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it only takes one time. [ detox and raiden ]


Feb 16, 2009
a big, big city.
and then you're hooked.​

  • Teaching high school students was absolutely wretched if you didn't have anyone or anything remotely attractive to look at. Sighing softly, her eyes looked up at the clock on the wall to find that it was rather close to being time for her sixth period to commence, the woman stood from her place of leaning against her desk. There was an aura about the woman who was only twenty five that caused men around her to stop and do several takes, her aura being warm and elusive, seductive and mysterious, all at once. Her curves full and natural thanks to a bit of time and growth, plus a bit of her mother's genetics, her lower curves were being held by the tight black pencil skirt that showed just enough of her legs from her calves down. Skin soft and smooth, naturally olive toned due to her Italian nature, Miss Deena Mascapone, more commonly known as Miss D, was nothing less than sexy. Her light green eyes looking over each of her students through rectangular shaped glasses as they filed into her classroom, her white button down shirt was unbuttoned over the first few buttons, giving whichever students happened to look down her shirt when she leaned forward. Her hair pulled up and held by pins, also held out of her eyes by a few more bobby pins, the female set her hands on her hips and smiled at her students. She would make her personal pick today.[/list:u]
A long day of boring classes and irritating teachers and classmates, that was the everyday life of a young man of about 16 or so; a sophomore in the high school. He was one of the better students over the entire class with grades in the high Bâ??s on average and wasnâ??t known to get into too much trouble. Sure he got into a fight here and there, but who didnâ??t in school? It was often part of the experience, but nonetheless he was often outcast by the others because he studied rather than hit on the shallow sluts in the school. His name was Dante Spyro, he was a handsome enough young man with a golden tan skintone, heralding his Greek heritage; but he had mid-back length mahogany hair and cobalt blue eyes.

Heâ??d stride into the classroom today wearing a Light, black trenchcoat that was open to expose a deep red button down shirt that was open a couple buttons. His legs covered by navy blue slacks and wearing dark brown boots. The light in the classroom shone through the crystalline magatama earring he was wearing on his left ear. The scar on his face from his forehead down to his cheek and over his left eye unconcealed as he nodded a greeting to her and headed for his seat toward the back of the class.
  • Smiling softly as the last of her students entered her class, Deena was in fact a history teacher, who also doubled as one of the school's art teachers, both of them being what she majored and minored in during college. Folding her arms over her chest just lightly, the woman stood at at least five seven, her black heels clicked across the floor as she began to speak about the history project that was due this coming Friday. Hands settling on her hips as one of her students asked her about the project while another complained that being on the football team caused him not to have time. "I'm not going to reschedule a project just because you're on the football team Justin. Besides, what happens if you get injured? You're going to need this education." She stated, laughing as he waved his hands in the air and stated, "No bad luck, Miss D, no bad luck." Deena uncrossing her arms from over her F cup chest, the black haired woman moved back to stand in front of the room after walking down the middle aisle of her organized desks. "Anyone else have any valid excuses to put on the table?"[/list:u]
"Oh just shut up and do it. Your grades are more important than stupid football." Dante growled at the player from where he was leaning back in his seat. He was one of the better students but seemed unpopular because of those quips and that he didn't try to make friends with the "jocks" and often got into fights with them. "If you want to make a big deal of it, I'll just shove your teeth down your throat again Derek." he said to the player that was complaining. He didn't have any complaint about the project itself but he was wondering just what it was going to be.
  • Her arms folded over her chest, Deena raised a brow just slightly at the sudden outburst and the tension that resided within her room. Derek was one of her students who was on the fence of her list, one she was still deciding whether or not she would make her decision as to whether or not he would be her new plaything. Yes, that was considerably what they were. Letting her hands settle onto her hips, her eyes moved between the two males who were the ones evidently with a bit of background between them, and it wasn't anything positive as Dante threatened to shove Derek's teeth down his throat. "Yeah, whatever. How about you get laid for once, huh? Maybe that'll get the stick out of your-" Shushing him immediately, the woman let out a soft sigh and shook her head just lightly, "Both of you, stop. Now." Deena spoke now, now scratching Derek's name off her list and deciding that Dante wasn't exactly one of her worst students, though that was something she had to watch out for.[/list:u]
Dante just sighed at Derek and shrugged a bit and shook his head do the hair would fall over the scar on the left side of his face. "I get laid more than you do needledick." he said under his breath to Derek and looked up at Miss D and raised a brow. He'd never really paid too much attention to her in the past because their encounters were always just in passing but now that he got a good look at her he realized how sexy she was. It was enough to start the blood flowing to down to start to stiffen his footlong dong. "Yes ma'am." he said to her politely enough and sighed some and reached down and began to produce a notebook to record what the project would need. She'd see clear concise notes on almost everything she taught in her class. He began to squirm a bit as his cock hardened fully from her nearness. If she looke ddown she might see a hint of the huge bulge he had.
  • Once the tense conversation was settled down and hopefully ended, the woman began to explain the project that was simply an essay and a timeline to go along with the events that were expressed in the essay. The project was simple and easy, her heels clicking softly as she moved between the aisles as she explained, occasionally looking down to check to see whether or not her students were taking notes. "Now, you can have the freedom of choosing which period of time you would like to choose," She paused, looking around at each of them to make sure they understood, "But if you don't have the time, you can come to me and I'll pick one for you." Her light green eyes looked over to Derek before shaking her head, her eyes looking over another notebook, it only made since for her eyes to just slightly glance down into the male's crotch. Cocking an eyebrow up just slightly, the woman knew exactly what that was, although she hadn't once stopped with her speaking, not making it noticeable that she had just looked over one of her student's bulges. It wasn't a first, but it wasn't the usual size she saw for most teenage boys in her class. Smiling softly because Dante definitely was one of her more, different students, with the scar over his face and his long hair and golden skin, it made her smile softly as she had made her decision. "However, I will not do your project for you and if you put no effort into it, I will use just as little to write that F on your paper."[/list:u]
Most of the students didn't really notice her checking out her students though a girl did and it just made her start to giggle. But then looked confused as she moved away from the obvious Jocks and back into the area of the classroom with the misfits in it. the girl didn't make a big deal of it other than the completely baffled expression but they all were into their writing about the timeline and essay, some even deciding what to do theirs on: the most recent events in american history since it was so damn easy. Dante just glanced up at her and blushed, catching where her eyes were looking and squirmed a bit more, as if unused to that level of interest. He was going to be doing his essay on Greek Pre-History up to the point where rome became the major power.

"Uh can I help ya?" he perked his unmarred brow at Miss D. "You're staring" He said in a low tone of voice so others wouldn't hear.
  • The change of expression on his face and the way his cheeks heated up to a blush, it caused her lips to form into a smile, blinking softly and looking at his face now, her hands remained on her hips. It didn't embarass her in the slightest for him to announce that she had been staring, because truth be told, it hadn't been far too noticed and even then, no one would believe that she was so called 'staring' at him anyway. "I love how you can take notes with a hard on. Marvelous." Her words were just as soft as they normally were, though her tone was hushed so that only he could hear her, moving carefully down the aisle and leaving him with those words as the class began a soft chatter of talking about their project.[/list:u]
He just watched her go and blinked in confusion, was she just coming onto him in the middle of class? That was just weird, but not uncommon as it'd happened a couple times in the past and he'd slept with a teacher before but it wasn't common knowledge as she was transferred soon after. But class would end after a while and the people would start filing out talking amongst themselves about what they were going to do after school since there was one more for the day. Dante was sitting in his desk still waiting for his massive boner to fade before standing up; but was still hard when the class left. "Oh well." he said and pushed back and stood up, showing he had a bigger bulge than Miss D had previously noticed. He'd pause for a moment, packing in the books and notes from the class, giving her a chance to talk privately.
  • Moving through her room, Deena began picking up pieces of paper thrown on the floor by missed jump shots from students aiming to make it into the trash can and failing miserably. Leaning down just slightly, the black haired woman looked over at the clock and let out a sigh and bit her lip. The woman watched as her students filed out of her classroom, looking back at her board and starting to erase a few things, she didn't hear that someone was still in her room until she heard him begin to gather his things. "If you don't mind me asking, why were-" Pausing for a moment to correct herself as she noticed that he still was, in fact, hard, "Why are you so hard anyway?" As if she didn't know, although it didn't hurt to ask.[/list:u]
"huh?" He jolted some when she asked her rather blunt question, and he paused for a moment wondering if he should lie to her and pass it off as something else. But from what he knew about her, she was a bit too shrewd a woman to buy anything he could produce. Dante just shifted a bit and headed for the door and paused again for a second as he thought about how to respond to it. He was close to her by this point relatively. "Well The reason would probably have to be you." He said honestly and blushed again. "I mean you're easily the sexiest woman I've ever seen."
  • Being patient and letting him either come out with a lie or come out with a straight answer, Miss Deena glanced down the aisles of her classroom, picking up a few more pieces of paper before walking to the trashcan near her door. Raising a brow upward when he stated that the reason was her, there was a slight curiosity when his cheeks hit a faint pink color again, she smiled softly at his added response. This, truth be told, was somewhat what she was waiting for, kissing his cheek softly, it seemed that there was an electricity between her lips and his cheek, the soft flesh of her lips lingering there for a moment when she asked, "But just what do you plan on doing about it?" [/list:u]
He shivered when she kissed his cheek and perked a brow at her, feeling his cock tighten even more. Usually he'd just ignore it and let it fade away or wait til he got home and did the 5-knuckle shuffle to get off. He had a massive load backed up and would'vel iked nothing more than to blow it all over her face and into her pussy. "I have no clue to be honest, haven't gotten hard for a woman in years." he said to her and looked at her. "I could ask you the same, you caused, it what do you plan to do about it?" He smirked.
  • Deena knew, and easily judging by the fact that his body tensed up, that the male's erection was only getting stiffer by the soft touches she was making against his body. She was going to have fun with him, and she knew that the feeling was all too mutual, smiling softly when he stated that he hadn't gotten hard for a woman in years. Well, he was only sixteen, however, his latter comment caused her to look into his eyes and raise a brow just slightly, mentally calculating things as her blank expression turned into another smile and a few swift movements with her hands. "I suppose I have a few ideas." The door was closed from her other students leaving, and the door was locked from the inside out to keep anyone from walking into her classroom during class without knocking ( prevented less late students trying to sneak in ), her full lips pressed themselves against his while her hands easily slid his trench coat off his frame. Once she heard the soft noise as it hit the floor, her hand slid down to graze over the waistline of his pants before gripping his cock through his pants.[/list:u]
"Oh and what are those?" he asked her and blushed again when she kissed him again making him shiver all over and reflexively kissed her back and blinked when she slipped the coat off his shoulders and onto the floor. The instant reaction was to just pick it up and at least hang it over a chair so it didn't get dusty or wrinkled, afterall the thing cost almost 150$. But thsoe thoughts died the instant she groped him. What she grabbed was a beefy foot long cock that was thick and throbbing hard. "Why don't I go ahead and pull it out for you then? It sucks having a boner in pants." he said.
  • Knowing that his mind was a bit taken off from whatever else he had been thinking about, Miss Deena let her hand stroke his length again, she found herself to be slightly taken aback by the length. It had to be at least a foot long, and over the length of her husband. She'd never heard of a sixteen year old with a cock like that, and it turned her on, truth be told, her lips teased against his when he spoke of pulling it out for her. "Well honey, I don't know what's stopping you." She replied, licking her soft lips gently as she easily worked his shirt off his body. [/list:u]
"Sure." he said with a bit more confidence as she continued to kiss at him and pulled his shirt off showing a toned torso with sall scars over the sides and a cross shaped one over his chest. He'd do the work for her and lost the pants too and boots, freeing his massive cock for her. The big meaty fuckstick bobbed out and firmly hit her in the stomach as he did due to it'd rigidity. "Man I don't think I've been this hard in a long time." h esaid, blushing.
  • Watching him as he pulled his clothes off without hesitation, her eyes ventured over his body and eyed up his scars, truthfully wondering where in the world he had gotten so scarred up. How, for that matter. She would ask him later however, because as for now, the female found herself looking down at what stabbed her in the stomach, her lips curling into a soft smile as she gently pushed him against the wall. Easily squatting down in front of him, her huge breasts moved across his cock, her tongue just lightly flicking over the head, "I think you'll be saying that for a lot of things." She murmured, beginning to take all of his length into her mouth.[/list:u]
He blinked as she pushed him up against the wall, making his footlong bob around in the air before she sank down. HE shivered all over, feeling her lovely breasts sliding along his heated skin and gasped a bit as she bgan to take his big dick into her mouth. "Ms D?" he asked her in surprise, having not expected to do this with her of all people. "It feels good."
  • There was a slight sense of amazement within the woman as she took his length in entirely, her mouth engulfing him as she could feel the tip of his cock against her throat, looking up at him and smiling softly. She would definitely make this a lot more than just 'good', simply because she knew she could, her tongue moving against him as her head began a gentle bob, up and down, against his length. Her cleavage now within his view and beneath the image of her bobbing head, one of the woman's hands settled against his cum filled balls, gripping them gently. [/list:u]
Her extremely well-endowed student moaned for her and leaned backa little. It wsa so sexy to watch her slide her lips up and down his cock. "Oohh~" he moaned softly and blushed at her and shuddered all over and watched her. "Ms D. that feel so awesome." He moaned to her and stroked her hair gently and thrust gently into her mouth. He was imagining her doing more, or him bending over and sticking his big dick into her pussy or ass and pound her vigorously.
  • The woman knew for a fact that he had never, and probably wouldn't ever, have a woman like her going down on him or anything else she let him do. Especially considering the way she was sucking him off was making her absolutely horny, her inner thighs hot with a bit of want, looking up at his eyes when he began to gently thrust back to her. Just by looking into his eyes, she knew that he was fantasizing about doing more with his big breasted, curvy framed teacher, her light green eyes flickering back down at his cock, not being able to help herself imagine him filling her holes up. [/list:u]
He moaned as she continued and felt his mind fill with a mental movie of making her scream in pleasure and beg for more. Fucking her in a standing position. bent over her desk, titfuck... just covering her in his jism. His balls were swelling as he neared his bursting point and held it off for a good while. But in almost ten minutes he shuddered and tensed up, his abs flexing out into a visible 6 pack as he did. "oh fuck Miss D I'mgoin to cum" he moaned and began to squirt a bit into her throat before makign it stop to let her pull off if she wanted.
  • Deena continuing to deep throat his dick in her mouth, her tongue roughly moving against his member because she could feel his bulge tense up and his body grow hotter, his balls swelling in her hand. Her glasses at the brim of her nose, the female continued her pace, picking up speed with each time but still managing to keep a rhythm to it. Just as he spoke, she almost gagged softly when he squirted into her mouth, her lips pulling up his length just a bit before smiling against him when she felt his cum settle in her mouth, pulling her mouth entirely off him, slowly, teasingly. Her eyes met his again as she opened her mouth and showed the cum sitting there, knowing he had more cum just waiting for her.[/list:u]
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