Naruto: Shogunate

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Dec 15, 2015

Remaining: 5

In the years before Tokugawa rose to power Japan was a nation of war and violence. It was in flux as rival clans and daimyos fought for control of territory using all the tools at their disposal samurai, common soldiers, foreign weapons and mercenaries, and shinobi.

Lord Sarusobi has gathered many lords and clans to his banner and it seems that the country will soon break into all-out war between him and the Shogun. He has other plans though, and has called s group of shinobi for a special mission.

RP, OOC, and Character threads will go here eventually.

So, this is going to be an RP that will take the world of Naruto and transplant in to late 1500's Japan. A world where the skills and prowess of the shinobi is a very valuable asset to those who can secure it. But, in such violent times, where being on the living side could be the difference between prosperity and annihilation. Daimyo are not the only ones after power, foreign interests and Shinobi lords also vie for influence as Japan. With all of Japan and the shogunate at stake few things, including loyalty, are certain.


All the usual villages (Accept Sand) will be in here and basically are just shinobi as you know them, apart from the setting change.


They will be in here too, They can also use chakra but it's really just limited to what applies to their swordsmanship. Walking on walls, putting chakra in your blade, or things like that is okay. But these guys won't be using substitutions, or clones, or genjutsu, etc.


Big mystery here. They are foreigners, who knows what devilish antics they are up to. I'm limiting them to the Koreans, Chinese, Dutch, and Portuguese. Work with me individually to figure what you can do chakra wise with these.
I might be interested in this, actually. Haven't watched Naruto in years, but I could easily get back into it. Especially if it's a historical AU like this one.

Not sure if I should be a Hidden Leaf shinobi or a Portuguese foreigner.
Awsome. This one won't require too exstensive a knowledge of Naruto since the setting. If you know the basics your fine.

I am thinking I will put the leaf near Edo. Have anything specific in mind for Portuguese? If you're a European you are probably a trader, a sailor, or a mercenary.
Well then you would have access to European weapons of the period of course. If you want to use chakra skills it would depend. I would say all the basics would be open accept for transformations. More advanced stuff we will have to discuss.
Wh, I think I might have an interest in joining.
a noble samurai with the blood of one of the great clans running through his veins
Awesome, glad we have got some interest. I will create a character thread soon then we can get this show on the road.
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