirked. "I bet you the cute red head would thoroughly enjoy it. Maybe you would too.

Robert shrugged. "My office is room 204. Why don't we meet there?" He smiled at her, it was almost as if they set a date, and the poor three Laos fanatics were ripping their eyebrows off because of how easily she and Robert Laos were setting up. They thought about Laos doing the dirtiest of things to Mikuru, things they probably wanted done to themselves.
Tsuruya was surprised and rather annoyed with how persistent he was. Perhaps he thought he was special being a foreigner. Even if he could get some girls where he was from, that wouldn't be working here. She wouldn't have him anywhere near Mikuru. "Now now." She suddenly grabbed the collar of his uniform, roughly pulling him from the seat. She still had a cheery expression on her face though. "Listen here. A kid like you is years away from getting together with Mikuru. I don't think you're ready."

Mikuru returned the smile, starting to feel a little more comfortable. "That sounds fine. I know where that is after all." She had no idea what those three girls were thinking, but she wasn't really thinking the same way they were. She thought it was just an innocent photo shooting after all.
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