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The Legend of Zelda: Linkles Naughty Quest (me and Azecreth)

Edward found his climax lengthened a bit as Linkle came at the same time, clamping down on his shaft and milking it for as much as it seemingly could. Not that he objected to that feeling, as it left him suffused with a pleasing glow of pleasure once he was finished. They had both felt good from it and he had made a memory that he was likely to never forget, not until the day that he died.

Grinning, he leaned forwards as he hands shifted up her body to rest against her sides. "So what do you think? Will that be a good memory for you to remember?"
"I-It was.....pretty memorable....." Linkle replied, quite breathless as she just rested her cheek on the wood table. She may have been in good physical shape, but she had very little experience in sexual matters, so the act had left her quite drained.
Grinning, Edward was pleased to hear that from her as they continued to relax together for the moment. A kiss would be placed upon her neck as he let his gaze linger upon her. "Well then, if you come back sometime I'll bee waiting for you. So make sure you stay in one piece." He wasn't sure how much of a challenge that might be, but the offer was there if she wanted to take it.

Still, he knew how determined she was to go through with the course of action that she had chosen for herself, so he wasn't going to force her to stay if she didn't want to. It just depeneded on what she wanted to do, now that she knew everything that staying in town could give her.
For obvious reasons, Linkle couldn't just abandon her journey in favor of a new sexual relationship. All of Hyrule and likely the entire world depended on her defeating Ganondorf. Still.......delaying the journey a tad wouldn't hurt anything.

"I'll....keep mind....." Linkle replied with a smile, still breathing heavily but gradually catching her breath. To most, it might seem awkward for her to continue standing her, bent over the table, sandwiched between it and her burly lover, but Linkle seemed almost comfortable.
With how comfortable Linkle seemed Edward was in no hurry to move from his spot. He enjoyed it as well, her body against his, muscle and lovely curves that had held his interest for so long before this moment had happened. Yet he knew that sooner or later she would have to leave and he would have to get back to his customers so they couldn't stay like this forever. There was just no helping it, not with circumstances as they were, so he would just have to make the best of it and see where things ended up.

Slowly he pulled out, letting his hand brush down her back and against her rear as he memorized them for one last time before allowing her to stand up at her own pace. "You know where your stuff is. Don't let an old man's sentiments keep you from your legendary duty," he told her with a wry grin, keeping his gaze upon her the whole while.
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