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Mommy`s Dirty Little Secret ( Babygirl67 & Krad)


May 31, 2009
Andrea balled the letter up in her hand, fury and disappointment warring within her. Damn to be so close to her dreams and have it all go south because of one little detail. Sighing she ran agitated fingers thru her long red hair and stared at herself in the mirror in the hallway with a critical eye. She looked good for 35..exotic with high cheekbones and bright blue eyes, a face that was unlined still, with full lips that begged to be kissed. Her curves were lush but defined..the bellydancing aerobics class three times a week worth every cent.

All this and one dream...hollywood, acting..She had been so close...the casting call said erotic movie...she thought porn...but by now she would do anything..Really shannon tweed had got her start in soft core. There was just one hitch, a demo...and her manless. Another heartfelt sigh, then her eyes flicked up...her son was home.
Krad was sitting upstairs in his room. His sterio was on, filling the room with low droning distorted guitar and bass, giving the dimly lit room a unique feel. He sat infront of his television, holding his wireless controller in his hand, a big quilt draped around his shoulders. He liked to keep his room cold so he made good use of the air conditioner. He was mature for his age, only 17, but he had the definition of a man. His hair was dark and hung over his ears with a few strands in his face. His cheek bones resembled his mothers but he looked alot like his father, whom he'd never known.

He knew his mother was always trying to get into showbusiness, and he supported her, but it seemed like every time she tried she was always dissapointed.
Andrea jogged up the stairs, needing to see her son, to feel like she wasn't such a failure. Knocking on his door, she didn't wait for an answer, just walked in, her eyes resting on him, so happy with the way he had grown up, his body full, the looks so much like his father's it made her heart ache.

Dropping down next to him, she let her fingers tease at his long hair, pushing it back off his forehead, her eyes searching his...a little sad frown on her face when she thought of what was 00 keeping her from her big break...

"Hello love."
"Hey." he said pausing the game. He looked to her, and into her eyes. She was acting a little different all of a sudden. He figured she probably didn't get the job and was hesitant to tell him. "What's up?" He asked pulling the blanket off of his shoulders and setting the controller down in his lap.
Re: Mommy`s Dirty Little Secret ( Babygirl67 & Krad)

She pulled their heads together till theie foreheads touched , her eyes meeting his with a wistful expression on her face. " You know those movies on Cinemax late at night, the racy ones?" A slight blush stained her cheeks.."Well I may have the part, but I need a demo tape, and me with no man." She laughed softly and ran an agitated hand thru her hair."What am I gonna do?"
"Mom!" he said, suprised. "You wouldn't do porn..." He put a hand onto her's and patted it. "You can do better than that." He assured her, the thought of his mother doing porn deeply confused him. He couldn't imagine her doing that, yet at the same time the thought interested him.
Andrea shook her head at his words, resting her head on his strong shoulder, weary beyond words sometimes at the stress of being a single mother, of raising a son that was the spitting image of his wickedly handsome father. She sighed softly.."It's not porn is..." She searched for the right words, the proper term so that it wouldn't sound so bad. "Erotic art..Shannon Tweed, Traci Lords...all started there..."

Andrea knew that she was deluding herself..but this had been a dream of hers for so long that she just couldn't let it go, not now, not considering that she actually had a shot. She patted her son on his bare chest. "You understand that don't you?"
He still didn't like the thought of his mother... whoreing herself out like that. "Yeah, I understand... but it's still..." He didn't really know what to say. "What do you have to do?" He asked. The whole idea sort of made him nervous, but he had seen enough of his mother's body to know she'd be perfect for it.
She laughed softly and tugged at his hair..."Look like I am having sex tastefully." Andrea stroked Krad's hair back into place, her hand skimming his cheek as it dropped back down to his arm. "I can tell from your face you don't approve...but I want this.." In a weak moment, she allowed her head drop to his shoulder, a sigh escaping again. "Of all the times to be picky about men....I guess I can find someone....not like your mom can't get a guy."
he sighed and leaned his head against her. "You can find better without having to give yourself up like that." he said to her. He new she could, and personally didn't understand why she hadn't gotten anything yet. "I don't want you to do that stuff though." He said to her. "It's... not..." He couldn't think of the words he wanted to use.
She tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled his head down for a gentle kiss on the lips, then laid her head back on his shoulder, her shoulders slumping wearily and leaning into him heavily. "I am not young anymore baby...and it is not like I have a man I know waiting in the wings...." She picked at the material of her jeans, her eyes hooded and hidden, not wanting him to see her disappointment .
"What do you mean?" He asked when she mentioned her age. "How come you wont try one of thoes internet matching things?" He'd always thought it was kind of a last resort, or for someone who was too busy, but it seemed to work. "And what's age got to do with thoes videos? Besides, you said they want a demo tape anyway..."
Re: Mommy`s Dirty Little Secret ( Babygirl67 & Krad)

She sighed, slightly exasperated with her son.."Krad, I am not young and that is what they want, they don`t even wanna look at someone like me. This is the only way I can get my foot in the door." She curled her arms around her sons waist, her head on his shoulder..."I just have to try baby...and getting naked with someone I don`t know."
"But you shouldn't have to." He said putting an arm around her. "And I don't want it to be someone you don't know either." For a moment he even thought he'd do it before he let some other stranger, but he stopped, thinking about that idea before he said anything out loud.
Cuddled up at her son's side, her arms around him, face nestled in the hollow of his shoulder, Lara for a moment was bothered by the impropriety of the position she was in. She shook it off and closed her eyes, inhaling the scent of his skin, rubbing her cheek along his smooth shoulder with a sigh...he was so much like his father.

"You know how bad I have wanted this baby...." She pressed a light kiss on his throat..."I have to try...even if it means picking some random stranger up.." Lara shuddered at the thought
"But it's just... bad." He thought, pictureing his mother pinned under some taught well hung man. Being ravaged by him after just meeting. "Isn't there something else you could do? Maybe just... solo videos." He asked, it'd still be awful but better than having sex with a stranger.
Lara shook her head, hair tumbling over his shoulder to tickle his chest, a shiver running down the length of her spine..."No, they wanted a demo of me and a man baby...." A forlorn sigh was forced from her lips and she stroked his chest absentmindedly..."I just can't even begin to think about a stranger....."

Lara looked in her son's eyes with a soft expression.."And here I am stressing you out about this baby...I am sooo sorry" Pressing a soft kiss to his lips, she started to get up...
"Well..." he started after she started to get up. "What are you going to do for the demo tape then?" He asked, scooting to the edge of his seat. He didn't think she really had any male friends she could ask about this.

He stood up and walked over to her, reaching out to take her hand.
Lara linked her fingers with her son's twining them intimately, like you would a child to comfort them..Her lips parted and a soft exhale that ended on a sigh was her only reply for a moment. Her eyes dropped to the ground, then closed as she shook her head slightly.."I don't know Krad...I am probably going to have to 'find' someone to do it with me."

She tried to make light of it, but both of them knew what she meant..pick up a stranger and very probably tape it in secret without there knowledge...a double edged blade for sure. If she got caught, picked up the wrong guy...Truthfully it was a dangerous game to be playing. She tugged his hand up and brushed her lips over it in a loving caress.."I will figure something out..."
"Isn't there anyone you know... maybe..." He didn't know either. He didn't want to see her bringing some random guy home with her. But truthfully, he was the only man that she had around, her own son. He thought momentarily about that, but then again, he couldn't do it could he? That wouldn't be right would it?
Giggling softly, she ran a caressing hand down his face, the sturdy lines of his jaw so mature for his age. Krad had taken on so much when his father had left and was more responsible than boys twice his age. Truly he babied her, made sure she got to work on time and bullied her when she didn't want to take time to eat. Hell, he often ran her bath for her..sometimes keeping her company and chatting until the bubbles started to fade.

Lara looked at him thru eyes that were not a mother's, just this once, and was surprised at how handsome he was, sexy and caring, wise beyond his years and so serious. The hand on his face stilled at the sudden frission of excitement that ran along her spine, my god what was she even think of....
"What?" He asked, giving a small smile. He could tell something was going through her mind. He could always tell when something was bothering her, or when she had something to say. He leaned gently against the hand on his cheek, raising his own up to take her's. He held it down with the other and looked at her.
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