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- Sep 27, 2011
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Gage Antonio Valentin
Unknown (appears 52)
Distinguishing Marks:
Various Tattoos
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Salt and pepper
Incarnation of Immortality: Death (Thanatos)
Gage is a well built man, epitomizing many of the Greek standards for beauty and physique. He is tall, standing a couple inches over six feet in height, and is wide in the shoulders with a deep chest. His musculature leans more toward a bulky statuesque than lean athletic, and he would remind many other Greeks of a wrestler. He carries his two hundred and seventy pound frame very well.
The man, other than his obvious physique, is also presented as a bit older than many of his deific counterparts. As a personification of Death, Gage does not have a fresh and young mortal coil. As a man in his early fifties, Gage is certainly as well muscled as many young men, but his age is apparent in his hair, which is now a salt and pepper complexion, though many feels it gives him a certain gravitas and look of wisdom. He is not balding, and his hairstyle is short, though he always keeps a beard and retains a rugged sort of look. Though not overly hirsute, Gage does sport hair upon his chest and arms and legs, preferring a more natural look than many in the younger generations who seem to wish to appear smooth all over.

Though many would expect Gage to be a morose and somber individual, this is far from the truth and in fact the incarnation of Death is quite the opposite. As a being that knows all too well the cold embrace of the grave, Gage revels in the life he has been given and lives it to the fullest. A being that is almost hedonistic, Gage enjoys fine food and drink, the company of the opposite sex, and art in all its forms.
Gage loves the art of cooking, and has become quite the chef. Catering to all manner of tastes, Gage often visits fine restaurants to sample their wares, willing to travel long distances to do so. He also enjoys a good cigar, and has learned the process by which they are made.
Exceedingly kind, altruistically so
Connoisseur if fine material things
Indomitable willpower
Exceedingly kind, altruistically so
Physical hedonist to the point of distraction and excess at times
Distrusted by some others due to his incarnation
Though Gage does not fear death itself, does not fear the very incarnation he represents, he does fear becoming a victim of true Entropy and ceasing to be altogether, which is by far a fate worse than Death
Like many of his ilk, Gage possesses a level of inhuman strength and speed, senses that rival many animals, and a hardy constitution that puts that of mortals to shame. Still, he does have particular gifts that he has inherited from Death itself.
Ill fated Touch:
This power must be unleashed, as the Touch cannot be used without Gage's willpower behind it. This power also will rarely affect those of equal standing to Gage, rendering it useless against other incarnations and the like. However, when unleashed his touch brings down the hand of Death upon the recipient. At times the death is swift and painless, and other times it brings a malady of some sort. Gage has no control over the manner of death, he merely is a conduit to the power of his incarnation.
Aegis of Death:
Gage, as a incarnation of Death itself, is immune to all diseases and poisons. He heals at an accelerated rate as well, healing in minutes what a mortal would take days to heal, and in days what might take weeks. He is immune to extreme temperatures, though the sorts of powers wielded by those of equal standing can still injure him.
In the beginning there was nothing, merely Chaos and Darkness. But then, as Life was created, so was Death. Thanatos, the personification of Death itself, presided over that facet of the universe. Time had little meaning to death, and all fell to his power eventually. This being true, Thanatos fathered many progeny throughout the eons. Over time, they were all eventually called back into the bosom of their father, giving themselves over to Death as all living things are wont to do.
Except one.
His eldest and firstborn son, whose true name has been lost in antiquity, still lives. A being immune to his father's touch, and who metes out his father's judgment at times, he walks the Earth as a man. He has taken a name, one of many, and goes by Gage. Though the name of Thanatos is no longer spoken with the reverence and awe it once was, death is just as much a part of life now as it ever was, and Gage still does the will of his father.