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Fall of an Aes Sedai (Potter-Kun x ladytania)


Geeky old married chick
Jan 10, 2014
Midwest USA
'The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills,' Elegenie thought to herself as the wagon rolled through the gates of Caerton. Pulling her woolen cloak around her shoulders, she peered out from the hood over her head to take in the crossroads town. As the wagon bumped over the cobblestone street, she noticed the side streets were packed dirt. Small, two story houses, animals lots, and small businesses all vied for space in the tight packed down.

"Here you are, my lady," the farmer said with a nod to Elegenie as the wagon came to a stop. "The Shepherd's Rest."

As the farmer continued down the street, Elegenie stood before the town inn. One of three, this one overlooked the crossroads that made Caerton a town. Each of the four cardinal directions saw cobblestones heading to gates to the north, south, east and west. Pulling back her hood, Elegenie turned to gaze at the evening crowd milling through the square.

Elegenie was petite but curvy. Her small, rosebud lips pursed tightly as her chilly blue eyes peered around from a youthful face that seemed like it should have been so much older. She was in fact nearly 40, but her constant use of the One Power had left her looking for more youthful than her true years. Wavy honey blonde hair was pulled back and held in place down her back with a blue ribbon. The natural curves of her body were covered in a royal blue silk dress buttressed by two petticoats beneath and the cloak over it, with the front of the dress buttoned up close to her throat.

People in the street nodded respectfully, with a few older men knuckling their foreheads. With her piercing gaze, unflinching demeanor, and rich silk dress, many took her for a noblewoman. While her face remained passive, that thought always made her smile inside. Little did they know she had been born an cobbler's daughter in Caemlyn. At thirteen, right as puberty struck, she had her first contact with saidar, the One Power. Within two years, she had been a Novice at the White Tower. At eighteen an Accepted, and on her twenty-fourth birthday, she had taken the Three Oaths and become Aes Sedai. In truth, she was known at Elegenie Sedai, of the Blue Ajah. With her cold gaze, pristine face, and curvy body, she had been nicknamed the Ice Doll. No one said it to Elegenie's face, but she had not been unhappy about the nickname.

Again she looked around the town as the sun faded behind the hills to the west. Things had been happening in Caerton that no one could explain; animals strangely butchered, women disappearing, and lights floating in fields. Elegenie had been sent by the Tower to investigate what was causing it. Ta'veren? Darkfriends? Or worse?

Pulling the hood back up over her head, Elegenie turned and entered the inn.
The Shepherd's Rest was a picturesque town inn; inside there was cheerful music being played my mistrials and rowdy conversations being had. Ale and food were being moved back and forth and there was a large variety of life in the inn, from young to old. Most appeared to be of the middle or poorer class of people, some clothes were thread bare or covered in dirt but all seemed to be happy as they went about their business.

As Elegenie walked into the inn, heads turned to look at her. Some looked at her and just shrugged, the more venerable knuckled their foreheads. It was odd to see a noblewoman in an inn like this, but it wasn't unheard of. The mistrals continued to play and sing, only giving her a respectful nod as they didn't want to stop their performance. The barkeeper was a tall young man in his twenties by the looks of it; he was well built with slightly tanned skin and short brown hair with hazel eyes. He looked at Elegenie with a smile and motioned for her to approach the bar.

"Good day, my lady! What brings you to the Shepherd's Rest! Would you like a drink? A room for the night?" He inquired about her business there politely, offering her a seat at the quaint bar counter.
Elegenie remained standing, her hands gathered together before after smoothing down her skirts. Her icy demeanor never flickered after a brief glance down at the stool. "Yes, mint tea please. Have it brought to my room, which I presume you have available?" she asked as her fingers dipped into the pouch on her belt to bring forth a few silver coins with the Tar Valon mintage upon them.

She glanced around the room. Despite being one of the smaller people in the room, she took up the most space. People respectfully stepped around her. Out of the corner of her eye, Elegenie saw one man with an ale-befuddled grin on his face rub his hands down the front of his pants, stand up, and come towards her. With her best "Ice Doll" glare, Elegenie sent him scurrying out the front door without the man coming within five feet of her.

"Also innkeeper, I here will be awaiting the arrival of my sister," she added. It was not entirely true; Elegenie had a brother and it had been years since she had seen him. The Sister was another Aes Sedai, who wouldn't be along for at least two ro three weeks, which gave Elegenie time to investigate the rumors of Darkfriends. "So I will need that room for some time. Understand?"
"Of course, my lady. You'll have the finest room in the inn." The innkeeper smiled, not unnerved by her demeanor like many others in the room. He was used to dealing with nobles when needed to, after all. He reached down and pulled out a key, handing it over to Elegenie as he took the money from her. "It's the room all the way at the end of the hall on the left on the second floor. If you need an accommodations or requests while you are here, please let me know and I'll see to them."

With those words, the man went to preparing her mint tea for her. The atmosphere seemed to have returned to normal. When she sent off the one perverse man with her glare, it seemed to have scared any other potential males interested in her from making a pass. Conversations resumed and the mistrials started up another song that elicited a cheer from the gathered crowd.
Elegenie took the metal key and placed it in her belt pouch. "That will be sufficient," she said, adding slightly defrosted "My good sir," onto the end, Elegenie turned to look over the crowd. A few tables were empty. Part of her wanted to go up to her room to recover from her travels on the wagon, but it was best to stay here in the inn to try to obtain information. Her blue eyes rolled across the room, past ordinary farmers, serving women, laborers. A few merchants caught her eye; they usually knew most people in town.

Gathering her hands before her again, Elegenie glided across the worn floor, the petticoats and skirt of her blue dress swaying with the curve of her hips following each step. Her eyes had landed on a man in a slightly nicked breastplate, helmet on the table as he sat chatting with another man.

"Pardon me, my dear sir," Elegenie said in more dulcette tones. As the man's eyes rose up to hers, she gave him a brief, elegant curtsy. "I am new to this fair city, come here to meet my sister before we move on with some personal business. May I speak to you about Caerton, and the safety of my person?"
The man looked up at Elegenie, giving her a curt nod to acknowledge her status as she asked her question. He motioned for the other man to move to give the lady a seat as he stood up and pulled out the chair for her.

"Of course, my lady. What questions do you have? Do you wish to hire personal protection or do you just have questions about how the guards are here?" He asked as he sat down across from her, downing his ale that was in his mug as he waited for her to respond. She was noble and proper, but she seemed to know what she wanted as well so he didn't intend to mess around. Many of the nearby mercenaries looked on, eyeing her with suspicion and some with lust, but at least the man in front of her seem to have an air of formality to him. He was all business as he awaited her answer.
Elegenie reached back to pull her skirts to her legs as she sat down across from the constable. Her doll-like features were placid; she had seen a few men with weapons and boiled leather armor, but took them for nothing more than caravan guards. Besides, she had already seen them; she knew to be a little bit wary. Any arrow, spear or sword could kill an Aes Sedai caught off guard, but she would hear one of those men approach now, and he would be easily handled before he could harm her. Perhaps she had been a cobbler's daughter years ago, but now she was Aes Sedai, and she would never let anyone see concern on her face.

"Thank you for your kind invitation," Elegenie said in her most dulcette tones, which were still a bit stiff and cold despite her best attempt. "I have only just arrived in Caerton and I wanted to ask you about your lovely city."

She lowered her eyelashes like she had seen that annoying Green, Sarane, do to make men flutter. "Traveling alone, I could use any advice a brave constable might wish to offer."
The man appeared to be in his late twenties or early thirties at the oldest. He had tanned skin from being out of doors so much and jet black hair that was in a short crew cut. He had a scar on his right cheek and he was very muscular and fit as many men who worked in his field were...he was quite handsome in the rugged and roguish sort of way to be sure. He kept himself as tidy as possible, unlike some of the other slobs around him.

"Of course, my lady...what would you like to know? As for advice....the wisest would be to never travel alone. Being with a partner easily lowers your odds of being attack by any manner of ill being." He reached forward and gently grasped her hand, bringing it up to his lips and kissing the back of it with the smallest of smiles.

"If it would please my lady....I would be happy to accompany you around the city as you ask questions, if you would like?" He gave her an offer of a guided...and guarded tour. He certainly seemed like a capable sort at least.
Elegenie gave him a cool look, but inside her mind twisted and turned. 'Burn me if I should have been a Green,' she thought to herself as she took in the tough features and the scar on his cheek. She had always admired dangerous men, but never could bring herself to bond with a Warder. Her thoughts were not as icy as her appearance would make one think. She was hesitant to go with this man, not because she feared him; with saidar she could hold him silently in place or throw him away in the blink of an eye. No, she didn't quite trust herself. That little weakness, her weakness for men, was the only chink in her wall of ice.

But still, unless he were a Darkfriend, having an ally in Caerton, especially the constable, would be a good start. That annoying Green sister, Sarane, would be here in one week to help her root out the cause of the disturbances here in Caerton. So Elegenie had a week to get a head start. Anything to keep the Greens from claiming success. She liked most Greens, but resented them their handsome Warders, two or three at a time even!

"Very well," Elegenie said sedately after the long pause, "a nighttime stroll after a day in a wagon would be welcome." She stood and smoothed down the bulky skirts that camouflaged the figure beneath. As he offered his arm, she took it gracefully and stepped into the night. She tried a winsome smile, even though Elegenie assumed it was nothing like what Sarane would offer. "My dear protector, you haven't given me your name yet."
"Indeed. I can think of nothing better than a stroll in the night with a beautiful maiden such as yourself." He gave Elegenie a wide smile as they stepped out of the inn and into the streets. It seemed for being a tough man he also had a way with words! A rare trait to find in a wandering mercenary. At her question, he chuckled for a moment, a slight tint of red coloring his cheeks.

"Ah, of course...where are my manners. I am Gean, my lady. What might your name be, if I could inquire?" He asked as they continued their stroll. The streets were illuminated by the light of the moon and starts as well as a scattering of torches. It was a rather quaint and quiet little town, there was a town square where during the day the streets would be filled to the brim with various different manner of people buying and selling wares.

"It's a shame you require a guard, my lady. What with all the trouble going around town....a beautiful woman such as yourself would be a prime target for these string of kidnappings I think." He let out a soft sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose as he kept Elegenie close, unaware of just how powerful she actually was. She would likely be better at protecting them both, but he would give his life before he saw anything happen to her none the less.
Elegenie experimented with one of those coy, upward smiles that Sarane could pull off without thinking. Damn Green Ajah. Still, even a Blue Ajah out hunting Darkfriends should be allowed an evening before diving into the dangers of the next day.

"Sir Gean," she repeated to him, "it is my pleasure to meet a brave knight such as yourself. I am Elegenie al'Boccue," she said, knowing full well that boccue was Old Tongue for 'cobbler', but expressing the word to make it sound like the highest of nobility. "I am meeting my sister here in a week or so. After that, off to Tear to deal with some family business you see," she explained as if what she had said truly did explain everything in one sentence. "And therefore, I will have plenty of time to learn all about your quaint town," she added as she glided along with him across the cobblestone street to the opposite corner

Her blue eyes gazed across the street towards the merchant house, and the Governor's House on the other corner of the crossroads, then furrowed her brow. As if only realizing it, she turned to face him, her eyes moving up his chest to that rough hewn face. She felt the duty upon her; she knew she wanted to grab this man for a night of pleasure and enjoyment. Even if she got to that point, she first was still a sister of the Blue Ajah; her first mission was justice, and hunting down Darkfriends. Now was the time to start that.

"Oh my, you are serious. There are troubles in this peaceful town? A string of kidnappings?" she said with a faint shiver even as her eyes were steady upon his eyes. "Whatever is being done to stop such things?"
As Elegenie introduced herself, Gean softly grasped her hand and lifted it up to his lips once more, kissing the back of her hand as softly as he could. "Lady Elegenie...a beautiful name for a beautiful you mind if I continue to hold your hand, my lady Elegenie?" He asked her with a soft, yet rugged smile. He didn't let go of her hand, squeezing it softly, enjoying the soft sensation of her warm and velvet soft hand on his own worn and rugged hand. He would only let go if she asked him to.

"I see, well I hope I will be able to keep you good company until your sister arrives." He chuckled, trying not to insinuate anything...but the tone he used was a slightly teasing tone and one hinting at perhaps less than gentlemanly desires, but he tried not to be to overt about it. When she asked about the kidnappings, he held her closer to him, pulling her back into his strong and firm chest.

"Worry not, my lady. The Governor and the constables are looking into the matter. You need not fear anything...I shall look after you the whole time you are here, you need not fear." He offered her a reassuring smile as he held her, his hand squeezing her hand gently once more. "It is rather dark though...would you like to return to the inn for the evening?" He offered her; he didn't mind walking around at night, but with Elegenie with him, he wasn't eager on taking any risks.
Knowing she had trapped herself in her own act of innocence, Elegenie nodded briefly to Gean. "Yes, perhaps it would be safer for me to view your wonderful little city by daylight," she agreed, with a hint of reluctance that was genuine. Still with this her first night in the city, investigating by daylight to get the lay of the land did seem wise. It didn't hurt that a tingle rushed through her as his lips brushed against her hand. As his grip pressed against her arms, she could feel the strength in his body with his chest against her back. She looked up and back over her shoulder, blonde hair framing her face.

"Ahh," she started to say before swallowing the lump in her throat. Elegenie took a moment to collect herself and regain her Aes Sedai sense of poise and control. As she felt his hips against the swell of her buttocks beneath her thick skirts, Elegenie nearly squeaked!

With as much poise as she could preserve, the small, curvy woman slipped free of his hands and gathered her own before her. "Perhaps you are right, we should return to the inn." she said, guiding the larger man across the cobblestone streets. With each step, Elegenie felt that tingle in her loins, her nipples sensitively brushing the inside of her dress, and Gean's masculine presence at her side, his hand on the back of her arm. She was Aes Sedai; she needed no escort! But right now, after years without the touch of man, Elegenie was almost trembling.

Reaching the door to The Shepherd's Rest, Elegenie abruptly spun around to face Gean. She knew her decision; she might face dangers and even death in the next week but tonight would be for her.

"Here," Elegenie said with more heat in her voice than she intended. She slipped the room key into Gean's hand with a somewhat icy glance around to see if anyone noticed, "if you wish to join me, take your time in the common room, then come up the stairs to the left," she told him as if discussing the weather. "If not, tell the innkeeper that you found this on the floor." Without another word, she spun back about, and entered the Inn.

With a haughty nod to the innkeeper, Elegenie glided up the stairs, blue skirt swishing at each step. At her door, the Aes Sedai surrendered to the embrace of saidar. Weaving air into the lock, Elegenie could feel the tumbler and used the solidified air to unlock the door. Once inside, Elegenie looked down at her hands. They were shaking; she was nervous as a teenage girl!

Gathering herself yet again, she sat down, smoothed her skirts, and took out a book. If he came, he would see a confident, strong woman, not some foolishly aroused maiden awaiting her first touch.
Gean looked at the key that Elegenie slipped into his hand and listened to her words. His face tinted a slightly red as he leaned forward and gently kissed her forehead as he gave her a smile. "I shall be up in short order, my lady Elegenie." He gave her a playful wink before following her into the inn, keeping the key close to him. He would have been lying if he said he didn't want to share Elegenie's bed, but he didn't quite expect to be able to manage it in such short order. He wondered if behind the proper act she put on if she was actually a rather wild and...desiring lady.

He didn't waste much time; he removed his armor and changed in the room he was renting out. He was now in a simple cloth tunic, red in color with some plain cloth sack pants. He walked to the door Elegenie had mentioned and swallowed a lump in his throat before inserting the key and opening the door. He saw her sitting there, reading a book...but he was good at reading people. She might have appeared to be reading...but he could tell she had been eagerly waiting for him.

"My lady Elegenie....sorry to keep you." He gave her a teasing smile as he took the key out of the lockhole and then closed and locked the door behind him. He wasted little time, moving to sit next to her one the bed, his hand venturing down to her thigh as he gave it a gentle squeeze. "Now then...I'm sure that book is wonderful...but I want to keep you company, my lady..." His hand stroked her thigh softly and seductively as he leaned in and whispered those words seductively in her ear, his teeth nibbling and sucking on her earlobe. It appeared that he wanted to take the lead in the his little..."dance" they were about to preform.
Elegenie took a shuddering gasp as she felt his breath against her ear, then that playful nibble. The Ice Doll's delicate lips curved into a smile that she quickly restrained. That hand on her toned thigh, covered thickly by twin petticoats and her skirt made her want to rip of every layer of her dress. But...that would not be proper. That gave her a mental laugh; she was being stunningly improper having a man here. If a Red Ajah caught her, she would probably end up in front of the Hall and sent to a farm to work penance.

She gently pulled herself away with a hand to his chest. Without the breastplate, Elegenie could feel the corded muscles beneath his shirt which sent another thrill through her. "Burn me," she gasped softly, then looked up at his face. To her shock, Elegenie blushed!

Firmly clamping her lips together, her blue eyes burning with passion and embarassment, Elegenie gently half-stood from him, then carefully stretched her skirted legs across his lap. Sitting atop his lap, she looked down at Gean. She was Aes Sedai; if this was going to happen, she was going to be in control of the lovemaking. Gazing down, her icy blue eyes dove into his. Elegenie cupped his face in her small hands, her chest rising and falling more quickly with her legs spread across his lap. Even under the three layers of skirts, she felt like she had opened herself to him.

Elegenie leaned down to his ear, and breathily whispered, "Don't tear my dress. The buttons are in the back." Looking back into his eyes, she gave him a brief smile, then pressed her lips against his.
Gean knew he was in for a fun time with Elegenie when she seemed to get worked up from just his the time he was done with her, he couldn't help but wonder how her expression would look. Already her icy expression was melting into one of affection and embarrassment. He smiled gently as she cupped his face with her soft and delicate fingers crushing over his chiseled and rough face. He was unable to control his arousal and already, his cock was starting to grow large in his trousers, resulting in a rather large bulge that Elegenie was now sitting on and rubbing herself against, and he was only half erect at the moment!

"Of course, my lady." He chuckled as she brought her lips to his own. He was perfectly fine letting her take the lead for now. His own lips pressed up hungrily against her own, his tongue coming out to lash at her lips to gain entry. He pulled her close, her breasts molding against his firm and hard chest as he moved his hands to her back and began to work at unbuttoning her dress as they would take a few moments, but he would get them all unbuttoned, despite the distraction of them kissing passionately. He waited for her to tell her what to do next.
Elegenie wrapped her delicate hands around his head, pretending to hold him as her kisses grew more and more heated. Soon she opened her mouth and let his tongue invade. "Mmmmghh," she gasped as a zing of pleasure rocked through her body. Tongues tangling, her eyes closed as the little curvy blonde kissed Gean. She leaned into him, her breasts compressing against the hard muscles of his chest happily, nipples rubbing wonderfully as she kissed and kissed.

Button by button, Elegenie's blue silk dress loosened behind her. She felt his rough hands on her back, one button at a time, each faint pop of a button twisted free vaguely reaching her ears. As she kissed him, she reached down to work on the strings of his tunic, untying his shirt. Her hands went down into his shirt to feel that rough hewned chest, her soft hands brushing over his nipples and thrilling at feeling his flesh in her hands.

Her nostrils flared as her tongue darted around his mouth. Elegenie's body felt so warm, so on fire, so hungry for the first time in a decade. The last man had been a groom at the White Tower when she had been but an Accepted, and she had been punished severely. She still remembered how much that night had been worth the penance.

Soft gasps slipped from her pink lips as Elegenie realized that her hips were moving back and forth only a few inches, but enough to press his rising, trapped erection against her sex hidden beneath her skirts. She finally had to break the kiss to gasp as she reached down to gather up her skirts until only her blue silk panties and his own pants were the only things between his coiled snake and her slowly blooming sex. "Oh," she said, her icy expression definitely melting as her silk covered sex slid back and forth across his lap, and she could feel her panties dampening.
Gean moaned into the kiss as he felt Elegenie's hand stroking his strong chest. His tongue wrestled with her down, pressing against her own and swirling around her appendage rapidly. His bulge only grew larger as they continued to kiss and their breathes grew hotter. The throbbing bulge rubbed up roughly and firmly against her warm sex, barely protected by her silken panties. He watched as Elegenie lifted her skirts up to reveal the situation between them and he chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head, kissing up and down her neck, his tongue like a brush on canvas.

"We should remove our cumbersome clothes before continuing." He gave her a playful chuckle, kissing the tip of her nose before gently lifting her off him. He moved to remove his tunic to reveal his well muscular and toned chest as well as his chiseled abs...a life of fighting truly kept one in shape! His chest was somewhat hairy and he had small scars here and there on his body from combat. Soon, his trousers followed suit, a small trail of hair leading down to his hairy crotch and his very large cock! It was massive...the largest Elegenie had seen on a man to his point likely and it was clearly wanting attention. It was throbbing and veiny...a small amount of pre-cum oozing from his bulbous tip as he stood at attention and giving Elegenie a grin.

"I hope I am a pleasant sight to my lady...." He spoke as his eyes now watched her...waiting for her to follow suit and reveal what he assumed would be a beautiful, flawless that would only serve to arouse him even further.
A small gasp slipped from her lips as Gean's pants slid down his legs to reveal his still rising manhood. It took Elegenie a few seconds to even realize that her mouth was open and her normally icy eyes were wide as saucers. Yet again, she gave herself a mental shake and recovered her poise, even if she was sure her body was quivering.

"Yes, I am pleased," she said as calmly as possible. With the buttons on the back of her dress opened, Elegenie looked up at his face and away from that mesmerizing shaft. "I hope these please you as well," she said almost playfully as Elegenie pulled first one sleeve from an arm, then the other, gathering her dress before her. Intently watching him, she released the dress, letting the top of her dress fall away to reveal her breasts.

Aes Sedai always would age more slowly than a woman that didn't regularly touch the Source, and Elegenie had always kept herself in good shape by riding and walking between her studies at Tar Valon. Even at her age, she still looked preternaturally youthful. Her breasts were high and firm, with small, pinkish-brown nipples that were already hard as pebbles.

Still gazing up at the taller Gean, Elegenie reached behind her to untie her skirts. She arched her breasts out subtly as first her blue dress, then both petticoats came free. Swaying her hips back and forth, Elegenie shook the skirts down, exposing her blue silk panties and her light blue stockings.

"I hope I am not displeasing to you, Sir Knight," she said. Stepping forward, one hand brushed over a scar on his chest. Glancing down, she stepped forward to drop a tiny kiss on the scar, then another kiss on another scar. As she kissed his scars on the hardened, muscular chest, her left hand reached down. She gripped his cock in her warm hand and pressed it against her hip. As she kissed his scars, she began to slowly slide her hand back and forth the length of his manhood.
"I am happy to please you, my Lady." Gean responded with a smile to her words as she started to remove her dress to reveal her perfectly rounded and pert breasts to him, her rosy and hard nipples being own to him. He licked his lips at he sight, like a wolf getting ready to devour prey.

"They more that please me, my Lady...I am unworthy of them" He stated but that didn't stop him from lunging forward with his hand. His strong and rough hands groped at her perky mounds, squeezing and feeling her flesh molding beneath his digits. His mouth soon captured one as well as he began to suck, liking a babe trying to draw milk as his tongue swirled around rapidly on her hard nipple, flicking the bud back and forth.

He let out a soft moan against her breast as her hand gripped at his throbbing and large cock. As she began to pump, one of his hands slithered down her smooth stomach towards her womanhood, rubbing her labia before finding her rubbing her clitoris through her silken panties while his other hand slithered down her back to her rear, giving it a firm spank before digging into her flesh as his cock began to ooze pre-cum and smear Elegenie's soft hand, making it sticky.
Elegenie surprised herself by releasing a long moan of desire as first that slap that shocked her, then those fingers that began working on her sex. She ran her fingers through his hair as he sucked on her breast, his face lost in her generous bosom. She opened her legs, her stockings sliding across the wooden floor as she arched her hips forward towards his hand.

With this man's strong hands on her body, his lips suckling at her breast, she was no Aes Sedai; she wanted to be a woman here. No one else would ever have to know what she let him do to her. No Warder to sense her arousal and hunger, no sisters to glare and judge her. But still...she WAS Aes Sedai. As much as she wanted to get on her knees and put that hard shaft in her mouth and let him grab her by the hair until he came, she couldn't do THAT.

"Sir Gean," she said softly as she gently pulled his head back by his hair, "perhaps you deserve more." Refusing to let him see her knees quaking with desire, she took a step back, placed her thumbs inside the top of her panties. Shaking her hips side to side as he watched, she slowly peeled away the blue panties, revealing her thin bush and sex. Once over her hips, the panties fell past her stockings before she stepped out of them.

Placing a hand on his chest, she ran her other hand along her stocking to wipe the emission from her palm. "Lie back, Sir Gean," she breathed, "let me mount you, my magnificent stud." As he let himself be guided down, Elegenie leaned across the soldier, throwing one leg across his hip as she straddled his hard body. Reaching down, her eyes never leaving his face, she took a firm grip on his rigid, glistening cock. "Now, brave soldier, you need a reward for guarding me," she said with a playful, Mona Lisa smile, before she placed the knobby head of his manhood to the lips of her puffy sex, and slowly let her hips slide over him.
Elegenie's moaning had spur Gean on, making him want to pleasure her even more. He sucked on her breast even harder and his hand was nearly ready to venture into her panties when she spoke up. He raised a curious eyebrow as she mentioned more. He was surprised she was already ready to move on to the main event. Still, watching her shimmy sexily out of her silken panties made his cock throb even more as he licked his lips in anticipation.

He allowed himself to be lowered onto the bed as he looked up at her. He certainly seemed to be enjoying the compliments she was giving him; to be called a stud was fine praise indeed. "A man could not ask for a more perfect reward, my lady....but I cannot be having all the fun." He moaned out slightly as he felt the bulbous tip of his cock being pressing up against the entrance of her hot and wet womanhood. He wrapped an arm around her waist and gave her firm rear another spank because she seemed to enjoy the first one so much he had noticed.

" lady....please...give me more." He moaned out softly as she rubbed her pussy against his throbbing cock, but that wasn't enough....not nearly enough. He wanted to pin her to the bed and fuck her until she couldn't stand. He knew he couldn't do that outright, so he let Elegenie set the pace as he waited for her to grant him the pleasure he so desired as he leaned up slightly to begin to suck and one of her breasts once again; his tongue swirling around her perky and rosy nipple as his fingers bug into the flesh of her ass while his cock throbbed against her womanhood, wanting desperately to fuck her.
Elegenie felt surrounded by him, even as she sat across his hips atop his body. She could feel his strong hands kneading her ass, his face buried in her breast, her soft but firm flesh molding around his mouth as his tongue toyed mercilessly at her nipple, his lips suckling and teasing at her. She wanted him to throw her down, grab her by the hair and ravish her until she screamed...but she couldn't do that. She couldn't let herself lose control to a man. Even like this, she was still Aes Sedai.

Still holding his cock down between her legs, she moved the head of his shaft back and forth along the length of her sex, teasing both him and herself. The knobby head bumped up against her clit, sending wonderful waves of pleasure rolling through her each time. Her nostrils flared and each time she slid the head of his manhood along her sex, she gasped softly, her own liquid passion rolling down his shaft. Her head lolled back, her long blonde hair brushing against the length of her back.

"Blood," she gasped as she brought her head forward. Gently pulling his hair again so she could look down into his eyes, her own eyes heavy with lust and passion, she couldn't resist any longer. Leaning down to kiss him feverishly, Elegenie placed his shaft at the opening of her sex, and let him slowly slide into her depths with a shudder of pleasure that rocked her to her core.
The teasing was driving Gean mad as he moaned and groaned against Elegenie's breast; he wasn't sure how much more of this he could take. Every time his bulbous tip brushed or rubbed against her clitoris and she let out a sultry and long moan...more and more of his control faded. It was taking every ounce of his self control to not pin her to the floor and fuck her like a bitch in heat. Finally though, it seemed like she was ready to move to the next step.

He felt his head pulled back, his powerful eyes gazing into her own before she pressed her lips up hungrily against his own. He groaned against her lips as his tongue was soon swirling and pressing up against her own. His tongue was dominating her own this time, forcing it into her mouth as he swirled his tongue around inside her hot cave. At the same time, he felt his tip sliding into her womanhood at last.

She was so tight, and hot! Her walls were clamping down on his cock immensely as his girth was spreading her open. He gave her ass another spank as he attempted to push her rear down slightly while he slowly pushed his hips up, forcing more and more of his large and long rod into her. He was about a quarter of the way sheathed into her when he pulled away from the kiss with a moan, planting rapid feather kisses up and down her neck.

"My feel...amazing! Wonderful! I...hope I am to your liking as well!" Gean growled those words out between moans, trying not to gyrate his hips to rapidly or forcefully yet as he still wanted her to set the pace, but he was rapidly losing the battle of allowing her to do that...the pleasure and his lust was starting to become overwhelming!
Slowly, inch by inch, Elegenie drew Gean into her warm, wet sex. It had long? Two decades? At least that long since the last man had been inside her, back before she was a novice in the White Tower, before the embrace of the One Power had kept her face and body youthful.

As Gean's tongue and lips took control her their kissing, Elegenie raised her hips, lowered them another inch, then raised lowered another inch. Suddenly she felt a twinge of pain, but raised herself up, and back down to another jab of pain. With his hands on her hips, she forced herself down again in a thrust of pain and pleasure.

"Mmmhhhh..." she sighed, knowing that for a second time she had lost her virginity, thanks to a Yellow Ajah sister that had used the healing power on Elegenie back when she had broken her leg after the fall of a horse. She finally pulled herself away from his kiss. "Oh yes, Sir Gean, you are...w...wonderful..." she sighed as her broad hips sank down until the curves of her ass met the top of his thighs and his long, iron-in-velvet manhood penetrated her utterly. "" she moaned, those big blue eyes hazy and flooded with her passion.

Reaching down to his hips, she began to lift her hips, then let them fall to let that wonderful pole of pleasure penetrate her, over and over, deeply and wonderfully. Before she knew it, Elegenie was moving her hips faster faster, her breasts bobbing gently on her chest, her moans coming faster and more deeply.
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