Hello BMR! The other day it came to my mind that a place to chat about this interesting topic could come in handy, so I've tasked myself to start it. First of all, I'm no sex toy expert, so there are many areas where other people will have not only more knowledge but also hands on experience, so feel free to join in. A few things that I want to have in mind when writing about such a topic and maybe could be nice to briefly comment:
- Everyone is different, in body and mind, so what works for others may not work for us.
- Sex toys are still toys, so don't be afraid to partake in the fun they can bring.
- As toys, they can be enjoyed alone or with someone else, share the love.
That said, I'd like to begin with a bit of advice (of course, opinions will differ, so feel free to pitch in):
- Cleanliness is important. Normally a normal hand wash with soap and rinsing before and after is a solid advice (although this will of course depend on the nature of the toy, it's own instructions will clarify it) and if you want to be extra sure, sex toy shops tend to sell cleaners, normally in spray version.
- If you are thinking about buying your first toy, think about what you could like, but also remember it's a toy, so have fun with choosing it and don't be afraid of being a little bit adventurous. That said, as we try to discover what kind of toys we like, it's better not going overboard with expenses the first time, as we may find that the kind of toy we got isn't exactly what we were looking for. That said, don't skimp and go for the cheapest toys either, we may not be kids anymore, but nobody likes their toys breaking up.
- Not all kinds of toys require it, but lube is a nice thing to have in general. If you are having doubts, water based lube may not be the best one, but it's the safest option to pick from and tends to be cheap.
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