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Potions have side effects (Yummy x DarkKijaraFuta)

Hermione smirked. "Oh I know I could. But I'm going for something better." She said, as she stretched and teased Ginny. Seeing as how Ginny's cock wasn't permanent, she intended to make the most of hers while she had it. Casting a silent charm on herself, Hermione was able to breath underwater for a few minutes. Acting before Ginny knew what was going on, Hermione took Ginny's cock into her mouth, and started to run her tongue around the head, her hands around the girls shaft, coaxing it to attention. Then with a quick bob of her head, Hermione appeared from underwater, brushing her hair from her eyes with a smirk. "Not until I get another ride. The nights still young." Hermione told Ginny, as she positioned herself above Ginny. With a sigh, she slid down on Ginny's cock, giving her a kiss. "I'm going to have to keep you supplied with the potions." With that, Hermione started to move on Ginny's cock, keeping her pushed gently against the edge of the bath, her hands on the tile, keeping them there. "Mmm, besides, you're way better that Malfoy ever was, or could hope to be." She added, after she broke the kiss.

Hermione distracted Ginny, but after this ride, she'd tell Ginny everything. From the fight, to the make out session, to the sex, to the after sex. And her relationship with him now. "Promise...ahh...promise I'll tell you as you ride me." She said, not wanting Ginny to feel left out. She wasn't into betraying Ginny. Besides, this last ride would clear any horniness, and let her focus on Ginny, and telling her about her and Malfoy.
Ginny was sure she saw Hermione seemingly casting a quick spell once she was in the water, though wasn't sure what it was exactly. "Hm? Hey what're you-" Ginny was confused for a moment when Hermione suddenly ducked herself under the water, but it quickly became obvious what was happening, and Ginny gasped as Hermione suddenly started sucking on her cock beneath the waters surface. "O-ooooh!" The shaft quickly responded to Hermione's stimulation, the temporary organ rapidly growing and hardening, the tip poking back up out of the water due to its incredible length. "O-oooh, tease...!" Ginny grinned as Hermione moved and positioned herself, then groaned as she was pushed back against the side of the bath, watching as Hermione sank down her cock. "Oooh...f-fuck that feels so good...y-yeah...yeah definitely....definitely gonna need a lifetime supply of this potion...." Ginny raised her hands, grasping Hermione's hips in order to pull the girl down a little faster. "C-come on...I wanna feel it all inside you!" Ginny thrust her hips up slightly, trying to bury the entirety of her cock into Hermione's hot, tight body.

" better....but before that....ah fuck....I'm gonna enjoy this" Ginny moved her hands up to Hermione's breasts, squeezing them firmly, then leaning in to capture one of Hermione's nipples in her mouth, starting to suck on it hard.
Hermione smiled as she rode Ginny. "Mm...but know I'll tell....tell you!" She said, as she took Ginny all the into her. "Ohhh fuck...." Hermione said, as she let her eyes roll slightly. As she felt Ginny take her nipple onto her mouth, she arched her back into Ginny. "'re good..." She panted, as she rode Ginny faster, her huge cock getting Hermione off. If this kept up, she'd cum soon.

Then she leaned into Ginny, latching her lips on her neck and gently sucking. She ran her tongue over that spot on her neck, letting her pussy clench around Ginny's cock. This was her dream come true. She never wanted this moment to end.
Oh Hermione was going to tell her all right, Ginny didn't doubt that...if Hermione hesitated then, well, it was becoming more and more obvious that Ginny would have ways of making her talk. "Y-yeah? Well...I don't think I'm all that good just yet..." The redheaded girl grunted as she thrust up into Hermione again, stretching out the girls womb and belly. "I think...I need to get....a lot more practice in, don't you?" She smirked, then groaned as Hermione started to suck at her neck, hissing in pleasure as she bucked her hips up into the girl even harder.

"Nnngh....o-oooh...oh fuck...oh fuck!!" Ginny had no worries about pulling out or potentially getting Hermione pregnant this time, and she made no effort to hold back. With a few more thrusts Ginny's cock gave a powerful twitch, before erupting once more with cum inside of Hermione's body, flooding and stretching out the girls womb.
Hermione smiled at Ginny. "You're doing just fine. It's true you'll get better, but you're not awful." She told her lover and girlfriend. Girlfriend. She loved that word, it had meaning to her now. As Ginny got closer to cumming, Hermione said a small incantation. A pregnancy safeguard. She loved when Ginny came in her, and nothing would stop Hermione from ever experiencing it. Ever.

Hermione didn't know if Ginny saw her cast the spell, but for now, she didn't care. As Ginny started to thrust up harder, Hermione was pushed to her own orgasm. "Ohhh....fuck yeah Ginny...gonna...Ooooh...fuck...fuck I'm cumming!" Hermione gasped as she felt Ginny coating her pussy and filling her womb with her warm cum. "Oh my fucking have my...girlfriend cumming inside me!" Hermione added, as she put her arms around Ginny and kissed her passionately. Her tongue tracing her lips, greedily wanting to enter her mouth, and as it was granted, started to wrestle Ginny's tongue with her own. This was something that would never grow old.
Ginny hadn't noticed the spell, though somewhere in her mind she was sure Hermione would have been prepared for this eventuality, the girl had planned everything else down to the tiniest details after all so surely something like this would be well in hand. Hearing Hermione refer to her as her girlfriend only made Ginny's cock twitch and spurt a little more cum into the other girl, Ginny's arms clinging to Hermione a little tighter, burying her face in the other girls enlarged breasts until Hermione had started to kiss her, Ginny eagerly accepting it, returning the kiss with a fiery passion, grinding her tongue against Hermione's, savouring the taste.

Finally Ginny's orgasm began to subside, the flow of cum into Hermione's body finally slowing and eventually stopping, leaving Ginny to sit against the side of the bath panting for breath. "O-oh god...oh god....that was....oh god..." She took a few more deep breaths. " gonna love taking this potion oh so so much..." She licked her lips at the thought, of course she didn't always plan on telling Hermione in advance that she was going to take it....there was far too much fun to be had in surprises after all. " owe me a secret don't you?" Ginny smirked as she gently stroked her fingers along Hermione's own cock, stroking the shaft with a featherlight and teasing touch.
As Hermione came down from her orgasm, she felt as Ginny finished emptying her cum into her womb. If she hadn't prepared properly, she surely would run the risk of pregnancy. But Hermione was always prepared. Breaking their kiss, Hermione chuckled. Yes, I owe you my secret." She said, a smile crossing her lips. Moaning as she felt Ginny's fingers on her cock, Hermione shivered. Then she began her story.

"It was third year. Draco was incredibly snobbish and difficult. So I decided to see just how far I could push him. I started an argument over mudbloods, like myself, being able to do magic just as good as any pure blood." Hermione started, as she felt her cock was rock hard. She wanted Ginny up close to her, so she could demonstrate some things for Ginny.

Getting in her face, she looked straight eyes. "Prove it, prove you're better than any mudblood. Prove it to me anyway you can, you stuck up pureblood." Hermione said, as she then kissed Ginny, not the usual hard, hot, and heavy. But this time it was just a little harder, seeing Ginny's reaction, as she pulled away. "I was shocked to say the least.

So with my third year reasoning, I kept going, seeing how far he'd go. He grabbed my hand, took me to the RoR, opened it, and seen the room changed into a huge bedroom. we started making out. Then next thing I know, I'm making out with him..." SHe stopped, seeing what Ginny would say or do.
Ginny grinned, leaning forward a little as Hermione began to spill her secrets. Well, it certainly sounded plausible. Draco would certainly take any and every opportunity to be snobbish and difficult, especially around Hermione, or pretty much anyone from outside of Slytherin house for that matter. And with Hermione able to outdo Draco quite easily it must have driven the boy insane. Ginny gasped as Hermione kissed her, it was thrusting, it was raw....and Ginny gasped as Hermione pulled away, her face instinctively trying to follow in order to continue the kiss for just a moment.

" he took you to the kissed more...." Ginny had leaned in, then blinked as Hermione stopped "Ehhh! C-come on! You can't stop there! You have to tell me the rest!" Hermione's story had clearly gotten Ginny going, her cock that had been starting to soften inside of Hermione's body was already growing hard once again. "Nnngh...c-come on...tell me everything....I'll do anything you want!"
Hermione chuckled. Got to the room, he laid me on the bed, started stripping me. Got to the bra and panties. Played tongue wrestling. Then he ran his hands over my body. Taking in my curves..." Hermione said, as she slid up and down Ginny's cock some more, letting the words sink in a little. Leaning in, she took one of her nipples into her mouth, and sucked on it. Flicking her tongue over the hard nub. Then she switched to the other side and did the same to her other breast.

"Then he took the bra and panties off. Seen how good looking I am, considering they think I'm a snob." She grinned, keeping her pussy bouncing on Ginny's cock. "He stripped, revealing a respectable 9 inch cock, and he ran his cock over my pussy. Making sure I was wet, with him on top of me, lips locked, tongues battling, hands running over each other's bodies.
"Oooooh..." Ginny's cock was twitching more and more as Hermione told her story, groaning as Hermione started to slowly bounce on it a little more. " that's how big he is huh? Or at least was back then...wonder if he's done any growing in the years since then...." Ginny smirked and licked her lips "At least he's got one thing to be rightfully cocky about" She leaned in a little, grasping and squeezing at Hermione's breasts. "So how'd he take you? And just how many times was he able to go anyway? Can't imagine he had any potion enhancements at such short notice after all, so he'd only have his....natural talents to fall back on" She smirked "I've certainly heard rumours about his prowess but, well, it's Malfoy. Hard to tell what's truth and what he's paid or bullied people into saying"
Hermione continued to ride Ginny's cock. "Mhmm, and no, he hasn't done any experiments with it. Says that what he has is good enough. But I say, he's fucking wrong." Hermione said, as she sat on Ginny's cock for a second. "The one I have inside me now, this is what I like, and will continue to have fucking me." She whispered into Ginny's ear. Then she started to ride Ginny again.

"We started out missionary, but by the time we were done, we had done doggy, riding, reverse cowboy, but there's one thing I haven't done yet. Not with him anyways." Hermione said, as she smiled. "Close your eyes, and no peeking!" She said, as she waited for Ginny to close them. Then she stopped riding her, pulled off her cock, and looked at Ginny again. "No peeking!" She said again, before lining her ass up with Ginny's huge cock. Her body shivering with anticipation, as she had never done anything anal before. Then just as she was about to sit on her cock, Hermione took one of Ginny's hands, put it where her empty pussy was, so she could feel it, and then slowly started to sit on Ginny's cock again, this time, letting it penetrate her tight rosebud.

"Oh shit!" She said, as her big cock head parted her asshole, stretching the hole to beyond its limits, but Hermione didn't stop. "O-open your eyes." She said, feeling her hole swallow Ginny's cock head with a soft pop. After she got on Ginny's shaft, she slid down a little faster, until she was finally sitting on Ginny's lap. She was sweating slightly, but other than that, she was experiencing pure bliss.

"Congrats Ginny, you're the first and only one to have their cock in my asshole." She said, before leaning in, and kissing her. "Now for the fun." She said, as she began to ride Ginny's cock again, this time with it spearing her tight backdoor. "O-oh, it's bigger than before! Fuck me Ginny, fuck me!" She said, as she put her head into Ginny's neck, enjoying the pain and pleasure she was feeling all at once.
"D-Draco....Draco could last....for long enough to do all that? D-damn...maybe...maybe I should've given him a try, doubt he would've said no....p-pretty sure he was a hornball who'd fuck anyone who how long did he last anyway?" Ginny groaned as Hermione continued to move on her cock. "E-eh? Close my...but I wanna look at your body.....I...oh fine" Ginny closed her eyes, but made sure her expression was a heavy pout at having to stop checking out Hermione. She grunted and whined in frustration as she felt the girl lifting up off her cock, but kept her eyes closed as Hermione wanted, though it was very tempting to open them up again, especially when she felt Hermione taking her hand, raising it up to her wet pussy, some of Ginny's cum still slowly leaking out.

Suddenly though she felt something against the tip of her cock, something different. Wait, if Ginny's hand was on Hermione's pussy then was this...? She didn't get a chance to ask the question, feeling something tight suddenly engulfing the head of her cock, causing the redhead to gasp sharply, moaning lewdly as her cock twitched and spurted pre-cum. When Hermione gave her permission to open her eyes Ginny was all too happy to do so, gasping at the sight that met her. "O-oh god...oh wow....I....ungh....oh fuck's so tight! Oh god it's even tighter than your pussy!" Ginny closed her eyes as she tried to fight off the pleasure, if she didn't then she was sure she'd end up cumming right away, and she wanted to make this last as best she could.

She was actually a little relieved when Hermione's hips met her own, panting as she tried to adjust to the sensation. "O-oh fuck!" Ginny felt her cock throb and swell in response to the sensation, it seemed the potions effects weren't entirely fixed and could respond to stimuli. "Ungh....oooh....y-yeah I'm gonna!" Ginny suddenly pulled herself upright, flipping them around without warning so that Hermione was now beneath her. She didn't hesitate to grasp Hermione's breasts, then began to thrust herself in and out of Hermione's ass, each thrust harder and faster than the last. It seemed that Hermione had pushed Ginny's pleasure too far, and something in the red head had temporarily snapped and pushed her to take control in order to obtain even greater pleasure.
Hermione kept talking to Ginny as she switched holes. "Hm? Oh, yeah but he had the help of a spell with that one." She said, knowing that Draco could have gone a few rounds, but wanted it to last all night, so she helped him out. "Well yeah. He probably will and has, considering I'm a Mudblood. Just imagine you, a Pure Blood, approaching him. He'd be on you like nothing." She added, as she sat there on Ginny's cock, with it deep in her ass. She moved slightly on it, teasing Ginny.

As Ginny flipped them around, Hermione gasped, and smirked, as this was exactly what she was waiting for. "Ohh...shit get my ass?" She asked, as Ginny thrust her huge cock into her ass. As she was fucked, Hermione felt her cock hard and throbbing, and felt the precum leaking out of the head, and into the bath. "Mmm...Ginny...fuck...ungghh...harder Ginny!" She gasped, the feeling of her cock slamming into her ass, drove her crazy, as she started to move her hips back into Ginny, the wet slapping of hips on hips at they rutted with each other, the sensations driving them both crazy with hormones and pure lust.

But under it all, there was a deeper connection. One that Ginny and Hermione knew was there, but no one else in the wizarding or Human world knew. A witch and a human, done before, but this time of the same gender, bending even the gender rule. The love was much deeper, than to be stopped by mere gender. They'd found a way to make it work, and now it was to be. Never breaking the bond that they now shared.
"A...a spell huh? Y'know...m-maybe I....will try him out sometime...." Ginny smirked, keeping it slightly vague on if she was being serious or not, just enough to tease Hermione, perhaps stir up just the tiniest bit of potential jealousy. "Wh-when I don't have a cock that is bet he couldn't cum as much as I way anyone can fill you up like me...even if he did go all night"

Ginny grunted as she started to thrust harder and faster into Hermione's ass, one hand now starting to squeeze at the girls breasts whilst the other roughly grabbed the shaft of Hermione's cock, beginning to pump it furiously, squeezing it whenever her hand was near the tip. When Hermione demanded that she do it harder Ginny was all too happy to comply, gutteral grunts coming from her every time she thrust and plunged her cock deep into Hermione's ass, the water of the bath splashing all around them, bubbles flying everywhere. "Unngh....o-oh fuck....your ass....your ass is so tight Hermione....ungh...f-fuck....not...not gonna last long!" Ginny's thrusts were becoming less controlled by the second, instinct now driving her to fuck her lover like an animal in pursuit of only more pleasure, hands still working Hermione's breasts and cock which was now being pointed directly at Hermione's face.

"Ooooooh!" Ginny thrust one more time, slamming her hips against Hermione's tight ass, before her cock erupted with cum deep inside of the girls body, just as much as before flowing inside one spurt after another, over and over again as Ginny came enough for a dozen men with every single spurt.
Hermione looked back at Ginny. "Hmph. You have a lot more on him. Besides, you don't need him. You have me." She said with a small smile. Feeling as Ginny got faster and harder, Hermione moaned, knowing that she wasn't going to last much longer either. "Ahh...s-so close...damn...yes...f-fuck me Ginny!" She moaned, as she felt Ginny's hand on her cock, and as she felt Ginny squeezing the tip of it, she felt her precum start to leak from her cock.

"Augh! I-I'm cumming!" Hermione moaned as she felt Ginny's own cock filling her ass up with her cum, enough cum to fill her and some. Shivering as she came, she couldn't help but sigh with pleasure. Ginny was good, almost too good, at hitting all the right spots with her. Was she really that easy?

No, Ginny was that good. She didn't want tonight to end. Just wanted it to keep going, and going, and going. But she also had the rest of forever to experience with her now girlfriend. Oh she couldn't wait to wreck Harry and Ron's day. The one person they would never expect to satisfy her, but also be able to take care of her as well. For who knew what Ginny would want, better than Hermione, with them both being women, but Hermione now with something extra. Smiling, Hermione relaxed with Ginny's cock still deep inside her. Yes, this was the beginning of something great.
Ginny unloaded her biggest orgasm yet into Hermione's ass, grunting loudly with every single spurt, her hand squeezing at Hermione's cock tightly as it too came, making sure to spray Hermione's cum over the girls own face and breasts to give her a nice covering, until finally their orgasms subsided. Ginny panted as she stayed still for a moment, then groaned as she slowly pulled backover, her cock sliding out of Hermione's ass, then let herself fall back into the water of the huge bath, breasts rising and falling as she took a few deep breaths, relaxing against the side of the bath. "F-fuck....oh god...that...that was amazing..." Ginny panted, her cock beginning to soften beneath the waterline. She could feel a tingling sensation throughout her body, though particularly in her cock and breasts. The dose of potion she had taken was starting to wear off, and sure enough before their eyes Ginny's breasts began to slowly shrink back to their original size, whilst her cock began to shrink and withdraw back inside of her body. "Unnngh!" Ginny moaned from the unusual sensation, twitching a few times, until her body had returned back to normal.

"Oh feels weird to not have a cock now..." She looked up at Hermione and grinned softly. "On the other hand, it's gonna be fun to feel the sensation of growing one over and over, and I've got plenty of potion left to try it out whenever I want" She licked at her lips. "Wonder what would happen if you took a second dose of my temporary gonna have to try it out and see what happens" Ginny smirked slightly, then relaxed back in the water.
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