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Haru's Harem


As you wish.
Sep 27, 2011
United States (CST)
A teasing title, so be sure, but that was what this was dubbed, so... here we go! lol

It was pointed out that this might be much easier to use to talk and coordinate instead of these huge number of PM's, since when someone replies those PM's add up so fast.

So here we go!
LadyKitsune said:
Sweet. Nice, contained, and easy to read lol

And I won't have to worry about hitting the wrong reply button. :D

Oh my God fucking same though. I spent a few minutes feeling like an idiot trying to figure why my messages only sent to one person. I've been forced into PM's for roleplay most of the time and I'll never understand why. This is so much nicer.

Also hi everyone!
NSFW pics ahead!

Ok, so here is what we have for characters so far.





I've added all pics to my imgur account, since I don't mind hosting.
Ok, not to be seen as an old sex addict....or staid and traditional...but where's the nearest bed that will hold all of us? Jeesh! Harem is soooo true. A bunch of sexier people (male and female) I haven't seen in a long time.



oh yeah....Thanks for setting this up so we can chat here. It will make it so much easier.
Ooooo.... Emma Hernan? I think that is what Google identified her as. lol.

Ok, so... Gage is going to be the name of my guy, and he's going to be the incarnation of Thanatos, the chthonic deity of Death in Greek Mythology. I would suggest that each of you lovely ladies also be a powerful being of some sort. Doesn't have to be from Greek myth, but certainly something more than human.

I think Gage will have a secondary form of a huge gray wolf. Think Fenrir size.
I'm so glad that Bear went the stereotypical blonde route. I was worried that I would have to :p

Lemme grab dinner and then I'll have a set of powers for my girl. And a name, cause I think that might be helpful too.
Since people can edit posts, we need to put our character sheets for these characters in the appropriate forum (just below this forum), so we stay within site rules. I don't care what sort of format you use, and I will make a thread there for us too. Any suggestions for a name for this play?

Like I said, I will come up with some sort of plot for us, though things will be set in a modern setting. I'm very open to ideas of what sort of storyline you all would like to see.
I have a suggestion to tie everyone in together - look up incarnations of immortality.
The gist of that is essentially that humans occupy the position of these deities in real life during their time on the planet? Am I understanding what I skimmed correctly, or not? If so, that sounds fine to me.
That was what I interpreted too. I read the first book of that series, but way back in the 80's, so forget a lot of it.

I would say that, to make things work even better, you can call on the wisdom and experiences of all the ones that came before you. Kinda like "Avatar: The Last Airbender" - if you are familiar with that. I mean, it might be interesting, but I dunno if I want us stumbling about not knowing what we're doing. My guy was going to be literally thousands of years old, and I can give that up. But they should definitely be competent in their jobs and that might even be what our plot centers around.

Maybe others have figured out who they are and have discovered a rite that allows them to steal their position and power if they can kill them.
Hm. Let me try to explain it the best that I can

The people that are in the positions are humans that have been granted temporary immortality. They are neither alive nor dead at the point in which they are in the position. They have jobs they must do that correlate to their powers - Thanatos reigns over death and must collect the souls of those whose good and evil are too balanced to be easily determined

The different deities would each have homes in "purgatory," which is more of an in-between for souls that are neither good or evil enough to go to their respective places.
There's plenty of deities to choose from - fate, time, war, gaea (mother nature), night, love, etc.

The job would give them each certain powers - such as death and tear the soul from any living person and Chronos (time) can stop, slow, and reverse time.

It's a really interesting concept and it could be really fun. It could also explain why they are all together - they are all immortals that really can't interact much with the regular popluation because falling in love is tantamount to accepting you will watch the person you love slowly wither away and eventually die as they remain the same age

What do you all think?
That makes a lot more sense than any of the summaries I could find. Thank you.

I like the idea lot. Not sure what the plot will be, but the starting point is cool
Glad i could clarify. Its a lot to condense but yeah
I hadn't read the series so it was interesting to read your explanation. I will have to think on what or which to do. This is hell week at work. 7 Fellowship deadline and next week is tuition waiver deadlines and another fellowship deadline. I handle all of that so if I'm quiet it's not because I'm not interested. It's just busy time at work.
So, this temporary immortality... how long does it last? Must be quite some time if it is possible to watch all your mortal loved ones die. Just trying to get an idea. :)

Gage would stick to my original concept and be Death.

Ok, there's our thread for sheets/profiles!

I don't much mind if you choose to use a different format, so long as things are legible. Also, if it doesn't seem as if I have done his background right, or keeping with the source material, let me know!

Thank you sweeties!
I've got the base of my character up, which I'll continue to expand on. Can't wait to see what you ladies select.
I haven't had time working on it yet but was thinking of taking the Incarnation of Fate or did somebody else already want that one?
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