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The Legend of Zelda: Linkles Naughty Quest (me and Azecreth)


Jan 11, 2009
"Hellllooooo.....Are you here sir?" Came the sweet, cheerful voice of Linkle as she entered the blacksmith of her small forest village. It had been a whirlwind for her the last few days. Crazy dreams, dark omens, the revelation she was destined to save Hyrule. It had been quite hectic. Still, she had come to accept it quite readily.

Which was why she was here. Couldn't set out to save the world without something to defend herself. She wouldn't have any trouble. The blacksmith was a kind older man who Linkle had always been fond of and he of her as well. Though, she failed to notice the extra fondness that developed as her body developed.
The world was in jeopardy and now it needed to be saved again. That was how the times always went and now the cycle had come full circle. The only difference was a change in gender, but that was something which did not matter to fate or the Goddesses. Linkle would have to struggle, and it would fall upon her and her strength to defeat Ganondorf and save the land of Hyrule from his cruel and mysterious plans for domination.

For the moment though she had to prepare for the struggles ahead. Linkle wasn't going to defeat a tyrant with the Triforce of Power with her bare hands after all. Fortunately the town she lived in had a blacksmith, so she could order some gear made before she set off on her way.

The shop of the blacksmith was hot, understandably. The sound of metal colliding could be heard as Edward, the blacksmith, worked on another project that he had. His head perked up as he heard Linkle's voice, a smile coming to his face. "Ah, there are you," he called as he swung last blow with his hammer before laying it down."I thought you'd be here sooner." He walked up front, wiping off his forehead at the same time. Naturally there was a lot of sweat, though it did give his well toned muscles a nice sheen. He knew what he wanted, but was in no hurry to give it to her. Not yet anyway
"Well.....everyone seems to be worried I'll never come back. But.....I know I'll be fine." Linkle replied with one of her lovely smiles. She couldn't help but give a lingering glance at his muscular arms. Legendary hero or not, she was still a young woman. Most the other girls in village preferred the flashier, prettier boys of the village. Linkle though had always had a soft spot for Edward even though she was ignorant of the true depths of her affection. Still, a slight blush crept across her soft cheeks. Little did she know that their sweet little friendship was soon to become something else.
"I'm sure you'll be fine," Edward replied with a chuckle as she voiced the concern that the others had. It was a fair worry, but he was confident that if anyone could handle it then it would be the girl currently standing in his shop. He had been there to see her grow into a strong woman ready to take on the world, so he wasn't worried about that.

Turning, he moved over to the part of the shop where he kept the finished products that people were waiting for. "Now then, you came here for your sword right?" Of course she had, and he was already reaching for it when she responded. The finished blade practically shone in the light, and it was a strong blade, though simple and unadorned. He'd put quite a bit of effort into making that blade, and though it was not the best sword that one could buy, it would be adequate for her needs.

Returning to the counter, he offered her the blade. "Here, try it out."
"It looks great!" Linkle excitedly exclaimed as she joined him behind the counter. It was a simple sword but Linkle was already picturing herself standing over Ganondorf, simple sword in hand as the people cheered for her. She didn't lack in confidence.......or imagination.

"Well, for a sword and to give my thanks to my dearest friend before I leave." She added, hands clasped behind her back, bright smile upon her lovely face. It was the truth. Even as a child, she spent her time helping him around his shop while other kids played games. But as she got older, the relationship changed, even if she failed to realize it.
Edward couldn't help but be taken by her warm attitude and her enthusiasm for the struggle ahead. She was always the courageous type and even in the face of such a daunting task she didn't back down. Combined with her looks, well, charming didn't exactly describe it She was much more than that, though she didn't realize it.

"Go ahead, try it out," he insisted, holding the blade out so she could take it. "Need to check the balance, that sort of thing. It's different for people."
Linkles excitement was quite obvious as she stepped forward and took the sword from him. She took a few moments to just look it over before taking a few practice swings with it. It felt very well balanced. Their village may be in the middle of nowhere but their blacksmith was quite skilled. Though, Linkle failed to realize that with each swing, her skirt fluttered up a bit, showing a peek of her panties and firm backside.

"It's great!" She happily exclaimed, setting the blade on the counter before rushing forward to give Edward a big hug, her firm young body pressed right against him.
Watching confirmed that Linkle might not be the most skilled swordsman, but she at least had some basic understanding of what was going on. Edward could feel confident leaving her with the blade, and he did. Not just because of the view either, though it was nice to see much to his chagrin.

He was not expecting the hug but met it with a grin, returning the happiness she showed even as he got a taste of her body against his, with everything that that meant. It was not intentional that he got excited, he just couldn't help it. "Glad you think so. Why don't you keep that sword as a gift then. I can survive a bit of lost rupees," he told her without letting go just yet, his arms wrapped around her body as he returned the hug. "And I may have another thing for you too, if you're interested."
"Really!? Thanks so much." Linkle replied with a giggle as she hugged him even tighter.

"Another gift? What is it?" She asked curiously with a tilt of her head as she stood there, paying no mind to his lingering embrace. It all seemed innocent and normal for her. After all, she was quite affectionate herself. She had no idea what it was doing to him.
There was no sign that she was suspicious of what he wanted to do, but then why would she be? Edward didn't mind too much, and it only gave him more fuel to carry forward with what he had in mind. He probably wouldn't get another opportunity after all, so he had to take advantage of it while it was still here, before she left town for good on her adventure.

"Just something to give you a good memory of me when you leave," he explained, a hand slipping back to cup one of her breasts for a few moments. He then released his hold and stepped back, gesturing for her to follow him as he moved through the shop and towards where his living quarters were
Linkle jumped lightly, completely caught off guard when he touched her breast. Then, when he suddenly pulled away and motioned for her to follow, she just stood there, completely dumbfounded. While by no means experienced when it came to intimate matters, she knew what the act was and why people did it. So, despite her confusion and nervousness, she felt......curious. Thus, she followed him. Slow and hesitantly, but she followed after him none the less.
Edward's living quarters weren't particularly spacious, connected to his shop and full of cluttered materials from work and for recreational purposes. There were also a surprising amount of pots, though what he needed those for was unclear. He didn't mind stepping away from the store though, since he wasn't expecting anyone else today. Besides, he was sure that this would be worth it by the time that he was done.

He ran a hand through his greying hair before he took off his protective vest, leaving nothing but his bare chest for her to see. Muscles moved with each deep breath, as he moved towards her. "You've grown into a beautiful lady Linkle," he said as he drew close once again. "Before you leave I wanted to have the chance for you to know that. And show it."
Seeing his bare chest sent a tingle up Linkles spine. He really was a handsome man if you liked the burly, rugged type.....and Linkle did. The whole situation had brought a bright blush to her cheeks, so seeing his chest didn't really make it worse, but her gaze did quite blatantly linger there.

"H-How?" She asked, her cheerful tone now sounding shy and a bit meek. She had basic knowledge what the act of sex entailed but she couldn't help but feel curious about what he wished to do with her.
The shy eagerness that she showed was something that touched inside Edward, leaving him certain that there would be no going back from this. He had to do it, and so he would. Otherwise he would just leave himself frustrated with doubts and wondering.

Closing in again, he reached out to tilt her chin up before kissing her gently on the lips, the first of the many gifts that he had to give her before she left town on her journey. "We just need to get this out of the way first," he told her, with his other hand dipping low and beneath her skirt, so he could begin moving her shorts out of the way. He would let her help with that if she chose to do so, and if not would do it himself.

He then did the same for himself, taking a step back to remove his own pants and let his hardening shaft spring free. "We're going to make you feel really good." There was that same reassuring smile, as he made sure she was comfortable before he stepped closer to her once again, now that he was ready to begin
Linkle let him lead her as he desired, offering no resistance when he kissed and allowing him to remove her little shorts, stepping out of them once they reached the floor, leaving her panties and short skirt to cover her most intimate of areas. Once he did the same, she couldn't help but state at his manhood. She knew that before long, it would be inside her. She had touched herself before, as most curious teenagers tended to do but she knew having that pumping away inside of her was going to be an entirely different experience. The thought made her a bit nervous......but excited as well.
Moving close once again, Edward let an arm wrap around Linkle as he held her close, the other beginning to gently stroke at her folds beneath her panties, to kindle that arousal and make sure that she was in the mood for what he had in mind. He wanted to make sure that she enjoyed it after all, and that meant a bit of preparation beforehand. Not that he expected it would be much trouble, since she seemed all too eager to cooperate with what he was doing at the moment.

"These will have to go too," he muttered, letting her do that herself when she wanted without directly removing them himself. Just to see how invested she was, or if she wanted to be cautious and let him guide her through the paces.
Indeed, it didn't take much to get her aroused. Pulling her in close causes her heart to beat faster and when he rubbed gently at her pussy, she jumped lightly at the sensation but her panties grew lightly damp soon after. Then when he told her that her panties needed to go, she couldn't help but gulp nervously as she stepped back from him just a bit before reaching under her skirt and slowly sliding her pink panties down her slender legs. Once that was done, she stepped back towards him and just looked up at his face. Nonverbally, she was inviting to do as he wished to her.
Edward watched with a quiet satisfaction as Linkle took off her panties, leaving the rest of her clothes on for the moment but otherwise bare where it counted. He wasn't going to complain about it, since it gave him something to look forward to when she came back, unless she changed her mind. And that didn't seem very likely at the moment.

He stepped forward as she did to meet her, strong muscles with a firm grip on her body as he guided her towards the currently clean table. He would guide her down onto it, whether it be her back or her front, before he moved to stand close by. The skirt was easily shifted out of the way as he brought his cock to brush against her slick folds, just letting her feel it and know what she was in for before he did anything else. "You're beautiful," he repeated with a smile.
Linkle let him lead her to the table, opting to bend over it, chest resting on the table as her add lifted into the air, basically presenting itself to him. She bit her bottom lip as she felt his cock brush against her puss.

"T-Thank you......" She replied shyly as she looked back over her shoulder, watching him as he got ready to enter her. The anticipation was intense for her.
"You're welcome." Edward replied with a slow nod and a smile of his own. He was grateful for this opportunity, with how badly it could have turned out for him. He wasted no more time then as he slowly began, with his hands resting upon her hips to hold her in place as his cock pushed forward and entered her. He took it easy at first, slow thrusts that progressively got deeper and just a bit faster as time went on, to make sure that she was able to adjust to it.

Soon enough his grunts of exertion began to fill the small room, the heat of her body around his shaft combined with her wetness, making for a heavenly feeling. "Let me know...if you want more," he grunted, still taking it easy for the moment
Linkle clawed at the table beneath her as he penetrated her. She was glad he started slow, letting her get use to it before he really started giving it to her. The table rocked back and forth beneath them as she began moaning loudly with each deep thrust. The pleasure was too distracting for her to respond to him but it was quite obvious that she was in absolute bliss.
The moans that filled the air were good enough for Edward, and it was clear that Linkle was getting quite the pleasant memory. He kicked it up at that point, quicker, more forceful, his cock plunging deep inside her with each move as her body responded like putty in his hands. The table shook and creaked from the force applied to it, but it wasn't going to break because of it, at least as far as he could tell.

His groans mingled with hers, the wet heat that engulfed his shaft sending shocks racing up his spine from how good it felt. Soon enough pre began to bud from the tip of his cock, his shaft throbbing a bit inside her as he drew closer to his climax. it would not be long at this rate but he didn't say anything. She probably wasn't paying attention anyway
Indeed Linkle was too focused on the pleasure to notice the obvious signs of his approaching climax. But he wasn't the only one. While she was younger, she had far less experience than he did and thus, could do nothing to hold back her own quickly approaching climax, her puss tightening around his cock whilst her moans were bordering on screams by this point.
It was a good thing that no one else was around, or it would have been all too clear what they were doing. Yet for all the flaws there might be in performance Edward was very much enjoying himself as he finally indulged in the body of the girl who had grown up to be quite the lovely lady. His dreams were coming true right now and they were far beyond everything he had imagined that they would be.

He could tell that he was drawing close and did his best to hold on for as long as he could, to prolong the experience and the pleasure as his cock pounded deep inside of her. Yet he couldn't hold on forever as she grew even tighter around his shaft, squeezing him like a vice for all that he was worth. Against that he could only make it a few more thrusts before he buried himself inside her sex, his cock throbbing as he came inside of her with a loud groan. The fact that her first time had been him just made it that much better.

It felt like an eternity before he finished, leaving him panting there as he recovered. It had definitely been worth it
Feeling warm seed filling her nethers was the last straw from Linkle as her own orgasm hit her like a boulder, her body spasming beneath him as her juices flowed forth. She let out one last gasp as it subsided, collapsing on the table, her cheek testing on the hard wood as she too painted heavily, trying to catch her breath it seemed.
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